Table of contentsIntroductionShort profile of company history, vision, mission and it’s productTarget market and target customer Objectives: make a research and analyze the consumer beha
Trang 1UNILEVER Group report
MKT 201 - Consumer Behavior Group 1 - MKT1725
Lecturer: Bui Thi Hanh Thao
Phan Hai Anh - HE172602 Nguyen Duc Anh - HE172153
Le Quoc Trung - HE170713
Ngoc Thuy Duong - HE172195
Nguyen Mai Dieu - HE173396
Nguyen Hoang Yen - HS170216
Survey form: video:
Trang 3Table of contents
Short profile of company (history, vision, mission) and it’s product
Target market and target customer
Objectives: make a research and analyze the consumer behaviour in
buying product of company.
4Ps Marketing strategy Analysis
Post purchase evaluation
Conclusion and recomnendation
5 10 15
16 42
47 49 51
61 70 78
Trang 4Introduction
Trang 5Company introduction
Unilever is a multinational corporation formed by the merger oftwo prominent companies, Lever Brothers from the UK andMargarine Unie from the Netherlands, in 1930 It specializes inproducing a wide variety of consumer goods, including fooditems, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, shampoo, and cosmetics The company's present headquarters is in London, England.Unilever has established itself as a known company working on aworldwide scale with a long history and experience in manyproduct categories
Trang 6Unilever Vietnam was established in 1995 as part of Unilever'soverarching strategy Over the years, it has emerged as one of themost successful investors in Vietnam, operating through twoentities: Unilever Vietnam Joint Venture Company, focusing onpersonal and household care products.
Since its inception, Unilever Vietnam has been committed toincreasing investments, expanding production and businessoperations, nurturing and developing its workforce, fosteringcollaboration with local enterprises, adhering to governmentpolicies, and actively contributing to community development
Since its establishment, Unilever has attained remarkableachievements both in the global market and specifically inVietnam The company has consistently delivered impressiveresults and numbers
Company introduction
Trang 7Leadership in sustainability
Purpose-led and future-fit model
Superior business performance
Goods for daily use
Various aspects of consumers’ lives
Positive effect on quality of life
Unilever’s corporate vision is “to be the global leader insustainable business We will demonstrate how our purpose-led,future-fit business model drives superior performance,consistently delivering financial results in the top third of ourindustry.” ( Unilever )
Company introduction
Trang 8Since Unilever entered the Vietnamese market in 1995, OMO hasbecome one of the most well-known brands among the company'sassortment of personal and home care goods It has establisheditself as a leading consumer brand in Vietnam.
OMO laundry detergent, made by Unilever, presently occupiesthe top spot in the consumer market in Vietnam, according todata from the Competition and Consumer ProtectionDepartment in 2020 It is acknowledged as the most reliablebrand throughout the entire nation, including North, Central,and South Vietnam
OMO holds the top position in the detergent market, making itthe number one brand in its category Impressively, every second,four packs of OMO are sold, highlighting its popularity andwidespread usage With such a significant market presence, OMOhas played a crucial role in cleaning the clothes of 44 millionVietnamese individuals on a daily basis
According to Euromonitor, a renowned UK market researchorganization, OMO has been the dominant force in the domesticmarket in Vietnam From 2008 to 2011, OMO consistentlymaintained an average market share of 65%
Company introduction
Trang 9OMO offers a diverse range of product models, which can becategorized into three main categories:
OMO laundry liquid detergent: This category includes variousformulations of liquid or powder laundry detergents designed toeffectively clean and remove stains from clothes
OMO washing power detergent: This category encompassesspecific variants or specialized formulations of detergent productsunder the OMO brand These variants may cater to specificneeds, such as sensitive skin or eco-friendly options
OMO washing capsule: This category comprises convenient andpre-measured washing tablets or pods that provide an easy andmess-free way to do laundry These tablets are designed to delivereffective cleaning results while ensuring convenience andsimplicity for users
Trang 10Target Market
Target Market: OMO's target market is families and individual consumers with daily laundry on globally OMO is aimed at consumers who care about washing and protecting their clothes OMO products are designed to meet a variety of laundry needs, from machine washing for everyday clothes to hand washing for specialty fabrics.
Trang 11The portrait of OMO's target customers can be described asfollows (The Investopedia Team):
Population size and density: OMO mainly attacks big cities andtowns throughout the country Because this is an attractive andprofitable market The population density in these areas isrelatively large, so the demand for washing powder is high Forrural areas, OMO didn't sell much because rural people tend touse products with super cheap prices (Vu Anh)
Age: All subjects have the need to use washing powder But stillmainly target customers 18 years or older, who are adults, havejobs, have a stable income or are married People under the age of
18 often do not care about washing powder because they are notdirectly responsible for doing laundry in the family Therefore,Omo's target audience is people aged 18 and over, especially from18-60 because those are the people who decide the brand ofwashing powder for household use
Gender: Includes both male and female However, the targetaudience is mainly housewife, who are the main decision makers
in choosing brands of consumer products for the family
Target Customer
Trang 12Income: The majority of OMO users are those with low averageincome, because OMO's products are cheap but have highcleaning efficiency.
Occupation: Omo often does not distinguish by profession, butthey often target people who work in dirty environments todemonstrate their outstanding cleaning skills such as mechanicalengineers, construction engineers
OMO's Family Life Cycle ranges from single people, marriedpeople, families with children, to the elderly because they are allpeople who need to use laundry products
Buying Behavior:
Shopping locations: OMO's target customers often buy products
at stores near their homes such as grocery stores, supermarkets,flea markets, etc
Shopping purpose: Most of the buyers are buying according tothe previous habit, when they have used and feel good with theOMO product and do not want to change to another brand Afew want to try and experience OMO products
Quantity and frequently purchased products: An average family
of 4 member often buy OMO Matic, which is a washing liquidwith a 4kg bag that can be used within 1 month
Target Customer
Trang 13On the other hand, according to the survey that weconducted, we can see that the urban living rate accounts for
a large number of up to 70.3% Fits pretty well with OMO'sTarget Customer as i mentioned above
Target Customer
With 54.5% of survey participants being men involved inbuying laundry detergent, it can be seen that male customersare also increasingly participating in housework activities, sothis is also the customer segment that OMO should payattention to in the near future
Trang 14And about 75% are low-income people because the people surveyed are mainly Students
Target Customer
Thus, it can be seen that OMO has successfully conquered the low-income group with cheap but highly effective products, which means that OMO's Price/Performance is highly appreciated
by students of FPT University.
Trang 15In the era of International Economic Integration, companiesrecognize that the survival of their goods depends on customerpreferences In Vietnam, there is fierce competition betweendomestic and imported goods, especially those produced bymultinational corporations like Unilever The consumer productsmarket in Vietnam is significant, with items like OMO washingpowder playing an essential role in the daily lives of Vietnamesecustomers.
In such a highly competitive industry, it is challenging for aproduct to differentiate itself, retain customers, and build trust
To address this, OMO has been developing marketing strategies,refining product features, and implementing effective advertisingcampaigns based on customer preferences, demographics, buyingtrends, brand loyalty, and usage behavior
The impact of customer behavior in buying OMO's productsforms the main focus of this report The report will help us toresearch and analyze the behavior of consumers in buying OMOproducts Understanding these customer behavior variables iscrucial for shaping OMO's marketing-mix strategies
Objectives: make a research and analyze the
consumer behaviour in buying product of company.
Trang 16Analysis about the current 4Ps Marketing strategy
The OMO brand has consistently made remarkable progress afterimplementing marketing and communication campaigns across theAsian market in general and Vietnam in particular
Trang 392/ Direct marketing
Omo also uses direct marketing channels about customers'income, customer care centers to advise and provide moreinformation about the company's promotions In addition,building sympathy with customers is also a factor for thecompany to score points with customers (Lương, 2022)
Promotion strategy
Trang 40Promotion strategy
4/ Sales promotion
In addition, OMO also
launched many promotions to
attract customers such as:
+Comes with practical gifts
such as pots, pans, plastic
buckets, dishes, hand sanitizer,
water bottles, etc with Omo
logo printed when buying its
washing powder and liquid
+Organize lucky draw
programs: Thousands of
attractive prizes both in cash
and valuables are given to
lucky customers
+Apply many discount codes,
discount combos for all OMO
home products when shopping
at e-commerce platforms
Shopee, Lazada, …
Trang 41Promotion strategy
Although consumer market trends havechanged a lot, OMO always knows how tocreate meaningful advertising content tosatisfy customers
Building trust and meeting all consumerneeds for detergent products has helpedOMO gain the highest market share in thehome and personal care market in Vietnam
Trang 42First of all about the product, 75% agree and strongly agreeabout the effective washing quality of OMO, only 2% disagree onthis issue 70% agree and strongly agree about safety when using.Only 10% do not like the scent of OMO, 6% are not satisfied withthe packaging of OMO, 6% disagree and strongly disagree withthe variety of products Thus, most users have a good view ofOMO's products However, OMO needs to look at the limitations
to improve the quality of washing, packaging, especially the scent
in its products to satisfy all customers
Primary research
Trang 43Regarding the cost of OMO, only 6% feel that the price of OMO
is not suitable for their income 47% feel that the price is normal,they seem to pay more attention to the quality of laundryproducts than the cost of the product Also 47% feel that it issuitable and very suitable for the price of OMO
For advertising and promotions, 5-6% of consumers feel thatOMO's promotions and advertisements are meaningless, they arereally dissatisfied with the quality of TVC as well as the wayOMO product information to consumers
Trang 44Regarding the cost of OMO, only 6% feel that the price of OMO
is not suitable for their income 47% feel that the price is normal,they seem to pay more attention to the quality of laundryproducts than the cost of the product Also 47% feel that it issuitable and very suitable for the price of OMO
For advertising and promotions, 5-6% of consumers feel thatOMO's promotions and advertisements are meaningless, they arereally dissatisfied with the quality of TVC as well as the wayOMO product information to consumers
Trang 45Regarding the distribution system, over 75% of consumers agreewith the convenience of buying OMO products, they can easilyaccess the product when they can buy it anywhere from markets,supermarkets to supermarkets small grocery stores This makes
a big impression on consumers Also shows the right move ofOMO in product distribution
Trang 47In fact, problem recognition occurs when we experience asignificant difference between our current state of affairs andsome state we desire It must be strong enough to trigger adecision (Solomon Michael, 2017)
In the case of laundry detergent, the consumer may becomeaware of a problem when their clothes are not coming clean;they are experiencing allergic reactions to the detergent theyare currently using; or they simply run out of detergent.According to survey data, 90% of consumers have the need tobuy laundry detergent when they need to wash their clothes
Problem Recognition
The first step of the consumer decision-making process isrecognizing the need for a service or product Needrecognition, whether prompted internally or externally, results
in the same response: a want (Lucid Content Team)
Trang 48Basic wants
From there, the basic wants for
washing powder are formed:
bright white, bactericidal,
fragrant, not harmful to hands,
saving water, convenient for
washing machines For men, a
clean shirt is enough But for
women, a shirt is not only
clean but also fragrant to be
OMO understands thatconsumers' problem whenwashing clothes is the desire
to wash quickly and cleanly,
so OMO's branding andcommunication methods alsoaim for that For example,OMO's slogan ‘S ch nhanhạvết b n c ng đ u ch trongẩ ứ ầ ỉmột l n gi t’ ầ ặ
Problem Recognition
Trang 49After a need is recognized, the prospective consumer may seekinformation to help identify and evaluate alternative products,services, and outlets that will meet that need Such informationcan come from family, friends, personal observation, or othersources, such as Consumer Reports, salespeople, or the massmedia Which sources are most important depends on theindividual and the type of purchase he or she is considering.(Andrea Niosi, 2021)
Consumers often engage in a
variety of information-seeking
activities before purchasing
laundry detergent The
information that consumers
search for is closely related to
their basic wants For example,
people interested in the effects of
bleach on health will tend to
research the composition of
washing powder
Information Search