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Lesson 5

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Trang 1

I Vocabulary

4 strengthen v /ˈstreŋθn̩/θn̩/n̩/ làm cho mạnh, tăng cường 5 world-leading a /ˈwɜ:ld ˈliːdɪŋθn̩// hàng đầu thế giới

11 consultation n /ˌkɒnslˈteɪʃn̩ / sự hỏi ý kiến, sự tham khảo 12 methodology n /ˌmeθn̩/əˈdɒlədʒi / phương pháp luận

tạo ra nước uống có gas

23 conspicuous a /kənˈspɪkjʊəs/ dễ thấy, đập ngay vào mắt

27 microscopic a /ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk / rất nhỏ, chỉ có thể nhìn qua kính hiển vi

35 nuclear reactor np /ˈnjuːklɪə rɪˈæktə / lò phản ứng hạt nhân

Trang 2

38 diagnosed a /ˈdaɪəɡnəʊzd/ chuẩn đoán được

đổi mới, cách tân sự đối mới, sự cách tân

53 marginalize v /ˈmɑːdʒənəˌlaɪz / cách li khỏi nhịp phát triển của xã hội

63 overwhelmingly adv /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋθn̩/li / một cách áp đảo

II Structures

3 in the wake of = as a result of bởi vì, là kết quả của

Trang 3

5 in addition to N/Ving = in addition + S + V: ngoài ra, thêm vào đó

12 discriminate against st discriminate on st phân biệt chống lại cái gì phân biệt về cái gì

14 keep to oneself = not talk to other people very much: không nói chuyện với người khác nhiều

18 run before you can walk chưa biết đi đã đòi chạy

20 intend to do st = have intention of doing st: có ý định làm gì

25 take into account/consideration xem xét, cân nhắc

III Practice exercise 5

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: Michael Gove has been urged not to w ater down plans to give people money back for

recycling plastic bottles and cans, after consulting on whether to target small drink containers only.

Question 2: Through our plans, we will introduce a world-leading tax to boost recycled content in plasticpackaging, make producers foot the bill for handling their packaging waste and end the confusion over

household recycling.

Question 3: Millions of homes could have their food waste bins collected weekly, if new proposals fromthe environment secretary are implemented in the wake of a government consultation on the UK's waste

A instead of B as a result of C in spite of D in addition to

Question 4: Innovative methodologies are being explored and the applications are being tried and testedaround the world, on a p lethora of species and in all environments.

Question 5: She advised people to open windows and use extractor hoods if possible to ventilate the

home while cooking.

Trang 4

Question 6: While gas flames and charred food churned out fine soot particles, others came from animal

fat, cooking oils, and grime in the oven and on pots and pans used in making the meal.

Question 7: Critics say Russian authorities t urn a blind eye to routine violations of safety norms and

regulations, with open pit mines often located dangerously close to towns and villages.

Question 8: The absence has been so c onspicuous that Yu thinks the nature of the weather phenomenon

might have changed, possibly as a result of global warming or rising sea surface temperatures in parts of the Atlantic Ocean.

Question 9: These microscopic organisms live in the water and are the base of the marine food chain.

Question 10: The key factor responsible for the extirpation of this population was almost certainly ocean

inundation of the low-lying cay, very likely on multiple occasions, during the last decade, causing dramatic habitat loss and perhaps also direct mortality of individuals.

Question 11: While the British h eld out on sharing information, it did build the Australian public a

consolation prize, a nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights in Southern Sydney.

Question 12: In the meantime, individuals so diagnosed might well be discriminated against by insurancecompanies who will refuse to t ake them on, or employers who will refuse to hire them.

Question 13: The younger ones, by contrast, k ept to themselves more, talking intensely in quiet voices

and casting a chilly eye on strangers.

C avoided contact with others D protected themselves more

Question 14: Activities will be going down all day, r ain or shine, and there will be plenty of

opportunities to chow down on wild boar sausages, haggis, Irish stew and many other Celtic fun foods.

C whatever the weather D except for severe weather

Question 15: Imagine you tell her to come straight home, then you wait in vain for the sound of her key

in the door.

A for a short time B in excitement C in scare D without results

Mark the letter A, B, Q or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 16: While print retains much of its authority as a source of topical information, television has increasingly usurped this role.

Question 17: The ability to write fluent letters has been undermined by the telephone and researchsuggests that for many people the only use for writing, outside formal education, is the compilation of

shopping lists.

Question 18: There is even a necdotal evidence that children are mastering reading and writing in order

to get on to the Internet.

Question 19: There is no reason why the new and old media cannot be integrated in schools to providethe skills to become economically productive and politically enfranchised.

Trang 5

A emancipated B marginalized C empowered D liberated

Question 20: To understand that literacy may be declining because it is less central to some aspects ofeveryday life is not the same as acquiescing in this state of affairs.

Question 21: With teeth bared, he orders me off the premises, insisting, as he s hows me the door, that

he is not in any way being hostile.

Question 22: Dr Terry John said that, in rushing into the establishment of PCTs, the government wasignoring the old adage that you should not try to run before you can walk

A grasp the basic skills before attempting something more difficult B attempt something difficult before one has grasped the basic skills C do the nonsensical things

D behave embarrassingly

Question 23: It may be summer 2008 before local residents know whether the scheme will go ahead or finally run into the sand

Question 24: Product liability law and case law have overwhelmingly favored manufacturers' productsintended to be used by responsible people, and have held the manufacturers harmless for abuses of

those products by the lawless.

A indemnified the manufacturers B caused no harm for the manufacturers C reimbursed the manufactures D damaged the manufactures

Question 25: However, the idea the trains would be required to shift increasing amounts of produce fromthe Mid-West is t aking hold.

A starting to have an effect B ending an effect

Question 26: Organizers and government officials in the period prior to the Games tried to encourage asmany Sydneysiders as possible to leave the city, or failing that to keep off the roads, in order to streamline

transport to Olympic events.

A intrude B avoid encroaching C keep away from D respect

Question 27: Richard tends to be much stricter with Lucie in general and is fed up of being the bad guywho tells Lucie off and reprimands her.

Question 28: With some 3.2 billion people worldwide currently relying on seafood as a source of protein,the findings highlight the urgent need for fisheries to take into account how climate change is shifting

populations in the sea.

Question 29: On February 9, an international team of scientists is e mbarking on yet another mission to

hunt for ocean life that may have once dwelled in the shadow of a giant iceberg.

Question 30: The scientists, led by researchers at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven,

Germany, are headed to the Larsen C ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula, where a Delaware-sized

iceberg broke off a year and a half ago.

A united B became severed C melted D amputated

Ngày đăng: 07/04/2024, 09:17
