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topic logistics solution for importing astrazeneca vaccine from united kingdom to vietnam

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Step 1: Transport vaccines from manufacture to the Manchester airport.262.2.2.. Step 2: Transport vaccines from Manchester Airport MAN to Tan Son Nhat Airport SGN...282.2.3.. Theresults

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Assignment Title PRESENTATION FIATA FD3 – GROUP 3Group Case Analysis/ Topic Logistics solution for importing vaccine AstraZeneca to Vietnam

The group should determine jointly the personal contribution that each member made to thecompletion of the assignment and complete the following table (please add or delete tablerows as applicable).

A group comprising 8 members completed a group report At a peer assessment meeting, themembers of the group decided that as table follows:

No Name Student IDnumber Personal Contribution

(Percent) Signature1

Signature of the Group Leader Signature of the Mentor in charge


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First of all, with all affection and sincerity, we would like to express our respectand gratitude to all lecturers at Ton Duc Thang University, Faculty of BusinessAdministration, International Business Department, and mentors at VILAS who havefacilitated us to complete this research.

During the time from researching to presenting the topic, we received a lot ofattention and help from lecturers, Mr Nguyen Tien Khanh and Mr Huynh Minh Phat,especially our mentor Ms Le Thi Phuong Thanks to the contributions of the lecturersand mentors, the group's topic was better completed.

The presentation was made over about 3 months Because there has not beenmuch exposure to reality as well as a lack of information, mistakes can inevitably beavoided Our group is looking forward to receiving the comments of teachers so thatwe can improve and add more knowledge.

We sincerely thank you

Ho Chi Minh City, 9 2021.th

Implementation’s student – Group 3

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Ho Chi Minh City, 9th December 2021

Implementation’s students – Group 3

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1.1 Vaccine Astrazeneca profile 13

1.2 Cold chain in vaccine import 13

1.2.1 Storage in cold chain 13

1.2.2 Transportation in cold chain 14


2.1 Information of the shipment 16

2.1.1 Information of the shipment 16

2.1.2 Choosing carrier and exporting airport 17

2.2 Physical flow 26

2.2.1 Step 1: Transport vaccines from manufacture to the Manchester airport.262.2.2 Step 2: Transport vaccines from Manchester Airport (MAN) to Tan Son Nhat Airport (SGN) 28

2.2.3 STEP 3: Transporting cargos from Tan Son Nhat Airport (SGN) to X Hospital 31

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Table 2.1 Shipping information 17

Table 2.2 Comparison between Emirates Sky Cargo and Qatar Airways Cargo 20

Table 2.3 Emirates SkyCargo service in LHR and MAN 22

Table 2.4 Emirates at Tan Son Nhat Airport 24

Table 2.5 Flight schedule on September 17th 26

Table 2.6 Packaging specifications 27

Table 2.7 Dimension of the container, pallet, carton 29

Table 2.8 Calculating the number of Cartons / Pallets 30

Table 2.9 Calculating the number of Pallet / Container 30

Table 2.10 Quotation 37

Table 3.1 Summary of Institute Cargo Clauses Coverage 41

Diagram 2.1 Physical flow 26

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Figure 1.1 Temperature Data Logger

Figure 2.1 Emirates Airlines 21

Figure 2.2 Manchester Airport 22

Figure 2.3 Reefer Truck 28

Figure 2.4 Thermal pallet cover 29

Figure 2.5 Environtainer 29

Figure 2.6 Forklift 30

Figure 2.7 Lift trucks 30

Figure 2.8 Container loader 30

Figure 2.9 Dubai International Airport 31

YFigure 3.1 Institute Cargo Clauses (1) 42

Figure 3.2 Institute Cargo Clauses (2) 43

Figure 3.3 Institute Cargo Clauses (3) 44

Figure 4.1 Certificate Of Analysis (1) 49

Figure 4.2 Certificate Of Analysis (2) 50

Figure 4.3 Certificate Of Analysis (3) 51

Figure 4.4 Certificate Of Analysis (4) 52

Figure 4.5 Purchase Order (1) 53

Figure 4.6 Purchase Order (2) 54

Figure 4.7 Packing List 55

Figure 4.8 Arrival Notice 56

Figure 4 9 Airway Bill 57

Figure 4.10 Commercial Invoice 58

Figure 4.11 Movement Certificate 59

Figure 4.12 Temperature Dispatch 60

Figure 4.13 Marketing Authorization 61

Figure 4.14 Import License 62

Figure 4.15 Customs Declaration Form 63

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WHO World Health Organization

QMS Quality Management System

DBX Dubai International AirportSGN Tan Son Nhat International AirportFILO First in last out

CoA Certificate of Analysis

C/O Certificate of Origin

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The context of the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) has been discovered in Wuhan (China) since2019 The outbreak of COVID-19 has been declared is a pandemic by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) since March 2020, the coronavirus has been got thelives of more than 5.22 million cases confirmed positive by doctors' tests(December 2021) In particular, in Vietnam, after experiencing 4 pandemicoutbreaks, the total number of deaths is 21,131 cases This is a large enough numberto greatly affect the economy and lives of Vietnamese people.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every social field, causingglobal economies to stall, the rhythm of life has changed, it has caused people to befar away from their loved ones, and stretched healthcare systems to the limit.Governments in the world are forcing harsh restrictions on human activities andtrying their best to limit the spread of the virus every time.

The importance of vaccines general

Vaccines were born as an effective and safe way to fight dangerous diseases Any kind of vaccine uses the body’s natural defenses to build resistance to specificinfections and makes the immune system stronger Vaccines are based onresearchers using weaker or attenuated viruses to create immunity Vaccines aremanufactured using many different processes and are very diverse in stages Theymay contain live viruses that have been attenuated, inactivated, or killed organismor virus, inactivated toxins, or simply pathogens.

Without vaccines, we are at risk of becoming seriously ill and disabled frommany dangerous and common diseases Many of these diseases can threaten aperson's life and long-term health, regardless of age The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that childhood vaccination alone saves more than 5 million liveseach year Although some diseases may have become uncommon and almostuninfected, the germs that cause them continue to exist and grow silently in some orall places in the world Nowadays, infectious diseases can easily infect anyone whois not protected by vaccination.

The importance of vaccine COVID-19

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Similar to other vaccines, the main task of the Covid-19 vaccine in generaland AstraZeneca, in particular, is to protect people from becoming seriously ill andprevent death The duration of transmission in vaccinated individuals andbreakthrough infections from this variant appears to be shorter Vaccinated peoplemay be more protected by wearing masks in indoor public places to reduce thespread of this variant Experts emphasized that the COVID-19 vaccine does notprovide absolute protection, especially the ability to protect the body from carryingthe disease This means a vaccinated person injecting may not get COVID-19, butthere is still the possibility of becoming a carrier of the virus and spreading thedisease to others.

However, the results of specific research on COVID-19 cases at the CentralHospital for Tropical Diseases or in Dien Bien in the past, there were also casespositive for SARS-CoV-2 when they were vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine Theresults show that the possibility of secondary infection from these people is almostnonexistent, the virus transmission rate is very low.

For vaccines to reach everyone, logistics, and the supply chain play a veryimportant role in transportation and distribution Because of the usefulness ofvaccines and the urgency of the times during the Covid-19 pandemic, we chose thistopic to clarify the process of importing AstraZeneca vaccines from the UnitedKingdom to Vietnam by air based on some featured regulations, and specificallywill be divided into 3 chapters:



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We have the logistics network and industry knowledge to support the verycomplex healthcare supply chain across all modes of air, ocean, and road, whethermodeling and executing complex global solutions or offering regional operations.

 General Information About Company

International transaction name: Golden Logistics

Headquarter: 179 Dao Duy Anh, Ward 9, Phu Nhuan DistrictTax Code : 2403010823

 Business Model: B2B, B2C  Customers:

The pharmaceutical industries (Traphaco Joint Stock Company, DHG

Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, NamHa Pharmaceutical Joint StockCompany, etc) Wholesalers, clinics, drug stores, and surgeries (Pharmacy, PhanoPharmacy, Medical Clinics, etc) Especially, recently, we have been the only reliablepartner of X hospital transporting the AstraZeneca vaccine in this pandemic.

 Competitive Advantages:

 Global Organization Dedicated to Healthcare

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With over 30 years of experience in the international healthcare supplychain, you can be assured that your product will be handled by skilled people withextensive experience in this sector throughout your supply chain We have a global,regional, and local healthcare dedicated sales, quality, and customer service team togive you access to our pharma logistics consultancy, ensuring that product integrityis never compromised and that innovation forms part of a continuous improvementprocess.

 Quality Management System

A core factor of our global Good Distribution Practices implementation is theQuality Management System (QMS), which should comply with our global GDPstandards A QMS supports the daily business to effectively work according to GDPstandards by providing thoroughly reviewed standardized operating procedures(SOPs) and work instructions All our staff is trained accordingly and their trainingschedules are documented in the QMS.

 Temperature Controlled Services

We provide world-class temperature-controlled administrations, over thehealthcare supply chain, conveying crude materials, intermediates, wrapped updrugs, and therapeutic gadgets to goal in culminating condition

Our capabilities include devoted and managed fleets with control capabilities and secure GDP-compliant temperature-controlled center points.These controlled temperatures (15–25°C), cold capacity (2–8°C) and solidifiedcapacity (< -20°C) offices permit us to offer stockroom capacity for a run ofpharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical items.

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temperature-Figure 2.2 Manchester Airport

Even though London Heathrow airport is the busiest airport in the UK andEurope, Manchester Airport is the closest airport to the manufacturing factory inMacclesfield (17km) and Emirates still has services at this airport As a result,Manchester Airport is the best option Emirates' services and facilities at this airportare similar to those at London Heathrow.

Emirates Airlines Manchester Airport ~17 km (30’)

London Heathrow~292 km

(3h 2’)

Storage capacity and handling

Storage available for+2° to +8° Celsius products:

Temperature controls

Dedicated Pharma

Dedicated Pharma

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GHA handling capability

Local Dry Ice

RKN (e1)/RAP (e2) power supply

Ramp transportation

Aircraft to

Warehouse to

Cool dollies/ cool

Quality management system and trainings

Warehouse certified GDP / CEIV / or

Table 2.3 Emirates Sky Cargo service in London Heathrow and Manchester Airport

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At Tan Son Nhat airport, Emirates also provides similar proof of competency atManchester.

Emirates at Tan Son Nhat Airport

Rapid transfer time ATA + 2 hrsStorage capacity and

- RKN (e1)/RAP (e2) power supply availability:YES

Ramp transportation - Aircraft to warehouse: 10 minutes- Warehouse to aircraft: 10 minutes- Cool dollies/ cool trucks: No

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Quality managementsystem and training

- Warehouse certified GDP / CEIV / or other: Other- Certification: IATA PER

- Pest control programme: Yes- Cleaning programme: Yes

- Staff trained for time and temperature sensitivehandling: Yes, 2 per shift

- Staff qualified in active container handling(Envirotainer, cSafe,DoKaScH): Yes

Import clearance Customs office hours (08:00 - 17:00 hrs)

Table 2.4 Emirates at Tan Son Nhat Airport

When the goods were ready on September 15th, we contacted the airline andbooked a flight schedule on September 17th with the following schedule Since thelocations are in the different IATA’s areas, there are time zone differences (England:GMT+0; Dubai: GMT+4; Vietnam: GMT+7) We convert the local time intogeneral GMT (to calculate the transportation time, deduct the departure time inGMT from the arrival time in GMT) and the total transit time of the flights was 23hours 10 minutes.

Station FlightNo.

Destination Departure Arrival Stop/s Aircraft


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Table 2.5 Flight schedule on September 17th

1 MAN 13:10 GMT => DXB: 00:25 GMT+4=> (24h25 - 4) – (13h10 - 0) = 20h25 – 13h10 = 7h152 DXB 9:40 GMT+4 = 5:40 GMT

SGN 19:35 GMT+7 = 12:35 GMT=> 12h35 – 5h40 = 6h55

=> Total: 7h15 + 6h55 + 9 hours (transit) = 23 hours 10 minutes

2.2 Physical flow

Diagram 2.1 Physical flow

There are 3 main steps in the physical flow:

- After packaging at the shipper’s warehouse, the vaccine will be loaded into areefer truck to transport to the airport.

- When vaccines are at the airport, they will be checked, did custom clearance, and loaded into reefer container then transported to Vietnam

- In Vietnam, after being checked and doing customs clearance, it will betransported to the X hospital

2.2.1 Step 1: Transport vaccines from manufacture to the Manchester airport

 Vaccine specification packaging

After being prepared, Astrazeneca vaccines will be contained in 1 glass vial, labeledon the main packaging to identify substances, and have packaging specifications inthe following table:

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10 doses

500,000 doses areheld in 50,000 vials

(DIM: 132 x 57 x50 mm)

1 carton includes10 vials

50,000 vials are heldin 5000 boxes

(DIM: 294.6 x236.2 x 187.9 mm)

1 carton includes24 boxes

5000 boxes are heldin 209 cartons

Table 2.6 Packaging specifications

Boxes containing vaccines will be packed in cartons, the outside must haveinformation including the manufacturer's name, batch number, expiration date,storage conditions, shipping instruction, etc Then they are stored in a refrigerator(2°C – 8°C) and kept in the outer carton to protect them from light Whentransported, they will be packed in foam boxes with gel ice packs This box helpscontain vaccines temporarily in 2°C – 8°C when moving from cold storage toreefer truck

 Delivery to airport

After the vaccines are packed and ready at the manufacturer's warehouse,cartons of vaccines will be loaded on non-stackable EU standard pallets (Dimensionis 1200 x 800 x 144 mm), covered with PE film and Thermal Pallet Cover to securethe cargo and minimize temperature excursions and maintain the cold chain of theshipment Then, it is loaded onto reefer trucks for transportation to the airport It isnoticed that the operations must be “extremely fast and accurate” in a maximumtime of 10 seconds The reefer trucks will support safe and timely delivery of thevaccines, at optimal temperatures and they must ensure the following conditions:

 The truck must be disinfected before entering the warehouse to get thevaccine to ensure it is clean, dry and odor-free

 The truck must conform to ISO standards and be less than five years old. GPS and temperature monitoring device is an essential requirement to make

sure that the cold chain is maintained between +2 ºC to +8 ºC.

 Trailers must have the ability to pre-cool to the required temperature beforemaking pick-ups.

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 Do not use express trucking as a substitute for temperature-controlledtrailers.

Figure 2.3 Reefer Truck

Besides the requirements for means of transport, in this step, we also need topay attention to the loading of vaccines inside the vehicle, which is:

 Vaccines should be away from the refrigerator walls, floors, and cold-airvents; storage of vaccines against refrigerator walls, floors, and cold air ventsincreases the risk of exposing vaccines to temperatures below +2 ºC  Leave space between the vaccine packages in the refrigerator to allow air to

 Loading goods into the container

Once the vaccines are loaded onto the vehicle, they will be transported toMAN Then, the goods are scaled to calculate chargeable weight, gross weight, andscanned X-ray Next, these vaccine pallets will be loaded into a temperature-controlled air cargo container and prepared to be loaded onto the aircraft.

Figure 2.5 Environtainer

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To be able to transport vaccines in the safest and most effective way, wedecided to use Envirotainer RAP e2 Container This is one of the most advancedtemperature-controlled air cargo containers and is designed for the extremerequirements of the pharmaceutical industry Since its inception, the RAP e2container has proven its robustness, having performed many thousands of real-lifepharmaceutical shipments with 0.0% product loss and maintaining producttemperatures in the +2 to +8 °C range And this container is guaranteed to beavailable at the airline and MAN airport According to the calculation to maximizethe unit load devices shown below, we only need 4 pallets and 1 container to loadall these vaccines.

Table 2.7 Dimension of the container, pallet, carton

Calculating number of Cartons / Pallets

a The length of 1 Pallet can load 1200 : 294.6 = 4.073 4 cartons

Figure 2.4 Thermal pallet cover

Figure 2.4 Thermal pallet cover

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b The width of 1 Pallet can load 800 : 236.2 = 3.387 3 cartonsc With the height of container minus

height of pallets, we can load

( 1260 – 144 ) : 187.9 =

1 Pallets can load 4 x 3 x 5 = 60 Cartons=> Need 209 : 60 = 3.48 ~ 4 Pallets

Table 2.8 Calculating number of Cartons / Pallets

Calculating the number of Pallet / Container

a The length of 1 Container can load 2465 : 1200 = 2.054 2 palletsb The width of 1 Container can load 2055 : 800 = 2.569 2 pallets

1 Container can load 2 x 2 = 4 Pallets=> Need 1 Container to load all vaccines

Table 2 9 Calculating the number of Pallet / Container

 Loading cargo into aircraft

After loading into the container, it will be loaded on aircraft by usingforklifts or other lift trucks by FILO (First in last out) process Most planes areloaded through hatches in the side or rear of the plane Some planes also make useof a nose hatch for larger cargo The plane is up off the ground and its loadingspaces don’t necessarily accommodate forklifts As such, airports make use ofalternatives for loading a plane The most common alternative is the containerloader

However, cargo on airplanes must be loaded according to very specificweight balances to keep the plane in the air Once planned, the cargo should be

Figure 2.6 ForkliftFigure 2.7 Lift trucksFigure 2.8 Container loader

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checked once it is loaded to ensure the cargo load sheet and the cargo proper matchup Then the pilot is given NOTOC to ensure they know everything they need toknow about their cargo After everything is ready, the plane will take off and fly toDubai International Airport (DBX) At DBX, the cargo will be unloaded and transitin Dubai in about 9 hours Then it will be loaded on aircraft again to transport toSGN and it takes totally about 23 hours flight hours from MAN to SGN

Figure 2.9 Dubai International Airport

2.2.3 Step 3: Transporting cargoes from Tan Son Nhat Airport (SGN) to XHospital

After 18 hours of flight from MAN to SGN, the cargoes will be unloadedfrom the airplane to SCSC terminal to check and do customs clearance Then, theyare loaded on the reefer truck and transported to X hospital.

2.2 Documentation flow

 Transporting the cargoes from United Kingdom to Vietnam

First, X Hospital places a Purchase Order (PO) which is the officialdocument to pay for the sale of specific products or services to be delivered toAstrazeneca Plant to check the information After that when the goods are readythey will issue Commercial Invoice, Packing List to Golden Logistics in the UK.Once the goods are delivered to the airport, Golden Logistics Vietnam contactswith Document Department of Airlines to make Master Airway Bill

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Golden Logistics Vietnam send the House AirWay Bill draft to X Hospital tocheck information and issue the House Airway Bill Origin

Golden Logistics Vietnam prepares and sends the Arrival Note (A/N) and theDelivery Order (D/O) to X Hospital

The following document file is transported attached with the cargoes: Airway Bill

 Packing List Air Freight Pre – Alert Cargo Manifest Commercial Invoice Certificate of Origin

 The cargoes are transported to Tan Son Nhat Airport

Before the cargo arrives in Vietnam, we must complete the ProductDeclaration, which is issued by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, and wait for theresults

Then, we need to prepare: 1 Arrival Note (A/N), 1 Instruction Note, 1 NationID, 1 House Airway Bill (HAWB), and 1 Invoice to pick up the cargoes Whencoming to the Terminal, Golden Logistics Vietnam shows the documents to receivethe Delivery Order, pick up the cargoes and load it in the refrigerated truck.

After completing the procedures, Golden Logistics’s Forwarder Agent, hiredby Golden Logistics to deliver will send documents to the company It includes:

Certificate of Analysis (CoA)

A Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a document associated with derived products, attesting to its laboratory analysis for cannabinoids and in somecases adulterants, heavy metals, and pesticides, mold, etc According to onenutritional text, a certificate of analysis is "an easy way to review test results fromresponsible companies selling cannabis and cannabis-infused products".

Ngày đăng: 07/05/2024, 21:51


