They gave me their time to work on thestudy, and I appreciate that.Finally, In order to have a solid theoretical foundation for the research, Iwould want to express my gratitude to all o
M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201
Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201
Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hong, Ph.D
Cán bộ hướng dẫn: TS Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hồng
Trang 5I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs Nguyen ThiThanh Hong Ph.D for her support, encouragement and valuable guidancethroughout the process of conducting this study
My special thank is for Assoc Prof Le Hong Thang and all my other lecturersfor their useful and valuable lectures that I got from the MA course at Thai NguyenUniversity School of Foreign Languages (SFL) I am indebted to them for basicknowledge on teaching methodology and research methodology
The fifth-graders and the English teachers at Doi Can 1 Primary School wereessential to the completion of this study They gave me their time to work on thestudy, and I appreciate that
Finally, In order to have a solid theoretical foundation for the research, Iwould want to express my gratitude to all of the writers and linguists who havegiven me a wealth of information regarding motivation
This thesis could not have been finished as planned without all of yourassistance
Thai Nguyen, 2023
Nguyen Thi Thuy Hang
Trang 6This study was conducted as a descriptive research with the purpose ofexploring motivation of the fifth grade students at a primary school in Thai Nguyencity and the relationship between their motivation and their learning achievement inorder to help students increase their motivation in learning English in the process ofimproving their English competence The subjects of the study were 200 primarystudents at Doi Can primary school To collect the data, a questionnaire to explorestudents’ motivation was used The results show that the fifth graders at a primaryschool in Thai Nguyen tended to be intrinsically motivated to study English at highlevel Additionally, the results of the questionnaire also revealed that intrinsicmotivation best describes the participants' motivation to study English, followed bythat of the individuals in the extrinsic incentive group In contrast, it appears thatintegrative and instrumental motivation are less significant for fifth graders in thechosen primary school Furthermore, the researchers discovered that students’motivation in learning English has positive influences on their English learningachievement However, it is also worth noticing that the correlation betweenstudents’ motivation and their learning achievement is weak It is suggested that inthe teaching and learning process, students’ motivation is affected by some otherfactors coming from teachers, parents, course and students themselves such aslearning styles, learning strategies, ect At the end of the paper, recommendationsfor further studies were proposed to facilitate achieving deeper and more convincingresults supporting language learning enhancement Hopefully, the findings will beuseful for those who are in favor of the topic and for further research
Keywords: Motivation, instrumental motivation, intrinsic motivation, integrative
motivation, extrinsic motivation, language learning, students
1.1 Rationale 9
1.2 Aims of the study 11
1.3 Scope of the study 11
1.4 Significance of the study 11
1.5 Organization of the study 11
2.1 Student’s motivation 13
2.1.1 Definition of motivation 13
2.1.2 Types of motivation 15
2.1.3 Role of motivation in Language Learning 19
2.2 English Learning Achievement 22
2.2.1 The Understanding of Learning 22
2.2.2 The Understanding of Achievement 23
2.2.3 The Understanding of English Learning Achievement 24
2.3 Previous studies 24
3.1 Research questions 30
3.2 Research design 30
3.3 Subjects of the study 31
3.4 Data collection instruments 31
3.4.1 Questionnaires 31
Trang 83.4.2 Students' English test results 36
3.5 Data collection procedure 36
3.6 Data analysis 37
4.1 Results from the motivation questionnaire 38
4.1.1 Intrinsic motivation 39
4.1.2 Extrinsic motivation 40
4.1.3 Integrative motivation 41
4.1.4 Instrumental motivation: 43
4.1.5 Discussion 44
4.2 The relationship between fifth-grade students’ motivation and their English learning achievement 45
4.2.1 The Students’ Motivation Score 45
4.2.2 The Students’ English Learning Score 49
4.2.3 The Correlation between Students’ Motivation and their English Learning Achievement 54
4.2.4 Discussion 57
5.1 Conclusion 59
5.2 Implications 60
5.3 Limitations of the study 61
5.4 Recommendations for further research 61
Table 3.1 Intrinsic Motivation Question 32
Table 3.2 Extrinsic Motivation Question 33
Table 3.3 Integrative motivation Question 34
Table 3.5: Value of Catagory in Questionnaire 36
Table 3.6 Levels of English learning motivation 37
Table 4.1: Cases and responses summary of types of motivation Descriptive Statistics 38
Table 4.2: Intrinsic motivation frequencies Descriptive Statistics 39
Table 4.3 Extrinsic motivation frequencies Descriptive Statistics 40
Table 4.4: Integrative motivation frequencies Descriptive Statistics 42
Table 4.5: Instrumental motivation frequencies Descriptive Statistics 43
Table 4.6 The motivation mean score (X) 46
Table 4.7 Students’ learning achievement 49
Table 4.8 The Result of Correlation Calculation 55
Figure 1 The scatterplot of Motivation Score 56
L2 learning Second language learning
L2 motivation Second language motivation
Chapter 1 provides a brief description of the study In this chapter, the reasonsfor doing the thesis, the scope, main research objectives, and significance of thethesis are stated
1.1 Rationale
One of the elements that have an impact on an overseas language is mindsetbecause a lot of attempts college students placed into getting to know a languagepartially rely upon mindset (Gardner, Lalonde, & Moorcroft, 1985) It is believedthat mindset is crucial for getting to know English, if a learner has an advantageousmindset closer to an overseas language it could produce advantageous consequences
as well On the alternative hand, newcomers who've poor attitudes closer tooverseas languages have many weaknesses People who've got an advantageousmindset closer to the goal language are successful newcomers (Zeinivanda,Azizifara, & Gowharya, 2015) Gardner (1985) shows that an instructor wishes to
be aware of scholar attitudes and goal language achievement
Meanwhile, motivation is likewise something this is crucial and essential inoverseas languages mainly getting to know English Brown (1994) definesmotivation with positive phrases consisting of internal urges, impulses, emotions, orgoals and those phrases inspire college students to take positive actions In differentwords, motivation is an impulse or motive that paperwork the idea of someone'senthusiasm to do something to reap positive goals Dörnyei and Ushioda (2011)country that motivation is chargeable for why human beings are determined to dosomething Have a cause for why they do something Without motivation, someonewill haven't any enthusiasm and no person can push him to reap something or hisexisting goals On the alternative hand, Keller (2010) said that motivation is thecause for what human beings want, what they choose, and what they do Negativeattitudes and an absence of motivation can reason obstacles to language getting toknow (Oroujlou & Vahedi, 2011) Based on the statements above, mindset andmotivation are crucial matters in getting to know English, mainly in getting to know
to speak Attitude and motivation have a crucial position in getting to know the
Trang 13technique In addition to it, Chen (2014) additionally states that motivation iscertainly considered one of the keys to figuring out language and getting to knowoutcomes.
From the above rationalization, it could be stated that mindset and motivationare very influential in the technique of getting to know overseas languages Goodmindset and motivation are very influential in supporting college students inhandling tension in getting to know English (Hashwani, 2008) To shape an Attitudeand Motivation in college students want the position of the instructor inside thegetting to know the technique Asmali (2017) discovered that the formation ofattitudes and motivations of college students in getting to know others additionallycalls for the position of instructors in schools, mainly for college kids who step intoadolescence Abidin, Mohammadi, and Alzwari (2012) upload that EFL instructorsare instrumental in efficaciously presenting understanding to college students withexcellent strategies which can increase scholar mindset, motivation, cognitive,behavioral, and emotional formation Thus, the position of instructors is wanted tofoster scholarly attitudes and motivation in enhancing the excellence of overseaslanguages in college students
Students have one-of-a-kind tiers of mindset and motivation in the direction ofEFL, mainly younger newcomers Primary college is the primary new stage ingetting to know English so college students sense overseas hard to begin getting toknow an overseas language where (Hossain, 2018) Tough (1984) states that theshortage of English speaking practices makes college students end up surprisingwith English Supporting college students in getting to know English is wantedmotivation or encouragement so that later will shape an advantageous mindsetcloser to the English language However, there is constrained research on mappingthe attitudes and motivations of EFL number one college students, mainly in 5thgrade The context of this study on mindset and scholarly motivation has been thenumber one stage Therefore, the observe desires to gift one-of-a-kind findings thatillustrate the phenomenon of language getting to know on the number one college
Trang 14stage Each scholar ought to have a one-of-a-kind heritage in figuring out themindset and motivation to examine English.
1.2 Aims of the study
This study aims at exploring motivations for learning English of 5th graders Itwill also identify the relationship between motivation and English learningachievement of 5th graders To accomplish the aims, the study will be carried outwith the hope of setting up tentative answers to the two following questions:
1 What is the motivation of fifth grade students for English learning?
2 What is the relationship between fifth grade students’ motivation and their English learning achievement?
1.3 Scope of the study
The study was conducted with the participation of 5th grade students studying
at a primary school in Thai Nguyen city for 1 semester from September 2022 toFebruary 2023
Because of the researcher’s time limit and some other conditions, the focus ofthis study is only on the investigation of the student's motivation in learning English,including the instrumental motivation, Integrative motivation, intrinsic motivationand extrinsic motivation; and the relationship between students’ motivation andtheir achievement in learning English at school
1.4 Significance of the study
The purpose of this study, which is being undertaken at one of Thai Nguyen'selementary schools, is ostensibly to encourage pupils' desire for languageacquisition Through the use of diverse teaching methodologies, the curriculumaims to enhance students' motivation In practical terms, this study offers teachersresources for creating student-centered learning plans that are more helpful thanthose focused on cognitive goals
1.5 Organization of the study
There are five chapters in this thesis
Trang 15Chapter I, Introduction, provides the study's backdrop, states the aim of the
study, and lists the research questions, the significance, the scope, and the design ofthe study
Chapter II, Literature review, gives a few difficulties with motivation and
some previous studies related to motivation
Chapter III, Methodology, gives a thorough explanation of the research
methodology, including the research topic, tools used for gathering data, steps taken,and data analysis performed for the study
Chapter IV, Results and Discussion explains the thorough examination of the
data that was gathered, from which certain conclusions, justifications, andinterpretations of the conclusions are given
Chapter V, Implications and Conclusion : summarizes the summary of the
main issues and concluding remarks of the study The limits are also discussed inthis section, along with some recommendations for further study
This chapter briefly highlights existing information connected to students’motivation in learning English, the relationship between students' motivation andtheir achievement in learning English The findings of the previous studies are alsosupplied
2.1 Student’s motivation
2.1.1 Definition of motivation
The meaning of the term "motivation" is quite broad
Motivation, in the words of Crookes and Schmidt (1991), is a learner's mindset onthe objective of acquiring a second language Ellliot and Covington (2001) assert thathuman behavior, desires, and needs are all explained by motivation
The direction of conduct or the things that make someone want to repeat a particularbehavior are some definitions of motivation A motive, in the words of Pardee (1990), iswhat drives someone to act in a specific manner or develop a preference for doingsomething in particular Motivation is the result of a combination of good attitudes towardlanguage learning, effort, and a desire to attain the objective of language acquisition,according to Gardner (1985) Oxford and Shearin (1994) defined motivation as having thedrive and the desire to accomplish a goal Narayanan (2006) defined motivation as thecause or reasons behind an individual's actions or behaviors Motivation, according toBroussard and Garrison (2004), is the attribute that affects our choice of action or inaction.Motivation is one of the maximum regularly used phrases throughout manyfields of study The term motivation originates from the Latin phrase “moveo-movere" which means of that is “to circulate” in English Therefore, it's milesunderstood as forces that make us behave positive manner; circulate our behavior.Motivation belongs to several phrases which might be labeled as hypotheticalconstructs It manner that student´s motivation isn't always something we willcontact like as an instance a notebook in which homework is properly or carelesslywritten
Motivation is a useful device by using we attempt to provide an explanationfor why the homework is written studiously or why it's miles sloppily done The
Trang 17idea of motivation facilitates us to realize the motives for the behavior of differenthumans as properly as our own.
The phrase “motivation” has many interpretations and consists of such notions
as longing, push, volition, wish, pressure, hobby, aim, purpose, etc Scholars havenow no longer observed an exact consensus as much as this day, and therefore,there are numerous viable perceptions of what motivation is Homola (1972, p.11)proposes a definition: "The phrase motivation is the not unusual place call for allimpulses that cause behavior, or because the case might also additionally be, topositive behavior." According to that definition, motivation is something thatactivates or incites motion
However, motivation isn't always applicable handiest to the preliminary ranges
of the motion – arousal of the hobby and its transformation into the selection to getconcerned in a hobby – because the kingdom of arousal desires to be maintained,and resolution to finish the motion needs to be present Gardner (1985, p 50)extends this concept with the aid of using declaring that: “ motivation entails fouraspects, a purpose, effortful behavior, a preference to acquire the purpose andbeneficial attitudes towards the hobby in question the purpose is a stimulus whichoffers upward thrust to motivation, person variations in motivation itself aremeditated with inside the latter 3 aspects ” These authors spotlight importantadditives of motivation; a purpose sought with the aid of using the person andperson attempt expended to obtain that purpose Nevertheless, our behavior may beinspired with the aid of using unique agents; now no longer the handiest innerwhich includes hobbies, curiosity, and preference however additionally outside oneswhich include rewards, different humans, or sociocultural influence Moreover,there's generally now no longer handiest one agent that determines the manner weact however a collection of them In addition, those figuring out elements frequentlyhave interaction with every different and every so often they are even now nolonger in direct reference to the preferred purpose
Accordingly, motivation may be described as a purpose-directed behavior that
is activated with the aid of using one or extra elements of inner or outside character
Trang 18To obtain this purpose, the activated motivation needs to be maintained and filledwith the aid of using internal or outer impetus.
2.1.2 Types of motivation
Brown (2000) and Gardner (1985) identified integrative and instrumentalmotivation as the two main categories Integrative motivation, as defined byGardner and Lambert (1959 as referenced in Pourhosein Gilakjani, Leong, & Saburi,2012), is the desire of the learner to acquire a language for the purpose of culturalenrichment and personal progress, or, in other words, in order to effectivelyintegrate into the target language society They went on to say that the requirement
to acquire the L2 for practical or external purposes gives birth to instrumentalmotivation They include achieving goals, practical learning objectives like passingtests, and monetary compensation A motivational construct, according to Dörnyei(1998), incorporates both integrative and instrumental motivation The majority oflanguage learning scenarios combine elements of each incentive type Success inlearning a language cannot be attributed to specific instrumental or integrativefactors It is said that whether learning a language serves as a second language or aforeign language, the importance of integrative and instrumental motivation variesdepending on events or scenarios Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
In Pourhosein Gilakjani, Leong, and Saburi (2012), Dörnyei (1998 asreferenced) provided a definition for the words intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.When someone is motivated to participate in an activity because they find itdelightful, they are said to be motivated intrinsically The term "extrinsicmotivation" describes behaviors carried out with the intention of achieving asecondary goal, such as avoiding punishment or receiving a reward The linkbetween these two types of motivation is shown by Brown (2000) Extrinsicmotivation can work as instrumental motivation if an outside force desires that theL2 learner acquire the L2 language, just as it can work as integrative motivation ifsomeone else wants the L2 learner to know the language for integrativegoals.Furthermore, intrinsic motivation may manifest as instrumental motivation if
Trang 19the L2 learner wants to achieve goals using L2, or integrative motivation if thelearner wants to integrate with the L2 culture Similar integrative motivation inlearners can also reveal significant distinctions between extrinsic and intrinsic drive.The concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are relevant to both instrumentaland integrative motivation in L2 language acquisition (Brown, 2000).
Sometimes we engage in an activity even if we are not really interested in itbecause it will help us achieve something else that we are interested in, and othertimes we do something because it makes us happy and pleasurable As a result,psychologists distinguished between internal and extrinsic motivation Harmer(2001, p 51) defines intrinsic motivation as the enjoyment one gets from doing atask and meeting inner demands (i.e learning for personal fulfillment) Extrinsicmotivation is associated with outside factors and rewards Since values are directlytied to societal expectations and their tangible benefits, this kind of motivationgradually emerges (i.e learning for external appraisal) Five distinct aspects thatmake up motivation in the classroom are distinguished by Susan Harter (1981, inWilliams & Burden, 1997, p 124), and each has an intrinsic and extrinsic pole
Inclination toward difficulty Preference for simple tasks
Interest and curiosity Getting marks and pleasing the
instructorSelf-sufficient proficiency reliance on the teacher to determine
ourindependent assessment Dependency on the instructor's
opinioninternal standards for achievement external standards for achievementAlthough Harter´s division of motivation should not be ignored, as it is based
on valuable theoretical assumptions, it is not fully acceptable because in realitymotivation consists of many overlapping layers Therefore, strictly distinguishingbetween intrinsically and extrinsically motivated behaviors is not appropriate inconnection to the real classroom situations in L2 learning After all, many times we
Trang 20behave on the bases of a mixture of both intrinsic and extrinsic reasons Mostteachers would probably agree that both have a significant impact on the L2 learnermotivation and are closely linked and in most cases, they are not employedseparately.
The multidimensionality of motivation was proposed by Vallerand & Ratelle(2002, p.37- 40) who invented a hierarchical model of intrinsic and extrinsicmotivation They put forward a hypothesis that both intrinsic and extrinsicmotivations are present at three levels of generality: global, contextual, andsituational level Global level motivation is defined as an individual difference thatapplies to general situations and results in general consequences Motivation at thecontextual level deals with involvement in certain fields of human activity such asclass relationships, school activities, and hobbies The situation level refers toparticular activities at a certain time, for example, preparation for an importantexam or writing homework The type of motivation can be different on each level.Teachers who are trying to figure out why pupils feel driven and perform well
in certain settings but entirely lose motivation in others may find this theory to beextremely useful For instance, a student whose primary objective is to becomeproficient in English so they may converse with people throughout the world isprobably very driven globally Their motivation may decline when they are required
to learn a specific grammar rule in order to receive a good grade at school because,
in this case, their situation level motivation is not stimulated by a reward in the form
of a good mark or knowledge of the rule However, they would still enjoy learningthe language in general, watching movies, listening to music, etc However, thistheory also explains why some students may do really well on assessments andexaminations, but have relatively weak communication skills Integrative and Instrumental Motivation
Gardner and Lambert (1972) developed the hypothesis that distinguishingbetween instrumental and integrative motivation is important since they both haveseparate origins and serve as distinct justifications for learning a language Acomplex of elements related to motivation stemming from external aims, including
Trang 21landing a job, receiving a letter from a pen buddy, or getting promoted, makes up aninstrumental motivator A language learner's wish or desire to identify with theculture of language speakers is known as integrative motivation Pupils endeavor tolearn the language in order to develop the capacity to understand and converse inthe foreign language, which will enable them to engage with others of variousnationalities and learn about their cultures.
According to Dörnyei (2005, p 68), integrative motivation is a comprehensiveconcept derived from empirical study that has three primary components, each ofwhich is further subdivided into several subcomponents:
Integrativeness include attitudes toward the L2 community, curiosity inforeign languages, and integrative orientation
Attitudes toward the learning environment, which includes attitudes towardthe L2 course and language instructor
Motivation, or the will, desire, and mindset related to learning According toWilliams & Burden (1997), instrumental motivation is one of the elements that goesinto integrative motivation
Additionally, they imply that integrative motivation is more significant as it islinked to better language acquisition outcomes However, they also acknowledgethat: "It may be that while integrative motivation is perhaps more important in asecond language context such as learning French in Canada or English in the USA,
an instrumental orientation may be important in other situations such as learningEnglish in the Philippines "(page 117)
Naturally, the necessity to assimilate into the English-speaking community inthe Philippines is not as great as it is in the French-speaking region of Canada,where there is a tight relationship between the English and French-speaking groups.However, because they rarely have direct interaction with the English-speakingculture, Filipino students are more inclined to study the language for practicalpurposes Therefore, their desire to learn English is driven more by outside goals,like landing a well-paying job
Trang 22Given the specificity of both motivational styles, it is difficult for a teacher to usethem in a classroom setting As a result, it is assumed that the concepts ofinstrumental and integrative motivation are outside the purview of classroominstruction There aren't many ways for teachers to encourage these two types ofmotivational factors in the classroom Some of them include fostering a positiveattitude toward the language-speaking community, pushing students to learn aboutthe unique traditions, habits, and cultural background of the foreign nation, andemphasizing the value of language proficiency for future employment.
2.1.3 Role of motivation in Language Learning
Divergent viewpoints exist among researchers about the many forms ofmotivation According to Lucas (2010), students have an innate drive to acquirespeaking and reading abilities as well as an innate drive to study and succeed.Guthrie (1997) asserts that intrinsic desire significantly influences readingcomprehension as well as other reading-related skills like reading breadth.According to Tercanlioglu (2001), Turkish students have a favorable attitude towardreading as they read for both internal and external reasons Ditual (2012) reportedthat students had a positive attitude and were extremely eager to study English.They were driven by both integrative and instrumental factors.According to Chang(2010), students' motivation was influenced by their class group and they felt at easewith their driven peers The other conclusion was that the learners who were notpaying attention demotivated their peers According to Moskovsy and Alrabai(2009), instrumental motivation is more significant in EFL learning than integrativemotivation The study's other finding suggested that integrative motivation is morerelevant to ESL instruction
Language learners were concurrently motivated both instrumentally andintegratively, according to Moiinvaziri (2009) It was shown that students had astrong desire to learn English According to Al-Otaibi (2004), motivated learnersmay acquire a language more quickly than uninspired ones and devote a significantamount of their time to achieving their goals in doing so Al-Hazemi (2000) assertsthat students who have a strong motivation to study a language are capable of
Trang 23achieving a high degree of proficiency in the language According to MacIntyre(1999), a secure classroom environment is essential for motivation, and studentsfeel most at ease learning a language in this kind of environment According toGood and Brophy (1994), instructors should establish a productive learningenvironment for their students since motivation cannot be built in a challengingclassroom They went on to say that a laid-back and welcoming classroomenvironment is ideal for language acquisition Ziahosseini and Salehi (2008) positedthat there is no correlation between the choice of language learning methodologiesand extrinsic motivation The intrinsic motivation of Iranian EFL learners washighlighted.Sadighi and Maghsudi (2000) investigated the effects of integrative andinstrumental motivation on the English language competency of English as aforeign language learners in Iran The study's findings showed a statisticallysignificant difference between the means of integratively motivated learners'English proficiency scores and those of instrumentally driven learners.
There are such a lot of motives for college students to study English One ofthem is due to the fact those college students surely like English training or theystudy English simplest for college requirements Students had the incentive to studydue to the tendency to locate instructional blessings from those sports This takesplace due to the fact motivation to study can direct college students to the intentionand spend an attempt to acquire that intention The factor right here is that promptedcollege students will make any instructional sports into significant sports to be able
to enhance their skills When college students have the motivation in learning, theygenerally tend to take their instructional paintings significantly and try and do themfirst-rate of it Through motivation, college students could have the cap potential tostand all limitations or failure due to the fact they have already got sturdy willpower
to recognize their dreams Six additives of motivation in learning These additivesmight be defined below:
Since human behavior is so complicated, curiosity is a natural emotion for allpeople Individuals with high levels of curiosity are often on the lookout for
Trang 24anything new, find personal fulfillment in solving puzzles, and are curious abouteverything.
According to Maslow, human needs are the most well-known and esteemeditem Maslow also divides human wants into five categories: greater needs for loveand ownership, higher needs for safety, higher needs for psychological well-being,higher needs for self-actualization, and higher requirements for self-esteem
One component of learning's intrinsic motivation that is connected to efficiency is competence When people are able to do this, they will be content.External motivator
self-Students must actively participate in order to establish a stimulating and boredom atmosphere In addition to a stimulating environment, values play afunction as an external motivator An educator has to be aware of his pupils' reasonsfor studying English According to Scheidecker and Freeman, who cited Dornyei,the most difficult and complex issue facing teachers today is motivation
Trang 25anti-Motivation can influence the application of previously learned behaviors, abilities,and techniques in this challenge It demonstrates the equally significant impact thatmotivation plays in learning.
2.2 English Learning Achievement
2.2.1 The Understanding of Learning
Every scientist has a notion regarding what constitutes learning As a result ofrepeated practice, learning is a somewhat permanent shift in behavioral potentiality,according to Kimble This indicates that learning requires reinforcement since itcauses a behavioral change According to modern theory, learning is a relativelypermanent behavior change or potential behavior change that results fromexperience and cannot be linked to transient physical states like those brought on byillness, exhaustion, or drug use This theory holds that experience is still necessaryfor learning, but it does not specify the type of experience that must occur The linkbetween stimulus and reaction, reinforcement, and other topics could be coveredthroughout the experience According to Schunk, learning entails gaining andchanging information, abilities, tactics, attitudes, beliefs, and actions It implies thatlearning is more than just acquiring information; it also entails changing thatinformation and turning it into abilities, attitudes, and other things Learning is apersistent behavioral shift brought about by practice or other experiences, or theability to behave in a particular way Thus, learning is a process that includes manyexperiences in addition to practice Schunk (2008) describes it as follows: threelearning criterion;
a Learning entails behavioral or behaviorally capable change When someonecan do something differently, they are learning
b Over time, learning persists
c Experience is the source of learning It implies that learning is not an easytask A person must change as a result of their learning Acquiring knowledge mustenable the student to apply what they have learnt.It takes time to acquire goodlearning outcomes The researcher comes to the conclusion that learning must beable to provide students with fresh experiences and information The student must
Trang 26then adapt to these new aspects of the curriculum Because they truly grasp it, thelearners may apply their information in any situation thanks to the modifying.
2.2.2 The Understanding of Achievement
The teacher can use the results of the achievement test to gauge the extent ofthe pupils' learning An achievement exam is designed to gauge a student's level ofknowledge or proficiency in a particular area The ideal instrument for assessingstudents' intellectual progress, according to the study, is an accomplishment exam.Using achievement assessments, teachers may monitor their students' progress inthe classes they have taught The belief that "accomplishment refers to school-basedlearning, while ability and aptitude refer to broader learning acquired mostlythrough nonschool sources such as parents and peer groups" is also encountered bythe researcher An accomplishment exam "measures how much the material taught
in a given course, or part of one, has actually been learned," according to Ur (2009).Oosterhof (2003) says that achievement assessments assess students' currentproficiency in a particular set of abilities Achievement tests are used to determinewhether pupils have learning difficulties and to assess how successful educationalprograms are Accordingly, accomplishment tests serve as a measuring stick thateducators use with their pupils to assess how well the learning process is working.Teachers can also identify what challenges students have during the learningprocess with this exam Gary further facilitates the researcher's understanding of thefollowing accomplishments in his book: The Dictionary of Education (which ispresently going through its first revision in more than 20 years) has one definition
of accomplishment "Knowledge gained or skills developed in the school subjects,usually designated by test scores or by marks assigned by teachers, or by both," isthe definition of academic accomplishment
Accordingly, students' proficiency in their learning process is referred to asachievement This accomplishment serves as a gauge for the knowledge that pupilsacquire The achievement is typically represented in the exam results or instructorgrades The researcher comes to the conclusion that achievement is the cumulative
Trang 27effect of the learning process using these theories Teachers and students alike canassess how far they have progressed in their learning process through success.
2.2.3 The Understanding of English Learning Achievement
Learning attainment, according to Tu'u (2004) and Asvio, N Arpinus (2017),
is the result one achieves after completing specific tasks or activities They arguethat it is the subjects' evolved and gained knowledge or abilities; this is typicallyshown by test results or the teacher's numerical grades As per Poerwanto (2007),learning achievement is the outcome of an individual's learning, as indicated ontheir report card Additionally, learning accomplishment is cited by (Asvio, N.Arpinus, 2017) and (Winkel, 2003) as evidence of a person's ability to carry outlearning activities in line with the quality attained by students
Based on the aforementioned rationale, the researcher understands thatstudents' success in class determines their achievement in learning English Thisaccomplishment shows up as a score that describes how well they have learned Itcan be inferred that pupils are not truly learning if they receive a score of 60 on theirexam This assumption can also be expressed in the opposite way The outcome ofthe English learning process that students get from their teachers in the form of ascore may be characterized as English learning achievement in this study Theresults are obtained through teacher-made tests or another form of standardizedassessment The accomplishment scores in this study can aid the researcher incharacterizing the extent of the students' English proficiency The accomplishmentscores are also derived from tests that instructors have created for their pupils
2.3 Previous studies
Numerous research have been conducted all over the world to look intolearners' motivation in relation to the English language For instance, in Malaysia,researchers Vijchulata and Lee (1985) presented findings from a study that looked
at the students' motivations for learning English at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).The researchers developed a questionnaire based on Gardner and Lambert's (1972)investigations to get the necessary records Approximately one thousand collegestudents from each of UPM's six colleges were given the questionnaire According
Trang 28to the research, every UPM college student is one step closer to becoming anEnglish language expert both integratively and instrumentally Sarjit (1993)attempted to ascertain the linguistic preferences of specialists inside an organization.Because the experts would no longer allow the researcher to reveal their names, theemployer's call was no longer made The motivation of learners is examined as asubject.
The study pattern consisted of 26 experts, four administrators, and oneinstructor In her have a look at, Sarjit (1993) hired distinctive strategies to collectinformation, which include questionnaires, interviews and subject observation Forthe topics' motivation, they have a look at discovered that instrumental motivationbecomes the principal motive for mastering the language accompanied by privatemotivation
In Japan, learners’ motivation closer to the English language have beenadditional subjects for plenty of researchers One of the maximum applicableresearch become that of Benson (1991) who surveyed over three hundred beginners
to evaluate their motivation closer to mastering English The outcomes verified thesignificance of integrative and private dreams as elements in motivation amongstJapanese university college students as he stated, “integrative and private motivesfor mastering English have been favored over instrumental ones" (Benson, 1991, p.34)
In Papua New Guinea (PNG), an association has a look at becomingundertaken through Buschenhofen (1998) He sought to evaluate the attitudes closertoward English amongst 12 months 12 and final-12 months of college students Toacquire the records, he administered a questionnaire to about 50 % of 12 months 12and first-12 months college students in PNG Both agencies have been contrasted interms of their tolerance closer to using English in numerous contexts The outcomesindicated (1) a commonly high-quality mindset through each agency closer toEnglish and (2) a few significant attitudinal variations with regards to particularEnglish language contexts Buschenhofen attributed such variations to the
Trang 29converting social, educational, and linguistic conditions which represent thetransition from 12 months 12 to a college education.
Arani (2004) investigated in Iran the language mastering desires of clinicalcollege students at Kashan University of Medical Sciences One of the number onetargets of the look at become to perceive the scholars' attitudes closer to masteringEnglish as a faculty problem i.e before getting into college The study's patternconsisted of forty-five clinical college students who enrolled withinside the first and2d 12 months of having a look To acquire the records, differing types ofquestionnaires have been administered to the pattern at the beginning, withinsidethe center, and on the cease of the English for Medical Purposes (EMP) courses.The outcomes confirmed that the maximum of the topics had high-quality attitudescloser to each mastering English and the English language teacher
An extra current look has been finished through Karahan (2007) withinside theTurkish EFL context The cause of his look arose from the lawsuits raised throughlearners, instructors, administrators, and dad and mom approximately whymaximum of Turkish EFL college students can't acquire the favored degree of talent
in English Therefore, he performed a look to discover the relation betweenlanguage attitudes and language mastering that's a lacking factor in discussions onthe troubles of coaching English in Turkey More specifically, Karahan attempted toperceive the interlaced courting amongst language attitudes, the beginning age oflanguage mastering, and the area in which the character began to analyze languagewithin Turkey EFL context The handiest technique of inquiry was used to become
a questionnaire tailored from preceding research on language attitudes The patternblanketed 190 (ninety-four women and 96 males) 8th grade college students of anon-public number one faculty in Adana, Turkey, in which English becomeintensively taught The findings indicated that even though the scholars have beenuncovered to English in a faculty surroundings extra often than different collegestudents at public schools, that they'd handiest mildly high-quality attitudes; mainlylady college students had higher rates In addition, the topics diagnosed thesignificance of the English language however curiously did now no longer monitor
Trang 30excessive degree orientation closer to mastering the language On the different hand,the outcomes discovered that the topics had mildly high-quality attitudes closer tothe English primarily based totally tradition however they have been now no longertolerant of Turkish human beings speaking English amongst themselves.Concerning Arab EFL learners, research had been undertaken to investigate learners’motivation and attitudes closer to the English language For instance, Qashoa (2006)performed a look at secondary faculty college students in Dubai They have a lookaimed at 1) inspecting the scholars’ instrumental and integrative motivation formastering English, and 2) spotting the elements affecting learners’ motivation Twostudies gear have been used: questionnaires and interviews The pattern, for thequestionnaire, consisted of 100 college students For the interviews, on thealternative hand, the pattern blanketed 20 college students, 10 Arab Englishinstructors, and three supervisors The outcomes discovered that scholars have ahigher diploma of instrumentality than integrativeness In addition, the findingsindicated that problems with the problem (English) factors which includevocabulary, structures, and spelling have been discovered to be the maximumdemotivating elements for scholars.
In Vietnam, there are many research projects that specifically examinestudents' motivation in learning English in general, as well as their motivation instudying specific skills such as speaking, reading, listening, and writing However,the majority of these studies were carried out in secondary schools, high schools, orhigher education institutions
Pham Thi Hong Van (2014) conducted research on the elements that influencestudents' motivation to speak English among business accounting students at HungVuong Vocational College Questionnaires and interviews were utilized as theprimary methods for collecting data in this study The outcome indicated that theparticipants displayed a preference for using English for practical reasons in theirlearning The motivation of students in English speaking class is greatly influenced
by factors associated with the teachers, such as having a pleasant demeanor, goodpronunciation, and effectively using both Vietnamese and English in the classroom
Trang 31Additionally, elements related to the learners, like their lack of confidence,difficulties in pronunciation, and limited vocabulary, also significantly impact theirmotivation in the class.
In 2014, Le Minh Huong conducted a study to examine what factorsinfluenced the motivation of non-English major students when it came to learningEnglish listening skills at the College of Industrial Technique The findings fromsurvey questionnaires and semi-structured interviews indicated that the motivation
of non-English major students to learn English listening skills is influenced by threesources: the students themselves, their teachers, and the learning environment
A study was carried out by Cao Minh Thu in 2014 to examine the enthusiasm
of 10th graders for acquiring English writing skills in a high school located in Hanoi.The findings from the questionnaires and classroom observation indicated that thestudents demonstrated both external and practical motivation in their writing class
In addition, there are five primary elements that impact students in an Englishwriting class, which include the teaching methods employed by the instructors, theirlevel of enthusiasm, the students' lack of confidence and limited English skills, aswell as the overall atmosphere within the classroom
Hoa (2013) conducted a research at Nhan Phuc Primary School that focused
on the enthusiasm of young students in learning English In order to understand themotivation of students in grades 3 to 5 and identify the factors influencing theirmotivation, she distributed questionnaires to a total of 180 students The aim was todetermine suitable teaching techniques that would effectively encourage thesestudents to engage in English studies Afterwards, she selected fifteen students toproceed with additional interviews The findings indicated that students show ainclination towards being internally motivated when it comes to learning English.Additionally, three main factors were identified as influential in their motivation:
Trang 32their own personal interests, the encouragement from caregivers, and feelings ofanxiety.
The researcher acknowledges the significance of motivation in foreignlanguage learning, considering the circumstances of teaching and learning Actually,when it comes to Vietnam, there has been a limited amount of study conductedregarding the motivation of young students in regards to learning English As aresult, the researcher opted to carry out a study aimed at examining the motivationlevels of 5th grade students in a Primary School in Thai Nguyen, along withidentifying the factors that influence their drive to learn the language
Trang 331 What is the motivation of fifth grade students for English learning?
2 What is the relationship between fifth grade students’ motivation and their English learning achievement?
3.2 Research design
The researcher chose to conduct the study as descriptive research based on theavailable resources and the goals of the investigation Descriptive research's maingoals were to characterize the situation as it is today and to provide information onhitherto unknown facts about present events
Several unique attributes of descriptive research include: First, descriptiveresearch is a quantitative research approach that seeks to gather measurable data for
a population sample's statistical analysis; second, none of the variables indescriptive research are affected in any manner Therefore, the researcher has nocontrol on the characteristics of the variables or how they behave Information isoften gathered through the use of a Google Form questionnaire, in-personinterviews conducted with the assistance of an interview schedule or study guide,and observation, whether or not it is participatory As long as statistical techniquesadequately meet the requirements for data analysis, they may be used Since thegoal of the study is to characterize and assess the fifth-graders' motivation to learnEnglish and to determine the link between fifth-grade students' motivation and theirachievement in English, this research approach is acceptable The project will carryout its descriptive investigation in the following six steps:
Trang 34Procedures for conducting a descriptive survey (modified from Lodico et al.,
3.3 Subjects of the study
200 pupils in the school's fifth grade—118 females and 82 boys—were thestudy's participants They were selected at random from the school's five courses
3.4 Data collection instruments
Questionnaires on Google form were chosen as one of the most essential datacollection devices in this study since they not only provide information from a largenumber of participants but also aid in the gathering of information on a variety oftopics
Questionnaire 1 is adapted from Arina Hafadhotul Husna & Rahayu TriMurtini (2019) It was used to collect information about students’ motivation inlearning English Twenty questions make up the questionnaire, which is dividedinto four main sections: questions 1–5 are about intrinsic motivation, questions 6–
10 are about extrinsic motivation, questions 11–15 are about integrative motivation,
Decide on a study
Review theavailable literature
Formulate inquiriesfor research
Select participantsand instrument
Collect valid andreliable data
Analyze and
interpret the
survey results
Trang 35and questions 16–20 are about instrumental motivation The inquiries are listedbelow;
Table 3.1 Intrinsic Motivation Question
Stron gly Agree
Agree Neutra
Disagr ee
Stron gly Disag ree
When I'm invited tospeak in my Englishclass, I feel comfortable
Learning English issomething I truly likedoing I like myEnglish class so much;
If my peers do better inEnglish studies than I
do, I will behumiliated
I have to admit that I'mnot all that interested in
my English lesson
Trang 36Table 3.2 Extrinsic Motivation Question N
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
Strongly Disagree
to me
English is veryimportant part of theschool program
My parentsencourage me topractice my English
as much as possible
I study Englishbecause I want to do
LearningEnglish is importantbecause it will allow
me to meet andconverse with moreand varied people
Trang 37Table 3.3.Integrative motivation Question
Strong ly Agree
Agree Neutr
Disag ree
Stron gly Disag ree
I'm interested inlearning more about thecultures and people ofEnglish-speakingnations
I enjoy speakingEnglish with strangersand making
acquaintancesthroughout the world
Learning Eenables me to keep intouch with foreignfriends
Learning E helps
me become an minded and sociableperson
Trang 38open-Table 3.4 Instrumental motivation Question
Strongl y Agree
Agree Neutr
Disagr ee
Stro ngly Dis agr ee
Learning E isimportant because it willhelp me to learn newthings
Learning English
is important because itwill allow me to meetand converse with moreand varied people
Learning E is veryimportant because it willhelp me get a good jobin
Trang 39The categories were chosen by the students as their response to the question,and the score was explained using the table below;
Table 3.5: Value of Catagory in Questionnaire
Intrinsic Motivation
3.4.2 Students' English test results
This study looked into the connection between students' motivation and theirproficiency in learning English Students taking English classes in the first semesterwere given intense semester grade point averages of their results, withaccomplishment status serving as the criteria variable With approval from theschool administration, the achievement of the students and the state of theirtranscripts displaying the evolution of the book data were acquired Note scoreswere computed using the principles of assessment and evaluation, the relevant rules,and the average A score of 0–4 is considered "not successful," whereas a score of5–10 is considered "successful." These ranges were used to do analyses The datawere subjected to analyses of means, standard deviation, regression, and Pearsoncorrelation analysis using the SPSS 12.0 package program
3.5 Data collection procedure
First, the researchers gave a brief explanation of the study's purpose anddesign while they were on site The students were informed that their answerswould remain private, that their participation in the study is entirely optional, andthat their replies would not affect their course grades Then they were invited tocomplete the questionnaire which was translated in Vietnamese via google forms in
Trang 40the school computer lab with detailed instructions and explanations on how tocomplete them from the researcher and all of them answered the questionscompletely After that, students’ learning achievement was collected at the end ofthe semester when the students did the final English test.
3.6 Data analysis
An Excel or SPPS file was created using the survey data Using statisticalsoftware such as SPSS, the data and information collected from the questionnaireswere assembled and analyzed to answer research questions Students' motivation tostudy was assessed on a 5-point Likert scale to determine the type and degree ofmotivation According to Arina & Rahayu (2019), The following factors were used
to determine the scale's agreement or disagreement levels in the questionnaire:
Table 3.6 Levels of English learning motivation
3.68 – 5.00 High degree of motivation, attitude
2.34 – 3.67 Moderate degree of motivation, attitude
1.00 – 2.33 Low degree of Motivation, attitude