Use Cases2.1 Diagram2.2 Descriptionsa UC-01: Input design ideaID and Name: UC-01 Input design ideaCreated By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/15/2024Primary Actor: Customers Secondary
Trang 1Interior construction quotation system
Software Requirement Document
Report 3 - User Requirements
Group 4:
SE180121 - Trần Mai Quang Khải
SE180163 - Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng
SE182530 - Bùi Phước Lộc
SE182598 - Trương Tuấn Kiệt SE183117 - Nguyễn Vũ Thảo Vi SE173662 - Trần Ngọc Quý Long
– HoChiMinh, 17 April 2024 –th
Trang 2Table of Contents
Record of Changes
III User Requirements
1 Actors
2 Use Cases
2.1 Diagram
2.2 Descriptions
3 Business Rules
Trang 3Record of Changes
M, D
09/04/2024 A
Include an image-generating AI to generate a sample room design based on the parameters chosen
10/04/2024 M
Include an image-generating AI Users can upload a picture of their room, and then the AI will generate many designs for users’ selection or reference
11/04/2024 A Include online transactions that help users save time
12/04/2024 D Remove online transactions
*A - Added M - Modified D - Deleted
Trang 4III User Requirements
1 Actors
1 Customers
The Customers are those who find the system website and are interested in using it for designing their home interior The customers are provided with numerous design options
to choose from with the support of an image-generating AI helping the idea brainstorming process Afterwards, they will be assisted in the blueprint designing process and the interior construction process by the designers and constructors of the system company
2 Designers
The Designers are either the system staff or freelancers hired via online contracts Their main goal is to design an interior blueprint based on the ideas the customers send after inputting them on the system website Upon completion, the blueprint will be sent back
to the customers for confirmation In the case the customers do not accept it, the blueprint will be redesigned with the addition of customers’ feedback
3 Constructors
The Constructors are the system employees who will handle the interior construction based on the blueprint provided by the designers with the customers’ confirmation Their objectives include contacting suppliers for materials and tools, taking measurements, and finally, constructing While the construction is in progress, the constructors will make a weekly report on the progress In addition, they will also handle the quotation-gathering process to sum up the payment
4 Suppliers The suppliers are the affiliated parties with the constructors, who will provide them withthe necessary materials, furniture, decorations, and tools required for the construction
5 AI
The AI is an artificial intelligence system designed to generate images based on users’ inputs The system was built by another company and was bought by the current system The AI was trained again using the system dataset to accept more parameters, allowing more diversity in users’ choices and the generated image higher precision
6 Admin
The administrators are the system employees who oversee the entire interaction between customers and the system staff They will have access to the user details of all related parties, including the customers, the designers, the constructors, and the suppliers With that authority, their main goal is to preserve the information's validity and transmit it to those who need it
Trang 52 Use Cases
2.1 Diagram
2.2 Descriptions
a) UC-01: Input design idea
ID and Name: UC-01 Input design idea
Created By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/15/2024
Primary Actor: Customers Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System Description: Upon entering the system website, customers will be welcomed with a number of design
options they can choose from The options can be in the form of select forms, radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes, and so on After choosing all of the mandatory inputs, two buttons would appear: “Generate sample design” and “Submit design idea” The former grants the customers the ability to generate a sample design based on their inputs, while the latter would submit all of the customers’ choices as well as the AI design if they wanted to Afterwards, an info form will appear, prompting the customers to input their personal details for contact purposes
Trigger: Customers enter the system website and are interested in using the system for designing their home interior
Preconditions: PRE-1 Customers have entered the system website
Postconditions: POST-1: A message box will appear to show the submission status of either successful or failed
POST-2: A call will be made to the customers as soon as possible while in working hours to validate the customers’ information
Normal Flow: 1.0 Input design idea
Trang 62 The system redirects the user to the design page.
3 The customers can choose the design options that satisfy their needs
4 After choosing all of the mandatory options, two buttons will appear: the “Generate sample design” and the “Submit design idea” (See 1.2)
5 When the customers click the “Submit design idea” button, a message box will appear informing them about the submission status, either successful or failed (See 1.0.E1)
6 A user information form will appear for customers to fill in, such as the customer’s name, constructing location, time, and contact details,…
Alternative Flows: 1.1 Go to the design page directly.
1 Before entering the system website’s home page, the customers can choose the link that directs to the design page on the Google search page or type the URL link directly on the URL address bar
2 Go to step 3 of the normal flow
1.2 Generate sample design
1 If the customers click the “Generate sample design” button, the AI will generate a sample design based on the customers’ choices
2a If the customers want to change their ideas, go to step 3 of the normal flow
2b If the customers want to confirm their idea, to go step 5
Exceptions: 1.0.E1 Pop-up login form in case the customers have not logged in.
1 After clicking the “Submit Design Idea”, if the customers have not signed in, they will be prompted with a login form in order to contact the customers for affirmation
2 The customers enter all of the mandatory input fields, including email, and phone number fields for contact purposes
3 After logging in, go to step 8
Priority: High
Business Rules: None
1 Expect a high frequency of executing this use case within the first 2 weeks after the system
is released
2 The customers can cancel the operation at any time prior to confirming it
b) UC-02: Generate sample design
ID and Name: UC-02 Generate sample design
Created By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Artificial Intelligence Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System,
Customers Description: Based on the customers’ chosen options, the AI will generate several sample design images
that customers can choose to base their designs on
Trang 7Preconditions: PRE-1: Customers have to select all mandatory options.
PRE-2: Customers have to click the “Generate Sample Design” button
Postconditions: POST-1: A set of sample design images will appear after a few seconds
Normal Flow: 2.0 Generate sample design
1 After the customers have chosen all of the mandatory design options, the option to click the “Generate Sample Design” will open
2 The AI system will be prompted to generate several sample design images
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: None
Priority: Mid
Business Rules: None
1 The AI will take several seconds to a minute to generate a set of design ideas
c) UC-03: Log In
ID and Name: UC-03 Log In
Created By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Customers, Designers,
Constructors, Admin
Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System
Description: Customers who come to the system can either log into an existing account or create a new one
instead An account is needed to make order happen
Trigger: Customers can click the log-in button on the nav bar or automatically open the login form if users have not signed in while submitting the design idea
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: POST-1: The system website will display a message of either successfully or failed to login If it
is successful, the nav bar of the system website will display the customers’ usernames
Normal Flow: 3.0 Log in
1 The customers enter the system website’s home page
2 Click the log-in link to redirect to the log-in page (See 3.2)
3 Input the username and password, then press the “Log In” button
4 Customers will be redirected to the home page and the navigation bar will display the customer's username with a prompt stating successfully login (See 3.0.E1)
Alternative Flows: 3.1 Log In while choosing design options (See US-1 flow 1.0)
1 If the customers have not signed in prior to entering the design page, a login form will appear after clicking the “Submit Design Idea” button
Trang 83.2 Register if the customers do not have an account
1 Press the “Register new account” button displayed on the login page
2 Enter the needed information, such as username, password, email, phone number, and so on
3 Click the “Register” button
4 If successfully creating an account, the customers will be redirected to the login page again, then go to step 3 in the normal flow
Exceptions: 3.0.E1 Customers do not have an account
1 If the customers do not have an account, follow Alternative Flow 3.2
Priority: High
Business Rules: BR-06
d) UC-04: Upload blueprint
ID and Name: UC-04 Upload blueprint
Created By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Designers Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System,
Customers Description: This function allows the designers to upload the blueprint to the dashboard for the customers
to see For this use case to take place, the UC-01 needs to happen first
Trigger: After the customers have submitted their design ideas, and the designers have validated the order with the customer
Preconditions: PRE-1: Have filled in the user’s information form
Postconditions: POST-1: A message box will appear stating the submission status of either successful or failed
Normal Flow: 4.0 Upload blueprint
1 Upon receiving the design ideas, make contact with the customers as soon as possible to validate the integrity of the order (See 4.0.E1)
2 Start designing the blueprint based on the design ideas using an external application
3 Upload the blueprint onto the dashboard
4 Wait for customers’ responses on the blueprint
a If the customers are satisfied with the blueprint, proceed to the next phase
b If the customers are not satisfied with the blueprint, collect feedback from them and
go to step 2 for redesign
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 4.0.E1 The customers make additional requests while in contact
Trang 9that are not an option using the system.
Priority: Mid
Business Rules: BR-09, BR-12
1 While in the blueprint designing process, the customers can directly make contact with the designers to make some changes to the design
e) UC-05: Upload info
ID and Name: UC-05 Upload info
Created By: Nguyễn Hoàng Dũng Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Customers, Designers,
Constructors, Suppliers
Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System,
Admins Description: This is an important use case of the system For any progress to be made during the interior
construction quoting process, any related parties have to upload their info onto the dashboard and be validated by the admin The info can include name, location, contact details, email, and
so on
Trigger: For Customers, during the Input Design idea process, a user’s info form will appear for them to fill in As for the Designers, Constructors, or Suppliers, their info might already exist on the database If not, when they are assigned to a project, a user’s info form will be sent Preconditions: None
Postconditions: POST-1: A message box will appear stating the upload status of either successful or failed
Normal Flow: 5.0 Upload info
● For Customers: See UC-01 flow 1.0
1 After the customers have finished choosing all of the mandatory options, clicking the
“Submit Design Idea” button will prompt them with a user’s info form
2 Fill in all the fields then click the “Submit” button
● For Designers, Constructors, and Suppliers: See 5.0.E1
1 When assigned to a project, a link to the user’s info form will be sent to the related parties’ emails
2 Clicking the link will redirect them to the form page for them to fill in
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: 5.0.E1 User’s info already exists on the system database
In the scenario of the user’s info of the designers, constructors, or suppliers already existing on the database, the admin will directly upload them onto the project dashboard The actors can skip the normal flow
Priority: Very high
Business Rules: BR-06, BR-19
Other None
Trang 10g) UC-06: Manage user’s info
ID and Name: UC-06 Manage user’s info
Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System Description: This is the main function of the admin to manage the info of the designers, customers,
suppliers, and constructors
Trigger: When the admin logs in with their account the user’s info list is displayed from the database, and the admin can manage them
Preconditions: PRE-1: Users must input their info
PRE-2: The one who logs in must be the system admin
Postconditions: POST-1: The admin must save after modifications
Normal Flow: 6.0 Manage user’s info.
1 After users have inputted their info, they will be displayed for the admin
2 After the admin has made their modifications, the admin must press the save button to ensure the info has been saved
Alternative Flows: None
Exceptions: None
Priority: High
Business Rules: BR-06, BR-05
h) UC-07: Send users’ info
ID and Name: UC-07 Send user’s info
Created By: Trương Tuấn KIệt Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Admin Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System,
Customers, Designers, Constructors Description: This is one of the main functions of the system managed by Admin, the ability to send required
project information to users via the system
Trigger: Whenever users want to view information about the projects
Preconditions: PRE-1: Users’ info has been uploaded
Postconditions: POST-1: The system will display information based on users’ roles
Trang 111 Admin login to the dashboard.
2 Receive and upload users' information to the dashboard based on users’ role
3 Click the “Save” button
Alternative Flows: None
Priority: Very high
Business Rules: BR-05
i) UC-08: Receive customers’ design idea
ID and Name: UC-08 Receive customers’ design idea
Created By: Trương Tuấn KIệt Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Designers Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System
Description: In this use case, designers will receive customers’ design ideas in order to draw a specific
blueprint for the apartment
Trigger: After customers have submitted their design ideas to the system, the designers will be able to receive those ideas
Preconditions: None
Postconditions: POST-1: The system will display customers’ design ideas
Normal Flow: 8.0 Receive customers’ design ideas
1 Designers log in to the system
2 Receive users' ideas to design the blueprint
3 Start designing
Alternative Flows: None
Priority: Mid
Business Rules: BR-09
j) UC-09: Upload blueprint
ID and Name: UC-09 Upload blueprint
Created By: Trương Tuấn KIệt Date Created: 04/16/2024
Primary Actor: Designers Secondary Actors: Interior Construction Quoting System