How to overcome students'''' difficulties...17CONCLUSION...20 Trang 4 CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAMĐộc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúcBIÊN BẢN HỌP NHÓM 3 Lần 1 Địa điểm: Google meetThời gian:
Group: 3
Class section: English 1-2375ENTH1411
Instructor: Phí Minh Tuấn
Ha Noi, May 11, 2023
I The concept of success, failure 8
II Jackma 8
1 Family circumstances 8
2 Typical successes 8
3 Typical failures 9
III Factors have made Jackma successfull 10
1 The effort and Perseverance 10
2 Vision and Direction 10
3 Leadership ability 11
4 Creativity and Innovation 12
IV Contacting Vietnamese students 12
1 Student’s successes 13
2 Student’s failures 15
3 What hinders students' success? 16
4 How to overcome students' difficulties 17
Độc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúc BIÊN BẢN HỌP NHÓM 3
Lê Thị Diệu Linh Lê Thùy Linh
Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Linh Nguyễn Thị Linh
Lê Thị Diệu Linh Lê Thùy Linh
Nguyễn Thị Phương Linh Phạm Thảo Linh
Nguyễn Thanh Long Nguyễn Thị Phương Loan
Vắng mặt: 0
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Độc lập - Tự do – Hạnh phúc BIÊN BẢN HỌP NHÓM 3
Lê Thị Diệu Linh Lê Thùy Linh
Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Linh Nguyễn Thị Linh
Lê Thị Diệu Linh Lê Thùy Linh
Nguyễn Thị Phương Linh Phạm Thảo Linh
Nguyễn Thanh Long Nguyễn Thị Phương Loan
Trang 6In every human life, everyone has goals, and everyone wants to achievethem to be successful However, the definition of success is different for eachperson Sometimes, success is just the completion of a small task, while forothers, success can be about achieving a big and important goal in life Nomatter what, success is always what we want and strive for
However, achieving success is not easy It requires perseverance, effort,and constant learning Even failures and difficulties are necessary to help usgrow and develop Therefore, success is not simply a result but also a process ofconquering difficulties, overcoming challenges, and developing yourself.Successful people know how to take advantage of opportunities and usetheir talents to achieve their goals By working hard, learning, constantly trying,setting clear goals, and persisting in the process, they have produced amazingresults
Failure is also an integral part of human life We all experience failure andfeel bored, frustrated, anxious, and hopeless However, it is important that weknow how to learn from our failures and not let them become a hindrance to ourprogress and growth Although it is difficult and painful, the real challenge isthat, when we face failures, we have to be confident and persistent to be able toovercome it and get back on the road to success
Trang 7thương… 100% (11)
Bản tổng hợp MKT thương mại
thương… 93% (14)
Trang 8With the theme "Success And Failure", we will show everyone howsuccessful people overcome failure to achieve success And Jackma is thesuccessful person our group wants to introduce to our class For betterunderstanding, group 3 will analyze the success and failure of jackma and drawexperiences from this to help Vietnamese students overcome failure.
Marketingthương… 100% (4)
Bài thảo luận Marketing nhóm 9
Marketingthương… 100% (4)
Trang 9I The concept of success, failure
Success is a relative concept and has many different definitions depending
on the person and the situation However, from a general point of view, success
is often understood as a state, condition or outcome that fully meetsexpectations Success is achieving a goal or goals that a person has set forhimself Success is doing what you intend
Failure is the state of not meeting the desired or intended goal, or when we
do something but the work does not achieve the desired result, and can beviewed as contrary to our will
II Jackma
As you can see today, there are many successful people in the world, likeJack Ma, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, etc A lot of people are very successful in theworld, but my group chose Jackma because he is the leader, the most talentedand influential director in the world in recent times He is also a person with aspirit of effort, creativity, innovation, and the right direction These are allfactors that make up success
At the age of 26, Jack Ma realized that the Internet was a great technology
to be able to serve businesses At the age of 31, he decided to go to America tolearn more about it In the same year, Jack Ma raised $20,000 to start an e-commerce business At that time, e-commerce was a very new thing Many
Trang 10people doubt its applicability However, in just three years, Jack Ma has earned800,000 USD.
In 1999, Jack Ma officially founded Alibaba Alibaba's purpose is based onhis previous online business experience Alibaba also created the foundation andtrend of e-commerce around the world later
By mid-2000, Alibaba had completely defeated eBay in the Chinesemarket Jack is the nickname he gave himself to address foreign guests With hisfiery presentation style and bold goals, many reporters called him "Crazy Jack"
In 2013, Jack Ma officially resigned as CEO and focused on the position ofchairman And of course, he is still the chief strategist at Alibaba's e-commercesite, and he is also the face of the company
In September 2014, Jack Ma became the richest man in China, with afortune of up to 25 billion USD In December 2014, Jack Ma became the richestman in Asia, with a fortune of $28.6 billion
Not stopping with the success of Alibaba, at the age of 40, Jack continues
to invest in e-business He founded many companies, such as Taobao, Lyn Lynx,and Ali Mama
3 Typical failures
On his journey, Jack Ma has experienced many failures, and his number offailures is sometimes greater than that of the average person in his life Here arethe most painful failures of Jack Ma, but he still overcomes them and remains asoptimistic as the Forrest Gump character he idolizes
Only got a score of 1/120 in the college math exam
To this day, Jack Ma has struggled with math, even though Alibaba is atechnology company
Jack Ma said, "I'm not good at math, never studied management, and stillcan't read financial statements."
The only person who "hits" the KFC interview
Out of 24 interview candidates working for KFC, 23 were accepted, andonly 1 person was eliminated, that is Jack Ma The reason is said to be because
of his unsightly face and modest height
Trang 11 Can't convince Silicon Valley to invest in Alibaba
After founding Alibaba, Jack Ma still encountered many failures HisAlibaba for 3 years in a row was not profitable At first, Alibaba expanded tooquickly and almost disappeared under the dot-com bubble Jack Ma callsAlibaba "1,001 mistakes"
Tell 18 colleagues at Alibaba that none of them will be CEO
One of the worst decisions was when Jack Ma told 18 co-workers that none
of them could go beyond management, even though these 18 people contributed
a total of $60,000 Jack Ma's plan is to hire an outside manager
Recalling this, Jack Ma still considers this to be the biggest mistake of hislife "The lesson learned from the dark days at Alibaba is that you have to makeyour colleagues feel valued, motivated, and visionary for the future."
Jack Ma is a living example of patience, perseverance, and proof that nomistake can stop us from achieving our dreams
Jack Ma said: "If you don't give up, you still have a chance Quitting is thebiggest failure."
III Factors have made Jackma successfull
1 The effort and Perseverance
Jack Ma had to face many challenges and difficulties in his entrepreneurialjourney He started with a new business idea of creating a website to connectChinese manufacturers and retailers with global customers However, he facedopposition and negative advice from those around him because his business ideawas considered too bold and difficult to succeed
To achieve success, Jack Ma had to persevere through many difficulties andfailures In his entrepreneurial journey, he faced many challenges, including notfinding investment, fierce competition from major rivals, and other businessrisks
However, Jack Ma never gave up and continued to persevere through thechallenges He learned from his failures and mistakes to develop his business
He also built a team of like-minded individuals who shared his vision andsupported him through the ups and downs of his journey
In summary, Jack Ma's success can be attributed to his unwavering effort andperseverance in the face of adversity These factors enabled him to overcome thechallenges he faced and achieve his entrepreneurial goals
Trang 122 Vision and Direction
Vision and direction are two closely related concepts that play important roles inachieving success Vision refers to the ability to see the potential of the future,while direction refers to the path or course of action taken to reach that potential.Having a clear vision provides a roadmap for what an individual or organizationwants to achieve in the long term A well-defined vision can inspire andmotivate people, and help them stay focused on their goals Without a vision,individuals or organizations can easily become lost or unfocused, and may notachieve their full potential
Beside good vision, direction is also crucial A clear direction helps individuals
or organizations stay on track and make progress towards their goals Directioninvolves setting clear objectives, developing strategies to achieve thoseobjectives, and monitoring progress along the way
Jack Ma's success was greatly influenced by his clear vision and strategicdirection, which stemmed from his foresight in recognizing the potential of theInternet Jack Ma's vision for Alibaba was rooted in his keen foresight of thepotential of the internet in enhancing business opportunities and facilitatingcommunication for people globally
3 Leadership ability
Leadership ability is a critical factor in achieving success in any organization
or venture A good leader is someone who can inspire and motivate their team,set clear goals and expectations, and make sound decisions They also have theability to communicate effectively, listen to feedback, and adapt to changingcircumstances Jack Ma's leadership style is a unique combination of unyieldingdetermination, unwavering perseverance, risk-taking spirit, and humility Amonghis many admirable attributes, Jack Ma's charisma and ability to inspire his teamstand out as strong pillars of his successful entrepreneurial endeavors Mafervently believes in nurturing a team of committed and passionate individuals,capable of executing the company's vision He constantly motivates his teammembers to learn from failures, embrace the fear of uncertainty, and adapt tochange
Moreover, Jack Ma fosters a culture of collaboration where the company'ssuccess is not perceived as a product of individual efforts but as the concerteddevotion of an enthusiastic team Employees are encouraged to challenge thestatus, defend their perspectives, and strive for continuous improvement At thesame time, Alibaba employees also learned a lot about Jack Ma's leadershipability:
Visionary Thinking:
Trang 13A keynote aspect of Jack Ma's leadership qualities is his ability to think big and conceive groundbreaking ideas He foresaw the potential of the internet in the mid-1990s when it was still in its nascent stage, especially
in China By developing Alibaba, he revolutionized the way millions of people did business in China and beyond His vision was not limited to the local market, but global commerce, which put Alibaba on the international stage
Empathy and Humility:
Despite his extraordinary achievements, Jack Ma has maintained empathyand humility throughout his leadership tenure He genuinely cares about his employees' well-being and works diligently to foster a collaborative and supportive work environment Moreover, his ability to connect with people and respect their opinions and ideas, regardless of their position in the company, fosters an inclusive organizational culture that allows members to thrive
Adaptability and Resilience:
Jack Ma demonstrates tremendous adaptability and resilience in the face
of adversity He has encountered numerous setbacks throughout his life, including multiple rejections from jobs and higher educational
institutions However, he remained undeterred and employed his perseverance to launch Alibaba Ma's ability to adapt and bounce back enabled him to transform challenges into opportunities for success
Inspirational Communication:
Jack Ma is an excellent communicator with the innate talent to inspire others with his words His speeches, interviews, and public appearances project optimism, hope, and confidence, motivating his audience to dreambig and work hard He openly shares his own rags-to-riches story, making him a relatable figure who embodies the entrepreneurial spirit
Decisiveness and Risk-Taking:
Jack Ma's leadership is characterized by his decisiveness and willingness to takerisks He is not afraid to make tough decisions and embrace unconventionalideas This willingness to take risks and his confidence in his own judgmenthave allowed Ma to remain commercially competitive and continuouslyinnovate
4 Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and innovation are essential for achieving success in today'srapidly changing business landscape The ability to think outside the box andcome up with unique solutions to problems can give businesses a competitiveedge and help them stay ahead of the curve Companies that prioritize creativity
Trang 14and innovation tend to be more adaptable and better able to respond to changingmarket conditions.
Alibaba was built at a time when the internet was still in its infancy, especially
in China Jack Ma's relentless creativity and innovative approach allowed thecompany to break through these barriers and create a sustainable businessmodel For instance, Alibaba's success can be largely attributed to theirinnovative business model, which combined B2B (Alibaba), B2C (Taobao), andC2C (Tmall) opportunities under a single corporate umbrella
Jack Ma's success also comes from his creativity and constant innovation Foreach product that is sold on Alibaba, it must be provided with specificinformation about the supplier and the product In the process of browsinginformation, Alibaba will collect a stable amount of information and createunlimited business opportunities on the system After reaching agreements ongoods, Alibaba services will provide services to help companies transact
"offline" with each other becomes an important intermediary Jack
Ma is also very wise when providing most of the tools for free to users, and alsoprovides evaluation and rating functions to increase the reliability of theprovider
One of the most notable examples of Jack Ma's creative genius is theincorporation of Alipay—a secure online payment platform that sought to solvetrust issues between buyers and sellers This not only resulted in increased usage
of Alibaba's services, but it also laid the groundwork for the eventual spinoffcompany, Ant Financial— now a global leader in the fintech space
IV Contacting Vietnamese students.
1 Student’s successes
Choose the right major
Choosing the right major for you is one of the first successes of students when they take their first step into university Students can rely on criteria such as abilities, interests, social needs to guide themselves
Unfortunately, most students make incorrect decisions for their professional future Many candidates think that it is okay to study one major temporarily, and then be able to work in the wrong industry later This is not wrong, but