Recommendations that improve service quality and maintain customer satisfaction...16Fishbone Diagram of the Consultancy Report for Viettel Network Operator...17III.. Based on this data,
Trang 1T A B L E
-*** -FINAL INDIVIDUAL REPORT Subject: Operations and Project Management
Score (in number):
Score (in words):
1 The rationale of this project? 3
2 Why are you doing this report? 3
Part A: Introduction to project team members 4
Work Break Down Structure for The Consultancy Report for Viettel Network Operator 6
Part B: Project Scheduling 9
The Gantt chart for the Consultancy Report for the Viettel Network Operator 9
Part C: Market Survey 10
1 Introduce the purpose of doing the market survey and prepare a survey questionnaire 10
2 The questions and criteria of survey 10
Part D: Data Analysis and Recommendation 12
1 Discuss and analyze survey data 12
2 Recommendations that improve service quality and maintain customer satisfaction 16
Fishbone Diagram of the Consultancy Report for Viettel Network Operator 17
To: Board of Directors – Viettel Telecom
The report is written to customer satisfaction with the use of Viettel’s mobile networkpackages today The report includes 4 parts A B C D which are an Introduction to projectteam members, project scheduling, a market survey, and data analysis andrecommendation respectively Specifically, the contents of part A are the introduction ofteam members and the work breakdown structure for each work in this project In part B,
we plan for project scheduling by Gantt chart to set up and estimate the total time forcompleting this project The following part is part C describes the information of themarket survey Finally, we will use the data and figures collected from the market survey
to analyze it and give some recommendations Based on this data, we can reach out tosome problems existing in Viettel’s mobile network and mention solutions to promoteservice quality on customer satisfaction in the Viettel network operator
1 The rationale of this project?
This report seeks to give a complete analysis and strategic recommendations to optimizeViettel’s performance and customer satisfaction when experiencing the Viettel networkoperator This project’s logic is:
Improving Network Performance: Improving network performance is essential foroffering high-quality telecommunications services As a network operator, Viettel mustensure that its network infrastructure is efficient, dependable, and capable of meetingcustomers' increasing demands This project will evaluate the current networkinfrastructure, identify areas for improvement, and make recommendations to increasenetwork performance, capacity, and scalability
2 Why are you doing this report?
The reason to do this report is to improve the Customer Experience: Client satisfactionand loyalty are highly dependent on a pleasant client experience This project attempts to
Trang 4discover pain points and places where the customer experience may be enhanced bystudying customer comments, complaints, and expectations connected to Viettel'snetwork services The recommendations will centre on improving network dependability,coverage, and service quality to create a better customer experience.
Part A: Introduction to project team members
I'm Hung, also the leader of the MS team including Harry, Hermione, Lucy and myself.Harry is responsible for the Initiation steps of the program First of all, we must discusswith the directors how to implement the report and listen to the opinions and views of thedirectors so that the report goes in the right direction Next, Hermonie is responsible forthe Planning section, analyzing the overall situation of Viettel Telecom, SWOT andsetting specific goals according to each timeline She builds a WBS to ensure allcomponents are identified and accounted for Then, progress information will be updatedregularly via Plan Development The next step is Execution which will be myresponsibility I develop a survey based on the criteria that Hermonie has pre-determined,then collect data to find problems, situations and factors that need improvement Todescribe more generally, I developed Ishikawa to specifically describe the problems andsolutions for each problem Then provide detailed solutions afterward Next, Lucy willhave an important role in the Control Phase, she will monitor each step implemented,manage risks to ensure report quality, and then plan specific costs In the final step, wewill check back together and present the lessons we learned through the report
Trang 5Harry Hermonie Hung Lucy All member
Specifically, we will use the WBS TREE Diagram to express a detailed work breakdownstructure in this project Work Breakdown Structure Tree Diagram is a visual,hierarchical and deliverable-oriented deconstruction of a project It is a helpful diagramfor project managers because it allows them to break down their project scope andvisualize all the tasks required to complete their project
Trang 6Consultancy report for Viettel Telecom
Deliverable Acceptance
Lesson Learned From Project
Ishikawa Development
Trang 8Report to Director: This step involves engaging in discussions with the BOD tounderstand the expectations for the consultancy project It helps align the projectobjectives with the organization’s vision and gain their support
Project Identification: This step involves identifying the need for the quality service ofViettel network operators It includes understanding the specific issues or areas thatrequire improvement or optimization
Project Scope Definition: In this step, the scope of the consultancy project is defined,outlining the specific objectives It helps set clear expectations and ensures allstakeholders understand the project’s focus
Needs Assessment: This step involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of ViettelTelecom’s current state, SWOT It includes reviewing existing processes, and systemsthrough surveys
Goal Setting: Clear and measurable goals are established based on the needs assessment.These goals align with Viettel Telecom’s objectives and provide steps for the projects.WBS Development: The project is broken down into smaller, manageable tasks andsubtasks in this step The WBS helps in organizing and structuring the project activities,ensuring all components are identified and accounted for
Communication Plan Development: A communication plan is devised to ensure effectiveand timely to ensure effective and timely communication among the project’s members Execution
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Trang 9Data Collection and Analysis: This step involves gathering relevant data through surveys.The data is then analyzed to identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement.Ishikawa Development: Based on the findings from the data analysis, the Ishikawadiagram, also known as a fishbone diagram or cause-and-effect diagram, is developed.The Ishikawa diagram helps visually represent the potential causes contributing to aspecific problem or outcome
Recommendation: Based on the findings from the Ishikawa Diagram, customizedrecommendations are designed to address the identified causes and improve the situation.This recommendation may involve process improvements, technology implementations,training programs, or others
Quality Assurance: Quality assurance activities are conducted to ensure that the projectdeliverables meet the defined standards and requirements This includes regular reviewsand testing
Budget and Cost Control: Monitoring and controlling project costs are done in this step toensure that the project remains within the allocated budget Any deviations are identifiedand managed approximately
The project deliverables are reviewed and accepted by the BOD based on the predefinedacceptance criteria Any necessary adjustments or final approvals are obtained
Trang 10Lessons Learned from Project: Lessons learned from the project are documented tocapture key insights, successes, challenges, and recommendations for future projects
Part B: Project Scheduling
To describe each step specifically and avoid missing any step, we use a Gantt chart todescribe the timeline for this project
A Gantt chart is a commonly used graphical depiction of a project schedule It's a type ofbar chart showing the start and finish dates of a project's elements such as resources,planning, and dependencies The Gantt chart is the most widely used chart in projectmanagement These charts are useful in planning a project and defining the sequence oftasks that require completion
The Gantt chart for the Consultancy Report for the Viettel Network Operator
First, we must report to the directors to discuss implementation issues including thevision and direction of the report, then we will define goals, develop the WBS, anddiscuss further with team members to optimize work efficiency We then conduct marketresearch through survey income data, then show it specifically through the Ishikawamodel, so we will have a solution for each problem At this point, we will review theentire process, risk management, and quality management and establish necessary costs
Trang 11After that, we will send it to the board of directors for comments and decisions Finally,
we will draw lessons from this report
Part C: Market Survey
1 Introduce the purpose of doing the market survey and prepare a survey questionnaire
In the current 4.0 era and moving towards 5.0 later, information plays an important role
in daily life Realizing this, people increasingly want to receive information as soon aspossible to meet their personal goals
As a member of the consulting team for the Viettel network, I am responsible for findingproblems in customer experience to improve service quality For that purpose, our teamcreated a survey called: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH THE USE OFVIETTEL'S MOBILE NETWORK PACKAGES TODAY, the survey consists of 2 parts,the first part will collect personal information of users who have used Viettel networkservices including Name (optional), gender, age Besides, the next section will includequestions about user satisfaction
2 The questions and criteria of survey
Convenience: The services provided are easily accessible
Reliability: I can rely on the services to meet my needs
Responsiveness: The staff is prompt in addressing my inquiries or concerns
Time: I don't have to wait a long time to receive assistance
Assurance: I feel confident in the organization's ability to provide quality servicesCourtesy: The staff treats me with respect and politeness
Tangible: The data and resources provided are of high quality
Consistency: The My Viettel app maintains a high level of performance feel satisfiedwith the overall service experience
Expectancy: I feel satisfied with the overall service experience
Trang 12Questions are evaluated based on the Likert Scale (1 typical ordinal scale) with 5 levels(extremely disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, extremely agree), after similar questions,finally they can evaluate and suggest advice by my open-ended question (Do you haveany recommendation to improve your experience using in Viettel network operator?) toimprove the quality experiences of users.
To collect data related to the user satisfaction survey when using the network from the
Viettel network operator My team has created a survey form called: Customer
Satisfaction with the use of Viettel’s mobile network packages today with two main
methods to collect data “convenience sampling” and “purposive sampling”
With the “convenience sampling” method, my team sent it to my relatives and students,especially Gen Z friends who often use the internet of the Viettel mobile network Thisnot only helps us to target the audience but also helps us shorten the time of datacollection to improve the customer experience when using the internet
In addition to this, “purposive sampling” is a method that helps my team to select the bestdata from the responses of the survey respondents, who can provide us with the mostintuitive data and make informed decisions, and opinions seriously This paved the wayfor the enhancement of the data that we wanted to collect from the people around me
To make it easier for my friends to access the survey form, we used Gmail andMessenger with a request and thanked them for taking the time to help us complete thedata After submitting the survey form to 40 people I received 33 direct responses from
my friends Of those 35 responses, most of them were completed seriously andcompletely, however, there were still some responses that failed or did not complete therequired data on the form After the process of cleaning data, our final sample includes 33observations
Part D: Data Analysis and Recommendation
1 Discuss and analyze survey data
Demographics of respondents
Table 1.1: Demographics of respondents
Trang 14Max Score: 5, Min Score: 1
Max Score Average: 3.42, Min Score Average: 3.15
Through the Likert Scale method from extremely disagree to agree, it will be convertedfrom a scale of 1 to 5 so we can easily analyze the data and get the correct answer.Indices greater than or equal to 3 will be considered positive and temporary indicators, onthe contrary, less than 3 can be considered negative indicators, showing dissatisfactionwith the service quality Viettel 4G network
In general, we can see that most received positive feedback through data collected fromthe survey Specifically, with 33 respondents, we received 28 responses with theiraverage rating for the 9 criteria mentioned being greater than 3 However, we see 5responses with a negative average score The average rating for Viettel is under 3, with 3reviews saying that Viettel 4G service is very bad, only 1 point, the rest are over 2 points
Trang 15To be more specific, we will analyze the evaluation score for each criterion aftersynthesizing the 33 responses.
The average rating for the two criteria Time and Expectancy is the highest withapproximately 3.42, with only 12.12% of responses giving a low score below 3 about theViettel 4G service In contrast, the criterion with the lowest score is Courtesy, with only3.15, only 70% of the responses received said the service was good and stable.Meanwhile, the following criteria have the same score of 3.33 as Reliability,Responsiveness, and Tangible The rating for Convenience is also quite high at 3.39.Next are the scores for Assurance and consistency which are 3.30 and 3.27 respectively
Chart 1.2: With your views, would you recommend the
Viettel mobile internet packages to your friends or
Yes No
In chart 1.2, when asked about the opinion question, the focus of the question is wouldyou recommend Viettel to your friends and colleagues? Of the 33 responses I received,84,8% of the respondents said that they would recommend this service to their friendsand colleagues However, there are 15.2% of respondents don’t claim that they willintroduce this service to friends