Workplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulnessWorkplace incivility and its outcomes the role of coping strategies and mindfulness
Major: Business Administration Training direction: Research Code: 9340101
Academic advisors:
Asso Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Trang
I hereby declare that this dissertation is my own work and has not been submittedfor any previous degree or qualification Collaborative contributions were clearlyindicated and acknowledged References have been adequately provided on allsupporting documents and resources
Trang 4There are many individuals to whom I am highly grateful for their supportthroughout this process First, I would like to express my infinite gratitude to mysupervisor for her constant guidance, advice, support, and patience with developingknowledge throughout my academic journey With her excellent knowledge, shegave suggestions to help me better understand the various aspects of the researchprocess, enabling me to improve my research knowledge and academic writingskills, which helped me build a strong foundation for my educational career Also,she is genuinely kind and is my role model—an academician and a human being I
do not think a few words can express my gratitude to her I feel incredibly fortunate
to have her as my supervisor
Secondly, this journey would not have been possible without the dedicatedsupport of my family Thanks to my family for caring for my newborn daughter,empathy, and always encouraging me to follow my dreams Especially my husband,who always supports me and never adds any further stress during my studying.Without the support and understanding from my family, it was challenging for me
to complete this academic journey I also thank my lovely daughter, who was bornduring my PhD journey Although my life has dramatically changed since you wereborn, it has been extremely busy, but your smile has helped me overcome everychallenge
Thirdly, I would like to thank my closest lecturers (Mr Duy, Ms Quy, Ms.Kha, Ms Hằng, Ms Lệ, Mr Vương), who have emotionally assisted and cheered
me up when things get tough You are all the first ones with whom I shared sadnessand any achievements in this journey I also want to thank all the lecturers andclassmates in the UEH PhD program I learned from everyone, and together, weshared beautiful memories Finally, I would also like to thank my collaborators atbanks and airports for their time, energy, and support during the data collection for
my dissertation Even with your hectic schedule, you are willing to help me Ihighly appreciated it
Trang 5“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you toachieve it.” - Paulo Coelho While the process is often not easy, full of tears andcheers, thanks to everyone for accompanying me and making this journey enjoyableand memorable.
1.1 Research background and research problem 1
1.1.1 Review of studies on workplace incivility 1
1.1.2 Identify research gaps 10
1.2 Research Objectives 14
1.2.1 Research objectives of study 1 15
1.2.2 Research objective of study 2 15
1.3 Research significance 15
1.4 Research methodology 17
1.5 Research context 18
1.5.1 Aviation and banking sectors as research context 18
1.5.2 Study 1 – Banking sector as research context, and coworkers and supervisors are main sources of workplace incivility 21
1.5.3 Study 2 - The aviation sector as the research context, and customers and supervisors are the main sources of workplace incivility 22
1.6 Overview articles 24
1.7 Dissertation structure 26
2.1 Theoretical framework 28
2.1.1 Conservation of resources 28
Trang 72.1.2 The work-home resources (W-H R) model 30
2.1.3 Theory of work-family enrichment 31
2.2 Overview of the study variables 32
2.2.1 Workplace incivility 32
2.2.2 Work-family enrichment 38
2.2.3 Psychological distress 39
2.2.4 Subjective well-being 40
2.2.5 In-role and extra-role performance 41
2.2.6 Coping strategies 42
2.2.7 Mindfulness 43
2.3 Hypothesis development 46
2.3.1 Examining the non-work outcomes of Workplace incivility - Study 1: Linking workplace incivility and frontline employees’ subjective well-being: The role of work-home enrichment and coping strategies 46 Workplace incivility, work-family enrichment, and subjective well-being 46 Coping strategies as a moderator 49 Gaps in the workplace incivility research 51
2.3.2 Examining the work-related outcome of Workplace incivility - Study 2: Linking customer and supervisor incivility and service performance among airport frontline employees: the role of psychological distress and mindfulness 53 Workplace incivility and job performance 53 Workplace incivility, psychological distress and job performance 55 The moderating role of mindfulness 57 Gaps in the workplace incivility research 58
Trang 8Study 1: Linking workplace incivility and frontline employees’ subjective
well-being: The role of work-home enrichment and coping strategies
3.1 Research Method 61
3.1.1 Design and sample 61
3.1.2 Sample profile and measures 63
3.2 Data analysis and results 65
3.2.1 Analytical approach 65
3.2.2 Results 65 Assessment of the measurement model 65 Common method variance (CMV) tests 70 Assessment of the structural model 71
3.3 Discussion 74
Study 2 - Linking customer and supervisor incivility and service performance among airport frontline employees: the role of psychological distress and mindfulness 77
4.1 Research method 77
4.1.1 Design and sample 77
4.1.2 Sample profile and measures 78
4.2 Data analysis and results 80
4.2.1 Tests of reliability and validity 80
4.2.2 Common method variance (CMV) tests 83
4.2.3 PLS-SEM results: hypothesis testing 84
4.3 Discussion 87
Trang 95.1 General discussion 90
5.2 Integrating the theoretical contributions 91
5.2.1 Contribution to research on workplace incivility 92
5.2.2 Contribution to theories and theoretical framework 94
5.3 Managerial implications 96
5.4 Limitations and suggestions for further research 100
AVE Average variance extracted
PLS -SEM Partial least square structural equation model
TSN' Int Tan Son Nhat International Airport
Trang 11Figure 2.1 Study 1: Conceptual Model and Hypotheses 45Figure 2.2 Study 2: Conceptual Model and Hypotheses 46Figure 3.1 Experimental research process 63Figure 3.2 COPING as a moderator of the relationship between COI
and WFE
Table 1.2 Co-citation Clusters and representative citations of each group 7Table 3.1 Demographics of frontline employees 64Table 3.2 Scale items and latent construct evaluation 67Table 3.3 Discriminant validity (Fornell-Larcker criterion) 68Table 3.4 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) 69
Table 3.6 Summary of the structural model 72
Table 4.3 Fornell-Larcker criterion analysis for checking discriminant
Table 4.4 The Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) 83
Trang 13The dissertation focuses on understanding the mechanisms that connect workplaceincivility to non-work-related outcomes, such as subjective well-being, and work-related outcomes, such as job performance The studies draw on theories, includingthe conservation of resources theory, the theory of work-family enrichment, and thework-home resources model to propose the hypotheses Two studies wereconducted to address the research questions Study 1 aimed to determine themechanism of the effect of supervisor and coworker incivility on employees’subjective well-being by focusing on the mediating role of work-family enrichmentand the moderating role of coping strategies Study 2 aimed to identify the effect ofcustomer and supervisor incivility on employees’ in-role and extra-role performance
by focusing on the mediating role of psychological distress and the moderating role
of mindfulness The data of both studies were analyzed using partial least squarestructural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) For study 1, cross-sectional data wascollected from 266 banking frontline employees, revealing that coworker incivilitynegatively affected work-family enrichment, subsequently reducing subjective well-being Coping strategies were found to moderate the relationship between coworkerincivility and work-family enrichment Study 2 collected cross-sectional data from
186 check-in staff in the aviation sector The results showed that both customer andsupervisor incivility were associated with increased psychological distress, leading
to reduced extra-role performance Besides, supervisor incivility directly impactedemployees' in-role performance rather than an indirect effect The study also foundthat employees with low levels of mindfulness experienced a stronger impact ofcustomer and supervisor incivility on psychological distress Further implicationsand several avenues for future research will also be discussed
Keywords: coping strategies; mindfulness; psychological distress; subjective
well- being; work-family enrichment; workplace incivility; job performance
Trang 14TÓM TẮT
Luận án này nhằm tìm hiểu cơ chế tác động của hành vi khiếm nhã tại nơi làm việc đốivới khía cạnh gia đình của nhân viên, ví dụ sự hạnh phúc chủ quan và đối với khía cạnhcông việc của nhân viên, ví dụ hiệu quả công việc Lý thuyết bảo tồn nguồn lực, lýthuyết sự làm giàu thêm nguồn lực tại gia đình thông qua công việc và mô hình lan tỏanguồn lực giữa công việc và gia đình được sử dụng nhằm đề xuất các giả thuyết nghiêncứu Hai nghiên cứu được tiến hành để trả lời các câu hỏi nghiên cứu Nghiên cứu 1xác định cơ chế tác động của hành vi khiếm nhã từ người giám sát và đồng nghiệp đốivới sự hạnh phúc chủ quan của nhân viên thông qua đề xuất vai trò trung gian của sựlàm giàu thêm nguồn lực cho gia đình từ công việc và vai trò điều tiết của các chiếnlược đối phó trong mối quan hệ này Nghiên cứu 2 nhằm xác định tác động gián tiếpcủa hành vi khiếm nhã từ khách hàng và người giám sát đối với hiệu suất công việctheo yêu cầu và tự nguyện của nhân viên thông qua đề xuất sự căng thẳng về tâm lýđóng vai trò trung gian và chánh niệm đóng vai trò điều tiết trong mối quan hệ này.Phương pháp bình phương nhỏ nhất bán phần được sử dụng để phân tích dữ liệu.Nghiên cứu 1, sử dụng số liệu chéo được khảo sát từ 266 nhân viên tuyến đầu làm việctại các ngân hàng Kết quả cho thấy sự khiếm nhã của đồng nghiệp ảnh hưởng tiêu cựcđến sự làm giàu thêm nguồn lực cho gia đình từ công việc và từ đó làm giảm mức độhạnh phúc chủ quan Bên cạnh đó, kết quả nghiên cứu cũng cho thấy các chiến lược đốiphó đã làm giảm tác động tiêu cực của hành vi khiếm nhã từ đồng nghiệp đến sự làmgiàu thêm nguồn lực cho gia đình từ công việc Nghiên cứu 2 sử dụng dữ liệu chéo thuthập được từ 186 nhân viên tuyến đầu làm việc trong ngành hàng không Kết quảnghiên cứu cho thấy hành vi khiếm nhã của khách hàng và người giám sát được pháthiện làm tăng căng thẳng về tâm lý đối với nhân viên, từ đó làm giảm hiệu suất củacông việc tự nguyện Ngoài ra hành vi khiếm nhã từ người giám sát ảnh hưởng trực tiếpđến hiệu quả công việc theo yêu cầu thay vì tác động gián tiếp Kết quả cũng ủng hộgiả thuyết cho rằng tác động của sự khiếm nhã của khách hàng và người giám sát đốivới sự căng thẳng về tâm lý sẽ cao hơn đối với những nhân viên có mức độ chánh niệmthấp Cuối cùng, hàm ý cho các nhà quản lý cũng được trình bày
Từ khóa: căng thẳng tâm lý; chiến lược đối phó; chánh niệm; hạnh phúc chủ quan; sự
làm giàu nguồn lực gia đình từ công việc; hành vi khiếm nhã nơi làm việc; hiệu quả công việc.
This first chapter will provide an overview of the research problem and researchgaps in the field of workplace incivility research Bibliometric analysis, includingco- citation and co-word, was used to identify the evolution of workplace incivilityresearch topics and to determine the research gaps The research objectives that thedissertation aimed to address are then discussed The significance of the dissertationand its contributions to workplace incivility literature will also be presented.Information will be provided on the research methods used This section will alsodiscuss the rationale for choosing the research context Finally, the dissertationstructure was introduced
1.1.Research background and research problem
1.1.1 Review of studies on workplace incivility
Employment and professional work make up a large part of the lives of a significantportion of the global adult population In addition to being a place to earn a livingand develop a career, the workplace also takes place social interaction Besides thepositive side of social interactions in the workplace, there is an increase in thenumber of concerns focused on interpersonal issues in the workplace, such asworkplace aggression, workplace bullying, workplace deviance, andcounterproductive workplace behaviour It negatively affects both organizations andindividuals (Hanrahan & Leiter, 2014) Thousands of studies have investigated howsuch mistreatment behaviour in the workplace impacts targets' work attitudes,behaviors, and well-being (Vasconcelos, 2020) Among various types of workplacemistreatment, low-intensity negativity workplace interpersonal conflicts, namelyworkplace incivility (WI), have received less academic attention (Vasconcelos,2020) It has been estimated that 98 percent of workers experience incivility, with
50 percent experiencing such conduct at least weekly (Porath & Pearson, 2013).The critical characteristics of WI that help distinguish it from other negativeinterpersonal constructs in the workplace are low intensity and ambiguity Despiteincivility being
Trang 16a mild form of workplace mistreatment with low intensity (Lim et al., 2008), dailyminor stressors can have an even more substantial impact on individual health andorganizations (Schilpzand et al., 2016) It is more challenging to recognize and dealwith compared to other types of workplace mistreatment, which are easilyinterpreted with clear purpose and have training programs to deal with (Porath &Pearson, 2013).
This phenomenon is even more popular in the evolution of the 4.0 industry
As the 4.0 industry progresses, job demands have evolved significantly Employees
in various sectors, especially banking and aviation – the two industries leading intechnological evolution, face new challenges and tasks (Itani, 2019; Rodrigues etal., 2023) They must adapt to tech-enabled environments, learn new technologies,and perform their duties effectively while keeping up with industry changes Jobdemands also include serving tech-savvy customers, handling complex systems,meeting increasing performance targets, and integrating regularly updated digitaltools in their customer interaction process These increased job demands and createstressful work environments, contributing to heightened tensions and conflicts in theworkplace, leading to increased incidents of incivility (Schilpzand et al., 2016)
WI can come from many sources, including sources inside the organization(supervisors and coworkers) and external sources (customers) Most previousstudies on incivility combine incivility from supervisors and coworkers (andsometimes even customers) without distinguishing between the potentially diverseimpacts of each source (Schilpzand et al., 2016) Schilpzand et al (2016) argue thatrelatively little is known about whether uncivil behavior from different sources(supervisors, coworkers, and customers) leads to different outcomes, while thedegree of impact and severity to the target can vary from various sources.Vasconcelos (2020) also calls for more research investigating WI's outcomes frommultiple sources and how individuals cope with incivility Although there was aconsiderable rise in the number of documents, Vasconcelos (2020), through aliterature review, indicated that 63.4% of the sample study used WI as an antecedentfactor, indicating that this is an emerging research field
Trang 17To evaluate and analyze the research works related to the dissertation topic,the author employed a review of this topic, starting with searching numerousdatabases from the Web of Science and Scopus The author used bibliometricanalysis (co-citation, co-word analysis) to better understand the evolution within
research themes Co-citation analysis is the most favoured analysis used in
bibliometrics and employed in the majority of bibliometric studies in management.Co-citation is defined as the frequency with which two units are cited together Co-citations connect publications, authors, or journals in the way the writers use them(Zupic & Čater, 2014) The fundamental assumption of citation analysis by co-citation is that when two documents are cited together more often, their content is
more likely to be relevant Co-word analysis is a content analysis technique that
uses words in publications to construct relationships and shape the conceptualstructure of the domain (Zupic & Čater, 2014) The basic idea behind this approach
is that when words frequently appear together in a document, the concepts behindthose words are closely related This dissertation combined two bibliometrictechniques, including co-citation and co-word analysis, to provide an overview ofthis research field's intellectual structure
The terms ‘workplace incivility’ and “incivility” were searched in the topicfield [title/abstract/keyword] from the Scopus and Web of Science database Thescope time of this study is restricted to July 2023 The number of initial articles was
1047 From 1047 documents, the author involved those belonging to the criteria onBusiness, Management and Accounting, Psychology, Social Sciences, Nursing,Medicine Arts and Humanities, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, HealthProfessions Before performing the analysis, the data was transferred to a MicrosoftExcel spreadsheet for data cleaning and the removal of duplicates The author alsocarefully read each document's title, abstracts, and keywords to ensure they wererelevant No duplicate or irrelevant articles were found Then, the author continued
to limit the documents in terms of ‘document types’ – Article, 'Source type' –Journal, and 'Language' – English Hence, a total of 830 publications weregrouped for the
Trang 18final analysis.
Overall, research on WI has appeared since 1999 Between 1999 and 2008,the number of articles published each year was less, with an annual average of2.625 documents The figures then increased slightly from 2009 to 2017 (between
14 and 41 published articles per year) The years 2018 and 2022 showed themaximum number of publications, with the number of documents in these yearsranging from 75 to 125 Overall, the average annual number of publicationspublished was 34.045 in the 1999 – 2022 period (as of the end of 2022) (seeAppendix 1) The co-word and co-citation network for 830 publications was created
by VoSviewer software In this study, the selected sample contains at least 25citations The final number of selected articles for conducting analyses was 591.Such publications were then analyzed and distributed into different clusters usingVoSviewer software
For co-word analysis, this study collected all keywords from samplepublications to conduct a co-word analysis exploring the evolution in researchthemes from 1999-2023 (July) The co-word network created by VoSviewersoftware (Van Eck & Waltman, 2009) shows the relationship between keywords(see Appendix 3) (the minimum number of occurrences of a keyword was five) Theauthor then categorized keywords generated from co-word analysis into five clusters(Table 1.1) The main content of each cluster was identified by carefully readingcritical studies on each theme Groups were named based on the majority ofreferences that belong to them and with the support of their centrality articles.Figure 1.1 shows the five cluster structures of WI research discovered from co-wordanalysis using the Word Smart Local Moving algorithm (Van Eck & Waltman,2009)
Trang 19Table 1.1 Keyword analysis
psychological well-being (12); cynicism (10); psychologicaldistress (9); professional burnout (8); knowledge hiding (7);distress syndrome (7); negative affect (6); organizationaljustice (6); trust (6); depression (6); psychological detachment(5); engagement (5); counterproductive work behavior (6);work withdrawal (6); psychological safety (5); creativity (5);perceived insider status (5)
WI and other interpersonal
workplace incivility (215); bullying (129); workplace violence(41); aggression (37); harassment (24); customer incivility(16); supervisor incivility (14); coworkerincivility (13); violence (10); ostracism (10); cyber incivility(8); sexual harassment (7); rudeness (7); workplace aggression(6); workplace deviance (6)
Source: Author’s proposal
Trang 20Source: Author’s proposal
Figure 1.1 Co-word clusters in WI research
The author then integrated a co-citation analysis with the co-word analysis.Through co-citation analysis, the representatives are identified for each researchtheme The first group has its representatives, such as Hershcovis (2011), Penney &Spector (2005), and Spector & Jex (1998) (Table 1.2) The documents in thiscategory were usually cited as references for identifying WI as a type of workplaceinterpersonal conflict construct and considered as a job stressor; thus, the authorsused relevant theoretical approaches to ground the hypotheses The second grouphas its representatives are Andersson & Pearson (1999), Cortina & Magley (2001),Lim et al (2008) and Lim & Cortina (2005) The study objectives for most of thedocuments in this cluster are mainly related to the effect of WI on employees'attitudes, cognitive, and behaviours The third group's representatives are Bakker &Demerouti (2007), Kern & Grandey (2009), and Schilpzand et al (2016) Thiscluster's study objectives are mainly related to prominent theories in the WIresearch field Next, the fourth group, with representatives such as Meier & Semmer(2013), Preacher et al (2007), Taylor et al (2012), was used as references eitherrelated to individual variables that make individuals more likely to become thetarget of incivility or situational or personal factors that can moderate the impact of
WI Finally, the final group with representatives such as Dormann & Zapf (2004),Einarsen et al (2009), and Hoel et al (2002) with study objectives is to distinguishconcepts WI from other workplace
Trang 21mistreatment constructs (e.g., workplace bullying or harassment).
Table 1.2 Co-citation clusters and representative citations of each group
WI as a type of workplace
interpersonal conflict
Fox & Spector, 1999; Hershcovis, 2011; Hershcovis &Barling, 2009; Penney & Spector, 2005; Robinson et al.,2013; Spector & Jex, 1998
The link between WI and
its outcomes
Andersson & Pearson, 1999; Cortina & Magley, 2001; Lim
& Cortina, 2005; Lim et al., 2008; Lim & Lee, 2011; Porath
& Pearson, 2013Prominent theories in WI
the possible moderators in the link between WI and its outcomes By carefullyreviewing WI’s outcomes and the factors that moderate its effect, this dissertationevaluates previous studies' achieved results and limitations in the WI research topic,thereby identifying research gaps
For the outcomes of WI, all keywords collected in this group through
co-word analysis from VoSviewer software continued to be categorized into clusters
Trang 22Particularly, experiencing WI was found to be related to various affective,attitudinal, and behavioral consequences of victims, which can be categorized intothe following groups:
Intrapersonal Affective and Health-Related Outcomes Uncivilized
behavior in the workplace violates human norms of respectful and dignifiedtreatment and causes stressors (Pearson et al., 2000) Like other types of stressors,
WI can threaten to deplete resources and lead to various emotional outcomes.Experienced incivility has the potential to elicit negative emotional reactions,including anger, fear, sadness, guilt, disgust, stress, depression, psychologicaldistress, emotional exhaustion, burnout, as well as reducing to positive affect.Yamada (1999) reported greater stress levels, depression, mood swings, sleepproblems, feelings of shame, guilt, embarrassment, and lower self-esteem in asample of lawyers who experienced workplace incivility In addition, this type ofinterpersonal conflict can also decrease affective trust in the instigators and socialenergy and depletes cognitive and emotional resources (Giumetti et al., 2013)
Work Attitudinal Outcomes Previous studies found that WI decreases
worker optimism (Bunk & Magley, 2013) and satisfaction with jobs, supervisorsand coworkers (Lim & Teo, 2009; Wilson & Holmvall, 2013) In addition, Lim &Teo (2009) found targets of cyber incivility at work had reduced levels oforganizational commitment Empirical studies also revealed that experiencedincivility is inversely related to perceived fairness (Lim & Lee, 2011)
Behavioural Outcomes Dealing with a severe stressor such as WI often
consumes a large amount of emotional and cognitive resources needed to functioneffectively in the workplace (Vasconcelos, 2020) When individual resourcesbecome depleted, victims tend to withdraw from work and put less effort into theirtasks to preserve their resources (Hobfoll, 1989) Indeed, empirical studies revealedthat exposure to incivility can also reduce a victim's attention to their tasks andinterrupt problem-solving ability, reducing work effort Victims often spend timetalking to
Trang 23colleagues about the incidents and avoid the instigators (Porath & Erez, 2007) Theybecome less engaged at work and even withdraw from collaborative and team-oriented assignments (Wilson & Holmvall, 2013) In addition, previous studiesindicated an association between experienced incivility and increased instigatedincivility (Harold & Holtz, 2015) Victims of incivility display morecounterproductive work behavior, decreased task performance, creativity andcitizenship performance, engage in retaliatory behaviors, and become deviant (Bunk
& Magley, 2013; Cortina & Magley, 2001; Dawson & Kim, 2009; Penney &Spector, 2005; Porath & Erez, 2007; Taylor et al., 2012) Wilson & Holmvall(2013) also found that encountering uncivil behaviour can decrease career salience,heightened absenteeism, and turnover intentions
Nonwork domain outcomes Not only lead to various work-related
outcomes, but encountering WI has also been connected with targets' personal andhome lives, such as lower overall well-being levels and more intense work–familyconflict For example, Ferguson (2011) indicated that the stress of incivility was notleft in the workplace but spread to the home, affecting the target's relationships withfamily members Similarly, Park & Haun (2018) revealed that WI could negativelyspill over into employees' family spheres and affect their partners' job withdrawal.Lim & Teo (2009) found that experiencing WI indirectly impacts maritalwithdrawal via feelings of hostility
For the moderators in the link between WI and its outcomes, this
dissertation focuses on the fourth group, “Situational or personal factors that can differ the effect of WI”, which reveals factors that moderate the incidence of WI
from the previous research, thus assist the author to identify the research gaps.Several keywords in this cluster were found in the co-word analysis, such as
‘coping behavior’, ‘narcissism’, ‘dark triad’, ‘resilience’, and ‘mindfulness’ Ingeneral, a limited number of studies have focused on potential factors that canbuffer the negative effect of WI on its outcomes This is consistent withVasconcelos (2020), who noted limited efforts to investigate factors that canmoderate the negative effect
Trang 24of WI A few exceptions were Naimon et al (2013), who focused on personalityand workplace spirituality, which may reduce the incidence of WI; Lee & Jensen(2014) suggested that active constructive leadership can mitigate its harmful impact.Empirical studies also reveal that finding meaning in work, perspective-taking, andtransformational leadership of supervisors are vital aspects of mitigating the adverseeffects of customer incivility (Arnold & Walsh, 2015) Vasconcelos (2020)emphasized that it is essential for further studies to conduct more research toexplore which factors can lessen or strengthen the association between WI and itsoutcomes, thus providing appropriate intervention to reduce its harmful effect.
1.1.2 Identify research gaps
Firstly, for WI’s non-work outcomes, the above reviews show that existing
empirical studies mainly focus on the effect of WI on employees’ work–familyconflict or partners' job withdrawal, whether WI can affect employees' personal life,such as subjective well-being, remained limited Meanwhile, subjective well-beingwas associated with job performance (Darvishmotevali & Ali, 2020), organizationalcitizenship behaviors (Paul et al., 2019), career commitment (Singhal & Rastogi,2018), work engagement, and mental and physical health (Hu et al., 2018) Indeed,previous research has mainly investigated the positive factors that enhance SWB,namely, work-life balance (Gröpel & Kuhl, 2009), ethical leadership (Hayat et al.,2020), flourishing and employee energy (Butt et al., 2018), mindfulness (Shier &Graham, 2011), coping strategies (Diržytė et al., 2014), and job satisfaction (Ariza-Montes et al., 2018) Despite abundant research on the positive antecedents ofsubjective well-being, little is known about its negative antecedents (i.e., WI) Afew exceptions were Graham et al (2014), who explored work-related stress topredict social workers' SWB Hu et al (2018) investigated the effect of qualitativejob insecurity on SWB via the mediating role of work-family conflict.Understanding the effect of negative factors on employees' SWB is a criticalresearch topic because unsolved problems are related to occupational stress andstrain (Lee et al., 2016), which can lead to the formation of lower SWB (Simon etal., 2010) Especially for
Trang 25service firms, the SWB of frontline employees plays a vital role in the success of anorganization Managers expect frontline employees' attitudes and behaviors to beconsistent with the expectations of customers and the organization (Kafetsios &Zampetakis, 2008) As a result, managers attempt to make their employees happyand enhance their sense of well-being (Xu et al., 2014) Exploring factors (i.e.,workplace incivility) impairing SWB among frontline employees to improvesuperior employee performance is an issue deserving more attention (Cho et al.,2016).
Workplace incivility (WI) can be considered a contextual demand from work(Hershcovis & Barling, 2009), and it is a common practice that adversely affectsboth employee welfare and company profits (Pearson et al., 2001) Frontlineemployees are exposed to stressful working conditions due to long working hoursand prolonged contact with customers, leading to increased job demands High jobdemands are viewed as a risk factor for uncivil behavior in the workplace (Koon &Pun, 2018) Empirical evidence indicates that incivility in the workplace may pose anegative impact on work-family interface (Gopalan et al., 2021; Schilpzand et al.,2016; Taheri et al., 2020; Vasconcelos, 2020) and well-being (Hori & Chao, 2019)
Prior studies have shown that WI can spill over into nonwork domain(Schilpzand et al., 2016; Taheri et al., 2020; Vasconcelos, 2020) Research on thenonwork domain has primarily focused on the "negative side" of the work-familyinterface (Lim & Lee, 2011; Witt & Carlson, 2006; Zhou et al., 2019), theassociation of WI and its "positive side" (i.e., work-family enrichment - WFE) hasreceived less attention WFE refers to the positive side of the work-family interface(Carlson et al., 2011) and is defined as the extent to which work experiencesenhance the quality of family life (Greenhaus & Powell, 2006) A recent studyreported that WFE did not play a mediating role between workaholism andworkplace incivility (Taheri et al., 2020) Schilpzand et al (2016) and Zhou et al.(2019), meanwhile, call for research on identifying mediators of the effects of WI,especially the work-family interface However, empirical studies have rarelyinvestigated the potential mediating role of its "positive side" (i.e., work-homeenrichment) in the association between WI and
Trang 26its outcomes (Agrawal & Mahajan, 2021), especially the link between WI – SWB.
To further understand the mediating mechanism underlying the relationship
between WI-SWB, study 1 of this dissertation is based on the work-home resources
model (ten Brummelhuis & Bakker, 2012), the conservation of resources (COR)theory (Hobfoll, 1989) and theory of work-family enrichment (Greenhaus &
Powell, 2006) In particular, study 1 aimed to investigate the extent to which
experiencing workplace incivility diminishes WFE, which in turn reduces SWB
Secondly, while the above reviews relating to the work outcomes of WI
show that the majority of its outcomes were job attitudes or satisfaction with jobs,organizational commitment, turnover intentions, and counterproductive workbehavior, the number of studies investigating the link between WI - and employees’job performance has not widely examined In addition, even though severalresearchers have investigated the impact of WI on employees’ job performance(e.g., Cheng et al., 2020; Wang & Chen, 2020; Zhu et al., 2019), their findings areinconclusive (Cheng et al., 2020; Shin & Hwang, 2021), and more research isneeded Indeed, researchers (i.e., Schilpzand et al., 2016; Shin et al., 2021) havecalled for more studies on mediators and moderators of the relationship betweenworkplace incivility and employee behaviors In response to this call, previousstudies have investigated a number of mediators, including burnout (Cho et al.,2016; Han et al., 2016), emotional exhaustion (Al-Hawari et al., 2020; Shin et al.,2022; Sliter et al., 2010), and negative affectivity (Cheng et al., 2020; Penney &Spector, 2005) Nevertheless, the mediating role of psychological distress, a directemotional response induced by stressful events in the workplace (Aline et al., 2012),
in the relationship between customers’ and supervisors’ incivilities on employees’in-role and extra-role job performances is largely ignored To bridge the above-
mentioned gaps, study 2 of this study, drawing upon the conservation of resources
(COR) theory, investigates a mechanism in which psychological distress mediatesthe effects of both customer incivility and supervisor incivility on serviceperformance
Trang 27Thirdly, as mentioned, the fourth cluster analysis revealed that a limited
number of studies investigated factors moderating the effect of WI This isconsistent with Vasconcelos (2020) Vasconcelos (2020), through a literaturereview of WI research, showed that there were several factors have been examined
as moderators in the link between WI and its outcomes, such as self-compassion(Walsh & Magley, 2020), personality (Irum et al., 2020), psychological capital(Günsoy, 2020), and affective commitment (Liu et al., 2018) Vasconcelos (2020)emphasized the lack of studies investigating the factors that can strengthen orremedy the effect of WI The present dissertation further contributes to this
endeavor by exploring the moderating role of coping strategies and mindfulness as
remedial measures that reduce the effects of WI from multiple sources on itsoutcome variables
For coping strategies, although this concept has been confirmed to play an
intervening role in stress (Dijkstra et al., 2009), the coping mechanism to impedethe incidence of WI remains to be elucidated Very few exceptions for the study byWelbourne et al (2016) considered coping strategies as a moderator in therelationship between WI and work-related outcomes (job satisfaction, sense ofcommunity) However, whether coping strategies moderate the link between WIand its nonwork outcomes (e.g., WFE) remains unanswered Based on the WH-R
model (ten Brummelhuis & Bakker, 2012), study 1 of this dissertation introduced
coping strategies as a key resource that can help alleviate the negative influence ofcontextual work demand (i.e., WI) on WFE, which in turn affects SWB
For mindfulness, although mindfulness has been considered an essential
resource for coping with stressors (Anderson et al., 2007), the role of this personalfactor has been neglected in the previous research in mitigating the negative impact
of WI on its outcomes According to COR theory (Hobfoll, 1989), personalresources are a key component influencing individuals' appraisals of stressful eventsand determining how an individual can cope with that stressful situation The authorargues that mindfulness as a key personal resource (Jang et al., 2020) can help FLEs
cope with stressful events such as workplace incivility Thus, study 2 of this
Trang 28dissertation is aimed to examine the moderating role of mindfulness in theworkplace incivility and psychological distress relationship, which in turn impactsemployees' in-role and extra-role performance.
Fourthly, most current studies have examined workplace incivility in general
rather than separate incivility into specific sources (i.e., customers, coworkers, andsupervisors) and examine the potentially diverse impact of each source (Schilpzand
et al., 2016) Lim & Lee (2011) and Schilpzand et al (2016) argued that powerdifferences between instigators and victims can produce different outcomes invictims' attitudes and behaviors and called for empirical research to investigate WIfrom multiple sources and compare those differentials This dissertation fills thisgap by simultaneously investigating the impact of WI from customers, supervisors,and coworker sources on employees’ attitudes and behaviour
1.2 Research Objectives
Through the WI literature review, the author identifies research gaps in WI
literature Particularly, (1) the lack of empirical evidence understanding the
underlying mechanism of the link between WI and its nonwork outcome (subjective
well-being) and work-related outcomes (in-role and extra-role performance); (2)
limited studies have examined the moderators in the link between WI and its
outcomes; (3) limited studies investigating the potentially diverse impact of each
source of WI on employees To fill the research gap, the topic "Workplace incivility and its outcomes: the role of coping strategies and mindfulness" has been chosen
for this doctoral dissertation The main objective of the dissertation was to explorewhether and how workplace incivility can affect employees’ nonwork outcomes(i.e., subjective well- being) and work-related outcomes (i.e., job performance) Inaddition, whether coping strategies and mindfulness can play as moderators inmitigating the impact of workplace incivility was also explored Specifically, this
dissertation conducted two main studies, study 1 and study 2, to address such
research gaps Each study had its own set of objectives, outlined in the articlebelow
Trang 291.2.1 Research objectives of study 1
Study 1 mainly focused on the effect of WI on frontline employees’ nonworkoutcomes (i.e., subjective well-being) in the context of the banking sector Thisstudy aimed to:
1 Examining the impact of workplace incivility on employees' subjective being through the mediating role of work-family enrichment
well-2 Investigating the moderating role of coping strategies in the linkagesbetween workplace incivility and work-family enrichment, which in turn,relates to subjective well-being
1.2.2 Research objective of study 2
Study 2 focused on the effect of WI on frontline employees’ work-relatedoutcomes (i.e., in-role and extra-role performance) in the context of the aviationsector This study aimed to:
1 Examining the mediating role of psychological distress in the relationshipbetween workplace incivility and employees' in-role and extra-roleperformance
2 Investigating the moderating role of mindfulness in the workplace incivilityand psychological distress relationship, which in turn impacts employees'in- role and extra-role performance
1.3 Research significance
This dissertation responded to the call from previous studies to investigate theoutcomes of workplace incivility on the target's personal life (SWB) and work (in-role and extra-role performance); and explore which factors can buffer its harmfuleffect This dissertation contributes to workplace incivility literature in several
Firstly, the impact of WI on SWB remains unexplored.
While prior studies have focused on investigating the range of factors
Trang 30predicting SWB, the factors that can cause the decrease in SWB (i.e., WI) remainlimited, especially in the service industry context Understanding the effect ofnegative factors on employees' SWB is a critical research topic because SWB isassociated with various work and non-work outcomes (Lee et al., 2016) Unsolvedproblems related to occupational stress and strain (i.e., WI) which can lower SWB,need to be addressed and interventions (Simon et al., 2010) to minimize furtherharmful effects It is especially true for service firms where the SWB of frontlineemployees plays a vital role in the success of an organization.
Secondly, there is a lack of studies investigating the possible mediating role of the positive side of the work-home interface in the link between WI and its outcomes.
Schilpzand et al (2016) and Zhou et al (2019) call for research onidentifying mediators of the effects of WI, especially the positive side of the work-home interface (i.e., work-home enrichment) Empirical studies have rarelyinvestigated the potential mediating role of work-family enrichment in theassociation between WI and its outcomes (Agrawal & Mahajan, 2021), especiallythe link between WI and SWB This dissertation fills this gap by investigating theimpact of WI on employees' SWB via the mediating role of work-familyenrichment
Thirdly, the findings of the associations between WI and job performance are inconsistent.
Although the relationship between workplace incivility and employeeperformance has been established, the findings are inconsistent (Cheng et al., 2020;Shin et al., 2022), and more research is needed For example, Saleem et al (2022)revealed that WI indirectly impacted employees’ job performance via trust in thesupervisor, while Jawahar & Schreurs (2018) found that incivility from supervisordid not impact employees’ task performance To the best of my knowledge, littleresearch has examined the underlying mechanism in the relationship betweenworkplace incivility and job performance Specifically, this dissertation contributes
Trang 31to the COR theory by investigating psychological distress as a mediating variablebetween workplace incivility and job performance Understanding the mechanismsexplaining the link between workplace incivility and performance is valuablebecause extending this line of research can develop more efficient and powerfulinterventions to address workplace incivility (Jawahar & Schreurs, 2018;MacKinnon & Fairchild, 2009).
Fourthly, research on the effect of WI from different sources on FLEs has not received much attention from scholars.
The dissertation responds to the calls from previous studies to investigate theeffect of WI from separate sources (Schilpzand et al., 2016; Vasconcelos, 2020).Specifically, the dissertation results would enrich the WI literature by disparateincivility from insider-instigated (supervisor and coworker incivility) and outsider-instigated (customer incivility) sources and examine its impact on FLE's SWB andjob performance
Fifthly, variables mitigating the impact of WI and being potential factors
to protect personal resources (e.g., coping strategies, mindfulness) have not yet been widely studied in the context of WI.
Questions about whether and how coping strategies and mindfulness act asmoderating variables to remedy the harmful effects of WI on its outcomes areunresolved (Hülsheger et al., 2021; Jang et al., 2020; Shahbaz & Parker, 2022) Byunderstanding how coping strategies and mindfulness buffer the negative impact ofworkplace incivility from multiple sources, this dissertation could help managershave effective interventions to reduce the negative effect of WI, thus enhancingtheir employees’ subjective well-being and job performance
1.4 Research methodology
Theories and previous studies were used as the foundation to identifyresearch gaps, propose research models, research methods, and serve to explain theresearch results obtained in the current study After research models wereproposed and the
Trang 32first draft scale was formed A two-phrase study was utilized in this dissertation: apilot study and a main survey In the pilot study, two group discussions with fivehuman resource management lecturers and ten frontline staff were conducted toevaluate the contents of the measure scales of the two studies In the subsequentquantitative phase of the pilot study, a survey with 50 frontline staff was undertaken
to refine the scales Cronbach's alpha reliability and exploratory factor analysis(EFA) were used for the preliminary assessment of the scales using SPSS software(Nguyễn Đình Thọ, 2011) A sample of 452 FLEs working at different banks andairports in Vietnam was then used for data analysis for Study 1 and Study 2
Data from Study 1 was collected from FLEs working at different banks in
Vietnam The data was used to address the two proposed research questions.Particularly, (1) does WI indirectly impact employees’ SWB through the mediatingrole of WFE, and (2) do coping strategies moderate the link between WI and WFE?
For study 2, the data was collected from FLEs in the aviation sector Particularly,
questionnaires were dispatched for check-in staff working in Tan Son NhatInternational Airport The data collected addressed two remaining researchquestions:
(1) does WI indirectly impact employees’ job performance (i.e., in-role and role performance) via the mediating role of psychological distress, and (2) doesmindfulness play as a moderator in the link between WI and psychological distress?Both studies employed the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique for measurement and structural assessment
extra-1.5 Research context
1.5.1 Aviation and banking sectors as research context
Service companies face fierce competition and must implement changes to achievebetter performance (Chatterjee et al., 2022) In this context, the role of frontlineworkers becomes even more critical as they are intermediate between customers andthe company, and their performance is closely linked to the survival of service firms(Chatterjee et al., 2022) Frontline employees are at the forefront of delivering
Trang 33operational efficiency and quality customer service in both banking and aviation.
By enhancing their performance, organizations can optimize processes, reduceerrors, and streamline interactions with customers Happy employees lead to betterperformance (Darvishmotevali & Ali, 2020) Therefore, determining which factorscan lower employees' well-being and performance is critical for managers to haveinterventions minimizing its harm Besides, FLEs are the targets who can oftenencounter WI from various sources, including supervisors, coworkers, andcustomers Hence, they are suitable research subjects to examine the effect ofuncivil behavior from multiple sources on their work-related and non-workoutcomes Especially, this dissertation targets frontline employees working in thebanking and aviation sectors as the research context for several reasons:
First, this dissertation extends workplace incivility literature in terms of research context There is a lack of studies on workplace mistreatment in such
sectors While previous studies on the effects of workplace interpersonal conflict(i.e., WI) have mainly focused on FLEs of other industries (e.g., hotel, restaurant,telecommunication call centers frontline service), it is surprising that only a fewempirical studies were conducted among FLEs working banking and aviationsectors (Bamfo et al., 2018; Mannocci et al., 2018) By investigating the impact ofworkplace incivility in such two sectors, this dissertation contributes to extendingthe existing literature on workplace incivility in terms of research context
Second, the rapid development of the banking and aviation sectors and their roles in Vietnamese society and the economy The banking and aviation sectors play
a crucial role in the development of Vietnamese society and the economy.Vietnam's aviation is the seventh fastest-growing worldwide (Vu, 2021), whileVietnam's banking industry is the fastest-growing worldwide (VNA, 2022a) Suchtwo industries facilitate the development of other industries in the economy Theirrole especially comes under the spotlight during and post-COVID-19 pandemic.Vietnam airlines delivered life-saving vaccines and medical supplies free of chargeduring COVID-19 to save lives (Nghia, 2020) Banks, meanwhile, not lessimportant, played
Trang 34a crucial role in distributing various governments' aid packages, such as channelingloans and guarantees through their systems and offering repayment moratoria,which help to maintain the resilience of the country's economy to the impact of thepandemic (VNA, 2022b) Thus, the competence and performance of those industriesand their employees significantly affect the country's sustainable development,emphasizing the important findings that factors can lower employees' well-beingand job performance This dissertation proposed that workplace incivility can lead
to various consequences for employees and organizations, including negativelyaffecting employees’ well-being and job performance The study results can giveimplications to reduce such negative interpersonal conflicts, ultimately leading toenhanced employees’ well-being and job performance and increased competitiveadvantage of such industries
Third, FLEs in the two industries face extreme job demands, which can exacerbate workplace incivility In the banking sector, FLEs are facing
overwhelming job demands, including a broader range of customer service, workinglong hours, meeting the bank's goals (i.e., selling investment funds, insurancecontracts, and bonds), and adapting to significant changes in the restructuringprocess (Giorgi et al., 2017) In the aviation sector, FLEs also face substantialchallenges They are taggers and packers who handle passengers as fast as possibleand move more weight daily while often wearing heels They also need toconcentrate highly on their work as their performance links directly to aviationsafety (Cheng-Hua & Hsin-Li, 2012) Nearly 75% of check-in workers experiencedneck pain that affects their ability to work, and more than two-thirds have shoulderand back pain to a degree that can affect their job performance More work demandscan lead to blaming and verbal or physical aggression and exacerbate WI (Francis etal., 2015) Since such two working conditions can facilitate uncivil behaviorsbetween persons, they can be considered suitable research settings to investigate theresults of WI
Fourth, the banking and aviation sectors provide an opportunity to examine the impact of workplace incivility from multiple sources As various jobs in the
Trang 35service industry may be at risk by one or several main sources of incivility (Sliter etal., 2010), it is worthwhile to explore the impact of incivility from two researchcontexts instead of one as it facilitates the author to address the research gaps in thisdissertation, which explores the impact of WI from all sources on employees’ workand non-work outcomes Each of these occupations has unique sources of WI Forexample, banking employees may encounter WI from supervisors and coworkersrather than from customers, while airport check-in staff increasingly face uncivilcustomer behaviors and are also easily vulnerable to supervisor incivility.
1.5.2 Study 1 – Banking sector as research context, and coworkers and supervisors are main sources of workplace incivility
Since joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the banking sector in 2007,Vietnam's economy has significantly developed over the past decade by improvingthe business environment and attracting high foreign investment (Leung, 2009).Along with the strong growth, this is also a highly competitive industry due to theappearance of a number of large-scale private commercial banks in Vietnam since
2018 (Private Banks Stepping up Competition, 2022) In order to promote
competitive advantages, the role of FLEs in satisfying customers becomes evenmore critical when most banks strive to offer the same range of services and similarcharges or interest rates (Mainardes et al., 2019) A strong statistical associationexists between employee well-being and customer satisfaction (Chamberlain &Zhao, 2019) Therefore, reducing job demands and enhancing the subjective well-being of FLEs are effective strategies for retail banks in Vietnam to create andmaintain a competitive advantage The research results can provide empiricalevidence for banking managers to understand the factors that can contribute toemployees’ subjective well-being and, thus, take appropriate interventions toenhance employees’ SWB Study 1 aimed to examine how and to what extent WIimpacts employees’ SWB with data collected from FLEs working in banks
Study 1 selected incivility from coworker and supervisor sources as the main
Trang 36sources of WI for frontline banking staff In the banking sector, supervisors mustachieve excessive customer service goal setting and reach the financial andprofitable strategic objective that bank executives assign In so doing, they delegatesuch heavy duties to their subordinates More overwhelming tasks will likely lead tointerpersonal conflicts between supervisors and their subordinates (Hoai, 2019).With lower job positions, encountering uncivil behavior, such as verbal attacks ordisrespectful attitudes from supervisors, is inevitable for frontline bankers There isalso competition among frontline staff in banks with pressure to fulfill assignedbusiness targets, such as deposit mobilization tasks (Hoai, 2019) When competitionamong banking employees is high, the working environment can be "toxic" ascoworkers do not support each other They are even willing to blame and verbalizetheir coworkers (Hoai, 2019), which would intensify WI In addition, like mostother service industries, compared to the incivility of supervisors and coworkers,customer incivility has less impact on employees' work experience (Schilpzand etal., 2016) It can be explained that the customers are neither agents nor members ofthe organization; therefore, they do not directly reflect the company's treatment ofemployees, and uncivil customers can be seen as part of a frontline employee's job(LeBlanc & Kelloway, 2002) Thus, study 1 will focus on the incivility enactedfrom inside organization sources, including coworkers and supervisors in thebanking research context.
1.5.3 Study 2 - The aviation sector as the research context, and customers and supervisors are the main sources of workplace incivility
For the aviation industry, FLEs can be divided into airport ground staff (e.g.,
check-in staff) and check-in-flight service staff (e.g., flight attendants) Airport groundemployees provide a wide range of services and interactions from the moment apassenger checks in at the airport until that passenger boards, while in-flight servicestaff (e.g., flight attendants) are in charge of serving passengers from the time theyboard until they arrive at the destination airport (Cheng-Hua & Hsin-Li, 2012).Airport ground staff play an important role in aviation safety, setting the stage forin-flight safety
Trang 37Thus, their job performance is associated with passenger satisfaction and aviationsafety Study 2 selected FLEs working in airports as respondents and investigatedwhether and how WI can affect their job performance The research results can helpairport managers understand what factors can lower employees’ job performanceand take appropriate interventions to buffer its harmful effects Study 2 consideredthe outsider instigator (customers) and insider (supervisors) as two main sources ofworkplace incivility.
The unique service environment, like the airport, can cause passengers stress,anxiety, and irritation Airport FLEs often experience uncivilized or abusivebehavior from angry passengers (Arnold, 2021) In Vietnam, this phenomenon evenworsens as the terminal and airside capacity have not been improved in proportion
to the rapid increase in the number of passengers (HCM City to Focus on Improving Traffic at Tân Sơn Nhất Airport, 2022) As current airport infrastructure cannot
meet the increased number of passengers, airport service quality decreases, causingair traffic congestion at major airports such as Tan Son Nhat International Airport.The lack of airport capacity also leads to increased canceled and delayed flights,especially in peak seasons and peak hours, which frustrates passengers (AirPassengers Reach Record Number, Delays and Cancellations Increase, 2022).Consequently, aviation frontline staff is a "punching bag" for angry passengers.Indeed, the number of conflicts between passengers and service staff at airports inVietnam is increasing and attracting great public attention (Lê, 2019) Theseincidents are significantly more frequent and adverse during the COVID-19pandemic when many regulations are added to the check-in and boarding process,which reduce the speed of service, put a great deal of stress on passengers (Arnold,2021) and stimulate more impatient and deviant behaviors from customers towardcheck-in staff (Voorhees et al., 2020) Experiencing uncivilized behavior fromfrustrated passengers is becoming more common among aviation frontline staff thanever (Arnold, 2021)
In addition, in the aviation sector, the supervisor's role is even more critical
as they train employees, guide employees to handle such daily conflict situationswith
Trang 38passengers, and motivate their subordinates to overcome such negative experiences(Shin et al., 2021) Supervisor support helps FLEs perform better (Shin et al., 2021).Therefore, without supervisor support and frequent experiences of mistreatmentfrom supervisors can result in severe consequences to FLEs' occupational health andreduce their performance (Schilpzand et al., 2016) Thus, the author consideredincivility from customers and supervisors to be the main source of incivility forFLEs working in the airport.
1.6 Overview articles
The dissertation highlights the significance of workplace incivility as a growingresearch area While previous studies have examined different outcomes ofworkplace incivility (WI), there has been a lack of research on its nonwork-relatedoutcomes, particularly subjective well-being Furthermore, the findings regardingthe relationship between workplace incivility and job performance have beeninconsistent To address these gaps, this dissertation aims to investigate themechanisms and boundary conditions in the relationship between multiple sources
of workplace incivility (including customers, coworkers, and supervisors) and theirimpacts on both work-related and non-work-related outcomes In order to achievethe research objectives, the dissertation proposes an overall conceptual model(Figure 1.2) that outlines the relationships and interactions between the variablesunder investigation
Trang 39Figure 1.2 The overall conceptual: the link between the Workplace and its
work-related and non-work-related outcomes
Two sub-models were proposed to address the research questions Study 1,
which research method and research results were presented in Chapter 3, focused onthe nonwork outcomes of workplace incivility The study aimed to investigatewhether and how workplace incivility impacts employees’ subjective well-being.Work-family enrichment was treated as a mediator, and coping strategies wereproposed as the moderator in the above relationship (Figure 1.3) A cross-sectionalsample collected from banking frontline employees was used for the data analysis.PLS-SEM was used for the measurement and structural assessment of the researchmodel The study offers new insights into how and to what extent workplaceincivility influences subjective well-being
Figure 1.3 Research model of Study 1
Trang 40This dissertation also expands the literature on WI by investigating its
work-related outcomes through study 2, the research method and results of which are
presented in Chapter 4 The study aimed to examine the underlying mechanism inthe relationship between workplace incivility and employees’ in-role and extra-roleperformance Psychological distress was treated as a mediator, and mindfulness as amoderator in the relationship (Figure 1.4) A cross-sectional sample collected fromfrontline employees working in airports was used for the data analysis PLS-SEMwas also used for measurement and structural assessment of the research model.The study offers new insights into how and to what extent workplace incivilityinfluences job performance
Figure 1.4 Research model of Study 2 1.7 Dissertation structure
This dissertation consists of five chapters The first section of thisdissertation, chapter 1, generally introduces the research problem, gaps analysis,proposed research model, methodology, and the contribution of this dissertation
In chapter 2, the theoretical background was extensively reviewed, and theoverall research model was proposed The overall model presents the definitions ofworkplace incivility, work-family enrichment, psychological distress, subjective