Product:- Custom sneakers- Sneakers cleaning liquid- Specialised brush set for cleaning sneakers comb and brush- Wet wipes to clean sneakers- Waterproof nano spray- Sneaker deodorant spr
Tran Trieu Vi | Hoang Ngoc Ha | Vo Thi Uyen Nghi Hoang Trung Kien | Le Trung Tin | Nguyen Nha Quynh
Trang 3I Introduction: 4
II Product plan, marketing plan, management plan, operating plan 5
3.2.6 Net Present Value, Internal rate of return, Payback Period, Discounted
Trang 4I Introduction:
1.1 Business name and slogan
- Name: Shoenique
- Slogan: Use Shoenique, Be Unique
1.2 Form of Business Organisation
1.3 Location
Headquarter: 2 D1, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City
1.4 Main services
Providing sneaker customizing
1.5 Mission and vision
- Mission: The mission of Shoenique is to provide consumers around Vietnam withreasonable, stylish, unique sneaker customization for every kind of sneakers
- Vision: Shoenique’s vision is to become a leading brand in Vietnam for sneakercustomization by achieving our goals
1.6 Founding members
- Tran Trieu Vi
- Vo Thi Uyen Nghi
- Hoang Ngoc Ha
- Nguyen Nha Quynh
- Hoang Trung Kien
- Le Trung Tin
Trang 5II Product plan, marketing plan, management
plan, operating plan
2.1 Product/ Service Plan:
2.1.1 Product:
- Custom sneakers
- Sneakers cleaning liquid
- Specialised brush set for cleaning sneakers (comb and brush)
- Wet wipes to clean sneakers
- Waterproof nano spray
- Sneaker deodorant spray
- Combo sneaker cleaning (including shoe cleaning liquid, brush set dedicated
we will provide a custom 3D sample for users They can then choose tochange the colour, remove or add details on the manuscript
+ For Self Design, users will enter their shoe brand, the website willprovide a 3D model of the shoe form, users will be provided with aselection of 24 colours, they can draw on this model or use evocativetextures ideas on the web to complete their manuscript
+ In case the customer's shoe models are not on the website, thecustomer can call the hotline number on the web, chat directly with the
Trang 6support staff on the website and fanpage on Facebook to receivesupport and advice Customers will then be asked to submit pictures oftheir shoes If it is a custom shoe model, the customer can send theshoe to the store, we will use a 3D form scanning device and then thecustomer can go through the custom options on the website.
+ Extended options: Customers can contact consultants through thewebsite for design support
2 After completing the custom draft on the website, the custom staff will draw onthe shoes based on the submitted draft
Shoes cleaning liquid (100ml) 100.000/bottle
Shoes cleaning kit (Brush and Cloth) 150.000/packet
Wet wipes for cleaning shoes 30.000/packet
Cleaning combo kit (shoes cleaning liquid & shoes
cleaning kit)
Shoes Protective Nano Coating (200 ml) 450.000/bottle
Shoes Deodorize (150 ml) 150.000/bottle
Sneaker custom services 300.000 ~ 1.200.000
Trang 7Waterproof nano spray 50,000
Shoe cleaning combo (Washing, drying,
deodorizing, water-resistant nano spray)
+ Value: Helping customers own unique shoes with personal style
- Geographic: 5km radius from the shop's address
2.2.2 Advertising: Traditional Advertising:
- Advertising a bespoke shoe shop through store decor is a reasonablysuccessful type of advertising when it comes to doing business Maintain thestore's aesthetic to entice customers to shop, and create a dynamic
environment with unique clothing
- Through signs and slogans: Promote the brand by creating eye-catching storesignage, in addition to combining classic advertising methods such as printingflyers and catalogues and distributing them in congested areas or officezones
Trang 8- Word of mouth marketing is a cost-free method of product promotion thatyields unexpected outcomes Take advantage of relationships such as familyand friends, or ask satisfied customers to submit reviews, comments, andrecommendations about your products and services. Digital Advertising:
a Social media advertising:
- Top social networks as a good foundation for custom shoe business:+ Facebook: Online marketing tools are developing and supporting userswith many utilities Advertising on Facebook through the form ofpay-per-click advertising, display advertising, article advertising, quickly helps you attract customers Conduct Facebook ads to optimisecosts and bring efficiency
+ Zalo, Instagram, : In addition to facebook, post product images onother social networking sites such as Zalo Page, Instagram, to attractmore customers' attention With these channels, use well-groomed andprofessionally invested product images to create attraction andimpression
+ Forums: Register to advertise in the form of articles or product images
on forums with many potential customers Or posting information,articles about shops and products
+ Tiktok: Set up a Tik Tok channel to make content about new customproducts, advertise on KOL's links
- Using celeb, KOL is suitable for the dynamic, unique and personalityimage of the brand such as: Quang Dang, Chau Bui, Fabo Nguyen,
to support in terms of image and communication for the product as well
as trademark
b Advertising on searching tools (Google, Coc Coc, Opera, Youtube,
…): Search Ads, Display Ads,
c Website advertising: Suggest custom shoe models, promotions onthe Website homepage
Trang 9+ Custom employee: 2 people
+ Customer Service EmployeesEmployees: 2 people
+ Shoes Cleaning Employees: 2 people
2.4 Operating Plan:
The business will start to operate from 8am - 18pm for a whole week
and will work with two models online and offline, with the following working process:Offline:
- Customers' orders will be taken at the registration table
- Each orders will be written down as a receipt for each customers in order forthe employees not mistaken the customers order
- We will give comfort to customers by providing air conditioners and seats forclients to wait while their order is being processed in order to improve thequality of our company' customer services
- After that, employees begin to customise the sneakers, and depending on thetypes of sneakers and designs provided by the clients, each order will take 1
Trang 10- Employees begin to customise the sneakers
- After finishing the customise process, the sneakers will be packaged anddelivered to the address that the customers have provided
2.4.2 Business property:
The property will have an area of 45m, situated at 2 D1, Ward 25, Binh ThanhDistrict, Ho Chi Minh City, a location in the centre of HCM, with a monthly rent of 10million, and the reason we choose this location involves many factors:
+ The stores can attract more customers, raise the potential to grow of our store+ Our services can easily reach our customers due to the convenience of ourlocation
+ The living costs of the location is suitable for the cost of our service
+ The security of the location is considered very high, lowering the risks ourstore may face
+ Arrange the LED lighting system in the shop, to highlight customised products
of the business, to show customers the products of our brand
Trang 11+ Shoe protective coating
+ Cardboard box
+ Silk shoe bag
+ Paper shoe bag
+ Cardboard paper (used to print card visits, warranty cards, …)
2.4.3 Production:
Each steps to custom the products that the customers required is:
+ Employees begin to receive the sneakers from the customers
+ The sneakers then being clean by the vacuum cleaning machine and shoescleaning machine
+ After being hygiene, the sneakers will be put in the customise machine,employees then choosing the sneakers model and design based on the order+ The machine will doing the process in 2 hours based on the model and design
of the order
+ After the customization stage is done, employees begin to apply protectivecoating to the sneakers
+ The sneakers will be packaging in Shoenique box and bag
+ The order will be deliver to the address that the customers provide in theirorder
The time frame of the production stage will vary, depending on the models ofsneakers, the design and the number of sneakers the services receive in a day,usually the time will take 2 hours max, with the help of 2 customised machines, for 1day, we can customise from 12 of sneakers
2.4.4 Delivery services:
After completing the custom process, we support home delivery service forcustomers The price for the transportation is 8000 VND / 1 km In addition, orderswithin 5km will be free shipping
2.4.5 Warranty
Customers will be warranted for 3 months from the date of service purchase
Trang 12The following cases will be warranted:
- Colour on shoes is fading
- The shoes are discoloured without impact
III Financial plan
3.1 Capital Expenditures
3.1.1 Customization equipment expenses
Shoe washing machine 8,000,000 3 24,000,000
Sterilisation and drying
cabinet for Shoes SK
Trang 133.1.3 Depreciation and salvage value
Trang 14● Other sources of capital: None
The capital structure of the project:
Equity (own capital) with a cost of capital (rE) of 15%, accounting for 40% ofinvestment capital
Loans at TPbank (Tien Phong Bank) with loan interest rate (rD) of 11% per year,accounting for 60% of investment capita
Capital Structure
Particulars Amount
Percentage ofTotal
Cost ofcapital WACC
Trang 153.2.1 Debt repayment schedule
In order to ensure that there is enough funding to carry out and maintain operations,the project investor needs to borrow an additional VND 900,000,000 from the bank,with an interest rate of 11%/year, a 5-year loan term, and a payment method Theprincipal is equal, the interest is according to the decreasing balance
Debt repayment schedule
Total repayment 239,400,000 219,600,000 199,800,000Principal repayment 180,000,000 180,000,000 180,000,000Interest payments 59,400,000 39,600,000 19,800,000
3.2.2 Revenues:
- In the Binh Thanh district of Ho Chi Minh City, there are many high schools,colleges, universities, and companies, so the number of students and workingpeople aged 15–30 has a great demand for cleaning services and shoe care
At this age, young people always want to express themselves, their style andpersonality The shoe custom service will help you satisfy those desires Thiswill be the main customer, the potential customer with abundant demand for
Trang 16the project "Shoenique'' Lovers put their ego into the shoes they are wearingthrough their styled images that express their personalities and favorite colorspainted on their shoes I love polishing I polish all the stains on your oldshoes, or simply love to explore and experience new services.
- Analysis of input needs and assurance solutions:
+ The number of sanitary shoes in the first year of operation is 7,560 pairs/year,equivalent to 630 pairs/month The number of sanitary shoes increases in thefollowing years of operation
+ The number of custom shoes in the first year of operation is 168 pairs/year,equivalent to 14 pairs/month The number of sanitary shoes will increase inthe following years of operation
- The project revenues and expenses in the time given are forecasted based onthe number of target customers that were analysed above Revenue andexpenses each year are based on how many products or services are sold, aswell as how much they cost and how much they cost
- In addition, we also trade in additional services and by-products, revenueestimates for these by-products and services are as follows:
3.2.3 Forecast revenues:
YEAR 1Product/Service Price Unit Quantity Revenues
ProductsShoes cleaning liquid (150ml) 100,000 bottle 700 70,000,000Shoes cleaning kit (Brush and
Wet wipes for cleaning shoes
Cleaning combo (shoes
cleaning liquid & shoes
Shoe protective nano coating
Shoes Deodorise (150 ml) 150,000 bottle 350 52,500,000
Trang 17Remove yellow stains 120,000 a pair 1200 144,000,000Remove mold, body stains 100,000 a pair 1000 100,000,000Waterproof nano spray 50,000 a pair 1800 90,000,000Revenue from canvas sports
(Washing, drying, deodorizing,
water-resistant nano spray) 120,000 a pair 700 84,000,000
YEAR 2Product/Service Price Unit Quantity Revenues
ProductsShoes cleaning liquid (150ml) 100,000 bottle 1050 105,000,000Shoes cleaning kit 150,000 packet 204 30,600,000Wet wipes for cleaning shoes
Cleaning combo (shoes
cleaning liquid & shoes
Shoe protective nano coating
Shoes Deodorise (150 ml) 150,000 bottle 525 78,750,000
ServicesRemove yellow stains 120,000 a pair 1700 204,000,000Remove mold, body stains 100,000 a pair 1200 120,000,000Waterproof nano spray 50,000 a pair 2000 100,000,000Revenue from canvas sports
Trang 18Shoe cleaning combo
(Washing, drying, deodorizing,
water-resistant nano spray) 120,000 a pair 1050 126,000,000
YEAR 3Product/Service Price Unit Quantity Revenues
ProductsShoes cleaning liquid (150ml) 100,000 bottle 1260 126,000,000Shoes cleaning kit 150,000 packet 245 36,750,000Wet wipes for cleaning shoes
Cleaning combo (shoes
cleaning liquid & shoes
Shoe protective nano coating
Shoes Deodorise (150 ml) 150,000 bottle 630 94,500,000
ServicesRemove yellow stains 120,000 a pair 2040 244,800,000Remove mold, body stains 100,000 a pair 1500 150,000,000Waterproof nano spray 50,000 a pair 2250 112,500,000Revenue from canvas sports
(Washing, drying, deodorising,
water-resistant nano spray) 120,000 a pair 1030 123,600,000
Trang 19Product/Service Price Unit Quantity Revenues
ProductsShoes cleaning liquid (150ml) 100,000 bottle 1470 147,000,000Shoes cleaning kit 150,000 packet 286 42,900,000Wet wipes for cleaning shoes
Cleaning combo (shoes
cleaning liquid & shoes
Shoe protective nano coating
Shoes Deodorise (150 ml) 150,000 bottle 735 110,250,000
ServicesRemove yellow stains 120,000 a pair 2560 307,200,000Remove mold, body stains 100,000 a pair 2080 208,000,000Waterproof nano spray 50,000 a pair 2810 140,500,000Revenue from canvas sports
(Washing, drying, deodorizing,
water-resistant nano spray) 120,000 a pair 722 86,640,000
YEAR 5Product/Service Price Unit Quantity Revenues
ProductsShoes cleaning liquid (150ml) 100,000 bottle 1330 133,000,000Shoes cleaning kit 150,000 packet 258 38,700,000Wet wipes for cleaning shoes
Cleaning combo (shoes 220,000 combo 1368 300,960,000
Trang 20cleaning liquid & shoes
(Washing, drying, deodorizing,
water-resistant nano spray) 120,000 a pair 1330 159,600,000
3.2.4 Operating Expenses
Operating Expenses: (Year 1)
List Cost-per-unit Quantity Total Cost
Trang 21Bleach (bottle) 50,000 366 18,300,000
Wet wipes for cleaning shoes 24,000 366 8,784,000Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 483 86,940,000Shoe Cleaning Liquid: 70,000 483 33,810,000
Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 1080 194,400,000
Trang 22List Cost-per-unit Quantity Total Cost
Wet wipes for cleaning shoes 24,000 483 11,592,000Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 483 86,940,000Shoe Cleaning Liquid: 70,000 658 46,060,000
InventoryShoe Cleaning Liquid 70,000 1050 73,500,000Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 900 162,000,000
Trang 23Customer Service Employees 5,500,000 2 132000000
Operating Expenses: (Year 3)
List Cost-per-unit Quantity Total Cost
Wet wipes for cleaning shoes 24,000 590 14,160,000Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 590 106,200,000Shoe Cleaning Liquid: 70,000 762 53,340,000
Shoe Protective Nano Coating 180,000 1296 233,280
Wet Wipes for cleaning shoes 24,000 3647 87,528