Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61CEXECUTIVE SUMMARYHuman resource is one of the most important resources contributing to thecompany’s success.. That isthe reason to cho
Literature review of international studies - ô+ 10
Human resources management is one of the key characteristics in any organization In reality, Owen tried to convince fellow capitalists that investing in people could produce a greater return than investments in machinery A number of persuasive reports suggest Owen was right: An excellent route to long-term success is investing in employees and responding to their needs (Levering andMoskowitz, 1993; Waterman, 1994; Collins and Porras, 1994; Deal and Jenkins,1994; Farkas and De Backer, 1996; Lawler, 1996; Becker and Huselid, 1998;Applebaum et al., 2000; Pfeffer, 2007; Schwartz and Porath, 2014; Barrick et al.,2015;) Besides, “A skilled and motivated workforce providing the speed and flexibility required by new market imperatives has increased the importance of human resource management issues at a time when traditional sources of competitive advantage (quality, technology, economies of scale, etc.) have become easier to imitate” (Becker and Huselid, 1998).
Literature review of Vietnamese studies -.<+5 10 2.1.3 Research Sap .ccccccccccccsccssssessseeesecessecssseesseeceseeesasessseeesseeeeeesnees 11 2.2 Theory of Human Resources Management - 5-5 ô<< <<<+2 11 2.2.1 Definition of HRM o cc ccccccccescceseeceneceeseceseeesseeeeseeesseeeseeenseeees 11 2.2.2 Factors Of HIRÌM HH HH HH HH nh nh 12 2.3 Proposed research Írame€WOrFK - cv rệt 20
The author has conducted review some theses related to human resource management, such as:
Dinh Van Toan (2012) systematized the theoretical and practical basis of human resource development After that, he supplemented effective requirements to enhance the quality of human labor in Vietnam Electricity.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Alang Tho (2013) demonstrates that analysing the state of human resource management can be based on the five following aspects: Working organization, Recruiting system, Training, Assessment and Compensation and benefit.
According to Nguyen Van Lich (2015), human resource administration should focus on six features ( recruitment, training, welfare, assessment, progression and work arrangement) to enhance the quality of labor.
Firstly, the scope and subjects of the previous related studies are not extensive enough The author tends to investigate either former or current employees of Techlead JCS Therefore,the data observed are insufficient to fully analyze existing problems.
Secondly, there has not been much research on improving HRM ina startup as Techlead JSC The company is expanding the marketing, so that managers need to discover issues and problems which they are facing.
Thirdly, most previous studies do not suggest specific solutions after data analysis and findings to improve and enhance the quality of HRM in a startup, in particular in IT companies.
2.2 Theory of Human Resources Management
Milkovich and Boudreau (1997) shared human resource management as decisions towards the employee's relationship among employees, and between employers and employees, towards the employees working performance contributing to achieve common goals and individual goals Human resources management is defined by Harvay and Bowing (2001) as “the management of activities undertaken to attract, develop, motivate, and maintain a high performing workforce within the organization”.
According to Schoonover (2010), modern HRM helps the organizations in delivering timely encouragement and measurements that allow the employees to acquire initiative, autonomy, and accountability, facilitating initiative, autonomy and accountability among employees is considered as training.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Shamim et al (2016) has the similar definition to Harvay and Bowin’s that HRM is the science of managing people based on the belief that human resources play a key role in the long-term success of organisations and businesses. Human resources management aims to recruit people who are knowledgeable, quick and dedicated in their work, manage their operations, reward their performance and develop their competencies.
There are numerous, varyingly sophisticated definitions of human resource management Two of the more significant ones are:
A purposeful, integrated, and cogent approach to employment, growth, and well-being of those working in organizations is known as human resource management (Armstrong, 2016).
The process through which management develops the workforce and seeks to provide the human performances that the organization needs is known as human resource management (Boxall and Purcell, 2016).
Armstrong and Taylor (2020) identified the goals of HRM is:
(i) Supporting the company in achieving its objectives by establishing and operating HR strategies that are integrated with business strategy.
(1) Ensuring that the organization has the talented, qualified, and engaged people it needs.
(11) Spawning a positive employment relationship between administration and employees and a climate of mutual trust.
(iv) Contributing to the growth of a high-performance culture.
(v) Encouraging the application of an honorable methodology to people management.
Martinsons (1997) and Beulen (2009) investigated the purpose of HRM and concluded that distinguishing these factors stems from an organizational and employee-centric approach They continued by stating that knowledge is an
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C essential part of human capital, which has a substantial impact on the value and importance of organizational continuity and profitability.
Cascio (2009) presented that HRM has six main roles in any organization, including recruiting, compensation and benefit, training, admin, internal communication, and improvement Noe (2010) identified that roles and responsibilities of the HR department depend on the size of the company, the characteristics of the workforce, the industry, and the value system of company management According to Reilly (2011), HR’s roles are:
(i) Doing the basic right (paying people, recruiting efficiently, responding quickly to queries),
(ii) Supporting line managers, providing good quality people data and a provider of ‘workforce intelligence’, which can only be obtained by ‘HR staff getting out more, talking and listening to staff, and not relying only on employee surveys.
(iii) Being a challenger, champion of good people management, guardian of organisation values, conscience of the organisation and governor.
According to Nguyen Van Lich (2015), factors of human resource management are talent acquisition, training and developing, maintaining and employing labor, and compensation and benefit.
There are eight responsibilities of HRM (Shamim et al., 2016) including employment and recruitment, training and development, compensation, benefits, employee and community relations, personnel records health and safety, and strategic planning.
Oladimeji (2020) classified that HRM or human resource manager has five factors including (1) Employment and Training Functions, (2) Workers Welfare Functions, (3) Company Policies, Rules and Regulation Protection Functions, (4) Labor Relations and Joint Consultation Functions, (5) Conflicts Resolution Functions.
Human resource management is one of the key factors in any company It affects the quality and performance of human labor A range of "high-
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C involvement" tactics are used by progressive organizations to enhance human resource management.
According to Cascio (2009), HRM plays six key factors in any firm, including internal communication, training, administration, compensation and benefits, and recruiting.
Pham Thai Hao (2018) contended that there are four elements influencing HRM (income, opportunities to be trained, relationship with colleagues, tasks and managers) Moreover, recruitment, training, welfare, assessment, progression and work arrangement are evaluated if they are related to HRM in a company (Nguyen Van Lich, 2015) Nguyen Quoc Hung (2015) analyzes six factors of HRM (determining human resource, analysing tasks, recruiting, training employees, compensating and assessment).
The author has collected and selected five suitable elements related to HRM in Techlead JSC to analyze They are recruiting, training, assessment and evaluation, compensation and benefits, and internal communication. a Recruiting
According to Gatewood and his colleagues (2008), “HR selection is the process of collecting and analyzing information about an individual in order to extend an offer of employment." They continued by stating that this process "is carried out under legal and environmental limits and addresses the organization's future interests as well as the individual."
The goal of recruitment is to offer a good pool of competent persons to fill roles in a company (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010) Managers predict existing and future employee demand, as well as the type of worker difficulties, such as employee retention, through HR planning When recruiting candidates for a job opening, several characteristics are considered.
Parsa (2021) also considers that the goal of recruitment is to provide effective methods for drawing in a growing number of candidates Planning for people has as its goal identifying the type and quantity of personnel required Both current and future needs should be considered when determining the quantity.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
These criteria should also be taken into account if there are immediate intentions for expansion The kind of people needed is just as crucial as the number.
Participants of the research ccceescessceeseeeeteeeseeeeseeeeeeeenees 22
The objective of this research is to investigate the determinants of the quality of human resource management at Techlead JSC Therefore, depending on those pieces of information, the author can propose possible solutions to enhance the quality of HRM.
Paticipants of the research are current and former Techlead employees The number of the company is currently 50 Besides, the number of former Techlead employees is more than 20, but the author just can connect with 15 people. Therefore, the total respondents are 65.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Questionaire developmenIf 5 2 5 3+2 1£ ESvEeseeserereseeres 23 3.3 Data amall ysis ho
Table 3.1 The number of questions
(Source: Survey results from the author)
The questionnaire contains three main parts:
Part 1: This part includes demographic information of the respondents; age, gender, working experience year, qualification.
Part 2: This part is designed based on Likert 5 scales to consider factors influencing HRM.
Part 3: The last part is also designed based on Likert 5 scales to evaluate the overall quality of HRM.
Table 3.2 Observed variables of the scale of factors influencing human resource management
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
The recruitment process is suitable RC1
The recruitment is according to the employee's | RC2
The quality of recruited human resources is | RC3 good.
The recruitment method is suitable RC4
The objective of training is suitable TRI
The training program helps me enhance work | TR2 a efficiency.
The training program is suitable and high- quality.
The training time and place is applicable to me | TR4
The appraisal approach is suitable for| AE1 employees.
Assessment and The assessment criterion is clear and evaluation appropriate.
Evaluation results are fair and accurate.
Salary is suitable for my job. l am satisfied with my salary and benefits.
Compensation and benefit Compensation and benefit is appropriate.
It is fair to pay salaries for employees.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
The company has interesting activities for employees.
The internal communication is suitable for the company context.
Communication messaging and materials are high quality, accurate, appropriate and integrated
Table 3.3 Observed variables of the scale of the effectiveness of human resource management
The quality of human resource | EF1 management satisfies me.
The reliability and validity of the scales is evaluated thanks to SPSS The reliability of the scale is tested through Cronbach's alpha coefficient The validity of the scale was tested through exploratory factor analysis (EFA).
Evaluating of scale reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha
Cronbach's Alpha coefficient is used to analyze the consistency of a scale consisting of many observed variables Through this coefficient analysis allows the author to remove the garbage variables (do not guarantee the consistency when reflecting on the same concept) Specifically, variables having Corrected Item- Total Correlation less than 0.3 will be excluded from the set of observed variables
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C of the scale Criteria for a good scale is that the scale has Cronbach' s Alpha greater than 0.6 and no any Corrected Item-Total Correlations below 0.3 (Nunnally & Burnstein, 1994).
To analyze the validity of the scales, the researchers use EFA technique. This tool is able to evaluate the homogeneity of component elements (items) that are expected to be significantly correlated with each other in the same component. During analysis, observed variables with a loading factor of less than 0.5 continue to be excluded from the set of observed variables because the scale's convergence is not guaranteed The method of extracting is the Principal components method with Varimax rotation and the stopping point when extracting factors with Eigenvalues being equal to 1 According to Hair et al (1998), the scale is accepted (ensure validity) when more than 50% of the total variance is extracted and not less than 0.5 of loadings factor.
Regression analysis is a reliable method of identifying which variables have impact on a topic of interest The process of performing a regression allows researchers to confidently determine which factors matter most, which factors can be ignored, and how these factors influence each other There are two main components to be essentially comprehended: dependent variable and independent variables Dependent Variable is the main factor to be understood or predicted while Independent Variables are the hypothesized factors having an impact on the dependent variable.
Participant in the SUTY€V .- G21 1v 1S SH 1 rệt 27 4.2 Quantitative research results - - . ¿555cc sscsssseeeeeesez 28 4.2.1 Evaluating of scale reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha
65 questionnaire forms that were filled by current and former Techlead’s employees.
Table 4.1 Sample structure by seniority
The percentage of more than 3-year employees is the largest proportion of 29.2% Notwithstanding a startup, Techlead still has long-term employees. Besides, the company is expanding, fresher and internship employees are being hired at the present.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Figure 4.1 Sample structure by gender
Figure 4.1 above illustrates that the number of male employees is higher than the number of female employees Male employees accounted for 66% while male employees made up 34% Being an IT company, Techlead has more jobs for men than women.
4.2.1 Evaluating of scale reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha
The results of reliability analysis for each scale used in the research model are presented below. Evaluating the scale of Recruitment
The recruitment scale contains three observed variables, denoted by RC1 to RC3 The analysis results show that the corrected Item-total correlation is greater than 0.3; Cronbach's alpha of this scale is 0.780 > 0.6 Therefore, it ensures sufficient reliability to be included in the exploratory factor analysis.
Table 4.2 The results of reliability analysis of the Recruitment scale
Items| Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item-| Cronbach's |Cronbach' if Item Variance if Total Alpha if Item Alpha
Deleted | Item Deleted | Correlation Deleted
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Evaluating the scale of Training
The analytical result from Table 4.3 shows that the Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of the scale are greater than 0.8; and the minimum Corrected Item -
Total Correlations are greater than 0.3 As a result of the outcome of measuring the scale's reliability, the scale is reliable and can be used for further analysis.
Table 4.3 The results of reliability analysis of the training scale
Items| Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item-| Cronbach's |Cronbach' if Item Variance if Total Alpha if Item Alpha Deleted | Item Deleted Correlation Deleted Evaluating the scale of Assessment and Evaluation
The results prove the reliability of the Assessment and Evaluation scale and this scale could be used convincingly in quantitative analysis to elucidate this research.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Table 4.4 The results of reliability analysis of the assessment and evaluation scale
Items] Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item-| Cronbach's |Cronbach'
Variance if Total Alpha if Item Alpha
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Evaluating the scale of Compensation and Benefits
The analysis results show that the corrected item-total correlation coefficients all are greater than 0.3; Cronbach's Alpha coefficient is 0.868 (> 0.6), so the scale of Compensation and Benefits has passed the reliability test.
Table 4.5 The results of reliability analysis of the compensation and benefits scale
Items| Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item-| Cronbach's |Cronbach' if Item Variance if Total Alpha if Item Alpha
Deleted | Item Deleted | Correlation Deleted
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Evaluating the scale of Internal Communication
The result of the reliability analysis of the internal communication scale shows that this scale is also reliable and it can be used in subsequent quantitative analysis.
Table 4.6 The results of reliability analysis of the internal communication scale
Items] Scale Mean Scale Corrected Item-| Cronbach's |Cronbach'
Variance if Total Alpha if Item Alpha Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20)
4.2.2 Analysis of the scale validity
After analyzing the reliability of the scales, the researchers analyzed the validity of the scales to ensure that these scales reflect completely the aspect that they need to measure. factor analysis with observed variables of the scales of factors contributing to HRM and Effectiveness of HRM
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Table 4.7 Total Variance Explained of independent variables
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of
Variance % Variance a Tn p$ Phi | — p— Ím pm P3 | | — pepe se | | —- pm pm Pm | | — mm 5 h[ | — pm CC | —
= mm he | | — pm nó Jm mẽ [ | — m— Jm Jm ph | | —- pm T5 m Phm | | — m— jm Jm J†m | | —
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20)
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Table 4.8 summarizes the results of the EFA test Factor analysis results for observed variables show that Factor loading of the items are greater than 0.5 and the number of factors generated from the factor analysis coincides with the number of initial factors However, the author processes data according to the EFA test; there are 4 observed variables excluded (RC2, IC2, TR1, AE2).
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO) of the independent variables are 0.742, which is greater than 0.5 Average Variance Extracted (AVE) of the independent factors is 81.729% which is greater than 50% (Table 4.9), which means 81.729% of the change of the independent factor is explained by the items. Exploratory factor analysis with observed variables of the scales of effectiveness of HRM
Table 4.10 KMO and Bartlett's Test of dependent variables Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy.
Approx Chi-Square 18.618 Bartlett's Test of
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20)
Table 4.10 shows that the KMO is 0.764 > 0.5; P value of Bartlett's test is 0.000, very small (< 0.05), so the EFA method is suitable The results of EFA for observed variables of effectiveness of human resource management are detailed in tables 4.11 and 4.12.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Table 4.11 Total Variance Explained of dependent variables eyo: Extraction Sums of
(Source The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) Table 4.11 indicates that the observed variables of the effectiveness of human resource management scale converge on 1 main component with the total variance explained as 55.515% It shows that this main component explains 55.515% of the variation of the set of observed variables for the scale of effectiveness of human resource management Details of the convergence are presented in Table 4.12 below.
Table 4.12 Component Matrix* of dependent variables
(Source The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20)
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
As a result of this finding, the author may infer that the effectiveness of the human resource management scale is valid (i.e it can measure exactly the concept it is supposed to measure) The author can make use of this scale to calculate the effectiveness of the human resource management in Techlead Joint Stock Company.
4.2.3 Assessment of factors contributing to HRM and Effectiveness of HRM Employees’ assessment about factors contributing to HRM
Table 4.13 Employees’ assessment about factors contributing to HRM in
Dimension N Minimum Maximum Mean ơStd.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Findings indicate that generally the employees have positive assessments of components of factors contributing to human resource management in Techlead JSC Specifically, employees are most satisfied with Assessment and Evaluation, Compensation and Benefits, Training (with the average satisfaction score from 3.75 to 3.83) In fact, Techlead focuses on enhancing the quality of human resources and their living standard Therefore, the employees are evaluated fairly and accurately; they are provided with adequate benefits; and learning and development is also regularly updated. Employees’ assessment about effectiveness of HRM
The effectiveness of human resource management in Techlead JSC is assessed by the average score to generalize the level of employees’ evaluation. The results are described in Table 4.14.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Table 4.14 Employees’ assessment about effectiveness of human resource management in Techlead JSC.
With the average assessment score of about 3.7 points, it can be supposed that the majority of emloyees evaluated the effectiveness of human resource management in Techlead JSC with an optimistic opinion.
4.2.4 Analyzing the impact of HRM’s factors on the effectiveness of HRM in Techlead JCS.
Testing hypothesis about the effect of factors on effectiveness of HRM in Techlead JCS.
In the research model suggested in chapter 2, the author figured out 5 major factors that can influence quality of effectiveness of human resource management, including: (i) Recruitment; (ii) Training; (111) Assessments and Evaluation; (iv) Compensation and Benefits; and (v) Internal communication To determine the impact of each of these components on the effectiveness of human resource management, the author performs a regression with an analytical model written in the following form:
EF = B0 + B1*RC + B2*TR + B3*AE + B4*CB + B5*IC + Ui (1) in which: ° Dependent variables: Effectiveness of Human resource management (EF).
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C ° Independent variables: Recruitment (RC), Training (TR), Assessments and Evaluation (AE), Compensation and Benefits (CB), and Internal communication (IC) ° B: unstandardized Coefficients of the independent variables.
The results of estimate (1) are displayed in the following tables. a Predictors: (Constant), IC, AE, RC, CB, TR b Dependent Variable: EF
The contribution level of the independent variables on the dependent variable is represented by R square Table 4.15 indicates that the R square is 0,383, which means that the factors in the study contribute 65,9 % of the change in the dependent variable "Effectiveness of human resource management (EF)," with the remaining 34,1% depending on the factors that are not yet identified and included in the model.
Table 4.16 ANOVA test of the Linear Regression
Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20) The Sig value in the table is used to determine the significance of the regression coefficients of the independent variables The statistical hypothesis tests are applied at the significance level of 5% or Sig must be less than 0.05 to be considered significant From the table above, the independent variables in the research model are statistically significant, contributing to the explanation of the dependent variable "Effectiveness of human resource management (EF)".
The equation for logistics coordination effectiveness is as follows:
EF = 0.312 +0.218*RC + 1.96*TR + 1.59*AE + 0.317*CB + 0.197*IC
(1) EF: Effectiveness of human resource management
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Based on the meaning of the unstandardized coefficients (Beta), the above equation can be analyzed as follows: management
H2: Training (TR) has a positive effect on human resource | Accepted management
H3: Assessment and evaluation (AE) has a positive effect on human | Accepted resource management
H4: Compensation and benefits (CB) has a positive effect on human | Accepted resource management
H5: Internal communication (IC) has a positive effect on human | Accepted resource management
(Source: The author’s data processing with the support of SPSS20)
RECOMMENDA TIONS .-Ặ cà Seeee 42 5.1 oi 0 43 42
Assessment and Evaluafion - - + k vn HH HH Hệ, 43 5.4 Compensation and BenefifS - c2 22 S2 rrrey 43 5.5 Internal communicafionn - - tk ni, 44
The performance evaluation should ensure fairness and the participation of many employees The company clearly and accurately communicates the objectives of the performance appraisal and the results must be fed back to employees In particular, it is necessary to establish a system of party member standards with the strategic goals of the organization and inform it to all employees (Alang Tho, 2013).
Assessment system should be fair and public to all employees.
According to the result of findings, Techlead's human resource manager should implement efficient tools for evaluating employee performance that do so in an honest and impartial manner It should list potential opportunities as well as the employees' skills, weaknesses, and requirements for professional development Individual development plans for employees should be utilized as a tool for ongoing feedback and improvement, and HRM should realistically match current employee performance to future potential.
The results of assessment and evaluation should be sent to employees.
Some workers could negotiate greater compensation for more benefits, but it is not the norm (Amos & Weathington, 2008) According to Tetrick et al (2010), applicants did not view salary and benefits as a replacement for one another Remuneration policies should be initially encouraging as well as competitive among individuals in the organization (Alang Tho, 2013).
Compensation and Benefits should be suitable and reasonable for employees’ contribution.
People are more motivated to work when they believe that decisions are made fairly, both in terms of pay and other rewards received, and when they feel treated with respect and dignity This explains why a large percentage of people would leave their current employer in favor of one that provides better benefits
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
(Adams, 1965) Enterprises should establish remuneration policies that are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization (Alang Tho, 2013).
Compensation and Benefits should be built more attractive.
Any management, especially HRM _ should strive for successful, productive, and devoted workers Achieving this goal is quite challenging. Although it is simple to instruct staff members on what to do and how to perform it, it may be tough for management to keep them motivated Internal communication is one the most effective tools to achieve that aim.
Internal communication should be built based on organizational culture to motivate employees.
According to the reference file, 80% of employees concur with the statement that internal communication has a substantial impact on their behavior and job performance There is a link between employee loyalty and the degree of internal communication For a better understanding of the corporate objectives, which have increased trust in the company's operations and would persuade them of the importance of their individual task in the running of the firm, all employees, including managers, require adequate information and communication (Jana Hola, 2012).
The HRM should organize internal communication activities to raise employees’ morale.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
This paper is to examine the factors that affect human resource management Techlead Joint Stock company The study summarizes the overview of previous studies related to human resource management Thereby, the author was able to identify the research gaps, which served as the foundation for this research work's model.
The research successfully demonstrates the research model, introduces the research findings, draws the conclusions and suggests strategic recommendations for Techlead Joint-stock company to enhance the human resource mangement. The research also serves as a valid premise for future studies about HRM effectiveness in the Vietnam market.
This paper establishes and demonstrates the contribution of the five human resource management’s factors to HRM at Techlead JSC The author's analysis and practical study have proven: (1) Recruitment (RC) has a positive effect on human resource management, (2) Training (TR) has a positive effect on human resource management, (3) Assessment and evaluation (AE) has a positive effect on human resource management, (4) Compensation and benefits (CB) has a positive effect on human resource management, (5) Internal communication (IC) has a positive effect on human resource management.
In detail, Techlead’s employees rated the 3 most important factors affecting the effectiveness of HRM in the company: Assessment and Evaluation, Compensation and Benefits, Training.
There is a significant positive relationship between recruitment and effectiveness of HRM Recruitment process, method is suitable for the context of the company, which may contribute to the quality of HR, and HRM.
Training or learning and development in any company, especially in an IT company as Techlead is very important They need to enhance and stay updated with new technology Thus, managers in Techlead focus on this function of HRM. This may be due to the fact that employees demand to grow themselves.
Besides, the study proves a positive relationship between AE and EF The assessment and evaluation is necessary in an organization Being evaluated fairly, employees can feel that they are working in an ideal workplace environment The result of the thesis presents that AE activities are considered as one of the most
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C effective when it comes to enhancing HRM This may be due to the fact that Techlead has a detailed assessment system; and it is updated regularly.
Fourth, compensation and benefits have been proven to have a positive relationship with the effectiveness of human resource management In addition to other factors of human resource management, compensation and benefits also contribute to more effective management The reason is that when going to work, employees also need to have an income that satisfies them and makes them comfortable when working, consequently human resource management will be easier and bring higher work efficiency.
Last but not least, internal communication also has a good relationship with
EF extraactivities and communication are quite important to raise employees morale According to the result of this study, Techlead’s employees present that internal communication may make them interested and updated with announcement and information.
Although this study's findings contribute to a better understanding of the factors that affect human resource management, a number of limitations need to be addressed and investigated.
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Survey: Improving Human Resources Management in Techlead Joint Stock
Section B: Evaluation of factors of human resource management contributing to effectiveness of human resource management at Techlead JSC.
Level of evaluation Observed variables
Recruitme | The recruitment nt process is suitable.
The recruitment is according to the employee's profession.
The quality of recruited human resources is good.
The recruitment method is suitable
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
The training program helps me enhance work efficiency.
The training program is suitable and high- quality.
The training time and place is applicable to me.
The appraisal approach is suitable for employees.
The assessment criterion is clear and appropriate.
Evaluation results are fair and accurate.
Salary is suitable for my job.
Tam satisfied with my salary and benefits.
Compensation and benefit is appropriate. tion and for employees.
The company has interesting activities for employees.
Nguyen Thi Thu Cục — 11190925 — Business English 61C
Internal communic ation culture is innovative and supportive.
The internal communication is suitable for the company context.
Communication messaging and materials are high quality, accurate, appropriate and integrated
Section C: Effectiveness of Human resource management at Techlead JSC.
Effectiven ess of human resource managem ent
The quality of human resource management satisfies me.
Human resource management approach is suitable for Techlead's context.
2- 3 - 4- 5- Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Totally agree