1 - Logo of “Travel Technology Company Limited”In the world, the trend of virtual reality tourism has developed strongly, Vietnam has also been in harmony with this technology flow.. Tha
1 Nguyễn Công Lại - 221A140476
2 Lý Quốc Toàn - 221A140391
3 Lương Gia Khang - 221A140502
4 Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu - 221A140632
Lecturer: PhD(c) MA Nguyễn Trường Giang
HCMC, April 2024
2 Nguyễn Công Lại - 221A140476
2 Lý Quốc Toàn - 221A140391
3 Lương Gia Khang - 221A140502
4 Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu - 221A140632
Lecturer: PhD(c) MA Nguyễn Trường Giang
Trang 3We would like to show my special thank to Van Hien University for giving us a crucialopportunity to have a special journey in this subject - Business English Especially, ourfinal essay could not have been completed without the huge contribution of Mr NguyenTruong Giang, our lecturer, who gave us valuable instructions, ideas, advice, andmaterials such as how to send a formal email, write a CV or how to create a completesurvey for a business,… Therefore, much of my gratitude to Mr Giang, you havebelieved in our ability to finish this subject Furthermore, we could not have completedthis subject without the support of our classmates Also, However, our knowledge andskills in this subject are still limited Thus, it is difficult for our essay to avoid errors Wehope you will review and give us feedback to help us improve our essay Finally, we wishall teachers good health and much success in their work.
Trang 4I Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION………
1 Business philosophy of “Travel Technology Company Limited”
1.1 TECHTRAVEL’s Mission and Vision
1.2 Strategic orientation of TECHTRAVEL
2 Target Products
3 Market Segmentation
4 Analysis of Competitors
5 Working environment in TECHTRAVEL
6 Customer Survey Form
Trang 51 “Travel Technology Company Limited” - TECHTRAVEL
2 “Agmented Reality” - AR
3 “Virtual Reality” - VR
4 “Artificial Intelligence” - AI
Trang 6
Trang 7
Trang 8Fig 1 - Logo of “Travel Technology Company Limited”
In the world, the trend of virtual reality tourism has developed strongly, Vietnam has alsobeen in harmony with this technology flow After a long period of research, statistic andpolling opinion of more than 2000 households from online surveys via links, we havebeen finding that the number of people who do not have much time to travel, who do notdare to set foot in those places for fear that it is not like reality accounts for 70% Thatshows that the attractiveness of the virtual reality tourism industry will definitely attract alarge number of tourists who want to try a new form of tourism thanks to 4.0 technology
From here, it opens up opportunities for “Travel Technology Company Limited”.
“Travel Technology Company Limited”, abbreviated name is TECHTRAVEL that isthe most ideal place to help the customers turn the impossible into possible, that is, theycan travel with virtual reality technology using the 3D world in their own homes Thehead office is located in 572 Au Co, Ward 10, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam TECHTRAVEL was founded by entrepreneur Nguyen Cong Lai in 2022,starting as a small trading company After more than two years of development,
TECHTRAVEL expands its operations throughout Vietnam, focus on the field of virtual
reality tourism services and providing 4.0 technology equipment
Hotline: 0369 761 580 – 0367 564 987
Trang 9 Email: techtravel2 2 @gmail.com
Website: www.techtravel.vn
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/CTTNHHCONGNGHEDULICH/
Trang 101 Business philosophy of “Travel Technology Company Limited”
In today's dynamic world overflowing with travel possibilities, our technology travelcompany stands apart with a philosophy that empowers exploration through innovation
We do not believe technology should replace the inherent magic of travel, but ratherenhance and personalize the journey for every adventurer Our core principle revolvesaround creating seamless experiences that drive your interest in travel
1.1 TECHTRAVEL’s Mission and Vision
Vision : By 2030, TECHTRAVEL will become a leading technology company with areputation and position specializing in providing technology solutions, and scientificand technical equipment that has pioneered virtual reality applications in the field oftourism in Vietnam, ready for regional integration and access to the world
Mission : Promote domestic tourism, bring customers the best quality virtual tourismproducts, bring Vietnam's tourist destinations around the world for more people toknow, bring customers solutions such as virtual reality tourism, equipment, ARtechnology, VR, 3D simulation technology help customers improve efficiency andexpand business, catch up with the market, especially in the digital age "For a betterlife for Vietnamese people"
1.2 Strategic orientation of TECHTRAVEL
Effortless Planning : We leverage cutting-edge technology to streamline the travelplanning process, offering a user-friendly platform that feels like an extension of yourtravel desires Forget the days of endlessly searching through countless websites –our intelligent tools become your travel companions, curating personalized itinerariesbased on your preferences, interests, and budget Imagine a platform that understandsyour penchant for hidden gems and suggests off-the-beaten-path destinations you
Trang 11never knew existed, or one that recommends local festivals that perfectly align withyour cultural curiosity
Hyper-Personalization with AI : We recognize that travel is not a one-size-fits-allexperience Our AI engine goes beyond simple recommendations, taking the time totruly understand your travel style Whether you crave adrenaline-pumping adventures
or immersive cultural experiences, our platform learns your preferences and tailorssuggestions to create a trip that feels uniquely yours
Bridging the Gap with AR Exploration : We believe in bridging the gap between thedigital world and the physical one, and that's where Augmented Reality (AR) comes
in Imagine exploring a bustling city through your phone's lens, where historicallandmarks come alive with interactive overlays that paint a picture of their rich past
AR technology allows you to virtually preview potential accommodations before youbook, ensuring your chosen haven perfectly matches your vision
Sustainable Travel Advocacy : Technology empowers us to make informed decisions,and that's especially true when it comes to travel Our platform integrates eco-friendly options seamlessly, highlighting sustainable travel practices like carbonoffsetting initiatives and locally-owned businesses committed to responsible tourism
We believe in exploring the world while leaving a positive footprint
Community Connection : Travel is not just about the destinations, it's about theconnections you make along the way Our platform fosters a thriving community oflike-minded adventurers Share your experiences, discover hidden gems throughuser-generated content, and connect with travel buddies who share your passions forspecific regions or activities
-> We envision technology as a powerful tool that unlocks the transformative potential oftravel By seamlessly blending innovation with a deep respect for cultural authenticityand environmental responsibility, we aim to guide you on unforgettable journeys thatcreate lasting memories and broaden your horizons So, pack your bags, embrace theunknown, and let us be your partner in crafting a travel experience that is uniquely yours
Trang 12“TECHTRAVEL” – Virtual reality travel software and services" Visitors can
experience the service right at our company with the address above, we have preparedtechnology devices to support this trip into the 3D world For cu0stomers in otherprovinces and cities who cannot come to the company, you do not need to worry aboutgeographical distance anymore, TECHTRAVEL is confident with the advantage of adynamic, creative, and non-stop staff, a professional team of transporting VR technologyequipment to customers and all devices will be guided in the most detailed way to helpyou do the impossible is to travel in your room VR devices are used to create virtualenvironments that are similar or completely different from the real world and allow users
to interact with this environment through senses such as sight, hearing, and even touch
VR technology has significantly developed in the recent decade and is widely applied inmany fields such as entertainment, education, healthcare, industry, design, and training.The virtual reality technology products that will accompany you on your tour in thisvirtual world will be the most modern and advanced equipment such as:
Virtual Reality Headsets: These are devices worn on the head and experience VRthrough displaying 3D images directly in front of the user's eyes The most popular
VR headsets include the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, and Oculus Quest
VR Hand Controllers: These are handheld devices or gloves that allow users tointeract with the virtual environment by controlling hand movements and gestures.They help reproduce the movement of the user's hands into the virtual environment,making the VR experience more realistic
Motion Tracking Devices: To track the user's movements in 3D space
Room-Scale Tracking Devices: To expand the range of movement and interaction inthe user's physical space in a virtual environment
Additional input tools: In addition to headsets and hands, other additional equipmentsuch as VR consoles, haptic feedback backpacks, and other devices are alsodeveloped to improve the interactivity and realism of the VR experience
Trang 13Fig 2 Products
3 Market Segmentation
Most people’s entire behavior and lifestyles have changed as a consequence of theCOVID–19 outbreak Around the world, companies and industries have been confrontedwith the possibility of a capital flow recession Due to this global pandemic, someestablished enterprises have had to go to bankrupt and farewell to the commercial market
in which they had once succeeded To minimize the spread of illnesses, people areencouraged to stay indoors and avoid traveling and going outside It is also the right time
Trang 14for customers to consider adopting actual travel technology to visit well-knownVietnamese tourist places, therefore TECHTRAVEL is dedicated to providing all clientswho approach us for VR reality travel services with the best quality service However,most of the customers that we aim to serve are married individuals with stable jobs whocan afford our services We also do not forget about the customers who are adventureseekers but find it challenging to travel because of their difficult job schedules So, thebusinesses in our group companies have a wide range of objectives aimed at all clients inall locations and lifestyles for those people who want to experience our services:
Urban area tourism : Targeting urban customers, our company will provide VR travelservice experiences of cities and famous locations in cities across Vietnam All theplaces that they had never been before to see the beauty of it
Rural area tourism : Targeting rural customers, who want to experience rural areas,beautiful natural places that are friendly to the environment It is also a suitable placefor those people who want a quiet place
Explore rare places : Target customers with high curiosity who like to explore obscureplaces, difficult and dangerous without worrying about the risks Because our safetyprocedure will do all the work
Interest in history and culture : Target customers with a special interest in the historyand culture of well-known places such as historical museums, war trophies, andancient villages They wanted to learn about the story behind it, to see how theirforefathers fought to keep the country in peace
Interest in the environment and sustainability : Target customers who care aboutenvironmental protection, creating virtual experiences related to sustainable tourism,green technology, and exploring natural areas that are beautiful and do not harm theenvironment
4 Analysis of competitors
Trang 15In today’s development era, virtual reality tourism is an industry that is graduallybecoming popular and has many promises for a development in the future But like everyother industry, V.R tourism also faces with many challenges, competitors in the market,such as competition among companies that are running this V.R tourism industry Thecompetition between V.R travel companies illustrates the attractiveness of the tourismindustry in general and V.R reality tourism in particular Beside, it also let us knows thefierceness between companies that are striving to create quality products for customers tohave a best experience Up til now, there are only two companies runs the model ofvirtual reality travel that are said to be powerful and get attention from many customersare: TECHTRAVEL – our company And on the other side, our main competitor is
VIETTECH Thus, we have to be wary and compete with that company if we want to be
at the top The following is a table of the main factors that the two companies arecompeting with in the field of virtual reality tourism:
Platform q uality Both ensure to provide a smooth, authentic, and engaging user experience, high
resolution, high frame rate, good UI design, and good interoperability
Price and v alue o ffer Has a "cheaper" price Has a "higher" cost
Target audience and
- Reach out to more customers
- Focus on the target group aged 15-60
Limit the number of interested peopleserved Only available to people 20years of age or older
Trang 16Marketing strategy
and distributing
There is a team of professional,dedicated personnel who activelypromote online and in person Createunique, attractive programs
Marketing and promotion are notoutstanding
There aren't many loyalty programs for
Supporting c ustomers
Quickly solve all questions, and allproblems arising during the process ofcustomers using the service
Judged to solve problems quite slowly and unprofessionally
5 Working environment in TECHTRAVEL
Professional working environmen t: We always ensure honesty, confidence, andresponsibility and motivate employees to have the opportunity to develop themselves
to become better versions day by day as well as their skills in dealing with customers
Location : Regarding the working environment for employees in the company, ourcompany headquarters is located right in front of 572 Au Co, Ward 10, Tan BinhDistrict, Ho Chi Minh City
Place : District where the traffic location is quite stable, convenient, and very easy toget to Come across our company, there is also a full range of convenient servicessuch as hospitals, restaurants, convenience stores, etc