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research on the anthologies of tang poetry in viet nam

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Abstract The anthologies of Tang Poetry in Viet Nam is a written record formed in different writing systems such as Chinese, Nôm, Vietnamese characters that appeared during the circulati

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Specialty: Chinese Ancient Literature Research Area: Tang Song Literature

School of Literature

Central China Normal University December,2022

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The anthologies of Tang Poetry in Viet Nam is a written record formed in different writing systems such as Chinese, Nôm, Vietnamese characters that appeared during the circulation of Tang Poetry in Vietnam The anthologies and their translations not only reflect the process of the spread of Tang Poetry dissemination in Vietnam, but also have a profound impact on Vietnamese literature Vietnamese literati further studied and disseminated Tang Poetry in the form of their own national language, which promoted the localization of Tang Poetry in Vietnam and developed into a Tang rhythm poetry style with Vietnamese national characteristics This paper makes a statistical analysis of all kinds of Tang Poetry anthologies, such as the Chinese anthologies of Tang Poetry, selected translations, Nôm translations of Tang Poetry, and Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry, collected by the National Library of Vietnam and the Library of the Viet Nam Institute of SiNo – Nôm studies, fully draws on and absorbs the numerous achievements of Vietnamese scholars in the study of Tang Poetry, combs out the bibliographic list of existing Tang Poetry anthologies in Vietnam, collects translators, the genre and quantity information of translated works, and then analyzes the dissemination and characteristics of Tang Poetry and their anthologies in Vietnam This paper sums up the translation criteria of Tang Poetry anthologies and translations, discusses their various influences, and attempts to further explain the reasons why Tang Poetry is popular in Vietnam This paper consists of six chapters

The first chapter discusses the ways of introducing Tang Poetry into Vietnam and its dissemination in Vietnam from the perspective of history and communication During the prefecture and county periods, Tang Poetry was mainly brought to Vietnam by officials and monks from the China central clains and Vietnamese scholars who went to the China central plains to study In addition, the businessmen between China and Vietnam also played a bridge role in folk exchanges

The second chapter discusses the Chinese anthologies of Tang Poetry in Vietnam and its influence Based on the statistics of the Chinese anthologies Tang Poetry introduced into Vietnam from China, and the anthologies of Tang Poetry republished in Vietnam, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the anthologies of Tang Poetry in Vietnamese, and points out that the Chinese anthologies of Tang Poetry have great influence on the ideological content, formal system and development process of Vietnamese poetry Vietnamese literati learned and creatively applied the patterns and styles of Tang Poetry, such as cohesion, rhyme and antithesis, from selected the anthologies of Tang Poetry, and formed a Vietnamese Tang Poetry style full of national characteristics

The third chapter discusses the Nôm translations of Tang Poetry in Vietnam This chapter makes a statistical analysis of the types of Tang Poetry Nôm anthologies in Vietnam, and points out their characteristics Xiuchang, Yang Lin, DongshanJushi and others actively translated Tang Poetry, bringing humorous daily expressions into the translation, creating a new category that can coexist

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with the original Nôm translations of Tang Poetry basically retain the original form of Tang Poetry, but also have Vietnamese national characteristics, especially the translations of Nôm characters Tang Poetry in the Six Eight Poems style

The fourth chapter discusses the selections and the Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry The characteristics of the Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry are summarized through statistics and sorting out the Tang Poetry excerpted from Vietnamese newspapers and magazines in the early 20th century and the well-known Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry The Vietnamese translations have a creative translation form based on the national poetic form, but it still retains the unique connotation and artistic style of the works

The fifth chapter analyzes the acceptance and innovation of various forms of ancient Vietnamese poetry to Tang Poetry based on the development history of ancient Vietnamese poetry Vietnamese literati's love and acceptance of Tang Poetry contributed to the emergence and rapid increase of Tang Poetry anthologies and translations The Vietnamese imperial examinations used Tang Poetry as one of the examination styles, which also promoted the development of Tang Poetry anthologies The practice of imitating Tang Poetry by Vietnamese monarchs and literati in the past dynasties has promoted the great prosperity of Tang Poetry anthologies The anthologies and translations of Tang Poetry have promoted the dissemination and development of Tang Poetry in Vietnam Vietnamese literati accepted and created Tang Poetry, making it an indispensable part of Vietnamese literati's life, and showing great vitality in the form of Vietnamese translations

Chapter six discusses the influence of anthologies and translations of Tang Poetry in Vietnam It mainly discusses the influence of Tang Poetry on Vietnamese literature, its influence on Vietnamese education, and its research and comments in Vietnam Anthologies and translations of Tang Poetry have driven the research and comments on Tang Poetry in Vietnamese newspapers and magazines, as well as the compilation of reference books for Tang Poetry annotation The Chinese anthologies and The Nôm and Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry have been included in the national general education curriculum of Vietnam, and are widely accepted and welcomed by Vietnamese scholars, students at all levels and ordinary people Vietnamese scholars made diversified comments on Tang Poetry writers and their works, revealing the rich and varied meanings of Tang Poetry The above measures also help to improve the influence and status of Tang Poetry in Vietnam

This paper clarifies the main problems of the dissemination, reception, vitality and influence of Tang Poetry in Vietnam through the Chinese anthologies and The Nôm, Vietnamese translations of Tang Poetry, combs out the existing anthologies of Tang Poetry in various languages in Vietnam, and examines the relevant issues such as the criteria and characteristics of Vietnamese literati for the selection and translation of Tang Poetry Through The research on anhologies of Tang Poetry in Viet Nam, this paper describes the appearance of Tang Poetry in Vietnam from the side, and points out that the anthologies and translations of Tang Poetry in Vietnam are important factors in promoting the development of Tang Poetry in Vietnam Through the study of the selected the Chinese anthologies

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and translated versions of Tang Poetry in Vietnam, we can also observe and evaluate the impact of Tang Poetry on the entire Vietnamese literary system and educational activities

Key words: The anthologies of Tang Poetry; The translations of Tang Poetry; Vietnamese

literature; Dissemination; Reception.

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[越]吴士连:《大越史记全书》,河内:科学社会出版社,1993 年版,第 59 页(Ngô Sĩ Liên, Đại Việt sử kí toàn thư,NXB Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội, 1993,trang 59)。

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④[越]杨广涵,《越南文学史要》,河内:学料中心出版社,1968 年版,第 25 页(Dương Quảng Hàm,Việt Nam văn học sử yếu,NXB Trung tâm học liệu,Hà Nội,1968,trang 25)。

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⑥同上,第 17 页。

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[越]陈文玾:《汉喃书库考察》,河内:信息文化出版社,1984 年版,第 91 页(Trần Văn Giáp,Tìm hiểu kho sách Hán Nôm,NXB Văn hóa thông tin,Hà Nội,1984,trang 91)。

郭廷以主编:《中越文化论集》(一),台北:中华文化出版事业委员会,1956 年版,第 159-160 页。

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同上,卷三十四,第 884 页。

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Nguồn gốc và quá trình hình thành cách đọc Hán Việt,NXB Khoa học xã hội,Hà Nội,1979,trang 20—21)。

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166 页(Nguyễn Đình Hiền,Thời gian hình thành và cơ sở ngữ âm của âm Hán Việt trung cổ,Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Quốc gia,2011,số 17,trang166)。

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Cẩn,Nguồn gốc và quá trình hình thành cách đọc Hán Việt,NXB Khoa học xã hội,Hà Nội,1979,trang 144)。

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③同上,第 71 页。

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①[越]黎阮留:《唐诗选译》,第 1 集,顺化市:顺化出版社,1997 年版,第 70 页(Lê Nguyễn Lưu,Đường thi tuyển dịch,tập 1,NXB Thuận Hoá,Thành phố Huế,1997,trang 70)。

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与中国现存《唐诗鼓吹》各版本进行比对可知,越南重印本《唐诗鼓吹》与中国现存清代 顺治十六年(1659)陆贻典、钱朝鼒等刻本(如下图所示)版式相同,应当据该本为底本。


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南国山河南帝居,(Nam quốc sơn hà Nam đế cư) 截然定分在天书。(Tiệt nhiên định phận tại thiên thư) 如何逆虏来侵犯,(Như hà nghịch lỗ lai xâm phạm) 汝等行看取败虚。(Nhữ đẳng hành khan thủ bại hư)

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子监(Quốc Tử Giám,1820—1909),91 年的柳文堂(Liễu Văn Đường,1834—1925)等等。 另外,还有阮朝很有名的福文堂(Phúc Văn Đường)和美文堂(Mỹ Văn Đường)。⑤

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Chữ Nôm và cống hiến với văn học cổ Việt Nam, Tạp chí Hán Nôm,số 4,2006)。

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之间。郵锦(Bửu Cầm)、范文玅(Phạm Văn Diệu )①

[越]范文玅:《天南明监》,《文化月刊》,1963 年第七十七期(Phạm Văn Diêu,Thiên Nam minh giám,Văn hóa nguyệt san,số 77,1963)。

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②[越]黎文冠: 《越南喃字的研究》,河内:社会科学出版社,1981 年版,第 87 页(Lê Văn Quán,Nghiên cứu về chữ Nôm,NXB Khoa học xã hội,Hà Nội,1981,trang 87)。

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[越]潘孟名:《古诗摘译》,清化:清化出版社,1953 年版,第 28 页(Phan Mạnh Danh,Cổ thi trích dịch,Thanh Hoa thư xã,Thanh Hóa,1953,trang 28)。

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[越]段红元:《秀昌全集》,河内:文学出本社, 2010 年版,第 231 页(Đoàn Hồng Nguyên, Tú Xương toàn tập, NXB Văn học, Hà Nội, 2010,trang 231)。

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为人熟知,也通过歌词晓喻千家万户。它被称为国鸟(chim quốc):“Nhớ nước đau lòng con quốc quốc”④诗意:想念祖国,让这个国鸟一直心碎),“Ai xui con cuốc gọi vào hè”⑤

[越]阮登塾:《唐朝艺术精神与道学》,《论谈杂志》,1962 年第 8 期,第 47 页(Nguyễn Đăng Thục,Đạo học và tinh thần nghệ thuật nhà Đường,Tạp chí Luận Đàm,số 8,1962,trang 47)。

②[越]阮攸:《翘传》,胡志明市:演红出版社,1956 年版,第 306 页(Nguyễn Du, Truyện Kiều, NXB Diên Hồng,TP Hồ Chí Minh, 1956,trang 306)。

[同上,第 409 页。

④[越]青关县夫人:《诗歌选集》,河内:金同出版社,2003 年版,第 36 页(Bà Huyện Thanh Quan,Tuyển tập thơ,NXB Kim Đồng,Hà Nội,2003,trang 36)。

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③[越]潘辉注:《历朝献章类志》,河内:教育出版社,2007 年版,第 73 页(Phan Huy Chú,Lịch Triều hiến chương loại chí,NXB Giáo dục,Hà Nội,2007,trang 73)。

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这种情况下即使是一位才华横溢的翻译人员也必须使用这种方式“Khắc dài đằng đẵng như niên, mối sầu dằng dặc như miền biển xa”①(诗意:时刻如岁月,忧伤如远海)或者: “Nghĩ chàng dong ruổi mấy niên, chẳng nơi hãn hải thì miền tiêu quan”②(诗意:想起他流浪多年,不是远

[越]段氏点:《征妇吟曲》,河内:新越出版社,1950 年版,第 204 页(Đoàn Thị Điểm,Chinh Phụ ngâm khúc,NXB Tân Việt,Hà Nội,1950, trang 204)。

同上,第 40 页。

Trang 97

①[越]黄批:《越南字典》,河内:社会科技出版社,1988 年版,第 667 页(Hoàng Phê,Từ điển Tiếng Việt,NXB Khoa học xã hội,Hà Nội,1988,trang 667)。

②同上,第 1012 页。

同上,第 140 页。

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2024, 14:39


