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ass project report software requirement specification

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Assign auditor to a business AdminSave history changes of tax declaration Authenticated userView history changes of tax declaration Authenticated userUpload financial statement AuditorUp

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ASS PROJECT REPORTSoftware Requirement Specification

– Ho Chi Minh, Sep 2023 –

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3 Use Cases Diagram 5

4 Use Cases Details 5

4.6 Edit account information 12

4.7 View accounts list 13

4.8 Create business profile 14

4.9 View business profile 15

4.10 Edit business profile 15

4.11 Read e-invoice data 16

4.12 Extract e-invoice processing 17

4.13 Decompress file processing 18

4.14 Save invoice information 19

4.15 View e-invoice list 20

4.16 View e-invoice detail 21

4.17 Update an e-invoice status 22

4.18 Upload e-invoice file in mailbox 23

4.19 Import e-invoice files 23

4.20 Export e-invoice xml files 24

4.21 Search & filter invoices 25

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4.23 Read email content & get mail attachments 27

4.24 View assigned business list 28

4.25 View business detail 29

4.26 View businesses list 30

4.27 Upload tax declaration 30

4.28 Update tax declaration 31

4.29 Save history changes of tax declaration 32

4.30 View changes of tax declaration 33

4.31 Upload financial statement 34

4.32 Update financial statement 35

4.33 Save history changes of financial statement 36

4.34 View history changes of financial statement 37

4.35 Create business provider 37

4.36 Update business provider 38

4.37 Delete business provider 39

4.38 View list business provider 40

4.39 View system statistic for admin 41

4.40 View invoice statistic for business 41

4.41 View business provider statistic for business 42

VI Functional Requirements 43

1 System Functional Overview 43

Q2 [0.25p]Glossary Examples:

E-invoice: An electronic invoice is a document generated in a standardized structured format that facilitates automatic electronic transmission and processing.

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transmitting invoice data.

Tax declaration: A tax declaration is a periodic report submitted to tax authorities, disclosing tax-related information such as income, expenses, taxes paid, and taxes owed.

Financial statement: Financial statements are formal records of a business's financial activities and position Theytypically include balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

Q3 [0.5p]

Q4 [1.5p]In a business context:

Business Owner: As a business owner, it is imperative for me to have the capability to generate and download comprehensive e-invoice reports for specific time periods This feature is crucial as it enables me to meticulously review these reports and align them with our business records, ensuring the utmost accuracy and compliance withfinancial regulations.

System Administrator: In my role as a system administrator, it is my responsibility to effectively manage user accounts and permissions within our financial systems The ability to control access to sensitive financial information is paramount to safeguarding the integrity of our financial data and ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and modify crucial financial records.

Business Manager: As a business manager, one of my key responsibilities is to efficiently search and filter invoices based on various criteria such as date, customer name, or invoice number This functionality is

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improving our operational efficiency.

Business Staff: For our business staff, the ability to edit and update invoice information is essential This includesrectifying errors, adding supplementary details, and ensuring our records are accurate and up-to-date These tasks are pivotal in maintaining the precision of our financial records.

Auditor: As an auditor, it is imperative that I have the tools to track the status of invoices throughout the validation process This includes monitoring whether invoices have been validated, approved, or rejected Such oversight is crucial to ensuring compliance with financial protocols and evaluating the progress of our validation procedures.

Q5 [1.5p]

From a User's Perspective:

Accessing the System: As a user, my initial requirement is to have easy access to the system To achieve this, I should be able to navigate to the login screen, where I can securely enter my email and password This process ensures that I can gain authorized entry into the system, safeguarding the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Invoice Management: Once inside the system, I anticipate a comprehensive Invoice List screen On this screen, I should be able to view a list of invoices, each displaying pertinent information such as the invoice number, date, supplier, and current status In addition, it is crucial for me to have the functionality to search and filter these invoices based on specific criteria, enhancing the efficiency of managing our financial records.

Invoice Details: For a deeper understanding of each invoice, I require an Invoice Detail screen This screen should offer a detailed breakdown of each invoice, featuring information such as the invoice number, date, buyer/seller details, invoice amount, and its current status Moreover, I should be able to upload supporting XML and PDF files associated with the invoice, ensuring that all relevant documentation is securely stored and accessible.

Uploading Documents: To streamline the process of attaching essential documentation to an invoice, I need access to the Upload Invoice screen Within this screen, there should be clear and user-friendly buttons allowing me to upload both XML and PDF files Furthermore, an overarching "Upload" button should be available to finalize the process, ensuring that the attachment of files is a straightforward and efficient task.

Tax Declaration: To fulfill my financial obligations, I should have access to the Tax Declaration screen This screen should be organized into quarterly tabs, simplifying the process of submitting accurate tax information Within each tab, I expect the functionality to upload income Excel files, expense Excel files, and a tax return PDFfile This feature is critical in ensuring compliance with tax regulations and facilitates the precise submission of financial data for tax purposes.

Q6 [1p]

Rules and Requirements:

Document Types for Manual Upload: In our system, invoices uploaded manually are required to have both XML and PDF files attached This rule is in place to guarantee that all manually uploaded invoices possess the

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of invoice records, facilitating efficient record-keeping and future reference.

Export Restrictions: Our system imposes a critical rule regarding the export of invoices Only invoices that have undergone the approval process can be exported This restriction safeguards the integrity of the export functionality by permitting only validated and authorized invoices to be shared externally or used for further processing This mechanism assures that only invoices meeting the required criteria are disseminated.

Email Validation for E-Invoices: For businesses that configure their email addresses to receive e-invoices, a rule is in place to verify that these configured emails match the registered business email This verification process is essential for maintaining the integrity and security of invoice communication It ensures that the recipient's identity is validated, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive financial information.

Quarterly Tax Declarations: To ensure compliance with tax regulations, our system mandates that tax declaration documents must be uploaded for each quarter This rule necessitates the submission of accurate financial information on a quarterly basis It enables businesses to fulfill their tax obligations, providing governments with up-to-date financial data and facilitating smooth tax-related procedures.

Annual Financial Statements: Our system also enforces a rule that requires the annual upload of financial statements This rule ensures that businesses provide comprehensive financial records, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, on an annual basis Compliance with this requirement is essential for meeting reporting standards and obligations for a given fiscal year.

Q6 [0.5p]

System Integration and Interfaces:

User Interface Variety: The system's flexibility extends to supporting multiple user interfaces, encompassing webapplications and mobile apps Specific devices, browsers, and screen resolutions should be clearly outlined to ensure a consistent and optimized user experience across diverse platforms This commitment to user experience diversity is fundamental to our system's usability.

Email Connectivity: To facilitate email communication related to e-invoices, the system should seamlessly interface with external email service providers like Gmail or Outlook This includes support for various communication protocols, such as IMAP, POP3, and SMTP These protocol details ensure that emails are efficiently transmitted, received, and stored, enhancing the reliability and functionality of our email services.

Secure Payment Processing: If our system enables invoice payments through trusted payment gateways like Stripe or PayPal, it is essential to provide integration details These details encompass the relevant APIs and messaging protocols This transparent approach ensures secure and reliable payment processing for users, instilling confidence in their financial transactions.

Tax Authority Interaction: In scenarios where the system must engage with external systems from tax departments or other tax authorities, it is vital to specify API specifications and communication protocols These details facilitate the seamless exchange of tax-related data and ensure adherence to tax regulations Such compliance is crucial for the system's effectiveness in handling tax-related matters.

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should offer clear information about the required APIs or integration methods This facilitates the secure storage and retrieval of invoices and associated documents Users can rely on the system to efficiently manage their stored data within trusted cloud storage services.

Enterprise System Compatibility: If the system integrates with existing enterprise systems for functions such as authentication, logging, accounting, or enterprise resource planning (ERP), comprehensive specifications for the required integration interfaces and protocols should be provided These specifications ensure smooth interoperability with other systems within the organization, enhancing operational efficiency.

Analytics Integration: For effective monitoring and reporting, the system's integration with analytics platforms like Google Analytics or Mixpanel should be clearly outlined This includes interface specifications or APIs that allow for the collection and analysis of relevant data Users can gain valuable insights into system usage and performance, aiding informed decision-making.

Office Productivity Collaboration: When the need arises to export invoice data to formats such as Excel or Word documents, it is essential to list the Microsoft Office APIs or interfaces required for this purpose This documentation facilitates the seamless generation and formatting of documents, enhancing user convenience and productivity.

Q7 [1p]

Quality Assurance Aspects:

Data Protection: The system must prioritize the safeguarding of sensitive data, including invoice

information and financial records To achieve this, it should implement stringent security measures such as data encryption, access controls, and secure communication protocols This dedication to data protection is fundamental in upholding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical financial data.

Performance Optimization: The system should be optimized for efficient performance, ensuring rapid

responses to user interactions It should effortlessly handle a substantial volume of invoices and maintain a responsive user interface, thereby guaranteeing smooth and uninterrupted operations Performance optimization is paramount for delivering a seamless user experience, preventing any bottlenecks in invoice processing, and supporting the system's scalability as it accommodates an expanding user base and transaction load.

Dependable Operations: Reliability is of utmost importance The system should minimize downtime and

consistently ensure the availability of invoices and data It should gracefully handle errors and swiftly recover from failures, thereby preserving the continuity of operations Reliability serves to prevent disruptions in invoice management processes, avert data loss or corruption, and cultivate trust among users who rely on the system for their financial tasks.

Scalability and Growth: The system should be designed with scalability in mind, capable of

accommodating growing workloads, an increasing user base, and expanding data volumes Whether through horizontal or vertical scaling, the system should allow for seamless expansion without compromising performance Scalability is essential in ensuring that the system can adapt to business growth, tackle peak workloads, and avoid performance constraints, supporting its long-term viability and usability as the business evolves.

User-Centric Design: Usability should be a guiding principle in the system's development It should feature

an intuitive and user-friendly interface with straightforward navigation and clear, easy-to-understand instructions This approach reduces the learning curve for users, enhancing their overall experience Usability is pivotal in promoting user adoption and productivity, minimizing the potential for user errors, and increasing efficiency in invoice management tasks It ultimately contributes to higher user satisfaction and a more productive work environment.

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User Interface: The user interacts with the system through the user interface, initiating data retrieval and processing.

Data Retrieval: The system retrieves relevant data from various sources, such as databases or external services.

Data Processing: The retrieved data undergoes processing and transformation as required for further use.

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Reporting: The system generates reports based on the processed data, offering insights and information to the user.

Export Data: Users can export data from the system for external use or sharing.

This diagram represents the flow of data and actions within the system, ensuring efficient data retrieval, processing, and reporting for users.

Q9 [1p]

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Approve: The transition from the Request Submitted state to Request Approved, indicating that the request has been approved and can proceed to processing.

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Process: The transition from Request Approved to Request In Progress, indicating that the request is currently being processed.

Request In Progress: The state indicating that the request is actively being worked on or processed.

Review: The transition from Request In Progress to Request Under Review, indicating that the processed request is now under review for quality and accuracy.

Request Under Review: The state where the request is being reviewed for compliance and correctness.

Revise: The transition from Request Under Review to Request Revision, indicating that revisions or modifications are required.

Request Revision: The state where the request is being revised and updated to address any issues identified during the review.

Finalize: The transition from Request Revision to Request Finalized, indicating that the request has been revised and is now ready for finalization.

Request Finalized: The state indicating that the request has been finalized and is awaiting closure.

Close: The transition from Request Finalized to Request Closed, marking the completion of the request.

Request Closed: The final state indicating that the request has been successfully processed and closed, with no further actions required.

Q10 [1p]

Product System: Description of the main product or system, including its purpose and key features.

Interfaces: An overview of the external interfaces that the product system interacts with.

Users/Clients: Information about the types of users and clients who use the product system.

Integration Points: Details about the system's integration with external systems and services to ensure seamless data exchange and functionality.

● Record of change

DateA*In chargeChange Description

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Oct 2, 2023 M, D BinhN Update questions

I Introduction

This document serves as a comprehensive guide that outlines the requirements (functional and non-functional), and specifications of the ASS system It provides valuable information for the development team, stakeholders, and other parties involved in the project.

1 Scope

This SRS document aims to cover the functional and non-functional requirements of the ASS solution It encompasses the system's core features, interfaces, performance expectations, security considerations, and other essential aspects necessary for its successful implementation.

2 Audience

The primary audiences for this document include:

- Development Team: Designers, developers, and testers who will be involved in the development and testing of the ASS solution.

- Project Stakeholders: Supervisors, project sponsors, and decision-makers who require an understanding of the system's requirements, features, and constraints.

- Auditors and Businesses: End-users who will interact with the ASS solution and benefit from its functionalities.

II Product Overview

In the modern era, accountants often encounter the challenge of accessing various storage platforms such as Gmail, Drive, Zalo, and others to collect and manage invoices The traditional practice of storing invoices on personal computers poses risks of data loss and compromises the integrity of information Moreover, accountants face the burden of processing a substantial volume of invoices, which can result from client delays or other factors at the end of each month This manual process increases the likelihood of human errors, leading to incorrect data entry.

To address these pain points, we introduce the Accountant Support System (ASS) solution Our primary objective is to develop a website that automates existing manual procedures and enables organizations and accountants to streamline their operations The ASS solution aims to provide the following capabilities:

- Automatic Gathering of E-Invoices: The system will automatically retrieve e-invoices from organizations, eliminating the need for accountants to individually collect them from various sources.

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by the Department of Taxation Vietnam This feature ensures compliance with tax regulations and identifies any discrepancies.

- Cloud Storage Integration: The ASS solution will integrate with cloud storage platforms, offering a predefined folder structure for efficiently organizing and storing e-invoices This approach enhances data security, accessibility, and reduces the risk of information loss.

- Data Extraction and Saving: The system will extract relevant data from e-invoices and save it in cloud storage This automation eliminates the manual effort required for data entry and minimizes the likelihood of errors.Our ASS solution aims to alleviate the challenges faced by accountants and organizations in invoice management By automating processes and ensuring data accuracy, we aim to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and enhance overall productivity in the accounting domain.

IV Business rules

BR-01 The owner of the account can update their own profile

BR-02 Members can not register or update with an email or phone that has been used before.

V User Requirements1 Actors

This section includes the actors of the app An actor is a person that interacts with the system to perform a use case (action) See Table 1 for all actors.

- Is a manager of a business- Can manage the tax declaration- Can feedback for accountant agency

- Can manage staffs (create, update, delete accounts)- Can track the income/outcome of the company- Can access to the invoice storage and report storage

- Is a staff of a business- Can upload output invoice

- Can create request accountant organization

- Is an auditor having accounting knowledge- Can validate and check for the sufficiency of the invoices- Can review the tax declaration, financial statement- Can do tax returns, tax declaration

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5 Unauthenticated User - Can log in using valid credentials- Can sign up as a Business Manager

Table 1 Actors of the ASS solution

2 User stories

3 Use Cases Diagram

4 Use Cases Details

Edit account information Authenticated User

Create business profile Business ManagerView business profile Authenticated UserEdit business profile Business ManagerRead e-invoice data

Extract e-invoice dataDecompress file processingSave e-invoice information

View e-invoices list Authenticated userView e-invoice detail Authenticated userUpdate an e-invoice status Authenticated userUpload e-invoice file in mailbox Authenticated userImport e-invoice files Authenticated userExport e-invoice XML file AuditorSearch & filter invoices Authenticated userCompare e-invoices with downloaded

sheet files from Tax Department website

Trigger filter & read email contentGet & save forwarded email attachments

View assigned businesses list Auditor

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Assign auditor to a business Admin

Save history changes of tax declaration Authenticated userView history changes of tax declaration Authenticated userUpload financial statement AuditorUpdate financial statement AuditorView history changes of updated

financial statement

AuditorSave history changes of financial

Authenticated userCreate business provider Business managerUpdate business provider Business managerDelete business provider Business managerView business provider Business managerView system statistic for admin AdminView invoice statistic for business Business managerView business provider statistic for

Business managerTable 2 – Use cases list

4.1.Sign upName:Sign up

Primary Actor: Business Manager

Description: This feature allows Unauthenticated Users to sign up an account to ASS website.

Trigger: Unauthenticated User indicates that he/she wants to sign up to the ASS website

Pre-conditions: N/A

Post-conditions: User logins to the ASS website with their role successfully and gets direct to the “Dashboard” screen.

Normal Flow: Sign up

1 ASS website displays the Sign up screen.2 Unauthenticated user fills these fields:

a Personal email b Phone numberc Organization named Tax number

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f Full nameg Password.h Company email

3 Unauthenticated user clicks the “Đăng ký” button.

4 ASS website validates the inputted information and redirects to the business profile with his/her account already logged in.

Exceptions: The personal email/company email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The personal email field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The password field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

Priority: High.

Frequency of

Business Rules:

- Phone number must be 10 digits format

- Name of the registered organization must be the same with the name registered with the Tax Department (both English & Vietnamese name)

- Tax number must be 10-14 digits format

4.2.Sign in

Name:Sign in

Description: This feature allows Unauthenticated Users to log into the ASS website.

Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she wants to log in to the ASS website

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User has an account in ASS website- User account has “active” status.

Post-conditions: User logins to the ASS website with their role successfully and gets direct to the home screen depended on their role

- The ASS website displays the Login screen.- Authenticated user fills 2 fields:

- Authenticated user clicks the “Đăng nhập” button.

- ASS website validates the inputted information and redirects to the homepage with their account role.

Exceptions: The email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The email field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The password field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The email does not exist.

● ASS website shows error message.

The email is deactivated.

● ASS website shows error message.

The password is incorrect.

● ASS website shows error message.

4.3.Sign Out

Name:Sign out

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Primary Actor: Authenticated User

Description: This feature allows authenticated user to log out the ASS website.

Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she wants to log out to the ASS website

Pre-conditions: User has logged in ASS website

Post-conditions: User logout successfully and the system direct to sign in screen

- User click on the “Avatar icon” and choose “Đăng xuất”

- The system will delete the current session and direct user to sign in screen

Name:Reset password

Description: This feature allows authenticated users to reset their password

Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she forgot password to log in the ASS system

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User has an account in ASS website- User account has “active” status.

Post-conditions: User reset their password successfully and log in the ASS with the new password

- User click on “Quên mật khẩu” button

- User enter their registered email and click “Gửi lại mật khẩu”

- The ASS system will send a mail attached with a reset password to the input email- User log in the ASS system with a new password

- User login successfully and the system direct to the screen based on their role

Exceptions: The email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The email field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The email does not exist in database.

● ASS website shows error message.

The email is deactivated.

● ASS website shows error message.

4.5.Create account

Name:Create account

Primary Actor: Business manager & Admin

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Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she wants to create a new account

Pre-conditions: - User has login as admin role or business manager role- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User create new account successfully and the system will send an email to that registered email attached with password

For business manager:

- User click on “Nhân viên” on the sidebar and choose “Thêm nhân viên’- User fill all required fields and click “Tạo”

- The system will create a new account and send an mail with random password to theregistered mail

Exceptions: The email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The email field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The full name field is empty.

● ASS website shows error message.

The email existed in database.

● ASS website shows error message.

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Name:Edit account information

Primary Actor: Authenticated user

Description: This feature allows user to edit their account information

Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she wants to edit their account information

- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User update their account information successfully

- User click on “Avatar icon” and choose “Cá nhân” - User edit their account information and click “Cập nhật”

- The system will update the new information and show successful message

Business Rules: - User cannot edit their email information & role

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Description: This feature allows admin & business manager view list of accounts

Trigger: Authenticated User indicates that he/she wants to view list of accounts

Pre-conditions: - User has login as admin role or business manager role- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User view list of accounts successfully

Normal Flow: View list of account

For business manager:

- User click on “Nhân viên” on the sidebar

- The system will display list of accounts of that business both active and banned status

- User can filter and search account by name, email or status For admin:

- User click on “Người dùng” on sidebar

- The system will display list of accounts of the system both active and banned status- User can filter and search account by name, email or status

4.8.Create business profile

Name:Create business profile

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Description: This feature allows business manager create their business profile

- Business manager have not created their business profile

Pre-conditions: - User has login as business manager role- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User create their business profile successfully

- User direct to create business profile screen- User enter all required fields and click “Tạo mới”

- The system will create a new business profile and show successful message

Exceptions: The email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The tax number is invalid (must be 10-14 digits)

● ASS website returns error message.

The required field is empty

● ASS website returns error message.

Business Rules: - Invoice received email must be the email using for receiving e-Invoices of that business

- Name, English name, tax number, represent person name of business must be matched with the information they registered with the Government

4.9.View business profile

Name:View business profile

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Primary Actor: Business manager

Description: This feature allows business manager view their business profile

Trigger: Business manager want to view their profile

Pre-conditions: - User has login as business manager role- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User view their business profile successfully

- User click on “Avatar icon” and choose “Cá nhân”- The system display the business profile information

4.10 Edit business profile

Name:Edit business profile

Description: This feature allows business manager edit their business profile

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Pre-conditions: - User has login as business manager role- User account has “active” status

Post-conditions: User create their business profile successfully

- User click on “Avatar” icon and choose “Cá nhân”

- User click “Cập nhật” button and update business profile information- The system will update the edited information and show successful message

Exceptions: The email is invalid

● ASS website returns error message.

The tax number is invalid (must be 10-14 digits)

● ASS website returns error message.

The required field is empty

● ASS website returns error message.

Business Rules: - Invoice received email must be the email using for receiving e-Invoices of that business

- Name, English name, tax number, represent person name of business must be matched with the information they registered with the Government

4.11 Read e-invoice data

Name: Read e-invoice information

Description: This feature allows ASS system to read e-invoice information

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Pre-conditions: - Incoming mail must have xml file attachment- Mail is filtered as e-invoice mail

Post-conditions: Read e-invoice information successfully

- The system receive new email with xml file attachment- The system get xml file and read data based on predefined structure- Read and get data successfully

Exceptions: The xml file is not matched the predefined structure

● ASS website will skip that xml file and record as no xml file attached

Business Rules: - XML file must comply the structure of invoice xml file according to the law announced by the Tax Department

4.12 Extract e-invoice processing

Name: Extract e-invoice processing

Description: This feature allows ASS system to extract required e-invoice information

Trigger: The system has read the e-invoice xml file successfully

Pre-conditions: XML file is matched with predefined structure

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Normal Flow: Extract e-invoice processing

- The system has read xml file - The system extract required e-invoice data - The system match the data from e-invoice to database

Exceptions: The xml file is not matched the predefined structure

● ASS website will skip that xml file and record as no xml file attached

Business Rules: - XML file must comply the structure of invoice xml file according to the law announced by the Tax Department

4.13 Decompress file processing

Name: Decompress file processing

Description: This feature allows ASS system to decompress file attachments in mail

Trigger: When the incoming mail has a zip attached file

Pre-conditions: Zip file has no password

Zip file must include xml file matched with the format

Post-conditions: Decompress and extract invoice data successfully

- The system detect a zip file

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:58

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