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integrated marketing communications group assignment report collgate

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Tiêu đề Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for Colgate
Tác giả Đặng Ngọc Khánh Ly, Lê Thùy Linh, Vũ Nguyễn Kim Ngân, Nguyễn Tuấn Linh, Lương Thành Long, Nguyễn Quang Thắng
Người hướng dẫn Phạm Khánh Huyền
Chuyên ngành Marketing
Thể loại Group Assignment Report
Năm xuất bản 2023
Định dạng
Số trang 25
Dung lượng 2,67 MB

Nội dung

Brief introduction of the company● Colgate is a brand established in 1873 specializing in oral hygiene products, includingColgate toothbrushes regular and mechanical, Colgate toothpaste,

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Integrated Marketing CommunicationsGROUP ASSIGNMENT REPORT

COLGATELecturer: Phạm Khánh Huyền

Group 1- MKT1717Đặng Ngọc Khánh Ly HS170901

Vũ Nguyễn Kim Ngân HS173270

Nguyễn Tuấn Linh HS170745

Lương Thành Long HS170429

Nguyễn Quang Thắng HS171024

Duedate: 11.59 p.m., July 14, 2023

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This report aims to detail an IMC for Colgate plan as part of a social marketing campaignwith the principal aims to effectively reach and engage consumers, strengthen brandawareness, and drive sales growth through an integrated approach to marketingcommunications Our group discovered consumer insights and how they function andinfluence the IMC Plan via discussion, data collection, and analysis To create an IMC Plancampaign for Clogate, the team chose to implement integrated marketing communicationtools (including the Key Message, Campaign objectives, Big idea, Content strategy, andMedia strategy)

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1 Brief introduction of the company


● Colgate is a brand established in 1873 specializing in oral hygiene products, includingColgate toothbrushes (regular and mechanical), Colgate toothpaste, Colgatemouthwash, Colgate dental floss

● With a long history, and modern scientific research, Colgate has launched a widerange of comprehensive oral care products, bringing bright smiles to millions ofpeople across 80 countries

● Colgate is one of the trademarks owned by Colgate-Palmolive- is an Americanconsumer product company that is headquarters in New York City (Britannica, n.d.)

It now operates in more than 80 countries via six divisions and the products areadvertised in over 200 countries and territories around the world (Colgate-Palmolive,n.d.)

● Colgate is a global corporation that manufactures and sells consumer goods The mostfamous of which is the toothpaste product that was first introduced in the form ofscented cream in glass jars, then soft-shell tubes that can be molded to bringconvenience to users more convenient and hygienic Colgate is the 56th brand in thetop 100 leading brands in the world Colgate toothpaste brand is so famous that when

it comes to toothpaste, consumers will immediately think of Colgate After asuccessful period, Colgate decided to expand into some new areas

History of formation and development of the brand:

● In 1806, William Colgate set up a Dutch workshop in New York City The companymainly exclusively sells room cleaners, and candles Named William Colgate &Company

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In 1857, Colgate died and the company was reorganized as Colgate & Companyunder the management of Samuel Colgate - his son.

● In 1873, this toothpaste product was quickly popular around the world Colgateinvested a huge amount of money and is now one of the leading brands in toothpasteand soaps, oral hygiene products and cleaning products

Core values of Colgate:

● Colgate Palmolive always strictly adheres to its 3 core values: caring, teamwork andcontinuous improvement

● Colgate's Mission: "We all deserve a future filled with smiles." The Colgate brand hasalways created products that promote a healthy smile Laughter is the most basic form

of optimism and is needed more than ever to lead an optimistic, joyful life And that'salso why Colgate defends optimism in every smile Colgate is committed to creating ahealthier planet through every smile and they are constantly improving to make thishappen


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With the goal of oral health care for everyone, Colgate's main products include:toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash and dental floss.

❖ In terms of toothpaste products, so far, the brand includes 8 types of toothpaste andcovers different uses

★ Optic White toothpaste

★ Colgate Total toothpaste

★ Colgate Maxfresh

★ Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste

★ Colgate Herbal Salt Toothpaste

★ Colgate toothpaste prevents tooth decay

★ Vitamin C toothpaste

★ Baby toothpaste

❖ Colgate toothbrushes include 2 main products, an electric toothbrush and a traditionaltoothbrush

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❖ Colgate mouthwash comes in many different flavors and also has different uses…

As can be seen, Colgate always tries to satisfy all customers by offering many products withmany different uses to meet all customer needs

● Not only serving people, Colgate also launches product lines for pets According tothe Colgate-Palmolive 2019 report, Colgate-Palmolive has four main segments: homecare, personal care, oral care as well as pet nutrition Home care like Ajax

dishwashing liquid and household cleaner, personal care like Protex and pet nutritionlike Hill's Pet Nutrition


Colgate is a well-known brand in the field of oral care and personal hygiene Colgate's targetaudience is all consumers, from children to adults and the elderly, regardless of gender orclass However, Colgate focuses on specific consumer groups such as children, adolescentsand people with dental problems to promote products with features and advantages thatmatch the needs of the group this object In short, Colgate's target audience is all consumers

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Increase market share: With the dense appearance of Unilever products such as P/S orCloseUp - a formidable competitor of Colgate, it is immeasurable to boost sales anddominate the market equally urgent and necessary.

● Building and enhancing brand identity: Although it has appeared in the market for along time, to become a trusted brand and be remembered by customers when thinkingabout oral care products is a must very important

● Gaining customer's trust: Colgate is always on the mission to provide high quality,safe and effective products to meet the needs of customers

● Promoting awareness about oral care: Information, consulting services and campaigns

on dental care and education are always directed by the company to encourage people

to take care of their teeth properly

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Accelerating product and technology development: Colgate aims to continue todevelop and improve oral care products, and to discover and apply new technology todeliver oral care solutions more advanced and efficient for customers.

● Relationship building and enhancing customer satisfaction: This includes listening,learning, adapting to meet customer needs, solving problems, and creating

experiences positive

2 Current situation analysis

❖ Macro Environmental factors:

● Social Factors:

Social factors that have an impact on Colgate's operations are the directreflection of the society on which Colgate operates The cultural beliefs,values, attitudes of the majority of the population will determine the businessmarket for Colgate Thoroughly understanding the market, with its age,gender, cultural preferences, product preferences, would help Colgate getbetter space in the market

● Economic Factors:

Economic conditions such as GDP growth, income levels and consumerspending trends can affect Colgate's sales and profits Economic downturnscan lead to a decrease in consumer spending on oral care products

This all depends on whether the current market is monopolistic, oligopolistic

or perfectly competitive GDP growth will impact Colgate's growth Theexchange rate will also affect the company's bottom line as it does not produce

in every country in which it operates If the country has a higher

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unemployment rate, then workers will have lower wages, which will reducecosts, however, the demand for the product may also decrease due to lowerpeople's money.

● Political Factors:

The political factors that can affect a company's sales and overall business arequite varied Colgate is spreading globally, it may be affected depending onthe political stability of the regional government As a multinational company,

a number of local government issues can affect Colgate's business with regard

to product safety, labeling, advertising and intellectual property Some otherlaws such as health and safety laws to protect the health of citizens must betaken seriously as it may adversely affect the sales of the company if there issome deviation in the standard Regulatory changes or legal challenges thatmay affect the company's operations and reputation

● Environmental Factors:

Growing environmental concerns have led to an increased demand foreco-friendly and sustainable products Colgate needs to respond to thesefactors by integrating sustainable practices in its manufacturing, packagingand formulation processes In addition, Colgate must consider environmentalregulations so as not to lead to product boycotts or pressure from socialgroups Therefore, Colgate needed to integrate sustainability and theenvironment into its advertising strategy to meet the needs of customers andbuild the company's image as a brand that cares about the environment

● Technological Factors:

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Advances in technology can affect Colgate's operations, product innovationand distribution channels For example, the rise of e-commerce and digitalplatforms has influenced consumer purchasing behavior and created newopportunities for marketing and sales especially during the COVID-19 era todate Consumers use technology as well as e-commerce channels to buy moreand more.

Colgate also has to keep up to date with technological changes in the industryand needs to analyze how it will affect the market in order to stay competitive

Demographic Factors: such as age, gender, geographic region, income and

cultural diversity Differences in age and gender can affect oral care needs andpriorities Colgate needs to understand clearly what customers need and want

to diversify products with effective marketing strategies Consumers' incomealso affects product choices and purchasing decisions, low-income people willprioritize cheaper products, and high-income people will care about productquality rather than price

❖ Competitor analysis:

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Procter & Gamble (P&G): P&G is one of Colgate's biggest competitors in

the oral care industry They own famous brands like Crest and Oral-B P&Ghas built a strong market position and has a global advertising campaign Theyfocus on the research and development of new technology, offering a widerange of products from toothpastes and mouthwashes to brushes and musclestrings

Johnson & Johnson: Johnson & Johnson is also a strong competitor in the

oral care space They own brands like Listerine and Reach Johnson &Johnson put a lot of resources into advertising and marketing to create a strongbrand identity They focus on developing oral care products with specialfeatures such as anti-bacterial and gum care

Unilever: Unilever is another Colgate competitor with oral care brands such

as Signal and Close-Up Unilever also puts a lot of resources into advertisingand marketing to compete in the market They focus on developing productswith new flavors and experiences to capture consumer interest

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK): GSK is a large pharmaceutical company and also

present in the oral care industry under the brands Sensodyne and Aquafresh.GSK focuses on developing oral care products specifically for people withsensitive teeth and gum problems

Local competitors: Colgate also faces competition from local dental care

brands in different markets, which may have specific advantages in price,distribution, or cultural fit local

Colgate's competitors all have strong brands and global influence To competeeffectively, Colgate needed to create innovative marketing strategies, focusing

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on research and development of new products, creating brand awareness andbuilding good relationships with consumers.

❖ Consumer behavior analysis:

Consumer behavior plays an important role in shaping Colgate's product andmarketing strategy Key factors influencing consumer behavior in the dental careindustry include:

Oral Health Awareness: Increasing awareness of the importance of oral

hygiene has led consumers to prioritize oral care products and seek outproducts that address dental health issues specific mouth Colgate needed toconvey the message of the product's health benefits through advertising

Product Quality and Efficacy: Consumers seek products that provide

effective oral care and deliver visible results, such as tooth decay prevention,teeth whitening, and fresh breath

Brand Reputation and Trust: Colgate's longstanding reputation as a trusted

brand influences consumer purchasing decisions Brand loyalty and trust areimportant factors that drive repeat purchases

Price and Value: Consumers consider the price of oral care products and

evaluate the value the product provides in terms of quality, benefits, andfinancial accessibility Colgate needs to create value that is competitive andrelevant to different consumer segments

Sustainability and Natural Ingredients: Concern about sustainability and

natural ingredients has increased the demand for natural and eco-friendly oralcare products Consumers are more concerned about the environmentalimpact Colgate was able to capitalize on this element in their advertising

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campaign by using their message of natural ingredients and their commitment

to sustainability

3 Segmentation, targeting, and positioning

● Segmentation: Colgate offers a number of different toothpastes, targeted to different

customer segments, across more than 200 countries worldwide Up to now, there can

be at least 13 different Colgate product lines with the purpose of protecting the oralcavity, plaque and gums, and bringing fresh breath for all ages as mentioned in thearticle above Through product diversification, Colgate meets the diverse and uniqueneeds of individual and group customers like families

● Target customer

❖ Demographic: Population studies and demographers have used several key metrics inpopulation studies As a part of family life, therefore, Colgate will mainly targetpeople aged 18-60 years old, who have income even though their income is not high,they can still buy Colgate products

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❖ Geographic: Colgate targets customers spanning countries around the world Productswill be sold commonly in supermarkets, commercial centers or retail stores Since it's

an essential product for everyone, it can be sold in places that reach a wide audience

❖ Psychographic: involves grouping people according to their lifestyles and personalitytraits Colgate customers are often very loyal to the brand and are also likely to buymany items from them Lifestyle of Colgate customers are usually people withhealthy lifestyles, good oral health care

❖ Behavioral: Colgate has a loyal customer base and their willingness to buy is oftenhigh, because the target market is the all-gender and age-specific market that Colgatetargets Because they belong to all classes and the products are not expensive, they arewilling to buy products when needed In addition, because it is an essential product, it

is mandatory that everyone will have to buy it when it is used up

Target market: Colgate products have spread around the world, becoming a daily

necessity, of which Colgate is one of the biggest brands The target market depends onthe population Colgate market ranges from single to diversified to meet the needs ofdifferent people and different ages Each product will have a different use, creatingnew experiences when consumers want to use another product but still want to keeptheir loyalty

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 21:44
