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english iii the project package topic religion and leisure activities

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Group 13 – Team members

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Topic 1 is about Religion, includes Article 1 by Dương Thị Trang and Article 2 by Hà Phương Thảo

Topic 2 is about Leisure Activities, includes Article 3 by Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Anh and Article 4 by Nguyễn Hà Sơn

Week 1 (6/2 – 17/2)

- Meet, discuss and fix the topic

- Divide work and decide the deadline for submission of article reading is 12pm on February 17

Week 2 (19/2-27/2)

- The leader comments on all readings through the existing criterias: number of words, not cutting and ensuring B1

- Assign a new mission: build 10 questions with answers and 10 vocabularies in 1 week

Week 3 (28/2-1/3)

- Summarize articles in turn

- Cross-check readings and the source link

- Consult comments and suggestions from subject teacher 2/3 - 5/3 - Team leader completes group work schedule and report,

compare meeting minutes - All members check and put notes 6/3 - 7/3 - Final editing and finishing

8/3 - Submit the project package through 2 forms: online and offline

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*Every meeting minutes would be written by leader and submitted within two days after the meeting finished.

Topic: Weather (article 1,2) Leisure activities (article 3,4)

- All members discussed and estimated progress of project, then wrote group’s work plan.

- Each member suggested 1 topic: (Weather, Sport, Music, Leisure activities)

- After having discussed, all agreed to choose Weather and Leisure activities)

- Reason: Because these 2 topics are popular topics.

Comments on the meeting:

All members have actively given their personal opinions.

All members brought in creative ideas


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Make questions for articles

Deadline for completing assignments Correcting group assignments

- All members have asked questions of this post - Checked and selected the correct question - Each member gave their own opinion - Selected time to complete the group exercise.

Comments on the meeting:

All members have provided great comments All members completed the assigned assignment

Participants: Full members of group

Meeting purposes: Changed topic for articles 1, 2. Weather => Religion

Process: - All members have made a new topic for article - Reason: Weather => Religion

Because religion is a research topic.

- After that, all the members together chose the

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article with the topic of religion - Made a question for articles 1 and 2

- Checked and completed the task of the group assignment.

- Set deadline for each member's homework.

Comments on the meeting:

All members brought in creative ideas All members have provided great comments All members complete the task to go home

- Completed meeting minutes, group’s work plan and group assignment.

- Wrote group’s report and graded members’ works.

Comments on the meeting:

Each member reported and completed their work All members has commented on another member's report

SESSION 5: 5/3/2023


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Time: 20:00 – 20:30

Participants: Full members of group

Meeting purposes: Edit Word of the project package Scoring for each member

- The members corrected and discussed the scores together.

- The team leader gave the members points - Suggested members if they have questions Comments on the meeting: Members have agreed on Word

The members agreed on their scores

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Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Anh (Leader) - 24A4072021 Dương Thị Trang - 23A4020460

Hà Phương Thảo - 23A4060222 Nguyễn Hà Sơn - 23A4060033 1.Reason for grouping:

All the members were selected randomly, even though we are not at the same age but each other have strengths and skills that the team needs So we can cooperate and work together.

The members are quite enthusiastic to give their opinions on how to choose topic and fix the mistakes.

However, some members are still lacking the interaction and word skills are not so good.

4 Achievement:

All the articles have met the stated requirements Improve reading comprehension skills Cultivate teamwork skills.

5 Contribution of each member:


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Name Criteria

Plan the execution

Select the reading that matches the requirements of the number of words, level, right topic and design the

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Topic 1: Religion

1 Article 1: Multiple choice

Hinduism is the major religion in India and one of the oldest in the world About 750 million people believe in Hinduism Although most Hindus live in India, its influence has spread to many other places.

Hinduism has developed slowly over the thousands of years Like most religions, it has basic beliefs about gods, life after death and how a person should live It doesn't have a holy book like our Bible or the Islamic Koran But Hinduism has many scriptures that were written down over the ages They consist of myths about gods, prayers and hymns, as well as long stories called epics.

The first Hindus worshipped gods that represented the powers of nature - like rain and the sun As time went on, Hindus believed in spirits that were in control of the universe Brahma is its creator, Vishnu its preserver and Shiva its destroyer There are also goddesses, like Shiva's wife who has many names and appears in different forms One time she is the goddess of motherhood and another she is the goddess of destruction According to the Hindu tradition, animals, as well as human beings, have souls Hindus worship some gods in the form of animals Cows are holy, but Hindus also pray to monkeys and snakes.

Temples are the homes of God on earth Some people take fruits or flowers into the temples and offer them to their gods Hindus take off their shoes before they enter the temple Sometimes they light lamps and wave them towards statues of gods

Hindus believe that after they die, they are reborn This is called reincarnation The most important thing that we take with us when we are reborn is our character People who are very smart may have received their skills in their past lives.

The caste system has developed out of Hinduism It is made up of four main groups called varnas The caste system was forbidden in 1949 but you can still find it in many parts of India, mostly in villages in the countryside Rules:

• People are born into a caste In their caste they can chose certain jobs 8

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• Hindus can only marry men or women who belong to their caste.

• For a long time people were not allowed to eat, drink or smoke with a person from a different caste.

• The untouchables were people who did not belong to any caste They were thought to be dirty and they lived in the streets and under bridges.

The coloured dot is a sign of religion and shows that a person is a Hindu It shows a third eye that looks towards God In the past, many unmarried women wore black dots and married women wore red ones But today they often wear dots that match the colour of their saris.

Yoga is a system of exercises that help you control your body and your mind Hindus use it to be closer to God Yoga teaches you that there are two parts of a person: the body and the soul These parts can be controlled separately The yoga school tries to show people the meaning of their soul

A yogi learns

• how to behave in a disciplined way • how to control his body

• how to control his breathing • and his senses

• how to concentrate on a certain situation • meditation

A yogi who can do all these things can separate the soul from the body I Multiple choice:

1 How many people believe in Hinduism? A Everyone who lives in India B One third of the population of India C 750 million people

D No one

Paragraph 1, 2 sentence says about 750 million people believe in Hinduism.nd

2 What are Hindu scriptures about? A Like the Bible or the Islamic Koran

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B These include myths about the gods, prayers and hymns, as well as long stories called epics.

C Basic beliefs about the gods, life after death and how one should live D Belief in god, the law of cause and effect, reincarnation

Paragraph 1, last sentence: "They consist of myths about gods, prayers and hymns, as well as long stories called epics" So B is the correct answer

3 Which god did the first Hindus worship?

A worshiping gods that represent the forces of nature - like the rain and the sun.

B The spirits that control the universe C Brahma

D An angels

Paragraph 2, 1 and 2 line say that the early Hindus worshiped gods thatstnd

represented the forces of nature - like rain and sun.

Answer B is that they later believed in the spirits that control the universe Answers C, D are eliminated because they also talk about later time.

4 What animals do Hindus worship? A Cow

B The snakes and the monkeys C Buffalo

D Both A and B

Paragraph 2, line 1 and 2: "Hindus worship some gods in the form of animals Cows are holy, but Hindus also pray to monkeys and snakes".So they not only worship the ox but also the snakes and monkeys.

5 According to Hinduism, which spirit carries protective power?

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do not belong to their caste, it would be against the rules and that is completely forbidden.

9 How do we recognize a Hindu? A They use saris

B They do Yoga

C They use the coloured dot

D Everyone is a Hindu as long as they are Indian

Paragraph 5, line 4 from bottom to top: “The coloured dot is a sign of religion and shows that a person is a Hindu” The colored dot is the identifying mark of a Hindu Saris users, yoga practitioners or Indian are not signs or convincing evidences to prove a person is Hindu.

10 What can a yoga do with his soul and his body? A Combining them

B Separating them

C He can't do anything to them D Both A and B

The last paragraph: “A yogi who can do all these things can separate the soul from the body”

II Vocabulary:

1 Scriptures (n) / skr p.t ər/ˈ ɪ ʃ : the holy writings of a religion - Thánh thư Ex: According to Holy Scipture, God created the world in six days 2 Worship (v) / w p/ˈ ɜː ʃɪ : to have or show a strong feeling of respect and

admiration for God or a god : - Tôn thờ

Ex: On the island the people worshipped different gods.

3 Hymn (n) /h m/ɪ : a song of praise that Christians sing to God - Thánh ca Ex: Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn.

4 Motherhood (n) / m ð.ə.h dˈ ʌ ʊ / : a mother's love for her child - Tình mẫu tử Ex: I don't feel ready for motherhood yet.

5 Take off (v) /te k/ɪ : to remove something, especially clothes - Cởi bỏ Ex: He took off his clothes and got into the shower.


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6 Statue (n) / stæt u /ˈ ʃ ː : an object made from a hard material, especially stone or metal, to look like a person or animal - Bức tượng.

Ex: In the centre of the hall stood a colossal wooden statue, decorated in ivory and gold.

7 Reincarnation (n) / ri n.kˌ ː ɪ ɑːˈ ɪ ʃne ən/ : the belief that a dead person's spirit returns to life in another body - Luân hồi.

Ex: Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation.

8 Caste (n) /k st/ ɑː : a system of dividing Hindu society into classes, or any of these classes - Đẳng cấp.

Ex: The caste system that exists today is believed to be the result of developments during the collapse of the Mughal era.

9 Disciplined (adj) / d s.ə.pl nd/ˈ ɪ ɪ : Rules are built on the basis of legal regulations, social ethics - Kỷ luật

Ex: The young gymnasts who won the competition were a talented and disciplined team.

10.Meditate (v) / med .te t/ˈ ɪ ɪ : to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity - Ngồi thiền.

Ex: I usually meditate for 20 minutes a day.

Source: https://www.english-online.at/religion/hinduism/hinduism.htm

2 Article 2: Q&A:

History of the Roman Catholic Church

The history of the Roman Catholic Church begins with the life and death of Jesus Christ, about 2,000 years ago Paul, the Apostle, is often seen as the founder of the Church He carried the word of Jesus Christ to the people Many churches were built throughout the Roman Empire.

During this time Christianity spread throughout Europe and the Middle East The Romans, who ruled these areas had their own religion and at first persecuted and mistreated Christians At around 300 AD Christianity became the main Roman

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religion By this time there were two capitals in the empire: in Rome and Constantinople (now Istanbul).

When the western part of the Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century Christianity still had a major influence in Europe The bishops in Constantinople often disagreed with the popes of western Rome, who were becoming more and more powerful In 1054 the church split into an eastern and a western branch The eastern half became the Orthodox Church and the western half became the Roman Catholic Church.

During the Middle Ages the Roman Catholic Church was the most powerful organization in western Europe It not only had religious power but also gained more and more political power Popes launched Crusades to conquer back the Holy Land from Muslims Kings and leaders in the west were very often in direct conflict with the Pope and his bishops.

In the 14th century cardinals elected a French Pope who did not want to go to Rome For about 70 years there were two popes who fought for power, one in Avignon and one in Rome As the Roman Catholic Church became weaker people began to break away and form new Christian churches.

Martin Luther, a German monk, began the reformation movement in the early 16th century Central and Northern Europe became Protestant while the Mediterranean regions remained Roman Catholic In England Henry VIII broke away from Rome and founded the Anglican Church.

Nevertheless, Roman Catholicism expanded throughout the world during the Age of Exploration Explorers and settlers brought Catholic beliefs to the New World Spanish, Portuguese and French missionaries set up churches and colonized areas in North and South America.

As time went on the Pope’s influence in Europe diminished and he lost much of his land By 1870 only the Vatican City remained The Roman Catholic Church faced changes in society as well as new theories in science, which it was mostly against In 1962 Pope John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council which dealt with the church’s problems and modernized many things.


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I Q&A:

1 When did the history of the Roman Catholic Church begin? A.1500 years ago

B 2000 years ago

C 2500 years ago D 3000 years ago

Paragraph 1: “The history of the Roman Catholic Church begins with the life and death of Jesus Christ, about 2,000 years ago.”

2, Who is seen as the founder of the Church? A Jesus Christ

B Spanish, Portuguese missionaries C Paul, the Apostle

Paragraph 3, 1 sentence: “When the western part of the Roman Empirest

collapsed in the 5th century Christianity still had a major influence in Europe.” 4 What event happened in the early 16 century?th

A A war was erupted by Roman.

B Martin Luther began the reformation movement C Christianity became the main Roman religion.

D Popes launched Crusades to conquer back the Holy Land from Muslims Paragraph 6: “Martin Luther, a German monk, began the reformation movement in the early 16th century.”

5 Roman Catholicism expanded throughout the world during the… iron age

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2024, 16:17