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CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF THE BUSINESSAs a busy coffee shop, Katinat understands how crucial it is to utilize an effectiveInformation Systems in its operation, especially for online selling

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Ho Chi Minh City, December 2023

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ID.Student NameStudent IDEvaluationSignature

Group Score:

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2.1 Order in Place 5

2.2 Order through App or Website 6





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As a busy coffee shop, Katinat understands how crucial it is to utilize an effectiveInformation Systems in its operation, especially for online selling activities (usingthird party E-commerce platforms) The coffee shop is applying contemporarytechnology to go beyond traditional in-person transactions Katinat's E-commercestrategy mostly revolves around cooperating with strong and easy-to-use onlineplatforms such as Grab, ShopeeFood, Gojek and Be This digital store allows clientsand potential buyers to view the menu, place orders, and pay securely from home oron the move This not only helps the coffee shop reach more customers but alsomakes the overall experience better A smart Order Management System ensuresthat online orders perfectly fit into the coffee shop's day-to-day work as well Itfosters smooth inventory management, making sure orders are fulfilled punctually.This system improves efficiency, minimize mistakes, and provides real-timeupdates to both customers and staff Other than that, Katinat also prioritizesCustomer Relationship Management systems in its online selling setup By lookingat the given information from orders, Katinat's staff must follow additional requestsand serve them right Besides, those mentioned platforms are also a way for Katinatto suggest personalized items, offer special deals, and create loyalty programs toconnect better with customers Using E-commerce Information Systems doesn't justmake buying things easier; it also helps in making decisions based on data BusinessIntelligence tools help Katinat analyze online sales, understand what customers like,and quickly adjust offerings to match what people want In this digital age, KatinatCoffee Shop is committed to using Information Systems for online selling Thisshows how much they want to stay up-to-date and meet the expectations ofcustomers who are comfortable with technology This introduction sets the phasefor exploring how Information Systems play a huge role in making Katinat CoffeeShop's online business successful.

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A systematic and professional management and operation process is something thatany F&B brand needs to invest in In particular, beverage chain brands must focusmore on process synchronization to be able to scale successfully.

Before that task, Katinat has perfected the supply chain process to ensure input rawmaterials to produce the highest quality beverage products The brand also has fullcertifications of product quality This helps customers feel more secure whileenjoying drinks here Perhaps that's why Katinat always confidently tells customersthat her products are made from "premium" materials and quality is guaranteed.Besides, the service process at the restaurant is also completed from the stages ofwelcoming, ordering, paying to serving customers All employees will follow a pre-trained and disseminated procedure This perfection brings seamless experiences tocustomers and creates a good impression of the brand.

The store's management system includes managing revenue per shift, managingtake-away or in-store orders and orders from third-party apps, in addition tomanaging membership points for customers and manage promotions for eachholiday season and occasion.

2.1 Order in Place

When ordering, staff will ask customers whether they have created a memberaccount or not If the customer has a member account:

1 Click the table card

2 Ask for customer information and phone numbers to accumulate points3 Enter the customer's order information, paying special attention to the customer'snotes such as less sauce, extra toppings

4 Apply the customer's promotional code

The exported data information will include: 2 bills, 1 stamp and order data saved onthe machine.

1 stamp to make water1 bill given to customer

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1 bill kept to check at the end of the shift when there are any errors that can beedited on the machine.

2.2 Order through App or Website

Katinat's main partners can be mentioned as Grab, ShopeeFood, Gojek, Be But themajority of orders are from Grab because Grab has many promotional policies,discounts for customers as well as more convenient combos for customers Usually,most of the store's e-commerce revenue comes from Grab.

Customers will order food through the above applications, through which staff whoreceive online orders will have to prepare according to the following process:1 Receive orders from your own device

2 Check the order code from the 3rd party and enter the order code.3 Enter the requested customer data

4 Enter the promotion code5 Make water

6 Check the invoice again

7 Hand over to a 3rd party shipping unit

When a problem arises when ordering food online through the application, forexample: If the customer runs out of the requested dish, the store will proactivelycall the customer to notify the customer of the problem and offer other options.client If the customer does not change, the order will have to be canceled Or incase the customer does not receive the order, or if the order takes too long becausethe store is too crowded, the 3rd party delivery person cancels the order and thestore will have to resell it If the customer refuses to accept the orders, the thirdparty will be responsible.

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Figure 1: Swimlane Diagram of Katinat Saigon’s Cafe IMS

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Figure: Data Flow Diagram of Katinat Saigon’s Cafe

A data flow diagram (DFD) created by Katinat shows how an external entity calledthe "Customer" starts the process by putting orders into the system These customerorders are recorded and managed by the "Order Processing" procedure, which getsdata from the "Menu Database" that includes information on the goods and pricesthat are offered Concurrently, transaction-related data is handled by the "Payment

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Processing" process, which receives data from the client and updates the "PaymentDatabase" with transaction specifics The DFD offers a clear and concise depictionof the fundamental data flows and procedures in a coffee shop, demonstrating themovement of information from client orders to inventory control and financialtransactions.

The DFD, which illustrates how data moves through the system and is processed, isa structured depiction of the information system used by the coffee shop It is aneffective tool for illustrating the relationships between the key elements of a system.Processes, data repositories, and external entities make up the DFD Externalentities represent the sources or destinations of data outside the system, processesrepresent the activities that occur within the system, and data stores represent thedata that is stored within the system.

The DFD for the coffee shop is a Level 0 DFD, which provides a high-level view ofthe system It shows the major processes and data stores within the system and theinteractions between them The DFD can be further refined into lower-level DFDsto provide more detailed views of the system.


The term "MIS security" describes the safeguards implemented to keep informationsystem resources safe from compromise or unwanted access Securityvulnerabilities are flaws in hardware, software, or computer systems that an attackercould use to obtain unauthorized access or compromise a system.

Social engineering techniques can also be used to take advantage of people who arecomponents of the information system Gaining the system's users' trust is the aimof social engineering.

A management information system (MIS) needs to handle a number of securityconcerns Among the most prevalent security problems are:

a Unauthorized access

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This occurs when someone accesses data or a system without authorization Byusing access controls, two-factor authentication, and strong passwords, it can beavoided.

b Malware

Software that can damage a system or network is known as malware Installingantivirus software, updating software, and avoiding dubious downloads can allhelp prevent it.

c Phishing

One kind of social engineering attack is phishing, in which a perpetrator tries tofool a victim into disclosing private information Spam filters and user educationabout spotting phishing emails are two ways to stop it.

d Insider threats

Security risks that originate from within an organization are known as insiderthreats By putting in place access controls, keeping an eye on employeebehavior, and running background checks, they can be avoided.

e Data breaches

Sensitive information breaches happen when unauthorized people obtain or stealit By using access controls, encrypting data, and keeping an eye on networkactivity, they can be avoided.

f Weak passwords

Weak passwords pose a security risk because they are simple to figure out orcrack Password managers and the implementation of password policiesrequiring strong passwords are two ways to prevent them.

g Lack of backups

In the case of a disaster or system failure, data loss may arise from a lack ofbackups By establishing routine backups and testing the backup and recoveryprocedure, it can be avoided.

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These are only a handful of the numerous security concerns that a managementinformation system has to deal with To keep the system secure, it's critical toroutinely review and update security measures.

Another suggestion in to apply an information security management system (ISMS),which is an enterprise-wide framework of policies and controls used tosystematically manage risks and information security throughout the entireorganization These security measures may adhere to industry-specific guidelines orgeneral security standards

Applying ISMS to a company can drastically improve minimizing risks of security and privacy threats.


Problems at work are common during business operations, and using a properinstrument, such as MIS, is essential Management information systems (MIS) assistcompanies in making decisions, avoiding waste, and increasing profitability bygiving market information In work management, MIS serves as a planning tool,identifying strengths and weaknesses to provide a comprehensive view of thecompany's performance, promptly detect problems, help improve performance, andthrow light on the organization's effectiveness Everyone, both employees andcustomers, can utilize the MIS data and information to make decisions such asbudgeting, planning, market identification, and so on As a result, MIS is critical inbusiness as a tool to support effective information management for decision-makingand overall organizational effectiveness In addition, MIS also has many differentapplications such as:

MIS assists in gathering essential data from numerous sources within andoutside the firm in order to determine the most effective manner of operation.

It also provides a single repository for storing and organizing structured data,allowing for quick and easy retrieval of stored data for analysis and decision-making As a result, while using the MIS system, Katinat personnel can easilyapply this technology and discover a more efficient way of operating for Katinat.

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MIS converts raw data into valuable information by processing andsummarizing it Then, in order to respond to these instructions, analyze data toobtain customer insights and trends.

MIS compiles frequent reports for management, assisting in decision-making byallowing staff to visually convey key performance indicators to managementwhile also providing an overview of the progress of work.

MIS aids in the coordination of activities throughout the work chain, fromreceiving orders to serving.

It maintains all critical data such as financial reporting, planning, andaccounting, assisting management in determining total income, costs, andprofits.

MIS maintains employee data, such as working status, number of leaves, andbonuses, to rapidly and reliably determine employee wages.

MIS contributes to increased information security.

In addition, MIS applications include many different types of systems that provideinformation about all forms of business operations For examples:

• Executive Information System: It offers comprehensive data on expenses,earnings, operational plans, effectiveness, risks, and performance, which aids indecision-making.

• Marketing Information System: It finds the most successful campaigns andoffers information on previous marketing initiatives based on corporatestandards.

• Transaction processing system: TPS handles sales transactions and assistsclients with selecting desired orders, quantities, costs, modes of payment, etc.Sales-related data can also be tracked by this system.

• Customer relationship management system: Businesses may expand byidentifying customer patterns, and this technology helps them determine whenand how to reach out to customers for feedback Attend to their requirements assoon as possible.

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• Human resource management system: This system keeps tabs on the amount,timing, and performance of personnel.

• Financial accounting system: This technique assists in monitoring accountspayable and receivable to optimize profitability.

It is essential for growth to align the MIS with your strategic goals, whilecontinuously updating and adjusting the system to meet customer and market needs.

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Finally, Katinat's strategic integration of Information Systems into companyoperations, notably for online selling activities via third-party E-commerceplatforms, has proven to be a revolutionary and beneficial strategy The introductionof these technologies has considerably improved operational efficiency byproviding automated procedures and real-time data access, which reduce mistakesand speed up processing times The organization has effectively increased itsmarket reach by utilizing third-party channels to engage with a larger worldwideclient base Data-driven decision-making is enabled by the usage of informationsystems, which provides significant insights into consumer behavior, market trends,and sales success As a consequence, Katinat is better able to make educatedbusiness decisions and customize its strategy for best results Adoption of thesetechnologies not only increases customer experience and engagement, but alsosaves money through improved procedures Katinat's adaptability and scalability arefurther enhanced by the flexibility provided by these platforms, which enables thefirm to respond quickly to changing market circumstances Overall, the inclusion ofInformation Systems has not only positioned Katinat as a competitive force in theonline marketplace, but it has also established the groundwork for long-termdevelopment and innovation in the ever-changing field of E-commerce.

Ngày đăng: 10/05/2024, 14:38


