sách rất cần cho người bắt đầu, có rất nhiều hay ho , và có ví dụ minh hoạ sinh động, sách rất cần cho người bắt đầu, có rất nhiều hay ho , và có ví dụ minh hoạ sinh động, sách rất cần cho người bắt đầu, có rất nhiều hay ho , và có ví dụ minh hoạ sinh động
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Trang 44 | ZIM
Mục lục
Meet the physiological needs
Meet the safety needs
Meet the knowledge and
understanding needs
Meet the aesthetics needs
To what extent should government
Practice Key
Work satisfaction-job security Work-life balance
The old and young at the workplace Competitiveness: Men-Women Leadership: Who should assume this position
Practice Key
UNIT 1: Government roles UNIT 3: Changes in family
UNIT 4: Work
The decline of animals and plants
The consumption of natural resources at
an alarming rate
Non-renewable and renewable energy
Causes and effects of throw-away society
Who is in charge of solving the
environmental problems ?
UNIT 2: Environment 32
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Trang 5The development of AI and robots
The necessity and difficulty space tech
Future of vehicles: Driveless cars
Who should control the scientific research?
Benefits of taking a gap year and travel Drawbacks of taking a gap year Drawbacks of travel and tourism Practice
Three common types of media
Communication: Spoken and written form
Causes leading to crimesEffectiveness of common practices of dealing with crimes
An emerging crime: cybercrime Practice
The prevalence of sedentary lifestyle The excessive consumption of sugary food
or fast food Computer games: why are they so popular?Pollution leading to health deterioration The prevalence of cosmetics surgeriesThe benefits of playing sports and doing exercise
Practice Key
UNIT 7: Technology
UNIT 9: Travel & Tourism
UNIT 6: Media and
Importance of learning core subjects and
acquiring soft skills
Well-rounded education or specializing in
certain subjects ?
Learning: National or international
Factors contributing to effective learning
Whether online learning can replace
UNIT 5: Education 114
Trang 66 | ZIM
Comparison: city life and rural life The choices of means of transport in cities Solutions for traffic problems in cities Practice
UNIT 15: Urbanization 385
Advertising: benefits and drawbacks
Commerce: online shopping and
UNIT 11: Business 297
The decline of traditions and customs
The decline of minority languages and the
prevalence of English - A global language
Traditional museum and digital museum
Globalization: advantages & disadvantages
UNIT 13: Animals
UNIT 14: Housing-Building
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Understanding ideas for IELTS Writing được biên soạn nhằm giúp người học IELTS khắc phục vấn đề thiếu
ý tưởng cho các bài luận Task 2 Bằng cách thể hiện nội dung dưới hình thức sơ đồ tư duy (mind maps) và các đoạn văn bản ngắn, người đọc có thể tham khảo ý tưởng hoặc dễ dàng nắm bắt cách xây dựng, mở rộng, và bổ sung ý tưởng cho các đề bài viết.
Ấn phẩm bao gồm 15 chương tương ứng với 15 chủ đề phổ biến trong Writing Task 2, đó là:
1 Vai trò của chính phủ - Government roles
2 Môi trường - Environment
3 Sự thay đổi cấu trúc và vai trò trong gia đình - Changes in Family
4 Công việc - Work
11 Kinh doanh - Business
12 Văn hoá và Lịch sử - Historic and cutural values
13 Động vật - Animals
14 Kiến trúc - Housing-Building
15 Đô thị hoá - Urbanization
Trong đó, mỗi chương sẽ bao gồm 3 phần chính:
Bài đọc và Sơ đồ tư duy Bài đọc được chia thành nhiều đoạn đọc nhỏ hơn, thể hiện một khía cạnh cụ thể trong chủ đề lớn Bên cạnh đó, sơ đồ tư duy giúp người học nắm được các nội dung chính dựa vào các từ khoá của mỗi đoạn đọc Cuối cùng, mỗi khía cạnh nhỏ sẽ có phần Tổng hợp bao gồm các ý chủ đạo của đoạn đọc đó
Practice (Luyện tập) Phần này cung cấp các bài tập ôn lại nội dung chính bằng cách điền từ vào các sơ đồ tư duy và dựa vào sơ đồ tư duy để lập dàn ý và viết bài luận
Phần 1
Phần 2
Phần 3
Trang 88 | ZIM
Unit 1:
The government exists to represent and serve its citizens, so the government is expected to ensure access to essential services in terms of physiology and safety This is because citizens are the ones who pay taxes to be able to receive these services from the government In return, the government uses tax money to fund programs and provide assistance to people in need Meeting these needs will bring social stability, well-being and prosperity to all citizens
as well as promote the overall development of a country Once basic needs are met, the government can focus on higher needs like education and art, which can benefit both the government and its people In this chapter, learners will learn more about the government's responsibility toward their citizens and the global community
More people than ever before are facing hunger and malnutrition on a global scale It is estimated that around 345.2 million people will not have access to enough food, which is twice the number from 2020 This represents a huge increase of 200 million people since the COVID-19 pandemic began Why is the world hungrier and malnourished than ever?
Meet the physiological needs
Meet the physiological needs
Meet the knowledge and understanding needsMeet the safety needs
Meet the aesthetics needs
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Trang 9As of 2023, the global housing situation remains a challenge
for many people around the world In some developed nations,
the high cost of housing has made it difficult for low-income
families and individuals to find reasonable housing Meanwhile,
in many developing countries, the lack of housing remains a
significant issue These problems lead millions of people
to live in poor conditions without access to basic amenities
such as clean water and sanitation As a result, many people
choose to deforest to make way for new construction This
results in a deteriorating national image Moreover, in the long
• high cost of housing: giá nhà cao
• the lack of house : sự thiếu hụt nhà ở
• deforest: phá rừng
• deteriorating national image: ảnh hưởng
xấu đến hình ảnh quốc gia
Food shortages are a serious problem that affects millions
of people around the world One of the main causes of food
shortages is natural disasters such as droughts, floods,
storms, which destroy crops and disrupt food supply chains
In addition, geographical reasons such as dry or less fertile
soil can make it difficult to grow crops and produce enough
food for local people These challenges often lead to food
insecurity, in which individuals and communities do not have
access to the food they need for a healthy life
However, there are a number of solutions that can help address
these challenges One approach is to implement policies that
support agricultural infrastructure and technologies that
increase crop yield In addition, food banks can help ensure
that leftovers are redistributed to those who need it most,
while reducing food waste These practices can reduce the
effects of food insecurity and shortage
• food shortage: sự khan hiếm thực phẩm
• natural disaster: thảm họa thiên nhiên
• destroy crops: phá hoại mùa màng
• disrupt food supply chains: ngắt quãng
chuỗi cung ứng thực phẩm
• geographical reasons: lý do địa lý
• agricultural infrastructure and technologies: cơ sở hạ tầng và công
nghệ nông nghiệp
• food banks: ngân hàng thực phẩm
• leftovers: thức ăn thừa
• redistributed: được cung cấp lại cho
high cost of housing
deteriorating national image
Trang 1010 | ZIM
Around the world, approximately one in ten people do not gain access to clean and safe drinking water, and every two minutes, a child dies due to water-borne diseases The impact of this crisis is greater on women even in 2023 Why does our planet still lack clean water?
Water shortage is a problem that comes from many factors
One of the main causes of this problem is the lack of
education about use and conservation Many people believe
that water is an unlimited resource, leading to misuse and
waste Besides, pollution is a significant problem, with many
areas not having proper waste treatment before releasing
back into the environment
Also, overpopulation worsen the problem as both household
and production activities require significant amounts of water
Finally, natural factors such as climate change, natural
disasters and geographical factors such as having no streams
running through an area can also lead to water stress
• the lack of education: sự thiếu hiểu biết
• overpopulation: sự quá tải dân số
• natural factors: các yếu tố tự nhiên
To solve this, programs about public housing should be
proposed to provide affordable and accessible housing to
those in need Another solution is to offer low-interest loans
to people who want to buy a home or make necessary repairs
to their existing home This can help reduce the financial
burden of home ownership and make housing more
accessible to more people It is also important that
governments have to intervene in the housing market to
prevent real estate bubbles, which are one of the main
causes of rapid increases in housing prices and the housing
crisis Moreover, with the growing demand for housing and
limited space on Earth, space research for a new home to live
in is considered as a potential solution for the future
• space research: nghiên cứu không gian
the lack of education
set maximumnatural factors
have a deep understanding of its current water situation
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Trang 11Setting maximum limits for water consumption or punishing
those who overuse water would surely raise people's
awareness of the consequences of misusing water resources,
thereby discouraging them from misusing water In addition,
only the government has a deep understanding of its current
water situation Therefore, only they can take action
accordingly to prevent drought and other emergencies that
water shortages can cause
• set maximum limits: đặt giới hạn sử
dụng tối đa
• punish: phạt
• understand current water situation: biết
được tình hình nguồn nước và dòng chảy
Food shortages result from natural disasters and geographical reasons, which can destroy crops and disrupt food supply chains Solutions involve supporting agricultural infrastructure and technologies, and establishing food banks The global housing situation causes challenges due to high costs, lack of housing Solutions include public housing programs, low-interest loans, government intervention in preventing real estate bubbles, and space research Water shortage stems from a lack of education, overpopulation, and natural factors Addressing it requires setting maximum limits of consumption, stricter punishments, and deep understanding of the current water situation
High cost of housing
SolutionsLack of housing - deforest
Trang 1212 | ZIM
Meet the safety needs
Violence in the media is a widespread problem that can have
harmful effects on individuals and society as a whole This
violence can take many forms, including:
• Physical violence, such as using weapons, knives or guns
to physically attack other people Audiences, especially
younger ones, may copy these actions to physically bully their
peers because they think these actions represent strength
• Sexual content such as harassment and rape can
stimulate negative reactions among potential criminals
and make them more likely to commit real-life crimes to
their friends and colleagues
• Violent content about wars and terrorism is often
illustrated in the media and can contribute to violence
normalization Some people may form false beliefs that
physical power must be used if people want to achieve
something in their lives
• Domestic violence, such as parents beating or cursing at
their children, is another form of violence often described
in the media This content can cause victims to be hurt, or
take extreme actions towards society
• Cyberbullying, including online harassment and
cyberstalking, is becoming increasingly common in the
digital age Some people may be stimulated and supported
by the demonstrations in the media, and commit
cybercrimes to society
• physical violence: bạo lực thể chất
• sexual content: nội dung liên quan đến
• cyberstalking: theo dõi qua mạng
• violence normalization: sự bình thường
hoá bạo lực
• false beliefs: niềm tin sai lệch
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Trang 13Addressing violent content in the media is an pressing issue,
and there are several potential solutions to help reduce its
negative impacts An important method is education, with
school programs and media campaigns helping to educate
individuals about the potential harms of media violence and
promoting watching nonviolent content Parents can also play
an important role in limiting the exposure to media violence by
controlling the types of media content their children use and
setting a time limit for screen time An effective rating system
can also help warn viewers of potentially harmful content,
including content about violence or other harmful behavior
• potential harms: những nguy hại tiềm năng
• nonviolent content: xem những nội dung
không bạo lực
• limit the exposure: giới hạn sự tiếp xúc
• control the types: kiểm soát thể loại xem
• a time limit: giới hạn thời gian xem
• rating system: hệ thống phân loại cấp độ
tuổi xem chương trình
Trang 1414 | ZIM
Access to medical treatment is a concern to many individuals
and communities around the world One of the challenges is
the increasing price of medications, which can make needed
treatments more expensive than ever Furthermore, drug
effectiveness may change constantly due to the emergence of
new diseases and drug resistance in some patients Another
issue is lacking healthcare facilities and degraded existing
infrastructure, which can make it difficult for individuals to
access services they need This is especially problematic for
people living in remote areas, who may have limited access
to healthcare facilities or have to travel long distances to be
taken care of Finally, healthcare workers in many regions
may also be responsible for overwhelming workload but have
low wages, limited benefits and perks This leads to lower
employee retention in the healthcare industry.
When it comes to treatment, one key solution is to increase
funding, ranging from medical research to enhance existing
drugs and invent new ones to the investment in technology,
equipment and infrastructure Specifically, investing in new
facilities and technology can also help improve access to
care while establishing partnerships with private companies
or borrowing or buying technology and equipment from other
countries can help reduce and share the financial burden with
governments Because private companies have abundant
financial resources and have motivation to renovate products
further, product development can be accelerated and improved
to be able to make money and get the profit in the fastest way
Additionally, offering public insurance can help ensure that all
individuals have access to the care they need
In terms of prevention, vaccination programs and sports
facilities in public areas can help promote healthy lifestyles
and reduce the risk of suffering from preventable diseases
Raising awareness about the importance of healthy habits
such as eating habits and getting regular checkups is also
important Finally, it is necessary to increase the base salary
and perks for medical staff to improve morale and job retention
in this team
• medical treatment: sự chữa trị
• price of medications: giá thuốc
• drug effectiveness: sự hiệu quả của thuốc
• healthcare facilities: cơ sở y tế
• degraded existing infrastructure: cơ sở
hạ tầng hiện tại xuống cấp
• healthcare workers: nhân viên ngành y
• overwhelming workload: lượng công việc
khổng lồ
• low wages, limited benefits and perks:
lương thấp, phúc lợi và đặc quyền hạn chế
• employee retention: sự ở lại của nhân viên
• increase funding: tăng ngân quỹ
• medical research: nghiên cứu y khoa
• partnerships with private companies:
cộng tác với công ty tư nhân
• borrow/ buy technology and equipment:
mượn hoặc mua công nghệ và thiết
• public insurance: bảo hiểm trách nhiệm
công cộng
• vaccination programs: chương trình tiêm
ngừa vắc xin
• sports facilities: trang thiết bị thể thao
• promote healthy lifestyles: thúc đẩy lối
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achieving something using physical power to their colleagues and friends Addressing media violence requireseducation, promoting nonviolent content, limiting exposure, controlling media types, setting screen time limits, and implementing an effective rating system to warn viewers of potentially harmful content
Challenges in healthcare include expensive medications, changing drug effectiveness, lack of facilities and structure, and low wages for healthcare workers Solutions involve increasing funding, investing in technology and infrastructure, establishing partnerships, offering public insurance, promoting preventive measures like vaccinations and sports facilities, raising awareness, and improving salaries and perks for medical staff
infra-Meet the knowledge and understanding needs
Education is one of the contributors to changing the current living conditions of an individual Although playing a very important role, it is ranked after the first two needs because if essential needs such as food, water, shelter, or safety are not guaranteed, humans cannot focus on self-awareness and personal growth, and contributing to society
One of the policies that the government meets the knowledge and understanding needs is providing “Free tuition fee”
However, providing a free service also comes with disadvantages that need to be considered
Trang 1616 | ZIM
Providing free-of-charge education can bring several benefits
to society Firstly, it can help create equal opportunities for all
individuals to access education, regardless of their financial
backgrounds This can help many students from low-income
backgrounds to attend school and ultimately lift themselves
out of poverty Additionally, a more educated workforce can
lead to increased economic growth and productivity, as
individuals with higher levels of education tend to have more
skills and knowledge that can benefit the labor force At the
same time, by removing financial barriers to education, we can
also see increased literacy rates, which can ultimately lead to
a more educated and skilled population.
• free-of-charge education: giáo dục
miễn phí
• equal opportunities: cơ hội công bằng
• lift oneself out of poverty: giúp bản thân
thoát khỏi cảnh nghèo khổ
• economic growth and productivity: sự
phát triển kinh tế và năng suất
• literacy rates: tỷ lệ có học
• a more educated and skilled population: dân số có giáo dục và kỹ năng cao hơn
However, there are also some potential drawbacks worth
considering Firstly, providing free education may put a
significant burden on taxpayers and the national budget This
could disadvantage other areas and potentially have negative
impacts on the entire economy Additionally, if the quality of
students is not monitored properly, free education may lead
to a lack of motivation to learn, as students think there is
no need to compete and strive This could lead to a lack of
accountability and potentially result in students dropping out
or not putting in the necessary effort to succeed Furthermore,
free education can also lead to a lack of resources and
facilities in educational institutions, which can affect the
quality of education provided, as a result Finally, the increase
in the number of graduates due to free education may lead
to potential job market saturation, making it difficult for
individuals to find employment even with a formal degree
• a significant burden: gánh nặng lớn
• taxpayers: người trả thuế
• the national budget: ngân sách quốc gia
• the quality of students: chất lượng học sinh
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Trang 17Providing free education can create equal opportunities and lead to a more educated workforce, but this proposal may burden taxpayers and disadvantage other areas of the economy Without proper monitoring, it may also result in
a lack of motivation and accountability, as well as a lack of resources and potential job market saturation
Meet the aethetics needs
Aesthetics needs are an expanded need after meeting the aforementioned needs Some people believe that aesthetics needs belong to individuals, and therefore government intervention will bring disadvantages However, according to the mind map below, meeting aesthetic needs seems to bring many benefits not only for individuals but also for the country
job market saturation
Trang 1818 | ZIM
reflect the unique cultural and historical identity of a country
This can improve the country's image both nationally and
internationally Additionally, investing in aesthetics can have
positive impacts on not only the economy, as it can attract
tourism and create jobs in fields, but also the social
cohesion,as the same style of architecture can foster a sense
of unity and equality in society Also, by preserving cultural
heritage, societies can help pass down traditions from
generation to generation Finally, improving the aesthetics of
public spaces can enhance the quality of life for citizens by
creating attractive and functional areas for people to gather,
relax, and enjoy
• cultural and historical identity: bản sắc
văn hoá và lịch sử
• attract tourism: thu hút du lịch
• social cohesion: sự gắn kết xã hội
• foster a sense of unity and equality: thúc
However, for some people, aesthetics is subjective, and what
may be considered aesthetic for one group may not be for
another Therefore, it is only suitable for a limited audience, as
not everyone can access or appreciate the beauty of a work
Moreover, using taxpayers’ money to sponsor aesthetic
improvements may cause a resentful attitude among the
public, especially if they feel that urgent issues are not
being addressed Finally, investing in aesthetics may not
always bring immediate economic benefits and therefore may
be seen as a less attractive investment option
• subjective: mang tính chủ quan
• a limited audience: lượng khán giả
giới hạn
• using taxpayers’ money: sử dụng
tiền thuế
• a resentful attitude: thái độ phẫn nộ
• immediate economic benefits: lợi ích
kinh tế ngay lập tức
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Trang 19Investing in aesthetics can boost national image and the economy, promote social cohesion and culture, and enhance citizens' quality of life However, aesthetic preferences are subjective and may not be valued by all, leading to limited audience and potential resentment among taxpayers.
To what extent should government intervene
The level of government intervention in different aspects of life will vary depending on the political system and level
of development of a country However, is there any government in the world that has the right to control 100% of the issues in their country? What would happen to that country if such a situation occurred?
The answer is:
If any government in the world has the right to control 100% of the issues in their country, individual freedoms and rights in that country will be greatly limited or almost non-existent That government will have the power to control every aspect, from jobs, education to religion or social relationships Therefore, innovation and creativity will be sup-pressed and have no room to develop, and the country will find it difficult to compete with other countries in the world,
as a consequence This can even lead to a resentful attitude and may be the beginning of forms of social instability
In summary, the role of the government is crucial for the formation and development of a country However, ing on the issues, the government needs to have a significant or moderate level of intervention to maintain stability
Trang 20depend-20 | ZIM
Government's responsibility towards global community
Governments play an important role in promoting global peace
and stability, protecting human rights, addressing global
challenges, and promoting trade cooperation
In Southeast Asia, for example, countries have been working
together to promote regional peace and stability through
organizations such as ASEAN, which aims to promote
economic, political, and security cooperation among its
member states Governments in the region also work
together to resolve conflicts, such as the territorial disputes in
the South China Sea, and to provide humanitarian aid to areas
affected by natural disasters or conflicts
Human rights have also been a major concern In some
countries facing issues such as discrimination, human
trafficking, and other forms of exploitation, governments in
the region have been taking steps to combat these issues,
with some countries implementing laws to protect vulnerable
groups and promote equality
Global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and
inequality are also issues that many parts of the world are
facing For example, some countries have been cooperating
and implementing sustainable development initiatives and
promoting the use of renewable energy sources to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions
Trade cooperation is also important around the world For
instance, countries in Southeast Asia are working together
to promote mutual prosperity through initiatives such as the
ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which aims to create a free
trade area among ASEAN member states Governments have
also been working to attract foreign investment and promote
trade with other countries outside the region
• global peace and stability: hòa bình và
sự ổn định toàn cầu
• resolve conflicts: giải quyết mâu thuẫn
• humanitarian aid: hỗ trợ nhân đạo
• human rights: bảo vệ quyền con người
• global challenges: thách thức phạm vi
toàn cầu
• climate change: biến đổi khí hậu
• poverty: đói nghèo
• inequality: sự bất công
• trade cooperation: hợp tác thương mại
• mutual prosperity: sự thịnh vượng chung
In addition to their responsibility to their own citizens, governments also have a positive role to play in the
internation-al community in terms of the promotion of worldwide peace and stability, protection of human rights, addressing of global challenges, and the promotion of trade cooperation
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Trade cooperation
Resolve conflictsPeace negotiationsProvide humanitarian aid
Against discriminationPrevent human traffickingOther forms of exploitation
Climate changePovertyInequality
Practice 1: Draw mind maps using given suggestions and write a paragraph using ideas from the mind maps completed and the topic sentences below.
1.1 Mind map about violence in media
1.2 Some people feel that the government should regulate the level of violence for films of television and cinema Others feel that violent films should not be released Discuss both views and give your opinion?
Violence in media Forms of media violence
First, I advocate that government regulation of media violence can reduce the harmful effects it has on individuals
Trang 2222 | ZIM
2.1 Mind map about water shortages
2.2 Some people think that people should be given the right to use fresh water as they like Others believe governments should strictly control the use of fresh water Discuss both views and give your own opinion
Water shortages Situation
Government Intervention
Firstly, I advocate that governments should have strict control on fresh water usage because of the lack of awareness and education among many irresponsible users
3.1 Mind map about drawbacks of meeting aesthetic needs
3.2 Government investment in the arts, such as music and theater, is a waste of money Governments must invest this money in public services instead To what extent do you agree with this statement?
On the one hand, it is understandable why some people oppose the idea of funding in the arts using the state budget
4.1 Mind map about the benefit of free-of-charge tuition fee programs
Meet the knowledge and understanding needs Forms of media violence
4.2 In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, the government pays for them Do you think the advantages that the government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages?
On one hand, providing free-of-charge education brings many benefits for students and the overall economy
5.1 Mind map about governments’ responsibility towards the global community
Promote peace and stabilityProtect human rights
Mutual responsibility
Support trade cooperation
Address global challenges
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Trang 23Practice 2: Complete mind maps below using given phrases
set maximum limits natural disasters agricultural infrastructure
and technologiesdisrupt food supply chains prevent real estate bubbles deteriorate national image
5.2 Some people believe that the government should not spend money on international aid when they have their own disadvantaged people like the homeless and unemployed To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Opponents of spending money on international aid may argue that
2.1 Meet the physiological needs
fertile soil(3) - crop yield
Trang 2424 | ZIM
the increasing price
of medications
violence normalization
borrow or buy technology and equipment from other countries
Physical violence
educate individuals
about the potential harms
establish partnerships with private companies
copy these actions improve morale and
job retention
Domestic violence limit the exposure An effective
rating system
lower employee retention
vaccination programs Raising awareness drug effectiveness
2.2 Meet the safety needs
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Trang 26This publication's user rights are given to
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Trang 27attract tourism pass down traditions boost national image
enhance the quality of life
for citizens
a resentful attitude attract tourism
not always bring immediate
Trang 2828 | ZIM
1.1 Mind map about violence in media
2.1 Mind map about water shortages
Practice 1:
1.2 First, I advocate that government regulation of media violence can reduce the harmful effects it has on
individu-als It is crucial to recognize that the media has a powerful influence on the way people think and behave, particularly young audiences who are immature and easily imitate what they have watched from the media For example, young students who are exposed to violent content are likely to bully their peers at school, or who view age-inappropriate content such as sexual harassment or assault can normalize these harmful behaviours and use them towards their friends And I believe the government has the power and responsibility to control the level of media violence to safe-guard the people from these scenarios
2.2 Firstly, I advocate that governments should have strict control on fresh water usage because of the lack of
awareness and education among many irresponsible users Many people do not realize the importance of ing water resources and may use water carelessly or unnecessarily Even worse, some people have a false percep-tion that water is unlimited This can lead to a significant waste of water, which can contribute to water scarcity, particularly in regions already facing water shortages
the lack of education
set maximumnatural factors
have a deep understanding of its current water situation
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Trang 293.1 Mind map about drawbacks of meeting aesthetic needs
4.1 Mind map about the benefit of free-of-charge tuition fee programs
3.2 On the one hand, it is understandable why some people oppose the idea of funding in the arts using the state
budget Firstly, they view art as subjective, and it only serves a limited audience This is why using taxpayers’ money
to invest in forms of art can lead to resentful attitudes among citizens Secondly, funding the arts through the state budget is a waste of resources as art is seen as a lower priority, especially when compared to other essential ser-vices such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure They believe that only when these basic human needs are met should arts be taken into account
4.2 On the one hand, providing free-of-charge education brings many benefits for students and the overall
econo-my First, this initiative creates equal opportunities for individuals, regardless of their financial backgrounds This enables less privileged young citizens to lift themselves out of poverty by accessing higher education just like those from better-endowed families As a result, there would be increased economic growth and productivity, as countries with high rates of education tend to experience higher levels of innovation and productivity growth Additionally, this approach produces a more educated and skilled population, which is crucial for the increasingly high-tech industries that require specialized knowledge and skill sets
Trang 3030 | ZIM
5.1 Mind map about governments’ responsibility towards the global community
5.2 Opponents of spending money on international aid may argue that there are many pressing issues in their
coun-try in need of solutions The government should take responsibility for meeting basic human needs in its councoun-try, such as solving unemployment or reducing inflammation rate, which puts the national security at risk, before think-ing of helping others However, they fail to mention that joining hands into the global community is also a way to maintain national security For example, if a country assists another country suffering an infectious disease timely,
it can mitigate or prevent the spread of this disease from invading its own country This practice, in turn, can protect their citizens and keep the security of a nation
Trade cooperation
Resolve conflictsPeach negotiationsProvide humanitarian aid
Against discriminationPrevent human traffickingOther forms of explocation
Climate changePovertyInequality
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Trang 31Practice 2:
natural disasters
disrupt food supply chains
agricultural infrastructure and technologies
food banks
deteriorate national image
public housing
prevent real estate bubbles
the lack of education
set maximum limits
Physical violenceDomestic violenceviolence normalizationcopy these actionseducate individuals about the potential harmslimit the exposure
An effective rating systemthe increasing price of medicationsdrug effectiveness
overwhelming workload lower employee retentionborrow or buy technology and equipment from other countries
establish partnerships with private companiesvaccination programs
Raising awarenessimprove morale and job retention
equal opportunity
lift themselves out of poverty
increased literacy rates
increased economic growth and productivity
put a significant burden
not monitored properly
a lack of accountability
lack of resources and facilities
job market saturation
boost national image reflect the unique cultural and historical identityattract tourism
attract tourism pass down traditions enhance the quality of life for citizenssubjective
a resentful attitudenot always bring immediate economic benefits
Trang 3232 | ZIM
Unit 2:
The environment is one of the urgent issues of modern life It is facing many threats and challenges from human activities and changes in the natural world Some issues that learners may encounter in Writing Task 2 are the decline of many plant and animal species, the depletion of natural resources, the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and the increasing trend of the throw-away society Chapter 2 will help learners gain more knowledge about these issues and understand the roles of different groups of people in protecting the environment
The decline of animals and plants
The consumption of natural
resources at an alarming rate
Causes and effects
of Throw-away society
The decline of animals and plants
Non-enewable energy and renewable energy
Who is in charge of solving the environmental problems
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One major cause of the decline of many animals and plants is
habitat destruction, which is primarily due to overpopulation
As human populations increase, the demand for housing and
other infrastructure increases, people resort to deforestation to
make way for more human settlements, factories and farms This
has a profound impact on animals, as they lose their habitats
Also, human activities such as burning fossil fuels are releasing
huge amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change
This results in the rise in temperature and sea levels which
have severe effects on many species, including disrupted
breeding and feeding patterns, suffering from more frequent
and extreme natural disasters, and increased risk of disease
Overfishing and poaching are also significant threats to species
Specifically, overfishing is depleting fish populations and
endangering the survival of marine animals while poaching is
threatening certain endangered species, such as elephants and
rhinos, which are hunted for their ivory, just for their personal interest
• habitat destruction: sự phá huỷ môi
trường sống
• overpopulation: sự quá tải dân số
• fossil fuels: nhiên liệu hóa thạch
• deforestation: nạn phá rừng
• CO2 and greenhouse gases: khí CO2 và
khí nhà kính
• rise in temperature and sea levels: sự
tăng nhiệt độ và mực nước biển
• overfishing and poaching: đánh bắt quá
mức và săn trộm bất hợp pháp
• fish populations: dân số loài cá
Habitat destruction, burning fossil fuels, overfishing, and poaching are the main factors posing a threat to biodiversity
of certain plants and animals in the wild
Trang 3434 | ZIM
The consumption of natural resources at an alarming rate
The fast consumption of natural resources has numerous
negative impacts on our planet, including environmental
degradation and resource depletion First, deforestation,
primarily for agriculture and urbanization, results in soil
erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased CO2 emissions,
which exacerbate climate change Additionally, the depletion
of natural resources, such as water and energy, results in
water scarcity and energy insecurity, affecting daily lives and
production activities This, in turn, has economic risks when
prices of these kinds of commodities in the market increase,
which puts some countries at risk
• natural resources: tài nguyên thiên nhiên
• environmental degradation: sự xuống
cấp môi trường
• agriculture: nông nghiệp
• urbanization: sự đô thị hoá
• resource depletion: sự cạn kiệt tài
nguyên thiên nhiên
• water scarcity: sự khan hiếm nước
• energy insecurity: sự khủng hoảng
năng lượng
• economic risks: rủi ro về kinh tế
Fast consumption of natural resources leads to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and economic risks
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Trang 35Non-renewable and renewable energy sources
Energy is an essential commodity in most human activities, from daily activities to production ones Energy is divided into two main types: non-renewable energy and renewable energy
Non-renewable energy, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, has
been the primary source of energy for many years due to its
reliability and security Non-renewable energy sources have a
high energy density and can produce a consistent and reliable
supply of energy They have been extensively developed and
optimized over time, making them efficient and dependable
for meeting energy demands Also, non-renewable energy
sources can be easily stored and used as needed, providing a
reliable and readily available source of energy This is
particularly important for industrial and commercial purposes
where a constant and uninterrupted energy supply is essential
It is also a more affordable option for many people, particularly
in developing countries where the cost of renewable energy
technology is high
• non-renewable energy: năng lượng
không tái tạo được
• reliability: sự đáng tin cậy
• security: sự an toàn
• energy density: mật độ năng lượng
• a consistent and reliable supply: nguồn
cung liên tục và đánh tin cậy
• extensively developed and optimized: được phát triển và tối ưu rất nhiều
• easily stored and used: dễ dàng trữ và sử
dụng khi cần
• industrial and commercial purposes: mục đích công nghiệp và thương mại
• affordable: phải chăng
• developing countries: nước đang
phát triển
Trang 3636 | ZIM
production of non-renewable energy resources to support
their economies For instance, oil-producing countries such as
Saudi Arabia, Russia, and the United States have been able to
use the profits from the sale of oil to support their economies
and provide social services to their citizens
One of the major drawbacks of non-renewable energy is
pollution Burning fossil fuels releases harmful chemicals
into the air, water, and soil, causing damage to both human
health and the environment Air pollution from burning coal,
for example, is a leading cause of respiratory problems, and oil
spills can contaminate waterways and harm wildlife
Another drawback is that non-renewable energy sources are
finite resources, meaning they will eventually run out As we
continue to consume these resources at an alarming rate, we
will eventually deplete them, leaving future generations
without access to these valuable resources
Additionally, many countries are dependent on foreign sources
of non-renewable energy, which can lead to political and
economic instability Countries that rely heavily on oil imports, for
example, are vulnerable to price fluctuations and supply disruptions,
which can have significant impacts on their economies
• finite resources: những nguồn tài nguyên
hữu hạn
• run out: cạn kiệt
• leave future generations without access:
thế hệ tương lai không có để sử dụng
• dependent on foreign sources: phụ thuộc
vào nguồn từ bên ngoài
• political and economic instability: bất ổn
chính trị và kinh tế
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Trang 37Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower,
offer several benefits over non-renewable energy sources
One of the most significant benefits is that renewable energy
can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and produce less
harmful emissions of pollutants This can not only help
mitigate the effects of climate change but also improve the
air quality, which helps people reduce the risk of suffering
from respiratory diseases
Renewable energy also offers energy security Unlike fossil fuels,
which are finite resources and subject to price fluctuations and
supply disruptions, renewable energy sources are abundant
As a result, renewable energy helps reduce dependence on
foreign sources of energy
Renewable energy can also create jobs and stimulate
economic growth The renewable energy industry is one of the
fastest-growing industries in the world and has the potential
to create millions of jobs in manufacturing, installation, and
maintenance This can help boost local economies and
provide new opportunities for workers
Finally, renewable energy can increase energy access,
particularly in developing countries Many rural areas lack
access to electricity, which can limit economic development
and social opportunities Renewable energy sources can help
provide electricity to these areas, improving quality of life and
promoting sustainable development.
One of the primary drawbacks is the dependence on weather
Unlike non-renewable energy sources, renewable energy
production is heavily dependent on weather conditions, such
as sunlight, wind, and rainfall This means that renewable
energy sources can be less reliable and less predictable than
non-renewable energy sources
Another major drawback is that renewable energy infrastructure
often requires a large amount of land and resources For
example, large solar or wind farms require significant amounts
of land and can have environmental impacts, such as habitat
destruction and land use changes Moreover, renewable energy
infrastructure such as the installation of hydropower can
change the riverflow and water quality nearby, which affects
the agricultural and daily activities of local residents
• abundant: dồi dào và đáng tin cậy
• increase energy access: tăng sự tiếp cận
đến năng lượng
• lack access to electricity:không có điện
• promote sustainable development: thúc
đẩy sự phát triển bền vững
• dependence on weather: sự phụ thuộc
vào thời tiết
• less reliable and predictable: ít đáng tin
Trang 3838 | ZIM
Non-renewable energy sources provide reliable and secure energy with high density, supporting economic growth and affordability However, they cause pollution, are finite resources, and can lead to political and economic instability Meanwhile, renewable energy reduces emissions, improves air quality, creates jobs, and enhances energy security However, it is weather-dependent, requires substantial land and resources, and initial costs can be higher
set up and maintain While the costs of renewable energy have
been decreasing in recent years, they are still often more
ex-pensive than non-renewable energy sources, particularly in the
short term
Causes and effects of throw-away society
Modern life witnesses a change in the way people consume and dispose of things Indeed, we are living in a society where people are generating more and more waste, or known as the "throw-away society" This phenomenon has various reasons and certainly brings consequences that affect individuals and the environment The diagram below focuses on four objects commonly mentioned in the "throw-away society" topic in Writing Task 2, which are Food, Fashion, Disposable Materials, and Consumerism
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There are many reasons why people waste food, and one of
them is related to food fashion Food fashion refers to the
trend of consuming certain types of food For example,there
is a trend of ordering large amounts of food for social media
photoshoots or to impress others However, when these kinds
of food lose their popularity, they end up in landfills
Food waste from shops and restaurants is a significant problem
in many countries One of the main causes of food waste in these
settings is the practice of discarding perfectly edible food due to
aesthetics Stores and restaurants often prioritize the appearance
of their products, leading them to throw away food that is still
safe to eat but may not look appealing For example, a bakery
may discard bread that is slightly misshapen Another cause of
food waste from shops and restaurants is the sale of products
that are past their sell-by dates Stores and restaurants may be
reluctant to sell products that are near or past their expiration
date, even if the food is still safe to eat Additionally, overstocking
is a common practice among stores and restaurants as they aim
to ensure that they have enough inventory to meet their customers'
needs or just simply due to lack of accurate calculations
Additionally, awareness of the importance of reducing food
waste and storage and preservation methods are normally
ignored, which can contribute to food spoilage and waste
Lastly, others may hesitate to eat leftovers as they may have
concerns about the safety and quality of food that has been
• food fashion: những loại đồ ăn được yêu
thích sử dụng vào một thời điểm nào đó
• lose popularity: mất đi sự yêu thích
• landfills: bãi rác
• shops and restaurants: các cửa hàng và
nhà hàng
• discard perfectly edible food: vứt những
loại đồ ăn vẫn còn hoàn toàn ăn được
• prioritize the appearance: ưu tiên vẻ
Trang 4040 | ZIM
The "throw-away society" we are living in today is largely
influenced by fast fashion
The use of low-quality materials in clothing production leads to
shorter lifespan and encourages consumers to buy new items
more frequently, thus provoking a cycle of overconsumption
Another factor contributing to this problem is the customers'
constant desire for new clothes Some people feel more
confident when wearing new clothes, or buying them gives
them a sense of excitement
Additionally, many people work in the fashion industry, so
they have to keep up with the latest fashion trends, leading to
a constant need to update their wardrobes
• fast fashion: thời trang nhanh
• low-quality materials: vật liệu chất
lượng thấp
• shorter lifespan: vòng đời tồn tại ngắn
• constant desire: nhu cầu liên tục
• work in the fashion industry: làm việc
trong ngành thời trang
• the latest fashion trends: xu hướng
mới nhất
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