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topic business plan for nhà cafeteria

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Through a uniquecombination of offered services and products, we will quickly gain market share.Products and ServicesNhà will be a coffee house and café that offers pastries, seasonal ic

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HCM Campus

Assignment on 18th March, 2023MGT103

Class: IB 1805Group: 5Semester: Spring 2023

TOPIC : BUSINESS PLAN FOR NHÀ CAFETERIAStudent name: Phạm Cát Tường ID: SS181248

Student name: An Lê Hoàng Vy ID: SS181437Student name: Vũ Thị Huyền Anh ID: SS180152Student name: Tăng Thị Minh Châu ID: SS181316Student name: Đặng Tấn Tài ID: SS181439Student name: Thái Hoàng Quân ID: SS181173


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4 Future products and services………


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Nhà aims to be the Bakery store in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam We will provide arestaurant, a bakery, and a coffeehouse all rolled into one Through a uniquecombination of offered services and products, we will quickly gain market share.Products and Services

Nhà will be a coffee house and café that offers pastries, seasonal ice creams, sorbet,wine, and quick menu items Nhà will focus on providing healthful fare withselections supplied by local bakers, using quality ingredients and minimally processedfoods.

Nhà will also feature a section for book lovers where books can be read, andbeverages, desserts, and pastries can be consumed The book section will have a rangeof books such as table books, guidebooks, kid’s books, beach reads, and great classicsfor patrons to read and purchase

The cafeteria will offer a comfortable and inviting atmosphere with an emphasis onclean eating, hospitality, and service to build a core clientele The coffee house will beopen from 8 am – 9 pm Monday through Sunday The Café will have daily specialsand seasonal menu items that change according to availability and season.Market Overview

Nhà is entering the market at a time when the industry in which it operates isexperiencing substantial growth According to market research firm IBISWorld, theCoffee & Snack Shops Industry has seen an average annual growth rate of 5.8% overthe last five years, positioning industry revenue to be around $47.7 billion in 2018.The Coffee & Snack Shops industry is projected to see an average annual growth rateof 1.4% over the next five years, placing industry revenue at $51 billion in 2022.


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● To create an ideal environment:

● To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and oneneighborhood at a time.

● To provide the world’s ultimate coffee shop experience with the highest qualityproducts, the most inviting stores, the friendliest staff, and the best value.● To be in a class above our competitors by providing personalized service and

excellent performance with dignity for ourselves and our customers.● To create vibrant cafes that reflect, improve, and inspire our communities.

Nhà is a small and convenient located in district 2 We will specialize in

cakes,cupcakes,cookies,donuts, and beverages Our goal is to satisfy the customer'sneeds and make them feel convenient like at home.

Company Ownership

Our team is equally owned and managed in Nhà, and the owner is Pham Cat Tuong.The company intends to hire two full-time managers, one pastry chef and 3 part-timebaristas to handle customer service and day to day operations.

Company Locations and Facilities

Our cafeteria is designed in a vintage style combining China and Italy that makescustomers feel light and ancient with nostalgia and idyllic living space We plan tobuild 2 floors, the first floor is the counter to order beverages and food for guests andthe second floor is the area for customers to use F&B.


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NHÀ will provide customers with relaxational view and tea bread products, as well astraining in human resources to please, and the options to purchase food displayed inSo Explanations and/or consultations will be provided on all services and products ifneeded.

A Product and Service Description (price unit: VND)1 MAIN DISH - BREAD (unit: a loaf)

Bauru (25.000), Baguette (35.000), Jambon - beurre (45.000), Medianoche (54.000),Mitrailette (80.000), Kaya Toast (100.000), Harrys chrysanthemum bread (145.000)

2 CAKE (unit: a piece)

Swiss Macaron (10.000), Nama Chocolate (12.000), French Macaron (13.000), Mochi(13.000), Flan (15.000), Cookies (15.000/dish), Matcha Mousse (34.000), StrawberryMousse (34.000), Panna Cotta (35.000), Cheesecake (40.000), Strawberry Tiramisu(42.000), Blackberry Tiramisu (42.000), Velvet Tiramisu (45.000), Donut (45.000),Donut (45.000), Italian Tiramisu (54.000), American apple cake (100.000), Pavlova(145.000).

3 TEA (unit: a cup)

Peach Tea (42.000), Lychee Tea (45.000), Taiwan Black Tea + Topping (55.000), MilkFoam Black Tea (55.000), NHA’S Milk Tea (65.000), Guava Tea + Topping (55.000),Black Berry Tea (55.000).

B Competitive Comparison

There are many café in District 2 but a few tea bread stores Moreover, the

relaxational view is the combination between Chinese and Italian vintage form Thereare many places offering bread and tea but there are only 5 stores which sell bothgoods simultaneously All tea bread store practitioners are private corporations, ofwhich there are only ten working full-time, with most of them concentrating oncooking, and customer-serving, including Breadtalk However, NHA decide to hireemployees to serve the clients, not only in the store but also through e-commerce(Shopee Food, Now)

C Technology

NHÀ will sell products of the highest quality that have been created through thetesting of professional bakers, and are of the perfection known for effecting thedesired results for energetic balancing maintenance after an exhausted day or enjoythe peaceful scenery.

D Future Products and Services

NHÀ will add a healing touch when our main bakers return from France and earnshis/her certification NHA will always remain involved with the best quality of breadand tea, and expand our corporation become a series through Southern Vietnam

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1 Market trends

- Aiming at young people: Currently, the Vietnamese population aging between16 and 30 accounts for about 25% of the total With a high proportion, theyoung will be a great development resource, bringing abundant creativity toVietnam's F&B industry Besides, the demand for food in restaurants and barsamong young people is constantly increasing, especially in big cities Youngpeople from 15 to 25 years old are the potential customers that F&B businessesneed to pay the most attention to.

- Consumer are gradually moving towards healthy products

Wholesalers and manufacturers in the F&B industry may trade in nutritionalproducts made of plant origin, organic foods and healthy ingredients Inaddition, trading products that cater to dietary needs, typically a low-salt,gluten-free or keto diet (reduced carb diet).

- Cashless payment trend: Currently, people are familiar with paying via QRcodes, e-wallets or cards instead of using cash Food and beverage businessesare gradually having to apply multiple platforms that integrate paymentmethods in line with the world's trends This is also a wise choice to reach lto awider range of customers.

- E-commerce: F&B industry technology trends are on the rise and will continueto expand thanks to sophisticated digital networks and a growing number ofonline shoppers.

2 Market growth

According to iPOS.vn, although Vietnam's economic situation in 2023 will face manypressures, F&B revenue in Vietnam is expected to grow by 18%, reaching 720,300billion VND After Covid-19 pandemic, the F&B industry will continue to grow at asteady pace and is expected to reach a value of nearly 1 million billion VND by 2026.In fact, after two years of struggling to survive because of the pandemic, in 2022, theF&B market had regained growth, even surpassing Covid-19 Specifically, in 2022,Vietnam had about 338,600 restaurants, with a constant growth rate of the 2016-2026periods was about 2% The revenue of the F&B industry increased impressively by39%, up to nearly 610,000 billion VND, compared to that of the year 2021.

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The Vietnamese people spend a sizable portion of their incomes on food and drink.Estimates suggest that somewhere between 20 percent to 48 percent of householdincome is spent on food and beverage consumption.

3 Market segmentation

Our targeted consumers including those choosing food and/or drink In foodsegmentation, it consists of bread and cake, while in beverage segmentation, ourstores have products made from tea.

However, our main target lies on bread, which is also the key product of our stores.Therefore, we focus a lot on them Their convenience will be developed in order to fitwell with many types of customers for their demand: for breakfast, lunch, dinner,super meal,

The segmentation regarding cake is more specific to those who love sweets and havethe demand to experience the flavor of many famous types of cake in the world.The segmentation regarding tea is variety and available for any customers that leantowards fruit tea and milk tea.

Tea: popular brands like Koi Thé, Phuc Long, Highlands, Trung Nguyen,

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5.1 Our strengths

- We will attract new customers' attention and pique their curiosity by providing adistinctive Oriental-Western atmosphere that combines Chinese and Italian aesthetics.This will also set us apart from our rivals.

- In addition, Nhà also provides a wide selection of food, beverages, and bakedgoods, allowing us to appeal to a diverse clientele.

- We will do our best to deliver the highest-quality food and pastries All of the foodand beverage offerings will be made by skilled bakers.

- Our menu features vedette offerings, which are distinctive enough to stick incustomers' minds.

- Nhà cafeteria is located in District 2 in Ho Chi Minh City, which is a potentialfinancial center and quite a crowded place More and more people from District 2 andother locations come here to look for ways to become wealthy Additionally, there area significant number of foreigners coming to work and conduct business.

5.2 Our Weakness

1 The process is manually carried out

Since we aim to provide high-quality goods and services, everything is done by hand.Despite these methods' advantages, manual methods are time- and money-consuming.2 Strong existing competitors

There are many competitors that offer both pastries and drinks like Nhà such asMixue, The Coffee House, BreadTalk, and Bean&Jams,

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If our company is performing well, we will partner with delivery apps to provideextra services to our clients.

- We will build our brand awareness through signature offerings and a uniqueOriential-Western vibe.

- We will attract new customers through special offers and discount programs.5.4 Threats

- Consumers have a tendency to become more price sensitive Due to the currenteconomic recession, many customers may choose cheaper options than spend quite ahigh price on pastries and beverages.

- Poor ratings on review websites: Such a mistake in the staff's attitude or the makingprogress can lead to poor ratings on the review website Because people are drawn tothe bad news first, negative reviews may cause later customers to second-guesswhether they should go to the cafeteria or not.

- Intense competition: Although there have been few cafeteria-bakeries up to themoment, there are still chances that others can duplicate it and produce a similaroffering Competitors might quickly enter the market and leave us with little choicebut to share profits with them.

4P MARKETING MIX (Product also describe on III)PLACE:

The Nhà cafeteria is located in District 2, which is a potential financial center andquite a crowded place in Ho Chi Minh City More and more people from District 2and other locations come here to look for ways to become wealthy Additionally, thereare a significant number of foreigners coming to work and conduct business.Therefore, we believe that this location will enable us to attract a large number ofcustomers, ranging from students to office workers.

At Nhà, we serve a variety of sweets and beverage offerings with diverse prices,ranging from 10.000 to 145.000 VND Prices for refreshments such as coffee, tea, andjuice vary from 42.000 to 55.000 VND, which is the typical price for drinks in largecities such as Ho Chi Minh City.

We chose the cost-plus pricing strategy as our pricing strategy For this pricing plan,we will add all of the costs associated with making a serving to the desired profit

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margins The list of expenses includes fixed costs, such as rent, utilities, the wagespaid to the cooks and other staff, and the price of the ingredients Once calculated, wedivided it by the number of servings served in our cafeteria.

- To market our business in the most effective way, we will utilize advertising,public relations, sales promotions, e-commerce, and social media to promoteproducts.

- We will create fan pages on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram,and TikTok to provide updates about our café, discount programs, and menu.- The marketing team will be responsible for creating effective, engaging ad

campaigns and running them on various media channels.

- Nha will also collaborate with other websites to widely advertise discountvouchers and consumer incentives.


The management philosophy of "Nhà" is based on respect for each of ourfellow employees, respect for every customer, and individual responsibility."Nhà" success is dependent on the warmth and uniqueness of its atmospherewhich is generated by a fun-loving and caring employee The managementteam will consist of the owner, general manager, manager, cashier, chef andwaiters We will only hire people who demonstrate the necessary qualities towork in a service environment and are willing to advance in learning withouttraining.

B Management Team

- Cát Tường, the owner, president : Founded "Nhà" in 2023 Graduated from abusiness administration course, has 2 years of experience in operating a cafe, 1year of experience in accounting, and has attained outstanding staff in offeringsolutions in human resource management and new product concepts for the oldfirm.

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- Huyền Anh, general manager : 2 Bachelor of Business Administration,Bachelor of Banking and Finance 5 years of experience as a CEO 3consecutive years as excellent employee of the year

- Tài Đặng, manager : As a prospector, with strong communication skills,creativity and high motivation to help businesses acquire and retain customers.Graduated with a bachelor's degree in business administration Havingexperience in working positions such as: 02 years as Business Manager; 01year of financial management

- Hoàng Vy, cashier : Critical thinking, creative problem solving Advancedaccounting skills, passion for numbers and adherence to standards Bachelor ofAccounting 2 years tax auditor, 1 year audit assistant.

- Thu Hà, baker : 6 years of experience in baking, learned many recipes,managed an online bakery for 4 years

- Hoàng Quân, bartender : Check imported goods daily, have experience as abartender for 4 years

- Minh Châu, marketer : Digital expert, proficient in using media andtechnology on social networks with experience and creative thinking Bachelorof Business Communication Experienced in the field of social networktrainees, marketing staff

- Waiter : Hire employees with previous experience, gentle attitude at work, willbe trained within 2 months if no experience


Revenue Forecast 2022Revenue

Total Revenue 1000000000Direct Cost

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2024, 21:58
