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research on factors affecting generation zs decision to choose vietnamese movies for cinema screening in the city can tho

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Tiêu đề Research on factors affecting generation Z's decision to choose Vietnamese movies for cinema screening in the city Can Tho
Tác giả Huynh Thao Vy, Tran Khanh Van, Nguyen Trong Kha, Le Hoang Lieu
Chuyên ngành Communication
Thể loại Assignment
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Can Tho
Định dạng
Số trang 12
Dung lượng 547,45 KB

Nội dung

4 Topic: "Research on factors affecting Gen Z''''s decision to choose Vietnamese movies for cinema screening in Can Tho City".. Consider the impact of these factors as well as the character

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RMC301-Research methods in Communication

Assignment Cover Sheet






Huynh Thao Vy

Tran Khanh Van

Nguyen Trong Kha

Le Hoang Lieu

No of Words:


decision to choose Vietnamese movies for

cinema screening in the city Can Tho

Word limit


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Content Table

I Introduction 4

1.1 Background 4

1.2 Reason for choosing topic 4

1.3 Research objectives 4

1.4 Research question: 4

1.5 Literature review: 5

1.5.1 Generation Z: 5

1.5.2 Services: 5

1.5.3 Cinema: 5

1.6 Theoretical framework 6

1.6.1 Consumer behavior theory 6

1.6.2 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory: 7

1.6.3 Rational Choice Theory 8

1.6.4 Theory of Reasoned Action -TRA 8

II Method 9

2.1 Object and scope of research: 9

2.1.1 Research scope: 9

2.1.2 Survey subjects: 9

2.2 Research purpose 9

2.3 Primary data 10

2.4 Data collection method 10

2.4.1 Study design 10

III Intended findings 11

IV Data analysis and discussion 11

V Conclusion and recommendation 11

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5.1 Conclusion 11 5.2 Recommendations 11

VI References 11

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Topic: "Research on factors affecting Gen Z's decision to choose Vietnamese movies for

cinema screening in Can Tho City"

I Introduction

1.1 Background

The film industry's first entry into Vietnam was not very favorable, as it was influenced by the economy and politics It wasn't until 2000 that many filmmakers began to take it seriously and start a new era According to recent statistics, CJ CGV Vietnam Co., Ltd had 1,063 screening rooms at 204 theaters in 2019, with revenue of VND 4,064 billion (over USD 176 million), a tenfold increase from 2009 The most frequent viewers are GenZ (people born between 1995-2012), which shows the significant influence of the majority of GenZ audiences interested in this entertainment industry

1.2 Reason for choosing topic

The film industry and the cinema entertainment industry play an important role in providing audiences with entertainment, reducing stress after school or work, and contributing significantly

to the country's economic development The cinema market in Vietnam has a lot of potential for development The current population of Vietnam is over 98 million, of which about 70% are young people, especially Gen Z This is a group with high entertainment needs, especially for cinema Therefore, the main concern of film entertainment companies is to enrich the endless cinema experience of the audience to maintain a significant number of loyal customers 1.3 Research objectives

1 Identify the factors that influence the intention of Gen Z audiences in Can Tho to choose cinema movies

2 Consider the impact of these factors as well as the characteristics of the audience on the intention to choose Vietnamese cinema movies among young audiences in Can Tho

3 Propose a comprehensive view and proper guidance for Vietnamese filmmakers to build quality content and maximize revenue, thereby rapidly developing the Vietnamese film industry 1.4 Research question:

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Tho, Vietnam

1.5 Literature review:

1.5.1 Generation Z:

Generation Z (also known as Post-Millennials, the iGeneration, or the Homeland Generation) is a demographic cohort succeeding the Millennials There is no exact date when this group starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use birth years ranging from the late 1990s to the early 2010s, with the scope of this study being mainly those born between 1995 and 2012 (Bassiouni and Hackley, 2014)

Gen Z is characterized by early exposure to technology and digital environments, and they frequently interact with the world through the internet and social media They are described as a creative, flexible group with a tendency to pursue social values such as diversity and

sustainability Gen Z is influencing culture, economy, and society, while challenging traditional notions of work, education, and other aspects of life

1.5.2 Services:

A service is a transaction process in which the commodity is an intangible product, transferred from the seller to the buyer to meet the needs and expectations of the consumer A service is not

a physical product, but rather the value and experience of the consumer, created from labor According to Philip Kotler: “A service is any activity or benefit that one party can offer to

another The object of the transaction must be intangible and not lead to any ownership rights The production of a service may or may not be associated with a physical product.”

1.5.3 Cinema:

Cinema is a comprehensive concept, including the process of creating a film from moving frames (film), the technical recording of images, sound, and light to form a film

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(cinematography), as well as arts related to the creation and development of films It is also understood as an industry and commerce, related to the production, promotion, and distribution

of films to audiences through media such as cinemas and television

1.6 Theoretical framework

1.6.1 Consumer behavior theory

The term consumer behavior refers to the actions of individuals (consumers) directly related to the search, evaluation, selection, history of use, and disposal of goods and services In other words, consumer behavior is the process and action of defining decisions related to buying and using products by those involved

Some famous views on the concept of consumer behavior in the world: According to Philip Kotler, “consumer behavior is the study of how individuals, groups, and organizations select,

buy, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, and money to satisfy their needs and desires.” The factors influencing consumer behavior are divided into two main groups The group stimulated by marketing influences such as products, prices, distribution, and advertising These factors are within the control of the business The other group is not within the control of the business, including factors related to the economic, competitive, political, cultural, and social environment The above-mentioned stimulating factors first penetrate the “black box of

consciousness” of the buyer, and the reactions are recognizable expressions in the buyer’s

consciousness through the choice of goods, labels, businesses, quantity, and time of purchase Applying consumer behavior theory:

Firstly, when it comes to Vietnamese people, they have a characteristic of loving their nation, valuing their cultural values, and those cultural values are deeply ingrained in the personality, lifestyle, views, and habits of each person Therefore, every decision made about choosing Vietnamese cinema movies has an impact, and we predict that this factor has a significant impact The audience will consider whether the content of the movie is suitable for their views or not

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Therefore, psychological factors, product quality, and marketing policies all have a significant impact on the decision-making process of the audience From these things, each individual will consider what is suitable for themselves, what meets their needs, or what stimulates their choices better

Hypothesis H1: Quality factor affects the choice of Vietnamese cinema movies Hypothesis H2: Marketing factor affects the choice of Vietnamese cinema movies

1.6.2 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Structure of the Hierarchy of Needs: This theory arranges human

needs into a tower, with different levels There are 5 Basic Needs Levels:

1 Physiological Needs: Includes basic needs for food, water, sleep, and survival factors

2 Safety Needs: Relates to safety needs for health, housing, employment, and personal security

3 Social Needs: Includes needs for love, social connection, and friendship

4 Esteem Needs: Relates to the need for respect, recognition, and high evaluation

5 Self-Actualization Needs: The highest level, including personal development, achieving potential, and meaning in life

Priority Principle: People do not focus on higher-level needs until lower-level needs have been met

Applying Maslow's theory to the research topic on the behavior of choosing to watch movies in theaters, we can explain as follows

Watching movies can help viewers achieve the need for self-expression because movies often encourage creativity and contain moral values The movie-watching experience can help viewers realize higher needs, such as understanding, appreciation, and spiritual aesthetics Movies can be

a source of inspiration to reach these levels of needs Watching movies is not only an individual activity but can also be a social activity, building relationships through sharing interests and experiences together This relates to the social needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs Evaluating movies on social media is a way for viewers to show respect and express themselves

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Experiencing culture through movies can contribute to creating a sense of pride and national identity This can be an important factor for viewers Real-life experiences at cinemas, especially through high-end formats, can help customers have a first-hand view and deep impression of the movie, while enhancing personal experience

Hypothesis H3: The Real-Life Experience factor affects the choice of Vietnamese cinema movies

1.6.3 Rational Choice Theory

Concept According to Hargreaves et al (1992), rational choice is choosing the best actions to satisfy human goals This assumes that an individual can compare their satisfaction with many different goals to get an overall evaluation

Application of Rational Choice Theory

Currently audiences/customers in Vietnam face many choices From diverse movie genres (romance, psychology, action, combination, etc.) besides that, there are also alternative platforms such as online movie-watching applications, pirated movies, short videos summarizing movies This leads to audiences having to consider carefully with their choices From this theory, we propose the competition factor to identify the competitive rival of cinema movies, especially Vietnamese cinema movies, then we can analyze

Hypothesis H4: The Competition factor affects the choice of Vietnamese cinema movies 1.6.4 Theory of Reasoned Action -TRA

The Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) was developed by Fishbein and Ajzen in 1975 The theory of reasoned action is concerned with consumer behavior as well as determining their behavioral tendencies, in which behavioral tendencies are part of the attitude towards behavior (for example, the general feeling of liking or disliking will lead to behavior) and partly subjective standards (the impact of others also leads to their attitude)

Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

According to the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), there is a direct correlation between attitude and outcome If someone believes that an action will lead to a desired outcome, they will

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have a positive attitude; conversely, if they believe that the action will lead to an undesired outcome, they will have a negative attitude Beliefs and personal standards shape perception and behavioral intentions However, compliance can change depending on the situation and personal motivation

For example, an individual's decision to watch Vietnamese cinema movies in theaters will be influenced by those around them If the friends or family of that individual do not like or have a habit of watching Vietnamese cinema movies in theaters, then the individual's general tendency will also have a similar behavior

Hypothesis H5: The REFERENCE GROUP factor affects the choice of Vietnamese cinema movies

II Method

2.1 Object and scope of research:

2.1.1 Research scope:

+ Spatial scope: in Ho Chi Minh City

+ Time scope: within 1 month from February 20, 2024

+ Content scope: Focus mainly on researching the factors affecting the decision to choose to watch Vietnamese cinema movies in theaters to provide a basis for optimal solutions that bring higher efficiency for businesses

2.1.2 Survey subjects:

Citizens living in the territory of Vietnam

Gender: Not specified

Age: from 12 years old

Those who have watched Vietnamese cinema movies in theaters at least once

2.2 Research purpose

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The purpose of this study is to identify the criteria for selecting Vietnamese cinema movies of Generation Z in Can Tho city The study identifies factors affecting the decision to choose to watch movies, including ticket prices, quality, content, actors, and virality

2.3 Primary data

relevant information needed to address the current research problem By using a survey questionnaire, the information collected will be more effective and reliable because it has not been published and has not been changed or altered by humans (Saunders, 2012) In this study, the primary data source is mainly collected through the distribution of individual survey

questionnaires and directly to the research respondents in Can Tho city Although collecting primary data is more expensive and time-consuming than secondary data, it can provide the latest, reliable, and appropriate opinions from the target respondents

2.4 Data collection method

2.4.1 Study design

In the questionnaire design, there are two parts in the questionnaire, Part A and Part B Part A of the questionnaire is related to the selection criteria for Vietnamese cinema movies, including ticket prices, content, quality, actors, virality… To ensure that the target respondents can answer the questions with a better understanding of the purpose of this study, the questions listed in Part

B are related to the independent and dependent variables of this study The questionnaire is measured by a Seven Point Likert Scale, from 1 to 7, where 1+ Strongly disagree and 7-Strongly agree We use the Seven Point Likert Scale to evaluate to ensure the reliability of the results The data is collected from the questionnaire has been entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to test the reliability of the questionnaire Interview method

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In this study, we use a semi-structured interview method by conducting both open-ended and structured questions to encourage consumers to share their opinions and personal experiences when choosing to watch movies at the cinema The interviewees are high school and university students in Can Tho city

All interviews are recorded for detailed analysis The data is transformed into appropriate charts, tables, or analysis models The results are summarized to answer the research objectives Conclusions and development proposals for cinemas and future research are drawn

III Intended findings

IV Data analysis and discussion

V Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

5.2 Recommendations

VI References

1 Tại, K V T (2023, May 23) Cụm rạp chiếu phim CJ CGV tại Việt Nam có lợi nhuận

quý cao nhất từ trước đến nay Copyright © 2017 by bnews.vn https://bnews.vn/cum-rap-chieu-phim- -cgv-tai-viet-nam- -loi-nhuan-quy-cj co cao-nhat- -truoc-den-tu


1975) Simply Psychology https://www.simplypsychology.org/theory-of-reasoned-action.html

journalist Le Hong Lam Vietcetera https://vietcetera.com/en/vietnamese-film-a-journey-through-cinema-with-journalist- -hong-lam le

Examples) Practical Psychology https://practicalpie.com/theory-of-reasoned-action/


Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:57

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
1. Tại, K. V. T. (2023, May 23). Cụm rạp chiếu phim CJ CGV tại Việt Nam có lợi nhuận quý cao nhất từ trước đến nay. Copyright © 2017 by bnews.vn. https://bnews.vn/cum-rap- chieu-phim- -cgv-tai-viet-nam- -loi-nhuan-quy- cj co cao -nhat- -truoc-den- tunay/292174.html Link
2. Nickerson, C. (2023, October 16). Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/theory-of-reasoned-action.html Link
3. DongNh, V. (2024, January 26). Vietnamese Film: A Journey Through Cinema with journalist Le Hong Lam. Vietcetera. https://vietcetera.com/en/vietnamese-film-a-journey-through-cinema-with-journalist- -hong-lam le Link
4. Psychology, P. (2023, November 6). Theory of Reasoned Action (Description + Examples). Practical Psychology. https://practicalpie.com/theory-of-reasoned-action/ Link
5. Nielsen. (2022, July 21). Explore Generation Z in Vietnam the consumer of tomorrow. – Nielsen. https://www.nielsen.com/insights/2018/explore-generation-z- -vietnam- in consumer-of-tomorrow/ Link


