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group assignment mas202 topic multivariate regression analysis

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The study aims to determine the significance and relativeimportance of these factors to pupil, students are gen Z consumers, and provideinsights and recommendations for local fashion bra

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Group Assignment [MAS202]

TOPIC: Multivariate regression analysis

Student NameParts in-charge

Percentage ofcontribution

*Châu Huỳnh Khánh Long

CE171119Abstract, Frame work25%Hà Lam Thanh CS170419Research design25%Lê Hồng Ngọc CS171525Data analyze25%Nguyễn Thị Kim Thoa

Total: Multivariate regression

Cần Thơ, 06/2023

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

I Abstract 3

II Framework 3

III Research Design 4

1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 4

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I Abstract

The objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the buyingdecisions of pupil, students are gen Z in the city of Can Tho towards local fashionbrands in Vietnam The study aims to determine the significance and relativeimportance of these factors to pupil, students are gen Z consumers, and provideinsights and recommendations for local fashion brands to better meet the needs andpreferences of their target consumers Concise statement of method: The study used aquantitative research method, specifically a survey questionnaire, to collect data froma sample size of 108 pupil, students are gen Z consumers in Vietnam The surveyquestionnaire included questions related to the factors that influence their buyingdecisions, such as product quality, brand image, price, nation spirit, and perceivedquality Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and multipleregression analysis to determine the relationship between these factors and pupil,students are gen Z buying behavior Summary of key findings: The study found thatproduct quality and brand image were the most important factors influencing GenZbuying decisions towards local fashion brands in Vietnam Price and social mediainfluence also played a significant role, while personal values had a relatively minorimpact on their buying behavior The study also revealed that GenZ consumers werewilling to pay a premium for local fashion brands with good quality and positive brandimage In addition, social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram werefound to be effective in promoting local fashion brands to pupil, students are gen Zconsumers Conclusion and recommendations: Based on the findings, the studyconcludes that local fashion brands in Vietnam should focus on improving productquality and building a positive brand image to attract and retain pupil, students are genZ consumers They should also leverage social media platforms to engage with theirtarget audience and promote their products effectively In addition, local fashionbrands should consider pricing their products appropriately to appeal to the price-sensitive pupil, students are gen Z consumers Finally, the study recommends thatfurther research be conducted to explore the factors influencing pupil, students are genZ buying decisions towards international fashion brands in Vietnam

II Framework

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III Research Design

1 Sample Selection and Data Collection

In this study, the fashion industry was chosen A questionnaire was distributedat random by sent online questionnaire student of genders, ages, incomes, educations,and occupations For this study, 201 questionnaires were returned, with 154 used in thepilot test to ensure questionnaire rationality and 108 used in the formal test to revealrelationships between variables The results of an independent sample t-test on theindividual descriptive statistics of the sample revealed that p > 0.05, indicating thatthere were no significant differences in the covariates (e.g., genders, ages, incomes,educations, and occupations) and that there was no response bias in the questionnairesample The scales were all written in English and then translated into Vietnameseusing both forward and reverse translations.

2 Measurement Tools

In this study, a more mature scale was used to ensure the questionnaire'sreliability and validity, and the scale was modified to account for the survey's context.The specific scale items, as well as relevant references, are listed in Table 1 All eightvariables were evaluated using a 7-point Likert scale, with 1 indicating “totallydisagree” and 7 indicating “totally agree.” To avoid the influence of other controlvariables, genders, ages, incomes, educations, and occupations were chosen ascovariates in this study, with gen Z, gender, occupations, education treated as dummyvariables and the other variables treated as continuous variables.

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IV.DTable 1

personality and style of thefounder.

NS3 Local fashion products that reflectthe uniqueness of the locality.

Brand images

BI1 I noticed that domestic fashionbrand is fashion.

Wijayaningtyas,M., Wibowo, W.,

& Lukiyanto, K.(2022)BI2

I find that the prices of local brandfashion products are in line with

product quality and consumerexpectations.BI3

I see that the products of thedomestic fashion brand have adifferent design from other brands.

Product quality

PrQ1 I find the quality of domestic brand

fashion to be durable Wijayaningtyas,M., Wibowo, W.,& Lukiyanto, K.

(2022)PrQ2 I find the domestic fashion brand

to have handy design and features.PrQ3

I find that the design of thedomestic fashion brand is modern,

elegant and comfortable to use.

& Lukiyanto, K.(2022)P2

I find the material quality of thelocal fashion brand products to

match the offered price.P3

I am interested in the promotionalprice (discount) of the local fashion

P4 I would buy local fashion brandwhen is low-cost

PcQ1 Reliable quality domestic clothingproducts.

Wijayaningtyas,M., Wibowo, W.,& Lukiyanto, K.

(2022)PcQ2 Local clothing products have good

durability.PcQ3 Local clothing products have avariety of designs.PcQ4 I appreciate the quality of local

& Lukiyanto, K.(2022)BD2 I bought a local brand productbecause it suits my taste

BD3 I bought a local brand productbecause of good reputation

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ata analyze1 Pilot Test

It is necessary to carry out the pilot test in order to guarantee questionnairerationality In the pilot test, 108 valid questionnaires were collected through variousstyle.

2 Formal test

SPSS version 24.0 is used in this chapter to analyze data from 108 validquestionnaires collected as samples To begin, descriptive statistical analysis is used toexplain the basic information provided by the respondents Regression analysis and themediation effect test were used to put the hypothesis to the test.

3 Descriptive Statistics

A descriptive statistical analysis was performed on the demographic variableinformation of 108 valid samples, and the gender, age, education, income, andoccupation were summarized to gain a preliminary understanding of the respondents'basic information distribution.

The table provides data on various variables, including Generation Z, Gender,Knowledge of Local Fashion, Used to Use Local Fashion, Occupation, Education, andIncome Let's analyze the table and summarize the insights in paragraph form Thegender distribution among the respondents shows that out of the total participants, 41individuals (38.00%) identified as male, while 67 individuals (62.00%) identified asfemale This indicates a higher proportion of female respondents, suggesting a greaterinterest in local fashion among women All 108 respondents (100.00%) belong toGeneration Z, indicating that the surveyed population consists entirely of individualsfrom this generation Moreover, all participants stated that they have knowledge oflocal fashion, highlighting a good understanding of local fashion trends within thesurveyed population In terms of past usage, all 108 respondents (100.00%) havepreviously used local fashion, indicating a prior experience with local fashionproducts This suggests a familiarity and engagement with the local fashion scene.When considering occupation, the surveyed population consists of 25 individuals(25.10%) who are pupils and 83 individuals (74.90%) who are students This impliesthat the majority of respondents are students, with a smaller proportion being pupils Itcan be inferred that the survey targeted individuals primarily in an educational setting.Looking at education, 2 individuals (1.90%) are high school graduates, while 106individuals (98.10%) have pursued or are pursuing higher education at the universitylevel This indicates that the majority of the respondents have completed or are engagedin university education The surveyed population is generally well-educated Regardingincome distribution, the majority of respondents fall into the income range of under 5million VND to 10 million VND Specifically, 31 individuals (28.70%) have an income

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under 5 million VND, 64 individuals (59.30%) have an income between 5 million and10 million VND, and the remaining respondents have higher income levels Thissuggests that the surveyed individuals generally have moderate incomes Conclusion,the analysis of the table indicates a higher proportion of female respondents withinGeneration Z, showcasing a strong interest in local fashion among women Thesurveyed population is knowledgeable about local fashion, has prior experience usinglocal fashion products, and primarily consists of students pursuing higher education.Most respondents have moderate income levels These insights provide valuableinformation for understanding the preferences and demographics of the surveyedpopulation in relation to local fashion.


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Regression analysis could not only be used to reveal the relations amongvariables, but also confirm whether the hypothesis could be supported or not In thissection, the independent variables are sequentially added to the model for regressionanalysis through stepwise analysis This section analyzes the role of independentvariables on the dependent variable and the change in the interpretation of independentvariables on the dependent variable to explore the role of variables Two regressionmodels on the topic are as follows is Buying decision, is the intercept, is theindependent coefficient and is the residue.

Model 1a: BD= 0.289+0.073+0.086BI+0.222PrQ+0.532P+0.168PcQ+Modeal 1b: BD= 0.066NS+0.088BI+0.233PrQ+0.379P+0.199PcQ+

Model 1

Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficient

Standard error

Variables and Interpretations:

Nation Spirit (NS): The coefficient (B) for NS is 0.073 with a standard error of

0.077 The beta value (0.066) suggests a small positive effect of Nation Spirit on thebuying decision However, the t-value (0.946) indicates that this effect is notstatistically significant (p > 0.05) The low VIF (1.223) indicates that Nation Spiritdoes not suffer from severe multicollinearity issues with other independent variables.

Brand Image (BI): The coefficient (B) for BI is 0.086 with a standard error of

0.090 The beta value (0.088) suggests a small positive effect of Brand Image on thebuying decision However, similar to Nation Spirit, the t-value (0.963) indicates thatthis effect is not statistically significant (p > 0.05) The VIF (1.079) suggests nosignificant multicollinearity concerns with other variables.

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Product Quality (PrQ): The coefficient (B) for PrQ is 0.222 with a standard

error of 0.093 The beta value (0.233) indicates a moderate positive effect of ProductQuality on the buying decision The t-value (2.383) shows that this effect isstatistically significant (p < 0.05) The VIF (1.373) indicates no significantmulticollinearity concerns with other variables.

Price (P): The coefficient (B) for P is 0.532 with a standard error of 0.152 The

beta value (0.379) suggests a moderate positive effect of Price on the buying decision.The t-value (3.498) indicates that this effect is statistically significant (p < 0.001) TheVIF (1.909) suggests no significant multicollinearity concerns with other variables.

Perceived Quality (PcQ): The coefficient (B) for PcQ is 0.168 with a standard

error of 0.080 The beta value (0.199) indicates a small positive effect of PerceivedQuality on the buying decision The t-value (2.104) shows that this effect isstatistically significant (p < 0.05) The VIF (1.227) indicates no significantmulticollinearity concerns with other variables.

Interpretation and Conclusion:

From the regression analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:Nation Spirit (NS) and Brand Image (BI) do not have a statistically significanteffect on the buying decision This suggests that consumers' attachment to their nationor the image associated with the brand does not strongly influence their decision topurchase the product.

Product Quality (PrQ) has a statistically significant and moderately positiveeffect on the buying decision This implies that as the perception of product qualityincreases, consumers are more likely to make a purchase decision.

Price (P) has a statistically significant and moderately positive effect on thebuying decision This suggests that as the price of the product increases, consumers'likelihood of making a purchase decision also increases.

Perceived Quality (PcQ) has a statistically significant and small positive effecton the buying decision This indicates that as consumers' perception of the product'squality improves, their probability of making a purchase decision increases.

It's important to note that these conclusions are specific to the variables anddata provided in the regression model Other factors not included in the model mayalso impact the buying decision Therefore, further analysis and consideration ofadditional variables and data are recommended for a comprehensive understanding ofthe factors influencing buying decisions.

RR Square Adjusted RSquare

Std Errorof theEstimate

Durbin-SquareSig FChang

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a 0.589 0.569 63.964 0.589 0.000 1,902Variables and Interpretations:

R (Multiple Correlation Coefficient): The value of R in Table 2 is 0.768a The

multiple correlation coefficient represents the strength and direction of the linearrelationship between the independent variables (NS, BI, PrQ, P, and PcQ) and thedependent variable (Buying decision) However, without additional information aboutthe "a" notation, it is difficult to provide a detailed interpretation If you have anyadditional instructions or information about the notation, please provide them.

R Square (Coefficient of Determination): The R Square value in Table 2 is

0.589 This value indicates that approximately 58.9% of the variance in the buyingdecision can be explained by the independent variables (NS, BI, PrQ, P, and PcQ) Inother words, these variables collectively account for about 58.9% of the variabilityobserved in the buying decision.

Adjusted R Square: The Adjusted R Square value in Table 2 is 0.569 This

value takes into account the number of predictors and the sample size to adjust the RSquare value It represents the proportion of the variance in the buying decision that isexplained by the independent variables, considering the complexity of the model Inthis case, approximately 56.9% of the variability in the buying decision is accountedfor by the independent variables after adjusting for the model's complexity.

Std Error of the Estimate: The Std Error of the Estimate in Table 2 is 63.964.

This value represents the standard deviation of the residuals, which is an estimate ofthe average distance between the observed values of the dependent variable (Buyingdecision) and the predicted values from the regression model A lower value of thestandard error indicates a better fit of the model to the data, suggesting that thepredicted values are closer to the actual values.

R Square Change: The R Square Change value in Table 2 is 0.589 This value

represents the increase in the R Square value when adding the independent variables(NS, BI, PrQ, P, and PcQ) to the model It shows the incremental contribution of thesevariables to the explanation of the variability in the buying decision.

Sig F Change: The Sig F Change value in Table 2 is 0.000 This value

represents the statistical significance of the overall regression model A very low value (such as 0.000) indicates that the regression model, including the independentvariables (NS, BI, PrQ, P, and PcQ), is highly significant in explaining the variabilityin the buying decision It suggests that the independent variables together have asignificant impact on the buying decision.

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 14:59