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Throughout my time at National Economics University, I gained the attentionand support of numerous organizations, individuals, and teachers both inside andoutside the university Because of them, I had the most wonderful time of myuniversity life, filled with vivid and delightful memories
As a result, I would like to begin by thanking all the lecturers who haveenthusiastically guided and taught me the knowledge over the last three years I'd like
to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Dr Tran Thi Dan Huyen, who actively led andaided me with responsibility and passion during my internship and thesis writing
I would like to thank Mr Do Duc Bao (Director), Mr Ngo Van Thai (BusinessManager) and Ms Do Khanh Linh (HR Manager) of LTV Company for supportingand facilitating my experience in real-world employment, the opportunity to applytheoretical knowledge to reality, and the provision of critical information and data forthe research process Furthermore, I would like to thank all the employees andmanagers at LTV Company for helping me whenever it was required Without theirwilling assistance, I would not have been able to finish my internship
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The primary goal of this research was to thoroughly investigate the factorsinfluencing the work motivation of LTV Company salespeople This descriptive studylooked at the effects of various variables on employee motivation (Job Satisfaction,Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation, Organizational Commitment, andCompensation) The previous literature was analyzed and reviewed to highlight some
of the key issues addressed in this research The inquiry was conducted in a rationaland analytical manner, with questionnaires used to conduct a survey The study'ssample size was 31 people According to the findings, all five factors included in theresearch, including job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation,organizational commitment, and compensation, have a significant relationship withsalespeople's performance; however, some elements in each factor discourage theirworking motivation Finally, the survey results are discussed to make somerecommendations for improving work motivation based on the remaining problemdeducing from the five factors, mostly the inner motivation of the staffs
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EXECUTIVE SUMMA RRYY 6 << HH Họ HH 00000998896 ii
1.1 Organization Profile ccccccecssccsecssccsscssscscsssscsssssssssscssscssessssesssesssessesssessessees 6
1.1.1, History of the COMPANY n6 ee 6
1.1.2 Characteristics of Long Truong Vinh., JSC’s production and business 7
1.1.3 Organizational SÍTHCÍHHT so <s << HT TH 8 8
1.1.4 Employment situation of the Long Truong Vinh., JŠC «<=<<««« 9
1.2 The compensation policies at the Hanoi headquarters of Long Truong Vinh.,F0 ÔÔÔỒ Il
1.2.1 Financial compensation of Long Truong Vĩnh., JŠC «<<«<« Il
1.3 The job components of Long Truong Vinh, ƑSỂ << =<5« 15
1.4 Working environment of Long Truong Vĩnh., ƑSC «<<< 15
2.1.1 CONCEPtUAliZAtiONn SG HH tr 18
2.1.2 The role of WOTK Motivation ccccccseccccsssccssseceenseeteseeeceseesseeessneeenseeesnneeess 19
2.1.3 The effect of work motivation on Sales PervfOrMANCe ccscscceseseeeseeseeseees 22
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2.2 Factors influencing On WOrk HIOẨÍVAÍOHH SG Ăn ke 23
3.2 Data ANALYSIS sscsesssssscssssnssesssssssssnssenscessssssascncsenscsssesesesensesssescnsssasessseesees 31
4.1 Sample CÍAT((CÍ€TLSÍÍCS c- 5 << HH TH TH ngờ 32
2,7 6n ne eee 35
4.2.1 Employees’ assessment on the Job SafiSƒ4CÍÏOH se cSsxcsssvksseske 36
4.2.2 Employees’ assessment on their Intrinsic Motivation «~-«- 36
4.2.3 Employees’ assessment on their Extrinsic MÍofÏVafiOH «-~<« 37
4.2.4 Employees’ assessment on their Organization COIMHÌHM€HI - 38
4.2.5 Employees’ assessment on the Company’s CormD€HsdfiOH - 39
4.3 Conclusion Of the SÍLỈY SG 5< 1 1 ng me 40
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Table 1
Table 1
Table 1
Table 3
Table 4
Table 4
Table 4
Table 4
Table 4
1: Qualification of Long Truong Vinh., JSC's employees in Q1/2023 10
2: Total bonus of Long Truong Vinh., JSC in 2022 - 11
3: Brief version of corporate culture of Long Truong Vinh., JSC 14
1 Factors affecting job satisfaction of salespeople in LTV Company ¬— 28
1: Mean Scores for Variables - - sàng HH, 35 2: Mean Scores for Job Satisfaction variables - « -<<<«2 36 3: Mean Scores for Intrinsic Motivation variables 36
4: Mean Scores for Extrinsic Motivation variables 37
5: Mean Scores for Organization Commitment variables 38
6: Mean Scores for Company’s Compensation variables 39 Table 4
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Figure 1.1: Long Truong Vinh., JSC organizational strucfure 8
Figure 2.1: The proposed research model :ccccccesceeeceeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeteeesees 23
Figure 4 1 Gender in LTV’s Sales Team (2023) - -ccSSssserssirseees 32
Figure 4 2 Age in LTV’s Sales Team (2023) - - St ssneireereree 33Figure 4 3 Working seniority in LTV’s Sales Team (2023) 34
Figure 4 4 Income in LTV’s Sales Team (2023) 0 ccccecceeseceseeeeeeeeneeeneeeeees 34
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1 Background
The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting workmotivation of salespeople at LTV., JSC Company and to propose recommendation forthe company to adjust the policies to motivate salespeople The research is intended
to present a uniform understanding of the group of factors as well as suggestions toinspire salesmen in the modern world This research is meant for use by large andsmall operators in publicly or privately owned operations to study factors influencingworker motivation as a solution to stimulate labor and economic demand
The study was created through literature searches of previous studies, data ofthe LTV Company and online surveys with a selection of salespeople in LTVCompany
The main body of this research contains the introduction of the LTV company,the theoretical framework, findings, analysis, and some recommendations Anappendix provides the survey form of factors affecting the work motivation ofsalespeople in LTV Company
2 Research rationale
The business division is the driving force behind all company or businessoperations, bringing customers closer to the products and assisting them in theirunderstanding and use Consequently, the performance of salespeople in marketing is
to create a sustainable competitive advantage over competitors (Hossain, Sultana &Mazmum, 2016; Dey et al., 2016) When employees are motivated enough to work,they will show a more positive attitude at work Therefore, encouraging salespeople
at work can improve the performance of the organization as a whole and theproductivity of the business division in particular
Armstrong (2006) defined job satisfaction as people's feelings and attitudestoward their profession, as shown by a positive and favorable attitude toward it Theperceptions of sales representatives' supervisors, according to Tai, Huang, andChuang (2016), show confidence-related conduct toward the sales manager Trust has
a connection to salespeople's overall success in the organization as well as their jobsatisfaction The competitive operating environment, the rapid expansion of criticalproduct lines, and the requirement to sell to new clients more successfully are all
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challenges facing today's technology enterprises As a result, the effectiveness ofsalesperson performance is essential for completing organizational tasks (Hossain etal., 2016)
Furthermore, despite the economic downturn and global competition, thetelecommunications industry is rapidly expanding (Uddin et al., 2013) As a result,improved sales performance in a mobile service company is critical to increasingprofit in the organization Previous empirical studies have emphasized thesignificance of work motivation and the many effects connected to job performance.Employees' sentiments about their jobs are influenced by their jobs, and jobmotivation can be used to forecast employee behavior in the workplace, such asabsenteeism The premises that have a positive impact on the performance of the salesdepartment staff are still unexplored and call for more study, despite the fact that therelationship between work motivation and other significant factors such as workplaceconditions, employee well-being, workplace stress, and social interference has beenthoroughly studied Despite the substantial quantity of research done on this subject,there is still a research gap left by other scholars, particularly at LTV Company
It is increasingly difficult for companies to attract highly qualified sales staffand to compensate employees, resulting in worker dissatisfaction in the industry LTVCompany tried to use a variety of techniques to deal with the many barriers that hadarisen in the previous few years to maintain its position in the market The rewardmanagement system is one of these techniques The researcher's objective in this studywas to ascertain the efficacy of this method for assessing employee motivation as aproxy for workplace performance
The researcher selected the topic "Factors affecting work motivation ofsalespeople at LTV., JSC Company" due to the theoretical gap and the practicalnecessity This chapter shows the theoretical basis of the topic, research objectives,research questions, research objects, research scope, and structure of the topic
3 Research objectives
The purpose of this study was to investigate the following specific objectives:
First, identifying the factors affecting the work motivation of salespeople inLTV Company
Second, examining the effect of the factors on work motivation of salespeople
at LTV Company
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Third, proposing recommendations for the company to adjust the policies tomotivate salespeople
4 Research questions
To achieve the aforementioned goals, research is carried out to discover the answers
to the following research questions:
Question |: What factors influences the work motivation of salespeople?
Question 2: How do the factors affect the work motivation of sales departmentemployees?
Question 3: What solutions should be taken to improve the work motivation ofemployees in the company?
4 Research object and scope
Research objects
This study focuses on investigating organizational policies, the workenvironment, employee satisfaction, and how these factors relate to salespeople'sdrive to succeed at their jobs at LTV Company
Research scope
Geographical scope: LTV Company Limited
Time scope: Data were collected from the survey responses of the Salespeople at LTVCompany in 2023
Content scope: The content of this study includes issues related to compensation, thework environment of LTV Company, and employees’ motivation, such as aconceptual framework to make the identification, analysis, and evaluation of therelationship between motivation and performance among employees at LTVCompany Limited
5 Research methodology
Research Design
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In order to determine how factors including job satisfaction, intrinsicmotivation, extrinsic motivation, organizational commitment, and compensationaffect the working motivation of LTV Company salesmen, this study used adescriptive survey research methodology Orodho (2003) defines a descriptive survey
as a method of gathering data through interviews or the distribution of questionnaires
to a sample of people The method helps the researcher collect important data on thesituation of the phenomena and, if possible, draw general conclusions from theinformation acquired Researchers can gather and present data from descriptivesurveys in a methodical way to study the impact of the aforementioned elements onthe work motivation of LTV Company employees working in the business department
Research Instruments
The study instrument used to gather data is the questionnaire Thequestionnaire is administered using a drop-and-select approach and is divided intothree sections in accordance with the research goals The questionnaire was chosenfor data collecting because it offers considerable managerial benefits, including theability to analyze quickly accumulated data and to uniformly stimulate potentiallylarge numbers of people at once (Borg & Gall, 1989) Respondents can share theiropinions and offer comments on the questionnaire (Gay, 1992) This method of datacollecting still satisfies the most important criteria because the research participantsare employees of a particular organization with their own contact and notification
With a Likert scale of 1 ("Strongly disagree") to 5 ("Strongly agree"), theMikita Compensation Questionnaire was used to measure each element
Sampling Procedures and Sample Size
The process of getting a biased or random selection of individual observations
to make statistical generalizations is known as sampling The sample consisted of 31salesmen currently employed at LTV Company
The sample size for this study was established using Kothari (2004) to be asample of 31 salespeople from the LTV business department The study employed astratified random sampling approach to finding the optimum sample size for LTVworkers
Data Collection Procedure
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Data collection lecturers gave the author instructions on how to ensure thesurvey and data collection processes were conducted properly The majority of thedata is collected online with the help of technology development
The survey was provided to each employee of the LTV Company's salesdepartment The author conducted the experiment under the same condition with allthe salesmen under LTV business department By using the same objective criteria torecord and categorize observations, The author ensures the reliability of the data.Additionally, to complete the data collection procedure as swiftly as possible, theresearcher asked her supervisor for assistance in disseminating the research across theentire organization
Data Analysis
Data from the study are methodically arranged to allow for analysis.Descriptive statistics, which included computing percentages, frequencies, and means,were used to analyze the data in this study The data are displayed in a frequency table.According to Bell (1993), descriptive statistics, as opposed to sophisticated statistics,are readily accessible to a variety of readers
6 Research structure
The research comprises five main chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction of the Long Truong Vinh., JSC
Chapter 2: Theoretical frameworkChapter 3: Research methodologyChapter 4: Findings and discussion
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE LONG TRUONG VINH JSCThis chapter is designed to provide general and unique information aboutLong Truong Vinh., JSC, such as its development history, business characteristics,organizational structure, compensation system, and working environment Thisvaluable information will assist students in analyzing and compiling the followingsections of their research
1.1 Organization profile
1.1.1 History of the company
Common features of Long Truong Vinh., JSC:
Company Name: Long Truong Vinh., JSC
Tax number: 0107345021
On June 4, 2016, a collection of architectural engineers who shared the sameobjective founded Long Truong Vinh., JSC On March 8, the firm received a formalbusiness license Long Truong Vinh has built a solid reputation and a distinctiveposition in the field of architectural and engineering services in Hanoi and the northernprovinces after six years of business
Thanks to its highly qualified and experienced staff in the field of architecture,Long Truong Vinh., JSC launched a great start Due to its growing reputation and thedynamism, ingenuity, and business sense of its operations company leadership, thecompany has now expanded its operation size beyond Hanoi, particularly to certainnearby areas In terms of business scale, Long Truong Vinh has enough potential toincrease staff scale while maintaining solid professional quality The business isacknowledged as one of the up-and-coming pioneers in contemporary home designand architectural decoration
Long Truong Vinh's mission is to continuously work toward meeting thedesign and construction requirements of clients while offering the highest standard ofservice quality LTV has always upheld the fundamental value of "International -
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Ingenious - Integrity - Dedication" throughout its formation and development LTVconsistently offers domestic customers high-quality products and services ataffordable prices thanks to the location of Hanoi's competitive benefits and a staff ofqualified workers
1.1.2 Characteristics of Long Truong Vinh., JSC’s production and business Business category
LTV Company is a private business established by Mr Do Duc Bao in 2016with the aim of expanding the architectural and technical consultancy industry inHanoi Long Truong Vinh Company is an architectural design firm that specializes inurban planning projects, rural planning, urban design, landscape architectural design,interior design, technical specifications for architectural works, evaluation ofarchitectural works, architectural design reviews, and technical advice pertinent to the
With the motto "Safety - Quality - Progress," LTV Company is dedicated togiving customers high-quality service by constantly improving service quality,blending business interests with societal objectives, and embracing digitaltransformation High-value products, highly qualified staff, and a solid service ethosall contribute to LTV Company's success. Long Truong Vinh., JSC's competitive position
Long Truong Vinh., JSC can be considered a typical company in thearchitectural service sector when the appropriate strategic direction and enormousintrinsic potential are realized This benefits the best possible growth of Vietnam'sarchitectural service sector, especially in the area of contemporary architectural décorand home design
Long Truong Vinh., JSC, in particular, is a rising star in providing effectivesolutions for housing construction against current global warming effects Household
no longer have to worry about the negative effects of weather as well as environmentalfactors outside the house with the three resolute solutions provided by LTV Company
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The three solutions in civil housing construction include heat resistance solution,noise prevention solution, and energy saving solution These solutions are to ensurethat the house is always in a state of readiness for the owners to rest comfortablywithout having to worry about external factors
LTV Company is going to expand further in the upcoming years to become areputable architects business in Vietnam, contributing to the socioeconomic growth
On the other hand, Long Truong Vinh., JSC upholds the concept of sustainable growth
as shown by its active involvement in environmental protection initiatives and highlevel of social obligation
Department Department Department D
Business Department: The quotation team and the sales team are the twodivisions of LTV's business department The quotation team is in charge of
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collaborating with LTV's distribution partners to gather comprehensive productinformation, specifications, and price data; to create comprehensive estimatedquotations for works and projects that the business will present to clients The salesteam works closely with clients who need the company's services, consulting withthem, offering suggestions, responding to their inquiries, requesting and gatheringinformation from their interests regarding the project, and passing the informationalong with the client's needs to the project department A large percentage of thedepartment is made up of sales teams
Project Department: The project department at LTV is made up of engineers,architects, and architectural designers who are in charge of carrying out theconstruction projects of clients, giving professional architectural advice, supervising,and ensuring the projects are built as planned, and creating sketches and blueprints
Accounting Department: The LTV accounting department is responsible forcarrying out the business's financial and accounting activities, including accountingfor revenues, expenses, and performance of the company's operations in accordancewith corporate standards, as well as producing financial statements by month, quarter,and year
Human Resources Department: The human resources department at LTVoversees managing human resource operations, enhancing staff efficiency, andhandling office-related issues such as document management and office work
Because low-level employees are less likely to multitask and concentrate solely
on one specialty, this framework allows Long Truong Vinh to operate moreefficiently
1.1.4 Employment situation of the Long Truong Vinh., JSC Long Truong Vinh., JSC’s population
In 2023, the business has 100 workers manning its Hanoi office With a business
of this scale, there are numerous human resource management policies in place to
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correspond with the business and production circumstances managed by theadministrative department. Qualification of the company's human resources
When assessing a company's potential for long-term development, humanresources are crucial Consequently, the caliber of each company's human resources
is aconcern To assist the business in growing in a more sustainable manner, they areconstantly searching for talented and highly skilled individuals The following tablelists the human resources requirements for Long Truong Vinh., JSC:
Table 1 1: Qualification of Long Truong Vinh., JSC's employees in Q1/2023
Unit: person
Type of qualification Q1Doctor of Philosophy 6Master’s degree 16Bachelor’s degree 68
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1.2 The compensation policies at the Hanoi headquarters of Long Truong
so that they feel secure staying with the company for a long period
The company is now utilizing the salary payment over time approach Thispayment method has the benefit of simplifying salary calculations The pay tabledemonstrates the employee's qualifications through compensation, the nature of thejob through post salary, and, most significantly, it encourages the employee to workall the working days in a month However, there are several disadvantages to thismethod, including the following: salary is only contingent on the wage coefficient,the total number of real working days, and responsibility allowances, so eachemployee's salary does not represent the employee's efficiency in their job Therefore,
no distinction is made between good, average, and poor performance Employees maybecome less committed to their jobs as a consequence This will have an adverse effect
on the company's overall labor output because it will not motivate employees to workhard or initiate new initiatives. Bonus
Employees who finish and exceed the plan receive a bonus Currently, thebusiness offers three types of bonuses: project bonuses, holiday bonuses, and year-end bonuses The table below summarizes the company's total bonuses given in 2022:
Table 1 2: Total bonus of Long Truong Vinh., JSC in 2022
Unit: Billion VND
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Criteria 2022Project bonus 86
Holiday bonus 10Year-end bonus 28
Total 124
According to the table above, the bonus level that the business providesemployees in addition to the basic income in 2022 is relatively substantial in order toprovide employees with a better life Furthermore, the organization offers two types
of bonuses: reward effort bonuses (500,000 VND/I employee/businessdepartment/month) and initiative bonuses (applied to departments or individuals whohave innovative suggestions to enhance procedures and working processes, therebyincreasing the company's economic efficiency)
Concerning association fees, the company deducts 2% of total real compensationpayable to employees each year to create the trade union fund, with the remaining 1%included in the actual salary distributed to employees One percent of the company'srevenue is deducted and distributed to operational expenses To protect employees’interests and help workers in need, 1% of the total Trade Union Fund is deducted andgiven to the Supreme Trade Union Authority; the remaining 1% is spent on TradeUnion Congress activities at the business, such as visiting sick employees, family filialpiety, and marriage
Social Security: By providing employee insurance, the company complies withthe legislation All full-time and contract employees who sign three-month or longerlabor contracts are covered by social insurance Every year, employers deduct social
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insurance to pay employees perks like maternity, workplace accidents, occupationalillnesses, retirement, and death.
Medical insurance: The company generally pays health insurance at a rate of4.5% for all workers and employees, with 1.5% deducted from the employee's basewage and the remaining 3% deducted from the company's expenses Employees ofthe firm are entitled to medical benefits such as prescription medication distribution
in the event of sickness or injury, as well as compensation for up to 80% of the cost
of assessment and treatment when verified by a medical facility
Unemployment insurance: Each month, the company gives 1% to theunemployment insurance fund and deducts 1% from the employee's monthly wage
Working for a company alludes to an employee's rights and responsibilities Theexpenses that employees must pay will enable the company to pay greater attention
to and support underprivileged and needy employees Since then, the company's tieshave grown stronger and more united as a result of the humanity of this method Welfare
Welfare is money that employees receive in exchange for working andcontributing to the business, but it is also a reflection of the union's and management'sparticipation in the lives of the organization's workers Employees who have access
to legal benefits will be more confident in their health and wages at work and inretirement They can relax and focus on their work, increasing productivity andeffectiveness
LTV has developed unique welfare initiatives over the years to focus onemployees’ lives outside of work Employees typically expect to not only enjoy whatthey paid for when they participate in the scheme but also to want to continueengaging in the scheme after they retire The business offers a pension plan to itsemployees as a result
Retirement system: Employees must be at least 62 years old for men and 55years old for women to be eligible for retirement at the approved pension rate, and
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they must have paid social insurance premiums for at least 20 years Furthermore,employees who have paid social security contributions for at least 20 years and have
a 61% or higher reduction in working ability profit from the retirement regime with alower pension than prescribed: full-age males and females who have contributed tosocial security for at least 20 years but have a 61 percent or higher reduction inworking ability
Through this compensation plan, the business shows that it cares about the lives
of its employees, inspiring them to give in greater effort, dedicate themselves to thebusiness, and—most importantly—remain committed to the company and to add toits long-term success. Non-financial compensation of Long Truong Vinh., JSC
At the time, many businesses were primarily focused on financial incentives likesalaries and bonuses However, in modern times, non-financial rehabilitation hasbecome a top priority that businesses must address after the fundamental needs of theemployees’ food and clothing are satisfied A well-designed non-monetary benefitmay enhance employees' commitment to the company and help them develop anenthusiasm for their work
Table 1 3: Brief version of corporate culture of Long Truong Vinh., JSC
Criteria Content
; - Ideal, comfortable, stimulating dynamism andWorkplace environment si
- Superiors - subordinates: Respectful, friendly, fair
Behavioral culture - Employees - Employees: Sociable and helpful in
completing tasks
- Employee must feel a sense of responsibility when
doing the job
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- Morning: from 8:30 to 11:30
- Afternoon: from 13:30 to 18:00
1.3 The job components of Long Truong Vinh., JSC
Work is important because it stays with each person who atrives to work As aresult, without spending money, pay for labor will be the main motivator fordeveloping employees’ love of work
When recruiting personnel for a specific role, the company's board of directorsclearly outlines the job criteria as well as the individual performing that function Thecompany selects the best candidate for the position after a review procedure To showtheir abilities, all new employees must go through a 2- to 4-month probationaryperiod Every year, the company evaluates business activity, working attitudes, andother factors in order to reward and discipline leaders
When employees are on the job, the board of managers in each department willassign them tasks not only to ensure that they complete their tasks effectively, butalso, in many cases, to demonstrate their abilities Employees will presume they havethe leader's trust when given a more difficult or complex task As a result, executivesalways give employees the chance to try out different types of jobs
The organization continuously generates obvious advancement opportunities foremployees through their work, which pushes them to offer their finest performancewhile also showing them their potential in the company Furthermore, working indepartments, especially in administrative offices, can be time-consuming Knowingthis, managers frequently switch roles to encourage both creativity and satisfactionwhen performing various tasks.
1.4 Working environment of Long Truong Vinh., JSC
An ideal working environment will be a powerful weapon to help businessesattract talent and retain loyal and capable employees LTV Company is aware of thisand is continually engaged in developing and improving a positive workingenvironment for its employees with some of the following policies:
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Improving working space (office design, green space, providing full facilities):
An eye-catching, well-decorated office makes a big impact on your employees Acreative workspace helps employees be inspired LTV has built a clean, comfortable,friendly, well-designed work environment to improve employee productivity andmood The company encourages personalization in the working environment anddesigns a separate space with full facilities for employees to rest and relax Besidesfixing the main work area, there are a gym, a napping place, healthy food and drinks
Building trust with employees: What leaders say and do has a direct impact onemployee engagement in business activities Therefore, the trust that superiors build
in employees will have a very significant influence on the results and performance ofthe business As a leader, Mr Do Duc Bao has proved to his employees that what hesaid goes hand in hand with his actions, he 1s the one who “does say and does”, whichmakes his employees put their trust in the company
Creating opportunities for advancement and personal development training:
An ideal working environment is indispensable for employee training anddevelopment activities When you appreciate and want to help them grow and advance
in their careers, you will also have a much more qualified workforce A survey byBridge has shown that a culture of curiosity in an organization is the leading factordriving employee enthusiasm and loyalty There are 2 types of skills that LTVcontinuously trains employees, hard skills - technical skills, and soft skills This bringsgreat benefits to both businesses and employees, namely helping businesses quicklyadapt to the rapid changes of the times and employees also develop themselves,increasing promotion opportunities progress at work In addition, implementingtraining and development for employees also limits the rate of employee turnover inthe enterprise
Communicating with employees more often and effectively: Communication
is the way you share thoughts, and exchange information with each other to increasemutual understanding and improve the relationship between the two parties Throughthe exchange of thoughts, the employees completely trust their superiors and feelmore respected Thereby, it creates a comfortable working environment LTV alwayslet employees know that the company is always there to listen to their problems andbecome their trusted partner The company is running this through polls, periodicemployee surveys, and anonymous recommendations Mr Bao said: "Employees arethe ones who directly experience your corporate culture every day and know what tochange to improve it" Therefore, listening to and understanding them is one of themost effective ways to pave the way for the company's efforts to improve the workenvironment
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This part contains information from Long Truong Vinh., JSC, where thestudent has concluded his internship Long Truong Vinh., JSC is a companyspecializing in architectural services, offering progressive solutions related to housingprojects To comprehend the situation at LTV Company, the following chapter willreview previous literature and investigate the compensation form and its relationshipwith employee work satisfaction when completing diverse tasks
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This chapter goes through the study's theoretical and conceptual foundations
To gain knowledge about the problem at hand, conceptual frameworks and theoreticalviews will be employed Other writers’, practitioners’, and theorists’ findings andresults will be evaluated to gain a better understanding of the subject at hand and thestructure of the research model
2.1 Work Motivation
2.1.1 Conceptualization
Work motivation, according to Rainey (1993), was a difficult notion to graspand exactly define Work motivation was still a frequent subject in research onorganizational employee behavior; each study had its own interpretation of workmotivation from the author's point of view Finally, the following labor motivationideas can be mentioned:
Work motivation, as defined by Maier and Lawler (1973), was an individual'sdesire and willingness to labor (Maier and Lawler, 1973) According to Kreitner(1995), work motivation is a psychological process that directs individuals towardspecific objectives Higgins defined motivation as "the drive from within anindividual to meet unmet needs" in 1994
Thus, work motivation could be defined as a person's willingness, desire, anddedicated efforts to accomplish his or her goals To put it in different terms, amotivated person sees a specific goal that must be met and focuses his or her effortstoward that goal
Work motivation was measured by Wright (2003) by: trying their hardest tocomplete the job despite difficulties; being willing to start the work day early orremain late to complete the work; frequently working harder than others in the samejob; and working without regard to time
Therefore, the idea of work motivation, according to the authors' definitions,encompasses the following aspects: (1) The willingness and desire to work were
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described as labor motivation; (2) labor motivation was a psychological process; (3)motivation was the effort to achieve the goal; and (4) labor motivation was voluntarywork, or the desire to do work that helps workers achieve personal goals As a result,
"work motivation is the voluntary work, desire, and effort to work that assistsemployees in achieving personal goals in accordance with the goals of theorganization."
2.1.2 The role of work motivation
According to Ifinedo (2003), a motivated worker can be identified by theirenthusiasm, dedication, and focus on work that adds to the overall purpose and goals
of the company As a result, motivation became associated with the desire to achieveexcellent results with the assigned task Employee motivation, according toMohammed et al (2011), was linked to the organization's prosperity or decline.Employees who were highly motivated aided the company in achieving its objectivesfaster than competitors Employees who are motivated at work, according toMohammed, will encourage ethical conduct in the workplace Amabile (1996), on theother hand, acknowledged the importance of intrinsic motivation in creative workactivities Scientists also discovered that workers are more creative in the workplacewhen the work is related to their personal interests, or when the job is appealing orinteresting to them. The Role of Work Motivation for Employees
Humans have constant physical and mental requirements that must be satisfied.Employees create a positive attitude when they think their demands are being fulfilled,which motivates them to work with greater enthusiasm Labor activities will struggle
to reach their objectives if employees are not motivated to work because they willonly finish the assigned work with all they have or with little creativity They only seetheir job as a contractual obligation that must be met Work motivation also assistsworkers in bettering themselves People who are driven to succeed will go to greaterefforts to learn, acquire work experience, and enhance their professionalqualifications
Trang 29Vũ Song Hiệp — 11191915 — Business English 61C The role of work motivation for businesses
Employee motivation is essential for increasing output and business efficiency
At that point, they will work to the best of their abilities toward the company's sharedgoal, bringing the company efficiency and high profits Employees who are inspired
to work are more pleased with their work, which leads to trust in the company,attachment, and loyalty to the company even when the company is facing difficulties
As a result, the business will save money on new employee recruitment and training The role of work motivation in society
Working motivation encourages a comfortable and rich spiritual life foremployees, forming new ideals for society in the process Working motivationadditionally drives employees to remain with the company, limiting job changeslaying off workers, and ceasing production and business activities, all of whichcontribute to a decrease in short-term unemployment in society
2.1.3 Previous research on work motivation
World scholars have conducted extensive study on the issue of motivationbased on the aforementioned theories, with varying results The author will considersome of the findings in more detail
Maslow's hierarchy of needs (1943) demonstrated that people require their basicrequirements to be met in order for their lives to be fulfilled He presumed that therewas a hierarchy of five needs in every human being: physiological needs, safety needs,social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs Although no need can becompletely met, if a need is basically met, there is no motivation As a result, as one
of the above requirements was gradually met, the next need took over
In his two-factor theory, Herzberg (1959) demonstrated that the inverse of jobsatisfaction was not dissatisfaction in the traditional sense and did not imply worksatisfaction They were dubbed the sustaining and motivating elements by Herzberg.Intrinsic motivators included achievement, recognition, the job itself, responsibility,and chances for growth External retention factors included working conditions,corporate policies, supervision, interpersonal relationships, salary, status, and
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employment security As a result, managers who attempted to eliminate the variablesthat contribute to job dissatisfaction produced peace but not the motivation foremployees Herzberg (2003) proposed paying attention to factors related to the jobitself or the direct effect of those jobs, such as promotion opportunities, personaldevelopment opportunities, recognition, responsibility, and success, to inspireemployees to work
Vroom's expectation theory (1964) proposed that people's behavior andmotivation at work were influenced not only by actuality but also by their perceptions
of their future expectations Employees would be motivated to put in more effort ifthey thought it would result in positive performance evaluations A favorableevaluation would result in organizational rewards such as bonuses, raises, orpromotions Those incentives met the employee's job objectives Some critics claimedthat this theory was ineffective and that it only became useful once people wereconscious of the effort-effectiveness and efficiency-reward relationships This isbecause only a few people were conscious of these relationships Because Robbins(1998) proposed that if organizations truly reward workers for their work performancerather than criteria like seniority, effort, skill level, or job difficulty, expectationtheory would be more helpful
The substance of McClelland's (1985) need theory focused on three needs: theneed for success, the need for power, and the need for affiliation The drive to exceland accomplish in connection to the standards of striving for success was referred to
as the need for achievement People with a strong desire for accomplishment wereattracted to accomplishments that provided personal responsibility, challenge, anddesirable feedback A person's need for power can be classified into two types:personal power and societal power The desire for close and intimate relationshipsbetween people was the need for connection These individuals required harmoniousrelationships with others as well as acceptance from others They inclined to followworkgroup guidelines Those with a strong bonding motivation favored face-to-faceinteraction.
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2.1.3 The effect of work motivation on sales performance
Numerous studies indicate a strong link between motivation and performance.Employees who were motivated were active and dynamic, putting their energy andspirit to good use, adding to the development of internal resources and capabilities inoperations and increasing efficiency (Herzberg, 2003; Osterloh, Frost, & Frey, 2002)
A passive condition was distinguished from an active state by motivation Anyonecould accomplish excellence when they were motivated This confirmed the closerelationship between motivation and increased organizational efficiency
The author has observed, using Herzberg's (1959) two-factor model ofdynamics, that the differences between generations and the outcomes of thosedifferences were not in the direction that many people believe Most people believedthat young employees were more motivated when they could work independently andattain success at work They were less affected by salary or the prospect ofemployment loss Indeed, the study found that older employees' motivation is lessinfluenced by internal variables than younger employees', namely substantialfinancial rewards The level of motivation was essential, but so was the gap between
"what you want" and "what you get." If a person's reward was far less valuable thanthey desired, it was the quickest way to dissatisfaction and a slew of otherrepercussions
According to Alderfer (1972), the goal of keeping work motivation is to ensureand improve work performance, which necessitates a holistic approach and the efforts
of all stakeholders Employees who were unmotivated would only try to do the bareminimum of business activities, whereas motivation drove them to do their best.Unless and until employees used business resources, they would be wasted.Employees who were motivated made the greatest use of resources
The work environment, according to Hackman and Oldham (1976), also had amajor impact on employee motivation and performance A positive work environmentwas critical to propelling a business to the forefront Although motivating employees
in the workplace can be time-consuming and difficult, managers must foster a positivework atmosphere to achieve high levels of employee productivity Effective
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management and leading required motivation When employees are not motivated toachieve objectives, business productivity suffers
Thus, the author derives typical factors influencing salespeoples workmotivation and work efficiency
of factors, such as recognition of effort and results (Jensen, McMullen, and Stark2008), personal development and competence, feedback from leadership andsupervision (Buciuniene and Skudiene, 2008), financial compensation and incentives,
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employee autonomy, and teamwork, had a strong influence on salespeople's workmotivation and resulted in a stronger relationship with the organization
2.2.2 Intrinsic Motivation
Salesperson success was linked to intrinsic drive, which was mediated by jobcommitment (Yousaf, Yang, and Sanders, 2015) Multiple field studies and reviewsfound internally and externally driven people and investigated the connections andoutcomes of self-sufficient intrinsic motivation and managed extrinsic motivation.The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, according to Haines, Saba,and Choquette (2008), has fundamental implications for understanding representativeworkplace behavior and financial management
Additionally, Yousaf, Yang, and Sanders (2015) defined intrinsic motivation
as "felt pleasure and satisfaction obtained from task completion." Previous researchsuggested that a higher level of intrinsic motivation led to a desire to dedicate moreenergy to a given task and, as a result, to create an impression of convenience (Ryanand Deci, 2001; Ayeh, Au and Law, 2013) Customers who were especially movedhave the right to complain about the challenges of utilizing technologicaltechnologies According to Zain and Jan (2014), intrinsic motivation has a significantpositive effect on salespeople's job satisfaction and organizational commitment
2.2.3 Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation was associated with both salesperson and contextualsuccess, and organizational dedication disrupted both relationships (Yousaf et al.,2015) Extrinsic motivation, as defined by Haines et al (2008), was the incentive toengage in certain activities in order to achieve specific objectives or rewards Extrinsicmotivation, for example, could be defined as the client's observation that they needed
to perform an activity in order to obtain valuable outcomes, mainly from the actionitself, such as better work performance and promotion (San Martn and Herrero, 2012).Performance longevity was defined by Venkatesh et al (2003) as an individual'sopinion that using the system helped them improve their performance on a task or job.Based on them, the variables were analogous to intrinsic motivation and successlongevity
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A useful vision, on the other hand, must be based on community goals and theexternal motivations of local residents, and it must be accompanied by continuouscapacity-building activities According to McCombs (2012), an individual's intrinsicmotivation was controlled by a reward obtained rather than the task itself, such asacknowledgement or reward Furthermore, Venkatesh et al (2003) suggested a linkbetween extrinsic motivation and perceived utility Previous study on motivationtheory showed that extrinsic motivation influenced certain human behaviors (Van derHeijden, 2003) Similarly, behaviors motivated by extrinsic motivation werefrequently associated with favorable results (Watchravesringkan, Nelson Hodges, andKim, 2010) They also claimed that, unlike extrinsic motivation, which operates as aresult of compensation and benefit, innately determined people tend to perform amovement out of an intrinsic desire to perform the action themselves, rather than out
of the standpoint of explicit external support
2.2.4 Organizational Commitment
Sikorska-Simmons (2005) examined the role of organizational commitment,job performance, and sociodemographic characteristics as indicators of organizationalcommitment and employee assistance They also claimed that staff differentiation,engagement, and consistency with the company's organizational structure wereindicators of organizational commitment Buciuniene and Skudiene (2015)discovered that organizational commitment had a positive effect on the performance
of salespeople in the organization Furthermore, leadership shift was associated withincreased employee loyalty and, more importantly, with increased salespersonnel(Buciuniene and Skudiene, 2008) According to Zain and Jan (2014), organizationalcommitment influenced tenure positively
There was a significant amount of written research on salespeople'scommitment to company organizations, according to Dale and Fox (2008) andCogliser et al (2009) Organizational commitment was defined as a salesperson'sability to predict organizational outcomes such as revenue, performance,organizational objectives, organizational viability, and quit status According to Zainand Jan (2014), better organizational performance of salespeople was associated withhigher efficiency Lower levels of authoritative accountability, on the other hand,