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final project for new media technology the campaign report feelms films your feelings

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Nội dung

Name of the project:Feelms - Films for your feelings- Project "Feelms" is an interesting combination of "films" and "feelings"- We rely on the audience''''s emotions to recommend suitable f

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Final project for New Media TechnologyTHE CAMPAIGN REPORTFEELMS - Films your feelings

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Table of contents I.Introduction:

1 Name of the project2 Inspiration3 Objectives:4 Goals:5 Message:6 Key activity:II.Communication Plan:

1 Communication goals:a Target audienceb Communication goals2 Media campaign:

a Facebookb Instagram

c Timeline of posts posted on fanpage:d Media content

e Publications

III.Evaluation and Recommendation:1 Key results:

1.1 Facebooka Overallb Target audiencec Each post data1.2 Instagram2 Feedback:3 Limitation:

4.Recommendation for the next step:a Improve content and qualityb Future orientationIV References

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I.Introduction:1 Name of the project:

Feelms - Films for your feelings

- Project "Feelms" is an interesting combination of "films" and "feelings"

- We rely on the audience's emotions to recommend suitable films, so we have theslogan: Films for your feelings.

2 Inspiration

- Inspired by the famous animated film"Inside Out", Feelms is the vivid footageproposed to the audience through typicalcolors, based on 4 emotional pieces:Happy- yellow;Sad - blue;Anger/Wrath - red,andFear - purple.

5 Message:

- Through the project, we can realize that emotions are a very important factor affectingpeople's psychology, attitudes, and emotions influence the choice and perception of afilm.

6 Key activity:

VIDEO REACTION"In a Heartbeat"- Animated Short Film -"CẢM "

- Sometimes, the line between a good film and a bad film is based on the viewer'smomentary emotions When watching movies through a third screen, each personwith feeling will see through the thoughts, pain, joy, and even the most intimate thingsof the character in different directions.

- Young people of different ages between 15 and 24, and having different emotions,Feelms created a reaction video to demonstrate that momentary emotions affect howviewers feel about a film.

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- Some pictures of guests and key activity posts:

Võ Trường Toản High School Students

II.Communication plan1 Communication goals:

a Targetaudience:

Page Feelms wants to target only FPT university students because this is the mostaccessible group Next, the age group we want to reach nationwide is from 15-24years old (Students/Students/Adults) who love movies, are busy or have difficultychoosing movies Finally, there are movie enthusiasts who often watch movies and

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want to learn which movies are suitable for each type of emotion They often look formovie reviews and comments to make a decision to watch that movie or not.

b Communicationgoals:

- Accessibility:Feelms hopes that the content that the team collects, researches, andreferences from the movies can reach a wide audience of 15-24 year olds in Vietnam.From there, it can be resolved to make a choice for you in finding a movie thatmatches the emotions,

- Awareness:Feelms wishes to be a "MoodFilms", where you can easily access andfind suitable films on our page.

2 Media campaign:a Facebook

According to statistics as of June 2021 of NapoleonCat the total number of Facebookusers in Vietnam is nearly 76 million people This number accounts for more than 70%of the country's population, an increase of 31 million users compared to 2019 and stillranks first in the list of popular social networks in Vietnam Therefore, Feelms chosethe main posting channel as Facebook.So we see this platform as a suitable place toattract young people in particular and people using facebook in general to be able toreceive the messages we give.

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b Instagram

In addition, with 10,717,000 Insta users (as of June 2021) in which the audience ismainly young, aged 18-24 (accounting for more than 30% of the total) with contentfocusing on entertainment segments, and for that reason, Feelms chose the Instagramchannel to post posts that attract more interaction.

c Timelineofpostspostedonfanpage:

- Feelms chooses the time from 7pm to reach more people After a busy day of studyingand working, people will spend a lot of time for entertainment and relaxation This isthe best time to post articles.

- Every Monday in week will post a total of 4 featured movies according to each week'semotional frame.

- Every Thursday and Saturday in week will post odd posts of 2 out of 4 movies of thatweek.

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d Mediacontent

Knowing that content is the most important factor when delivering to the audience,we have relied on 4 types of emotionsHappy,Sad,AngerandFearinspired by themovie "Inside out" to make content for each audience movie review.

In addition, we will rely on the emotions of each character, thereby assessing whetherthis movie really touches the audience's emotions when watching the movie.

e Publications

We used Adobe Premiere to design the video Key activities, Adobe Illustrator to drawthe logo and avt Along with the tuning brings comfort and satisfaction to the viewer.The main color of the page is a mixture of 4 colors yellow, blue, purple and red: theseare 4 colors based on 4 types of emotions that the page wants to target.

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III Evaluation and Recommendation:1 Key results:

1.1 Facebook: From February 2 to March 15a Overall:


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b Targetaudience:

Based on the graph above, the "Feelms" fanpage has reached at least 190 people, with morethan 80% of them being between the ages of 18 and 24 As a result, we were able to reach ouroriginal target audience The target demographic ranges from 15 to 24 years old Itdemonstrates that "Feelms" has reached the majority of young people That is also theintention of the Feelms project Based on that, we can see that there are still people betweenthe ages of 25 and 34 accessing Page This shows that they can also be a group of potentialcustomers to target.

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c Eachpostdata:The most popular posts are:

- Post review 4 movies of the week Angry theme Over 1,200 hits and 199 interactionsrecorded More specifically, it includes 51 reactions and 13 comments.

- Post review of 4 movies of the week Sad theme With 819 reach and 292 interactions.Includes 79 reactions and 16 comments

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The least popular posts are:

- Small post of movie squid game follow-up for 4 movies of the week topic Scare With only 92 reach and 31 interactions recorded More specifically, it includes 17reactions and 0 comments.

Other posts:

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1.2 Instagram:

Besides running the project through the main platform, Facebook Feelms also runs inparallel with the social networking platform, Instagram.

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According to statistics, the Feelms project has reached 165 accounts in the past 30 days.Feelms' Instagram has 23 followers and 16 accounts have interacted with the page.

Instagram posts get pretty good engagement, the post with the highest reach is 85 accounts.The engagement of each post on the page ranges from 10 - 15 hits.

2 Feedback

● Impressionsofthefanpagetotheaudience:

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● Understandtheimportanceofemotionsbeforeandafterwatchingmovies:

● RatethequalityofFeelms'articles:

● Theeffectivenessoftheprojectcomparedtotheoriginalgoal:

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● FeedbackandsuggestionsthatFeelmsreceived:

3 Limitation:

On the Facebook platform, the page has not yet offered a direction to recommendmovies to attract viewers, the articles are still passive in updating hot movies, moviesthat are exactly one of the four main emotions but off topic of the week Since then,the page's articles have reached many people but there has not been a stableinteraction between the articles The time to build the page is short, it has not reachedmuch to the audience in the age group of 15-18 years Only limited to 4 types ofemotions, the content of the article is not unique to attract viewers.

4 Recommendation for the next step:a Improvecontentandquality:

“ Feelms - Films for your feelings” will direct to many emotions other thanJoy - Sadness - Anger - Fear Maintain the page in the future, promote seedingto increase the amount of interaction In order for the project to reach a wideaudience between the ages of 15 and 18, we will combine the introduction ofthe Feelms project to the target through FPT University's Open Days orcombine it with Film projects of students in the school In particular, to avoidduplication between movies with the same feeling but different themes of theweek and to be able to update special movies during the theme week, we willcreate more separate subcategories inside next to the movie review sectionthat week.

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b Futureorientation:

The project's fanpage will continue to run communication and content It maybe possible to expand and run media on other platforms such as TikTok,Youtube (because these are the 2 platforms that are easiest to attract viewers atthe moment), but the main media site is still Facebook Not only increasingemotional topics, we are also targeting more ages and categories in the future.

IV References

1 Beth David and Esteban Bravo, 2017:

Available:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2REkk9SCRn0&t=13s2 Peter Doctor and nnk., 2015:

Available:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2096673/3 Khánh Khiêm, 2023:

Available:https://marketingai.vn/mang-xa-hoi-lon-nhat-viet-nam-va-the-gioi/4 Jacqueline Zote, 2023:


Thành viên Vai trò Tự đánh giá Đánh giá từ thành

viên còn lại giá*1 + thành viênĐiểm (=tự đánhkhác *2)/3Đặng Minh Đức Project Leader

DesignerContent writerMC

Trần Ngọc Khánh Linh Media LeaderDesignerContent writerContent checker

Võ Thị Minh Thuỳ Project Sub-leaderMedia Sub-leaderContent writerPhotographerDesigner

Nguyễn Phạm Anh Thư Content LeaderDesigner

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 21:43


