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group assignment ii influencing factors of employees green behavior in hanoi vietnam

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I.Literature reviewThis study proposes that Corporate social responsibility CSR, Green humanresource management GHRM, Green leadership and management, Green training,Green washing impact

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Group 2:

Vũ Thị Phương Anh HA 160090 Lê Thị Tú Uyên HA 160092Vũ Thị Thanh Tâm HS 163078Phạm Thị Hoài Linh HS 160288Đinh Thuý Làn HS 160407—-

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Table of ContentsI Literature review

1 Employee’s green behavior2 Corporate social responsibility 3 Green human resource management4 Green leadership and management5 Green training

6 Greenwashing

II References

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I.Literature review

This study proposes that Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Green humanresource management (GHRM), Green leadership and management, Green training,Green washing impact Employee’s green behavior.

1 Employee’s green behavior

Employee green behavior refers to actions undertaken by employees thatcontribute positively to the environment (Ahmed et al., 2020) These actionsencompass various practices aimed at promoting environmental sustainability withinthe workplace, such as recycling, resource conservation, active participation inenvironmental initiatives, and advocating for the adoption of more sustainable policies(Su & Swanson, 2019) Katz et al (2022) indicated that Employee Green Behavior(EGB) is the scalable actions and behaviors in which employees engage that relate toand contribute to or reduce environmental sustainability

2 Corporate social responsibility

The term "Corporate social responsibility" (CSR) denotes the effortsundertaken by a company to enhance environmental or societal conditions (Su &Swanson, 2019) It represents an organization's consistent commitment to maintainingethical business practices and formulating strategies that benefit society (Ahmed et al.,2020) According to Ahmed et al (2020), the attitudes and behaviors of employeescan be influenced by their workplace environment Consequently, well-recognizedCSR initiatives are likely to impact employees' environmentally friendly behaviorpositively (Su & Swanson, 2019) Additionally, He et al (2020) assert that CSR doesnot operate in isolation; rather, its effects on employees' green behavior andperformance are shaped by factors such as Green Human Resource Management(GHRM) and responsible leadership Research conducted in the hotel industry,employing the social information processing theory to explore the connection betweenCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employees' environmentally friendlyactions, indicates that workplace green behavior may be influenced by the socialcontext within which employees function (Al Suwaidi et al., 2021) Conversely, astudy involving hotel employees in Pakistan found no significant impact of CSR on

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Employee Green Behavior (EGB) (Ahmed et al., 2020) Despite numerous studiesestablishing the relationship between CSR and EGB (Sabokro et al., 2021), thereremains a theoretical gap, particularly in contexts such as Hanoi Therefore, thefollowing hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 1: CSR directly impacts Employee’s green behavior

No Study Objective of the study Hypothesis Sample size

Understanding the linkbetween CSR and Employee green behavior

This research delves into the impact of CSR on employee green behavior, considering the pathways of employee well-being and personal environmental norms Moreover, it explores how the hotel's environmental strategy influences these dynamics as a moderator.

CSR positively influences employee green behavior.

988 hotels’employees

The effect of green human resources management on corporate social responsibility, green psychological climate and employees’ green behavior

This study seeks to explore how GHRM impacts employees' environmentally friendly behaviors, with a focus on the intermediary effects of corporate social responsibility and the green psychological climate.

Corporate social responsibility positively and significantly affects industrial EGB

384 humanresourcemanagers and

3 Green human resource management

Green HRM is defined as the integration of Corporate EnvironmentalManagement into HRM (Sabokro et al., 2021) Zhang et al (2019) suggested thatGreen HRM includes green job analysis and design, green recruitment and selection,green training and development, green performance management, green compensationmanagement, green health and safety, labor relations, and employee engagement

Green HRM has a positive influence on employees' green behavior(Aboramadan, 2020) Green HRM can transmit values, beliefs, and competencies inemployees, enhancing their commitment and motivation, leading to higher greenperformance and innovation (Zhang et al., 2021) When a task is controlled or

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associated with green rewards, green motivation becomes stronger to perform greenbehaviors (Zhang et al., 2021) During the recruitment process, organizationsemphasize the concept of green environmental protection to employees and establish agreen image of environmental protection (Zhang et al., 2021) Employees not onlyreceive green information from the organization but are also supplemented withenvironmental knowledge, becoming more aware of the importance of the greenenvironment for individuals and organizations (Zhang et al., 2021).

Companies that have strong green policies in place generally benefit fromincreased sales and branding recognition as well as desirable employee outcomes(Dumont et al., 2012) Because employees are the ones who directly implement thegreen policies of the business, organizations need to promote and change employeebehavior so that it is consistent with the green goals of the business.

Accordingly, we propose that Green HRM has a positive impact on employeegreen behavior in the workplace.

Hypothesis 2: Green HRM positive impact on Employee’s green behavior

No Study Objective of the study Hypothesis Sample size

How Green Human Resource ManagementCan Promote Green Employee Behavior in China: A Technology Acceptance Model Perspective

This study discusses the path of Green HRM's influence onemployees' green behavior in the workplace in a positive way from organizations in thePeople's Republic of China.

Reward positively affects in-role green workplace behavior

Effects of Green HRMPractices on EmployeeWorkplace Green Behavior: The Role of Psychological Green Climate and EmployeeGreen Values

Green HRM directly and indirectly influences employees' green behavior through the mediating role of corporate social responsibilityand green psychological climate in Iranian industries

Individual green valuesand organizational green values interactivelyinfluence employee workplace green behavior

4 Green leadership and management

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Overall, "green leadership" describes a leadership approach that prioritizesenvironmental sustainability, accountability, and stewardship(Mansoor et al., 2021).Leaders who exemplify green leadership place a high value on policies and choicesthat protect the environment, encourage the preservation of natural resources, andback programs that tackle ecological issues and climate change (Mansoor et al., 2021).Green leaders frequently promote actions that lower carbon emissions, use renewableenergy sources, adopt eco-friendly technologies, encourage recycling and trashreduction, and back laws that safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity (Mansoor et al.,2021) The organization's members use green management initiatives as a guide tohelp them achieve the organization's green objective (Mansoor et al., 2021) It offersguidance, abilities, information, and the resources required to achieve the goal ofenvironmental care (Mansoor et al., 2021) A key element in creating a greenenvironment in businesses is top management commitment (Wang et al., 2018) In asimilar vein, discovered that pro-environment policies have a favorable impact onfirms' environmental performance (Wang et al., 2018) The effect that greentransformational leadership has been demonstrated to have on value congruenceemphasizes the importance of this leadership style in promoting green values for staffgreen behavior (Wang et al., 2018) It has been seen that companies who adoptsuitable training programs to support leaders' green transformational leadership stylemay benefit significantly more than they had predicted (Wang et al., 2018).Transformational leaders motivate staff members to focus on objectives that supportthe organization's long-term growth (Yang, 2019) As a result, followers mayinternalize the principles that their leader upholds and apply them to their own self-concept We have good reason to believe that a transformative leader who possessesgreen values will impact the green actions of those under him or her (Yang, 2019).When a leader adopts pro-environmental decisions and behaviors in organizations,they set an example for their subordinates (Yang, 2019) For instance, they mayinspire their team members to overcome challenges by focusing more on aspects thatare good for the workplace, considering the organization's long-term growth, andcoming up with creative solutions to environmental issues (Islametal et al., 2021) Bybuilding trusting relationships with subordinates and sharing his or her own green

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ideals, a green transformational leader can raise concerns about environmental issueswith subordinates (Islametal et al., 2021)

Accordingly, we propose the following hypothesis:“Green leadership andmanagement” positively impact “employee’s green behavior”.

Hypothesis 3: Green leadership and management direct impact employeegreen behavior

No Study Objective of the study Hypothesis Sample size

Stimulation of Employees’ Green Creativity through Green Transformational Leadership and Management Initiatives

Encouraging Green Creativity in Workers through Green Transformational Leadership and Management Practices

-Green management initiatives positively influence green creativity.- Green management initiatives positively influence green TFL.- Green TFL mediates the relationship between green management initiatives andgreen creativity

Value Congruence: A Study of Green Transformational Leadership and Employee Green Behavior

Congruence of Values: An Examination of Green Transformational Leadership and Green Employee Conduct

- Green transformational leadership is positively related to followers’ value congruence.

- Value congruence mediates the relationship between green transformational leadershipand employee green behavior.-Green identity will moderate the mediating relationship of transformational leadershipon employee green behavior through value congruence.

5 Green training

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According to Pham et al (2020), green training is an organizational andmanagement process that aims to provide employees with knowledge, attitudes, skills,and behaviors related to environmental challenges It will help improve awarenessamong all employees about how their everyday habits and actions affect theenvironment, allowing them to better appreciate their responsibility to both thebusiness and their own surroundings (Pinzone et al., 2019).

This study article discusses how green training influences employees' greenbehavior in firms Green training enables firms to easily monitor operationalefficiency, environmental protection attitudes, and voluntary green behavior amongstaff It will provide employees with enough awareness to engage in green activitieswithout expecting compensation or recognition, but because they genuinely want tohelp make the environment greener (Pinzone et al., 2019) This will help the firmimprove its efficiency and strike a balance between business and environmentalprotection It not only helps employees adopt a green mentality at work, but it alsoinfluences employee behavior outside of work when they use more environmentallyfriendly products (Usman et al., 2022).

As a result, the following hypothesis is proposed:

Hypothesis 4: "Green training" has a positive impact on "employees' greenbehavior".

No Study Objective of the study Hypothesis Sample size

Toward a more sustainable environment: Understanding why and when green training promotes employees’ eco‐friendly behaviors outside of work.

The paper enhances understanding of the critical but often underestimated impact of green training in shaping employees' ecologically responsible habits outside of the office.

Green training leads to eco-friendly habits suchas reusing objects and materials, reducing resource use, and using eco-friendly products.

Effects of ‘green’ training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: Evidence

The research article contributes to the rapidly developing literature on green training in two ways: positively and negatively.

"Green Training" has a positive impact on employees in businesses focusing on OCBE (Organizational


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healthcare sector towards the Environment) and co-workers focusing on OCBE.

6 Green washing

Corporate greenwashing is the unethical practice of an organization with selfishtendencies that intentionally hides the fact that the company is polluting theenvironment so that they can build a good environmental image (Miao et al., 2023) Infact, there is a lot of evidence that greenwashing behaviors have caused a hidden crisisof values and that inconsistencies with the environmental goals that employees oftenpursue have caused a decline in employee recognition (Miao et al., 2023) Perceivedperson-organization values so that perceived person-organization fit, which is a resultof the individual's internalization of the organization's values, can further influencejob intention work, and future job performance (Tahir et al., 2020).

To better understand how greenwashing has had negative consequences forcompanies, scholars have also shown that a corporate ethical climate can influenceemployees' perceptions of individual-organizational values (Tahir et al., 2020).According to Li et al (2022), greenwashing results in emotional tiredness foremployees When it comes to cognitive effects, greenwashing causes employees tonegatively perceive the green psychological climate (Li et al., 2022) Greenwashinghas the potential to negatively impact employees' trust in company management, causeintention to leave, and increase environmental concerns workplace (Li et al., 2022).Regarding behavioral outcomes, greenwashing has also been linked to increased staffattrition, decreased employee voluntary social responsibility, and decreased greenbehavior (Li et al., 2022).

In short, according to the hypothesis, greenwashing behavior is not onlyirresponsible for "Employee green behavior" but also damages employees' trust in theorganization.

Hypothesis 5: Greenwashing negatively affects employees’ perceived person–organization values fit.

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No Study Objective of the study Hypothesis Sample size

How and when does perceived greenwashing affect employees' job performance? Evidence from China

According to these studies, organizational skepticism moderates the unfavorable association between work performance and perceptionsof greenwashing Additionally, through corporate skepticism, employee green ideals reinforce the indirect negative association between perceived greenwashing efforts and jobperformance.

The indirect influence of perceived greenwashing on task performance is moderated by an employee's green values When an employee has high-level green values, perceived greenwashinghas a more negative effect on task performance through organizational cynicism.

The Effect of Corporate Greenwashing on Employees’ Environmental Performance: Person–Organization Values Fit Perspective

Based on the organization fit theory, we create a model of greenwashing in the context of employees' environmentalperformance in this study.

person-Greenwashing negatively affects employees’ perceived person–organization values fit.

The proposed hypotheses are depicted in the following figure

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 14:59
