Practice exercise 11 Question 1: Woodson mentions that many diaries have consolidated their warehouses, creating the need for larger distribution facilities.. Question 2: It's too diff
Trang 1I Vocabulary
n n
sản phẩm từ bơ, sữa nhật kí
4 devise
n n
tài sản để lại trong chúc thư thiết bị, dụng cụ
n n
cách cư xử, nhân cách thái ấp, điền trang
8 lava
n n
dung nham núi lửa
ấu trùng
12 noisy
a a
ồn ào khó chịu, hại sức khỏe
13 obtuse
a a
tù (góc), cùn (dao ) khó hiểu
14 overdo
v a
hành động quá trớn, quá mức quá chậm, quá hạn
v v
bóc vỏ vang, rung (chuông)
16 prosecute
v v
truy tố ngược đãi, hành hạ
18 pistol
n n
súng ngắn nhụy hoa
20 plane
n a
máy bay đơn giản, chất phác
22 practicable
a a
có thể thực hiện được, khả thi thực dụng, thực tế
24 rein
n n
dây cương cuỡi ngựa triều đại
25 raise
v v
nâng lên, tăng lên san bằng, san phẳng
Trang 227 reality
n n
sự thực, tính chất thật bất động sản
28 regimen
n n
chế độ (ăn uống, luyện tập ) trung đoàn
29 residence
n n
dinh thự
cư dân
30 rifle
n n
súng trường chỗ nông, chỗ cạn
33 sail
n n
cánh buồm
sự bán hàng
34 surf
n n
sự luớt (web ) nông nô
37 prophet
n n
nhà tiên tri lợi nhuận, lợi ích
II Structures
3 be all fingers and thumbs bất cẩn, lóng ngóng với đôi tay của mình
III Practice exercise 11
Question 1: Woodson mentions that many diaries have consolidated their warehouses, creating the need for
larger distribution facilities
Question 2: It's too difficult to take notes with a stylus, and the keyboards for these devises are separate
pieces of equipment
Question 3: Before the first shaft was sunk in 1900, the only buildings on this sweep of coast were an
ancient manner house and its barns
Question 4: Once the snake's head contacted an ant lava or pupa, the snake maneuvered i ts head so that its mouth was positioned directly over the prey
Question 5: He dived down a dark alley and ducked down behind a pile of crates and noisy garbage to
catch his breath
Trang 3A dived down B and C a pile of D noisy garbage
Question 6: He missed lectures, dropped out of courses, spent long nights reading o btuse texts, and
slept d uring the day
Question 7: In the late 1860s Whitman received o verdone recognition in America as the early reactions
to his radical style began to fade
Question 8: Two more bells will be installed within the week, but it will be some months before they are heard peeling across Lismore
A Two more bells B within the week C before D peeling across
Question 9: The most common symptom of paranoia is the belief that someone or something is
prosecuting you
Question 10: In addition, there was a negative correlation between the number of stamens and the
number of pistols within female flowers
Question 11: Because of her plane wool dress and basic hairstyle, I had assumed she would not know
royal etiquette so in depth
A her plane wool dress B had assumed C would not know D so in depth
Question 12: We try to keep abreast of the new treatments, but have gained little p racticable experience
of using them
Question 13: He served as a principal secretary to four successive T udor monarchs, f rom Henry VIII
to the e arly rein of Queen Elizabeth
Question 14: The old village was raised to the ground, and very quickly the new town of Abbeyleix b ecame established
Question 15: This is not meant to suggest that mortgages over r eality are unimportant, o r do not give
rise to l egal problems
Question 16: The six Scottish infantry regimens currently have a complement of 2,874 soldiers, which is
386 under strength
Question 17: Nearby residences complained a bout the smoke and burnt paper that was blown onto their property
Question 18: Both have been working their way back to full fitness after being out with injury and illness
Question 19: He picked up the first one, rifled through the pages, sighed with contentment and moved on
to the next one, then the next
A picked up B rifled through C with contentment D moved on to
Question 20: Most of the major rolls were cast with actors I already knew and with whom I had acted
earlier in my career
Question 21: I consider t hat it is important to a chieve a sail quickly, as prices will probably be affected
by the glut of sales
Trang 4A that B achieve a sail C as D be affected
Question 22: Here in the Thirty Years War, t he seigneurial system collapsed and s urfs refused to
perform l abor services
Question 23: In the first half of pregnancy it is normal for the total number of thyroid hormone to be
slightly increased
Question 24: Modern scholars who deal with Israel's ancient political religion and the profits who
proclaimed its transformation are burdened with a scholarly spurious familiarity
Question 25: It's all water under the river and if it hadn't happened, we wouldn't have seen the great feat
of engineering that we have in the city today
A It's all water B the river C wouldn't have seen D that
Question 26: When he tried to overthrow the d emocratically elected government i n 1992 , he showed his
m ain colors
A tried to overthrow B democratically C in 1992 D main
Question 27: We must call them on the floor when they infer t hat steroids and supplements are one and the same
Question 28: We p ushed it off the roundabout and back onto the A1 and r eached home at the nutshell
of d awn on Monday morning
A pushed it off B back onto C reached home D nutshell of dawn
Question 29: Wigan was surprisingly all fingers and nails at times in his first h ome game of the new
A surprisingly B fingers and nails C home game D the
Question 30: Four armed men forced him out of the car, put a bag o ver his head after pushing him
around and threw him into a minivan