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Chuyên đề tốt nghiệp: The effectiveness of the digital marketing usage on enhancing brand awareness of haidang group

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Hanoi, March 2023

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Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh, PhD

Hanoi, March 2023

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First and foremost, the research could not have been finished without thededicated assistance of my dear instructor, PhD Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh I owe hera debt of gratitude for giving me the opportunity to carry out the study and for

providing me with invaluable guidance as I conducted it It is a privilege for me to

carry out the research with her direction Additionally, I want to thank her for beinga great friend, sympathetic individual, and wonderful source of humor.

Secondly, I want to thank my family for helping me out financially andemotionally Because of their acceptance and tolerance, I was able to overcomeseveral challenges while conducting the research.

Finally, I want to thank my friends and respondents for taking the time out of

their busy schedules to answer my questionnaire They gave me a number ofsuggestions on how to make this study unique and truly helped me to gather diversefacts and data.

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Due to the rising popularity of the Internet, customers frequently use digitalplatforms to look for information about products and services As a result,companies frequently invest more funds in digital marketing platforms It can beclaimed that food and beverage is one of the industries benefiting greatly from thedevelopment of the digital world, particularly now that widespread covid-19immunization appears to be nearly achieved and restrictions are loosening.However, in terms of utilizing the two primary digital marketing tools - SEO andsocial media marketing - Haidang Group restaurants seem not to explore the fullpotential of them, which has significant effects on customers’ brand awareness.

Therefore, the aim of the study is to identify the factors that determine the use of

digital marketing platforms to provide restaurant services to customers and the

influences this usage could have on brand awareness at Haidang Group restaurants.

The study includes four main chapters The first chapter provides general

information about Haidang Group such as the company’s mission, vision, corevalues, products, services and its organizational structure The second chapterexplains the background information on marketing definitions, digital marketingbenefits, various types of digital marketing tools, brand awareness definitions,

levels of brand awareness, and effectiveness of utilizing digital marketing on brandawareness The next chapter describes the current situation of the Haidang Grouprestaurants’ use of digital marketing, analyzes the AIDA model's four components- content, popularity, user experience, and customization - and demonstrates theeffectiveness of them on customers’ brand awareness.

Through applying the framework that combines the AIDA Models and "CUPC"aspects, encompassing content, users' experience, popularity, and customization,the researcher discovered that Haidang Group's usage of digital marketing appearsto be ineffective An online survey about the two platforms was sent to 52customers The majority of respondents express satisfaction with the informativecontent on the company website and Facebook fan page, but it appears that therewere many wording errors and the information was not updated frequently, whichlowers the probability that viewers will turn their desire into action Regarding theuser experience, a straightforward layout and attractive design have successfullydrawn consumers’ attention, but technical issues would prevent them fromenjoying it pleasantly.

When it comes to accessibility issues, most of the respondents agree that theycan easily reach advertising coverage, and backlinks However, to drive their web


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pages to the highest ranking in search engine tools, the company would still needto improve technological skills like SEO In addition, customization features work

well in personalized services, custom itineraries, and unique advertisements, butindividual responses to customers still need improvement.

The aforementioned factors in digital marketing usage of the company resultingin customers’ brand awareness There are some positive sights in terms of brandrecall and brand recognition, since a large number of respondents said that the

platforms assist them in remembering some features of the brand such as name andlogo or making Haidang restaurants become their recommendation for others.Nevertheless, regarding top-of-mind brand awareness and brand dominance

aspects, the answers reveal that Haidang restaurants hardly appear first incustomers’ mind or become the only brand that they think of.


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AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action

CUPC: Content, Users’ experience, Popularity, and CustomizationSEM: Search Engine Marketing

SEO: Search Engine Optimization


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Figure 1: Leading benefits of using social media for marketing purposes

worldwide as of January 2022 - - cc + c1 33 31 1e 3Figure 2: Share of consumers who regularly use online reviews to help with

homeware purchase decision worldwide in 2021, by country 3Figure 3.1: Content aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn” website and Haidang

Group’s Facebook 00 Ẻ.n.o 29Figure 3.2: Users’ experience aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn” website and

Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page ccccecescesseeseeseeeteeeteesseeeeees 31Figure 3.3: Popularity aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn” website and Haidang

Group’s Facebook fan page ::cccccesccesceseeseeeseeeeeeeeeseeeseesseseeeneesees 34Figure 3.4: Customization aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn” website and

Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page - csccsssssereerssereree 37Figure 3.5: The influence of the two digital channels usage on customers’ brand

ise-11815 201757 39Figure 3.6: The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’

brand recognition leVel 00 cecccescesccesseesseesseeceeeceseeeseeceseeceaeeneneeees 41Figure 3.7: The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’ top-

of-mind awareness Ï€VGÌ - - «k1 vn ng nh 43Figure 3.8: The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’

brand dominance level cc cccceessccesceesssssssecessssesseceeessseeseceeeeees 45

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Table 1: Range Interval Division cccesceesesseeseeeseeeseceeeeseeeseceeeeseessesesessaeeeeaes 6Table 2.1: Summary of key performance indicators in stages of the AIDA model

"— d 23Table 3.1: Assessment of the website “haidangplaza.com.vn” through AIDA

model in three MONS - 6 <6 2 11391 £*3E<EESkEsesskesskesree 25Table 3.2: Assessment of the Haidang Group’s Facebook through AIDA model in

three MONHHS ee eeeeeeeseeseeseeeeeeccceceseeseesesseesecsecsecaecseeeeeeeeeaeeaeeaeeas 27Table 3.3: Descriptive statistics of content aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn”

website and Haidang Group’s Facebook -++-ssc+s+esssss 30Table 3.4: Descriptive statistics of users’ experience aspects of

“haidangplaza.com.vn” website and Haidang Group’s Facebook fan

Table 3.5: Descriptive statistics of popularity aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn”

website and Haidang’s Facebook 0.0.0 eeeeeseeseeeecneceeeeeeeeeeseeaeeseens 35Table 3.6: Descriptive statistics of customization aspects of

“haidangplaza.com.vn” website and Haidang Group’s Facebook fan

Table 3.7: Descriptive statistics of the effectiveness of the two digital channels

usage on customers’ brand recall leveÌ - ++-s+++s+++ss+sxsss2 40Table 3.8: Descriptive statistics of the effectiveness of the two digital channels

usage on customers’ brand recognition levelL -s++ss++s+2 42Table 3.9: Descriptive statistics of the effectiveness of the two digital channels

usage on customers’ top-of-mind awareness level ‹- 44Table 3.10: Descriptive statistics of the effectiveness of the two digital channels

usage on customers’ brand dominance level ‹ s++-s+2 45Table 3.11: Range interval (Ï1VISIOT - 5c 33+ 133311133 E£EESEEseeereereeeeree 46Table 3.12: Descriptive statistics of four aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn”

website and Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page - 47Table 3.13: Descriptive statistics of the effectiveness of digital marketing usage

on brand awareness at four leveÌS ¿+ +22 << ££cc+zzseces 47


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ACKNOWLEDGMETNTT c- G5 <GẤ HH 0H 0 00000000001 009660966.0 iEXECUTIVE SUMMMA RRYY o5 55s 9 9 09.00090040 0000698086 ii


1.1 Overview of Haidang GT0Ou -œ- << 55 << s5 9 9 9990509590 8949668996 71.2 Haidang Group’s products and S€TVÏC€S o5 s S555 556 71.2.1 Wedding, conference C€HÍ[€F vn nh 71.2.2 ReStaurant - PT SG HH Hết 71.2.3 International travel ‹ aaađd 71.2.4 Trading CONtCD n.ae.e- &1.2.5 PÍCHỈC ST VỈC HH HT Hà &1.2.6 Healthcare and Sport CONtCI ecccccceccceceessesseeseeeseesseeseeesecsseesenseesseeeenas &1.3 Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Core Values 5-5555 se se sess+ 8

1.4 Organizational SÍFUCÍUIFC d - <5 << 5< <9 9994.999 9968.968496 826 9

1.4.1 The Board Of DIY€CÍOTS cv rriệt ọ1.4.2 Department Of Human ReSOUrCE cv EEsikreersreereree ọ1.4.3 Department Accounting ANd FÏÌHQHC 5 cv rerei ọ1.4.4 Department Of Ñ©€C€DfÏOH cv kh HH ry 101.4.5 Department of Restaurants and KIÍCh€f4 ĂẶSccSSS<ssscssss 101.4.7 Department of Sales and MATĂ€fiHB - ác se sssserseeseree 10

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVITỀY cm n0 g0 122.1 The definition of marketing -«e-<<=e<s=ess=essesseesseesseesessseessses 122.2 The definition of digital marketing 5<<<<<<<s<<seessssseessses 14

2.3 Advantages of digital mar€(ÏTE o <5 << 5S 599905 9905686568866 142.4 Digital marketing tools << 5< 5s 9 9.969 0.0 898068846896 17


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2.5 Brand awareness in Marketing << <5 S905 905686566866 19

2.5.1 Definition of brandl AWAPENESS c SE kSseeksreeerevre 202.5.2 Classification of brand AWAVECNESS cà +issekkseeeeesexs 20

2.6 Effectiveness of digital marketing tools usage on brand awareness 21

2.7 The AIDA MOdel s.scsssssssssssssssscsssesssssssssesscsscsscssessssessensesssssssseessess 23CHAPTER 3: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION cccssssssssssssessesssesscssesseses 25

3.1 Assessment of Haidang Group’s digital marketing platforms usage

through AIDA model «<< 5< 5 %9 99 99.999 96 099684.08884.08 806 25

3.2 Factors affecting digital marketing usage in Haidang Group 28

3.2.1 Content aspects of “haidangplaze.com.vn” website and Haidang

6/427/28020/420122770000000nẺ088 293.2.2 Users’ experience aspects of “haidangplaze.com.vn” website and

Haidang Group § FC€OOl x39 nh nh ng nh 313.2.3 Popularity aspects of “haidangplaze.com.vn” website and Haidang

GrOUP S FACCDOOK ce ccecccessccessceessessseeeeeseseeesseeeseeseseesesecssaesuseeseseeseneeneesnseeees 343.2.4 Customization aspects of “haidangplaze.com.vn” website and

Haidang Group 3 FqC€ÖOOĂ - cv net 373.3 The effectiveness of digital marketing usage on customers’ brand

CC) 0 ớớốớố ốc Cố 393.3.1 The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’

Brand recall Ï€V€ÏL - 5 E111 9E nh HT ng Hệ 393.3.2 The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’

Brand recognition Ï€V€Ï cv SE rệt 413.3.2 The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’ top-Of-MINA LOVE] ececcccccesccessccenscesnscesceseseeseseeseaeesscecsseeseseeeesecnsaecnsaeeeseeseaeeesaeenses 43

3.3.4 The effectiveness of the two digital channels usage on customers’

brand dominance Ï€V€Ï, x93 93119 ng ni 453.2.5 Four aspects of “haidangplaza.com.vn” website and Haidang

6/427/28020/4201522000000n0nẺ8088 46CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS son He nen” 49

4.1 Recommendations for Haidang Gr0uD << 5< <5 55s sssssssss 49

4.2 Recommendations for Haidang Group’s Marketing Department 49

CONCLUUSIƠNN GHI CC HH HH 0 0000050050050 8500 52REEFERENCES so 5 << HH HC HH HH HH 0000000090050 54APPENDIYX -G-G SG SH 4 004.010.040 1000009600809080 57


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Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C

1 Background

In today’s competitive market, consumers choose their favorable and familiarbrands due to the rise in their consciousness Consequently, it is necessary forbusinesses to create the love for their brands in the minds of consumers Theyshould balance between constantly capturing and updating the latest trends in themarket to create benefits for businesses and satisfy customers’ demands Thecrucial means to help businesses access the market and be the bridge between themarket and the customers are marketing activities However, consumers can beexposed to a lot of information and brands from many different sources such associal networks (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) or newspapers and magazines.Therefore, they are more likely to be overloaded and cannot remember all the

information they had seen throughout the day.

In the marketing field, brand awareness is considered the fundamental

dimension of customers’ purchase intentions Whenever a customer is willing tobuy a good or service, the first brand name that clicks in his or her mind showsthat this product has higher brand awareness In the past, brands simply usedmarks, symbols, or numbers to differentiate their products from others Variousfeatures have then been developed to deliver the product value to customers Atypical example is advertising, which is not only appealing to the potential buyersand target audiences but also catches the attention of those who are not part of thepotential group, increases the brand awareness, and gives the consumerunderstanding of how to utilize the products (Rawat, 2022) If businesses maintainhigh levels of brand awareness, they will be likely to generate higher levels ofrevenue because many consumers have a tendency to purchase and use goods or

services from familiar brand names compared to unknown ones, as 59% of globalconsumers prefer to buy new products from brands familiar to them (Nielsen).

Most businesses nowadays have to implement new models in marketingoperations due to the rapid growth of information technology and its effects oncustomers’ behavior For example, a company’s website could provide value andshowcase content that matters to the customers such as price, origin, instruction oftheir desired products and services with only a click In addition, the ones who usedigital communication tools are no longer satisfied with just reading or watching

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the content presented to them, but rather they like to share the content with others,which could create and raise brand awareness and affect the businesses’ income.

Recognizing the importance of using social platforms in promoting brandawareness in today’s complicated market, companies are increasingly developingand researching to develop their online platforms to attract customers and bringthe brand closer to the end users Not only small and midsize enterprises, but themarket leaders are also non-stop improving these tools.

2 Rationale

Brand is one of the valuable assets for a company as many consumers decide toexperience a service or product not only because of its functional value but also itsemotional value, and a great number of them prefer using familiar products tounfamiliar ones.

Over the past three years, the Covid-19 outbreaks have harmfully affected allaspects of business activities: enterprises have been unable to access customers,supply chains have been disrupted, revenues have significantly decreased, thelabor force has dropped, etc One of the sectors suffering the most was food and

beverage services, including restaurants, cafe etc The service sector witnessed

numerous negative impacts throughout the period, especially in the third quarterof 2021, the GDP of the whole industry fell 28, 1% Specifically, food and beverageservice had the largest decline, as 79.8% of restaurant and cafe owners reportedthat they had experienced decreases in revenue, staff turnover, branch closures,and suspended operation (Dinh, 2022) Meanwhile, individual and households’incomes have declined significantly, which makes their spending on consumerdiscretionary become shrunk Therefore, most businesses, specifically cateringones, have to devote more effort to understand customers’ demands, meet theirexpectations and take up a top-of-mind position, so that they can spend more onusing services.

In the modern era, the development of information and technology createsopportunities for companies to expose themselves to a larger number of customers,who frequently watch online platforms Hence, many brands have utilized these

platforms as marketing channels by designing logos, posters or offering discounts.

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Figure 1: Leading benefits of using social media for marketing purposesworldwide as of January 2022

& 20%10%

Increased Increased traffic Generated leads Developed loyal Improved sales

exposure fans

(Source: Statista 2023)Additionally, the website development and SEO strategies can effectively assistcustomers in learning more about the services of a brand because consumers

frequently browse through information on search engine systems such as Google,

read reviews and consider their options before going to the store.

Figure 2: Share of consumers who regularly use online reviews to help withhomeware purchase decision worldwide in 2021, by country

United Kingda 29%,

Sis § 32%

AUSt a 3%,United StateS En 31%,United Arab Emiratos 3 1°,

Hong Ko 37%,

Wed A 37%,Gob As 37%,

Gera 32%,

Chi, 35%,P00 35%,

S(1g2p Oc LAA 430,

TU —— ————sSỏ.À ả ĂĂ M8j9= sả 43°,

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%(Source: Statista 2023)

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It is crucial for companies to set up a website ranking the top of search enginesystems and promote other online marketing activities, not only to increase theirreputation, but also to attract more customers and recover incomes, operation and

the national economy in general.

In order to fulfill the demand of digitalization, Haidang Group has utilizeddifferent modern marketing tools including the website and social media Thecompany website and social media accounts provide viewers with numerousinformation, such as contact numbers of different service centers, several types ofoffered products and their additional information Although the enterprise has beenestablished and organized for 10 years, these digital platforms have not been usedeffectively Through analyzing AIDA models, it can be seen that two main digitalmarketing channels of the company do not perform well in different aspects, forexample, keeping viewers stay at the channels or stimulating their action Besides,many respondents have negative answers related to users’ experience, popularityand customization aspects of the two channels As a result, the information aboutHaidang restaurants, as well as available services and products, is not widelyknown to customers Therefore, the researcher decided to carry out the study “Theeffectiveness of the digital marketing usage on enhancing brand awareness ofHaidang Group restaurants”.

3 Aim and objectives

The study is aimed at identifying, analyzing the effectiveness of the use of thedigital platforms on brand awareness of Haidang Group restaurants and suggestingpotential measures to take advantage of social media platforms and raise their

brand awareness.

In order to achieve these purposes, several objectives have to be complete:

e Identifying the current situation of the digital marketing platforms usage in

Haidang Group restaurants

e Identifying and analyzing the factors affecting the digital marketingplatforms usage in Haidang Group restaurants and their effectiveness on

enhancing customers’ brand awareness

e Recommending feasible solution to improve the performance of these

platforms and thereby raise customers’ brand awareness of Haidang Group


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4 Research questions

The study focuses on answering these following questions:

e What is the current situation of digital marketing usage in the HaidangGroup restaurants?

e What are the factors influencing the digital platforms usage in the businessand their effectiveness on enhancing the brand awareness of Haidang Group

6 Research methodology

The study would employ desk research as the foundation for the study In orderto create a framework for the use of digital marketing in the Haidang Group,background knowledge of digital marketing, brand awareness, and openly

accessible data from reliable publications would be used.

Second, to get a sense of the present state of digital marketing applications inthis business, the researcher would create an online survey on Google Form anddistribute it to 52 people who have used restaurant services in Haidang There arethree sections to the questionnaire:

® Part 1: Personal information of the respondents

e Part 2: Factors affecting digital marketing integration Haidang

® Part 3: The effects of digital marketing usage on customers’ brand

Finally, SPSS will be used to assess the overall customers’ attitude towards eachfactor through the mean calculation The scale includes five ranges: “Stronglydisagree”, “Disagree”, “Neutral”, “Agree”, “Strongly agree”.

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Table 1: Range Interval Division

Scale Range interval Description1 1.00 — 1.80 Strongly disagree

2 1.81 — 2.60 Disagree3 2.61 — 3.40 Neutral

4 3.41 — 4.20 Agree

5 4.21 — 5.00 Strongly agree

7 Organization of the study

The research consists of three main parts: the introduction, the developmentand the conclusion.

Chapter 1 - Introduction of the company - provides information about HaidangGroup such as overview, organizational structure and marketing department

Chapter 2 - Literature review - reviews the theoretical background of digitalmarketing and brand awareness

Chapter 3 - Findings and discussion - provides a thorough analysis of collecteddata, major findings and recommendations

Chapter 4 - Recommendations - proposes some viable solutions for Haidang Group

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This chapter reviews the overview of Haidang Group including the company’smission, vision, core values, products, services and its organizational structure.

1.1 Overview of Haidang Group

Hai Dang Tourism group Joint Stock Company (hereafter referred to as Haidang

Group) was founded in December 2007, with the aim of providing consumers with

a top-notch and distinguishable level of experience.

The business has built up a network of lavish and substantial facilities with arange of business types, for example, wedding, conference center, restaurantservice, healthcare service, which are now accessible across the nation.Additionally, the company personnel are professionally trained to fulfill theclients’ demands and the modern market’s requirements.

1.2 Haidang Group’s products and services

The company has developed a network of opulent and sizable facilities with avariety of business types, including:

1.2.1 Wedding, conference center

Hai Dang Wedding Conference Center system is a fantastic option with amodern, luxurious, cozy, and polite wedding conference center, especially withprofessional staff, which could make clients’ special day become memorable.

1.2.2 Restaurant - Bar

The distinctive and opulent architectural design is an essential elementcontributing to the uniqueness of the Hai Dang restaurant-bar system Thecompany consistently gains clients’ affection with an innovative culinary approachand an abundant source of fresh food.

1.2.3 International travel center

Hai Dang Tourism Center is a licensed unit for International Travel,

professionally operating in the following sectors: passenger transportation,international study abroad consulting, domestic and international tourorganization, and tourism-related services.

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1.2.4 Trading center

Hai Dang Tourism Joint Stock Company is a reputable importer and distributorof food and beverages in Hai Phong The company covers both wholesale and retailmarkets with convenient service, quality commitment and various salespromotions.

1.2.5 Picnic service

Currently, picnic parties have become more popular during holidays andweekends Enjoying food, especially a barbecue in the green space of Hai Dang,will provide customers with peaceful moments and fantastic experiences.

1.2.6 Healthcare and sport center

Customers coming to Hai Dang healthcare and sport center can take advantageof cutting-edge, ideal services such as saunas, Thai massages, and latest fitnessequipment at the gym.

1.3 Philosophy, Mission, Vision, Core Values

Haidang Group is operated based on the philosophy “Customers are the center,a guideline to guide us on the path to complete the mission”.

In terms of mission, Haidang Group works with the motto of “Our mission isyour ideal experience” The company promises to bring the clients’ satisfactionwhen using their services, and provide the clients with a wonderful experience.Moreover, the company will nonstop innovate and develop high-qualityrestaurants as well as other products and services to meet the diverse and strong

needs of customers.

In terms of vision, Haidang Group strives to become one of the leading tourismcomplex in Haiphong that provide high-qualified products and services; creates anecosystem with many touch points, thereby maximizing the benefits received bycustomers above the costs they have to pay; contributes to the success of theVietnamese food and beverage, commercial sector and tourism industry.

In terms of core values, all officers and employees of Haidang Group arecommitted to maintaining and implementing “Professionalism and Solidarity”,“Integrity and Transparency”, “Innovation and Creativity”, and “Cooperation and

Sharing” First of all, the company operates the business with “Professionalismand Solidarity” The company promises to develop high-standard employees,maintain a professional attitude at work as well as provide a friendly and solidarity

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workspace With a young, dynamic, energetic, and professional staff, HaidangGroup insists on bringing customers the best services “Integrity andTransparency” are also essential elements that contribute to the substantial

development of the company Staff and officers of Haidang Group are free to share

information in an effort to benefit the organization and its people Furthermore, thecompany always encourages “Innovation and Creativity” among officers Due tothe rapid changes in information and technology, all of the staff have to be readyto instantly adapt to the adjustments and be creative to deal with emerging issueswhen working Finally, “Cooperation and Sharing” are considered indispensablecore values To be more specific, the business is willing to connect with otherparties to cooperate and develop that contribute to the general prosperity ofVietnam's food and beverage industry.

1.4 Organizational structure1.4.1 The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors includes The Chairman, the General Director, and theDeputy General Director These company's leaders are in charge of the entireoperation, carefully adhere to state rules and regulations, and outline andimplement the aims, mottos, and policies They assign and balance the labor of thedepartments and manage the enterprise's staff based on the business demands Inaddition, they gather and learn labor market information to develop the humanresource acquisition channel, create a master plan for recruitment, labor

mobilization, and supervise the organization and implementation.1.4.2 Department of Human Resource

This is one of the most important departments of the company, consisting of

three employees: HR manager, senior HR assistant, and HR assistant This

department fulfills administrative management, staff management, arrangingworking shifts of managers, managing records, evaluating, rewarding, andrecruiting for other departments and divisions.

1.4.3 Department Accounting and Finance

This department advises the director on the financial situation of the business,and gives reliable data for analyzing the business outcomes Besides, theaccountants formulate business plans, direct accounting, and control the costs ofthe operation in the company.

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They also provide all information and data needed to monitor the financial status

of the business.

1.4.4 Department of Reception

Receptionists are the employees who welcome new customers entering thecompany, bid them farewell when they depart, give information and services upon

request, make reservations, and address customer concerns.

1.4.5 Department of Restaurants and Kitchens

The division offers services for catering, entertainment, seminars, differenttypes of events and celebrations This department cooperates with others to provideculinary services, assure the highest levels of food safety for clients andemployees, and update the recipe regularly to meet all client demands Thepersonnel must constantly maintain the environmental and food processing area's

In terms of mission, the department of Sales and Marketing plays a key role inpromotion of services In more detail, the sales and marketing employees is incharge of advising the board of directors on market research, business growthstrategies, as well as editing the content and setting up the layout on onlineplatforms to leave a good impression on visitors to the websites The departmentalso makes use of SEO and SEM to raise the ranking of its websites in searchengine results for targeted keywords, such as Google, in order to boost traffic anddraw in more potential clients Currently, the Sales Marketing division is in chargeof running websites including haidangplaza.com and the "Hai Dang plaza"


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Facebook fan page.

Another primary goal of the Sales and Marketing Department 1s launching anumber of marketing communication campaigns that increase brand awareness.

The department aims to embed the Haidang Group's images in the minds of itsclients It is also responsible for obtaining customer care feedback and makingsuggestions for enhancing services to consistently please customers Finally, basedon annual estimates of data, the department will assess the performance of everymarketing campaign and make recommendations for Integrated Marketing

Communication for the company in the following year.

It is clear that the department is in charge of creating important business strategiesfor the organization as a whole and, specifically, technological setups formarketing communication and managing customer relationships.


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This chapter provides background information on definitions of marketing, digitalmarketing, benefits of digital marketing, several types of digital marketing tools,definition of brand awareness, different levels of brand awareness and the impacts

of digital marketing usage on brand awareness.2.1 The definition of marketing

The definition of marketing has been a strongly debated topic over the past more

than 60 years Due to the rapid growth of technology in the current world,marketing has seen significant changes in how people perceive it These definitionsof marketing have been improved by the addition of new terms such as sales,advertising, customer service, and interactions to better fit the job focus ofmarketers or salespeople However, it would be problematic as they only coveredsome parts of the marketing process, which demands a definition detailing thephilosophy and various aspects of a much greater scope.

In 1962, marketing was defined as the performance of all activities required for

determining the needs and wants of markets, scheduling product availability,carrying out transfers of ownership of products, arranging for physical distribution,and facilitating the entire marketing process Hence, it encompasses the completeset of tasks carried out and services offered in the purchase or distribution of goodsfor further processing, commercial or institutional usage, or final consumption.The numerous techniques used to complete these tasks and provide these services,along with the institutions involved and the policies put in place, are an essentialcomponent of the topic of marketing (Beckman & Davidson, 1962).

The Committee on Definitions of the American Marketing Association(AMA) provided a definition of marketing, "The performance of businessactivities which direct the flow of goods and services from production toconsumption." Although the definition was commonly accepted and emphasizedthe economic function of marketing, it obscured the range of executive

responsibilities for marketing (Staudt & Taylor, 1965).

William J Stanton stated that, “Marketing is the creation and delivery of astandard of living It is finding out what consumers want, then planning anddeveloping a product or service that will satisfy those wants, then determining the


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best way to price, promote, and distribute that product or service Stated more

formally, marketing is a total system of business activities designed to plan, price,

promote, and distribute want-satisfying goods and services to the benefit of thepresent and potential customers later’.

According to the AMA definition from 1985, marketing is the process ofplanning and carrying out the ideation, pricing, marketing, and distribution ofconcepts, products, and services to generate exchanges that satisfy both personaland business goals.

The definition of markerting's reach has been expanded in the 2000s Accordingto Shultz (2007), marketing was seen as a way to engage customers, a variety ofprocesses for providing value to clients and controlling client and social

interactions in ways that are profitable for clients and shareholders on a local,national, and international scale One of the most important developments in theconceptualization of marketing can be seen in how Shultzs thought linked

marketing with other economic advantages (Reynolds, 2007) However, as

opposed to "producer" and "customer", Kotler and his colleagues (2009) weremore likely to emphasize the exchange value between individuals and groups,which was used to generalize entities participating in the marketing process:“Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what theyneed and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products andservices of value with others”.

In 2004, a new definition of marketing was given by the AMA, “Marketing isan organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating anddelivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in waysthat benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” Marketing is always centeredaround the customers Therefore, manufacturers are constantly working to improvetheir products in order to meet the needs of customers by learning more about them

(Vargo & Lusch, 2004).

In 2012, Dr Philip Kotler defined marketing as “The science and art ofexploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market ata profit Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires It defines, measuresand quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential”.

After many years researching and developing, the AMA (2017) completed thedefinition of marketing more comprehensively, “Marketing is the activity, set of


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institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and

exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society

at large” It is believed that this definition has successfully addressed the

marketing's goals, such as determining the needs of customers, as well as its

importance to other corporate entities' interests, such as clients, customers,counterparts, and society.

2.2 The definition of digital marketing

The term "digital marketing" has changed over time from a term usedspecifically to describe the promotion of goods and services through digitalchannels to a general term used to describe the use of digital technologies forcustomer acquisition, brand promotion, customer retention, and sales growth

(Financial Times, lexicon.ft.com) According to the American Marketing

Association's business Centric definition, digital marketing can be seen as actions,institutions, and processes facilitated by digital technologies in order to create,

communicate, and deliver value to clients and other stakeholders.

In the 1920s, digital marketing was defined as the practice of gaining marketingobjectives through using digital technologies (Chaffey, 2009) In 2013, he added,“The use of technology to assist marketing campaigns in order to enhanceconsumer awareness by matching their needs is known as digital marketing”.However, many academics found it difficult to distinguish between digital

marketing and online marketing To be more specific, they frequently use these

two phrases interchangeably, which might lead to misunderstandings This isbecause digital marketing is frequently considered to have a greater scope thanonline marketing as it encompasses not only digital media such as web, e-mail, andwireless media, but also digital customer data management and electroniccustomer relationship management systems (E-CRM systems).

In terms of digital marketing’s goals, such as customer relationshipmanagement and the exchange value between sellers and buyers, its descriptiongenerally appears to be comparable to marketing's To provide value to clients andmeet their needs, it is likely to differentiate in methods and channels such as socialnetworking sites, email, and digital billboards.

2.3 Advantages of digital marketing

The application of digital marketing enables businesses to create strongrelationships with their customers, be more sensitive to their needs and


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understandings, and be flexible and adaptive to changes in the external

environment It can be said that digital marketing has undoubtedly benefited both

shoppers and sellers as a result of advancements in technology and the Internet

(Veleva, 2020)

e Create a high level of interaction

Digital marketing tools open up channels for interactive dialogue with

customers, making businesses more receptive to customers’ understanding andinformational needs In other words, businesses might react to customer demandsmore rapidly and adaptably (Veleva & Tsvetanova, 2020) Interactivecommunication could contribute to the creation of a dynamic environment,changing space, specialized navigation based on users’ preferences, dynamicdesign, usage of top-level special computer code, mobile technologies, and

ongoing innovation.

e Achieve more precise targeting

One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is the ability to reach thetarget clients in a cost-effective and measurable method Due to the fact that it isbased on clients' age, gender, occupations, interests, and other factors, digitalmarketing assists organizations in setting up the target market The variety of

targeting methods available to businesses ensure that every campaign reaches the

desired audience, whether it is through demographic data on social media orthrough keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC),or both (Top 9 Advantages of Digital Marketing: Global, Local and More, 2023).Better targeting of advertisements would make it much simpler to interact andcommunicate with customers, which would increase the effectiveness of marketingactivities.

e Create a high degree of customization

The user experience would vary depending on the algorithms and AI used ondigital platforms such as websites and social media platforms In particular,businesses can create displays specifically for these customers with theirpotentially desired products being placed at the top of the websites by gatheringinformation about their preferences, interests, and orientation throughsophisticated computer code and technological systems Thus, it is believed thatdigital marketing is one of the best ways to grab clients’ attention and boost theirsatisfaction.


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e Provide consumers with more convenience

In comparison to traditional marketing, it can be claimed that digital marketingmay assist organizations develop more touch points This is due to the fact thatadditional activities, such displaying banner ads on social networking sites andcreating movies for digital platforms, will be produced These activities mightexpose consumers to advertising when they use smartphones or other technologicalgadgets Digital technologies enable consumers to read, give feedback, and makeonline purchases without having to spend much time going to the actual stores(Veleva & Tsvetanova, 2020) They also enable consumers to obtain much moreand better information on the goods and services that interest them.

e Facilitate measurement with analytic tools

Another significant benefit of digital marketing is web analytics, which tracksthe effectiveness of digital marketing efforts in real-time This aids in futurecampaign optimization and error correction Also, by analyzing digital marketinginitiatives, businesses are able to identify every visitor source and fully controltheir sales funnels As opposed to traditional techniques where firms may have towait weeks or months to assess the effects of a campaign, a digital campaign may

inform businesses immediately how an advertisement or social media post isfunctioning (Harnil, 2020) For instance, with email marketing, marketers mayquickly monitor email performance and details such as the number of emailsdelivered, viewed, and converted.

e Increase the traffic to the companies’ platforms

Digital marketing tools can solve geographical barriers and restrictions on

marketing activities (Veleva & Tsvetanova, 2020) These tools would helpbusinesses successfully engage with their clients, sell their goods and services, andfind new business partners in real time anywhere in the globe through the creationof high-quality online advertisements, Internet publications, and other associatedactivities Businesses could be able to increase traffic and income in the long runby encouraging user involvement with the thematic content available to them.

In conclusion, digital marketing is essential for creating a successful modernfirm nowadays The number of people using digital media will increase, sobusinesses need to know where to advertise their company most effectively.

Companies that take advantage of expanding online audiences will grow muchfaster than their competition if they have a clear idea of upcoming digital and


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Search engine marketing (SEM) is the use of paid search tools to increase awebsite's visibility in search results and attract more relevant visitors Even thoughit is comparable to SEO in terms of boosting page rankings on search engines,SEM requires marketers to allocate money to search engines such as Google inorder to display content in the search results SEM makes effective use of acompany's marketing budget because marketers only pay for impressions thatgenerate visits An additional benefit of this method is that each user’s view raisesthe website's standing in organic search results Due to its success in giving theiradvertisement priority over others in search engines, SEM is thus frequently usedby numerous businesses with adequate financial resources However, SEMmarketers still have to find keywords that customers frequently look for and

naturally incorporate them into their digital content.

e Content marketing

According to the Content Marketing Institute, “Content marketing is themarketing and Business Process for creating and distributing relevant and valuablecontent to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood targetaudience - with the objective of driving profitable customer action” (Content


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Marketing Institute, 2015) Thus, the definition given by Sam Decker, CEO ofMass Relevance, is “content marketing is creating or curating non-product content

- be it informational, educational, entertaining, etc - and publishing it to contactpoints with customers to get their attention, to focus on the topic around your

solution, and pull them closer to learning more about you” (Content MarketingInstitute, 2015) It appears that content marketing seeks to increase brandawareness among the target segment and subsequently increase their loyalty to thebusiness through knowledge and education "Strong brands are based on a storythat communicates who the company is, authenticity is to communicate what youreally are" (Denning 2011, 163) As a result, the company's principles should bethe foundation of content marketing The longer formats of content marketingactivities include composing blogs, articles, and even electronic books, while theshorter formats include updates posted on social media sites such as Twitter andFacebook.

e« Email marketing

Basically, email marketing refers to direct marketing and digital marketingstrategies that utilize emails or other commercial communications to promote theproducts and services that businesses provide (Bala, 2018) Email marketing canbe a helpful tool to inform customers of the latest products and offers by integratinginto marketing automation efforts Email marketing, therefore, is believed to be anessential component of a comprehensive marketing strategy with the goals ofraising brand awareness, maintaining relationships with key clients, and keeping

them involved in transactions.

e Social media marketing

Adam Hayes (2022) defined social media marketing (SMM) as “The integrationof social networking sites - the platform that customers would use to expand theirsocial circle and share their experience - into branding, sales promotion and webtraffic increase.” The digital marketers who focus on using social media marketingmust create pertinent messages that satisfy the information demands of theconsumers as well as the social media platforms for which they are developed.Customer engagement in social media marketing is based on actively respondingin real-time to the questions and problems that customers post on interactive socialmedia sites such as Facebook and Twitter Besides, it is important to post varioustypes of social media messages in the form of text, pictures and video in

combination or singly depending on the platform However, it would be necessary


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for the content to be abundant and prominent since online users may have to beexposed to a range of adverts and contents on social media sites, leading to thepossible ignorance of tedious contents Hence, in order to captivate more clients

from these beneficial platforms, businesses should obtain better insight into the

utilization of social media.e Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process in which publishers gain a commission byadvertising a product or service made by another retailer or advertiser using anaffiliate link (Mark, 2022) A publisher, also referred to as an affiliate, can be eitheran individual or a business that successfully markets the seller's goods to potentialcustomers In other words, the affiliate advertises the product to persuadecustomers that it is worthwhile or advantageous to them and convince them to buythe product The affiliate could get a share of the revenue created if the customerdecides to purchase the item.

e SMS Marketing

According to Emily Polner (2023), short message service (SMS) marketing is atype of marketing that companies use to text clients with promotions In otherwords, SMS marketing and text marketing are equivalent SMS marketing is an

owned channel, just like email marketing This implies that marketers have totalcontrol over who receives SMS marketing messages, what content they choose toprovide, and when they decide to send it In comparison with emails, SMS

messages can be much more concise and likely to be engaged sooner.

e Viral marketing

"Viral" refers to something that widely spreads throughout the audience andbecomes popular due to its creativity Hence, viral marketing may be described asa marketing approach that involves captivating content that, as a result of itsoriginality, becomes well-known on internet platforms (Julia Kagan, 2022) It is

believed that social media has provided the optimal environment for it Currently,

there has been a growing number of businesses incorporating viral marketing intotheir marketing strategies because it might be not only cost-effective but also ableto create longer lasting effects on consumers than traditional advertising (Howard,

2.5 Brand awareness in Marketing


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Brand awareness might not only be an important factor making a business standout from others in the market, but also an effective profit generating tool As aresult, the majority of businesses, from small startups to enormous multinationals,

spend a lot of money trying to make their brands stick in the minds of their target

2.5.1 Definition of brand awareness

Brand awareness is considered as a means for people to be informed andaccustomed with a brand, as well as remember, and recognize a particular brand.(Gursoy et al., 2014, Jakeli and Tchumburidze, 2012, Lin, 2013).

According to Carol (2022), brand awareness refers to the extent to whichcustomers can identify a product by its name Customers' awareness of the brandshould ideally include positive opinions about the characteristics that distinguishthe product from its rivals.

According to WallStreetMojo - the premier source for data on marketing,finances and accounting, “Brand awareness is a measure of consumer’s brandrecall and brand recognition Evaluating and predicting consumer behavior is

required for brand management Therefore, brand awareness is the much-neededfeedback for the existing advertising and marketing campaigns”.

SendPulse - a multichannel marketing automation platform provided thedefinition of brand awareness as “A marketing term that refers to how easilypotential customers recognize and recall your products or services Brand

awareness is a key marketing concept and a primary goal of brand marketing”.2.5.2 Classification of brand awareness

e Brand recognition

Brand recognition is defined as customers' ability to differentiate one brandfrom another based on qualities is known as The idea of brand recognition isfrequently utilized in advertising and marketing It is considered effective whencustomers can recognize a brand by using aural or visual cues such taglines, logos,colors, packaging, or sound without being directly exposed to the name of thecompany (Will Kenton, 2022)

This type of brand identity only considers whether the client will recognize thebrand when it is introduced to them or while they are looking at the productpackaging It does not require customers to remember the brand name Therefore,


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this type of brand awareness is also called aided brand recall.e Brand recall

Brand recall, which is also known as unaided brand recall, is what links aproduct category and a brand together It is the possibility that consumers willrecall a brand, products, and services (Priyanka Somani, 2021) Brand recall canalso be defined as customers’ ability to remember brand names without prompting.

Strong brand recall may convert to substantial brand equity, where a well-knownbrand name leads to increasing market share since it is at the top of customers’

e Top of mind awareness

Top of mind awareness is an essential topic in marketing research When clientsare given an unprompted enquiry regarding a category, the first brand that comesto mind is considered as the one achieving top of mind awareness (Farris et al,2010) Top of mind awareness is a method of determining how highly rated a brandis in the minds of consumers Although not every consumer would link a specificbrand with a product, the results demonstrate which companies are most popular

in a given industry It is important to note that sometimes the first brand that comesto mind is one that people despise or that has just been involved in a scandal As a

result, top of mind awareness may have negative connotations Being “top ofmind,” however, is usually a significant benefit for businesses.

« Brand dominance

Customers are likely to have brand dominance when they can only think of onetrademark from any particular product category When a brand has such marketdominance, it becomes the product because purchasers associate it with the entireproduct category Customers may have confidence in the brand since they arefamiliar with its ambassador, advertising, and maybe the music played in theadvertisement.

2.6 Effectiveness of digital marketing tools usage on brand awareness

The shift in society's habit from offline to online purchasing has started to

produce a variety of consumer features that would eventually result in the creationof a digital society The advancement of marketing-related technology hasoccurred along with the advancement of digital technology made possible by the

internet A benefit of the advancing digital technology as well as societies based


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on sophisticated devices can be seen in the moving marketing efforts from theactual world to the virtual world Digital marketing is therefore regarded as theideal method for increasing brand awareness People actively seek out new

companies in their favorite digital areas, including search engines, social media,

and streaming entertainment Therefore, it is believed that brands should presenton these platforms in certain times, and they might utilize some of the followingtools:

e SEO: Search engine optimization may be used to assist customers locate theservices offered by a company since people use search engines to findinformation The brand may be exposed to a wider audience with greaterwebsite traffic, which would indicate that more people are aware of what itdoes The business could be on the way to better visibility in search engines byaligning and optimizing that content with keywords that match search intent.

e SEM: Paid advertising may be a useful channel to include in a company's

digital marketing plan if it wants to rapidly increase brand awareness Theymight start running sponsored advertisements on search (where ads only appearin search results), display (where ads appear on content customers are reading,

watching, or visiting), or social media Platforms will start displaying theiradvertising for certain groups or keywords as soon as they push the campaignlive (Sanders, 2021).

e Social media marketing: In the context of viral marketing, these servicescontribute to increasing brand awareness The information sent and encoded inmany forms of communication, such as pictures, words, poetry, music, lights,

and symbols, is known as a message Because the educational value of anadvertisement is crucial in determining its success, the target market and themedia types should be considered to decide on the proper language (Zernigahand Sohail, 2012) The message is described in terms of its expressiveness,variety, expressiveness, and substance While a good message could spread

exponentially, a non-exciting message in an advertising might ruin the entirecampaign.

e Email marketing: Individuals who open or do a particular action on acompany's email are the target audience for this kind of marketing campaign.They may already be interested in the company Businesses may use emailmarketing to promote this interest by providing consumers with the mostrelevant information based on their interests and thereby building customer


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e Content marketing: When put into practice, content marketing may raise abusiness's hit rate by up to 30% by increasing the possibility that someone whoviews their advertisement would become a customer (Putri, 2021) In order toachieve this, a business should provide information that is straightforward tocomprehend so that they could increase brand awareness (Renwarin, 2021).

According to Makrides (2020), marketing content is the second-most

significant factor that consumers take into consideration Digital media, suchas Facebook, should generally be utilized by businesses to enhance brandawareness and customer sensitivity to brands because it may promoteinteraction between customers and businesses.

2.7 The AIDA Model

The AIDA model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, wasinitially proposed by E St Elmo Lewis in 1898 This theory, created based onresearch into the life insurance sector, outlines the four stages of cognition that aperson experiences when they are exposed to new information or a newlypurchased item (Michaelson & Stacks, 2011).

According to Barry and Howard (2007), the AIDA model creates a four-stageformula to get attention, interest, desire, and action By controlling each stage ofthe psychological transformation starting at the individual level when someonesees an advertisement and ending with the buying decision made by the peopleinvolved, this model is very helpful in determining the effect of advertising(Kojima et al, 2010).

In order to thoroughly assess the digital marketing in Haidang Grouprestaurants, the researcher chose to use the AIDA model to show the technicalstatistics such as bounce rate, click through rate, conversion, and the number ofsocial media reaches The research utilized the Key Performance Indicators (KPI),developed by Flores (2014) for measuring the AIDA model in digital marketing.

Table 2.1: Summary of key performance indicators in stages of the AIDAmodel


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Attention Number of visitors

Interests Average duration of visit

Bounce rate

Desire Pages per visit

Action Click-through rate


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This chapter provides the situation of digital marketing usage at Haidang Grouprestaurants, analyzes the AIDA model, four components including content,popularity, users’ experience, customization and shows their effects on customers’

website: haidangplaza.com.vn and Facebook fan page:

facebook.com/haidangplaza Therefore, the author would utilize the AIDA modelto analyze the use of these two channels.

Table 3.1: Assessment of the website “haidangplaza.com.vn” through AIDAmodel in three months

December | January | February

Attention Number of visitors 9,100 10,400 7,800

Interests Average duration of 24s 26s 20s

Bounce rate 75.6% 73.7% 79.3%

Desire Pages per visit 2.35 2.50 2.27

Action Click-through rate 1.9% 1.9% 1.7%

Conversions 13% 14.6% 12.7%

The table shows information of the website’s figure based on the AIDA modelin three months from December 2022 Overall, it is clear that there werefluctuations in the number of visitors, average duration of visit, bounce rate To bemore specific, the number of website’s visitor witnessed a slight growth from9,100 in December 2022 to 10,400 in January 2023, before dropping significantly


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