51.1 The definition of the control and automatic control system ...51.2 The structure of a typical automatic control system ...71.3 Difference between closed-loop and open-loop system ..
VÕ MINH NHỰTStudent ID: 19161042
Advisor: VŨ VĂN PHONG, PhD
Ho Chi Minh City, June 2022
VÕ MINH NHỰTStudent ID: 19161042
Advisor: VŨ VĂN PHONG, PhD
Ho Chi Minh City, June 2022
Trang 3Table of Contents
TASK 1: Basic concepts of the Automatic Control System 5
1.1 The definition of the control and automatic control system 5
1.2 The structure of a typical automatic control system 7
1.3 Difference between closed-loop and open-loop system 9
1.4 Consider the liquid-level control system in Fig.5, please list the components of this system and make block diagram of this system This system is open-loop or closed-loop system? 11
TASK 2: Mathematical Model 11
2.1 Block Diagram 11
2.2Using Matlab to find the closed-loop transfer function 12
2.3 State-space equation 14
TASK 3: Transient Response and stability Analysis 17
3.1 Analyse the behaviour and response of the first-order system as follow: 17
3.2 Consider the Hubbe Space Telescope is modelled in Fig.8 Analyse the behavior and response of this system .18
3.3 Taken into account the following system 20
3.4 Consider the Disk Drive Read System in Figure 9 22
TASK 4: PID Controller Design 25
4.1 Please explain 25
4.2 Let us consider the following system 31
4.3 Consider a system in the following figure 39
4.4 The DC Motor in Fig.31 is modelled in the following transfer function 42
Reference 45
Trang 4Table of Figure and Table
Figure 1 Figure of Task 1 5
Figure 2 A control system 5
Figure 3 Automobile interior cabin temperature control system 7
Figure 4 The structure of automatic control system 7
Figure 5 11
Figure 6 Block Digram of system Fig 5 11
Figure 7 Structure of Pneumatic System 12
Figure 8 Block diagram of Pneumatic system 12
Figure 9 13
Figure 10 Using Matlab to determine the transfer function 13
Figure 11 Enter Transfer funtion into Matlab 14
Figure 12 Mechanical system 14
Figure 13 Simulate System with Simulink 15
Figure 14 Simulate System with Simulink 15
Figure 15 The Waveform in Simulink 16
Figure 16 Simulate with Simulink 17
Figure 17 Simulate the system in Matlab with unity step signal 18
Figure 18 Block diagram of the system 20
Figure 19 21
Figure 20 Plot the poles and zeros 21
Figure 21 22
Figure 22 22
Figure 23 The mathematical form of PID algorithm 26
Figure 24 P-control behavior is mathematically illustrated 27
Figure 25 P-controller output for step input 28
Figure 26 I-control behavior is mathematically illustrated 29
Figure 27 I-controller output for step input .30
Figure 28 D-control behavior is mathematically illustrated 30
Figure 29 D-controller output for step input 31
Figure 30 Blcok Diagram of this system 31
Figure 32 Block Diagram of the system 39
Figure 31 Model of the DC Motor with the inertial load 42
Table 1 Comparison chart 10
Trang 5TASK 1: Basic concepts of the Automatic Control System
Figure 1 Figure of Task 1Before studying the automatic control system, there are several concepts of controlfiled that need to understand clearly The requirements for this task are that students have
to answer the following questions:
1.1 The definition of the control and automatic control system
Please provide the definition of the control and automatic control; and give a realspecific example of automatic control
What is a control system?
A control system is a system capable of monitoring and regulating the operation of aprocess or a plant The study of control system is essentially a study of an importantaspect of systems engineering and its applications A control system consists ofsubsystems and processes (or plants) assembled for the purpose of controlling the outputs
of the process For example, a furnace produces heat as a result of the flow of fuel In thisprocess, flow of fuel in the input, and heat to be controlled is the output
Figure 2 A control systemThere are two common classes of control systems, with many variations andcombinations: logic or sequential controls, and feedback or linear controls There is also
Trang 6fuzzy logic, which attempts to combine some of the design simplicity of logic with theutility of linear control Some devices or systems are inherently not controllable.What is a automatic control system?
In a manual control system a machine will be operated by a person but in the case of
an automatic control system machine will do the operation automatically The automaticcontrol system has a controller so it can perform the operation on its own Basically, thecontrol system is a combination of elements and subsystem which needs to maintain aquantity The control system can maintain a process with the help of feedback control,this would help to maintain the specific variables close to the required values So thecontrol system can meet the requirement of the process by adjusting the selectedvariables in the system The feedback control can make use of an output of the system toinfluence the input of the same system The automatic control system would haveelectronic equipment and it uses current and voltage to communicate Control will beimplemented in the sensors, valves, and other equipment in the process
The automatic control system will use, for the regulation and quality control ofprocesses and the environment The control system is used in many industrial processes,
a process is a device, plant, or system which is under control The process control is done
by a control system, the control system would convert the variable to the requiredvariable There are manual and automatic control systems if a human operator is required
to give input throughout the process then it is manual control In an automatic controlsystem, there will be a controller which can replace the human operator and this will bevery useful and this controller is set to control the process accurately In most cases, thefunction of the control system is to control the physical variables such as temperature,voltage, frequency, flow rate, current, position, speed, etc, and all these are called thecontrolled variables[1]
Example: Automobile interior cabin temperature control system
Many luxury automobiles have thermostatically controlled air-conditioning systemsfor the comfort of the passengers Sketch a block diagram of an air-conditioning systemwhere the driver sets the desired interior temperature on a dashboard panel Identify thefuntion of each element of the thermostatically controlled cooling system[2]
Trang 7Figure 3 Automobile interior cabin temperature control system1.2 The structure of a typical automatic control system
Please describe the structure of a typical automatic control system Please list thetypical components and their function?
The structure of a typical automatic control system include block controller, sensor,actor, and plant
Figure 4 The structure of automatic control system
In the controlled behaviour approach the model describes the behaviour of the plantand the controller joined together For the implementation the control algorithm has to beextracted from the combined model
Trang 8The logic controller approach tries to define the inputoutput behaviour of thecontroller, which satisfies all the system requirements Using this method the controlprogram can be deduced directly from the obtained I/Obehaviour This approach leads tothe physical implementation of the control program, but simulation is required to validatethe closed-loop behaviour.
The control theoretic approach has been investigated by numerous research teamsand is getting more and more popular The approach adopts the controller synthesisparadigm from control theory for continuous systems A decomposition of an automationsystem leads to a structure very similar to a control loop in control engineering (Fig 4).The approach is based on separate models of plant and controller[3]
The typical components and their function?
Automatic control systems may be classified as servo-mechanisms, process controlsystems and regulators, but whatever the classification be, the same principles ofoperation are common to them all Every ACS should contain five main components.They are: a driver or reference input, an error detector, control elements, a controlledquantity and feedback path elements The basic control system operation may bedescribed by the simple block diagram[4]:
The reference input or driver sets the desired level or position of controlled quantity
C in this system The controlled quantity C is the resulting level or position of variableparameter, which is the position to be controlled by this ACS The feedback pathelements H supply a feedback signal B that indicates the level of the controlled quantity
C The error detector receives the feedback signal B and compares it with the inputcommand signal R; any error (or difference between B and R) produces an output or
Trang 9resulting signal E Control elements G receive, amplify and transform the output signal E
to maintain the controlled quantity at the desires level[4]
1.3 Difference between closed-loop and open-loop system
Basis For
Open Loop System Closed Loop System
Definition The system whose
control action is free fromthe output is known as theopen loop control system
In closed loop, theoutput depends on thecontrol action of thesystem
Other Name Non-feedback
Construction Simple Complex
Reliability Non-reliable Reliable
Accuracy Depends on
Accurate because offeedback
Stability Stable Less Stable
Optimization Not-Possible Possible
Calibration Difficult Easy
Affected Not-affected
Trang 10Linearity Non-linear Linear
Examples Traffic light,
automatic washingmachine, immersion rod,
TV remote etc
Air conditioner,temperature controlsystem, speed andpressure control system,refrigerator, toaster
Table 1 Comparison chartExample for Open Loop Control System:
The automatic washing machine is the example of the open loop system Theoperator manually sets the operating time of the machine The machine stops operatingafter the set time, even the desire cleanliness of clothes are not obtained This happensbecause the machine has no feedback system which signals the control action of thesystem for desired output
Example for Closed Loop Control System:
Suppose in the above example of closed dryer we are using the transducer whichsenses the dryness of the clothes and provides the feedback signal to the controllerrelating to dryness Here the dryness is the output of the system The sensor act as afeedback of the system The sensor gives the signal to the controller of the machine, andhence the dryer provides the desired output
Trang 18Figure 17 Simulate the system in Matlab with unity step signal3.2 Consider the Hubbe Space Telescope is modelled in Fig.8 Analyse thebehavior and response of this system.
Fig 8: The block-diagram of the systemIgnore the effect of disturbance, please determine the transfer functionbetween Y(s) and R(s)
Trang 19K= ωn =2.1025
�1=2�� =1.5�With obtained K and K1, please find the steady state error with unity stepsignal
11+ �(�)=0.5Simulating the system in Matlab with input is unity step signal
Trang 203.3 Taken into account the following system
Figure 18 Block diagram of the system
• Find the poles and zeros of the closed-loop system in Figure 18
A(s)B(s)The poles: B(s) = 0
Trang 21Figure 19
Figure 20 Plot the poles and zeros
• Based on the position of poles on complex plane, please check the stability of thesystem
Because the poles of the transfer function are all to the left of the complexplane ( s = -2; -0.5 +1.323j; -0.5-1.232j)
→ the transfer function is stable
• Simulate the system with unity step input by Matlab/Simulink Comment theobtained results
Trang 22Figure 21
Figure 22
→ The transfer function is stable, according to the results Although it willtake a long time to stabilize (it takes up to 15 seconds for the transfer function tobecome stable)
3.4 Consider the Disk Drive Read System in Figure 9
Fig 9: Disk drive read system
Trang 24Choose Kp = 20 and Kp = 100
+ Kp = 20
Trang 25+ Kp = 100
→ Evaluate the stability of the system with P controller:According to Hurwitz criterion for the system to be stable, K must be less than 84 and greater than 0
Routh-We discover that the system is unstable when K is bigger than 84 (exactly equal to 100)
As a result, the PID controller is very important balancing the stable system
TASK 4: PID Controller Design
4.1 Please explain
What is the PID controller?
A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller or three-term controller)
is a control loop mechanism employing feedback that is widely used in industrial controlsystems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control APID controller continuously calculates an error value e(t) as the difference between adesired setpoint (SP) and a measured process variable (PV) and applies a correctionbased on proportional, integral, and derivative terms (denoted P, I, and D respectively),hence the name
It is important to note that cost benefit ratio obtained through the PID controller isdifficult to achieve by other controllers It is found that 97% of the regulatory controllers
in industry use PID algorithm The PID controller is popularly known as three termcontroller- the Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D) The desired closed-loopsystem performance can be achieved with an appropriate adjustment of controller settings.This procedure is known as controller tuning Hundreds of tools, methods and theories
Trang 26are available for tuning the PID controller However, finding optimal parameters for thePID controller is still a tricky task, in practice still the trial and error method is used fortuning process by the control engineers The controller can provide optimized controlaction, and minimized error performance with optimum tuning of the three parameters inthe PID controller algorithm The mathematical form of PID algorithm is represented inFig.23 [5].
Figure 23 The mathematical form of PID algorithm
In practical terms, PID automatically applies an accurate and responsive correction
to a control function An everyday example is the cruise control on a car, whereascending a hill would lower speed if constant engine power were applied Thecontroller's PID algorithm restores the measured speed to the desired speed with minimaldelay and overshoot by increasing the power output of the engine in a controlled manner.The roles of the P, I, D of PID control in the control system
Proportional (P) Control:
One type of action used in PID controllers is the proportional control Proportionalcontrol is a form of feedback control It is the simplest form of continuous control thatcan be used in a closed-looped system P-only control minimizes the fluctuation in theprocess variable, but it does not always bring the system to the desired set point Itprovides a faster response than most other controllers, initially allowing the P-onlycontroller to respond a few seconds faster However, as the system becomes morecomplex (i.e more complex algorithm) the response time difference could accumulate,allowing the P-controller to possibly respond even a few minutes faster Although the P-only controller does offer the advantage of faster response time, it produces deviationfrom the set point This deviation is known as the offset, and it is usually not desired in aprocess The existence of an offset implies that the system could not be maintained at thedesired set point at steady state It is analogous to the systematic error in a calibrationcurve, where there is always a set, constant error that prevents the line from crossing theorigin The offset can be minimized by combining P-only control with another form ofcontrol, such as I- or D- control It is important to note, however, that it is impossible to