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How can servant leadership mitigate negative emotions and restore the beliefs of employees during a major global crisis the case of covid 19 pandemic

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY - - HOANG THI KIM QUY HOW CAN SERVANT LEADERSHIP MITIGATE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND RESTORE THE BELIEFS OF EMPLOYEES DURING A MAJOR GLOBAL CRISIS? THE CASE OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC DISSERTATION HO CHI MINH CITY – 2024 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY - - HOW CAN SERVANT LEADERSHIP MITIGATE NEGATIVE EMOTIONS AND RESTORE THE BELIEFS OF EMPLOYEES DURING A MAJOR GLOBAL CRISIS? THE CASE OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC Major: Business Administration Training direction: Research Code: 9340101 DISSERTATION Academic advisors: Asso Prof TRAN MAI DONG Dr DINH TIEN MINH Ho Chi Minh - 2024 i DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY This thesis is the result of work done during the period of registration and is wholly the work of the author Hoang Thi Kim Quy ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to first and foremost send my most sincere thanks to Associate Professor Tran Mai Dong and Dr Dinh Tien Minh for their perseverance, patience, encouragement, and support throughout the years Without their dedicated guidance, I would not have been able to complete this thesis I also would like to thank Associate Professor Le Nhat Hanh for giving me the most useful advice and suggestions so that I can improve my thesis I would also like to thank my lecturers and colleagues at the Vietnam Aviation Academy for constantly cheering me on along the way In addition, I would like to thank my beloved friends, who have always stood by me, shared with me, and cried with me during those four years Finally, I would like to give my deepest thanks to my beloved family, who have always been by my side unconditionally, witnessing the joys as well as comforting me through the hardships of my PhD journey Thank you, Grandma, and thank you, Dad, in another beautiful world, for always watching over and supporting me Thanks for everything Hoang Thi Kim Quy iii TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION OF AUTHENTICITY .i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi LIST OF TABLES .vii LIST OF FIGURES .ix ABSTRACTS CHAPTER – INTRODUCTION .5 1.1 Research problem .5 1.2 Justification of the research scope 1.2.1 The impact of the Covid 19 in Aviation industry 1.2.2 The Vietnam context 10 1.3 Research gaps 11 1.4 Research objectives and research questions .17 1.4.1 The general research objective 17 1.4.2 Specific research objectives .17 1.4.3 Specific research questions 18 1.5 Research object and scope 19 1.6 Research method and designs 19 1.7 Research contributions .21 1.8 Thesis outline 23 1.9 Summary 23 CHAPTER - LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT .25 2.1 Crisis and Crisis Leadership .25 2.1.1 Organizational crisis definitions 25 2.1.2 Classification of crises – typologies 33 2.1.3 Crisis leadership 34 2.2 Definitions of key concepts 42 iv 2.2.1 Servant leadership 42 2.2.2 Negative emotions .54 2.2.3 Belief restoration 55 2.2.4 Creative adaptability 56 2.2.5 Workplace spirituality 57 2.2.6 Proactive personality 58 2.3 Theoretical background and Hypotheses development .59 2.3.1 Conservation of resources theory (COR) .59 2.3.2 Research hypotheses and the proposed research model 62 2.4 Summary 78 CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 79 3.1 Research design 79 3.1.1 Research methods 79 3.1.2 Research process 80 3.2 Construct measurement and questionaire development .82 3.2.1 Construct measurement 82 3.2.3 Questionnaire development 88 3.3 Pilot study 89 3.3.1 Pilot study’s process 89 3.3.2 Pilot study’s results .91 3.4 The main study .95 3.4.1 Data collection 95 3.4.2 Data analysis method .98 CHAPTER - DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS .105 4.1 The measurement model 105 4.1.1 The first-order construct (Stage I) 105 4.1.2 Reflective - formative second-order construct (Stage II) 111 4.2 Common method bias assessment 112 4.3 Assessing the structural model .113 4.3.1 The direct effects 114 v 4.3.2 The mediating effects .115 4.3.3 Moderating effects testing 117 4.3.4 The summarization of hypothesis testing results 119 4.4 Findings and Discussions .122 4.5 Summary 125 CHAPTER - CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 127 5.1 Conclusions 127 5.2 Theoretical implications 128 5.3 Practical implications .131 5.4 Limitations and future research 133 5.5 Summary 134 Scientific products of PhD student 135 REFERENCES 138 APPENDICES 165 SL vi COR IATA LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ICAO CMB Servant leadership WPS Conservation of resources theory CA International Air Transport Association NE International Civil Aviation Organization BL Common method bias PR Workplace spirituality MW Creative adaptability SC Negative emotions AV Belief restoration H Proactive personality PLS-SEM Meaningful work AVE Sense of Community HTMT Alignment of values VIF Hypothesis VAA Partial least square structural equation modeling CB-SEM Average Variance Extracted VB- SEM Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio Variance inflation factor Vietnam Aviation Academy Covariance-based structural equation model Variance-Based Structural Equation Modelling vii CR Construct reliability RQ Research question viii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 A summary of the definitions/features of crisis in the literature 26 Table 2.2 Crisis leadership quadrants 37 Table 2.3 Comparison between servant leadership and 46 ethical leadership/transformational leadership 46 Table 3.1 Measurement items of servant leadership 84 Table 3.2 Measurement items of Workplace spirituality 85 Table 3.3 Measurement items of Creative adaptability 86 Table 3.4 Measurement items of Negative emotions 87 Table 3.5 Measurement items of Belief restoration 87 Table 3.6 Measurement items of Proactive personality 88 Table 3.7 Cronbach's Alpha testing results 91 Table 3.8 Respondents’ demographic attributes 97 Table 4.1: Cronbach's Alpha, rho_A, and Composite reliability .105 Table 4.2: Factor loading and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) 106 Table 4.3 Fornell-Larcker Criterion 110 Table 4.4 Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) .111 Table 4.5: Convergent testing results of reflective-formative second-order construct 112 Table 4.6 The coefficient of determinant (R2), predictive relevance (Q2) 113 Table 4.7 The VIF values 114 Table 4.8 The direct effect testing results 115 Table 4.9 Mediation effects 116

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2024, 16:27


