Nguyễn Hòa ThuậnProcess model Iterative and Incremental Software Process Model3.Project Management Plan3.1.Risks ManagementNoDescriptionAvoidance planContingency planImpactR1 Absence/ill
Subject: Software requirements analysis
Topic: E-Commerce Website
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Thái Nguyên,18 September 203 th
2.3 Roles and Responsibilities 6
2.4 Project team member 6
2.5 Tools and Techniques 6
3 Project Management Plan2
2.3 Product Position Statement 3
3 Stakeholder and User Descriptions 2
3.1 Market Demographic 3
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4.3 Assumptions and Dependencies 3
4.4 Liscensing and Installation 3
5 Product Features 2
6 Constraints 2
7 Quality Ranges 2
8 Precedence and Priority 2
9 Other Product Requirements 2
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2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 3
2.6 User Documentation 3
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 3
3 System Features 2
3.1 Registration and Login 3
3.2 Add to Cart and View Cart 3
3.3 Confirm Order 3
3.4 Add and Update products 3
3.5 View Order Details 3
4 External Interface Requirements 2
5.1 Use case diagram 3
5.2 Use case list 3
5.3 Use case description 3
6 Other Nonfunctional Requirements 2
6.1 Peformance Requirements 3
6.2 Safety Requirements 3
6.3 Software Quality Attributes 3
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1 Purpose
Introduction chapter introduces the background and initial idea of the Capstone Project In this chapter, we – the developing team – will provide information about what we do and the reasons why we do Shopping has long been considered a recreational activity by many Shopping online is no exception The goal of this application is to develop a web based interface for online retailers The system would
be easy to use and hence make the shopping experience pleasant for the users Developing a website by PHP and mySQL can help users easily manage information
on the electronic product
2 Project Information
Project name: ShopHouse Website
Project code: SH
Project group name: Team 1
Product type: Website application
Timeline: From 14 th Feburary to 28 April 2023 th
3 Project Members
3.1 Supervisors
3.2 Team members
1 Nguyễn Hòa Thuận 01679680722 Leader
2 Hà Quốc Hữu 01217087170 HaHuu94@ dumb vn .com Member
3 Ma Quang Thiên 0975842929 MaThue02@ dumb vn .com Member
4 Trần Khánh Duy 0384493763 DuyLosKD69@ dumb vn .com Member
5 Đặng Hoàng Anh 0968522114 HoangAnh92@ dumb vn .com Member
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4 Background
The history of ecommerce shopping carts began immediately after the World Wide Web or WWW, became a major medium to communicate information around the world Ecommerce shopping-cart applications allow consumers to buy goods or services directly over the internet using a web browser This online shopping evokes the business-to-consumer (B2C) process where a consumer buys directly from the business The process where a business buys from another business is called a business-to-business (B2B) process The best examples of shoppingcart applications using B2B process are eBay and Amazon, both of which were launched in 1995 At present, most users of these online shopping-cart applications are people who have higher levels of education, have exposure to technological advancements, and are in a better income group Such users develop a positive attitude towards these convenient shopping techniques
According to a study in December 2011, Equation Research surveyed 1,500 online shoppers and found that 87% of tablet owners made online transactions during the early Christmas shopping season Building a new successful shopping cart is simple because of high competition in the market, and the designer of a shopping-cart application must consider the information load complexity, and novelty Complexity refers to the number of features available on the shopping cart and the levels of marketing, whereas novelty involves the unexpected or unfamiliar aspects of the site
A designer must also consider the consumers’ needs and expectations A user-friendly design is very critical to the success of any shopping-cart application because, unlikephysical stores, consumers at online stores come from all ages, genders, and cultures Logistics clearly says that, to have a successful and profitable online shopping application, businesses have to spend a significant amount of time and money for designing, developing, testing, and maintaining the application Apart fromthe high-class design and user interface, a good practice needs to be done to provide quality customer service
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- Users can have multiple shipping and billing information saved During
checkout they can use the drag and drop feature to select shipping and billing information
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1 Purpose
Project Management Plan chapter helps readers to understand how our organization structures and view closer to the project plan All members must use this document to clarify each own responsibility
It also provides principles, which team members need to abide by during the whole time of developing project
2 Project organization
Iterative and Incremental software process model
We use Iterative and Incremental software process model – a method by which system
is developed in small phases in a time and through repeated cycles Developers can take advantage of this model through reviewing parts of system to change or improve them It also allows developers to receive feedback to modify the target of the next releases The incremental and iterative development process is integral to the field of Agile software development as it enables project managers to reap the benefits of bothincremental and iterative approaches Incremental development ensures that
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developers can make changes early on in the process rather than waiting until the end when the allotted time has run out and the money has been spent
Technical leader has responsibilities to decide what technologies the project uses
He works with business analysts to design system architecture and database Additionally, he supervises other developers working
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2.3 Project team member
Team member Role
Nguyễn Hòa Thuận Project manager, Document leader, developer
Hà Quốc Hữu Technical leader, Test leader, developer
Ma Quang Thiên Business Analyst, tester
Trần Khánh Duy Document member, tester
Đặng Hoàng Anh Document member, designer
2.4 Tools and Techniques
Programming languages Php
IDEs/Editors Visual Studio Code
UML tools,, Edraw
Project management
Microsoft Project 2016
Design tools Astag Professional, Microsoft Visio 2016
Communication tools Facebook, Zalo, Google mail
Web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera GX
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Process model Iterative and Incremental Software Process Model
3 Project Management Plan
The project manager always has back up plan
to avoid effect from the absence and ensure that problem will be solved
R2 Conflicts among
At the beginning, members should clear their roles and responsibilities
The project manager has
to find out the root that caused problem and solve it Face-to-face meeting is a good method
Making sure that the business logic of any ideas is carefully analyzed
If there is a “must be changed” requirement, all team members must join the meeting to decide whether it should
Members should use another equipment until the broken one is fixed orbuy the new one
R6 New
Choosing technology based on members’
qualification All team members must nurture
When the technical leader chooses a new technology, he has to explain to all team
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by self-study members about the
Making sure that any miscommunication would be resolved
3.2 Project Pevelopment Plan
Project Development plan-1
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Project Development plan-2
3.3.Communication Plan
Planning Phase: team meeting was held twice per week (Monday and Friday) Face to face meeting is the most effective way for team member to understand and clarify detailed requirement Output of each meeting is a meeting minute to keep up important information
Implement Phase: All members implement all task that PM and technical leader assigned
on Every week, on Monday, there will be have a meeting when each team member report
to the whole team what he did the previous week, then all member plan the schedule for upcoming week, and solve the issues together
Communication Channels:
Instant message: Messager
Phone: in urgent emergence, phone is a good ways to share the idea
Face to face meetings
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1.2 Scope
The vision document provides an overall understanding of the system to bedeveloped by providing a self-contained overview of the system to be built and themotivations behind building it This document focuses on understanding the goals
of E-Store which has aligned itself with the corporate strategic priority to become
a leading e-Business company and to leverage the power of e-Marketing, e-Salesand e-Services
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Catalog Classification and description of all products on sale
Database A database is a structured collection of records or data which is stored in a
computer so that a program can consult it to answer queries Think of it as an electronic filing system and a computer program to access and select desired pieces of data
Delivery Stages The various stages in product delivery, from the products being
ordered to the products delivered to the buyer
E-Business Business process that relies on an automated information system,
mostly done with Web-based technologies
E-Commerce Consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing
of products or services over electronic system such as the Internet and other computer networks
Product Review Comments made by the customer about the product which he/she has bought
or intended to buy which would assist future customers
Feedback Comments made by customers regarding the functionality and services
offered by the website so that they can be improved by the management
Inventory List of goods and materials held available in stock by a business
Profiles The Customer information (address, telephone #,email address) created by the
user when he/she registers with the website
Secure Server Secure Servers are used to maximize security on a website for web-masters
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who need to adopt a strict "need to know" policy for both the document root and the server root It's most important to get permissions right in the server root because it is here that CGI scripts and the sensitive contents of the log and configuration files are kept
Shopping Cart Is a virtual, for use by customers accessing the e-store to the mark the
products he/she intends to buy Products can be added/removed any time before checkout
2 Positioning
2.1 Business Opportunity
ShopHouse (SH) is planning to expand into new markets and increase its offer to existing and new customers Adding web base store will provide the following benefits to our client:
Expand the number and quality of suppliers
Increase the buyer productivity
Better management information
Better inventory control
Reduced time to market
Improved operating efficiencies
Improved payment process
Expanded number of customers
Increase employment opportunities
Increase sales and profits
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2.2 Problem Statement
The problem of Expanding into new market frontiers and increase business
Affects ShopHouse Management
ShopHouse End Users
The impact of which
Limited services offered to customers
Customers have limited options to purchase our products
2.3 Product Position Statement
Who Prefer to buy product online, view and search product
specifications in different categories
The ShopHouse e-store Is a web-based e-commerce.
Is planning to step into e-business by starting an e-storewhich offers variable products to accommodate any customer needs
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experience to its customers
3 Stakeholder and User Descriptions
3.1 Market Demographics
ShopHouse has aligned itself with the corporate strategic priority to become a leading business company and to leverage the power of e–marketing, e-sales and e–services Inrecognition of this e-store project is going to be carried out The goal of this is to be anequal participant in the direct marketing by third quarter 2026 leading to increase theirtechnology leadership and strengthen their brand and grow the business Ultimate goal ofthe company is to do 100% business through e–commerce in various countries
e-As this direct marketing reduces the cost by reducing the employee strength, cost ofwarehousing and cost of maintaining the store and infrastructure, it will increase theprofitability More over, direct marketing is more attractive and easy for the customers,which will lead to strengthen the brand and give more business to the company Apartfrom these tangible advantages, company's existing image of leader and innovator would
be strengthened and consumer trust would also get a boost
To achieve the goal, the customers segments that are to be included in the direct model are:
Very small business
Small Medium business
The ShopHouse Management: ensures that the system will be maintainable
ensures that there will be a market demand for the product’s
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monitors the project’s progress approves funding
Ensures effective and efficient use of the end product
Analyze trends of consumer expenditures
IT Division This department is
responsible for taking care of IT infrastructure for the company
Ensures 24/7 uptime of the product
Check whether the product is maintainable or not
Provide required details to the consumers and other stake holders regarding the product
Ware House
This department manages the warehouse and the inventory
They should be maintaining inventory accordingly to the demand data
They also need to process product shipping and product returns
Encompass accounting, marketing and finance areas
Ensure all the company daily business activities related to the e-store system
The system should meet all the business demands in any circumstances
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customers They willuse the system to configure and buy the product sold by ShopHouse
taken into consideration tocapture the requirement to build the e-Store system
Department (Marketing)
Administrator They are responsible
for maintaining the e-store site
Administrator is responsible for proper functioning of the e-store system They will be involved heavily with the site design and implementation
IT Department
They are responsiblefor solving customerqueries
Customer Service people will handle customer queries regarding the use
of the website or any topicrelated to the customer experience with ShopHouse business
Customer Service Department
3.4 User Environment
The system should be reliable enough to support a very large number of users
at the same times
The task cycle starts as soon as the user enters the website The amount of time spent in each activity varies according to a particular user However for security purposes, a logged in user will be logged out of his/her account within
a certain period of inactivity Also he/she will be logged out if the current instant of the browser where the shopping is in session is closed
Time is unlimited for any internal support use of the system
Customers should have the same shopping experience wherever his/her actual location
Administrator and customer service support must be present at the ShopHousedesignated site in order to interact with the system
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The e-store should be compatible to any computer platforms equipped with a standardized web browser Mobile users may experience some visual problem with the e-store interface
Any change in the e-store system will need a throughout migration plan and solution
The system should work will any software specified in the architecture
Figure 1 ShopHouse Business Model
3.5 Stakeholder Profiles
3.5.1 ShopHouse Management
Representative Dr.Nguyen Hong Tan
Description Academic advisers for the project
Responsibilities Drive Business Requirements for the project
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Success Criteria Business Requirements must be met
The success of the project will mean unprecedented benefits for ShopHouse company
Involvement They are requirement reviewer and are heavily involved during
the inception phase
Deliverables Project Plan, Vision Document and Status Reports
Representative Not specified
Description Qualifying people for maintaining the e-store.
Type Guru in Information System fields.
Responsibilities Maintenance of the e-store daily operations
Need to understand the detail architecture of the project
Success Criteria Project architecture and functionality are within ShopHouse
The stakeholder can start planning on strategies and solutions inmaintaining the e-stores
Involvement Very active during elaboration and transition phase.
Deliverables Architectural Design Specification, User Manual and Transfer
of Knowledge
Comments /Issues Project must be compatible with current ShopHouse IT
environment standard
3.5.3 Ware House Department
Representative Not specified
Description Manage ShopHouse products inventory
Type Specialists in Shophouse product inventory systems.
Responsibilities Give expertise on how the e-store should interact with existing
inventory systems
Success Criteria Inventory Audit should stay consistent.
Involvement Minimum activities during elaboration and construction.
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Deliverables None.
Comments /Issues The stakeholder should not be affected by the project in
development or vice versa
3.5.4 Business Department
Representative Not specified
Description Manage ShopHouse daily business activities.
Type Specialists in Accounting, Marketing, Financing or any
business related activities
Responsibilities Business activities drive heavily the project.
Every aspects of the project must be approved by the business department
Success Criteria The project needs to meet successfully business demands and
Involvement Heavy involvements during inception and elaboration phases.Deliverables Project Plan and Vision document.
Comments /Issues The stakeholder affect heavily on the project.
3.5.5 Customer Service Department
Representative Not specified
Description Improve company’s customer value.
Type Specialists in providing support to customers Very limited
technical knowledge required
Responsibilities The stakeholder needs to take part in implementing the
customer service work flow regarding the e-store
Success Criteria E-store customer service must be integrated into the existing
customer service
Involvement High involvement during the transition phase in order to
understand the usability of the e store
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Deliverables User Manual.
Comments /Issues Project needs to meet so quality standard in order to facilitate
customer service activities
3.6 User Profiles
3.6.1 End-User
Representative Any customer interesting in buying ShopHouse products
Description End users use the e – store web based system for purchasing a
Type Casual internet user
Responsibilities End users will be asked for the requirements and feedback for
developing the system
Success Criteria The system should provide all necessary features to make the
online shopping at Shophouse an unparallel experience
Involvement Requirement provider
Deliverables No deliverables
Comments/ Issues User’s ease for purchasing anything is the biggest concern.
3.6.2 Administrator
Representative Not specified
Description Administrator is responsible for the proper functioning of the
e-store website
Type Good technical knowledge is required
Responsibilities Maintenance of the e-store daily operations
Need to understand the detail architecture of the project
Success Criteria Project architecture and functionality are within Shophouse
The stakeholder can start planning on strategies and solutions inmaintaining the e-stores
Involvement Very active during elaboration and transition phase
Deliverables Architectural Design Specification, User Manual and Transfer
of Knowledge
Comments/ Issues Project must be compatible with current ShopHouse IT
environment standard
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3.6.3 Customer Service
Representative Not specified
Description Improve company’s customer value
Type Specialists in providing support to customers Very limited
technical knowledge required
Responsibilities The stakeholder needs to take part in implementing the
customer service work flow regarding the e-store
Success Criteria E-store customer service must be integrated into the existing
customer service
Involvement High involvement during the transition phase in order to
understand the usability of the e store
Deliverables User Manual
Comments /Issues Project needs to meet so quality standard in order to facilitate
customer service activities
3.7 Key Stakeholder or User Needs
Need Priority Concerns Current
Business through local sites
By the e-store strategy, investment and expenditure will be reduced Customers are more comfortable and more attracted towards online shopping Company will have financial growth and improved brand image
High Customers are
more and more prone to online shopping whichsaves them time, money and effort
Phone ordering
or local site visits
An e-store will provide the customer access anytime and anywhere toShopHouse products with a graphical interfacewhich will embellish his/her experience in
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Open up new markets Web base commerce will allow
ShopHouse to expand its business in
a broader scale world wide
Cost Saving for ShopHouse Lower expenditure in creating new
local stores
Improve customer support by
lowering support cost and improve
customer response
Merge online and local customer services into one of kind solution.Establish ShopHouse reputation by
providing top notch web business
4.3 Assumptions and Dependencies
Existing store inventory is assumed to be available for tele-sale and online sales, and should be easy to track and follow for customers This will ensure customer satisfaction, usability and maximum possible revenues
The website will be hosted on a server of a third-party hosting company, that will
be responsible for technical maintenance, and will be accessible and updatable via Internet
Managers responsible for performing operation with the website to update the inventory, retrieve data, etc will have high speed internet connection
4.4 Licensing and Installation
After the application is installed on the server, no additional installation will be necessary since the end-users will be using their browsers to access the website
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4 Remember what users looked for
10 Credit application availability
11 Must work in all browsers
12 Authorization process
13 Provide notification to shipping department
14 Multiple items per shipping
15 Order status verification
16 Return policy
17 Store location
18 Show quantity available
19 Secure website
20 Ability to have many users at a time
21 Help wizards, suggestions
22 Allow feedback
23 Live support
24 FAQ sections
25 Store billing and shipping info
26 Keep users' profile
27 Links to detailed info
28 Prearranged support phone calls
37 Multiple customers support, forums
38 Multiple payment methods
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39 Calculate shipping
40 Terms and conditions
41 Live news stream across the website
42 Secure customer identification
43 Product comparison
44 Customer order history
45 Compare prices with other websites
46 Upcoming product info
47 Save multiple credit cards for customers
48 Products should be categorized
49 Delete account if needed
50 Discounts for returning customers
51 Real time website update
52 Catalog customized to user
53 Rewards program
54 Reports for past purchases
55 Internal notice to stock department if out of stock
56 Item ratings based on sales
57 Online help
58 Online product registration
59 Similar items display
60 Company logo on every page
61 Show reviews of products
62 Multiple images of each item
63 Product ratings by customer
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74 Delivery date
75 Follow up survey
76 E-mail confirmation to customer
77 Welcome note to users
78 Suggest another product if out of stock
79 Customer activity history
80 Points for spending
81 Product activity history
82 Site map
83 Price history
84 Search engines optimized website
6 Constraints
The product must be web-based
The product must be browser and platform independent Security
performance due to network
Response time to user interaction must be within a normal time (8 seconds)
24hours x 7 days operation (99%)
hardware limitations (timing requirements, memory requirements);
interfaces to other applications
7 Quality Ranges
The criteria for quality will be measured against:
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behavioral requirements (use cases),
supplementary specifications,
Requirement specifications
Comparable or better to our competitors
8 Precedence and Priority
Features Priority Overview
Purchase Process High The customer should have a flawless
experience when buying ShopHouse product using the e-store This process should be incorporate with other features discuss in Section 5
Security Process High Very data or activities should be process in a
secure environment to protect ShopHouse andits customers
Audit Process High It is important to maintain consistency and
integrity about ShopHouse business data
9.Other Product Requirements
9.1 Functional requirements
Customers should be able to create and manage their own accounts, including changing personal information, seeing order history, and saving payment information for future transactions.Customer service: The website should allow users to contact customer service via live chat, email, or phone
Product browsing: Customers should be able to browse the website’s products, filter and sort them based on various criteriasuch as price, category, and so on
Product search: Customers should be able to find products by searching for keywords or product features
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Customers should be able to follow the status of their orders and view the projected delivery date
Shopping cart: Customers should be able to add products to and examine the contents of their shopping basket at any moment.Checkout: Customers should be able to finish the checkout process by inputting billing and shipping information, choosing apayment method, and completing their order
After completing the checkout procedure, customers should receive an order confirmation email or message
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Usability: The system should be simple to use and navigate for customers, with a user-friendly interface and clear instructions.Accessibility: The system should be usable by people with impairments and should adhere to concern accessibility standards
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1.1 Purpose
This document is meant to delineate the features of OSS, so as
to serve as a guide to the developers on one hand and a
software validation document for the prospective client on the other
The ShopHouse System (SHS) for electronics item shop web application is intended to provide complete solutions for vendors
as well as customers through a single get way using the internet
It will enable vendors to setup online shops, customer to browse through the shop and purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically The administration module will enable asystem administrator to approve and reject requests for new shops and maintain various lists of shop category
1.2 Project Scope
This system allows the customer to maintain their cart for add orremove the product over the internet
1.3 Definitions
SHS- ShopHouse System (for electronics item shop)
SRS- Software Requirement Specification
GUI- Graphical User Interface Stackholder- The person who will participate in system
Ex Customer, Administrator, Visitor etc
1.4 References
Guide to Software Requirements Specifications 1984
Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications 1994
Systems and software engineering — Life cycle processes
— Requirements engineering