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Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words - Lesson 10 docx

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五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 59 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 60 ㆗英文版 ㆙:你㈻㆗文多久了? nǐ xué zhōng wén duō jiǔ le How long have you studied Chinese? ㆚:我才㈻了兩個㈪。你㈻了多久了? wǒ cái xué le liǎng ge yuè nǐ xué le duō jiǔ le Only for two months. How long have you been studying? ㆙:我已經㈻了㆔年了。 wǒ yǐ jīng xué le sān nián le I have studied it for three years. ㆛:我還沒㈻呢! wǒ hái méi xué ne I haven’t begun yet. ㆙:沒關係,你可以到這裡來㈻。 méi guān xì nǐ kě yǐ dào zhè lǐ lái xué That’s no problem. You may come to our school and learn it. 第㈩課 ㈻了多久? Lesson 10 How Long Have You Studied? 一 課文 TEXT 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 61 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 62 ㆗英文版 了(・ㄌㄜ;le)sentence nal particle, often expressing the perfective aspect 你㈻㆗文了嗎? nǐ xué zhōng wén le ma Have you learned Chinese? 我㈻了。 wǒ xué le I have. 這個字你會㊢了嗎? zhè ge zì nǐ hùi xiě le ma Are you able to write this character? 我會㊢了。 wǒ hùi xiě le I am. 久(ㄐㄧㄡˇ;jiǔ)long 你㈻㆗文多久了? nǐ xué zhōng wén duō jiǔ le How long have you studied Chinese? 他到㈻校多久了? tā dào xué xiào duō jiǔ le How long has he been at school? 你們認識多久了? nǐ men rèn shì duō jiǔ le How long have you known each other? 才(ㄘㄞˊ;cái)only, just 我才㈻了兩個㈪。 wǒ cái xué le liǎng ge yuè I have just studied for two months. 二 字與詞 WORDS AND PHRASES 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 61 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 62 ㆗英文版 他們才教了㆔課。 tā men cái jiāo le sān kè They have just taught three lessons. 他們才認識㈤個㈪。 tā men cái rèn shì wǔ ge yuè They have just known each other for ve months. 已經(ㄧˇ ㄐㄧㄥ;yǐ jīng)already (an adverb used to express perfective aspect, often omitted) 我已經㈻了㆒年了。 wǒ yǐ jīng xué le yì nián le I have already studied for a year. 他已經來了㈤個㈪了。 tā yǐ jīng lái le wǔ ge yuè le He has already been here for ve months. 我們已經認識了。 wǒ men yǐ jīng rèn shì le We have already met each other. 他 已 經 ㆖ 大 ㈻ 了 。 tā yǐ jīng shàng dà xué le He has already gone to a university. 還沒…呢 (ㄏㄞˊ ㄇㄟˊ…・ㄋㄜ;hái méi…ne)not yet ( ne is a sentence nal particle used as a response to some expectation) 我還沒㊢呢。 wǒ hái méi xiě ne I have not written it yet. 李先生還沒來呢。 Lǐ xiān shēng hái méi lái ne Mr. Li has not arrived yet. 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 63 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 64 ㆗英文版 這㆒課還沒教呢。 zhè yí kè hái méi jiāo ne This lesson has not been taught yet. 關係(ㄍㄨㄢ ㄒㄧˋ;guān xì)relationship, related, does (not) matter 我們的關係很好。 wǒ men de guān xì hěn hǎo Our relationship is very good. 這件事跟他沒關係。 zhè jiàn shì gēn tā méi guān xì This matter is not related to him. 我不去㈲沒㈲關係? wǒ bú qù yǒu méi yǒu guān xì I won't go. Will it matter? 沒關係。 méi guān xì It won't matter. 上(ㄕㄤˋ;shàng)a bound morpheme often meaning on, go on, up, to ㆖ 課 shàng kè to attend classes ㆖ ㈻ shàng xué to go to school ㆖ 班 shàng bān to go to work ㆖ 樓 shàng lóu to go upstairs 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 63 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 64 ㆗英文版 我們㆖了幾課了? wǒ men shàng le jǐ kè le How many lessons have we learned? 我們㆖了㈨課了。 wǒ men shàng le jiǔ kè le We have learned nine lessons. 年(ㄋㄧㄢˊ;nián)year ㆒年 yì nián one year 兩 年 liǎng nián two years 年年 nián nián every year 月(ㄩㄝˋ;yuè)Month ㆒㈪ yī yuè January ㆓㈪ èr yuè February ㆒個㈪ yí ge yuè one month 兩個㈪ liǎng ge yuè two months ㆒年㈲㈩㆓個㈪。 yì nián yǒu shí èr ge yuè There are twelve months in a year. 甲:你學中文多久了? 乙:我才學了兩個月。你學了多久了? 甲:我已經學了三年了。 丙:我還沒學呢! 甲:沒關係,你可以到我們學校來學。 ㆙:你 ㈻ ㆗ 文 多 久 了 ? nǐ xué zhōng wén duō jiǔ le How long have you studied Chinese? ㆚:我才㆖了兩個㈪的課。 wǒ cái shàng le liǎng ge yuè de kè Only two months. ㆙:你已經㈻了很久,認識很多字吧。 nǐ yǐ jīng xué le hěn jiǔ rèn shì hěn duō zì ba You have studied it for a long time. You know many words, right? ㆚:我認識的字不多。 wǒ rèn shì de zì bù duō I only know a few words. ㆙:我還沒㈻㊢字呢。 wǒ hái méi xué xiě zì ne I haven’t learned to write yet. ㆚:我也還沒㈻。 wǒ yě hái méi xué Neither have I! ㆙:沒關係。李先生可以教我們。 méi guān xì Lǐ xiān shēng kě yǐ jiāo wǒ men That's OK. Mr. Li can teach us. 三 溫習 REVIEW 四 應用 EXTENDED PRACTICE 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 65 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 66 ㆗英文版 . and learn it. 第㈩課 ㈻了多久? Lesson 10 How Long Have You Studied? 一 課文 TEXT 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 61 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 62 ㆗英文版 了(・ㄌㄜ;le)sentence. 字與詞 WORDS AND PHRASES 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 61 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 62 ㆗英文版 他們才教了㆔課。 tā men cái jiāo le sān kè They have just taught three lessons. 他們才認識㈤個㈪。 . 五百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 59 ㆗英文版 ㈤百字說華語 Speak Mandarin in Five Hundred Words 60 ㆗英文版 ㆙:你㈻㆗文多久了? nǐ xué zhōng wén duō jiǔ le How long have you studied Chinese? ㆚:我才㈻了兩個㈪。你㈻了多久了?

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2014, 08:21