Practice exercise 10 Question 1: It is a mood point that all serious coaches follow a particular s tyle of play that becomes their signature o r hallmark.. Question 2: Former servicemen
Trang 1I Vocabulary
n n
tâm trạng
sự thảo luận
4 moral
a n
/ˈmɒrəl / /məˈrɑːl /
thuộc đạo đức tinh thần, chí khí
10 morning
n n
/ˈmɔːnɪŋ /
buổi sáng
sự đau buồn
11 pretty
a a
/ˈprɪti / /ˈpeti /
xinh xắn nhỏ nhặt, không quan trọng
12 ring
v v
/rɪŋ / /rɪŋ /
bao quanh, vây tròn vắt, bóp
13 libel
(v/n) a
/ˈlaɪbəl / /ˈlaɪəbəl /
bài viết nhục mạ, bôi nhọ chịu trách nhiệm về
14 marital
a a
/ˈmɑːʃəl /
thuộc hôn nhân liên quan đến chiến sự
15 wary
a a
/ˈweəri / /ˈwɪəri /
cảnh giác đề phòng rất mệt, mệt lử
n n
/ˈkəʊmə / /ˈkɒmə /
trạng thái hôn mê dấu phẩy
17 leakage
n n
/ˈliːkɪdʒ / /liːk /
sự rò rỉ
lỗ thủng, khe hở, chỗ bị rò ri
18 sight
n n
/saɪt / /saɪ /
sự nhìn
sự thở dài
19 click
n n
/klɪk / /kliːk /
cú nhấp chuột
bè lũ
20 collaborate
v v
/kəˈlæbəreɪt / /kəˈrɒbəreɪt /
cộng tác làm chứng
21 confirm
v v
/kənˈfɜːm / /kənˈfɔːm /
xác nhận làm cho phù hợp
22 congenial
a a
/kənˈdʒiːnɪəl / /kənˈdʒenɪtəl /
hợp nhau, ăn ý bẩm sinh
23 statute
n n
/ˈstætʃuːt / /ˈstætʃər/
đạo luật vóc người
Trang 224 gate
n n
/ɡeɪt / /ɡeɪt /
cái cổng dáng đi
25 guilt
n n
/ɡɪlt / /ɡɪlt /
tội lỗi
sự mạ vàng
26 gorilla
n n
/ɡəˈrɪlə / /ɡəˈrɪlə /
con khỉ đột quân du kích
27 hale
a v/n
/heɪl / /heɪl /
khỏe mạnh, tránh kiện mưa đá
28 deduction
n n
/dɪˈdʌkʃən / /ɪnˈdʌkʃən /
sự suy diễn
sự làm lễ nhậm chức
31 corporation n / ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən / đoàn thể, liên đoàn
32 vicariously adv /vɪˈkeərɪəsli / một cách gián tiếp
36 punctuation n /ˌpʌŋktʃʊˈeɪʃən/ sự chấm câu, kết thúc câu
II Structures
1 beat sb to the punch đạt đuợc điều gì đó trước nguời khác
III Practice exercise 10
Question 1: It is a mood point that all serious coaches follow a particular s tyle of play that becomes their
signature o r hallmark
Question 2: Former servicemen a nd women in Colchester have helped boost the moral of British troops
fighting in the Gulf
Trang 3A and B have helped C the moral D in the Gulf
Question 3: It is a book centered around the Victorian n otions of death and the rituals of morning and t
he i dea and function of the cemetery
Question 4: My other favorite foods include avocado pear, bananas, pairs, oranges, grapes and walnuts,
when they are in season
Question 5: Stress and too much administration are cited as some of the main seasons for people wanting
a change
A too much B are cited as C the main seasons D wanting a change
Question 6: He listened to all her problems, no matter how p retty and insignificant, and offered
solutions, never once laughing
Question 7: You had to watch every garment as i t was rung , in order that it did not wrap over the top roller and become entangled
A had to watch B it was rung C in order that D become entangled
Question 8: A corporation is vicariously libel for strict liability offences to exactly the same extent as a
natural person
Question 9: The British , impressed by t he marital spirit of the Gurkhas, began recruiting them into the I ndian army
A The British B the marital spirit C began D into the Indian army
Question 10: An older man with gray hair stepped into the room and sank down into one of the plastic chairs with a wary sigh, dropping his head into his hands
Question 11: Warm-blooded animals are the only terrestrial creatures that live in large heard or flocks or t
hat migrate long distances
Question 12: For three noisy, polluted decades they have campaigned for the bypass which would restore
their village's piece and safety
Question 13: Y ou make punctuation mistakes on a regular basis, particularly b y using comas when
semi-colons or full stops are required
A You make B on a regular basis C by using comas D when
Question 14: He was one of twin sons born to Marcus Aurelius and Annia Galeria Faustina i n August 1
61, the first emperor 'made in the purple'
Question 15: They may also be haunted by the fear that someone else will be thinking along similar lines
and m ay beat them to the kick
Question 16: She looked at herself in the mirror, it fitted her a s a glove, and it was not even showing t oo
m uch cleavage as the other dresses she had tried on
A looked at herself B as a glove C too much cleavage D had tried on
Question 17: I h ave written this article with a vision to hopefully h elping other people cope with Mud
Fever when i t strikes
A have written B with a vision to C helping D it strikes
Trang 4Question 18: T he campaign to amplify parent voices must focus o n passing voice to each individual
parent, not on enhancing the role of an allegedly representative group
Question 19: The tanker sprang a leakage when it hit a floating c argo container, in either Spanish o r
Portuguese waters
Question 20: I s ank back in the hot water with a grateful sight and closed my eyes a s the tendrils of
steam wound their way across the surface of the pool
Question 21: At that time, he hadn't joined any of t he clicks he could have, staying alone, t alking to a few other guys at a minimum level
Question 22: Further study u sing a g reater number of mares is justified to collaborate the findings of t his
e xperiment
A using B greater number C to collaborate D this experiment
Question 23: The government will also continue to crack down on c oal mines i n particular because
many fail t o confirm with safety standards
A will also continue B coal mines C in particular D to confirm with
Question 24: T he proportion of neonatal deaths a ttributed to major genetic or c ongenial abnormalities
has increased
Question 25: Being short i n statute , most things are the right length for me these days, so I don't have to s horten them
A in statute B the right length C these days D shorten them
Question 26: I got up in no hurry, brushed my teeth without haste, took the routine morning exercise
lentissimo and walked at a leisurely gate
Question 27: E ven the piano is d ecorated with gold and white, and the huge canopied bed has e nough
g uilt to give your nightmares
Question 28: I n the rush to war, the Western Coalition was not prepared for the gorilla warfare they're now faced with
A In the rush to B was not prepared C the gorilla warfare D faced with
Question 29: The multi-colored roofs twinkle from a distance in t he occasional sunshine, but usually it's raining or h aling
Question 30: Vaidva's deduction into the bank is part of the ongoing management restructuring at the b ank, according to a release
A Vaidya's deduction B part of C at the bank D according to
Trang 55 C 10 D 15 D 20 B 25 A 30 A