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Trang 1AMERICAN NATIONAL ANSI/ ASTM D 292 - 29 (Reapproved 1978)
Standard Test Method for
This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 292; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval
I Scope
1.l This method covers the determination
of the cubic foot weight of coke 5 in (!25
mm) and smaller, that is, coke which would in
any position pass through a 5-in (125-mm)
square-mesh sieve
NOTE I-The values stated in U.S customary
units are to be regarded as the standard
2 ApplicableDocuments
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 293 Sieve Analysis ofCoke2
D 346 Collection and Preparation of Coke
Samples for Laboratory Analysis 2
D 3173 Test for Moisture in the Analysis
Sample of Coal and Coke2
E 11 Specification for Wire-Cloth Sieves for
Testing Purposes2
3 Apparatus
3.1 Measuring Box-A box 24 by 24 by 24
in (610 by 610 by 610 mm) in inside
dimen-sions shall be used In order to keep it as light
in weight as possible, the box may be made of
wood, but it must be rigid Two strips of wood
may be fastened to the sides of the box to form
"sedan-chair" handles for convenience in
NOTE 2-For determining the cubic foot weight
of coke smaller than I in (25.4 mm) in size, a
measuring box 12 by 12 by 12 in (305 by 305 by
305 mm) in inside dimensions may be used
3.2 Weighing Scale, platform type having a
sensitivity of 0.25 lb (0.11 kg) or better at rated
capacity and with graduations such that 0.5
lb (0.22 kg) can be read without interpolation
4 Sampling
4.1 The gross sample collected shall be a representation of all size fractions in the coke being sampled The weight of the sample se-lected for the determination of the cubic foot weight depends upon the size and character of the coke and shall conform to the following:
For run-of-oven coke and coke not less than 300 lb
I in up to 5 in (25 to 125 (136 kg) mm) in size
For coke smaller than I in in not less than 50 lb
4.2 It is extremely difficult to obtain truly representative samples of coke having a range
of sizes When the coke is on a belt conveyor the sample shall be selected by stopping the belt at regular intervals and selecting incre-ments in sections about 3 ft (910 mm) in length and the entire width of the belt, or when the coke is going over a pulley or coming down a chute the sample shall be selected by inserting
a container or scoop into the stream of coke
at regular intervals so as to take increments of the full width and thickness The increments shall be regularly and systematically collected,
so that the entire quantity of coke sampled will be represented proportionately in the sam-ple, and with such frequency that a sample of the required amount shall be collected It is not feasible to collect representative samples
of coke from loaded cars or bins for cubic foot weight determinations Samples of coke in cars
1 This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-mittee D-5 on Coal and Coke
Current edition effective Sept 3, 1929 Originally issued
1928 Replaces D 292 - 28 T
'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 26
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Trang 2or bins should be taken as the cars or bins are
being filled or emptied
S Procedure
5.1 Place the measuring box on a siutable
platform scale, weigh empty, and then fill
with coke from the sample while the box is on
the scale in order to avoid handling the heavy
box of coke Fill the box by means of a shovel
or other suitable container by allowing the
coke to slide out of the shovel or container
from a height of 2 in (50 mm) above the top
of the box, with no attempt to spread or
ar-range the coke Because of the physical
char-D 292
acter of coke it is not practical to strike off
the excess coke by means of a straight-edge,
so it is necessary to do this largely by eye with the assistance of a straight-edge to check observations Do not shake, tap, or drop the box during filling or leveling off Weigh the box filled with coke The difference between the two weights divided by the number of cubic feet in the box will give the weight per cubic foot of coke
NoTE 3-For proper interpretation of the cubic foot weight of coke, a moisture determination and a sieve analysis of the coke should be reported along with the cubic foot weight For directions for making these determinations see Section 2
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of a"J patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard Users of this standard are expressly advise that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters Your comments will receive careful consideration
at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend If you feel that your comments have not received
a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa
19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors