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In order to instill practical social valuesbased on sympathy and affection in many unhappy lives, particularly children,following the COVID-19 epidemic; they have faced too many challeng

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Communication and In-GroupWorking Skills

Community Projects

La Vie En Rose

Class Code: SSG104

Ngo Thi Thanh Dung

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Lại Thành TàiLưu Vũ Minh Đức

Phạm Vũ Huỳnh Giang Nguyễn Hữu Bình

Lê Đăng Khoa

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5 Difficulties and solutions 7

5.1 Mass audience issue 7

5.2 Unpredicted changes in planning schedules 8

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I Abstract

In modern society, alongside investing and developing a strong economy, manyhave genuinely forgotten the significance of children’s key role as the majoringredient for any future goals Millions of children are experiencing unfortunateimpacts from homelessness, widespread diseases, and insufficient nutrients tomaintain a healthy state Ultimately, the ignorance of some can invisibly worsenthe present situation and more lives are endangered and unable to escape poorliving conditions and continue to suffer from poverty

Children are without question, are fragile and valuable lives need to be providedwith suitable living standards in order to construct a stable and civilized society.Everyone was entitled to nurture and support young generations to persist inreplacing the present workforce and participate in creating existing benefits for thecommunity.

II Introduction

Although Vietnam has improved in many ways in recent years, we can’t ignore thecountry’s orphan crisis It is estimated that there are approximately 2 millionextremely vulnerable children with an estimated 500,000 orphaned or abandonedchildren in Vietnam

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 epidemic has claimed the lives of morethan 40,000 people Tens of thousands of children are orphaned More than ever,children need special attention from the whole society It was an epidemic thatmade many children orphaned by mothers or fathers, even fathers, and mothers.Many children face extremely difficult circumstances Therefore, agencies andcommunities and the whole society join hands to take care of children's physical

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and mental health That is our mutual goal as we select Angels Orphanage as ourlocation for the project La Vie En Rose (ONLINE, 2022)

Moreover, the city has in excess of 1,500 secondary school and trainingunderstudies who have consistently fallen into orphandom since family membershave passed on from COVID-19 in only the past couple of months This number issurely a lot higher assuming you incorporate preschool-mature kids alongside afew other extraordinary cases outside the school system or youngsters who don'thave the circumstances to go to class, also the number of youngsters in differentterritories and urban communities that are not presently counted The aggravationof losing guardians and family members to kids is excessively perfect, andunsalvageable Particularly for youngsters in burdened families, when the familypoint of support is lost, the more unstable life is, and what's to come faces manydifficulties Numerous clinicians accept that youngsters who lose their folks are indanger of serious mental injury Without legitimate help, they will experiencelong-haul consequences for their emotional wellness as well as their odds ofcoming out on top in later life (Minh Huệ, 2021)

More than 19,000 individuals have died in Vietnam as a result of the COVID-19epidemic, and thousands of children have become orphans, and have lost the love,and care of their parents and relatives The trauma of losing parents and loved onesis too tremendous for children to endure and cannot be compensated for When achild loses his or her breadwinner, his or her life becomes more unstable, and thefuture is fraught with difficulties Many psychologists assume that children wholose both parents face severe psychological damage Without sufficient help,children's mental health and prospects of success later in life will suffer long-termconsequences Admittedly, they require particular attention and comprehensive

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solutions to support them in the long run Not only the children affected byCOVID-19 need our attention and support but there are also many ones that sufferfrom homeless, diseases, and violence In order to instill practical social valuesbased on sympathy and affection in many unhappy lives, particularly children,following the COVID-19 epidemic; they have faced too many challenges andtragedies in their lives but have not received the attention they need, we createdthis project to raise public awareness for less fortunate children in Ho Chi MinhCity (Minh Huệ, 2021)

III Implementation of process


Gaining awareness for people about the importance of the young generation is themain project’s purpose We want people to be aware that children deserve to live,be cared for, and developed in the best standard Based on a substantial amount ofinformation and data collected from many sources such as newspapers that relatedto the thousand causes of children with special conditions, we widespread lecturesabout love, sympathy, and warning Making concerted efforts to inspire people tocreate more places where children can receive protection from people who arewilling to support and encourage them so as to overcome past pains and beconfident as much as possible in the foreseeable future

2 Platforms

To convey our project to everyone, we use the Facebook application through thepage Lavie en Rose People can get information and insights about the lives of

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orphans and acknowledge the common data about our children through our page’sposts.

In addition to using social networks, we also spread the word to people within, forexample, classmates or relatives, in order to spread this information widely As thefastest solution for raising awareness is through hearing from the ones we trust, ourpage mainly focuses on credited information from specific sources and trustworthywebsites.

3 Name and logo design

Our project is called La Vie en Rose In French, this phrase means "Life in pink" or"Life in rosy hues" The phrase became popular when it was the title of one of themost popular French songs of all time It was written in 1945 by French singerÉdith Piaf and released in 1947 The melody was composed by Louis Guglielmi(Louiguy) and Marguerite Monnot This song was very successful in the aftermathof World War II, and talked directly to those who had suffered.

We named this project such a meaningful name with the wish that all unfortunatelives in Vietnam, especially disadvantaged children, in any situation, look at lifethrough pink glasses Life is full of poverty, injustice, and misfortune, buteverywhere on earth, there are strong and beautiful roses and sunshine full of hope.Children are like those roses, thorny but pretty And the rays of the sun are thebeauty of life The project's logo clearly shows our ambition:

The main image is a heart with a music book in the center Music is seen as a toolto nourish and heal the soul Life would be boring without music We want to bring

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happiness to orphans just like we want to write a song full of excitement andenthusiasm A song that makes you want to dance and hum just listening to it.Love and Peace are two of the most important things in life When you protectyour peace, you can then balance your emotions and manage relationships andstressful situations effectively This will help you develop self-confidence andcome to terms with yourself so that you can achieve inner peace and cultivate amore positive attitude towards life The real mark of greatness is shown throughlove’s actions of kindness, compassion, helpfulness, and caring Even if you don’tlove your life itself, through loving things or people in your life you can still findmeaning and purpose The energy of love is the highest energy we can experienceand acts of love raise our consciousness of the world Our ability to approach theworld with love sets an example for others to aspire to while teaching compassion,forgiveness, tolerance, and peace Understanding that, we chose Love and Peace asour slogan to hope our beloved children will always live a life in peace and full oflove.

4 Target Users

Our project is aimed at benevolent people who want to help children who are notfortunate because they do not receive the love of their parents or are currentlysuffering from poor living conditions Children are the future but they need to haveinvestment and care from their parents, which is not something orphans canreceive Through our articles, people, especially local people, will pay a lot ofattention to the unfortunate so that they can receive the investments they areprivileged to receive.

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Moreover, we want to take more consideration into young generations or gen Zgenerations As a matter of fact, they are playing an essential role in developing thefuture world, and a small group of them witnessed the most difficult situation intheir life; hence, they need to have consciousness to order to help other same aged

5 Difficulties and solutions 5.1 Mass audience issue

As the entirety of our content is posted online to all viewers, the efficiency ofspreading the information is not guaranteed as there are many sources deliveringwith the exact intention, aiming at children's healthcare and raising awareness at alarger scale on many diverse digital platforms Therefore, our group has changedthe previously targeted audience from mass viewers to specifically minorcommunities such as inside FPT campus classes, and from then we continued toraise awareness among their families and friends via Facebook advertising andmouth-to-mouth effect The changes have brought along positive results as ourinteraction for each post has attracted more teenagers and adults in return.

5.2 Unpredicted changes in planning schedules

During the early stages of the La Vie en Rose project, our plan was to prepare foran upcoming musical event hosted by our team and collaborators to raise funds inorder to organize a team visit to our chosen charity home Nevertheless, as FPTuniversity decided not to give permission for outdoor activities, our team hascommenced re-scheduling our plan’s details

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Specifically, our team has designed the project to be fully online-oriented, allowingus to continuously promote people’s consciousness of unfortunate children insociety The outcome of the project has been fruitful as the number of our viewersrises and each post has engaged many potential communities.


As of July 26, 2022, Facebook’s page had achieved a total of 359 likes with the 3main age groups: 18-24, 25-34, and 35-44 In which the age group is from 18 to24, accounting for the highest proportion for men accounting for 28.7%, andwomen account for 26.1% In contrast, the age group aged 35 to 44 years oldaccounts for the lowest percentage when the number of male users was only 4.6%and women account for only 6.9% Besides, users mainly live in Ho Chi Minh Cityand this rate accounts for 34.8%.

The number of people who advanced to the Facebook page had a breakthroughratio when the number of people approached 316 people, growing 82.7% comparedto the first day of creation The most culmination on July 5, the number of peopleapproached up to 149 people In contrast, the number of people accessing the pagetends to decrease when the current winch is only 79 people, down 53.8% comparedto the first days of starting June 30 marks the highest number of hits with 45 timesand reduces the girder to the present time

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Regarding the new likes sector, up to July 27, there were 245 new likes, up 113%compared to the first day of establishment 204 new likes are the highest numberrecorded on July 20.

There were all seven articles posted in the form of images with 161 interactivepeople, growing up to 92% Including one of the highest numbers of people whoapproached 196 people, the article had the highest interaction up to 50 interactors.In general, almost all articles had approaching people, and the interactors werevery different when there was an article that owns a large approach but theinteraction was very visible, on the contrary, there were articles with very highinteractive turns but there was no approach to many users.

IV Conclusion

In general, despite the difficulties when the original plan was changed, the projecttook place quite well compared to the original plan Besides, the page was alsoestablished later than other projects, not as much as other projects but due to thecontent quality of La Vie En Rose has brought a stable amount of likes in the shorttime By and large, this was also considered a success for the whole team, and themistakes that need to be overcome to flourish the project stronger.

V Appendix

a Basis data

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b Target user

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c Logo of project

VI References

1 ONLINE, T.T (2022) Chăm lo cho trẻ mồ côi sau ‘bão’ COVID-19 [online] TUOI TREONLINE Available at: https://tuoitre.vn/cham-lo-cho-tre-mo-coi-sau-bao-covid-19-20220322195535225.htm.

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2 Minh Huệ (2021) Trẻ em mồ côi do dịch COVID-19: Cần sự quan tâm đặc biệt [online]ncov.vnanet.vn Available at: https://ncov.vnanet.vn/tin-tuc/tre-em-mo-coi-do-dich-covid-19-can-su-quan-tam-dac-biet/a5fcbdee-a366-4207-9d8f-e650f6001414.

Ngày đăng: 09/05/2024, 10:57



