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Kinh Tế - Quản Lý - Kinh tế - Thương mại - Bất động sản 20-Feb-24 No. Journal Group code (numeric) Journal Group code (alpha) eSSN Title 1 ABAC ABAC 1467-6281 Abacus 2 ACEM ACEM 1553-2712 Academic Emergency Medicine 3 ACFI ACFI 1467-629X Accounting Finance 4 APR APR 1911-3838 Accounting Perspectives 5 AAS AAS 1399-6576 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 6 AYA AYA 2053-2733 Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 7 AYB AYB 2052-5206 Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 8 AYC AYC 2053-2296 Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry 9 AYD AYD 2059-7983 Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 10 AYF2 AYF2 2053-230X Acta crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications 11 ACGS ACGS 1755-6724 Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 12 AOS AOS 1755-3768 Acta Ophthalmologica 13 APA APA 1651-2227 Acta Paediatrica 14 APHA APHA 1748-1716 Acta Physiologica 15 ACPS ACPS 1600-0447 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 16 AZO AZO 1463-6395 Acta Zoologica 17 ADD ADD 1360-0443 Addiction 18 E771 ADBI 2701-0198 Advanced Biology 19 ADC2 ADC2 2578-0727 Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems 20 2528 AENM 1614-6840 Advanced Energy Materials 21 2266 ADEM 1527-2648 Advanced Engineering Materials 22 2126 ADFM 1616-3028 Advanced Functional Materials 23 2087 ADHM 2192-2659 Advanced Healthcare Materials 24 2089 ADMA 1521-4095 Advanced Materials 25 E767 ADMT 2365-709X Advanced Materials Technologies 26 E298 ADOM 2195-1071 Advanced Optical Materials 27 E820 QUTE 2511-9044 Advanced Quantum Technologies 28 E769 ADSU 2366-7486 Advanced Sustainable Systems 29 2258 ADSC 1615-4169 Advanced Synthesis Catalysis 30 E343 ADTS 2513-0390 Advanced Theory and Simulations 31 E313 ADTP 2366-3987 Advanced Therapeutics 32 AET2 AET2 2472-5390 AEM Education and Training 33 ARBE ARBE 1467-6346 Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series 34 ARBP ARBP 1467-825X Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series 35 AFDR AFDR 1467-8268 African Development Review 36 AJE AJE 1365-2028 African Journal of Ecology 37 AB AB 1098-2337 Aggressive Behavior 38 AGR AGR 1520-6297 Agribusiness 39 AFE AFE 1461-9563 Agricultural and Forest Entomology 40 AGEC AGEC 1574-0862 Agricultural Economics 41 AGJ2 AGJ2 1435-0645 Agronomy Journal 42 AIC AIC 1547-5905 AIChE Journal 43 ACER ACER 1530-0277 Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 44 ADAW ADAW 1556-7591 Alcoholism Drug Abuse Weekly 45 APT APT 1365-2036 Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics 46 ALL ALL 1398-9995 Allergy 47 AMAN AMAN 1548-1433 American Anthropologist 48 ABLJ ABLJ 1744-1714 American Business Law Journal 49 AMET AMET 1548-1425 American Ethnologist 50 AJAE AJAE 1467-8276 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2024 Wiley Online Library Database Model List Last Updated 51 AJPA AJPA 2692-7691 American Journal of Biological Anthropology 52 AJB2 AJB2 1537-2197 American Journal of Botany 53 AJCP AJCP 1573-2770 American Journal of Community Psychology 54 AJES AJES 1536-7150 The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 55 AJH AJH 1096-8652 American Journal of Hematology 56 AJHB AJHB 1520-6300 American Journal of Human Biology 57 AJIM AJIM 1097-0274 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 58 AJMG AJMG 1552-4833 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 59 AJMB AJMB 1552-485X American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 60 AJMC AJMC 1552-4876 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 61 AJPS AJPS 1540-5907 American Journal of Political Science 62 AJP AJP 1098-2345 American Journal of Primatology 63 AJI AJI 1600-0897 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 64 AJAD AJAD 1521-0391 The American Journal on Addictions 65 ANAE ANAE 1365-2044 Anaesthesia 66 ANR3 ANR3 2637-3726 Anaesthesia Reports 67 ASAP ASAP 1530-2415 Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 68 E474 ANSE 2629-2742 Analysis Sensing 69 PHIB PHIB 2153-960X Analytic Philosophy 70 AHE AHE 1439-0264 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 71 AR AR 1932-8494 The Anatomical Record 72 ASE ASE 1935-9780 Anatomical Sciences Education 73 ANDR ANDR 2047-2927 Andrology 74 2001 ANGE 1521-3757 Angewandte Chemie 75 2002 ANIE 1521-3773 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 76 ACV ACV 1469-1795 Animal Conservation 77 AGE AGE 1365-2052 Animal Genetics 78 ASJ ASJ 1740-0929 Animal Science Journal 79 2257 ANDP 1521-3889 Annalen der Physik 80 NAPA NAPA 2153-9588 Annals of Anthropological Practice 81 AAB AAB 1744-7348 Annals of Applied Biology 82 AHG AHG 1469-1809 Annals of Human Genetics 83 ANA ANA 1531-8249 Annals of Neurology 84 APCE APCE 1467-8292 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 85 NYAS NYAS 1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 86 AEQ AEQ 1548-1492 Anthropology Education Quarterly 87 ANHU ANHU 1548-1409 Anthropology and Humanism 88 ANOC ANOC 1556-3537 Anthropology of Consciousness 89 AWR AWR 1548-1417 Anthropology of Work Review 90 ANTH ANTH 1467-8322 Anthropology Today 91 ANTI ANTI 1467-8330 Antipode 92 ANS ANS 1445-2197 ANZ Journal of Surgery 93 AORN AORN 1878-0369 AORN Journal 94 APM APM 1600-0463 APMIS 95 ACP ACP 1099-0720 Applied Cognitive Psychology 96 AEPP AEPP 2040-5804 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 97 AOC AOC 1099-0739 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 98 APPS APPS 1464-0597 Applied Psychology 99 APHW APHW 1758-0854 Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 100 E512 APPL 2702-4288 Applied Research 101 ASMB ASMB 1526-4025 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 102 AVSC AVSC 1654-109X Applied Vegetation Science 103 AQC AQC 1099-0755 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 104 AAE AAE 1600-0471 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 105 APAA APAA 1551-8248 Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 106 ARP ARP 1099-0763 Archaeological Prospection 107 ARCO ARCO 1834-4453 Archaeology in Oceania 108 ARCM ARCM 1475-4754 Archaeometry 109 AD AD 1554-2769 Architectural Design 110 2019 ARDP 1521-4184 Archiv der Pharmazie 111 ARCH ARCH 1520-6327 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 112 AREA AREA 1475-4762 Area 113 ART ART 2326-5205 Arthritis Rheumatology 114 ACR ACR 2151-4658 Arthritis Care Research 115 AOR AOR 1525-1594 Artificial Organs 116 APHR APHR 1744-7941 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 117 APV APV 1467-8373 Asia Pacific Viewpoint 118 ASEJ ASEJ 1467-8381 Asian Economic Journal 119 AEPR AEPR 1748-3131 Asian Economic Policy Review 120 ASJC ASJC 1934-6093 Asian Journal of Control 121 ASES ASES 1758-5910 Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 122 2157 AJOC 2193-5815 Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 123 AJSP AJSP 1467-839X Asian Journal of Social Psychology 124 ASPP ASPP 1943-0787 Asian Politics Policy 125 ASWP ASWP 1753-1411 Asian Social Work and Policy Review 126 APEL APEL 1467-8411 Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 127 AEHR AEHR 2832-157X Asia-Pacific Economic History Review 128 APJ APJ 1932-2143 Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 129 AJCO AJCO 1743-7563 Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 130 AJFS AJFS 2041-6156 Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 131 APPY APPY 1758-5872 Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 132 AU AU 1536-0725 Assessment Update 133 2228 ASNA 1521-3994 Astronomische Nachrichten 134 AEC AEC 1442-9993 Austral Ecology 135 AEN AEN 2052-1758 Austral Entomology 136 AJD AJD 1440-0960 Australasian Journal of Dermatology 137 AJUM AJUM 2205-0140 Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 138 AJAG AJAG 1741-6612 Australasian Journal on Ageing 139 ANZS ANZS 1467-842X Australian New Zealand Journal of Statistics 140 AUAR AUAR 1835-2561 Australian Accounting Review 141 ANZF ANZF 1467-8438 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 142 AJO AJO 1479-828X Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 143 ADJ ADJ 1834-7819 Australian Dental Journal 144 AEPA AEPA 1467-8454 Australian Economic Papers 145 AERE AERE 1467-8462 The Australian Economic Review 146 AEJ AEJ 1747-4477 Australian Endodontic Journal 147 AJAR AJAR 1467-8489 The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 148 TAJA TAJA 1757-6547 The Australian Journal of Anthropology 149 AJPH AJPH 1467-8497 Australian Journal of Politics History 150 AUPA AUPA 1467-8500 Australian Journal of Public Administration 151 AJR AJR 1440-1584 Australian Journal of Rural Health 152 AJS4 AJS4 1839-4655 Australian Journal of Social Issues 153 AOT AOT 1440-1630 Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 154 AVJ AVJ 1751-0813 Australian Veterinary Journal 155 AUR AUR 1939-3806 Autism Research 156 AWS2 AWS2 2577-8161 AWWA Water Science 157 BCPT BCPT 1742-7843 Basic Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology 158 BRE BRE 1365-2117 Basin Research 159 E811 BATT 2566-6223 Batteries Supercaps 160 2094 BAPI 1437-0980 Bauphysik 161 2091 BATE 1437-0999 Bautechnik 162 BIN BIN 1099-078X Behavioral Interventions 163 BSL BSL 1099-0798 Behavioral Sciences The Law 164 2031 BEWI 1522-2365 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 165 2093 BEST 1437-1006 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 166 BMB BMB 1539-3429 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 167 BEM BEM 1521-186X Bioelectromagnetics 168 BIES BIES 1521-1878 BioEssays 169 BIOE BIOE 1467-8519 Bioethics 170 BIOF BIOF 1872-8081 BioFactors 171 BBB BBB 1932-1031 Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 172 BRV BRV 1469-185X Biological Reviews 173 BOC BOC 1768-322X Biology of the Cell 174 BMC BMC 1099-0801 Biomedical Chromatography 175 2221 BIMJ 1521-4036 Biometrical Journal 176 BDD BDD 1099-081X Biopharmaceutics Drug Disposition 177 BIP BIP 1097-0282 Biopolymers 178 BAB BAB 1470-8744 Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 179 BIT BIT 1097-0290 Biotechnology and Bioengineering 180 2446 BIOT 1860-7314 Biotechnology Journal 181 BTPR BTPR 1520-6033 Biotechnology Progress 182 BTP BTP 1744-7429 Biotropica 183 BDI BDI 1399-5618 Bipolar Disorders 184 BIRT BIRT 1523-536X Birth 185 BDR BDR 2472-1727 Birth Defects Research 186 BJO BJO 1471-0528 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 187 BJU BJU 1464-410X BJU International 188 BAN BAN 1949-3215 Board Administrator For Administrators Only 189 BL BL 1542-7862 Board Leadership 190 BERJ BERJ 1469-3518 British Educational Research Journal 191 BCP BCP 1365-2125 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 192 BJC BJC 2044-8260 British Journal of Clinical Psychology 193 BJDP BJDP 2044-835X British Journal of Developmental Psychology 194 BJEP BJEP 2044-8279 British Journal of Educational Psychology 195 BJET BJET 1467-8535 British Journal of Educational Technology 196 BJH BJH 1365-2141 British Journal of Haematology 197 BJHP BJHP 2044-8287 British Journal of Health Psychology 198 BJIR BJIR 1467-8543 British Journal of Industrial Relations 199 BLD BLD 1468-3156 British Journal of Learning Disabilities 200 BJOM BJOM 1467-8551 British Journal of Management 201 BMSP BMSP 2044-8317 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 202 BPH BPH 1476-5381 British Journal of Pharmacology 203 BJOP BJOP 2044-8295 British Journal of Psychology 204 BJP BJP 1752-0118 British Journal of Psychotherapy 205 BJSO BJSO 2044-8309 British Journal of Social Psychology 206 BJOS BJOS 1468-4446 The British Journal of Sociology 207 BJSP BJSP 1467-8578 British Journal of Special Education 208 CPU CPU 1556-7567 The Brown University Child Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update 209 CBL CBL 1556-7575 The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter 210 PU PU 1556-7532 The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 211 BOER BOER 1467-8586 Bulletin of Economic Research 212 BLAR BLAR 1470-9856 Bulletin of Latin American Research 213 E762 BKCS 1229-5949 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 214 BLMS BLMS 1469-2120 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 215 BASR BASR 1467-8594 Business and Society Review 216 BEER BEER 2694-6424 Business Ethics, the Environment Responsibility 217 BSD2 BSD2 2572-3170 Business Strategy and Development 218 BSE BSE 1099-0836 Business Strategy and The Environment 219 CALA CALA 1945-6239 Campus Legal Advisor 220 CASR CASR 1945-6247 Campus Security Report 221 CAG CAG 1541-0064 Canadian Geographies Géographies canadiennes 222 CJAS CJAS 1936-4490 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l''''Administration 223 CJAG CJAG 1744-7976 Canadian Journal of Agricultural EconomicsRevue canadienne d''''agroeconomie 224 CJCE CJCE 1939-019X The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 225 CAJE CAJE 1540-5982 Canadian Journal of EconomicsRevue canadienne d''''économique 226 CJS CJS 1708-945X The Canadian Journal of StatisticsLa revue canadienne de statistique 227 CAPA CAPA 1754-7121 Canadian Public Administration 228 CARS CARS 1755-618X Canadian Review of SociologyRevue canadienne de sociologie 229 CNCR CNCR 1097-0142 Cancer 230 CNCY CNCY 1934-6638 Cancer Cytopathology 231 CDQ CDQ 2161-0045 The Career Development Quarterly 232 CCD CCD 1522-726X Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 233 E774 CEPA 2509-7075 cepapers 234 CBF CBF 1099-0844 Cell Biochemistry and Function 235 CBIN CBIN 1095-8355 Cell Biology International 236 CCHE CCHE 1943-3638 Cereal Chemistry 237 2268 CBIC 1439-7633 ChemBioChem 238 E326 CBEN 2196-9744 ChemBioEng Reviews 239 2491 CCTC 1867-3899 ChemCatChem 240 CBDD CBDD 1747-0285 Chemical Biology Drug Design 241 2044 CEAT 1521-4125 Chemical Engineering Technology 242 TCR TCR 1528-0691 The Chemical Record 243 2006 CIUZ 1521-3781 Chemie in unserer Zeit 244 2004 CITE 1522-2640 Chemie Ingenieur Technik 245 2111 CHEM 1521-3765 Chemistry - A European Journal 246 2451 ASIA 1861-471X Chemistry - An Asian Journal 247 2136 CBDV 1612-1880 Chemistry Biodiversity 248 CIND CIND 2047-6329 Chemistry Industry 249 E766 SLCT 2365-6549 ChemistrySelect 250 E106 CKON 1521-3730 CHEMKON 251 2452 CMDC 1860-7187 ChemMedChem 252 E761 CNMA 2199-692X ChemNanoMat 253 E768 CPTC 2367-0932 ChemPhotoChem 254 2267 CPHC 1439-7641 ChemPhysChem 255 E688 CPLU 2192-6506 ChemPlusChem 256 2476 CSSC 1864-564X ChemSusChem 257 E570 SYST 2570-4206 ChemSystemsChem 258 CFS CFS 1365-2206 Child Family Social Work 259 CAR CAR 1099-0852 Child Abuse Review 260 CAMH CAMH 1475-3588 Child and Adolescent Mental Health 261 CDEV CDEV 1467-8624 Child Development 262 CDEP CDEP 1750-8606 Child Development Perspectives 263 CCH CCH 1365-2214 Child: Care, Health and Development 264 CHSO CHSO 1099-0860 Children Society 265 CWE CWE 1749-124X China World Economy 266 2434 CJOC 1614-7065 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 267 CHIR CHIR 1520-636X Chirality 268 CISO CISO 1548-744X City Society 269 E403 CEND 2625-073X Civil Engineering Design 270 CLA CLA 1096-0031 Cladistics 271 2047 CLEN 1863-0669 CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water 272 GAS GAS 2692-3823 Climate and Energy 273 CEA CEA 1365-2222 Clinical Experimental Allergy 274 CEO CEO 1442-9071 Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology 275 CAP CAP 2163-0097 Clinical Advances in Periodontics 276 CA CA 1098-2353 Clinical Anatomy 277 CEN3 CEN3 1759-1961 Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 278 CEP CEP 1440-1681 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 279 CEN CEN 1365-2265 Clinical Endocrinology 280 CGE CGE 1399-0004 Clinical Genetics 281 CID CID 1708-8208 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 282 COB COB 1758-8111 Clinical Obesity 283 CLR CLR 1600-0501 Clinical Oral Implants Research 284 COA COA 1749-4486 Clinical Otolaryngology 285 CPT CPT 1532-6535 Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics 286 CPD3 CPD3 2160-7648 Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 287 CPF CPF 1475-097X Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 288 CPP CPP 1099-0879 Clinical Psychology Psychotherapy 289 TCT TCT 1743-498X The Clinical Teacher 290 CTR CTR 1399-0012 Clinical Transplantation 291 COGS COGS 1551-6709 Cognitive Science 292 CATL CATL 1943-7579 College Athletics and the Law 293 COL COL 1520-6378 Color Research and Application 294 COTE COTE 1478-4408 Coloration Technology 295 CODI CODI 1463-1318 Colorectal Disease 296 CPA CPA 1097-0312 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 297 CDOE CDOE 1600-0528 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 298 CRF3 CRF3 1541-4337 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 299 COIN COIN 1467-8640 Computational Intelligence 300 CAV CAV 1546-427X Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 301 CAE CAE 1099-0542 Computer Applications in Engineering Education 302 CGF CGF 1467-8659 Computer Graphics Forum 303 MICE MICE 1467-8667 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 304 CPE CPE 1532-0634 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 305 CRQ CRQ 1541-1508 Conflict Resolution Quarterly 306 CGA CGA 1741-4520 Congenital Anomalies 307 COBI COBI 1523-1739 Conservation Biology 308 CONS CONS 1467-8675 Constellations 309 ARCP ARCP 2476-1281 Consumer Psychology Review 310 COD COD 1600-0536 Contact Dermatitis 311 CARE CARE 1911-3846 Contemporary Accounting Research 312 COEP COEP 1465-7287 Contemporary Economic Policy 313 2222 CTPP 1521-3986 Contributions to Plasma Physics 314 CORG CORG 1467-8683 Corporate Governance: An International Review 315 CPRT CPRT 1949-3207 Corporate Philanthropy Report 316 CSR CSR 1535-3966 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 317 CAPR CAPR 1746-1405 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research 318 CEAS CEAS 1556-6978 Counselor Education and Supervision 319 CAIM CAIM 1467-8691 Creativity and Innovation Management 320 CBM CBM 1471-2857 Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 321 CRIM CRIM 1745-9125 Criminology 322 CAPP CAPP 1745-9133 Criminology Public Policy 323 CRIQ CRIQ 1467-8705 Critical Quarterly 324 CSC2 CSC2 1435-0653 Crop Science 325 CFT2 CFT2 2374-3832 Crop, Forage Turfgrass Management 326 CRSO CRSO 2325-3606 Crops Soils 327 2223 CRAT 1521-4079 Crystal Research and Technology 328 CSAN CSAN 2325-3584 CSA News 329 CUAG CUAG 2153-9561 Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 330 CURA CURA 2151-6952 Curator: The Museum Journal 331 CURJ CURJ 1469-3704 The Curriculum Journal 332 CURT CURT 1467-8748 Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 333 CYTO CYTO 1552-4930 Cytometry Part A 334 CYTB CYTB 1552-4957 Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry 335 CYT CYT 1365-2303 Cytopathology 336 CM CM 1949-3592 Cytoskeleton 337 DAP DAP 1943-7587 Dean and Provost 338 DECI DECI 1540-5915 Decision Sciences 339 DSJI DSJI 1540-4609 Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 340 EDT EDT 1600-9657 Dental Traumatology 341 DCH DCH 1936-4393 The Department Chair 342 DER2 DER2 2637-7489 Dermatological Reviews 343 DMJ DMJ 1948-7177 Design Management Journal 344 DREV DREV 1948-7169 Design Management Review 345 DEVE DEVE 1746-1049 The Developing Economies 346 DEWB DEWB 1471-8847 Developing World Bioethics 347 DECH DECH 1467-7660 Development and Change 348 DPR DPR 1467-7679 Development Policy Review 349 DGD DGD 1440-169X Development, Growth Differentiation 350 DVDY DVDY 1097-0177 Developmental Dynamics 351 DMCN DMCN 1469-8749 Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 352 NEU NEU 1932-846X Developmental Neurobiology 353 DEV DEV 1098-2302 Developmental Psychobiology 354 DESC DESC 1467-7687 Developmental Science 355 DOM DOM 1463-1326 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 356 DMRR DMRR 1520-7560 DiabetesMetabolism Research and Reviews 357 DME DME 1464-5491 Diabetic Medicine 358 DC DC 1097-0339 Diagnostic Cytopathology 359 DIAL DIAL 1540-6385 Dialog 360 TGER TGER 1756-1221 Die UnterrichtspraxisTeaching German 361 DOME DOME 1949-3606 Digest of Middle East Studies 362 DEN DEN 1443-1661 Digestive Endoscopy 363 DHE DHE 1943-8001 Disability Compliance for Higher Education 364 DISA DISA 1467-7717 Disasters 365 DAR DAR 1465-3362 Drug and Alcohol Review 366 DDR DDR 1098-2299 Drug Development Research 367 DTA DTA 1942-7611 Drug Testing and Analysis 368 DYS DYS 1099-0909 Dyslexia 369 EIP EIP 1751-7893 Early Intervention in Psychiatry 370 EMED EMED 1468-0254 Early Medieval Europe 371 ESP ESP 1096-9837 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 372 EQE EQE 1096-9845 Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics 373 EER2 EER2 2770-5706 Earthquake Engineering and Resilience 374 ECHO ECHO 1540-8175 Echocardiography 375 ECO ECO 1936-0592 Ecohydrology 376 EAP EAP 1939-5582 Ecological Applications 377 EEN EEN 1365-2311 Ecological Entomology 378 EMR EMR 1442-8903 Ecological Management Restoration 379 ECM ECM 1557-7015 Ecological Monographs 380 ERE ERE 1440-1703 Ecological Research 381 ECY ECY 1939-9170 Ecology 382 ELE ELE 1461-0248 Ecology Letters 383 EFF EFF 1600-0633 Ecology of Freshwater Fish 384 ECTA ECTA 1468-0262 Econometrica 385 ECAF ECAF 1468-0270 Economic Affairs 386 SEA2 SEA2 2330-4847 Economic Anthropology 387 EHR EHR 1468-0289 The Economic History Review 388 ECIN ECIN 1465-7295 Economic Inquiry 389 ECNO ECNO 1468-0300 Economic Notes 390 ECOL ECOL 1468-0319 Economic Outlook 391 ECPA ECPA 1759-3441 Economic Papers; A journal of applied economics and policy 392 ECOR ECOR 1475-4932 Economic Record 393 ECCA ECCA 1468-0335 Economica 394 ECPO ECPO 1468-0343 Economics Politics 395 ECOT ECOT 2577-6983 Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 396 EREV EREV 1758-6623 The Ecumenical Review 397 EMIP EMIP 1745-3992 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 398 EDTH EDTH 1741-5446 Educational Theory 399 EEJ EEJ 1520-6416 Electrical Engineering in Japan 400 2049 ELAN 1521-4109 Electroanalysis 401 ISD2 ISD2 1681-4835 The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 402 ECJ ECJ 1942-9541 Electronics and Communications in Japan 403 2027 ELPS 1522-2683 Electrophoresis 404 EMM EMM 1742-6723 Emergency Medicine Australasia 405 EST2 EST2 2578-4862 Energy Storage 406 2198 ENTE 2194-4296 Energy Technology 407 EMT EMT 1945-6263 Enrollment Management Report 408 EEA EEA 1570-7458 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 409 ENR ENR 1748-5967 Entomological Research 410 ENS ENS 1479-8298 Entomological Science 411 EM EM 1098-2280 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 412 EMI EMI 1462-2920 Environmental Microbiology 413 EET EET 1756-9338 Environmental Policy and Governance 414 EP EP 1944-7450 Environmental Progress Sustainable Energy 415 TQEM TQEM 1520-6483 Environmental Quality Management 416 TOX TOX 1522-7278 Environmental Toxicology 417 ETC ETC 1552-8618 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 418 ENV ENV 1099-095X Environmetrics 419 EPI EPI 1528-1167 Epilepsia 420 EPD2 EPD2 1950-6945 Epileptic Disorders 421 EPP EPP 1365-2338 EPPO Bulletin 422 EVE EVE 2042-3292 Equine Veterinary Education 423 EVJ EVJ 2042-3306 Equine Veterinary Journal 424 EAHR EAHR 2578-2363 Ethics Human Research 425 ETH ETH 1439-0310 Ethology 426 ETHO ETHO 1548-1352 Ethos 427 EUCH EUCH 1746-692X EuroChoices 428 ERV ERV 1099-0968 European Eating Disorders Review 429 EUFM EUFM 1468-036X European Financial Management 430 ECI ECI 1365-2362 European Journal of Clinical Investigation 431 EJE EJE 1600-0579 European Journal of Dental Education 432 EJED EJED 1465-3435 European Journal of Education 433 EJH EJH 1600-0609 European Journal of Haematology 434 EJHF EJHF 1879-0844 European Journal of Heart Failure 435 2040 EJI 1521-4141 European Journal of Immunology 436 2005 EJIC 1099-0682 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 437 2114 EJLT 1438-9312 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 438 EJN EJN 1460-9568 European Journal of Neuroscience 439 EOS EOS 1600-0722 European Journal of Oral Sciences 440 2046 EJOC 1099-0690 European Journal of Organic Chemistry 441 EJP EJP 1532-2149 European Journal of Pain 442 EJOP EJOP 1468-0378 European Journal of Philosophy 443 EJPR EJPR 1475-6765 European Journal of Political Research 444 EPDY EPDY 2047-8852 European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 445 EJSP EJSP 1099-0992 European Journal of Social Psychology 446 EJSS EJSS 1365-2389 European Journal of Soil Science 447 EULJ EULJ 1468-0386 European Law Journal 448 EMRE EMRE 1740-4762 European Management Review 449 EPA2 EPA2 2380-6567 European Policy Analysis 450 EDE EDE 1525-142X Evolution Development 451 EVAN EVAN 1520-6505 Evolutionary Anthropology 452 EXD EXD 1600-0625 Experimental Dermatology 453 EXSY EXSY 1468-0394 Expert Systems 454 FCSR FCSR 1552-3934 Family Consumer Sciences Research Journal 455 FCRE FCRE 1744-1617 Family Court Review 456 FAMP FAMP 1545-5300 Family Process 457 FARE FARE 1741-3729 Family Relations 458 FSB2 FSB2 1530-6860 The FASEB Journal 459 FFE FFE 1460-2695 Fatigue Fracture of Engineering Materials Structures 460 FEBS FEBS 1742-4658 The FEBS Journal 461 FEB2 FEB2 1873-3468 FEBS Letters 462 2243 FEDR 1522-239X Feddes Repertorium 463 FGC FGC 1949-3185 Federal Grants Contracts 464 FEA2 FEA2 2643-7961 Feminist Anthropology 465 FAAM FAAM 1468-0408 Financial Accountability Management 466 FIMA FIMA 1755-053X Financial Management 467 FMII FMII 1468-0416 Financial Markets, Institutions Instruments 468 CFP2 CFP2 2573-8615 Financial Planning Review 469 FIRE FIRE 1540-6288 The Financial Review 470 FAM FAM 1099-1018 Fire and Materials 471 FISC FISC 1475-5890 Fiscal Studies 472 FAF FAF 1467-2979 Fish and Fisheries 473 FSH FSH 1548-8446 Fisheries 474 FME FME 1365-2400 Fisheries Management and Ecology 475 FOG FOG 1365-2419 Fisheries Oceanography 476 FFJ FFJ 1099-1026 Flavour and Fragrance Journal 477 FLAN FLAN 1944-9720 Foreign Language Annals 478 EFP EFP 1439-0329 Forest Pathology 479 2244 PROP 1521-3978 Fortschritte der Physik 480 FWB FWB 1365-2427 Freshwater Biology 481 FEE FEE 1540-9309 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 482 2293 FUCE 1615-6854 Fuel Cells 483 FEC FEC 1365-2435 Functional Ecology 484 FCP FCP 1472-8206 Fundamental Clinical Pharmacology 485 FFO2 FFO2 2573-5152 Futures Foresight Science 486 2250 GAMM 1522-2608 GAMM - Mitteilungen 487 GEND GEND 1468-0424 Gender History 488 GWAO GWAO 1468-0432 Gender, Work Organization 489 GENA GENA 1939-3466 General Anthropology 490 GTC GTC 1365-2443 Genes to Cells 491 GCC GCC 1098-2264 Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 492 DVG DVG 1526-968X genesis 493 GEPI GEPI 1098-2272 Genetic Epidemiology 494 GEA GEA 1520-6548 Geoarchaeology 495 GBI GBI 1472-4669 Geobiology 496 GEAN GEAN 1538-4632 Geographical Analysis 497 GEOJ GEOJ 1475-4959 The Geographical Journal 498 GEOR GEOR 1745-5871 Geographical Research 499 GEC3 GEC3 1749-8198 Geography Compass 500 GJ GJ 1099-1034 Geological Journal 501 GTO GTO 1365-2451 Geology Today 502 2478 GEOT 1865-7389 Geomechanics and Tunnelling 503 GPR GPR 1365-2478 Geophysical Prospecting 504 GGR GGR 1751-908X Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 505 2534 GETE 2190-6653 geotechnik 506 GGI GGI 1447-0594 Geriatrics Gerontology International 507 GLAL GLAL 1468-0483 German Life and Letters 508 GEQU GEQU 1756-1183 The German Quarterly 509 GER GER 1741-2358 Gerodontology 510 GLIA GLIA 1098-1136 GLIA 511 GBC GBC 1944-9224 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 512 JOE JOE 1932-2062 Global Business and Organizational Excellence 513 GCB GCB 1365-2486 Global Change Biology 514 GEB GEB 1466-8238 Global Ecology and Biogeography 515 GLOB GLOB 1471-0374 Global Networks 516 GPOL GPOL 1758-5899 Global Policy 517 GSJ GSJ 2042-5805 Global Strategy Journal 518 GOVE GOVE 1468-0491 Governance 519 GFS GFS 1365-2494 Grass and Forage Science 520 GRS GRS 1744-697X Grassland Science 521 GHG3 GHG3 2152-3878 Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 522 GWAT GWAT 1745-6584 Groundwater 523 GWMR GWMR 1745-6592 Groundwater Monitoring Remediation 524 GROW GROW 1468-2257 Growth and Change 525 HAE HAE 1365-2516 Haemophilia 526 HAST HAST 1552-146X Hastings Center Report 527 HED HED 1097-0347 Head Neck 528 HEAD HEAD 1526-4610 Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 529 HEC HEC 1099-1050 Health Economics 530 HIR HIR 1471-1842 Health Information and Libraries Journal 531 HPJA HPJA 2201-1617 Health Promotion Journal of Australia 532 HESR HESR 1475-6773 Health Services Research 533 HTJ HTJ 2688-4542 Heat Transfer 534 HEL HEL 1523-5378 Helicobacter 535 2217 HLCA 1522-2675 Helvetica Chimica Acta 536 HON HON 1099-1069 Hematological Oncology 537 HDI HDI 1542-4758 Hemodialysis International 538 HEPR HEPR 1872-034X Hepatology Research 539 HEYJ HEYJ 1468-2265 The Heythrop Journal 540 HEQU HEQU 1468-2273 Higher Education Quarterly 541 HIPO HIPO 1098-1063 Hippocampus 542 HIS HIS 1365-2559 Histopathology 543 HIST HIST 1468-229X History 544 HITH HITH 1468-2303 History and Theory 545 HIC3 HIC3 1478-0542 History Compass 546 HIV HIV 1468-1293 HIV Medicine 547 TAN TAN 2059-2310 HLA: Immune Response Genetics 548 HOJO HOJO 2059-1101 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 549 HFM HFM 1520-6564 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing Service Industries 550 HUP HUP 1099-1077 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 551 HRDQ HRDQ 1532-1096 Human Resource Development Quarterly 552 HRM HRM 1099-050X Human Resource Management 553 HRMJ HRMJ 1748-8583 Human Resource Management Journal 554 HYP HYP 1099-1085 Hydrological Processes 555 IBI IBI 1474-919X Ibis 556 TEE TEE 1931-4981 IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 557 IMR IMR 1600-065X Immunological Reviews 558 IMM IMM 1365-2567 Immunology 559 IMCB IMCB 1440-1711 Immunology Cell Biology 560 INPR INPR 2042-7689 In Practice 561 IIS2 IIS2 2334-5837 INCOSE International Symposium 562 IREL IREL 1468-232X Industrial Relations 563 IRJ IRJ 1468-2338 Industrial Relations Journal 564 INFA INFA 1532-7078 Infancy 565 ICD ICD 1522-7219 Infant and Child Development 566 IMHJ IMHJ 1097-0355 Infant Mental Health Journal 567 ISJ ISJ 1365-2575 Information Systems Journal 568 ICAD ICAD 1752-4598 Insect Conservation and Diversity 569 IMB IMB 1365-2583 Insect Molecular Biology 570 INS INS 1744-7917 Insect Science 571 INST INST 2156-4868 INSIGHT 572 IEAM IEAM 1551-3793 Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 573 INZ2 INZ2 1749-4877 Integrative Zoology 574 ISAF ISAF 2160-0074 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 575 IMJ IMJ 1445-5994 Internal Medicine Journal 576 IERE IERE 1468-2354 International Economic Review 577 IEJ IEJ 1365-2591 International Endodontic Journal 578 INFI INFI 1468-2362 International Finance 579 ALR ALR 2042-6984 International Forum of Allergy Rhinology 580 IIR IIR 1099-1107 International Insolvency Review 581 NAG NAG 1096-9853 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 582 CNM CNM 2040-7947 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 583 NME NME 1097-0207 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 584 FLD FLD 1097-0363 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 585 ACS ACS 1099-1115 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 586 IJAC IJAC 1744-7402 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 587 IJAG IJAG 2041-1294 International Journal of Applied Glass Science 588 IJAL IJAL 1473-4192 International Journal of Applied Linguistics 589 APS APS 1556-9187 International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 590 JADE JADE 1476-8070 International Journal of Art Design Education 591 IJAU IJAU 1099-1123 International Journal of Auditing 592 IJC IJC 1097-0215 International Journal of Cancer 593 KIN KIN 1097-4601 International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 594 CTA CTA 1097-007X International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 595 JOC JOC 1097-0088 International Journal of Climatology 596 DAC DAC 1099-1131 International Journal of Communication Systems 597 IJCS IJCS 1470-6431 International Journal of Consumer Studies 598 ICS ICS 1468-2494 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 599 IDT IDT 1471-0307 International Journal of Dairy Technology 600 IDH IDH 1601-5037 International Journal of Dental Hygiene 601 IJD IJD 1365-4632 International Journal of Dermatology 602 JDN JDN 1873-474X International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 603 EAT EAT 1098-108X International Journal of Eating Disorders 604 IJET IJET 1742-7363 International Journal of Economic Theory 605 IEP IEP 1365-2613 International Journal of Experimental Pathology 606 IJFE IJFE 1099-1158 International Journal of Finance Economics 607 IJFS IJFS 1365-2621 International Journal of Food Science Technology 608 GPS GPS 1099-1166 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 609 IJGO IJGO 1879-3479 International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics 610 HPM HPM 1099-1751 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 611 IMA IMA 1098-1098 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 612 IJI IJI 1744-313X International Journal of Immunogenetics 613 IJLH IJLH 1751-553X International Journal of Laboratory Hematology 614 JLCD JLCD 1460-6984 International Journal of Language Communication Disorders 615 IJMR IJMR 1468-2370 International Journal of Management Reviews 616 RCS RCS 1478-596X The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 617 INM INM 1447-0349 International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 618 NEM NEM 1099-1190 International Journal of Network Management 619 JNM JNM 1099-1204 International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 620 IJNT IJNT 2047-3095 International Journal of Nursing Knowledge 621 IJN IJN 1440-172X International Journal of Nursing Practice 622 OPN OPN 1748-3743 International Journal of Older People Nursing 623 OA OA 1099-1212 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 624 IPD IPD 1365-263X International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 625 IJOP IJOP 1464-066X International Journal of Psychology 626 QUA QUA 1097-461X International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 627 APL APL 1756-185X International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 628 RNC RNC 1099-1239 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 629 SAT SAT 1542-0981 International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 630 IJSA IJSA 1468-2389 International Journal of Selection and Assessment 631 IJSW IJSW 1468-2397 International Journal of Social Welfare 632 IJST IJST 1468-2400 International Journal of Systematic Theology 633 JTR JTR 1522-1970 International Journal of Tourism Research 634 IJTD IJTD 1468-2419 International Journal of Training and Development 635 IJUR IJUR 1468-2427 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 636 IJUN IJUN 1749-771X International Journal of Urological Nursing 637 IJU IJU 1442-2042 International Journal of Urology 638 ILR ILR 1564-913X International Labour Review 639 IMIG IMIG 1468-2435 International Migration 640 INR INR 1466-7657 International Nursing Review 641 IRFI IRFI 1468-2443 International Review of Finance 642 2246 IROH 1522-2632 International Review of Hydrobiology 643 IROM IROM 1758-6631 International Review of Mission 644 ISSJ ISSJ 1468-2451 International Social Science Journal 645 ISSR ISSR 1468-246X International Social Security Review 646 INSR INSR 1751-5823 International Statistical Review 647 ITOR ITOR 1475-3995 International Transactions in Operational Research 648 ITL2 ITL2 2476-1508 Internet Technology Letters 649 IVB IVB 1744-7410 Invertebrate Biology 650 NEWE NEWE 2573-2331 IPPR Progressive Review 651 IRD IRD 1531-0361 Irrigation and Drainage 652 IAR IAR 1440-1738 Island Arc 653 2525 IJCH 1869-5868 Israel Journal of Chemistry 654 IUB IUB 1521-6551 IUBMB Life 655 JAC5 JAC5 2574-9870 JACCP: Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy 656 JJNS JJNS 1742-7924 Japan Journal of Nursing Science 657 IJJS IJJS 2769-1357 Japanese Journal of Sociology 658 JCMS JCMS 1468-5965 JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 659 AWWA AWWA 1551-8833 Journal AWWA 660 DDG DDG 1610-0387 Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 661 JECS JECS 1754-0208 Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 662 JSPN JSPN 1744-6155 Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 663 NAD NAD 2475-5389 Journal for the Anthropology of North America 664 JSSR JSSR 1468-5906 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 665 JTSB JTSB 1468-5914 Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 666 JOAR JOAR 1475-679X Journal of Accounting Research 667 JAOC JAOC 2161-1874 Journal of Addictions Offender Counseling 668 JAD JAD 1095-9254 Journal of Adolescence 669 JAAL JAAL 1936-2706 Journal of Adolescent Adult Literacy 670 AMP2 AMP2 2637-403X Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing 671 JAN JAN 1365-2648 Journal of Advanced Nursing 672 JOAC JOAC 1471-0366 Journal of Agrarian Change 673 JAGE JAGE 1477-9552 Journal of Agricultural Economics 674 JAC JAC 1439-037X Journal of Agronomy an...

Trang 1

1 ABAC ABAC 1467-6281 Abacus

2 ACEM ACEM 1553-2712 Academic Emergency Medicine 3 ACFI ACFI 1467-629X Accounting & Finance 4 APR APR 1911-3838 Accounting Perspectives

5 AAS AAS 1399-6576 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica

6 AYA AYA 2053-2733 Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances

7 AYB AYB 2052-5206 Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 8 AYC AYC 2053-2296 Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry

9 AYD AYD 2059-7983 Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology

10 AYF2 AYF2 2053-230X Acta crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications 11 ACGS ACGS 1755-6724 Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)

12 AOS AOS 1755-3768 Acta Ophthalmologica 13 APA APA 1651-2227 Acta Paediatrica 14 APHA APHA 1748-1716 Acta Physiologica

15 ACPS ACPS 1600-0447 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 16 AZO AZO 1463-6395 Acta Zoologica

17 ADD ADD 1360-0443 Addiction 18 E771 ADBI 2701-0198 Advanced Biology

19 ADC2 ADC2 2578-0727 Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems 20 2528 AENM 1614-6840 Advanced Energy Materials

21 2266 ADEM 1527-2648 Advanced Engineering Materials 22 2126 ADFM 1616-3028 Advanced Functional Materials 23 2087 ADHM 2192-2659 Advanced Healthcare Materials 24 2089 ADMA 1521-4095 Advanced Materials

25 E767 ADMT 2365-709X Advanced Materials Technologies 26 E298 ADOM 2195-1071 Advanced Optical Materials 27 E820 QUTE 2511-9044 Advanced Quantum Technologies 28 E769 ADSU 2366-7486 Advanced Sustainable Systems 29 2258 ADSC 1615-4169 Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 30 E343 ADTS 2513-0390 Advanced Theory and Simulations 31 E313 ADTP 2366-3987 Advanced Therapeutics 32 AET2 AET2 2472-5390 AEM Education and Training

33 ARBE ARBE 1467-6346 Africa Research Bulletin: Economic, Financial and Technical Series 34 ARBP ARBP 1467-825X Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series 35 AFDR AFDR 1467-8268 African Development Review

36 AJE AJE 1365-2028 African Journal of Ecology 37 AB AB 1098-2337 Aggressive Behavior 38 AGR AGR 1520-6297 Agribusiness

39 AFE AFE 1461-9563 Agricultural and Forest Entomology 40 AGEC AGEC 1574-0862 Agricultural Economics

41 AGJ2 AGJ2 1435-0645 Agronomy Journal 42 AIC AIC 1547-5905 AIChE Journal

43 ACER ACER 1530-0277 Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research 44 ADAW ADAW 1556-7591 Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly 45 APT APT 1365-2036 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 46 ALL ALL 1398-9995 Allergy

47 AMAN AMAN 1548-1433 American Anthropologist 48 ABLJ ABLJ 1744-1714 American Business Law Journal 49 AMET AMET 1548-1425 American Ethnologist

2024 Wiley Online Library Database Model List

Trang 2

52 AJB2 AJB2 1537-2197 American Journal of Botany

53 AJCP AJCP 1573-2770 American Journal of Community Psychology 54 AJES AJES 1536-7150 The American Journal of Economics and Sociology 55 AJH AJH 1096-8652 American Journal of Hematology

56 AJHB AJHB 1520-6300 American Journal of Human Biology 57 AJIM AJIM 1097-0274 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 58 AJMG AJMG 1552-4833 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

59 AJMB AJMB 1552-485X American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 60 AJMC AJMC 1552-4876 American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics 61 AJPS AJPS 1540-5907 American Journal of Political Science

62 AJP AJP 1098-2345 American Journal of Primatology

63 AJI AJI 1600-0897 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 64 AJAD AJAD 1521-0391 The American Journal on Addictions 65 ANAE ANAE 1365-2044 Anaesthesia

66 ANR3 ANR3 2637-3726 Anaesthesia Reports

67 ASAP ASAP 1530-2415 Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 68 E474 ANSE 2629-2742 Analysis & Sensing

69 PHIB PHIB 2153-960X Analytic Philosophy

70 AHE AHE 1439-0264 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 71 AR AR 1932-8494 The Anatomical Record 72 ASE ASE 1935-9780 Anatomical Sciences Education 73 ANDR ANDR 2047-2927 Andrology

74 2001 ANGE 1521-3757 Angewandte Chemie

75 2002 ANIE 1521-3773 Angewandte Chemie International Edition 76 ACV ACV 1469-1795 Animal Conservation

77 AGE AGE 1365-2052 Animal Genetics 78 ASJ ASJ 1740-0929 Animal Science Journal 79 2257 ANDP 1521-3889 Annalen der Physik

80 NAPA NAPA 2153-9588 Annals of Anthropological Practice 81 AAB AAB 1744-7348 Annals of Applied Biology 82 AHG AHG 1469-1809 Annals of Human Genetics 83 ANA ANA 1531-8249 Annals of Neurology

84 APCE APCE 1467-8292 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 85 NYAS NYAS 1749-6632 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 86 AEQ AEQ 1548-1492 Anthropology & Education Quarterly 87 ANHU ANHU 1548-1409 Anthropology and Humanism 88 ANOC ANOC 1556-3537 Anthropology of Consciousness 89 AWR AWR 1548-1417 Anthropology of Work Review 90 ANTH ANTH 1467-8322 Anthropology Today 91 ANTI ANTI 1467-8330 Antipode

92 ANS ANS 1445-2197 ANZ Journal of Surgery 93 AORN AORN 1878-0369 AORN Journal 94 APM APM 1600-0463 APMIS

95 ACP ACP 1099-0720 Applied Cognitive Psychology

96 AEPP AEPP 2040-5804 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 97 AOC AOC 1099-0739 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 98 APPS APPS 1464-0597 Applied Psychology

99 APHW APHW 1758-0854 Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being 100 E512 APPL 2702-4288 Applied Research

101 ASMB ASMB 1526-4025 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 102 AVSC AVSC 1654-109X Applied Vegetation Science

103 AQC AQC 1099-0755 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 104 AAE AAE 1600-0471 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy

Trang 3

107 ARCO ARCO 1834-4453 Archaeology in Oceania 108 ARCM ARCM 1475-4754 Archaeometry 109 AD AD 1554-2769 Architectural Design 110 2019 ARDP 1521-4184 Archiv der Pharmazie

111 ARCH ARCH 1520-6327 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 112 AREA AREA 1475-4762 Area

113 ART ART 2326-5205 Arthritis & Rheumatology 114 ACR ACR 2151-4658 Arthritis Care & Research 115 AOR AOR 1525-1594 Artificial Organs

116 APHR APHR 1744-7941 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 117 APV APV 1467-8373 Asia Pacific Viewpoint

118 ASEJ ASEJ 1467-8381 Asian Economic Journal 119 AEPR AEPR 1748-3131 Asian Economic Policy Review 120 ASJC ASJC 1934-6093 Asian Journal of Control 121 ASES ASES 1758-5910 Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery 122 2157 AJOC 2193-5815 Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 123 AJSP AJSP 1467-839X Asian Journal of Social Psychology 124 ASPP ASPP 1943-0787 Asian Politics & Policy

125 ASWP ASWP 1753-1411 Asian Social Work and Policy Review 126 APEL APEL 1467-8411 Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 127 AEHR AEHR 2832-157X Asia-Pacific Economic History Review 128 APJ APJ 1932-2143 Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering 129 AJCO AJCO 1743-7563 Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 130 AJFS AJFS 2041-6156 Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies 131 APPY APPY 1758-5872 Asia-Pacific Psychiatry

132 AU AU 1536-0725 Assessment Update 133 2228 ASNA 1521-3994 Astronomische Nachrichten 134 AEC AEC 1442-9993 Austral Ecology

135 AEN AEN 2052-1758 Austral Entomology

136 AJD AJD 1440-0960 Australasian Journal of Dermatology 137 AJUM AJUM 2205-0140 Australasian Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 138 AJAG AJAG 1741-6612 Australasian Journal on Ageing

139 ANZS ANZS 1467-842X Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 140 AUAR AUAR 1835-2561 Australian Accounting Review

141 ANZF ANZF 1467-8438 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy

142 AJO AJO 1479-828X Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 143 ADJ ADJ 1834-7819 Australian Dental Journal

144 AEPA AEPA 1467-8454 Australian Economic Papers 145 AERE AERE 1467-8462 The Australian Economic Review 146 AEJ AEJ 1747-4477 Australian Endodontic Journal

147 AJAR AJAR 1467-8489 The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 148 TAJA TAJA 1757-6547 The Australian Journal of Anthropology

149 AJPH AJPH 1467-8497 Australian Journal of Politics & History 150 AUPA AUPA 1467-8500 Australian Journal of Public Administration 151 AJR AJR 1440-1584 Australian Journal of Rural Health 152 AJS4 AJS4 1839-4655 Australian Journal of Social Issues 153 AOT AOT 1440-1630 Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 154 AVJ AVJ 1751-0813 Australian Veterinary Journal 155 AUR AUR 1939-3806 Autism Research

156 AWS2 AWS2 2577-8161 AWWA Water Science

157 BCPT BCPT 1742-7843 Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 158 BRE BRE 1365-2117 Basin Research

159 E811 BATT 2566-6223 Batteries & Supercaps

Trang 4

162 BIN BIN 1099-078X Behavioral Interventions 163 BSL BSL 1099-0798 Behavioral Sciences & The Law 164 2031 BEWI 1522-2365 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 165 2093 BEST 1437-1006 Beton- und Stahlbetonbau

166 BMB BMB 1539-3429 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 167 BEM BEM 1521-186X Bioelectromagnetics

168 BIES BIES 1521-1878 BioEssays 169 BIOE BIOE 1467-8519 Bioethics 170 BIOF BIOF 1872-8081 BioFactors

171 BBB BBB 1932-1031 Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 172 BRV BRV 1469-185X Biological Reviews

173 BOC BOC 1768-322X Biology of the Cell 174 BMC BMC 1099-0801 Biomedical Chromatography 175 2221 BIMJ 1521-4036 Biometrical Journal

176 BDD BDD 1099-081X Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 177 BIP BIP 1097-0282 Biopolymers

178 BAB BAB 1470-8744 Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 179 BIT BIT 1097-0290 Biotechnology and Bioengineering 180 2446 BIOT 1860-7314 Biotechnology Journal 181 BTPR BTPR 1520-6033 Biotechnology Progress 182 BTP BTP 1744-7429 Biotropica

183 BDI BDI 1399-5618 Bipolar Disorders 184 BIRT BIRT 1523-536X Birth

185 BDR BDR 2472-1727 Birth Defects Research

186 BJO BJO 1471-0528 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 187 BJU BJU 1464-410X BJU International

188 BAN BAN 1949-3215 Board & Administrator For Administrators Only 189 BL BL 1542-7862 Board Leadership

190 BERJ BERJ 1469-3518 British Educational Research Journal 191 BCP BCP 1365-2125 British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 192 BJC BJC 2044-8260 British Journal of Clinical Psychology 193 BJDP BJDP 2044-835X British Journal of Developmental Psychology 194 BJEP BJEP 2044-8279 British Journal of Educational Psychology 195 BJET BJET 1467-8535 British Journal of Educational Technology 196 BJH BJH 1365-2141 British Journal of Haematology 197 BJHP BJHP 2044-8287 British Journal of Health Psychology 198 BJIR BJIR 1467-8543 British Journal of Industrial Relations 199 BLD BLD 1468-3156 British Journal of Learning Disabilities 200 BJOM BJOM 1467-8551 British Journal of Management

201 BMSP BMSP 2044-8317 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 202 BPH BPH 1476-5381 British Journal of Pharmacology

203 BJOP BJOP 2044-8295 British Journal of Psychology 204 BJP BJP 1752-0118 British Journal of Psychotherapy 205 BJSO BJSO 2044-8309 British Journal of Social Psychology 206 BJOS BJOS 1468-4446 The British Journal of Sociology 207 BJSP BJSP 1467-8578 British Journal of Special Education

208 CPU CPU 1556-7567 The Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update 209 CBL CBL 1556-7575 The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter 210 PU PU 1556-7532 The Brown University Psychopharmacology Update 211 BOER BOER 1467-8586 Bulletin of Economic Research

212 BLAR BLAR 1470-9856 Bulletin of Latin American Research 213 E762 BKCS 1229-5949 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 214 BLMS BLMS 1469-2120 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

Trang 5

217 BSD2 BSD2 2572-3170 Business Strategy and Development 218 BSE BSE 1099-0836 Business Strategy and The Environment 219 CALA CALA 1945-6239 Campus Legal Advisor

220 CASR CASR 1945-6247 Campus Security Report

221 CAG CAG 1541-0064 Canadian Geographies / Géographies canadiennes

222 CJAS CJAS 1936-4490 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 223 CJAG CJAG 1744-7976 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie

224 CJCE CJCE 1939-019X The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering

225 CAJE CAJE 1540-5982 Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 226 CJS CJS 1708-945X The Canadian Journal of Statistics/La revue canadienne de statistique 227 CAPA CAPA 1754-7121 Canadian Public Administration

228 CARS CARS 1755-618X Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 229 CNCR CNCR 1097-0142 Cancer

230 CNCY CNCY 1934-6638 Cancer Cytopathology

231 CDQ CDQ 2161-0045 The Career Development Quarterly

232 CCD CCD 1522-726X Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 233 E774 CEPA 2509-7075 ce/papers

234 CBF CBF 1099-0844 Cell Biochemistry and Function 235 CBIN CBIN 1095-8355 Cell Biology International 236 CCHE CCHE 1943-3638 Cereal Chemistry 237 2268 CBIC 1439-7633 ChemBioChem 238 E326 CBEN 2196-9744 ChemBioEng Reviews 239 2491 CCTC 1867-3899 ChemCatChem

240 CBDD CBDD 1747-0285 Chemical Biology & Drug Design 241 2044 CEAT 1521-4125 Chemical Engineering & Technology 242 TCR TCR 1528-0691 The Chemical Record

243 2006 CIUZ 1521-3781 Chemie in unserer Zeit 244 2004 CITE 1522-2640 Chemie Ingenieur Technik 245 2111 CHEM 1521-3765 Chemistry - A European Journal 246 2451 ASIA 1861-471X Chemistry - An Asian Journal 247 2136 CBDV 1612-1880 Chemistry & Biodiversity 248 CIND CIND 2047-6329 Chemistry & Industry 257 E570 SYST 2570-4206 ChemSystemsChem 258 CFS CFS 1365-2206 Child & Family Social Work 259 CAR CAR 1099-0852 Child Abuse Review

260 CAMH CAMH 1475-3588 Child and Adolescent Mental Health 261 CDEV CDEV 1467-8624 Child Development

262 CDEP CDEP 1750-8606 Child Development Perspectives 263 CCH CCH 1365-2214 Child: Care, Health and Development 264 CHSO CHSO 1099-0860 Children & Society

265 CWE CWE 1749-124X China & World Economy 266 2434 CJOC 1614-7065 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 267 CHIR CHIR 1520-636X Chirality

268 CISO CISO 1548-744X City & Society 269 E403 CEND 2625-073X Civil Engineering Design

Trang 6

272 GAS GAS 2692-3823 Climate and Energy 273 CEA CEA 1365-2222 Clinical & Experimental Allergy 274 CEO CEO 1442-9071 Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology 275 CAP CAP 2163-0097 Clinical Advances in Periodontics 276 CA CA 1098-2353 Clinical Anatomy

277 CEN3 CEN3 1759-1961 Clinical and Experimental Neuroimmunology 278 CEP CEP 1440-1681 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 279 CEN CEN 1365-2265 Clinical Endocrinology

280 CGE CGE 1399-0004 Clinical Genetics

281 CID CID 1708-8208 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research 282 COB COB 1758-8111 Clinical Obesity

283 CLR CLR 1600-0501 Clinical Oral Implants Research 284 COA COA 1749-4486 Clinical Otolaryngology

285 CPT CPT 1532-6535 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 286 CPD3 CPD3 2160-7648 Clinical Pharmacology in Drug Development 287 CPF CPF 1475-097X Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging 288 CPP CPP 1099-0879 Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 289 TCT TCT 1743-498X The Clinical Teacher

290 CTR CTR 1399-0012 Clinical Transplantation 291 COGS COGS 1551-6709 Cognitive Science 292 CATL CATL 1943-7579 College Athletics and the Law 293 COL COL 1520-6378 Color Research and Application 294 COTE COTE 1478-4408 Coloration Technology 295 CODI CODI 1463-1318 Colorectal Disease

296 CPA CPA 1097-0312 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 297 CDOE CDOE 1600-0528 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology

298 CRF3 CRF3 1541-4337 Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 299 COIN COIN 1467-8640 Computational Intelligence

300 CAV CAV 1546-427X Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 301 CAE CAE 1099-0542 Computer Applications in Engineering Education 302 CGF CGF 1467-8659 Computer Graphics Forum

303 MICE MICE 1467-8667 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 304 CPE CPE 1532-0634 Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 305 CRQ CRQ 1541-1508 Conflict Resolution Quarterly

306 CGA CGA 1741-4520 Congenital Anomalies 307 COBI COBI 1523-1739 Conservation Biology 308 CONS CONS 1467-8675 Constellations

309 ARCP ARCP 2476-1281 Consumer Psychology Review 310 COD COD 1600-0536 Contact Dermatitis

311 CARE CARE 1911-3846 Contemporary Accounting Research 312 COEP COEP 1465-7287 Contemporary Economic Policy 313 2222 CTPP 1521-3986 Contributions to Plasma Physics

314 CORG CORG 1467-8683 Corporate Governance: An International Review 315 CPRT CPRT 1949-3207 Corporate Philanthropy Report

316 CSR CSR 1535-3966 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 317 CAPR CAPR 1746-1405 Counselling and Psychotherapy Research

318 CEAS CEAS 1556-6978 Counselor Education and Supervision 319 CAIM CAIM 1467-8691 Creativity and Innovation Management 320 CBM CBM 1471-2857 Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 321 CRIM CRIM 1745-9125 Criminology

322 CAPP CAPP 1745-9133 Criminology & Public Policy 323 CRIQ CRIQ 1467-8705 Critical Quarterly 324 CSC2 CSC2 1435-0653 Crop Science

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327 2223 CRAT 1521-4079 Crystal Research and Technology 328 CSAN CSAN 2325-3584 CSA News

329 CUAG CUAG 2153-9561 Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 330 CURA CURA 2151-6952 Curator: The Museum Journal

331 CURJ CURJ 1469-3704 The Curriculum Journal 332 CURT CURT 1467-8748 Curtis's Botanical Magazine 333 CYTO CYTO 1552-4930 Cytometry Part A

334 CYTB CYTB 1552-4957 Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry 335 CYT CYT 1365-2303 Cytopathology

336 CM CM 1949-3592 Cytoskeleton 337 DAP DAP 1943-7587 Dean and Provost 338 DECI DECI 1540-5915 Decision Sciences

339 DSJI DSJI 1540-4609 Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 340 EDT EDT 1600-9657 Dental Traumatology

341 DCH DCH 1936-4393 The Department Chair 342 DER2 DER2 2637-7489 Dermatological Reviews 343 DMJ DMJ 1948-7177 Design Management Journal 344 DREV DREV 1948-7169 Design Management Review 345 DEVE DEVE 1746-1049 The Developing Economies 346 DEWB DEWB 1471-8847 Developing World Bioethics 347 DECH DECH 1467-7660 Development and Change 348 DPR DPR 1467-7679 Development Policy Review

349 DGD DGD 1440-169X Development, Growth & Differentiation 350 DVDY DVDY 1097-0177 Developmental Dynamics

351 DMCN DMCN 1469-8749 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 352 NEU NEU 1932-846X Developmental Neurobiology

353 DEV DEV 1098-2302 Developmental Psychobiology 354 DESC DESC 1467-7687 Developmental Science 355 DOM DOM 1463-1326 Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 356 DMRR DMRR 1520-7560 Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 357 DME DME 1464-5491 Diabetic Medicine

358 DC DC 1097-0339 Diagnostic Cytopathology 359 DIAL DIAL 1540-6385 Dialog

360 TGER TGER 1756-1221 Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 361 DOME DOME 1949-3606 Digest of Middle East Studies 362 DEN DEN 1443-1661 Digestive Endoscopy

363 DHE DHE 1943-8001 Disability Compliance for Higher Education 364 DISA DISA 1467-7717 Disasters

365 DAR DAR 1465-3362 Drug and Alcohol Review 366 DDR DDR 1098-2299 Drug Development Research 367 DTA DTA 1942-7611 Drug Testing and Analysis 368 DYS DYS 1099-0909 Dyslexia

369 EIP EIP 1751-7893 Early Intervention in Psychiatry 370 EMED EMED 1468-0254 Early Medieval Europe

371 ESP ESP 1096-9837 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 372 EQE EQE 1096-9845 Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 373 EER2 EER2 2770-5706 Earthquake Engineering and Resilience 374 ECHO ECHO 1540-8175 Echocardiography

375 ECO ECO 1936-0592 Ecohydrology 376 EAP EAP 1939-5582 Ecological Applications 377 EEN EEN 1365-2311 Ecological Entomology

378 EMR EMR 1442-8903 Ecological Management & Restoration 379 ECM ECM 1557-7015 Ecological Monographs

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382 ELE ELE 1461-0248 Ecology Letters 383 EFF EFF 1600-0633 Ecology of Freshwater Fish 384 ECTA ECTA 1468-0262 Econometrica

385 ECAF ECAF 1468-0270 Economic Affairs 386 SEA2 SEA2 2330-4847 Economic Anthropology 387 EHR EHR 1468-0289 The Economic History Review 388 ECIN ECIN 1465-7295 Economic Inquiry

389 ECNO ECNO 1468-0300 Economic Notes 390 ECOL ECOL 1468-0319 Economic Outlook

391 ECPA ECPA 1759-3441 Economic Papers; A journal of applied economics and policy 392 ECOR ECOR 1475-4932 Economic Record

393 ECCA ECCA 1468-0335 Economica 394 ECPO ECPO 1468-0343 Economics & Politics

395 ECOT ECOT 2577-6983 Economics of Transition and Institutional Change 396 EREV EREV 1758-6623 The Ecumenical Review

397 EMIP EMIP 1745-3992 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 398 EDTH EDTH 1741-5446 Educational Theory

399 EEJ EEJ 1520-6416 Electrical Engineering in Japan 400 2049 ELAN 1521-4109 Electroanalysis

401 ISD2 ISD2 1681-4835 The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 402 ECJ ECJ 1942-9541 Electronics and Communications in Japan

403 2027 ELPS 1522-2683 Electrophoresis

404 EMM EMM 1742-6723 Emergency Medicine Australasia 405 EST2 EST2 2578-4862 Energy Storage

406 2198 ENTE 2194-4296 Energy Technology

407 EMT EMT 1945-6263 Enrollment Management Report 408 EEA EEA 1570-7458 Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 409 ENR ENR 1748-5967 Entomological Research

410 ENS ENS 1479-8298 Entomological Science

411 EM EM 1098-2280 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 412 EMI EMI 1462-2920 Environmental Microbiology

413 EET EET 1756-9338 Environmental Policy and Governance 414 EP EP 1944-7450 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 415 TQEM TQEM 1520-6483 Environmental Quality Management 416 TOX TOX 1522-7278 Environmental Toxicology

417 ETC ETC 1552-8618 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 418 ENV ENV 1099-095X Environmetrics

419 EPI EPI 1528-1167 Epilepsia 420 EPD2 EPD2 1950-6945 Epileptic Disorders 421 EPP EPP 1365-2338 EPPO Bulletin

422 EVE EVE 2042-3292 Equine Veterinary Education 423 EVJ EVJ 2042-3306 Equine Veterinary Journal 424 EAHR EAHR 2578-2363 Ethics & Human Research 425 ETH ETH 1439-0310 Ethology

426 ETHO ETHO 1548-1352 Ethos 427 EUCH EUCH 1746-692X EuroChoices

428 ERV ERV 1099-0968 European Eating Disorders Review 429 EUFM EUFM 1468-036X European Financial Management 430 ECI ECI 1365-2362 European Journal of Clinical Investigation 431 EJE EJE 1600-0579 European Journal of Dental Education 432 EJED EJED 1465-3435 European Journal of Education 433 EJH EJH 1600-0609 European Journal of Haematology 434 EJHF EJHF 1879-0844 European Journal of Heart Failure

Trang 9

437 2114 EJLT 1438-9312 European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 438 EJN EJN 1460-9568 European Journal of Neuroscience

439 EOS EOS 1600-0722 European Journal of Oral Sciences 440 2046 EJOC 1099-0690 European Journal of Organic Chemistry 441 EJP EJP 1532-2149 European Journal of Pain

442 EJOP EJOP 1468-0378 European Journal of Philosophy 443 EJPR EJPR 1475-6765 European Journal of Political Research

444 EPDY EPDY 2047-8852 European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 445 EJSP EJSP 1099-0992 European Journal of Social Psychology

446 EJSS EJSS 1365-2389 European Journal of Soil Science 447 EULJ EULJ 1468-0386 European Law Journal 448 EMRE EMRE 1740-4762 European Management Review 449 EPA2 EPA2 2380-6567 European Policy Analysis 450 EDE EDE 1525-142X Evolution & Development 451 EVAN EVAN 1520-6505 Evolutionary Anthropology 452 EXD EXD 1600-0625 Experimental Dermatology 453 EXSY EXSY 1468-0394 Expert Systems

454 FCSR FCSR 1552-3934 Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal 455 FCRE FCRE 1744-1617 Family Court Review

456 FAMP FAMP 1545-5300 Family Process 457 FARE FARE 1741-3729 Family Relations 458 FSB2 FSB2 1530-6860 The FASEB Journal

459 FFE FFE 1460-2695 Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 460 FEBS FEBS 1742-4658 The FEBS Journal

461 FEB2 FEB2 1873-3468 FEBS Letters 462 2243 FEDR 1522-239X Feddes Repertorium 463 FGC FGC 1949-3185 Federal Grants & Contracts 464 FEA2 FEA2 2643-7961 Feminist Anthropology

465 FAAM FAAM 1468-0408 Financial Accountability & Management 466 FIMA FIMA 1755-053X Financial Management

467 FMII FMII 1468-0416 Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 468 CFP2 CFP2 2573-8615 Financial Planning Review

469 FIRE FIRE 1540-6288 The Financial Review 470 FAM FAM 1099-1018 Fire and Materials 471 FISC FISC 1475-5890 Fiscal Studies 472 FAF FAF 1467-2979 Fish and Fisheries 473 FSH FSH 1548-8446 Fisheries

474 FME FME 1365-2400 Fisheries Management and Ecology 475 FOG FOG 1365-2419 Fisheries Oceanography 476 FFJ FFJ 1099-1026 Flavour and Fragrance Journal 477 FLAN FLAN 1944-9720 Foreign Language Annals 478 EFP EFP 1439-0329 Forest Pathology 479 2244 PROP 1521-3978 Fortschritte der Physik 480 FWB FWB 1365-2427 Freshwater Biology

481 FEE FEE 1540-9309 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 482 2293 FUCE 1615-6854 Fuel Cells

483 FEC FEC 1365-2435 Functional Ecology

484 FCP FCP 1472-8206 Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 485 FFO2 FFO2 2573-5152 Futures & Foresight Science 486 2250 GAMM 1522-2608 GAMM - Mitteilungen 487 GEND GEND 1468-0424 Gender & History

488 GWAO GWAO 1468-0432 Gender, Work & Organization 489 GENA GENA 1939-3466 General Anthropology

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492 DVG DVG 1526-968X genesis

493 GEPI GEPI 1098-2272 Genetic Epidemiology 494 GEA GEA 1520-6548 Geoarchaeology 495 GBI GBI 1472-4669 Geobiology 496 GEAN GEAN 1538-4632 Geographical Analysis 497 GEOJ GEOJ 1475-4959 The Geographical Journal 498 GEOR GEOR 1745-5871 Geographical Research 499 GEC3 GEC3 1749-8198 Geography Compass 500 GJ GJ 1099-1034 Geological Journal 501 GTO GTO 1365-2451 Geology Today

502 2478 GEOT 1865-7389 Geomechanics and Tunnelling 503 GPR GPR 1365-2478 Geophysical Prospecting

504 GGR GGR 1751-908X Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 505 2534 GETE 2190-6653 geotechnik

506 GGI GGI 1447-0594 Geriatrics & Gerontology International 507 GLAL GLAL 1468-0483 German Life and Letters

508 GEQU GEQU 1756-1183 The German Quarterly 509 GER GER 1741-2358 Gerodontology 510 GLIA GLIA 1098-1136 GLIA

511 GBC GBC 1944-9224 Global Biogeochemical Cycles

512 JOE JOE 1932-2062 Global Business and Organizational Excellence 513 GCB GCB 1365-2486 Global Change Biology

514 GEB GEB 1466-8238 Global Ecology and Biogeography 515 GLOB GLOB 1471-0374 Global Networks

516 GPOL GPOL 1758-5899 Global Policy 517 GSJ GSJ 2042-5805 Global Strategy Journal 518 GOVE GOVE 1468-0491 Governance

519 GFS GFS 1365-2494 Grass and Forage Science 520 GRS GRS 1744-697X Grassland Science

521 GHG3 GHG3 2152-3878 Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 522 GWAT GWAT 1745-6584 Groundwater

523 GWMR GWMR 1745-6592 Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 524 GROW GROW 1468-2257 Growth and Change

525 HAE HAE 1365-2516 Haemophilia 526 HAST HAST 1552-146X Hastings Center Report 527 HED HED 1097-0347 Head & Neck

528 HEAD HEAD 1526-4610 Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 529 HEC HEC 1099-1050 Health Economics

530 HIR HIR 1471-1842 Health Information and Libraries Journal 531 HPJA HPJA 2201-1617 Health Promotion Journal of Australia 532 HESR HESR 1475-6773 Health Services Research

533 HTJ HTJ 2688-4542 Heat Transfer 534 HEL HEL 1523-5378 Helicobacter 535 2217 HLCA 1522-2675 Helvetica Chimica Acta 536 HON HON 1099-1069 Hematological Oncology 537 HDI HDI 1542-4758 Hemodialysis International 538 HEPR HEPR 1872-034X Hepatology Research 539 HEYJ HEYJ 1468-2265 The Heythrop Journal 540 HEQU HEQU 1468-2273 Higher Education Quarterly 541 HIPO HIPO 1098-1063 Hippocampus

542 HIS HIS 1365-2559 Histopathology 543 HIST HIST 1468-229X History 544 HITH HITH 1468-2303 History and Theory

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547 TAN TAN 2059-2310 HLA: Immune Response Genetics 548 HOJO HOJO 2059-1101 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice

549 HFM HFM 1520-6564 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 550 HUP HUP 1099-1077 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental

551 HRDQ HRDQ 1532-1096 Human Resource Development Quarterly 552 HRM HRM 1099-050X Human Resource Management 553 HRMJ HRMJ 1748-8583 Human Resource Management Journal 554 HYP HYP 1099-1085 Hydrological Processes

555 IBI IBI 1474-919X Ibis

556 TEE TEE 1931-4981 IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 557 IMR IMR 1600-065X Immunological Reviews

558 IMM IMM 1365-2567 Immunology

559 IMCB IMCB 1440-1711 Immunology & Cell Biology 560 INPR INPR 2042-7689 In Practice

561 IIS2 IIS2 2334-5837 INCOSE International Symposium 562 IREL IREL 1468-232X Industrial Relations

563 IRJ IRJ 1468-2338 Industrial Relations Journal 564 INFA INFA 1532-7078 Infancy

565 ICD ICD 1522-7219 Infant and Child Development 566 IMHJ IMHJ 1097-0355 Infant Mental Health Journal 567 ISJ ISJ 1365-2575 Information Systems Journal 568 ICAD ICAD 1752-4598 Insect Conservation and Diversity 569 IMB IMB 1365-2583 Insect Molecular Biology 570 INS INS 1744-7917 Insect Science 571 INST INST 2156-4868 INSIGHT

572 IEAM IEAM 1551-3793 Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 573 INZ2 INZ2 1749-4877 Integrative Zoology

574 ISAF ISAF 2160-0074 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 575 IMJ IMJ 1445-5994 Internal Medicine Journal

576 IERE IERE 1468-2354 International Economic Review 577 IEJ IEJ 1365-2591 International Endodontic Journal 578 INFI INFI 1468-2362 International Finance

579 ALR ALR 2042-6984 International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology 580 IIR IIR 1099-1107 International Insolvency Review

581 NAG NAG 1096-9853 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 582 CNM CNM 2040-7947 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 583 NME NME 1097-0207 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 584 FLD FLD 1097-0363 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 585 ACS ACS 1099-1115 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 586 IJAC IJAC 1744-7402 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 587 IJAG IJAG 2041-1294 International Journal of Applied Glass Science 588 IJAL IJAL 1473-4192 International Journal of Applied Linguistics

589 APS APS 1556-9187 International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies 590 JADE JADE 1476-8070 International Journal of Art & Design Education 591 IJAU IJAU 1099-1123 International Journal of Auditing

592 IJC IJC 1097-0215 International Journal of Cancer 593 KIN KIN 1097-4601 International Journal of Chemical Kinetics

594 CTA CTA 1097-007X International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 595 JOC JOC 1097-0088 International Journal of Climatology

596 DAC DAC 1099-1131 International Journal of Communication Systems 597 IJCS IJCS 1470-6431 International Journal of Consumer Studies 598 ICS ICS 1468-2494 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 599 IDT IDT 1471-0307 International Journal of Dairy Technology

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602 JDN JDN 1873-474X International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 603 EAT EAT 1098-108X International Journal of Eating Disorders

604 IJET IJET 1742-7363 International Journal of Economic Theory 605 IEP IEP 1365-2613 International Journal of Experimental Pathology 606 IJFE IJFE 1099-1158 International Journal of Finance & Economics 607 IJFS IJFS 1365-2621 International Journal of Food Science & Technology 608 GPS GPS 1099-1166 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 609 IJGO IJGO 1879-3479 International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

610 HPM HPM 1099-1751 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 611 IMA IMA 1098-1098 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 612 IJI IJI 1744-313X International Journal of Immunogenetics

613 IJLH IJLH 1751-553X International Journal of Laboratory Hematology

614 JLCD JLCD 1460-6984 International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 615 IJMR IJMR 1468-2370 International Journal of Management Reviews

616 RCS RCS 1478-596X The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery 617 INM INM 1447-0349 International Journal of Mental Health Nursing

618 NEM NEM 1099-1190 International Journal of Network Management

619 JNM JNM 1099-1204 International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 620 IJNT IJNT 2047-3095 International Journal of Nursing Knowledge

621 IJN IJN 1440-172X International Journal of Nursing Practice 622 OPN OPN 1748-3743 International Journal of Older People Nursing 623 OA OA 1099-1212 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 624 IPD IPD 1365-263X International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 625 IJOP IJOP 1464-066X International Journal of Psychology 626 QUA QUA 1097-461X International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 627 APL APL 1756-185X International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases 628 RNC RNC 1099-1239 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control

629 SAT SAT 1542-0981 International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking 630 IJSA IJSA 1468-2389 International Journal of Selection and Assessment

631 IJSW IJSW 1468-2397 International Journal of Social Welfare 632 IJST IJST 1468-2400 International Journal of Systematic Theology 633 JTR JTR 1522-1970 International Journal of Tourism Research 634 IJTD IJTD 1468-2419 International Journal of Training and Development 635 IJUR IJUR 1468-2427 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 636 IJUN IJUN 1749-771X International Journal of Urological Nursing 637 IJU IJU 1442-2042 International Journal of Urology 638 ILR ILR 1564-913X International Labour Review 639 IMIG IMIG 1468-2435 International Migration 640 INR INR 1466-7657 International Nursing Review 641 IRFI IRFI 1468-2443 International Review of Finance 642 2246 IROH 1522-2632 International Review of Hydrobiology 643 IROM IROM 1758-6631 International Review of Mission 644 ISSJ ISSJ 1468-2451 International Social Science Journal 645 ISSR ISSR 1468-246X International Social Security Review 646 INSR INSR 1751-5823 International Statistical Review

647 ITOR ITOR 1475-3995 International Transactions in Operational Research 648 ITL2 ITL2 2476-1508 Internet Technology Letters

649 IVB IVB 1744-7410 Invertebrate Biology 650 NEWE NEWE 2573-2331 IPPR Progressive Review 651 IRD IRD 1531-0361 Irrigation and Drainage 652 IAR IAR 1440-1738 Island Arc

653 2525 IJCH 1869-5868 Israel Journal of Chemistry 654 IUB IUB 1521-6551 IUBMB Life

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