It can beclaimed that food and beverage is one of the industries benefiting greatly from thedevelopment of the digital world, particularly now that widespread covid-19immunization appear
Effectiveness of digital marketing tools usage on brand awareness
The shift in society's habit from offline to online purchasing has started to produce a variety of consumer features that would eventually result in the creation of a digital society The advancement of marketing-related technology has occurred along with the advancement of digital technology made possible by the internet A benefit of the advancing digital technology as well as societies based
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C on sophisticated devices can be seen in the moving marketing efforts from the actual world to the virtual world Digital marketing is therefore regarded as the ideal method for increasing brand awareness People actively seek out new companies in their favorite digital areas, including search engines, social media, and streaming entertainment Therefore, it is believed that brands should present on these platforms in certain times, and they might utilize some of the following tools: e SEO: Search engine optimization may be used to assist customers locate the services offered by a company since people use search engines to find information The brand may be exposed to a wider audience with greater website traffic, which would indicate that more people are aware of what it does The business could be on the way to better visibility in search engines by aligning and optimizing that content with keywords that match search intent. e SEM: Paid advertising may be a useful channel to include in a company's digital marketing plan if it wants to rapidly increase brand awareness They might start running sponsored advertisements on search (where ads only appear in search results), display (where ads appear on content customers are reading, watching, or visiting), or social media Platforms will start displaying their advertising for certain groups or keywords as soon as they push the campaign live (Sanders, 2021). e Social media marketing: In the context of viral marketing, these services contribute to increasing brand awareness The information sent and encoded in many forms of communication, such as pictures, words, poetry, music, lights, and symbols, is known as a message Because the educational value of an advertisement is crucial in determining its success, the target market and the media types should be considered to decide on the proper language (Zernigah and Sohail, 2012) The message is described in terms of its expressiveness, variety, expressiveness, and substance While a good message could spread exponentially, a non-exciting message in an advertising might ruin the entire campaign. e Email marketing: Individuals who open or do a particular action on a company's email are the target audience for this kind of marketing campaign. They may already be interested in the company Businesses may use email marketing to promote this interest by providing consumers with the most relevant information based on their interests and thereby building customer
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C loyalty. e Content marketing: When put into practice, content marketing may raise a business's hit rate by up to 30% by increasing the possibility that someone who views their advertisement would become a customer (Putri, 2021) In order to achieve this, a business should provide information that is straightforward to comprehend so that they could increase brand awareness (Renwarin, 2021). According to Makrides (2020), marketing content is the second-most significant factor that consumers take into consideration Digital media, such as Facebook, should generally be utilized by businesses to enhance brand awareness and customer sensitivity to brands because it may promote interaction between customers and businesses.
The AIDA MOdel s.scsssssssssssssssscsssesssssssssesscsscsscssessssessensesssssssseessess 23
The AIDA model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, was initially proposed by E St Elmo Lewis in 1898 This theory, created based on research into the life insurance sector, outlines the four stages of cognition that a person experiences when they are exposed to new information or a newly purchased item (Michaelson & Stacks, 2011).
According to Barry and Howard (2007), the AIDA model creates a four-stage formula to get attention, interest, desire, and action By controlling each stage of the psychological transformation starting at the individual level when someone sees an advertisement and ending with the buying decision made by the people involved, this model is very helpful in determining the effect of advertising (Kojima et al, 2010).
In order to thoroughly assess the digital marketing in Haidang Group restaurants, the researcher chose to use the AIDA model to show the technical statistics such as bounce rate, click through rate, conversion, and the number of social media reaches The research utilized the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), developed by Flores (2014) for measuring the AIDA model in digital marketing. Table 2.1: Summary of key performance indicators in stages of the AIDA model model
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Interests Average duration of visit
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FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION cccssssssssssssessesssesscssesseses 25 3.1 Assessment of Haidang Group’s digital marketing platforms usage
Content aspects of “” website and Haidang 6/427/28020/420122770000000nẺ088
Figure 3.1: Content aspects of “” website and Haidang
9 6 6 0% 9 ứœ "HN N nhấn Se min
Information given Contents on these Contents on these These digital The language used Graphics attached about restaurants digital platforms _ digital platforms platforms provide inthe postsand ¡in each post and services on these are regularly are trustworthy me with the article is clear and article are relevant platforms is helpful updated products and understandable and appealing and relevant services information that | did not know before
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral MAgree Strongly Agree
The given bar chart illustrates the content performance of these two platforms.
In general, it seems that most of respondents are satisfied by the content Specifically, 69 and 77 percent of people showing agreement with the facts that the provided information on these sites is helpful and relevant and the language is clear and understandable Besides, the highest number of customers think that the content on the channels is trustworthy and they are informed with new information when visiting the channels, with 61 percent and 54 percent in turn.
On the other hand, a large number of customers do not agree that content on these digital platforms is regularly updated, as 38% of them stayed neutral, while 23% disagree and 7.8% strongly disagree with the statement Regarding attached graphics, half of the respondents choose “Neutral”, while about 30% of users agree and strongly agree that the graphics are relevant and appealing.
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Table 3.3: Descriptive statistics of content aspects of “” website and Haidang Group’s Facebook Statement N Mean St deviation
Cl | Information given about restaurants | 52 3.80 970 services on these platforms is helpful and relevant
C2 | Contents on these digital platforms | 52 2.92 082 are regularly updated
C3 | Contents on these digital platforms | 52 3.92 038 are trustworthy
C4 | These digital platforms provide me | 52 3.42 899 with the products and services information that I did not know before
CS | The language used in the posts and | 52 3.84 899 article is clear and understandable
Có | Graphics attached in each post and | 52 3.17 919 article are relevant and appealing
It can be seen from the table that there is no huge difference among the first group, including C3, C5 and Cl, which range from 3.92 to 3.8 This can be explained by the fact that the content is carefully checked and revised before publishing, in order to ensure that the information delivered to customers is precise and maintain the website credibility Apart from information about restaurant services, the website also has some articles about cuisines of different nations around the world, as well as some helpful cooking and dinning tips, which could assist customers in gaining basic understanding about cuisine and increase the website attraction to customers.
In addition, in terms of providing customers with product and service information, the platforms are functioning quite well with the figure is 3.42, as the company’s website contains various information about different products and services about the three restaurants However, the reason why this figure just stands in the fourth place might be explained when looking at C2 (mean = 2.92) Although the website is equipped with much information, most of the posts were updated a
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C few months ago and there are hardly any new articles about the company”s evenfs or promotions, while they have still been hosted This could make customers unaware of the company’s new information Regarding the attached graphics, there would be a need for Haidang to improve the use of these items, because the statement C6 seems not to receive much agreement from customers (mean = 3.17). The Facebook fan page sometimes uses low-quality images in the status or even the ones downloaded from Google with cutting Google lens symbol, causing some dissatisfaction for viewers.
To sum up, it seems that contents on the website and Facebook fan page perform quite well in terms of quality However, there might be a need for Haidang restaurants to regularly update their information on their website and carefully check the quality of pictures posted on social media platforms.
Users’ experience aspects of “” website and
Figure 3.2: Users’ experience aspects of “” website and
Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page
| think designs of the | find it easy to find | think the system is | think the platforms My desire to use platforms are information about stable and rarely run have high speed of Haidang restaurant professional and restaurant services in into errors processing information services is raised after | appealing the platforms visited these platforms
Strongly Disagree mTM Disagree Neutral MAgree mTMStrongly Agree
The given bar charts show data of the visitors’ opinions about the users , experience of the two digital marketing platforms Generally, many viewers show satisfaction while visiting the channels, as more than half of them think the design of the platforms are professional and appealing As for other statements, a large number of respondents choose “Agree”, for example, 40% of visitors think the
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C system is operating smoothly and they hardly get problems The professional design of the fan page also facilitates the information finding process of customers, with 40% of them agreeing that they can find the information easily.
A closer look at the chart reveals that there are still several problems related to the website This fact is shown by 30 percent of people choosing “Strongly Disagree” and “Disagree” with the statement “I think the system is stable and rarely runs into errors” In addition, the information processing speed of the channels might not be sufficient, as 38 percent of customers stay
“Neutral” and 15 percent of them disagree that the processing speed is sufficient. That could be the reason why 34 percent of users choose “Neutral” with the easy finding of information on the channels These problems could result in the fact that more than a half of respondents do not agree that their desire to take action is grown after viewing the sites.
Table 3.4: Descriptive statistics of users’ experience aspects of
“” website and Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page
UEI | I think designs of the platforms are | 52 3.40 919 professional and appealing
UE2 | I find it easy to find information | 52 3.09 963 about restaurant services in the platforms
UE3 |I think the system is stable and| 52 3.11 850 rarely run into errors
UE4 |I think the platforms have high| 52 3.33 843 speed of processing information
UES | My desire to use Haidang restaurant | 52 3.19 925 services is raised after I visited these platforms
In terms of users’ experience aspect, the figures seem not as high as content aspects, revealing that there might be some issues The designs of the platforms could be a strong point of the company, as the average answer of UE1 is 3.4, the highest number in the table This is understandable because the Marketing Department has hired some professionals to create the website, which has an eye-
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C catching design and clear layout The information about the three restaurant, Japanese, Seafood and Morning Star is separated into three sections, assisting the information finding process of users Each article about cuisine on the site is decorated with some vivid pictures about this the dishes, making it easier for viewers to envision their meals Nevertheless, there are still many users who do not agree that the processing speed of the website is high, as the mean of UE4 is 3.33 Apart from some issues related to the Internet connection, the website sometimes takes viewers a few more seconds to access a web page or an article. This could make them exist from the site and thereby not only lessen the duration of visiting but also increase the bounce rate of the platform, as the researcher mentioned earlier in this chapter The reasons behind this problem might be that the server of this website are still using codes that no longer appropriate with modern technological devices.
The problem could also be related to the disagreement of several customers in the statements UE3 and UE2, with the mean of 3.11 and 3.09 respectively In addition to the technical issues of the website, there are other concerns about the Facebook fan page While information on is organized logically, Hai Dang Plaza Facebook fan page seems to group these contents into one specific subject, causing several difficulties for customers to search information on this social networking site For example, when it comes to the topic of Japanese restaurants, Hai Dang Plaza is probably only going to post one status and not organize it into an album, which means that whenever users want to read all previous contents related to this topic, they might have to spend plenty of time scrolling down to find these contents that may have been posted months ago Combining with the misplaced “Call To Action” phrase in the posts’ captions, there are not many customers agree that their desire to use Haidang restaurant services is raised after viewing the site, with the mean of UES is just 3.19.
To sum up, 1n terms of user experience, Haidang Group has successfully created a straightforward layout and attractive design to draw the attention of customers However, the technical problems and information organization on social media should improved to enhance customers’ experience.
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3.2.3 Popularity aspects of “” website and Haidang Group’s Facebook
Figure 3.3: Popularity aspects of “” website and
Haidang Group’s Facebook fan page
When browsing the key word | regularly see advertisement | regularly see advertisement The numbers of followers and
“Restaurant in Hai Phong”.| about restaurants service of of Haidang as recommended _ interactions in Haidang’s find the information about Haidang when surfing digital backlinks when reading an digital platforms are great Haidang restaurants in the platforms article or posts about top results restaurants
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral MAgree Strongly Agree
The column charts show users’ opinion about the company’s website and Facebook fan page popularity Overall, in terms of appearing in the top results and numbers of followers and interactions, most of the visitors choose “Neutral” while the highest percentage of them disagree that they frequently see the restaurants’ advertisement To be more specific, regrading whether the customers see Haidang in the high ranking of Google when browsing the key word “Restaurant in Hai Phong”, although 21 percent of users agree with the statement, 36.5 percent of users stay “Neutral”, and a huge number of them say that they hardly see Haidang restaurants in the top results, as 27 and 13.5 percent choose “Disagree” and
Besides, the majority of viewers rarely see the company’s advertisement while surfing social media platforms, as 38.5% and 27% disagree and strongly disagree with the statement, and only 13.5% of the respondents reported that they usually see Haidang ads when using digital channels The similar pattern carries on the frequency of Haidang advertisement as recommended backlinks.
Another look at the chart shows that in terms of followers and interactions on social media, although a lot of customers think that the number is insufficient and
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36.5 percent of them choose “Neutral”, there is a more positive sign while 23 percent of them agree with the statement.
Table 3.5: Descriptive statistics of popularity aspects of
“” website and Haidang’s Facebook
PI | When browsing the key word| 52 2.63 833
“Restaurant in Hai Phong” I find the information about Haidang restaurants in the top results
P2 | I regularly see advertisement about | 52 2.25 1.059 restaurants service of Haidang when surfing digital platforms
Haidang as recommended backlinks when reading an article or posts about restaurants
P4 |The numbers of followers and| 52 2.73 899 interactions in Haidang’s digital platforms are great
It can be said that popularity is one of the greatest disadvantages of the company’s digital channels The highest figure lies in P4 with the mean of 2.73, much lower than in other aspects This can be explained by the fact that the company’s Facebook fan page has more than 11 thousand likes and followers, which can be considered as a fairly large number compared to other restaurants in Hai Phong, yet the total number of reactions, comments and shares of each post seems to be minor To be more specific, most of the status on the page in December and January just received 10 to 20 reactions, and there were almost no comments or shares The mentioned wording errors in posts’ caption along with the attached screenshots on Google images could be the reason of this insufficient interaction.
Ranking second in the table is P1 with the mean of 2.63 The cause of it can be deduced from the fact that, in spite of having fascinating and relevant content, Haidang Group's article and status appear to be lacking in keyword optimization, an essential element of SEO Their material may contain reliable information about
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C different products and services, but many important keywords that could help their website rank highly in search engine results may not be added or covered As a result, it is likely that customers who look for restaurant information in Hai Phong will first visit websites such as or rather than the Haidang website, leading to the loss of potential customers for the company.
RECOMMENDATIONS son He nen” 49 4.1 Recommendations for Haidang Gr0uD << 5< <5 55s sssssssss 49 4.2 Recommendations for Haidang Group’s Marketing Department 49 CONCLUUSIƠNN GHI CC HH HH 0 0000050050050 8500 52 REEFERENCES so 5 << HH HC HH HH HH 0000000090050 54 APPENDIYX -G-G SG SH 4 004.010.040 1000009600809080 57
This chapter indicates viable approaches to promote the digital marketing utilization to enhance customers’ brand awareness in Haidang Group restaurants. 4.1 Recommendations for Haidang Group e Recruiting more professional marketing employees
In order to response to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the restaurant industry, Haidang Group has implementd an employee reduction policy, which causes an absence of marketing personnel to operate various digital marketing tools However, after a number of travel and movement restrictions were loosened, the government of Viet Nam focused its efforts on recovering the country's economy, of which the business can now take advantage In order to give the marketing department a fresh atmosphere, the business needs to recruit more marketing personnel, particularly young people This is because they frequently provide the business with creative ideas that can be shared through the posts on social media or corporate websites Additionally, young people tend to approach various digital marketing platforms including TikTok or Facebook more easily compared to older age groups They can also think of a variety of creative advertising concepts that can draw in customers. e Raising the funds into digital marketing
Haidang Group currently uses websites and Facebook fan pages as two digital marketing platforms First, the business needs to focus more on sponsored advertising, one of the most popular marketing strategies The paid advertising campaigns of the company have just recently been initiated, so it is necessary for the employees to acquire related knowledge and skills in order to take full advantage of this strategy Then, it is advised that they allocate funds to additional digital marketing platforms such as email marketing in order to draw in more clients and increase sales returns.
4.2 Recommendations for Haidang Group’s Marketing Department e Improving the performance of “” website,
Facebook fan page and solving the current issues
Regarding the website, it can be suggested that Haidang Group should keep up their current eye-catching designs given the significant number of users who, as previously stated, have expressed interest in and satisfaction with this design.
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However, it is advised that the company increase the number of keywords in every post, article and properly distribute it It is also necessary for the website to include more important information such as the restaurants’ menu and price, which could increase the company’s credibility This improvement could also save customers’ and employees’ time as employees would not have to respond to customers’ questions individually Moreover, it might be necessary to lease or purchase a mordern, superior information processing server or new codes because they could make users experience the website and browse the abundance of informative content without being bothered by abrupt disconnections or long processing times.
A considerable issue that should be solved is the low level of interaction between admins and the website’s visitors The admins should pay more attention to responding to customers’ questions promptly, which can contribute significantly to the growth of customers’ satisfaction The Sales and Marketing department could consider installing chatbot that is able to answer question about basic products’ information automatically.
In terms of Facebook fan page, it could be a serious mistake not to focus on developing this type of social media This is because, in 2021, Statistia reports that more than 60% of marketers believe that using social media for digital marketing can boost sales and transform customers into devoted patrons of the business. Consequently, to increase interaction and performance on the Facebook fan page, the company should upload high-quality images with clear and attractive captions, as well as attach the company’s logo in the photos Regarding the captions of the posts, they have to be carefully checked to correct any wording errors and ensure that the key information is highlighted In addition, as mentioned above, the “Call to action” phrases should be placed suitably to stimulate customers’ actions. Moreover, the frequency of posts on this platform should be raised to announce more events and promotions to the public.
Another possible recommendation is that there should be different specific topics on the Facebook fan page, so that users can easily find out information about their desired products and services For example, posts about Japanese, Seafood and Morning Star restaurants should be separated into three different albums The company could also take advantage of satellite pages of the three restaurants to update their information, and the main fan page “Hai Dang Plaza” would share some important posts or status from those pages By achieving this, the company is likely to make customers aware of the satellite pages and widely popularize the
Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Anh - 11196219 - Business English 61C restaurants’ information such as events or promotions. e Assessing the influence of digital marketing platforms frequently
The growth of digital marketing has made it simple for businesses to target, monitor, test, and improve all of their marketing initiatives Therefore, over the past ten years, traditional media like print, TV, and radio advertising have steadily dropped in favor of trackable and results-driven digital marketing.
Therefore, it is advised that the business evaluate the performance of digital marketing applications on a regular schedule by checking a number of websites, including Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics This is so that the business can get an overview of which digital marketing tool is effective by looking at these data From there, they can suggest improvements for tools that might not draw in many users or boost the efficiency of ones that are probably going to perform well Additionally, the Marketing Department can gain valuable insight from analytics that will help staff to be more motivated to focus on creating captivating content for social media and websites.
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CONCLUSION ô Summary of the study.
The objective of this research is to look into the factors that influence the way Haidang Group uses digital marketing to provide restaurant services To be more precise, the study will identify factors influencing the use of digital marketing and their impact on consumers’ brand awareness, as well as suggest a number of feasible improvements.
According to the questionnaires, the respondents spend a significant amount of time looking up information on digital networks With the decline in the number of significant indexes it can be said that Haidang Group's use of digital marketing appears to be underperforming as shown by AIDA models Additionally, most respondents express satisfaction with the interesting and educational articles and posts on social media and business websites However, it appears that the content contains a number of errors and is not updated frequently, thereby decreasing the possibility that customers will convert their desire into action Regarding user experience, a simple layout and appealing design have successfully attracted customers’ attention, but the technical issues would prevent them from pleasantly experiencing it More interaction on social networking sites would also need to be noticed Most of the respondents concur that they can hardly be exposed to customer service teams, advertisement coverage, and backlinks when it comes to popularity aspects In addition, the Haidang Group would still need to develop technical abilities such as SEO if they wanted to push their websites to the top of search engine tools Aspects of customization have been shown to be successful in saved searches, but personalized services and individualized ads still require improvement Regarding the effects of digital marketing on enhancing brand awareness, there are some positive impacts at brand recall level However, the other three levels witness minor effects, which means that the digital marketing platforms are operating ineffectively in different aspects Hence, there would be need to improve users’ experience, popularity and customization aspects e Limitations of the study
The researcher has focused their efforts on identifying factors that influence how Haidang Group uses digital marketing for its restaurant services However, there are several inevitable restrictions.
First, because of limited resources and time, the research was only able to gather
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52 responses, which could keep the findings from being representative Second, there are several indications that the method questionnaire is complicated This is due to the fact that, despite being one of the most effective methods for gathering a large number of responses, the data gathered by the questionnaire survey may also be inaccurate and unreliable because many respondents may have answered the questions dishonestly due to their lack of involvement in the study's topic or their need to finish it as soon as possible Third, the Haidang Group's investigation into digital marketing platforms is restricted to websites and Facebook fan page.
As a result, it might not reflect the Haidang Group's overall use of digital marketing Lastly, the researcher did not separate the questionnaire into 2 sections, for the website and the Facebook fan page, which could create assumptions in the responses For example, while the content of the website is appealing, the fan page might not perform well in this aspect and the customers might be less likely to give exact answers. e Recommendations for future study
Using the previously mentioned drawbacks as a foundation, the researcher might propose some ideas for additional research It should act as a guide for researchers who aim to expand on this research in the future.
First, future researchers can study various customer groups to make the evaluation more accurate and helpful, In addition, rather than just distributing surveys via Google forms and conducting desk research, it would be preferable to take a more direct approach to better understand customer insights, such as conducting interviews As a result, the research is probably more credible and established.
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