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Self - assessment report for AUN - QA: Bachelor of Finance and Banking / Trần Chí Chinh, Ông Văn Năm.

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Bachelor of Finance and Banking Concentration: Banking

Faculty of Banking | December 2023

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We hereby confirm to approve this AUN-QA Self-Assessment Report of Bachelor of Finance and Banking - Program of Banking for assessment according to AUNQA Criteria (V4.0)

Dr Tran Chi Chinh Dr Ong Van Nam

Vice-Dean of Faculty of Banking Head of Quality Assurance Unit

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1.1 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes are appropriately formulated in accordance with established learning taxonomy, are aligned to the vision and mission of the university, and are known all stakeholders 6

1.2 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes for all courses are appropriately formulated and are aligned to the expected learning outcomes of the programe 7

1.3 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes consist of both generic outcomes (related written and oral communication, problem-solving, information technology, teambuilding skill, ect) and subject specific outcomes (related to knowledge and skill of the study discipline) 7

1.4 The programme to show that the requirements of stakeholders, especially external stakeholders, are gathered, and that these are reflected in the expected learning outcomes 8

1.5 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes are achieved by students by the the time they graduate 10

CRITERION 2 - PROGRAMME STRUCTURE AND CONTENT 11 2.1 The specifications of the programme and all its courses are shown to be comprehensive, up-to-date, and made available and communicated to all stakeholders.


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2.2 The design of the curriculum is shown to be constructively aligned with achieving the expected learning outcomes 12 2.3 The design of the curriculum is shown to include feedback from stakeholders, especially external stakeholders 13 2.4 The contribution made by each course in achieving the expected learning outcomes is shown to be clear 13 2.5 The curriculum to show that all its courses are logically structured, properly sequenced (progression from basic to intermediate to specialized courses), and are integrated 15 2.6 The curriculum to have option(s) for students to pursue major and/or minor specialisations 16 2.7 The programme to show that its curriculum is reviewed periodically following an established procedure and that it remains up-to-date and relevant to industry 16 CRITERION 3 - TEACHING AND LEARNING APPROACH 18 3.1 The educational philosophy is shown to be articulated and communicated to all stakeholders It is also shown to be reflected in the teaching and learning activities 18 3.2 The teaching and learning activities are shown to allow students to participate responsibly in the learning process 18 3.3 The teaching and learning activities are shown to involve active learning by the students 19 3.4 The teaching and learning activities are shown to promote learning, learning how to learn, and instilling in students a commitment for life-long learning 20 3.5 The teaching and learning activities are shown to inculcate in students, new ideas, creative thought, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset 22 3.6 The teaching and learning processes are shown to be continuously improved to ensure their relevance to the needs of industry and are aligned to the expected learning outcomess 23 CRITERION 4 - STUDENT ASSESSMENT 24

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4.1 A variety of assessment methods are shown to be used and are shown to be constructively aligned to achieving the expected learning outcomes and the teaching and learning objectives 24 4.2 The assessment and assessment-appeal policies are shown to be explicit, communicated to students, and applied consistently 25 4.3 The assessment standards and procedures for student progression and degree completion, are shown to be explicit, communicated to students, and applied consistently 25 4.4 The assessments methods are shown to include rubrics, marking schemes, timelines, and regulations, and these are shown to ensure validity, reliability, and fairness in assessment 27 4.5 The assessment methods are shown to measure the achievement of the expected learning outcomes of the programme and its courses 28 4.6 Feedback of student assessment is shown to be provided in a timely manner 29 4.7 The student assessment and its processes are shown to be continuously reviewed and improved to ensure their relevance to the needs of industry and alignment to the expected learning outcomes 30 CRITERION 5 – ACADEMIC STAFF 31 5.1 The programme to show that academic staff planning (Including succession, promotion, redeployment, termination, and retirement plans) is carried out to ensure that the quality and quantity of the academic staff fulfil the needs for education, research, and service 31 5.2 The programme to show that staff workload is measured and monitored to improve the quality of education, research, and service 31 5.3 The programme to show that the competences of the academic staff are determined, evaluated, and communicated 33 5.4 The programme to show that the duties allocated to the academic staff are appropriate tp qualifications, experience, and aptitude 34

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5.5 The programme to show that the promotion of the academic staff is based on a merit system which account for teaching, research, and service 34 5.6 The programme to show that the right and privileges, benefits, roles and relatioships, and accountability of the academic staff, taking into account professional ethics and their academic freedom, are well defined and understood 35 5.7 The programme to show that the training and development needs of the academic staff are systematically identified, and that appropriate training and development activities are implemented to fulfil the identified needs 35 5.8 The programme to show that performance management including reward and recognition is implemented to assess academic staff teaching and research quality 36 CRITERION 6 - STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES 36 6.1 The student intake policy, admission criteria, and admission procedures to the programme are shown to be clearly defined, communicated, published, and up-to-date

36 6.2 Both short-term and long-term planning of academic and non-academic support services are shown to be carried out to ensure sufficiency and quality of support services for teaching, research, and community service 37 6.3 An adequate system is shown to exist for student progress, academic performance, and workload monitoring Student progress, academic performance, and workload are shown to be systematically recorded and monitored Feedback to students and corrective actions are made where necessary 38 6.4 Co-curricular activities, student competition, and other student support services are shown to be available to improve learning experience and employability 39 6.5 The competences of the support staff rendering student services are shown to be identified for recruitment and deployment These competences are shown to be evaluated to ensure their continued relevance to stakeholders needs Roles and relationships are shown to be well-defined to ensure smooth delivery of the services 41 6.6 Student support services are shown to be subjected to evaluation, benchmarking, and enhancement 43

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CRITERION 7 – FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE 44 7.1 The physical resources to deliver the curriculum, including equipment, material, and information technology, are shown to be sufficient 44 7.2 The laboratories and equipment are shown to be up-to-date, readily available, and effectively deployed 45 7.3 A digital library is shown to be set-up, in keeping with progress in information and communication technology 45 7.4 The information technology systems are shown to be set up to meet the needs of staff and students 47 7.5 The university is shown to provide a highly accessible computer and network infrastructure that enables the campus community to fully exploit information technology for teaching, research, service, and administration 48 7.6 The environmental, health, and safety standards and access for people with special needs are shown to be defined and implemented 49 7.7 The university is shown to provide a physical, social, and psychological environment that is conducive for education, research, and personal wellbeing 50 7.8 The competences of the support staff rendering services related to facilities are shown to be identified and evaluated to ensure that their skills remain relevant to stakeholder needs 51 7.9 The quality of the facilities (library, laboratory, IT, and student services) are shown to be subjected to evaluation and enhancement 51 CRITERION 8 – OUTPUT AND OUTCOMES 53 8.1 The pass rate, dropout rate, and average time to graduate are shown to be established, monitored, and benchmarked for improvement 53 8.2 Employability as well as self-employment, entrepreneurship, and advancement to further studies, are shown to be established, monitored, and benchmarked for improvement 55

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8.3 Research and creative work output and activities carried out by the academic staff and students, are shown to be established, monitored, and benchmarked for










A1 Self - assessmentof Banking and Finance program, professional knowledge in Banking 67

A2 List of evidences 71

A3 Learning outcomes matrix of the training program 89

A4 Admission Criteria for the Banking Concentration programme (2019 – 2023) 91

A5 Statistics of IT software and equipment (November 30, 2023) 93

A6 Describe the professional requirements for support staff 94

A7 Statistics on training and refresher courses for staff of Department of Facilities Management, Department of Information Technology Management, Library 95

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A8 Number of classrooms and halls to operate the teaching and learning program 95 A9 Number of computer rooms and practice rooms to operate the teaching and learning program 96 A10 Data on facilities and learning materials of the HUB Library 96 A11 HUB's information technology system as of December 2023 97 A12 Scientific research achievements of students, Banking Concentration programme (2019 – 2023) 97

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HUB Ho Chi Minh University of Banking

ISO International Organization for Standardization

MOET Ministry of Education and Training PDCA Plan - Do - Check - Act

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Ho Chi Minh University of Banking (HUB) was established under Decision No TTg on August 20, 2003, issued by the Prime Minister, based on the separation from the Banking Academy in Ha Noi Since being recognized as a training institution under the supervision of the State Bank of Vietnam in 1976 and being perceived as having the mission of providing human resources in finance and banking primarily for the Southern region, HUB has undergone a continuous development process of more than 45 years

174/2003/QD-HUB is a multidisciplinary university in business and management sectors, offering undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs In the academic year 2022-2023, HUB is currently managing and educating 14,067 full-time and 467 part-time students In addition to undergraduate programs, HUB is managing and educating 954 Master's students (with 429 students enrolled in 2022 and 525 students in 2023) and 102 doctoral candidates Several programs have achieved accreditation from the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Specifically, the undergraduate program in Finance and Banking obtained AUN-QA accreditation in 2019 The undergraduate programs in Accounting and Auditing, Business Administration, and International Economics achieved AUN-QA accreditation in 2022 The master program in Finance and Banking also attained AUN-QA accreditation in 2022

HUB currently operates three well-equipped campuses located at 36 Ton That Dam Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City; 39 Ham Nghi Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City; and 56 Hoang Dieu 2 Street, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City HUB has invested significantly in infrastructure, such as classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories, learning resources, and information technology (IT) systems As a result, these facilities are suitable for teaching, learning, scientific research, technological transfer, and community service for academic faculty and students across various programs Additionally, HUB has placed considerable emphasis on cultivating its human resources As of the academic year 2022-2023, the total staff at HUB amounts to 469 individuals, including 18 Associate Professors, 130 Ph.D holders, 239 Master's degree holders, 46 Bachelor's degree holders, and 36 College’s degree holders From the academic and non-academic staff perspective, HUB comprises 385 lecturers (of which 116 part-time lecturers) and 84 supporting staff

To develop and operate programs effectively, alongside ten faculties and two academic departments, HUB also owns various resources such as a training center, a research institute, and academic journals to develop teaching activities, conduct scientific research, transfer technology, and support faculty and students Furthermore, HUB has outlined the development strategies by 2030 and the vision by 2045 to meet the demands for innovation and creativity Specifically, the strategies include:

Vision: "HUB aspires to become a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary university among

prestigious universities in the Southeast Asian region HUB pioneers the application of digital technology in education and research to address interdisciplinary challenges."

Mission: "HUB contributes to society and the banking industry with high-quality human

resources, impactful research, consulting services, and community activities HUB shapes an educational ecosystem, offers lifelong learning opportunities, and aims for holistic and innovative development of individuals with a duty of service."

Core Values:

Integrity: HUB upholds the values of integrity and honesty in day-to-day operations and

maintains consistency between thoughts, words, and deeds

Unity: Unity creates the synergy necessary for collective strength HUB adheres to the principle

of ensuring a harmonious balance of interests among relevant stakeholders to foster development

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Pioneering: Being at the forefront to create and lead trends HUB pioneers the integration of

scientific and technological achievements into educational activities, research, management, and operations

Educational Philosophy

Liberation: "HUB creates necessary conditions for learners to explore their potential, grasp

in-depth specialized knowledge, based on the fundamental of knowledge in natural, social, political, legal, and technological fields; to develop intellectual abilities; to develop personal skills; and to shape positive values towards autonomous and creative individuals, outstanding experts, and responsible citizens."

Interdisciplinarity: "HUB creates necessary conditions for learners to acquire interdisciplinary

knowledge to have a deeper understanding of their major, to be able to connect with experts, to avoid biases in decision-making, and to increase the success of job seeking."

Experience: "HUB implements the educational model of “maturity through experience”

Through experiences, learners obtain a deeper understanding of theory, develop practical thinking and shape executed capabilities Learners can adapt to change.”


Faculty of Banking (FOB) is currently one of the ten specialized faculties FOB was established under Decision No 330/QD-NHNN dated February 26, 2014, by the State Bank of Vietnam With a pivotal role in HUB, FOB of Banking is in charge of the Banking Concentration programme, one of the two majors of the Finance-Banking program FOB also oversees the Financial Technology major

The mission of FOB: "Training high-quality human resources with research and practical

capabilities in the global financial and banking environment." The vision by 2030: “The premier and reputable faculty for training high-quality human resources in the field of finance and banking in Vietnam FOB aspires to have its training programs evaluated on par with those of similar specializations at top universities in ASEAN.”

Figure 1 Organizational structure of FOB of Banking

Source: Faculty of Banking 2023

Academic Affairs Unit, Youth Union,

& Student Association

Department of International

Banking Department of

Banking Business Management Department of

Commercial Banking

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The current organizational structure of FOB consists of a Dean, two Vice Deans, and three heads of Department There are three disciplinary Departments: the Department of Commercial Banking, the Department of Investment Banking, and the Department of International Banking FOB also has an academic affair unit, which assists FOB's leaders in managing academic affairs for students In addition, FOB also supervises the activities of the Youth Union and Student Association, as well as the units affiliated with FOB, regarding the task of organizing various activities for students (Figure 1)

FOB has 34 personnel, which are 33 lecturers and 1 administrative staff Among the 33 lecturers, 1 lecturer holds the Associate Professor title (accounting for 3.03%), 21 hold Ph.D degrees (accounting for 63.64%), and 11 hold a Master's degree (accounting for 33.33%), of which 7 lecturers are currently doctoral students In addition, FOB has cooperated with 8 visiting lecturers, of which 3 hold the Associate Professor title, 4 hold a Doctor's degree, and 1 lecturer holds a Master's degree and is currently pursuing a Doctor’s degree The lecturers in FOB have the appropriate professional qualifications and experience that align with the standards stipulated by the Ministry of Education and Training

Between 2019 and 2023, FOB has improved the Banking Concentration programme and developed teaching methods to enhance the educational quality Furthermore, FOB has paid attention to scientific research, technology transfer, and community service as follows:

Regarding scientific research, technology transfer, and community service by FOB’s staff: In addition to enhancing the scientific research activities, FOB also emphasizes utilizing the research’s results for technology transfer and community service, as followed by the AUN-QA’s assessment in April 2019 Each year, Faculty members collaborate with the Economics, Finance and Banking Concentration Center, which belongs to HUB, to use the scientific research results for consulting and implementing advanced training courses The courses such as digital transformation, digital banking, in-depth banking operations, and risk management following international standards are well-suited and designed for the leaders and staff of commercial banks, enterprises, and authorized agencies These courses enhance the reputation and brand value of the HUB and FOB but also yield positive financial results Specifically, revenue from technology transfer activities in the form of consulting and advanced training courses reached 1.4 billion VND in 2019, 1.34 billion VND in 2020, 1.5 billion VND in 2021, 2 billion VND in 2022, and estimated at 4.2 billion VND in 2023 In addition to promoting technology transfer activities, FOB also emphasizes community service initiatives Specifically, FOB staff has collaborated with the Enrollment Advisory and Brand Development Department, which belongs to HUB, to organize "Trial Class" sessions to disseminate financial knowledge to high school students FOB has collaborated with the HUB International School of Business to construct "Savings Game" training courses, which provide financial knowledge to workers in industrial zones

Regarding scientific research activities and community services by students: In addition to creating the framework and encouraging students to participate in scientific research activities, FOB regularly organizes academic competitions and seminars for students These are "Banking Challenges," " Research to Success," and "Generative AI - Technology Driving a New Revolution in Education." Between 2019 and 2023, students under Faculty lecturers’ advice achieved numerous high awards in research competitions Notably, students achieved the first prize in the national competition named "Quantitative Economics and Applications Olympic" in 2020, and achieved the first and second prizes in the same competition in 2022 Students also attained multiple awards in the competition named “Eureka” Furthermore, FOB supports students to participate in community services organized by the University’s Youth Union, Faculty’s Youth Union, and Faculty’s Student Association Some notable activities named “Chiến dịch mùa hè xanh”, “Xuân tình nguyện”, “Gửi gắm yêu thương”, “Đón tết cổ truyền – vui xuân hiện đại” in multiple provinces

Between 2019 and 2023, alongside the academic and theoretical knowledge, FOB also provides practical relevance and experience to students To do this, FOB has invested in practical facilities

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such as the Banking Practice room, Artificial Intelligence lab, and Experimental Stock Exchange Trading System Additionally, HUB and FOB have signed numerous agreements with commercial banks and enterprises to make room for students to gain practical experience at work


Recognizing the importance of developing and maintaining a quality assurance system to achieve its missions and visions, HUB has implemented several activities to improve the quality assurance system Among these activities, internal and external assessments are considered core approaches to enhance educational qualities The internal quality assurance (IQA) system is established at the university and faculty levels At the university level, the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance is the lead unit, responsible for improving the IQA system, organizing quality assessments, and supporting stakeholders to assess the educational quality and program followed by national, regional, and international standards At FOB level, FOB’s leaders, lecturers, and staff, who are responsible for quality assurance, oversee the implementation of relevant quality assurance activities based on the PDCA cycle to continuously maintain and improve the program quality that FOB is responsible for

The Banking Concentration programme has been assessed and met the criteria of AUN-QA accreditation in April 2019 Based on the recommendations of AUN-QA, from 2019 to the present, HUB and FOB have undertaken numerous activities to improve the Banking Concentration programme To conduct self-assessment activities and participate in the re-assessment of the Banking Concentration programme according to AUN-QA criteria version 4.0, HUB issued Plan

No 131/KH-ĐHNH on February 20, 2023, titled "Implementation of the re-assessment of the

Finance and Banking programs according to AUN-QA standards (2nd cycle)." Additionally, HUB

established the self-assessment council at the university level based on Decision No ĐHNH dated April 18, 2023, by the President of HUB The steering committee includes 2 members (the Chairman of the HUB Council and the President of HUB), a self-assessment council has 17 members (Chaired by Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Duc Trung – President of HUB), a secretariat council with 6 members (Headed by MSc Nguyen Thi Thu Huong – Vice-Dean of the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance), and the specialized group consists of 14 members (Headed by Dr Tran Chi Chinh – Vice-Dean of Faculty of Banking)

977/QĐ-The tasks assigned to the specialized groups are as follows:

- Heads of the specialized groups: provide guidance, delegate tasks to members within the group, organize the self-assessment of the Banking Concentration programme, and conduct the meeting within the group to refine the self-assessment report (SAR) for submission to the university level Council

- Members of the specialized groups: read and analyze the AUN-QA criteria, collect data, as well as evidence, synthesize and analyze the collected data and evidence, write the SAR draft, and finalize the SAR

The entired process is between November 2022 and April 2024 and it is divided into 4 stages: 1st Stage (Planning): Establishing the self-assessment council at the university and faculty levels, planning for self-assessment, and analyzing the criteria of AUN-QA version 4.0

2nd Stage (Writing the SAR): Implementing the self-assessment process: Collect and analyze evidence, conduct interviews and surveys to evaluate the Banking Concentration programme according to AUN-QA criteria version 4.0, write, edit, and refine the SAR of Banking Concentration programme

3rd Stage (Checking the SAR): Collecting feedbacks to enhance the SAR for the Banking Concentration programme, and disseminate the SAR to relevant stakeholders

4th Stage (AUN-QA assessment): Submitting to AUN-QA

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1.1 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes are appropriately formulated in accordance with established learning taxonomy, are aligned to the vision and mission of the university, and are known all stakeholders

The Banking Concentration programme, which includes the expected learning outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme (Programme learning outcomes/PLOs), is continuously improved by FOB to ensure that it meets the MOET's requirements The programme also provides high academic standards in the Banking sector, modern knowledge, and practical skills to meet the demands of society with high-quality human resources, in line with the trends of international economic integration and the digital era Based on the 2018 Banking Concentration programme, based on the recommendation of AUN-QA when accrediting the Banking Concentration programme in April 2019, FOB has reviewed, updated, and improved the Banking Concentration programme Among them, the objectives and learning outcomes of the 2021 Bank Training Programme are not only well-responding to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Training regarding the knowledge, skills, level of autonomy, and self-responsibility of students upon graduation; they are also in line with the mission and vision of HUB and FOB of Banking (Figure 1.1) [01.01.01]

Figure 1.1 Compatibility between HUB's Mission, Vision and Faculty of Banking


HUB provides society and the banking sector with quality human resources, influential research, consulting services and community-serving activities HUB creates an educational ecosystem, offering opportunities and skills for lifelong learning to develop a comprehensive, creative


HUB’s vision is to become a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary university in a group of prestigious universities in Southeast Asia HUB pioneers the application of digital technology in training, research, and solving interdisciplinary problems


Training high-quality, research-competent and practical human resources in the global banking financial environment


FOB is the leading reputable unit in Vietnam for quality human resources training in the banking sector The programme is at the same level as the specialized programme of the countries in the ASEAN region


Graduates of Finance – Banking, the Banking Concentration Programme own basic and modern knowledge of economics and banking in general, in-depth knowledge of banking The Graduates have good moral character, research capacity, and Professional practice in the context of international integration



PLO1: Ability to apply basic

knowledge of natural and social

sciences in economics

PLO6: Ability to systematically

apply background and in-depth knowledge to solve Professional problems in the finance and banking


PLO7: Ability to participate in

building and developing application solutions in specialized banking

PLO8: Ability to recognize, grasp,

and adapt to changing trends in the banking industry



PLO4: Show initiative, active learning, research and manage personal resources, and meet lifelong learning requirements

PLO5: Show a sense of compliance

with the law, Professional ethics and social responsibility


(Skills) PLO2: Critical thinking ability PLO3: Ability to organize, work in a

team, and communicate effectively in


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To identify the learning outcomes of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme, FOB has undertaken review, evaluation, adjustment/improvement according to the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process, including the following steps: Planning, Organization of Implementation, Evaluation Inspection, Adjustment/Improvement Based on the recommendation of the Organization AUN-QA when accrediting the Banking Concentration programme in April 2019, and based on the provisions of Circular No 17/2021/TT-BGD, the mission, vision of the HUB and FOB of Banking, comparative documents, guidelines relating to the method of measurement of the learning outcomes [01.01.02] Additionally, to identify the learning outcomes of the programme, FOB has undertaken the following steps: (i) Surveys of stakeholders, (ii) Describe the objectives and initiatives of the Banking Concentration programme, (iii) The design of the framework and the expected content of the Banking Concentration programme, (iv) Seminar to consult experts, complete the PLOs and complete the contents of the Banking Concentration programme, (v) Meeting of the Scientific Council at FOB and School level to approve the Banking Specialty Preparation and Training Program, and (vi) The Rector signs the decision to formally issue the Banking Concentration programme To ensure higher generality, based on the recommendation of the AUN-QA Organization when accrediting the Banking Concentration programme in April 2019, and based on survey results and opinions received from experts, with duplicate output standards to be reduced or re-integrated, the results of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme of the Bank have 08 learning outcomes with levels to be reached at level 4 on the Bloom scale [01.01.03] The learning outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme are widely disclosed to stakeholders by the HUB/Faculty of Banking after issuing [01.01.04]

1.2 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes for all courses are appropriately formulated and are aligned to the expected learning outcomes of the programe

The expected learning outcomes of the Banking Concentration Progamme are based on the learning outcomes of the curriculum Specifically, the learning outcomes of the training program, after being determined, are assigned to each of the subjects of the specialized Banking Concentration programme (Appendix-A3) Each subject of the Programme will be assigned a learning outcome number of the training program with the corresponding level of scale; the assignment of the standard outputs and scale level corresponding to each subject will depend on the subject that belongs to the knowledge block in the training program For example, core knowledge is typically assigned to the PLOs of general knowledge (PLO1) and the scale at level 2 or 3 Knowledge and specialized subjects are usually assigned learning outcomes related to the profession (PLO6, PLO7, PLO8) and the scale at level 4 Skill learning outcomes (PLO2 and PLO3) and attitude learning outcomes (PLO4 and PLO5) are often assigned to core knowledge subjects and disciplines, disciplines, and specialties; however, these differences vary in scale In addition, with each learning outcome of the training program and the corresponding scale level assigned to each discipline, the banking faculty has established the objectives and learning outcomes of the course and determined the contribution of the learning outcome of the discipline in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes with a specific level of scale to the learning outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme [01.02.01]

The learning outcomes of all subjects are appropriate and compatible with the learning outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme Furthermore, based on the guidelines and training materials of the HUB, FOB is continuing to improve its assessment, measurement, and contribution to the learning outcome of the Programme Specifically, in addition to based on surveys and expert opinion polls to determine the PLOs, FOB also surveys and solicits expert opinion to construct the PI for each PLO and allocate these PIs to each subject with the corresponding scale level [01.02.02].

1.3 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes consist of both generic outcomes (related written and oral communication, problem-solving, information technology,

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teambuilding skill, ect) and subject specific outcomes (related to knowledge and skill of the study discipline)

The PLOs are currently being applied, and FOB is constructed quite comprehensively according to the PDCA process and is approached according to SMART principles (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timetable) Specifically, PLOs consist of 08 learning outcomes and are divided into two groups: (i) the general learning outcome group with 05 learning outcomes: PLO1 is the general knowledge of natural and social sciences in economics; PLO2, PLO3 are the general skills; PLO4, PLO5 are the levels of self-reliance and self-responsibility (attitude); These are general learning outcomes that learners need to acquire comprehensive knowledge of nature, economics, and society; as well as acquiring thinking, correct awareness, problem-identification and problem-solving skills, flexible adaptability to the changing business environment in the context of international economic integration and the digital age (ii) The specialized learning outcomes group has 03 learning outcomes: PLO6, PLO7, and PLO8, which are in-depth knowledge of the finance-banking sector In sum, by accumulating these 08 PLOs, students can shape professional competence in the finance-banking sector [01.03.01]

In addition to the specific identification of 08 learning outcomes, including 05 general learning outcomes and 03 specialized learning outcomes, as mentioned above, the development of the PLOs is based on the following principles: (i) be measurable: each PLO for a specific level based on the Bloom scale (ii) be attainable: each PLO is assigned to several subjects (Appendix-A3), whereas each subject will contribute to between 03 and 05 learning outcomes of the Programme with the corresponding specific scale level In addition, Faculties (responsible for subjects) have developed each PLO and show the contribution of each PLO in terms of knowledge, skills, or attitudes to the PLOs In addition, based on the standard of learning outcomes for each subject, Faculties (responsible for the subjects) have designed the method of teaching and learning, the method of evaluating the learners according to the learning outcomes, compatible with the standards of the subject's learning outcome(s) (iii) be practical: PLOs are constructed based on surveys, and referendum opinions from stakeholders (faculty members, students, Alumni, employers, regulators, and professional associations) The survey results are analyzed by FOB, critically reviewed, and approved by the scientific Councils at FOB and university levels Besides, with a highly qualified human resources team and fairly good response to facilities, the school/faculty has sufficient resources to help students with the learning outcome of the training program (iv) Be timetable: PLOs are contributed by the outcomes of subjects Except for the final internship (03 credits) assigned to 05 standard outcomes and the graduate thesis (09 credits) appointed to 06 learning outcomes of the training programme, and other subjects in the Programme, each subject is usually assigned from 3-4 learning outcomes of the education program Besides, each subject is designed from 3-5 learning outcomes, covering a full range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes Additionally, in terms of the duration of the study, each course is mainly designed to be 03 credits (corresponding to 45 hours of classroom lessons, a minimum of 90 hours of self-study at home); with this duration, under the teaching and guidance of a faculty, banking students have sufficient time to the learning outcome of the subject in knowledge, skills, attitudes Students achieve PLOs that been assigned to subjects [01.03.02]

1.4 The programme to show that the requirements of stakeholders, especially external stakeholders, are gathered, and that these are reflected in the expected learning outcomes

The definition of expected learning outcomes of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme is based not only on the missions, and visions of HUB and FOB but also on the stakeholders' requirements Specifically, the designed learning outcome of the programme in particular, the specialized programme of Banking in general, is carried out by FOB according to the PDCA process Of which, to design a Banking Concentration programme in 2021, FOB identified the first and also most important one is the need to define the learning outcomes of the programme, and the outputs must be based on the requirements of stakeholders (teachers, students, Alumni, employers,

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regulators, professional associations) In addition to defining the PLOs, FOB has also defined the objectives of the Banking Concentration programme To define the goals and outputs of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme, FOB has undertaken several steps, some of which include: (i) Establish the basis for the establishment of the targets and the PLOs, which are based on the PLOs of Banking Concentration programme in 2018; the recommendations of the AUN-QA organization when accrediting the April 2019 Banking Concentration programme; the provisions of MOET; the missions and visions of the HUB and FOB; and the HUB's guidelines (ii) Draft objectives and learning outcomes of the programme, which were consulted by experts (iii) Conduct surveys, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of survey results collected from stakeholders The survey results collected from stakeholders show that regarding the objectives of the Banking Concentration programme, over 97% of respondents were rated quite appropriately and very appropriately (Table 1.1), and regarding the learning outcome of the Banking Concentration programme, over 98% of the respondents assessed it as necessary and essential (Table 1.2) [01.04.01]

Table 1.1: Survey results related to the objectives of the Banking Concentration programme

No Criteria Achievement level

1 (Unit: %) 1 2 3 4 5


The objectives of the programme are defined in accordance with the mission of the HUB, FOB and the requirements of society

0.00 0.00 0.00 23.95 76.05


The objectives of the programme are clearly defined in terms of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that learners need when they graduate

1 1: Absolutely inappropriate; 2: Less appropriate; 3: Moderate appropriate; 4: Quite appropriate; 5: Very appropriate

2 1: Absolutely inappropriate; 2: Less appropriate; 3: Moderate appropriate; 4: Quite appropriate; 5: Very appropriate


outcome Criteria

Achievement level2 (Unit: %) 1 2 3 4 5

PLO1 Ability to apply basic knowledge of natural and

social sciences in the field of economics 0.00 0.00 0.87 22.93 76.20 PLO2 Critical thinking ability 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.01 71.99

0.00 0.00 0.00 16.55 83.45

PLO5 Show a sense of compliance with the law,

Professional ethics and social responsibility 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.77 78.23 PLO6 Ability to systematically apply background and

in-depth knowledge to solve specialized 0.00 0.00 0.29 25.54 74.17

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Source: Report of the survey results on the improvement of the Banking Concetration programme

The objectives and learning outcomes of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme are constructed based on the survey results from stakeholders (faculty members, students, Alumni, recruiters, regulators, and professional associations) These goals and PLOs are approved by the director and formally issued by the academic and school-level scientific councils Besides, the PLOs are disseminated to stakeholders and published publicly on FOB's website since PLOs are officially issued [01.04.02]

1.5 The programme to show that the expected learning outcomes are achieved by students by the the time they graduate

Students of the Banking Concentration programme are considered to graduate when the association meets the following conditions: (i) Accumulate the full number of students and the required learning volume; (ii) A cumulative average of 5 points or more, on a scale of 10 points; (iii) Fulfillment of the learning outcome requirements for foreign languages, informatics and training points as prescribed [01.05.01]

In addition to the survey conducted annually by the laboratory and the quality assurance of the HUB, including the survey of the quality of the course from last year's students and graduates (KS02), the employment situation of graduates after graduation (KS03), the employee satisfaction of employers about graduates from the HUB (KS04), to obtain more information to improve the output (expected learning results) of the training program, teaching and learning methods, to evaluate the pupils according to the outcome of the program; periodically the Banking Faculty also conducted surveys of the employers, graduates on the level of achievement of the initial standards Specifically, in 2023, FOB surveyed the level of output of Banking graduates in 2022 and 2023 (students trained under the 2018 edition of the Banking Concentration programme) Of which, except for a few learning outcomes (PLO7 and PLO12), a few people surveyed said that they only achieved 25%; the majority of those surveyed thought that the remaining outputs had a fairly high level of achievement (Table 1.4) [01.05.02].

Table 1.3 Levels of achievement of expected academic results by graduates in 2022 and 2023

Expected learning results (PLOs)

Level of achievement of expected learning results

(Unit: %) Learning

PLO1 Ability to apply basic knowledge of natural and social

sciences in the field of economics 0.00 0.00 13.62 86.38 PLO2

Ability to systematically apply background and in-depth knowledge to solve specialized problems in the finance –banking sector

0.00 0.00 31.71 68.29

PLO3 Ability to apply knowledge and specialized skills to identify

and control risks in the operations of a bank/credit institution 0.00 1.83 35.97 62.20 PLO4 Ability to apply professional knowledge to identify, analyze

and solve specialized problems in the banking sector 0.00 0.00 28.86 71.14 PLO5 Ability to counteract, construct, develop new policy

mechanisms in the banking sector 0.00 1.22 39.23 59.55 problems in the finance–banking sector

PLO7 Ability to participate in building and developing

application solutions in the field of banking 0.00 0.00 1.30 23.66 75.04 PLO8 Ability to recognize, grasp and adapt to

changing trends in the banking sector 0.00 0.00 1.16 18.72 80.12

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PLO6 Critical thinking ability 0.00 0.00 23.98 76.02 PLO7 Ability to organize, work in a team 1.63 7.93 27.64 62.80 PLO8 Ability to communicate effectively (in writing and in speech)

in different environments and circumstances 0.00 9.35 23.17 97.48 PLO9 Ability to apply specialized skills in the banking sector 0.00 0.00 35.77 64.23 PLO10 Demonstrate proactive, positive and manageable personal

PLO11 Show a sense of compliance with the law, professional ethics 0.00 0.00 17.89 82.11 PLO12 Ability to recognize and adapt to changes in social and work

Source: The achieved results of the 12 PLOs


2.1 The specifications of the programme and all its courses are shown to be

comprehensive, up-to-date, and made available and communicated to all stakeholders

The description of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme provides full information about the objectives, learning outcomes (Expected Learning Outcomes), and the entire structure of the Programme Compared to the 2018 version of the Banking Concentration programme, the 2021 version shows more completed and detailed information In particular, alongside information about the objectives and learning outcomes (Expected Learning Outcomes) of the Programme (Figure 1.1), the 2021 version also shows the following information: (i) Investment Programme Name: Bank; (ii) Diploma: Bachelor of Finance - Banking (Major code: 7340201) ; (iii) Faculty management: Banking; (iv) Degree-granting university: Ho Chi Minh University of Banking; (v) Information about inspection certification: has completed quality accreditation and been granted a quality accreditation certificate according to AUN-QA standards, dated May 25, 2019, by the Asean University Network In addition, the description of the 2021 version also shows the following information: (i) Total knowledge of the entire course: 124 credits of general and professional education knowledge, 05 credits of physical education, 08 credits of national defense and security education; (ii) Training period : 03 to 04 years; (iii) Output standard matrix of the Programme allocated to subjects: except for the internship module at the end of the course which is allocated 05 PLOs and the graduation thesis is allocated 06 PLOs, other modules belong to the specialized Programme in Banking allocated from 03 to 04 PLOs ((Appendix-A3)); (iv) Teaching and assessment methods: teaching methods are applied diversely, flexibly combining traditional teaching methods and modern teaching methods; Methods of assessing learning outcomes for learners are applied diversely, in accordance with subject content and all aim to measure the learning outcomes of the curriculum allocated to the subject; (v) Admission subjects and admission criteria: nationwide admission, admission criteria are developed by HUB annually in accordance with the actual situation and meet the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training; (vi) Post-graduation job positions: including business-oriented jobs at banks/enterprises, management-oriented jobs at state management agencies, research-oriented jobs at universities or research institutes [02.02.01]

The course outlines of all subjects/modules of the Banking specialized programme are designed, complete, and consistent in form and structure according to the requirements of HUB The course outline includes 03 main parts: (i) Part A General information about the subject: presents content related to the subject name in Vietnamese and English, subject code, syllabus training level and applied training field, number of credits and time allocation, subject management

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department, previous subjects, subject description, objectives, and learning outcomes of the course, the contribution of the subject to PLOs, methods and forms of teaching and learning, regulations of the subjects, and learning materials (ii) Part B Subject assessment methods: presents content related to subject assessment components including process assessment and final assessment; Content and assessment methods for the assessment components of attendance and learning attitude, individual midterm examination, essays/assignments, and/or group presentations, final exam; Evaluation rubrics for each evaluation method (iii) Part C Detailed teaching content: presents the duration, detailed teaching contents, learning outcomes of the subject and their contribution to the PLOs, teaching and learning activities, assessment methods prices, and learning materials used for each chapter in the subject [02.01.02]

The Programme and course outlines of the Banking Concentration programme version 2021, after being officially issued, will be disseminated to relevant parties and publicly announced on the website of the HUB and/or FOB of Banking [02.01.03]

2.2 The design of the curriculum is shown to be constructively aligned with achieving the expected learning outcomes

FOB of Banking designs the 2021 Banking Concentration programme to help students achieve the PLOs Specifically, the Programme has 08 trainees in three areas, i.e., knowledge, skills, and attitudes The basis for determining the PLOs of this curriculum is based on the regulations of MOET, the HUB's instructions, and the survey results of relevant parties Among the 08 PLOs, there are 05 general PLOs, including PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, and PLO5, and 03 specialized PLOs including PLO6, PLO7, PLO8 (Figure 1.1) Based on the 08 training standards of the Programme, FOB determines the necessary subjects to help students accumulate in-depth knowledge, excellent skills, and good attitudes to meet the Programme's standards when students graduate With the identified subjects, FOB allocates the PLOs for each subject, and the level of contribution of each subject in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes to the PLOs This process is approved by the Scientific Council at FOB and HUB levels, and approved by the Principal


Based on the PLOs and the scale level allocated to each subject, the Faculties, who are in charge of the subject, will develop a detailed subject syllabus This process follows the PDCA cycle In particular, the main stages of developing a subject syllabus include: (i) Lecturers/groups of lecturers are assigned by Faculties to be in charge of compiling the subject syllabus The procedure is based on the assigned PLOs for each subject and information obtained from a survey of stakeholders The groups will discuss and draft a detailed subject outline, including all the contents of parts A, part B, and part C mentioned above (ii) Faculties, who are in charge of the subject, discuss the outline and comment on the draft so that the groups complete the outline (iii) Scientific Councils at the Faculties and HUB levels to deliver comments, and approve the outline (iv) The Principal approves and officially promulgates the outline Besides, depending on the standards of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and corresponding levels allocated to the subject, Faculties design teaching, learning, and evaluating methods for each subject [02.02.02]

The 2021 version of the Banking Concentration programme has 08 PLOs, including 05 general PLOs and 03 specialized PLOs; FOB designs the Programme with the appropriate number of subjects/modules and the total duration of the curriculum In particular, in addition to 05 credits of physical education and 08 credits of defense and security education, the 2021 version of the Programme is designed to include 43 subjects corresponding to 124 credits for 03 to 04 expected training years Teaching and learning activities in each subject are scientifically designed to combine theory and practice The curriculum also emphasizes a diverse and flexible learner assessment according to the PLOs These activities combine classroom learning self-study and self-research at home Specifically, the curriculum includes 43 modules corresponding to 124 credits, which equals 1,860 hours (124 credits x 15 hours/credit) of theoretical and practical learning in class or at labs Students also self-study and self-research at home for a minimum of 3,720 hours

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(According to regulations and mentioned in the subject syllabus, the time for students to self-study and research at home according to the direction of the lecturer in charge of teaching is at least twice as long as the class time in class) Students are fully capable of achieving the PLOs of the Programme within 03 years to 04 years[02.02.03]

2.3 The design of the curriculum is shown to include feedback from stakeholders, especially external stakeholders

The HUB and FOB are currently applying the ISO 9001:2015 process in all activities, including the design and development of curriculum In addition, updating and improving the Banking Concentration programme is always carried out by FOB according to the PDCA process Specifically, FOB has planned, and organized review, evaluation, and improvement in 2021 In particular, in addition to relying on the regulations of MOET, HUB's instructions on updating and improving the Programme and recommendations of the AUN-QA Organization when accrediting a specialized programme in April 2019 To have more information to serve the design and development of the Programme, FOB has collected information from relevant parties, especially from employers labor, and outside experts in 2021 Collecting feedback from stakeholders is carried out by FOB of Banking through many stages, of which the main stages include: (i) a Survey of stakeholders for the 2018 version of the Banking Concentration programme about the compatibility between the programme and the programme's objectives; Consistency and cohesion between programme content, methods of testing and evaluating learners according to the curriculum's standards, and resources for learning and teaching; The level of meeting the development requirements of the programme (ii) Analyze and synthesize survey data for the 2018 version of the Banking Concentration programme; Based on the results of this survey, FOB of Banking designed and developed the 2021 Banking Concentration curriculum (draft version), then conducted a survey of stakeholders on the content of the version this draft (iii) Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize survey data to complete the 2021 version (iv) Approve FOB-level Scientific Council for the Banking specialized teaching programme row; (v) Send documents to HUB's Training Department to review validity and completeness for submission to the HUB-level Science and Training Council; (vi) The Principal approves and officially promulgates the 2021 version of the Banking specialized teaching programme [02.03.01] Compared to the 2018 version, one of the highlights of the design and development of the 2021 specialized teaching programme for Banking is: that in addition to improving integration and In addition to the scale level for the curriculum's learning outcomes, FOB of Banking also greatly improved teaching methods, testing and evaluating learners according to the curriculum's learning outcomes, especially updating reference documents in both Vietnamese and English [02.03.02].

FOB also uses survey results conducted annually by the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance to design, develop, and improve the 2021 version of the Programme These include the Course Quality Survey, querying final year students and recent graduates (KS02); Survey on the employment situation of learners after graduation (KS03); Survey on employer satisfaction with HUB graduates (KS04) In addition, FOB/Department also periodically organizes seminars and specialized activities for lecturers and/or experts who are leaders of banks or businesses to share experiences to improve the content, teaching methods, testing, and assessment of learners according to the standards of the Programme FOB utilizes these results to improve the Programme [02.03.03].

2.4 The contribution made by each course in achieving the expected learning outcomes is shown to be clear

The level of contribution of each subject to the learning outcomes (Expected Learning Outcomes) of the 2021 version is shown by achieving the PLOs allocated to the subject at the same level corresponding scale Except for the Internship module (at the end of the curriculum) for 05 credits and the Thesis for 06 credits, other subjects equal 03 to 04 credits On the contrary, each learning outcome of the curriculum is contributed by several subjects (Table 1.1) Based on the standards of the curriculum and the corresponding scale level allocated to the subject, the faculties

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(in charge of the subject) will develop a detailed course syllabus according to the PDCA cycle In particular, to concretize the level of contribution of each subject in the PLOs, based on the guidance of the Training Office, FOB determines the goals, the course learning outcomes (CLOs), and the contributions of the CLOs to PLOs For example, The Banking credit subject is allocated 04 credits, including PLO5, PLO6, PLO7, and PLO8 To have a basis for assessing the level of contribution of the Banking Credit subject to the curriculum's learning outcomes, FOB identifies 04 CLOs, including CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, and CLO4 These CLOs are shown clearly in the Banking Credit subject syllabus In addition, FOB builds a matrix of CLO contributions to the Banking Concentration programme PLOs (Table 2.1) [02.04.01].

Table 2.1 Illustration for Matrix of CLOs Contribution to PLOs


(Banking Credit subject)

PLOs of the Banking Concentration programme

Source: Banking Credit course outline (2021)

FOB has clearly defined teaching and learning methods in the subject outlines to accumulate the contribution of each subject/module in achieving the PLOs One of the outstanding points of approaching teaching and learning methods of subjects in the 2021 version (compared to the 2018 version) is the diverse and flexible combination of several teaching and learning methods, including traditional and modern ones The combination depends on the PLOs and the corresponding scale level allocated to the subject For example, the Banking Credit subject is allocated 04 credits with a scale level of 04, in which 03 PLOs belong to specialized knowledge and 01 PLO belongs to attitude, with a scale level of 04 The allocation means that the learner must be able to "analyze" the issues related to the subject content, corresponding to the distributed PLO To gain the acquired knowledge, practical skills, specialized skills, moral qualities, "lifelong learning" attitude, and corresponding to the distributed PLOs, FOB has applied several teaching and learning methods, such as interactive lecture method, teaching method via work/study Practice in groups, teaching methods using case studies (refer to the Banking Credit subject outline) [02.04.02].

The course syllabus identifies the subject assessment components to evaluate/measure the achieved CLOs and the subject contributions to the Programme In addition, the course outlines also specifically show the content assessment methods and rubrics assessment for each component One of the outstanding advantages in assessing the level of achievement of subject standards and their contribution to the Programme in version 2021 (compared to the 2018 version) is that it does not only focus on the end assessment of the course but also assesses the learning process for the entire course In addition, the assessment of learners' learning outcomes according to the learning outcomes of the curriculum in subjects is based on a diverse and flexible combination of assessment methods, depending on the type of learning outcomes of knowledge and skill, the attitude of the curriculum and the corresponding scale level are allocated to the subject For example, the Banking Credit subject is allocated 04 PLOs of the curriculum with a scale level of 04 The level requires that at the end of the subject, learners must be able to "Analyze" relevant issues to subject content Therefore, 03 methods for process- and 01 for the final-assessment are applied to evaluate/measure the level of achieving the CLOs and their contributions to the PLOs (Table 2.2) In particular, the evaluation methods include “A.1.2 Mid-term exam”, “A.1.3 Group exercise”, and “A.2.1 Final exam" which are adapted to evaluate the level of achievement of the PLO6, PLO7, and PLO8 that the curriculum allocates to the Banking Credit subject The evaluation methods include “A.1.1 Diligence, learning attitude", and "A.1.3 Group homework" which are used to evaluate the level of achievement of the PLO5 that the curriculum allocates to the Banking Credit subject [02.04.03].

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Table 2.2 Subject assessment components


component Evaluation method Course Learning Outcome Weight

A.1 Formative assessment

A.1.1 Diligence, learning attitude CLO1 10% A.1.2 Mid-term test CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 20% A.1.3 Group homework CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 20% A.2 Final assessment A 2.1 Final exam CLO2, CLO3, CLO4 50%

Source: Banking Credit course outline (2021)

2.5 The curriculum to show that all its courses are logically structured, properly sequenced (progression from basic to intermediate to specialized courses), and are integrated

The 2021 version of the Banking Concentration programme includes 43 subjects/modules with a total duration of 124 credits, excluding 05 physical education credits and 08 defense and security education credits Of the total 43 modules in the Programme, there are 10 subjects in the general knowledge group, 18 subjects in the industry basis knowledge group, and 15 subjects in the industry and specialized knowledge group The Programme is reasonably structured between general knowledge and professional knowledge With a total of 124 credits, of which general knowledge accounts for 17.74%, professional knowledge (industry basis, industry and specialized) accounts for 82.26% of the entire curriculum (Table 2.3) The division follows the recommendations of the AUN-QA Organization when accrediting the Banking Concentration programme in April 2019, and the development orientation of HUB's programmes, which is to strengthen specialized knowledge to help learners comprehend deep specialized knowledge, develop professional skills, and practice professional ethics; thereby meeting the requirements of the labor market in the banking and finance sector in the context of international economic integration and the strong development of the 4.0 industrial revolution [02.05.01]

Table 2.3 Structure of the Banking Concentration programme

No Body of knowledge Number of courses Number of credits Ratio (Unit: %)

Source: Banking Concentration programme, version 2021

The 2021 version of the Banking Concentration programme has a total of 43 subjects, of which each subject integrates the learning outcomes of knowledge, skills, and attitudes (Table 2.3) In addition, the content of many subjects in the Banking Concentration curriculum combines theory and practice, is integrated into an interdisciplinary direction, and requires students to actively experience themselves to acquire knowledge following HUB's educational philosophy of "Liberal - Interdisciplinary - Experience" In addition to the reasonable structure between general knowledge and professional knowledge (Table 2.3), the subjects are arranged in chronological order and clearly defined in the training plan of the Banking Concentration programme version 2021 Specifically, (i) Courses belonging to the general or industry basis knowledge groups are introduced in the first semesters (ii) Subjects belonging to the industry knowledge group are lectured in the following semesters (iii) Subjects belonging to the specialized knowledge group are delivered in the final

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semesters As for the Final Internship and the Thesis modules, students can only take them when they have accumulated the required credits according to regulations In addition, with the subjects in the specialized Banking curriculum, there are also regulations on previous/parallel subjects to ensure the scientific inheritance of knowledge and skills between subjects in the programme in teaching programme [02.05.02].

The curriculum of the Programme is applied following the credit system Each academic year includes 02 main semesters and 01 additional summer semester for students who want to study beyond and improve their scores3 By 03 organized semesters, students proactively arrange their plans to achieve PLOs Students who have high capacity and good time management ability can register for the maximum number of credits allowed each semester to graduate earlier than the expected duration, which is 04 years from admission [02.05.03].

2.6 The curriculum to have option(s) for students to pursue major and/or minor specialisations

Students are required to not only have the ability to be creative and practical thinking but also have relevant knowledge upon graduation with the educational philosophy of "Liberal - Interdisciplinary - Experience" Following its educational philosophy, HUB has updated and improved the curriculum continually Specifically, the curriculum has several general and interdisciplinary learning outcomes to allow learners to transfer between majors In particular, the Banking Concentration programme has been improved by FOB of Banking in 2021 There are 03 PLOs (PLO6, PLO7, and PLO8) in-depth knowledge in finance and banking Additionally, there are also 05 general PLOs (PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, and PLO5) for general knowledge and skills These general PLOs are also currently being applied to other Programmes, for example, the Finance Concentration Programme and Accounting and Auditing Programme Compared to the Finance and Accounting and Auditing Programmes, the Banking Concentration programme only differs from about 09 to 12 subjects/modules By this approach, the Programme allows students to earn dual majors easily Furthermore, after graduating from the Programme, students can pursue a 2nd degree within 01 to 02 semesters [02.06.01].

The Banking Concentration programme version 2021 develops two orientations: (i) Traditional in-depth banking orientation, and (ii) Financial technology orientation The Programme combines theory and practice and integrates knowledge, skills, and attitudes In particular, teaching and learning activities of subjects in the Programme always encourage students to self-study, self-research, and self-experience to acquire knowledge, develop thinking, and practice ethics It has allowed learners more opportunities to choose appropriate learning orientations to unleash their abilities according to their characteristics with the two orientations [02.06.02]

Students take the course Introduction to Banking in the first semester to choose an orientation that suits their interests, qualities, and abilities In addition, it helps students know how to develop and practice skills and professional ethics It also helps students better understand the Banking Concentration programme so that students can choose the appropriate orientation [02.06.03].

2.7 The programme to show that its curriculum is reviewed periodically following an established procedure and that it remains up-to-date and relevant to industry

Reviewing, updating, and improving the Banking Concentration programme is regularly carried out by FOB following the regulations of MOET, and the instructions of the HUB The process is according to the PDCA cycle In particular, the curriculum in the Programme is regularly updated by FOB, fully meeting the requirements of the MOET and recommendations of the AUN-QA Organization the accreditation Programme in April 2019 In particular, compared to the 2018

3 The total number of semesters (from admission to graduation) will depend on the number of courses (or credits) in each semester that a student registers and passes exams

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version of the Programme, the 2021 version has a huge improvement Specifically, the 2021 version reduces some inappropriate output standards, and some overlapping output standards have been integrated into one standard The PLOs are supplemented with levels according to the Bloom scale Some subjects are no longer relevant and add some new subjects in a modern direction (For example, adding some subjects such as Artificial Intelligence in Quantitative Trading, Social network data analysis Assembly, Python Programming for Data Analysis) The 2021 version also reduces the number of credits for the curriculum from 129 to 124 In addition to improving the programme, FOB also improved the 2021 Banking Concentration programme outlines Specifically, in addition to updating new knowledge to suit the actual situation in "part C Detailed content Teaching", the syllabus of subjects in the 2021 version has crucial improvements in teaching methods and assessment according to the curriculum's standards, especially references in specialized subjects are used in Vietnamese and English with the updates [02.07.01].

FOB consulted and compared the curriculum of prestigious universities domestically and internationally to design and develop the 2021 version of the Banking Concentration programme FOB also collected feedback from stakeholders FOB selects and compares to the following universities in Vietnam, including (i) University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City: Programme in Banking and Finance, major in Banking, (ii) Banking Academy: Programme in Banking and Finance, (iii) University of Economics and Law: Programme in Banking and Finance, major in banking The overseas universities selected by FOB for comparison include (i) Monash University, an Australian research-oriented university (the top 100 in the world and the top 8 universities in Australia research-oriented), (ii) University of Leeds, a British research-oriented university (the top 100 in the world according to various rankings) Besides, updating and improving the curriculum is carried out by FOB following the PDCA process The main stages related to improving the Curriculum include (i) FOB adjusts and improves the Curriculum, including the objectives, outcomes, structure, and content The basis for adjustment and improvement is based on the regulations of MOET, instructions of the HUB, recommendations of the AUN-QA Organization when accrediting the programmes in April 2019, and the survey results of stakeholders (ii) FOB reviews and evaluates to eliminate unnecessary subjects and add new subjects FOB builds, updates, and improves subjects to be consistent with the standards of the curriculum and the scale levels allocated to each subject (iii) FOB approves the curriculum and course outlines by the Scientific Council at FOB level and sends documents related to updating and improving the curriculum and course outlines to the Training Office; (iv) The Training Office checks the validity and completeness of the dossier on updating and improving the programme and the course outlines of FOB and submits it to the Scientific Council at the university level for consideration and approval (v) The principal approves and officially promulgates the updated and improved curriculum and course outlines [02.07.02] The Curriculum and the set of course outlines of version 2021, after

being officially issued, will be disseminated to relevant parties and publicly announced on the website of the HUB and/or FOB [02.07.03]

FOB has currently planned and is implementing the review, update, and improvement of the Programme, which will be implemented starting at the end of 2023 and is expected to be completed in June 2024 In particular, the Banking Concentration programme has been improved (expected to be completed in June 2024) and developed in two orientations: (i) Digital banking and risk management, and (ii) Financial technology The purpose of improving the programme is, on the one hand, to meet the HUB's requirements for determining the goals and learning outcomes of the programme, assessing the level of achievement of learners' expected learning outcomes following the PLOs, and following the curriculum's standards, which are consistent with the orientation of AUN-QA version 4.0 On the other hand, FOB improves the programme in a modern direction, consistent with the development trend of the digital economy in the 4.0 By this approach, HUB provides society with high-quality human resources, especially in the field of finance and banking The modern direction is potential since the labor market has a very high demand for human resources to implement digital transformation and develop digital banking [02.07.04]

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3.1 The educational philosophy is shown to be articulated and communicated to all stakeholders It is also shown to be reflected in the teaching and learning activities

HUB's educational philosophy is issued through official documents [03.01.01], this educational philosophy, after being issued, is disseminated to all employees, lecturers, students, and other relevant parties of HUB In addition, the educational philosophy is also publicly announced on the HUB's website [03.01.02] At the same time, the educational philosophy is also disseminated in the form of posters at HUB's training facilities HUB's educational philosophy is conveyed in the goals, objectives, and content of the Banking Concentration programme, teaching and learning activities in the subjects of the Banking Concentration programme [03.01.03]

The messages in the educational philosophy, after being transmitted and concretized in the goals, content, teaching, and learning activities of the Banking Concentration programme, have been recognized by all employees, lecturers, and students HUB members and other relevant parties understand and implement it well In particular, the educational philosophy "Liberal education - Interdisciplinary - Experience" is conveyed by FOB into the goals, learning outcomes, content of the Banking Concentration programme, teaching and learning methods of the courses in the Banking Concentration programme are as follows:

- Liberty: “HUB creates an educational environment to help learners discover their potential; acquire in-depth specialized knowledge of the discipline based on comprehensive general knowledge; develop intellectual capacity and personal skills; shape positive individual values; educating students to become self-reliant, creative and responsible citizens" [03.01.04] For the

Banking Concentration programme, in addition to the mandatory subjects, students must study to meet the PLOs of knowledge, skills, and attitudes The Programme is also designed with elective courses to help students develop their abilities according to their characteristics [03.01.05]

- Interdisciplinary: “HUB aims to train learners with interdisciplinary understanding to avoid biases in decision making, increase the ability to connect with experts, and widen their employment opportunities” [03.01.06] In particular, the Banking Concentration programme is designed with

many courses whose content integrates many professional fields Therefore, students gain not only in-depth knowledge and skills in finance and banking but also general and comprehensive knowledge and professional skills in technology, natural sciences, economics, and society


- Experience: “HUB delivers an educational model of "maturity through experience" By experience, learners will have a deeper understanding of theory and form practical thinking, and implementation capacity, thereby adapting and improving the environment” [03.01.08] In particular, the design and implementation of teaching and learning activities of the Banking Concentration programme, in addition to theoretical and practical content, are transmitted between lecturers and students through various methods of teaching and learning in the classroom Students can also experience self-study and self-research via case studies and individual/group essays at home according to the requirements and direction of the instructors [03.01.09] In addition, students can also practice in the Practical Banking Room, and Artificial Intelligence Lab for some operations and directly participate in HUB's real Stock Exchange Furthermore, students can also participate in professional seminars and practical experiences at banks [03.01.10]

3.2 The teaching and learning activities are shown to allow students to participate responsibly in the learning process

Teaching and learning activities in the Banking Concentration programme always aim to create conditions for learners to participate in learning responsibly This is done in both the stages of building, updating, and improving the Programme and the training implementation process for the Banking Concentration programme In particular, in addition to creating conditions to help students achieve the learning outcomes, (expected learning results) of the Programme upon graduation,

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teaching and learning activities in the curriculum of the Programme always aim to create conditions for students to participate in learning responsibly

- When building, updating, and improving the Programme, in addition to surveying students, support staff, lecturers, and employers, FOB also uses survey results of courses Among them, one of the issues that FOB is very interested in when conducting the survey is how teaching and learning activities can create conditions for students to participate in learning responsibly [03.02.01] In

addition, the PLOs that students need to meet when graduating from the Programme, not only require knowledge but also require students to achieve skills and attitude standards (For example PLO2: Ability to think critically; PLO3: Ability to organize, work in groups, and communicate effectively in an international integration environment; PLO4: Demonstrate initiative and positivity in studying, researching, and managing personal resources, meeting lifelong learning requirements; PLO5: Demonstrating a sense of compliance with the law, professional ethics, and social responsibility) [03.02.02] To help students achieve these learning outcomes of skills and attitudes when graduating from the Banking Concentration, FOB creates diverse and flexible teaching and learning activities Thereby creating conditions for learners to participate in learning responsibly


After the PLOs are determined and allocated to each subject, the Faculties in charge of the subject will apply appropriate teaching and learning methods Depending on the content and scale of the learning outcomes of the allocated Programme, the subjects are different although there are differences in the number and type of teaching and learning methods applied, one of the common points is that all subjects apply a variety of teaching and learning methods to achieve the PLOs and all aim to encourage students to participate in learning responsibly In particular, applying several modern teaching and learning methods in subjects, students/groups of students must participate in

presentations, role-plays, handle situations, and do individual/group exercises [03.02.04]

- To achieve the PLOs, students must participate in learning responsibly In particular, to help students achieve the PLOs upon graduation; not only does it create a suitable training environment but there are also teaching and learning activities Each subject of the Programme always aims to create conditions for learners to participate in learning responsibly Specifically, students are provided with the lecture content in advance, are introduced to the course textbooks/references, and detailed outlines of the courses clearly state the student's responsibilities, which are: Must research issues/content related to the subject in advance before participating in class [03.02.05]

- To achieve the PLOs, especially the ones of skills and attitudes, students are required to participate responsibly In particular, in addition to having responsibility in learning and self-study/research to acquire and discover new knowledge Students need to have academic integrity regarding academic products (scientific research topics, scientific articles, internship reports and/or graduation theses, individual essays, and/or group essays ) Students have been studying scientific research methods since the first year to create conditions for them to have early access to scientific research activities and have a proper awareness of academic integration [03.02.06] Besides, FOB and/or FOB's Youth Union also regularly organizes professional seminars and guides scientific research [03.02.07], FOB organizes internship guidance sessions and writes internship reports and graduation theses every year Furthermore, HUB also issues regulations and guidelines on academic integrity and provides tools to help students self-check for duplication in their academic products


3.3 The teaching and learning activities are shown to involve active learning by the students

The 2021 version of the Banking Concentration programme is designed with a learning plan (specifically planned for each semester) with mandatory subjects and elective subjects set in two directions [03.03.01] Besides, HUB's training mechanism is applied according to the credit system Training plans and class schedules are developed by HUB's training department based on the actual situation, based on feedback from the faculties in charge of subjects and students before issuing the official lecture schedule, has allowed students majoring in Banking to be proactive in registering

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for the class schedule that best suits their time plan, which has helped students learn more proactively [03.03.02]

Teaching and learning activities in the Programme major always aim to improve students' proactiveness in learning and research In particular, to create conditions to help students achieve the Learning outcomes of the Programme upon graduation, in addition to creating a suitable training environment, teaching and learning activities are combined Flexibility in training forms, teaching and learning methods, and training content, especially the combination of in-class study time and self-study and self-study at home; as follows:

- Regarding the form of training, teaching and learning activities of subjects in the Banking Concentration programme are a combination of face-to-face training and online training In particular, the maximum online training duration for subjects is specified in detail in each subject syllabus [03.03.03] The combination of face-to-face training and online training not only creates conditions for students to learn more proactively, it also helps students gain experience with modern training technology Thereby improving technology skills by the HUB's educational philosophy


- Regarding teaching and learning methods, besides traditional teaching methods such as lectures and group discussions; subjects in the Programme also apply modern teaching and learning methods such as flipped classroom models, presentations, group discussions, problem-solving through situations, and practice based on simulated situations [03.03.05] The flexible combination of teaching and learning methods not only makes the transmission of subject content between lecturers and students more convenient but also helps improve students' self-study and self-research abilities Because under modern teaching and learning methods, lecturers only play a guiding and guiding role, students will take an active role in discovering knowledge Besides, with modern teaching and learning methods, achieving good learning results requires students to proactively research materials in advance, and perform individual and group exercises at home according to Instructions and orientation from instructors before participating in class sessions [03.03.06]

- Regarding training content, in addition to the main training content to achieve the PLOs, FOB and/or HUB also create conditions for students to experience and share relevant experiences related to specialized skills, professional ethics, trends, career opportunities, and professional ethics from Alumni and bank leaders through thematic talks organized by FOB and/or HUB In addition, students majoring in Banking also gain experience through practical activities organized by clubs of FOB's Youth Union and the University's Youth Union [03.03.07]

- Regarding study time, in addition to the time spent studying in class, students are required to self-study and research at home at least twice the time spent studying in class Besides, with modern teaching and learning methods, achieving good learning results requires students to proactively research materials in advance, and perform individual and group exercises at home according to Instructions and orientation from instructors before participating in class sessions [03.03.08].

3.4 The teaching and learning activities are shown to promote learning, learning how to learn, and instilling in students a commitment for life-long learning

Teaching and learning activities in the Banking Concentration programme not only aim to encourage students to self-study/self-research but also pay great attention to encouraging students to learn learning methods and be aware of the meaning of lifelong learning

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Table 3.1 Comparison of teaching and learning activities aimed at improving lifelong learning abilities for students majoring in Banking

Programme, Version 2018 Programme, Version 2021

Strengths are maintained (Similarities)

100% of course outlines clearly describe the use of teaching and learning methods In addition, 100% of course outlines describe self-research and self-study activities aimed at improving students' lifelong learning abilities In addition, lecturers use appropriate teaching activities and teaching methods to support students in learning learning methods practicing skills, and improving lifelong learning abilities

Improved features (Different


The Programme does not mention teaching and learning methods Course outlines, in addition to general descriptions, describe in detail and specifically self-study/self-research activities to support students in practicing skills and improving lifelong learning abilities

The Programme mentions teaching and learning methods Course outlines not only provide general descriptions but also describe in detail and specifically the students' self-study/self-research activities In addition, teaching and learning methods and activities to support students in practicing their skills and improving their lifelong learning ability are also described in detail in each chapter of the subject syllabi At the same time, the course syllabus also stipulates a training format that combines face-to-face and online

Source: Compiled from the 2018 and 2021 Programme course outlines

- The university training motto of "teaching people - teaching profession - teaching methods" and creating a culture of "lifelong learning" so that students after graduating from the Banking Concentration programme can have “Strong knowledge, proficient skills, standard attitude, adaptability to a professional working environment” To do so, when building, editing, and updating the Programme, in addition to encouraging students to self-study and research, FOB has paid great attention to encouraging students to learn learning methods and be fully aware of the importance of lifelong learning, as specified in the Learning Outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme: PLO2: Critical thinking ability; PLO4: Demonstrate initiative and positivity in studying, researching and managing personal resources, meeting lifelong learning requirements, PLO8: Ability to recognize, grasp and adapt to trends direction of change in the banking sector [03.04.01]

- Teaching and learning activities that encourage learners to study, learn learning methods, and instill lifelong learning requirements are always of concern to the FOB when building, updating, and editing the Programme In particular, in addition to updating the PLOs, structure, and content of the Programme, FOB has paid great attention not only to updating and innovating teaching and learning activities in the direction of encouraging students to study and learn learning methods but also helping students realize the meaning and importance of lifelong learning (Table 3.1)

- Teaching and learning activities in the Banking Concentration programme always aim to encourage and create conditions for students to learn learning methods and fully realize the importance of lifelong learning From the first year, students have studied Scientific Research Methods and Introduction to Banking The content, teaching, and learning activities in these subjects not only help students realize the meaning and importance of lifelong learning but also orient students on how to learn In addition, most of the subjects in the Banking Concentration programme apply teaching and learning methods that require students not only to self-study and naturally research to discover new knowledge but also to help students improve their ability to collect and process information, think critically, and generate new ideas and/or solutions [03.04.02].

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Figure 3.1: Development chart of students majoring in Banking

Source: Compiled from HUB's Introduction to Banking course

With the motto "lifelong learning", HUB's view on "learning" is a continuous process With the learning outcomes of knowledge, skills, and attitudes achieved after graduating from university, students majoring in Banking will continue their learning process at a higher level or continue their learning process through Experience in a practical environment consistent with professional competencies and development related to the job position (Figure 3.1) [03.04.03].

3.5 The teaching and learning activities are shown to inculcate in students, new ideas, creative thought, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset

To help students in the Banking Concentration programme become fully aware of the importance of taking initiative, creative thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurship, FOB organizes creative start-up competitions to promote the spirit of innovation among students In addition, the HUB/Faculty coordinates with banks and businesses to carry out activities to support creative student startups [03.05.01].

Teaching and learning activities in the Programme not only aim to encourage students to study/self-research but also pay great attention to helping students improve their ability to come up with initiatives, creative thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit, as follows:

self In addition to traditional teaching and learning methods, many subjects in the Programme have applied modern teaching and learning methods, such as teaching and learning methods based on case analysis, teaching and learning based on problem-solving, and project-based teaching and learning With these modern teaching and learning methods, not only have we helped students fully realize the meaning of self-study and self-research but we have also created conditions for students to actively explore to create understanding, rather than simply passively absorbing knowledge from lecturers This also helps students form creative thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit


- Practical and internship activities are mandatory content in the Programme In particular, in some courses in the Programme, in addition to theoretical training, students also practice and handle simulated situations in the practice room/computer room [03.05.03] In addition, internship is

mandatory content in the Programme, students having accumulated the required number of credits as prescribed, will have to complete the internship module at the end of the course To complete the final internship course, with the guidance of FOB and the support of instructors, students must intern at banks, non-bank financial institutions, companies, or state management agencies in finance and banking During the internship process, students need to observe, learn, and research practical operations related to the banking and finance sectors At the same time, it is necessary to compare,

Bachelor of Banking Concentration Bank staff

Banking expert

Career Development

Academic development Master's degree Doctor's degree

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and evaluate the operations being performed at the internship unit with the theories students have been equipped with during their time studying at the HUB This not only helps students learn more knowledge, experience practice skills, and professional ethics to be able to do a good job after graduation; It also helps students form creative and innovative thinking [03.05.04]

- In addition to the main learning content of the Programme, students can also participate in many extracurricular activities and academic competitions, and join clubs organized by the FOB’s Youth Union or the HUB’s Youth Union In addition, many final-year students of the Programme are selected by banks to become potential interns This not only helps students experience themselves to come up with ideas, creative thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit but also supports banks in recruiting good quality employees, suitable to their needs [03.05.05]

3.6 The teaching and learning processes are shown to be continuously improved to ensure their relevance to the needs of industry and are aligned to the expected learning outcomess

FOB continuously improves the teaching and learning process for the Banking Concentration programme The process ensures the Programme meets the requirements of the labor market and is compatible with expected learning outcomes They are not only implemented regularly and continuously through professional activities and training on teaching and learning methods but also through updating and editing the Programme

- The Programme is periodically updated and edited by the FOB The process of updating and editing is always carried out by the FOB according to the PDCA cycle In particular, since the educational philosophy was conveyed in the goals and content of the Programme, FOB organized seminars and surveys to receive comments and feedback from many stakeholders (lecturers, officers, employees, students, Alumni, employers, state management agencies, and other relevant parties) [03.06.01] The Programme, after being approved by the Principal, is publicly announced

on the HUB's website [03.06.02] Specifically, from 2018 to 2023, FOB has updated and revised the Banking Concentration programme twice To have information for updating and editing the Programme, in addition to collecting information for setting goals, learning outcomes, and Programme content FOB has paid great attention to information to improve the teaching and learning process to ensure it meets the requirements of the labor market and is compatible with expected learning outcomes [03.06.03] While in the 2018 version, subjects mainly used traditional teaching and learning methods (Table 3.2), the 2021 version used a variety of teaching and learning methods, both traditional and modern methods (Table 3.3)

Table 3.2 Matrix connecting between courses, teaching and learning methods with the Learning Outcomes of Banking Concentration programme (2018)

Group of courses Teaching and learning methods Learning Outcomes

Group of courses belonging to general and industry basis knowledge

Lectures, group discussions, group presentations

PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6, PLO7, PLO8, PLO9, PLO10, PLO11, PLO12 Group of courses belonging

to the industry and specialized knowledge

Lectures, group discussions, presentations, learning through case study, learning based on problem-solving, practicing practical operations at internship units

Source: Compiled from course outlines of the 2018 Banking Concentration programme

Table 3.3 Matrix connecting between modules and teaching and learning methods and with the Learning Outcomes of the Banking Concentration programme (2021)

Group of courses Teaching and learning methods Learning Outcomes

Group of courses belonging to general and industry basis knowledge

Lectures, group discussions, presentations, flipped classroom model (assigned students/groups of students will play the role of lecturers to run the class)


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Group of courses belonging to the industry and specialized knowledge

Lectures, group discussions, presentations, learning through solving situations, learning based on problem solving, learning based on realistic simulation models at the Lab, practicing practical operations at training units, practice units


Source: Compiled from course outlines of the 2021 Banking Concentration programme

- After being established, the PLOs are allocated to each course, and the faculties/departments in charge of the subject along with lecturers have proactively researched and discussed to develop approaches to teaching and learning The development of teaching activities/teaching methods for subjects in the Programme is very diverse and appropriate Specifically, the development of teaching and learning approaches of faculties/subjects, although based on the content of each subject and the PLOs, is allocated to each subject But one of the common points in building teaching activities/teaching methods for all subjects is that they are all very diverse, and appropriate and all aim to achieve the learning outcomes of the Programme

The diversity and suitability of teaching activities/teaching methods of subjects are applied by traditional teaching and learning approaches such as lecture methods and exchange methods, direct opinions, and/or group discussions Furthermore, lecturers also apply many "learner-centered" approaches to teaching and learning through modern learning methods such as the flipped classroom model, case study-based learning, and learning based on problem-solving To unify teaching and learning activities (content, teaching, and learning methods), FOB organizes seminars/thematic activities to unify the content and teaching and learning methods for subjects In particular, alongside unifying the content of lectures, exercises, and case studies, the seminars/professional activities also aim to improve teaching and learning methods to suit the content of each course In addition, these seminars/professional activities also help lecturers in FOB to agree on teaching and learning methods and teaching and learning activities mentioned in each course syllabus, as well as help all lecturers fully realize and pursue the same general educational philosophy announced by the HUB [03.06.04]

- To continuously improve the teaching and learning process to ensure it meets the requirements of the labor market and is compatible with expected learning results, based on the need to improve the teaching and learning methods of specialized subjects, HUB also organizes training sessions on teaching and learning methods, designs, measures and evaluates PLOs and CLOs [03.06.05]

FOB has updated and revised the Banking Concentration programme in 2021 However, in response to the changing needs of human resources in the labor market in the banking sector, FOB has planned to update and edit the Programme expected in 2024 With information obtained from surveys of employers, lecturers, and relevant parties, the Programme is expected to be developed in two orientations: (i) digital banking and risk management orientation, and (ii) financial technology orientation Additionally, in this update and revision expected in 2024, FOB will not only survey all stakeholders to determine the Initial Standards and content structure of the Programme but will also develop and survey the Performance Indicator (PIn) for each of these learning outcomes


4.1 A variety of assessment methods are shown to be used and are shown to be constructively aligned to achieving the expected learning outcomes and the teaching and learning objectives

To ensure that learners achieve the expected learning outcomes of each course in the Banking Concentration programme, many assessment methods are used in combination and designed appropriately to measure the level of learners' attainment of various expected learning outcomes in each course of the program

Specifically, assessment methods are designed to not only measure learners' knowledge outcomes but also assess their skill and attitude outcomes in each course and throughout the entire learning process for all courses Applied assessment methods include exams/ tests in the form of

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multiple-choice or essay questions, case study tests/ exercises, essays, projects, presentations, and short individual tests Additionally, learners' attitudes are evaluated when participating in discussions with lecturers and other students, or when demonstrating contributions and debating abilities between presentation groups Each course uses different assessment methods that are suitable for the allocated knowledge, skills, and attitude outcomes for that course For example, knowledge and skill outcomes are assessed through multiple-choice and essay exams/ tests, while skill and attitude outcomes are evaluated through presentations, group projects, or handling case studies [04.01.01]

Besides, to quantify criteria in exams/ tests and assessments based on the program's expected learning outcomes (PLOs) with specific levels of measurement scale allocated for each course, these PLOs are detailed into course learning outcomes (CLOs) with levels according to Bloom taxonomy levels In this context, for each course with allocated learning outcomes and corresponding Bloom taxonomy levels, both the process and the final assessment are required to achieve the allocated Bloom taxonomy levels For instance, for courses in the block of specialized knowledge with a level 4 outcome on the Bloom taxonomy scale, the design of multiple-choice or essay questions, and case studies in exams/ tests must reflect the knowledge and specialized skills related to analyzing and comparing Additionally, specific and detailed rubrics for each assessment method in each course are developed and presented in the course specification, including the internship and graduation thesis courses [04.01.02]

4.2 The assessment and assessment-appeal policies are shown to be explicit, communicated to students, and applied consistently

HUB has clear and specific policies and regulations, including regulations on the organization and management of undergraduate education, examination procedures for undergraduate education, and temporary regulations on online assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic These policies and regulations provide clear, specific, and detailed guidance on assessing learners' expected learning outcomes throughout their studying process at HUB Additionally, these policies and regulations also mention and provide clear instructions to learners for complaints and appeals related to learning outcomes Based on these policies and regulations, HUB has implemented consistent assessment and appeals activities following the content and requirements outlined in the aforementioned policies and regulations throughout learners’ entire learning process at HUB

The above-mentioned policies and regulations related to the assessment and appeals of learners' learning outcomes are publicly available on HUB's website and in the "Student Handbook." The handbook is updated with the latest university policies and regulations of HUB at the beginning of each academic year and is provided to first-year students in PDF format upon entering the university The "Student Handbook" is also publicly accessible on HUB's homepage for learners to easily find and download for reference at any time [04.02.02].

4.3 The assessment standards and procedures for student progression and degree completion, are shown to be explicit, communicated to students, and applied consistently

Criteria and procedures related to the assessment of learning outcomes are fully and specifically presented in the policies and regulations mentioned in Criterion 4.2 above This means that the criteria and procedures related to the assessment of learners' learning outcomes are clearly stated and consistently implemented, while also being publicly disseminated to learners The criteria and procedures related to the assessment of learning outcomes throughout learners' studying journey and upon completing the program are outlined specifically with the following processes:

- For admission: For all nationwide applicants seeking admission to the regular undergraduate program in the Banking Concentration, at HUB, recognition of high school graduation and participation in the national high school examination organized by MOET are required Applicants must also submit an admitting file to be considered for admission HUB employs various forms and methods of admission For each admission method, the principle is to admit based on the admission

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scores from highest to lowest until the enrollment quota is met All information regarding the annual admission process is publicly announced on HUB's website Detailed information on admissions includes admission quotas, admission criteria, application forms, deadlines, and result notification methods To become a student in the Banking Concentration programme, students are firstly admitted to the Finance – Banking major, and after the first semester, students are classified into the Banking Concentration programme based on FOB’s admission quotas, individual preferences, and learning results in the first semester [04.03.01]

- For assessment of proficiency in foreign language and computer skills: Upon entering the first academic year, learners are assessed on their proficiency in foreign languages and computer skills These essential skills support learners throughout their study at HUB Meeting the required proficiency levels in language and computer skills is a prerequisite for learners to register for Specialized English and Applied Computer classes The eligibility criteria are presented in the "Student Handbook." Information about the assessment and its results is publicly announced on the HUB's website [04.03.02]

- For training process:

+ First, process and final assessment of a course: During the training process at HUB for learners belonging to the Banking Concentration programme, process and final assessments of a course are important and conducted in most courses Information about the activities of the process and final assessment for each course is always clearly and specifically stipulated in the course specification Specifically, information related to process and final assessment made available to students includes assessment time, format, methods, criteria, weights, and assessment contents for both process and final assessments For process assessment, which includes attendance and attitude, mid-term tests, individual assignments, personal essays, group essays, and presentations, specific guidelines are presented in the course specifications which are publicly accessible on the Banking Faculty's website As for the final assessment, it is reflected in the class schedule and the final exam schedule published by the Academic Affairs Office at the beginning of each semester, publicly available on the HUB's website Regarding the format, methods, criteria, and weights of assessment components, they are stipulated in the content of the Regulation on the organization and management of undergraduate education at HUB, which is publicly announced on the Academic Affairs Office website and further detailed in the course specifications [04.03.03]

Figure 4.1 Timeline in the process of final exam appeal

Source: Synthesizing from Regulation on examnination procedures (2023)

+ Secondly, for complaints and appeals related to the process and final assessments of a course: (i) For the process assessment, if learners have doubts or complaints about grades of process assessment, the lecturer will provide feedback immediately at the announcement of the process assessment’s grades or within the maximum of 5 days from the date of receiving the complaint

5 working days for Dep of Testing and

QA to check grades 5 working days

to send appeal request to

faculty As announcement of

Dep of Testing and QA after each exam

5 working days for reviewing appeal

Last date to submit appeal

result announcement

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This regulation is clearly stated in the Regulations on the organization and management of undergraduate education at HUB, which has been publicly announced [04.03.04] (ii) For the final assessment, if there are complaints about the assessment results, learners have the right to submit a request for assessment appeal to the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance according to the HUB's regulation HUB has established a procedure for learners to appeal final results, as illustrated in Figure 4.1 [04.03.05].

The appeal application, according to HUB's template, aims to facilitate the learners in making appeal requests Two lecturers (different from the two lecturers who graded the exams first) make the appeal assessment Therefore, the minutes of the appeal assessment also follow the standardized template, ensuring consistent scoring practices among lecturers and expediting quickly the appeals process while protecting learners' rights If the score discrepancy between the appealed assessment and the original assessment is 0.5 points or more, the two appeal examiners and the two original examiners must discuss to decide whether to modify the score All four examiners must sign the minutes of the appeal assessment [04.03.06]

The detailed procedures and regulations regarding exam appeals are explicitly presented in the Regulation on the organization and management of undergraduate education at HUB and the Regulation on the examination procedures for undergraduate education, both publicly available on HUB's website Additionally, related document templates for exam appeals are also published on the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance's website to assist learners in easily performing the appeals process Information on exam appeals is also clearly presented in the "Student Handbook" for learners' easy reference [04.03.07]

- For the final internship and graduation thesis assessment:

Information about the assessment activities for the final internship and graduation thesis is specified and published for students The timeline for organizing the final internship and graduation thesis is set at 4 to 5 times per year, providing flexibility for learners to choose a suitable time and register for participation The schedule for each time is publicly announced on the Department of Academic Affairs website under the "Announcements about Internship – Graduation" section Detailed information about the final internship and graduation thesis assessment is presented in the course specifications of the final internship and graduation thesis Additionally, learners receive clear and detailed information at the guidance session for the final internship and graduation thesis organized annually by FOB [04.03.08]

- For the assessment of special courses:

In addition to completing the courses in the curriculum, learners are required to meet the learning outcomes of foreign language and computer proficiency as well as special courses including physical education, national defense and security education, and the week of citizen-student activities which are clearly and publicly announced in the curriculum and regulations The learning outcomes of foreign language and computer proficiency are disclosed in written form by the university Special courses are organized and publicly disclosed on the Department of Academic Affairs website at the beginning of the first year of the program [04.03.09].

4.4 The assessments methods are shown to include rubrics, marking schemes, timelines, and regulations, and these are shown to ensure validity, reliability, and fairness in assessment

For each course, lecturers use various assessment methods to measure CLOs Each method is applied appropriately and compatibly to ensure the measurement of course and program learning outcomes (CLOs and PLOs), maintaining the validity of assessment activities In addition, rubrics with clear and detailed assessment criteria are constructed for each test/exam in each course This approach ensures high accuracy in the assessment methods for each course, guaranteeing reliability and fairness, especially for challenging methods to assess accurately, such as presentations and group assignments For the final internship and graduation thesis courses, regarding the assessment of practicing the professional ability that is difficult to assess accurately, rubrics with specific

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criteria that help assess these courses are developed and presented in the course specifications For the graduation thesis, there are tables of assessment criteria for the instructing lecturer, the counter-arguing lecturer, and the members of the thesis assessment committee [04.04.01]

Therefore, through diverse assessment methods aimed at ensuring the measurement of CLOs and PLOs throughout the course duration If a grade is 04 or above (on a 10-point scale), a student will pass a course Based on the 10-point scale, HUB will automatically convert this to a 4-point scale and a letter-grade scale to rank learners' academic ability [04.04.02].

Continuous improvements are made in the assessment activities to enhance validity, reliability, and fairness To limit the issue of potential unfairness arising from each lecturer making separate tests for each assigned class and creating different levels of difficulty for tests, HUB has regulated that if all classes of the same course take the same exam session, learners will take a test This test can be drawn from a list of questions or can be prepared by lecturers in FOB In addition to using question banks, computer-based testing methods for multiple-choice exams have been implemented in some courses to further ensure objectivity and fairness in assessment [04.04.03]

The fairness in student assessment is also reflected in many aspects such as: (i) Clear pass/ fail criteria According to Table 4.1, students' learning outcomes are evaluated on a 4-point scale This means that a score of 4 is considered a passing grade on the 10-point scale (ii) Clear regulations regarding students’ absences or illnesses, and other situations when the exam is taking place (iii) Clear penalties for students who violate examination regulations during the examination process


Table 4.11 Conversion from 10-point scale to 4-point scale and letter-grading scale

Source: Regulation on the organization and management of undergraduate education (2021)

4.5 The assessment methods are shown to measure the achievement of the expected learning outcomes of the programme and its courses

According to HUB's general regulations, student assessment for each course consists of two components: the process assessment accounts for a 50% weight, and the final assessment carries a 50% weight The process assessment comprises three assessment parts: (i) attendance and study attitude with a weight of 10%, (ii) mid-term test involving multiple-choice questions, essays, and case studies with a weight of 20%; (iii) individual or group essays, topic presentations, short individual exercises, etc., with a weight of 20% For each assessment component, according to the course contents and expected learning outcomes allocated for the course, lecturers may employ various assessment methods to measure the best and the most accurate CLOs and PLOs Therefore,

Status 10-point scale Letter-grading scale 4-point scale

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a combined approach using many assessment methods is the common point for student assessment in each course To facilitate tracking and analyzing statistics on assessment results, each assessment component is designed to measure one or two specific CLOs through a suitable assessment method However, the final assessment, with a weight of 50%, usually assesses all CLOs of the course Thus, lecturers can calculate and measure CLOs and PLOs for each student by using a suitable assessment method for each component to measure specific CLOs with a specific weight The assessment methods and procedures for measuring CLOs of each assessment component are detailed in the course specifications [04.05.01]

Specifically for the final internship and the graduation thesis courses, which are relatively challenging to assess accurately, the university requires the use of special methods and forms of assessment For the final internship, the assessment relies on three opinions: (1) from business units receiving internship shown on learners’ internship diary; (2) from the supervising lecturer through interaction during the internship and guidance on writing the internship report; (3) from the content of the internship report All three opinions have assessment rubrics detailed in the course specification of the final internship Concerning the graduation thesis, learners have the right to choose between completing a thesis and studying alternative courses, as outlined in the curriculum Both the thesis and alternative courses aim to develop the practice of learners’ professional skills If learners choose to write a thesis, they perform under the guidance of a lecturer The thesis is assessed by the instructing lecturer and a counter-arguing lecturer, and learners must present the thesis to a thesis assessment committee consisting of three lecturers The thesis is assessed with a clear criteria sheet for the instructing lecturer, counter-arguing lecturer, and committee members, as specified in the course specification of the graduation thesis The thesis grade is the average grade of five lecturers assessing the thesis [04.05.02]

In addition to completing the courses in the curriculum, learners are required to meet the learning outcomes for foreign language proficiency, computer skills, and special courses in physical education, national defense, and security education, as published in the curriculum The regulations regarding learning outcomes of foreign languages and computers are published in written form by HUB The physical education course is taught by the Department of Physical Training, and HUB issues a certificate in physical education to each student who completes the course For the national defense and security education course, HUB collaborates with the Center for National Defense and Security Education, meeting the teaching requirements and conditions designated by the Defense Ministry, performs teaches students from the first academic year Based on the assessment results of a pass from the Center, students are issued a certificate upon completing the course of national defense and security education [04.05.03]

With diverse assessment methods as mentioned above, which help measure the achievement of CLOs and PLOs, learners, upon accumulating the adequate required credits, genuinely achieve all PLOs and are officially recognized as graduates [04.05.04]

4.6 Feedback of student assessment is shown to be provided in a timely manner

HUB has regulations regarding the feedback on learners' assessment results, which are publicly disclosed to both lecturers and learners to help learners improve their quality of learning Specifically, the Regulation on the organization and management of undergraduate education, the Regulation on the examination procedures for undergraduate education at HUB, and the Regulation on grade management in the training management software system are published on HUB's website and the Department of Testing & Quality Assurance‘s website [04.06.01]

According to HUB's general regulations, all courses in the curriculum are assessed with 50% weight given to the process assessment, consisting of three components, and 50% weight given to the final assessment

For process assessment, lecturers must announce the results of all three components within 8 days from the end of the course The time for lecturers to provide feedback on assessment results may vary depending on the assessment method For instance, if learners give presentations of

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reports or group projects, or complete short exercises in class, lecturers provide immediate feedback after completing the activity If the assessment method involves written tests such as mid-term tests, or case study assignments under essay form, lecturers announce the scores and analyze the assessment results within 1 to 2 weeks after doing tests to help learners have enough time to adjust suitably the learning method However, lecturers often announce scores of process assessment with three components in the last class of the course, and provide comments on the results of each component Timely disclosure of feedback on process assessment results helps learners receive information promptly to improve their study performance in that specific course and for future courses [04.06.02]

Regarding the final assessment, the grading process and grade announcement are relatively timely, with a specific timeline as shown in Figure 4.2

Figure 4.2 Timeline in the process of grading and announcing final exam scores for learners

4.7 The student assessment and its processes are shown to be continuously reviewed and improved to ensure their relevance to the needs of industry and alignment to the expected learning outcomes

At the end of each course, the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance organizes learner surveys for the course (Survey Form 01 - KS01) The learner survey is performed online for convenience, and specifically, when learners enter their learner accounts to view the grades of the course, the system requires them to complete the survey before viewing the grades This ensures the participation of all learners in the course survey, enhancing the effectiveness and accuracy of the survey Additionally, annually, the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance conducts surveys on the quality of the courses (Survey Form 02 - KS02), surveys on the employment outcomes of graduates (Survey Form 03 - KS03), and surveys on the satisfaction of employers with the quality of graduates from HUB (Survey Form 04 - KS04) These surveys are also conducted online through email or survey links [04.07.01]

In the assessment criteria of these surveys, there are also criteria related to the assessment methods applied in the courses The survey results compiled by the Department of Testing and

Date of announcing grades to learners 3 working days for Dep

of Testing and QA to check grades 7 working days

to grade exam papers 3 working days

to receive exam papers

Trang 40

Quality Assurance are presented in reports and sent to FOB These survey reports demonstrate how well learners meet the CLOs and PLOs Additionally, they reflect the expectations of employers regarding the quality of graduates Therefore, these reports serve as a basis for FOB to organize meetings with faculty members to discuss and review the effectiveness of assessment methods in the courses This process helps FOB make adjustments, updates, and modifications to the curriculum to better meet the demands of the job market and assist learners in achieving the learning outcomes more effectively FOB can take improvement measures, including improving the content and assessment methods of courses based on the survey reports The review through surveys supports improvements in the student assessment is performed continuously after each semester and each academic year [04.07.02]


5.1 The programme to show that academic staff planning (Including succession, promotion, redeployment, termination, and retirement plans) is carried out to ensure that the quality and quantity of the academic staff fulfil the needs for education, research, and service

HUB has a succession plan in place, reappointment as leaders based on personnel planning, management, and human resource development strategies Leadership planning is carried out annually based on the needs and capabilities of the staff Promotion plans include both premature promotions for outstanding task performance and regular promotions for employees Contract terminations and retirements are carried out according to labor contracts, civil laws, and labor laws Recruitment and training plans for personnel development are based on the HUB's development strategy, prioritizing the recruitment of faculty with a doctoral degree and proficiency in English or master's degrees from reputable institutions with excellent English language skills HUB has solutions and mechanisms to support and incentivize PhD students to complete their doctoral programs HUB also issues annual training plans for staff to enhance their qualifications for their respective positions [05.01.01]

Currently, FOB has 33 lecturers and 1 office staff Among them, there is 1 associate professor (accounting for 3.03%), 21 lecturers with a doctoral degree (63.64%), 07 lecturers with a master's degree and currently pursuing a doctoral program (21.21%), and 04 lecturers with a master's degree (12.12%) (Figure 5.1) Currently, 13 faculty members have the qualifications and credentials to give lecture in English Among them, 9 faculty members hold a Bachelor of English degree, and 4 faculty members have trained abroad [05.01.02]

Figure 5.1 Statistics on academic titles and degrees of lecturers in the Banking Faculty

Source: Faculty of Banking 2023

Based on the personnel development plans of HUB and FOB, DHRM plans staff recruitment annually, including competitive examinations or special recruitment DHRM makes decisions to establish recruitment boards and issues recruitment notices [05.01.03]

5.2 The programme to show that staff workload is measured and monitored to improve the quality of education, research, and service

The completed workload of each faculty member includes teaching, scientific research, and other non-teaching activities, assessed through the Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) coefficient Every

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 14:06


