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Lesson+10+ +asking+someone+out+ +translate

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Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Vocabulary Vocabulary: Party = A social occasion, often in a person’s house, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves (Bữa tiệc) Cool = Great (Tuyệt) New = Latest (Mới) Much = Many (Nhiều) Break up = To come to an end (Chia tay) Solo = Alone (Độc thân) Again = One more time (Lần nữa) Hear = To be aware of sounds with your ears (Nghe) News = New information (Tin tức) 1|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Hot = Causing sexual excitement (Quyến rũ) Ask someone out = Invite someone to go out (Mời chơi) Crush = Fall for someone/Fall in love with someone (Phải lòng, cảm nắng) Long = A great amount of time (Lâu) Tell = To express something in words (Nói) Move = To take action (Di chuyển) Slang and Idioms: What’s up? = How are you? (Bạn khỏe không? / Xin chào!) How’s it going? = How are you? (Bạn khỏe không? / Xin chào!) Ya having a good time? = Are you having fun? (Bạn có thấy vui khơng?) This party is awesome = This party is fun (Bữa tiệc thật tuyệt) Dave’s parties are always cool = Dave’s parties are always great (Các bữa tiệc Dave lúc tuyệt) I’m flying solo = I am not dating anyone (Tớ độc thân) So hot = So sexy (Rất quyến rũ) I’ve had a crush on you = I’ve been attracted to you (Tôi “cảm nắng” bạn) No way = I can’t believe it (Không đời nào) Make the first move = To show someone that you are interested in them (Thổ lộ trước) OK cool = OK great (Tuyệt) Catch a flick = Go to the cinema (Đi xem phim) Abbreviations: Wasn’t = Was not (Đã không là) Weren’t = Were not (Đã không là) Didn’t = Did not (Đã không làm) She’d = She would (Cô sẽ) Isn’t = Is not (Không là) 2|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out It’s = It is (Nó là) Aren’t = Are not (Không là) They’re = They are (Họ là) Doesn’t = Does not (Không làm) He’s = He is (Anh là) She’s = She is (Cô là) Don’t = Do not (Không làm) She’ll = She will (Cô sẽ) He’ll = He will (Anh sẽ) It’ll = It will (Nó sẽ) 3|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Conversation Brad - Hey Lisa, what’s up? (Chào Lisa, xin chào!) Lisa - Hey Brad, how’s it going? (Chào Brad, xin chào!) Brad - Good! Ya having a good time? (Tốt! Cậu thấy vui chứ?) Lisa - Yeah, this party is awesome! (Ừ, bữa tiệc thật tuyệt!) Brad - I know, Dave’s parties are always cool (Đúng thế, bữa tiệc Dave lúc tuyệt cả.) Lisa - So what’s new with you? (Vậy cậu có tin khơng?) Brad - Ahhh Not much What about you? (Ahhh…Khơng Cậu sao?) Lisa - Well, did you hear, me and Robbie broke up So I’m flying solo again Haha (Ờm, cậu nghe rồi, tớ Robbie chia tay Nên tớ lại độc thân Haha ) Brad - Sorry to hear that, but it’s good news for me.
(Thật tiếc phải nghe điều này, tin tốt cho tớ.) Lisa - Really? Why?
(Thật á? Tại sao?) Brad - Well, I’ve always thought you were so hot, and I always wanted to ask you out (Ừ thì, tớ nghĩ cậu quyến rũ, tớ muốn mời cậu chơi.) Lisa - Oh my god, really? I’ve had a crush on you for so long (Trời ơi, thật không? Tớ cảm nắng cậu từ lâu rồi.) Brad - No way! Why didn’t you tell me? (Khơng đời nào! Sao cậu khơng nói cho tớ biết chứ?) Lisa - I was waiting for you to make the first move (Tớ đợi cậu hành động trước.) Brad - Ok cool Well, you wanna go out and catch a flick tomorrow night? (Tuyệt thật Vậy thì, cậu có muốn tối mai chơi xem phim không?) Lisa - Sure, sounds fun! (Chắc chắn rồi, nghe hay đấy!) 4|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Point of View – Present Tense Story Brad meets Lisa at Dave’s party and starts speaking with her Brad asks Lisa if she’s having a good time Brad says Dave’s parties are always cool Brad asks Lisa what’s new with her Lisa says she has broken up with Robbie Brad says he’s sorry to hear it but it’s good news for him Brad tells Lisa he has always wanted to ask her out Lisa then tells Brad she’s had a crush on him for so long Lisa says she has been waiting for Brad to make the first move Brad then asks Lisa if she wants to catch a flick the following night Lisa says that sounds fun (Brad gặp Lisa bữa tiệc Dave bắt đầu trị chuyện với Brad hỏi Lisa có thấy vui khơng Brad nói bữa tiệc Dave lúc tuyệt Brad hỏi Lisa có tin khơng Lisa nói chia tay với Robbie Brad nói anh tiếc nghe thấy điều lại tin tốt anh Brad nói với Lisa anh ln muốn mời chơi Rồi Lisa nói với Brad cảm nắng anh lâu Lisa nói đợi Brad hành động trước Sau Brad hỏi Lisa liệu có muốn xem phim vào tối hơm sau khơng Lisa nói điều thật tuyệt.) 5|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Point of View – Past Tense Story Brad met Lisa at Dave’s party and started speaking with her Brad asked Lisa if she was having a good time Brad said Dave’s parties were always cool Brad asked Lisa what was new with her and Lisa said she’d broken up with Robbie Brad said he was sorry to hear it but it was good news for him Brad told Lisa he’d always wanted to ask her out Lisa then told Brad she’d had a crush on him for so long Lisa said she was waiting for Brad to make the first move Brad then asked Lisa if she wanted to catch a flick the following night Lisa said that was fun (Brad gặp Lisa bữa tiệc Dave bắt đầu trò chuyện với Brad hỏi Lisa có thấy vui khơng Brad nói bữa tiệc Dave lúc tuyệt Brad hỏi Lisa có khơng Lisa nói chia tay với Robbie Brad nói anh tiếc nghe thấy điều lại tin tốt anh Brad nói với Lisa anh ln muốn mời chơi Rồi Lisa nói với Brad cô cảm nắng anh lâu Lisa nói đợi Brad hành động trước Sau Brad hỏi Lisa liệu có muốn xem phim vào tối hôm sau không Lisa nói điều thật tuyệt.) 6|Page http://engbreaking.com Lesson 10 – Asking Someone Out Point of View – Future Tense Story Brad will meet Lisa at Dave’s party and start speaking with her Brad will ask Lisa if she’s having a good time Brad will say Dave’s parties are always cool Brad will ask Lisa what’s new with her Lisa will say she has broke up with Robbie Brad will say he’s sorry to hear it but it’s good news for him Brad will tell Lisa he has always wanted to ask her out Lisa then will tell Brad she has had a crush on him for so long Lisa will say she has been waiting for Brad to make the first move Brad then will ask Lisa if she wants to catch a flick the following night Lisa will say that sounds fun (Brad gặp Lisa bữa tiệc Dave bắt đầu trị chuyện với Brad hỏi Lisa có thấy vui khơng Brad nói bữa tiệc Dave lúc tuyệt Brad hỏi Lisa có tin khơng Lisa nói chia tay với Robbie Brad nói anh tiếc nghe thấy điều lại tin tốt anh Brad nói với Lisa anh ln muốn mời chơi Rồi Lisa nói với Brad cảm nắng anh lâu Lisa nói đợi Brad hành động trước Sau Brad hỏi Lisa liệu có muốn xem phim vào tối hơm sau khơng Lisa nói điều thật tuyệt.) 7|Page http://engbreaking.com

Ngày đăng: 18/10/2021, 20:36