giống nhau, tương tự sự giống nhau, sự tương tựngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa có thể ngăn ngừa được ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa ngăn cản, ngăn chặn sự ngăn cản, sự ngăn ngừa sự tăng cường, sự gia tăng.
Trang 1LESSON 10
I Vocabulary
adv a n
/ ˈsɪmɪləli / / ˈsɪmɪlər / / ˌsɪmɪˈlærəti /
một cách tương tự giống nhau, tương tự
sự giống nhau, sự tương tự
adv a n
/ ˈredəli / / ˈredi / / ˈredɪnəs /
một cách sẵn sàng sẵn sàng
sự sẵn sàng
a a a v n
/ prɪˈventətɪv / / prɪˈventəbəl̩ / / prɪˈventɪv / / prɪˈvent / / prɪˈvenʃən̩ /
ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa
có thể ngăn ngừa được ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa ngăn cản, ngăn chặn
sự ngăn cản, sự ngăn ngừa
a n
/ ˈɜːdʒənt / / ˈɜːdʒənsi /
khẩn trương, khẩn cấp
sự khẩn trương, khẩn cấp
a n a n
/ ɪnˈtensɪv / / ɪnˈtensəti / / ɪnˈtens / / ɪnˌtensɪfɪˈkeɪʃən̩ /
tập trung, chuyên sâu tính mãnh liệt
mạnh, có cường độ lớn
sự tăng cường, sự gia tăng
a n
/ ˈdefɪnət / / ˌdefɪˈnɪʃən̩ /
rõ ràng, chắc chắn
sự định nghĩa
v n
/ ˈempəθaɪz / / ˈempəθi /
đồng cảm, thấu hiểu
sự đồng cảm, thấu hiểu
Trang 2empathetic a / ˌempəˈθetɪk / đồng cảm
II Structures
get off
give away
make out
bỏ chạy xuống xe tiết lộ, để lộ hiểu
count on
catch on
stand for
tìm thấy dựa vào trở nên phổ biến tượng trưng, viết tắt, đại diện
knock out
run across = run into = bump into
be collided with
hất ngã đánh bại tình cờ gặp
va chạm với
sympathize with sb
đồng cảm với ai thông cảm với ai
pass down
close down
look down
từ chối lưu truyền đóng cửa, phá sản nhìn xuống
III Practice exercise 10
Question 1: Individuals who have foreign language skills can appreciate more _ other peoples'
values and ways of life
Question 2: The boys _ when they saw the police.
Question 3: Dr Johnson is a very _ man in our neighbourhood.
Question 4: The policeman _ me off with a warning as it was New Year's Eve.
Question 5: Many companies _ to take part in the illegal logging.
Trang 3Question 6: We need to send to the conference a representative that we can _.
Question 7: Many doctors believe that cigarette smoking is the most _ cause of heart attack.
Question 8: This story is about a murder It's too _ for small children.
Question 9: He is very _ and well-qualified, so he should reach the top of this profession.
Question 10: The explosion was of such _ that it was heard five miles away.
Question 11: Edison tested more than one thousand materials to see if they could _ electric
current and glow
Question 12: She needs two letters of recommendation She'll ask the director for one, and she'll ask one
of the teachers at the institute for _
Question 13: Alex was _ enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn’t want to
listen to anyone else’s advice
Question 14: The policeman _ him to appear as a witness.
Question 15: A small _ of emperor penguins on an island off the West Antarctic Peninsula is
gone, and the most likely culprit is loss of sea ice caused by warming
Question 16: Before he left school, his father told him to start thinking about choosing a(n) _.
Question 17: The child was _ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.
Question 18: You had to wait for us, so you're annoyed We're late because the train was cancelled, it's
not our _
Question 19: It is raining and a bit cold, but I'm _ enjoying myself.
Question 20: The little girl _ over a stone and fell flat on her face.
Question 21: No one can predict the future accurately Things may happen _.
Question 22: It's not a good idea to try to sit and study _ for a long period of time.
Question 23: Ha Noi is a beautiful city which is _ with historical monuments and architectural
Question 24: The traditional family with four _ living under one roof still remains in our
Question 25: Being a parent himself, he felt that it was not difficult for him to _ with the family
whose son was lost in the riots
Trang 4Question 26: A _ classroom is an online classroom that allows participants to communicate
with one another
Question 27: We don't know why she continues _ all Mr Nelson's invitations to dinner.
Question 28: Hundreds of people _ to see the stone sculpture at the foot of the mountain.
Question 29: The increase in population and the number of _ has caused traffic jams in many
Question 30: Little John was absolutely _ with my birthday present He smiled and thanked.