‘Quoc Island will be essential to identify potential risks for fresh water resources onthe island and to support decision making; Therefore, detecting early threats to gaininsight sustai
Trang 11.1 Problem statement
Water is our most precious resource However, in recent years, water has become degraded in both quantity and quality This situation is placing challenges and requires a worldwide effort in the use and sustainable management of water resources The provision of water supply and sanitation has improved living
conditions; in addition, the implementation of social justice and educational
approaches, especially for women and children, are also contributing to the success
of the enactment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG).
The development status of the Island, the isolation characteristic, the distance between neighboring islands, between islands and the mainland, the
change of the environment, climate change, changes in rainfall, etc are the
challenges of water resources management The Island, located in the lower floor of the Southwestern area, is a vulnerable area to climate change and sea level rise Furthermore, the island is affected by the early phase of the El Nino and La Ninas The Island is a key economic zone with typical activities, such as: fishing, oil and gas exploitation, maritime services, tourism as well as it is adjacent to the other countries in the region.
Especially, Phu Quoc Island is the largest island in the coastal island system
in Vietnam The current status of the economic development has created a significant social pressure on the island regarding both system resources and the
environmental management There is no rational planning and efficient use of natural resources, although the extraction (water, oil, gas ) has been carried out for
a long time Therefore, freshwater resources in Phu Quoc Island are vitally important, and have a direct impact on daily life, and the development of the island The assessment of freshwater resource vulnerability in Vietnam is still very limited, particularly in the Island A vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources in Phu
Trang 2‘Quoc Island will be essential to identify potential risks for fresh water resources onthe island and to support decision making; Therefore, detecting early threats to gaininsight sustainable solutions to the management of freshwater resources on anisland, where the exploitation of freshwater resources management is stillproblematic.
Understand the vulnerability of freshwater resources of the Islands,therefore, is important to ensure sustainable water management in the region Uses
‘of water have an intimate relationship with land use and impact on ecosystems
‘dealing with integrated water resource management The integrated water resourcesmanagement will help to use and to protect natural resources In order to effectivelyimplement integrated water resource management, the necessity of understandingand the ability to assess the vulnerability of water resources are highlighted,Performing a vulnerability assessment of freshwater will highlight gaps ininformation and identify the most influential factors affecting vulnerability, inaddition to raising public awareness The availability of such an evaluation would
provide decision-makers with the option to evaluate and modify existing policies
and to implement measures to improve the management of water resources
Different approaches to vulnerability assessment of water resources andhydrological systems have been developed for a long time with both advantages anddisadvantages One of the most effective responses, vulnerability assessment hasrecently been developed by the United Nations Environment Program and byPacking University This approach is based on the available resources to meet the
production, use, environmental pressures mitigation and capacity development and
management It highlights the vulnerability factors such as climate change,population growth, economic development, and management, etc of vulnerablefreshwater resources Currently, this method is implemented in the Pacific Islands,
in West and South Asia, in the Mekong River basin, and in several other riverbasins in Vietnam, However, the vulnerability assessment of freshwater resources
on islands in Vietnam is very limited and this method is still not an application
Trang 31.2 Objectives and Research questions
1.2.1 Objective of study
“The main objectives of the study include:
- Piloting a method in terms of assessing the freshwater vulnerability in the
southwestern area of Vietnams: applied specifically on Phu Quoc ~ Kien Giang.Province;
- Assessing vulnerability of freshwater resources on the Island of Phu Quoc ~Kien Giang and potential agents;
- Providing scientifically-based evidence to support policy development of water
resources management, to support the decision-making process:
- Proposing measures to reduce the vulnerability of freshwater resources on the
Phu Quốc Island,
1.2.2 Research questions
- What methods and tools are appropriate to assess the vulnerability of
freshwater resoutces on the Island?
= Which elements are vulnerable to freshwater resources?
= What are the opportunities and challenges regarding to freshwater resources
management in the Island?
= What are solutions that should be done to improve the freshwater resources in
the Island?
3 The Assessment Process
Water is essential for life All activities of humans, animals and plants onearth need water, However, freshwater resources are vulnerable and a reliableassessment of vulnerability is essential The vulnerability assessment of freshwaterresources, newly developed by UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and
by Peking University is the methodology of the thesis Firstly, relevant data in thestudy area are collected, including: relevant documents such as natural conditions,hydrology, environment, geology, etc The statistical analysis results are collected
Trang 4directly from the local agencies The data processing is necessary to investigateadditional fieldwork and to update the latest data content research servi as the
‘current status and characteristics of water resources on the island and the controlsystem influence of the current vulnerability of freshwater resources ‘This study willprovide an overview of the evaluation method to assess the vulnerability of waterresources; the preferred method will be the approach developed by UNEP (UnitedNations Environment Program) and Packing University The evaluation of data willserve an analytical framework DPSIR (Driver, pressure, state, impact and response)
to analyze quantitative and qualitative features, and a description of the
vulnerability of freshwater resources on the island Then, an integrated vulnerabilityindex (VI) is calculated based on possible vulnerable parameters; the results willassess the vulnerability of freshwater resources on the island, followed by aproposal for solutions to reduce the vulnerability of freshwater resources on the Phu
Quoc Island.
1.4 Structure of the thesis
‘This report is divided into six chapters The first chapter introduces theresearch to answer three main questions: Why is a vulnerability assessment isimportant? How can we assess the vulnerability of the island? And, what are themain objectives of a vulnerability sent in this study?
‘The chapter two reviews several studies about the concept of vulnerabilityvulnerability assessment methods and some previous researches relate to study area
‘The chapter three presents an overview of freshwater resources, whichdescribe the geographical context of natural, socio-economic, freshwater resources.Especially, we focus on the present status and the challenges dealing with themanagement of fresh water resoures in the island This chapter also discusses theimportance of the influence of climate change and the pressures of environmentalchange to freshwater resources on the island,
Chapter four identifies methods to assess the vulnerability of freshwater+ summarizes the specific assessment method of UNEP, including, such as:
Trang 5‘Chapter five is an important chapter of the report This chapter continues toassess the vulnerability of freshwater resources on the island of Phu Quoc ~ KienGiang Province These assessments determine the importance and theinterelationship of social-economies, the environment, climate, geographicalfactors and management resources with vulnerable island freshwater resources, Thestudy of assessment indicators and injury parameters such as water stress
development pressure, the insecurity of the ecosystem and management challenges,
is necessary to calculate the vulnerability index In addition, this chapter willprovide proposed measures to reduce the vulnerability of freshwater resources onthe Island,
Chapter six: Finally, the last chapter concludes the findings of this thesis,discusses the limitations of this work and provides an outlook by givingrecommendation for future areas of research,
2.1 Concepts of vulnerability
‘The concepts of vulnerability have been changed over time, According toJom Birkmann (2006) statistics, the current literature encompass more than 25different definitions, concepts and methods to systematize vulnerability (for
‘example, Chambers, 1989; Bohle, 2001; Wisner et al., 2004; Downing et al, 2006;UN/ISDR, 2004; Pelling, 2003; Luers, 2005; Green, 2004; UN-Habitat, 2003;Schneiderbauer and Ehrlich, 2004; van Dillen, 2004; Turner et al., 2003: Cardona,
20040) According to Downing (2006), the vulnerability ineludes the expres ion,
sensitivity and resilience of the system to combat the dangers posed by the effects ofthe agent Researchers in the field of natural sciences often focus on the concept ofrisk, while researchers in the field of social sciences often refer to the termvulnerability Concept of vulnerability is the social scientists associated with the
group of sovioeconomie factors and the eommunity’s ability to cope with natural
disasters, but scienti s about climate usually consider the concept of vulnerability
asa function of the likelihood of occurrence and the potential impact of weather and
climate related
According to Jém Birkmann (2006) statistics, one of the best-knowndefinitions were formulated by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction(UN/ISDR), which defines vulnerability as:
- The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmentalfactors or processes, which increase the susceptibility of a community to the impact
of hazards, (UN/ISDR, 2004)
- In contrast, the United National Development Programme (UNDP) definesvulnerability as: a human condition or process resulting from physical, social,
‘economic and environmental factors, which determine the likelihood and scale of
‘damage from the impact of a given hazard (UNDP, 2004: 11)
Trang 7isa key element for this purpose Vulnerability is a term used to describe a weakness
or flaw exists in the system, the sensitivity of the system with a threat or a particulardisadvantage, and/or challenges systems faced when dealing with the threat
In view of water resource management, the vulnerability can be defined asthe characteristic weaknesses and flaws of the system of water resources makes it
<ifficult to respond to changing economic and social and the environment Thus, the
vulnerability can look through (i) the pressure of the water resources in the study
area: and (ii) the ability of ecosystems and society in the fight against the agentsacting on the healthy function of water resource systems,
2.2, Vulnerability assessment
Water, "blood" of natural ecosystems, have a role indispensable for almostall functions of ecosystems Water is also one of the important resources needed to.support the soci economic development of human, The result of the excessive
population growth, rapid economic development, mismanaged of water resources,
leading to dwindling water resources Therefore, sustainable water resources
‘management has become a priority concem of many national agendas
Vulnerability assessment is a process of investigation and analysis to assessthe sensitivity of the system before the potential threat, and to identify the mainchallenges for the system in reducing or minimize the risks associated with, thenegative consequences of the opposition activists Assessment of water resources
will be calculated based on the water balance between water supply and water
demand, system policies and ownership to support the conservation and management
of water resources, as well as regime change hydrology under the impact of climatechange and other environmental factors Besides, It needs to consider the risks that
‘may occur from the surrounding areas can affect water resources
‘The vulnerability assessment can be used to orient the rational use of waterresources through the provision of a priority plan for upgrades, adjusted operating
Trang 8procedures, and/or change the policies to reduce risks and vulnerabilities to achievethe most efficient use Vulnerability assessment will provide the basic frameworkfor the development of options to reduce the risks and costs involved In fact, every
problem is identified, vulnerability assessment to delimit the main control factor;
estimate the pressure; understand the current situation and development trend;impact analysis; and determine the response to deal with vulnerability of water
resources systems,
Previous studies in study area
Phu Quoc Island is the largest island in the system of the coastal islands ofVietnam, Phu Quoc Island in the Gulf of Thailand, the Southwestern of Vietnam
‘The studies related to the Island’s water resources are very limited The coastalislands Southwestern systems have a very important p sition on national securityand economic de lopment, Some typical projects in the Phu Quoc Island area are:
- In 2006, Dr Dao Manh Tien and Dr Pham Van Thanh to implement the
s the current state of the marine environment of Phu+ "Investigation asses
“Quoc Island from 0 - 20m" The results were evaluated of marine resources Phu
‘Quoc island, the environmental status of sediments and seawater.
= Dr Dao Manh Tien (2008) to implement the project “Investigation of
environmental geology and geohazards coast of Phu Quoc - Ha Tiên rate1/100,000"
~ Within the scope of Phu Quoc Island and especially the National Park, tisarea has had plenty of the study of biological diversity The survey results synthetic,fauna and flora of the area by the Institute of Forest Inventory and Planning II
performed (1996, 2002) This is the basis of the results are t9 assess, comment on
diversity and biological resources of Phu Quoe National Park
- NAWAPI - National Center for Water Resources Planning andInvestigation (2010), Project “Water Resources Planning on the Phu Quoc Island”Planning is approved as the basis for the management ageney of water resources
Trang 9- Vietnam Academy for Water resources (2010), Project * Research,evaluate the potential exploitation of surface water sources serving, water supply onPhu Quoc Islan
‘The previous studies in Vietnam, not to mention much of each object on theIsland are harmed by the activities of socioeconomic development, or the naturalenvironment changes In Vietnam, Vulnerability assessment of freshwaterresources is limited, especially object is the island, where the water resourees arevery vulnerable
24 Overview of assessment methods
‘An approach to assess the vulnerability of water resources and hydrologicalsystem has been developed for a long time, with many different methods Such asWater Poverty Index (WPI) - (Lawrence and others 2002; Sullivan and others2003), with the aim is to provide an interdi iplinary measure, including the benefits
associated with household water and indicate the level of water availability affect
humans, the index takes into account the physical and social - economic factors
related t9 water scarcity
Water Stress Indicator WSI description available water resources in acountry, the water stress index developed by Swedish Falkenmark expert 1989
‘This index is often used in the evaluation on a national scale which data areavailable and provided intuitive results and understanding However, the use of
average annual water of the country should tend to obscure information water
scarcity on a smaller sea
Meigh and others (2004) have developed a water availability index WaterAvailabil ty Index (WAD The index includes surface wat groundwater andcompared to the total water demand of all sectors such as industry, agriculture, ete
‘Or water stress (Gleick 1996) at the regional level The index uses measurements ofinput, output, and based on the water balance equation
Trang 10Or The South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) hasdeveloped an Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) 2005 to develop avulnerability index to demonstrate the disadvantages, which the small islands areincurring, This index focuses on the vulnerability of the environment from the risks
of natural and human, Including the effects on physical and biological aspects ofthe ecology, habitat, biodiversity, ecological resilience etc
‘There are many different evaluation methods to be studied and applied, withboth advantages and disadvantages For the vulnerability assessment of water
resources in recent years, Method of water resources vulnerability assessment,
developed by UNEP and Peking University (2009) emerged a way to evaluate theeffectiveness and advantages With the approach depending on the resourcesavailable to meet (he production, use, environmental pressures and capacitydevelopment and management It highlights the vulnerability factors such as climate
‘change, population growth, economic development, and management, ete offreshwater resource vulnerabil ty Currently, this method has been used to assess the
vulnerability of water resources in the Pacific Islands, West Asia Region, and
South Asia and some river basin as Mekong river basin, Amu Darya river basin.ete
‘The research on sea environmental resource vulnerability assessment inVietnam has just begun inthe late twentieth century To date, there are many studiesfollowing different approaches, such as regions/areas, natural systems and social,
‘community, resources in different areas The study is based on general principles of
ä vulnerability assessment is to determine the ability of a compromised system(natural, social and economic) to meet natural disasters and man-made, onedetermine the resilience and recovery of systems; thereby, proposing vulnerabilitymitigation measures From 2001, the team of Prof Dr Mai Trong Nhuan conductedstudies assessing coastal vulnerability (Mai Trong Nhuan 2005) Thereby, theresearch team has identi ied the ability of the vulnerable segments of society,nature, previous works, The combined effects of natural and man-made disasters aswell as vulnerability maps propose mitigation measures for many coastal localities
Trang 11river resources as Vulnerability Assessment of Water Resources Systems in ThachHan basin, Nhue Day basin by Trinh Minh Ngoc and others, 2013 - Faculty ofHydro-Meteorology and Oceanography, VNU University of Science usedMethodologies Guidelines of UNEP and Peking University (Trinh Minh Ngoc2013), However, this approach on the Island is still not applied.
For Southwestern areas the densely populated island group also has studied,
[As the evaluation of Prof Le Due An (1995), this area is much variation in natural
conditions, natural resources The project "Research on natural conditions andSouthwestern ateas of environmental, economic development serves to protect thesecurity and sovereignty " KC09 02/06-10 of Prof Do Ngoc Quynh mentioned themajor motivating factors in the forms of sea disasters, environmental impacts ofclimate change in the current trend, Overall, the southwestern areas, especially inthe island system have not been fully studied with the latest data on natural
freshwater resources is most
conditions, resources and environment In which,
3.1 Geography and Socioeconomics
3.1.1 Geography and Biodiversity
a) Geography
Phu Quoc, also known
located in the Thailand Gulf, The total area of the Island is $67.55 km? (National
is Pearl Island, is the largest island of Vietnam,
land statistics, 2005), approximately the size of Singapore Phu Quoc District has a{otal area is 589,23 km2, perimeter about 150km, includes 2 towns and 8 communes(NAWAPI 2010)
Duong Dong Town, located in the northwest i the administrative town of theIsland, Phu Quoc is located 120 km from Rach Gia and Ha Tien town by 45 km
Phu Quoc Island lies in the Gulf of Thailand in Southwest of Vietnam, PhaQuoc stretches from latitude 9°53'to 10°28" and longitude from 103°49'to 104°05'
Figure 3 jocation of Phu Quoc Island on satellite images
(Source: Google Earth)
Trang 13‘Topography can be divided into two areas of Phu Quoc Island with the following
‘characteristics (NAWAPI 2010)
~ North Island has an area of about 400km? with over 70% of mountains
(average slope of 25-30%), less than 30% of the low hills and flat land.Overall, topography elevation is Tower from the north to south and from east
to west
= South Island has an area of about 1672km’, including many low mountains
alternating strips of land fairly low and gradually in the direction fromNortheast to Southwest with a slope less than 15%
Currently, it is being used or capable of use for agricultural production,Follwing are the results of the natural distribution according to altitude and slop
‘Table 3.1: Distribution by altitude and degree slopeAltitude TS Current status and Area tkm!) | Pe “&
Trang 14Duong Dong river Oceanographic stations are located in the estuarine areas ofDuong Dong
‘The specific datas on temperature, humidity, wind, ete of Phu Quoac were provided by Kien Giang Hydrometeorology Center.
Phu Quoc Island area characterized by tropical monsoon climate High
temperatures during the year, an average of 27.1°C Evaporation (Piche) annual
average is 1,210 mm (3.3 mm / day) Average annual humidity is 82.6% October,the highest average humidity (87.8%) February, the average humidity is lowest
(15 5%) (NAWAPI 2010),
Annual rainfall is abundant here, annual average 2902 mm and is relativelystable over the years (coefficients of variation Cv = 0.176) (NAWAPI 2010), prettystandard distribution Rainfall in large stable with mountainous terrain conditionsare ideal conditions for the development, management and operation of small and
‘medium reservoirs on the island of Phu Quốc
Trang 15‘Table 3.2: Temperature characteristics (°C) at Phu Quoc Station (1984-2011)
Characteristics 1{ ulm) 1W | V {wl vl] vm] IX | x | XI | xm] Year
‘Average 261 | 267 | 278| 286| 286 | 282| 217| 216| 272] 269] 270] 264| 214 Highest 343 | 343 | 358 358| 370] 355| 34a] 338 | 338 | 337 | 333 | 338| 370 Lowest 17A | ia] iss) 220] 221] 225] 217] 218] 221] 214| 199| 176] 173
Average lowest 307] 313] 310) 326] 316] 306] 300| 297] 295] 303] 307] 305| 307
‘Average highest 233 | 239] 241] 257| 259] 257] 253 | 253] 251] 247| 246] 238| 248
‘Table 3.3: Average humidity by months ~ year (%)
Month 1 | H | "| IY | V | VI, VH| VH|Ị XÃ x | xt) XHỊ Year
‘Tho Chu 79 | 19 | 79 | 19 | $3 | 8s) 86 | $7 | R7 | $7 | a3 79 | 83 Rach Gia 19 | | 75 | 78 | 82 | 84 | §5 | $5 | a5 84 | 8L, T9 | 8l Phu Quốc 74 | T7 | 71 | 30 | $3 | 8S, 86 | $7 | W7; $6 | 79) T3 | 81
(Source: Kien Giang Hydrometeorology Center)
Trang 16‘Table 3.4, Lowest humidity by months — year (%)
Month vf fam) wl V | VI, vol VH wx | x | XI | xn) Yer
ThoChu x} a] | sof ss] | | | | os | | sr] a
Rach Gia wl a] »| a | a] ss] | mi s| s| | so | 7 Phu Quoc 34 33 35 “2 4l $8 $6 49 | 55 50 4l 35 | 33
(Source: Kien Giang Hydrometcorology Comer)
‘Table 3.5: Character Phu Quoc
Month 1] HỊ mil aw)v | VI | val VH| IX | x | xt] xm Year
Trang 17(Nguyen Ngoe Tran 2013).
Figure 3.2: Total annual rainfall in Phu Quoc station (1985 ~ 2011)
(Source: Kien Giang Hydrometeorology Cente)
‘Water level data from Phu Quoc station shows the maximum tide height,minimum tide height and the average trend line for the period (1988 - 2010);
‘annual average tidal amplitude and the average trend line in the years (1988 2009) are shown in the image below:
-Fimax and Hmin in Phu Quoc station (1985-2010)
= 7
Figure 3.3: Hmax, Hmin in Phu Quoc island(Source: Kien Giang Hydrometeorology Center)
Trang 18Figure 3.4:
(Source: Kien Giang Hydrometeorology Center)
lal amplitude in Phu Quoc island
Tidal amplitude has the trend inereased both on tidal and tidal foot Themaximum tide height, minimom tide height for the period (1988 ~ 2010) tend to
Based on the standards division of the rainy season and dry seasonHydrometeorology Center (monthly rainfall exceeding 150 mm, surpassing theaverage evaporation month period, the fall in the rainy season) and in combinationwith the analysis of Duong Dong station rainfall data, rainfall regimes in Phu Quoeisland can be divided into the following two seasons: rainy season lasts 7 months(May - November), coincided with the period of active southwest monsoon; 5month long dry season (December- April years later), coinciding with the period ofoperation of the northeast monsoon April rainfall average is 150 mm at DuongDong station, but heavy rain and steady rainfall in the last 10 days of April, so Aprilcould be cor idered a transition month from dry season to the ra yy season, Therainy season accounts for 81% of total rainfall leading to excess water during therainy season, water shortages in the dry season, Moreover, due to the steep
Trang 19people's lives (Nguyen Ngoc Tran 2013).
4) Rivers Network
‘The river and streams on the island of Phu Quoc with diverse characteristics,especially small rivers, estuaries flowing into different directions depending onterrain conditions Surface water during rainy season is abounding in the inland Thedensity of spring is 0,42 km/km2 (largest density among islands in Vietnam) There
are two main river systems in the They occupy a total basin area about 25% of the
total island area (NAWAPI 2010) These rivers have steep slopes, flood season
caused major erosion
= Cua Can river: Derived from Chua mountain, flows from East to West Theriver length is 29,75 km, the total length of the River in this basin is about
‘69km, the catchment area is 120km”
+ Dong Duong river: Derived from Da Bac mountain, flow direction from east
to west The river length 21,5km, total length of the network of rivers and
streams in this river around 63 km, the catchment area is 57 km”,
~ Cua Lap river connects with many small rivers derived from Ham Ninhmountain, flowing to the sea to the west, the river length is 1km, the total
length of the river about 45km, the catchment area is 21 km
~ Tram river derived from Ham Ninh mountain, Ham Rong, flowing into the ©North, river length is 9km, the total length of the rivers is about 22 km,
‘catehment area is 41, 2 km.
= Suoi Lon river derived from Ham Ninh mountain, flows east - west, thenenters the Dam river, flow 1g to the west - east, then to see; river length is
15km, the catchment area is 8km”,
~ Ca river: Dirived from Ham Ninh mountain, flowing into the Bast sea, river
Tength is 5km, catchment area about 1 km”
Trang 20‘There are also a number of other smaller Rivers are: Vung Bau River in thenorhw of, Ham Ninh River in the Southeast, Dam river in the south and the
“Chanh river on the center island
“4 The influence of natural conditions for the Island Development
~ Phu Quoc Island has steep terrain and complicated Difficult mining, landused for agricultural purposes in many areas of upRiver rivers and RiversSteep topography is a major cause localized flooding on the Island, causingsoil erosion
~ Annual rainfall is relatively abundant on the island with the amount of 2902
mm/year (NAWAPI 2010) However, rainfall is not evenly distributed overthe year Rainfall during the rainy season accounts for 89% inthe dry seasononly 11% lead to water shortages in the dry season
~ Every year in August, September heavy rains and lowland flooding, causinginnundation, flooded from I 2m The flood prone areas at downRiver CuaDuong Dong, however Duong Dong downriver flood situation now hasimproved somewhat due to the reservoirs upriver Flood damages situation inPhu Quoc, are not severe during the construction of hydraulic some
coustruetion system
= Droughts occur locally in Bai Thom and Ganh Dau commune In coastalareas there are salt intrusion situations, affecting the farming activitis andlives of the people living there
Trang 22©) Vegetation cover
The Phu Quoc flora has a high biodiversity in comparison with other island ofcour country Along with high and steep topography condition, soil properties andclimate characteristics here are favorable conditions for development of forestvegetation The biodiversity is rch with main tropical broad-leaved forest ecosystem,forest on sulfate acid soi, salt-marsh forest, coral refs and seagrass beds
Phu Quoc has a large protected area is located on the territory of thecommune Ganh Oil, Bai Thom, Duong Cua, Cua Can, Ham Ninh and Duong DuongDong town, Since 2001, this nature reserve has been transformed into Phu Quoc
National Park with a total area is 314,22km”, According to a 2005 survey, there are
1.164 species of plants on ground surface the plants in Phu Quoc National Park,
belong to 66 sets, 137 groups and 513 offshoots of 06 sectors of higher plants arePsilophyta, Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta, _Pinophyta,Magnoliophyta (Wildlife at Risk 2006)
In Phu Quoc Tropical wet broad-leaved rainforest ocupies for more than 90%
of the area of Phu Quoc National Park The dominant plants belonging toDipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae and Ebenaceae families Salt-marsh, forest hasLumnitzera Rose and Rhizophora Apieulata In addition, there are many rare and
‘endemic species that have high value for research and gene conservation as well as
‘economic value,
Phu Quoe National Park has three ecosystems include ecosystems oftropical moist forest; Alum forest ecosystems and Mangrove ecosystems As shown
in the table below:
‘Table 3.6 Distribution of Phu Quoc forest ecosystem
Set Group Offshoot
Set % | Group | % | Offshoot | %
Phu Quoe National
Park 137 100 1 | 100 | 1164 | 100
1], dropiealmoist | lại 956 | 487 | 933 | 108 | 93,1 forest ecosystems
Trang 23FOREST Set Group, OiRhoot
ECOSYSTEM [Se # | Group | % | Offshoot | %
2| Alumforest” a5 7 547] as | 384 | HA | 167
3 Mangrove l§ 10,9 25 48 35 3ecosystems
(Source: Forest Inventory and Planning Institute (Ho Chỉ Minh city))
Forest vegetation cover over 88% natural area of Phu Quoc National ParkNatural forest area of Phu Quoc is also quite large 39 618 ha (65% of the land area
of the whole island), including many wood rare types, forest resources have shownhere is also an advantage for the Island in the resource supply, rain water havestingand environmental protection (Wildlife at Risk 2006)
3.1.2 Socio-economies
a) Administrative Organization
Phu Quoc has 2 towns (Duong Dong and An Thơi), 6 communes are Bai
‘Thom, Ganh Dau, Cua Duong, Cua Can, Duong To and Ham Ninh, The communewith the largest area Cua Duong (140.7 km2), followed by Bai Thom commune(04.12 km2) Administrative units with the smallest area is the town of Duong Dong
(16 km2) then the town of An Thoi (27.51 km2) (NAWAPI 2006)
b) Population and population distribution
According to statistics of Kien Giang province, with a population in 2012 ofthe Phu Quoc island district, about 96 940 people, the population density of about
165 persons/km2 (Statistical Yearbook 2012)
In particular
~The sex ratio is relatively uniform, Men accounted for 51.2%
~The urban population is 58.6% The urban population concentrated mainly
in to centers: Duong Dong town and around An Thoi port, This is the secondurban area with a relatively high growth rate in recent years, Duong Dong is animportant administrative center of the Island In addition, urban residents areconcentrated in the community centers as Duong To, Cua Can, Ham Ninh, CuaDuong, Bai Thom, Ganh Dau
Trang 24~The rural residential areas: outside urban areas, the rural residential livingmainly distributed on the inter-vllage roads, communal, The rural_ populationaccounted for 41.4% Phu Quoc rural population concentrated inthe coastal fishingVillage and agricultural village, the current status as follows
+ The fishing village formed on the river to mouth, where the beansfavorable for fishing boats Fishermen often build houses along the beachand even relatively concentrate on estuaries and along the river Housing isusually a temporary floor Sanitation is very poor, men sheet often discharge
ireetly into the sea water causing pollution, The infrastructure of the
fishing village residents almost nothing, water is mainly self-drillinggroundwater wells
+ Agricultural villages live mainly in the hamlet of communes as Duong To,
‘Cua Duong, Cua Can and a few at An Thoi, Bai Thom, Ganh Dau
Trang 26©) Economic
Recently, the Prime Minister has d cided to recognize the Phu Quoc land,Kien Giang Province is grade II This is considered as an important step towards theestablishment of the Special Administrative Region - Economic centrally; postionand promote the potential of Phu Quoc in the relationship of the national andinternational levels The Phu Quoc is recognized as Urban Il also reflects the kind
of results alter 10 years of implementation of the Master Plan of Development
‘overall of Phu Quoc Island until 2010 and The vision to 2020 in Decision 178/201
/QD TTG of the Prime Minister in January 10/2004
‘Through 10 years of implementations of the Decision No 178/2004/ QD ~
“TT issued by the Prime Minister on executing “ An overall development plan of
Phu Quoc Island to 2010 and vision to 2020" the current state ofthe island has beenpositively changing
In 2013, economic growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reached24.68%, per capita income reached 71,910,000 VNDiperson The economic
structure is divided into 3 areas (Notification No 425 / TB-OG December 25,
~ Area: Agriculture, forestry and fishery produets reached 38,456, inereasing
2.3% compared with last year at the same period Total fishery productsreached 161.107 tons: aquaculture production reached 841 tons
~ Area Il: Industry ~ construction reached 18,53%, 2,92% lower in comparisonwith last year
= Area Ill: Services and other sectors reached 43,02%, increasing 0,62%
compared with last year at the same period Total retail sales and servicesrevenue in the area estimated at VND 12.003 billion, service revenue reached,
ND 1.209 billion, accommodation also increased by 25% The domestictransport sector estimated 6.5 million visitors: with air transport is the mostincrease of 32,72% higher, 5,55% higher by navigation, road traffic 6.33 %lower and cargo transport reached over 6.500 million tons
Trang 27‘The total state budget revenues in 2013 reached VND 760,24 billion,People’s lives are improved, the poverty rate fell from 14% in 2004 to below 2% in
2013 Infrastructures have been invested and have been operation, such asInternational Airports Phu Quoc, and the international habour, transpontationsystems and number of other infrastructure projects
According to the conclusions of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung at thePreliminary Meeting implementation of Decision No 178/2004 / QD-TTg datedOctober 5, 2004 Rate of economic growth and stability, the average annual GDP
increase by 22% (4.91 times GDP in 2012 compared with 2004); GDP per capita
was 50 million / person / year, an increase of 5.78 times compared to 2004; touristarrivals increased by an annual average of 13%; Revenue increased by an annualaverage of 36% (in 2012 reached 681 billion) (Notification No, 425 / TB-OGDecember 25, 2012)
Phu Quoc has many conditions for economic, culture, society development,particularly eco-tourism development Golden age accounted for about 40% of the
population, which attracted sector most labor intensive fisheries, agriculture and
forestry sectors, construction industry, ete
.đ) Construction and planning
‘The adjusted general master plan for Phu Quoc island to 2030 approved inthe Decision 633/QD ~ TT dated May 11th, 2010 Phu Quoc with key functionsincluding resorts, commercial zones, urban areas with urban area associated withscientific research, sport center, amusement parks with the potential of including
‘casino, international airport, international seaport with non-tariff zone attached,
According to Strategic Planning up to 2030, Phu Quoc is divided into 3 largemetropolitan areas (Decision 633 / QD-TTg May 11, 2010)
= Cua Can urban area: 3,29km2 - 26.500 people
= Duong Dong urban center: 25,02km2 ~ 240.000 people
= An Thoi urban area: 10,20km2 ~ 71,000 people
Trang 28tract and develop investment projects inthe period 2005 -2010: According
to Phu Quoc Development and Investment Management Authority
~ 75/250 project investment certificates, VND 52 337 billion invested
= The project is not attached to the land or to invest in upgrading and
‘expanding existing facilites: VND 1,176 billion invested, 16 projects Projects inthe area under the planning function: 49 projects, VND 51 161 billion invested
- FDI projects: 18 projects, VND 31 971 billion invested There are 57projects in the country: VND 20 366 billion in invested
Established companies and development phase 2005 - 2010: Percentageincrease in the number of annual business: 22.8% The average rate of increase ofthe registered capital is 85.6 annually
‘Annual rainfall is abundant on the Island., average is 2902 mm and quite
stable over the yeats Heavy rainfall and stable, with mountainous terrain
conditions are ideal conditions for the development, m: agement and
‘operation of small and medium reservoirs on Phu Quoc island,
‘otal rainfall for the month was 2.570 mm in the rainy season, accounting for89% of annual rainfall Dry season rainfall of 332 mm, accounting for 11% ofannual rainfall (NAWAPI 2010)
Table3.7: Rainfall distributions
Rainy season Dry season
Characteristic Years | Tom | % Toul %
Rainfall (mm) 2902 asm | ca mm "
Trang 29Number of rain days | 174 Ne
(Source: NAWAPI }
b) Surface water resources
Rivers in Phu Quoc island are classified as small Northern has Tram river systems; island center has Cua Can river, Duong Dong river, Cai Lap
river; island southern has Suoi Lon river, Dam river In an Island river
network, the most important role is Cua Can river (basin area is 150km2), Duong Dong (basin area is 60km2)
Rivers and streams during the rainy sson has big flow discharge, but
in the dry season the flow is mall, some time dried up stream Rivers have the biggest flow in the dry season reached only 120.5 Us.
‘The reservoir was built in Duong Dong, effective capacity of 3.3
million m3,
Due to the uneven distribution of water resources, in the dry season,
local water shortages are offen happend Duong Dong town and An Thoi
town (NAWAPI 2010),
‘The assessment of water resources in rivers and Rivers on Phu Quoc island, based on the river flow datas measured at hydraulic constructions
According to Project * Research, evaluate the potential exploitation of surface
‘water sources serving water supply on Phu Quoc island” of Vietnam Acadeny for
Water resources in 2010; Survey results showed rainfall resources is abundant on
the Island, the average total flow years (from the rainfall) around 950 milion m*
(VAW 2010)
Trang 30‘Table 3.8: Characteristics of the average monthly flow in some places
Unit: m/sMonit
Position °
rỊ mm] TM) w[v[ vị vn[ vm[ ox) x) x xuiCuaCani [0,514 0,374] 0,744 1.901 3.534 4.754 5.494 6.794 5,439 4,774 2.014 0,604 303](Cus Can2 [0,264 0,193] 0,384 0.984 1.824 2.454 2,534 3.504 2,809 2,464 1,044 0,364 1593)
‘Duong Bong [0,141 0,108] 0,204 0,524 0,74 1,304 1,504 164 1,494 1,309 0,554 0,194 084 Cuatap —— 10174 0,127] 0,251} 0,644 1,194 1,614 1,861 2,304 1,84 1,617 0,684 0.234 1,013
RRachCa [0091 0,066] 0,134 0,334 0,624 0.844 0,973 1,203 0,964 0,847 0,354 0,124 0.543Suoi Lon 1 [03064 0,048] 0,094 0.247 0,457 0,614 0,704 0,874 0,701 0,614 0,264 0,094) 0.393
‘Saoi Lon2 | 0,081 0,030] 0,064 0,154 0.289 0.384 0.444 0.544 0,434 0,385 0,164 0,054 0.249
(Source: Tnttute of Water Resources Planning South)
©) Ground water resources
~ Ground water is abounding Shallow ground is evenly distributed over thearea while true aquifer water in the northern part is more difficult; for instance, inGanh Dau, two pits bored up to 30 - 40m in depth failed to produce water)
(NAWAPI 2010)
- Potential reserves groundwater is calculated by the water balance method
‘over Phu Quoc Island is 102.553m3 / day Unconfined aquifer about 77.211m3/day, confined aquifer about 25.342 m3/day
‘The results calculated potential reserves throughout the region,summarized in the following table:
Table 3 + Reserve potential underground water
Potential reserves (m°/day)
Aquifer “Move reserve Static Total
T | Unconfined aquifer 60243 16967 T21
Trang 31Potential reserves (m?/day)
Aquifer Move reserve Static Total
2 | Confined aquifer 1563 3714 Ba
Toại T571 3663 [102553
(Source: NAWAPI)
3.2.2 Current status of exploitation and use of water resources
Currently, Phu Quoc island water resources are exploited to serve the needs,
of socioeconomic development on the island, mainly of groundwater and surfacewater, Rainwater is exploited to serve a small amount of agricultural activities inrural and urban areas However, exploited water from rainfall and surface waterare small percentage in comparison to the amount of ground water,
& Current state of works exploitation of water resources.
Phu Quoc Islan has 14.810 works exploitation and use of water resources
(NAWAPI 2010)
- Number of groundwater exploitation is 14.291 works, accounting for 96.5%;
- The number of surface water exploitation 519 works accounting for 3.5%
Figure 3.8: Works classification of the exploitation and use of water resources
(Source: NAWAPI
Trang 33standards, oriented socio ~ economic development of Phu Quoc island defined in
the following documents:
- Decision No 178/2004 / QD-TTạ, October 5, 2004 of the Prime Ministerapproving the Master Plan of Development for Phu Quoe Island, Kien GiangProvince by 2010, with a vision to 2020;
- Decision No 1197/2005 / QD-TTe November 9, 2005 by the PrimeMinister for approval, "The general planning of the construction of Phu QuốcIsland, the province Kien Giang Province to 2020 ";
- Decision No 2200/2007 / QD-PPC, November 9, 2007 of the People’s
‘Committee of Kien Giang province approved "Plan for industrial developmentdistrict of Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province 2006-2010, with a vision to 2020”
Water demand of sectors
= The water demand for domestic use in urban area is calculated according to
Vietnamese standard in the Decision so1197 / QD-TTg, November 9, 2005
of the Prime Minister: In 2010 - 2015: 110-120 1ý person/day;
= Water demand for public services, the amount of water loss and water
requirements of water treatment factory taken from QCXDVN 01: 2008 /BXD - Water losses as a percentage of domestic demand for the sector:domestic, tourism, industry, environment, public service over a period 2007 -2010: 20%; the period 2010 - 2020: 15%:
~ According to the technical process of fisheries, the aquaculture freshwateruse of about 12.000m3 / ha / year
~ Demand water for agriculture, including irrigation of erops and livestock
eas, water demand is calculated based on QCXDVN 01
2008 / BXD is 40 m3/day/ ha Water demand for handicraft production took
= For industrial a
10% of water demand activities
Trang 34According to the calculation by NAWAPI, the total amount of fresh water
is used for agricultural, tourism, manufacturing industry, aquaculture is about
18,282.10° m3/ year on the island in 2007.
‘Table 3.10: Synthesis using water of the sectors in 2007
‘ ‘Amount of water used wate
Sectors ate
(105mŠ) ,
Domestic 285 155 Tourism 0.07 04
Results of calculations demand for water resources for soci
sectors throughout the island of Phu Quoc is synthesized for each industry in eachplanning period as the table below:
‘Table 3.11: Demand using water resources on Phu Quoc island
Environment 0800 | AGS] 5788| T935 OO | aR aT | TAG
Tota 3982] 1397 | 39.301] 54293, TOO | Too | 100 | T89
(Source: NAWAPD,
‘Thus, the water use for about 34,56.10" m in 2012,
Trang 35untreated directly into the environment Receiving wastewater is rivers and River
network on the island concentrated on rivers and streams in the area of Duong Dong,
and AnThoi, Ganh Dau and some rivers, small Rivers on the East part,
Currently, the island of Phu Quoc has only some residential areas, tourist,areas that have wastewater collection systems Wastewater is collected but notprocessed, because wastewater treatment systems on the island are in the testing
phase; therefore mainly wastewater discharged into rivers, Rivers and spill on the
‘ground and some discharged directly into the sea Currently, only Duong Dong
‘town has built sewerage system with the capacity of 70.000 m3/day rate of 80% of,
the total volume of wastewater of the town (NAWAPI 2010),
In Duong Dong town, waste water is collected through the general sewersystem (wastewater and stormwater in the same pipe system), and then bedischarged directly into the Duong Dong river; An Thoi town area is dischargeddirectly into habour
‘The total volume of wastewater on Phu Quoc Island (NAWAPI 2010)
~ Domestic wastewater, and tourism wastewater, by 75% of the water used:
~ Wastewater from industrial areas by 60% of the water used
3.3 Challenges of water resources
For island developing freshwater resources will face a lot of problems, such
islands have additional
as inadequate technical and financial capacity Howev
unique physical, population growth, economic development, greater susceptibility
to natural disasters such as typhoons and isolation from the mainland that contributefurther to the vulnerability of their water resources Environmental threats such asrapid development of the area, tourist expand, climate change, deforestation andnatural disasters affect everyone (NAWAPI 2010),
3.3.1 Drought
Drought is the urgent problem of Phu Quoc island, due to water shortageduring the dry season, Most of land capable for specialty crops such as cashew, but
Trang 36due to lack of water itis difficult to expand and increase productivity Drought inthe dry season and even during the rainy less rainfall years.
According to the local records, about 3-4 years has 1 year of water shortage
for production and domestic.
3.3.2 Inundation, flood
Due to the steep terrain, rainwater concentrates very quickly However, thedai ige time is short only for 1 and 2 days The flood-prone areas such as CuaCan, Duong Dong downriver, Howev , Duong Dong downriver flood situation hasimproved somewhat by the effect of upriver reservoir operation
3.3.3 Pollution
In recent years the process of migration from the mainland to the island, and
the production and trading of local residents had indirect or direct negative impact
‘on the environment
The exploitation of ground water excessively, leading to the undergroundwater level is decreased; quality of ground water in coastal areas will be affected by
salinity Currently, the coastal resorts are using groundwater sources serving
demands The wastewater discharged directly into the environment
Solid waste, currently only 60 % of waste generated in domestic area is
collected, the rest of the populations waste is self- treated or discharged into thenatural environment, all waste collectors flock into 2 open landfills in the town ofDuong Dong and An The town burned or buried Therefore, the water quality and
‘quantity will be affected
3.3.4, Saltwater intrusion
Annually, saltwater starts entering the estuary from the rivers and streamsduring the dry on (December) this isthe period when a combination of factors:rainfall is small, hight evaporation, flow on the rivers ate small and the period ofhigh tides of the year Duration of the largest salt water intrusion usually oceurs inFebruary, March, and then decreases with the increase of rainfall
3.3.5 Climate Change
Trang 37intensity of extreme weather events Sea level rise, increased evaporation,
unpredictable precipitation and profonged droughts are just a few manifestations of
climate change that are directly impacting on the availability and quality of water.Phu Quoc Island is situated in the region affected by climate change, seawater level ¢ will therefore alter the quantity and quality of water is effected.Future water sources on the island can be changed and the risk of drought occurs.3.3.6 Rapid population growth
‘The fact that the majority of the Island's population is growth in the next few
decades, mainly on the urban areas As the island’s population grows, the demand
for water amounts and pressure on finite water resources intensifies Population
‘growth, immigrants from the mainland to the island, and this will impact wateravailability,
Water scarcity is measured in various ways, including water availablity percapita and percentage of water used While politcal, social, and economie factorsall help determine access to water Population growth is a major contributor to
water scarcity Growth in population means mounting demand and competition for
water for domestic, industrial, and municipal uses Rapid population growth andurbanization could expose more people to water shortages, with negativeimplications for livelihoods, health, and security
‘Table 3.12: Summary of highlighted issues in water resources
Area ‘Summary of issues
~ Lack of elean drinking water in the dry season
Groundwater quality is not good
1 Tram River - Inundation, localized flooding occurs at some point
line intrusion into the river inthe dry season
- The isk of saltwater intrusion of underground
Trang 382 Của Can River
~ Inundation offen occurs in the rainy season
= Drought and water shortage in the dry season
~ Saline intrusion in the dry season
3 Duong Dong River ~Taundation, localized flooding in the rainy season
- Saline intrusion inthe dry season
4 Small River in the East, Saline intrusion inthe dry season
+= The tisk of saltwater intrusion of underground
5 Của Lap River
~ Drought, ivigalion water shomlages Inthe dry season
~ Saline intrusion inthe dry season
6 (Cau Sau- Suoi Lon River
~ Droughi, water shortages in the dry season
Saline intrusion into the river in the dry season
‘The risk of saltwater intrusion of underground
(Source: NAWAPI)
Trang 39‘An assessment of the vulnerability of freshwater to environmental change inthe islands, with approach was also presented based on methodological guidelinesprepared by UNEP and Peking University (UNEP 2009)
Initially, methodology to a the vulnerability of freshwater resources to
be developed for assessment of freshwater resources in the river basin, rather than
of the island, The successful application of the method to the islands as the PacificIslands, South Asia, West Asia, Africa and river basin as Mekong shows theflexibility of the method and the application of this method is necessary for theisland in Vietnam
Notably, itis considered that these changes reflect the limitations of applyingindicators developed for river basins to Pacific islands and the unique nature of thevulnerability of island water resources, rather than differences in the level ofvulnerability (UNEP 2012)
This approach is based on the application of the DPSIR (Drivers,Pres es, State, Impacts and Responses) analytical framework for assessingvulnerability index,
‘The UNEP (2009) vulnerability assessment methodology assumes that the
vulnerability of a system is dependent upon three aspects: stress, adaptation and
‘cooperation It is assumed that these aspects operate across four core components,namely
~ Total water resource: Hydrological balance analysis before considering awater resource and use iL Thus, the establishment of water from naturalhydrological processes in relation to global climate change, local biophysicalconditions
~ Water resource development and use: Analysis of water resource supply,the balance between supply and demand is essential Analysis of supply water
Trang 40resources, the balance between supply and demand is essential Development ofwater resources through technical approach and the relationship betweendevelopment and water resources, the support of water resources for economic
development, health development pressure components such as water extraction,
improved drinking water assess
= Ecological Health: Water needs of economic development, water for
landdomestic use, the economic sector, maintaining the ecological health of th
Ecosystem health is analyzed through degradation of ecosystems and water quality.Environmental pollution as a consequence of the development and use of water
(pollution), more pollution affect the budget for water resources on the island.
~ Management and governance: Management capacity to focus on three
issues that are efficient water use, IWRM capacity, improving access to sanitation,
‘The capacity of water resource management has an important role in thedevelopment and use of water resources, The challenge of management and
‘governance should be assessed, evaluated trends of institutional and other factors inthe management of freshwater resources,
‘This assessment approach recognizes that a sustainable freshwater systems
can only operate within a framework of integrated system combines both natural
and managed systems
4.2 Diagnosis of Issues
To assess the vulnerability of freshwater resources in the Island, First of all,wwe need to collect the basic data from various sources related to the social economysituation, basic water resources, use and management of water resources Inaddition, the fieldtrip relevant to the region of the Island Then, possibly preliminary
assessment, diagnostic issues related to water resources The results of the initial
description will tell us the main functions and key issues related to water resources
on the Island,