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(Tiểu luận) topic policy of social welfare for the elderly

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Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY PROGRAM OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND POLICY IN ENGLISH GROUP ASSIGNMENT Subject: Introduction to Public Policy Topic: POLICY OF SOCIAL WELFARE FOR THE ELDERLY Lecturer : Do Thi Hai Ha, Assoc Prof Dr Class : E-PMP6 Group :7 Members : Hoang Thi Ngoc Anh Truong Ngoc Anh Nguyen Thi Huong Giang Nguyen Viet Anh Hanoi, September-2022 Policy of social welfare for the elderly TABLE OF FIGURE Group Policy of social welfare for the elderly DEFINE PROBLEM 1.1 Problem tree Group Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group 1.2 Concepts and definitions 1.2.1 Social welfare - Social welfare is is a national system of programs, benefits and services that help people meet the needs that are essential for the maintenance of social development (cultural, social, economic, educational and health) - n Vietnam, Social welfare is a part of the national income of the society used to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of the members of the society, mainly distributed in addition to income according to labor - Social welfare includes social costs: retirement payments, social insurance benefits, student scholarships, tuition-free study expenses, medical services, rest , nursing, kindergarten, kindergarten,etc 1.2.2 The ederly - From a medical point of view: The elderly are people in the aging stage associated with a decline in body functions - Legally: The Law on the Elderly of Vietnam 2010 stipulates: Elderly people are “All Vietnamese citizens aged 60 years and over” - According to WHO: Elderly people must be 70 years or older - Article 123 of the Labor Code stipulates: “Elderly employees are male employees over 60, female employees over 55” 1.2.3 Policy of social welfare for the elderly - Social welfare policy is an integral part of the State's social policy in the use and management of social welfare issues Social welfare policy aims to meet and satisfy the increasingly better material and spiritual needs of all members of society on the basis of adjusting social relations, reducing income disparities integration between social classes and groups, gradually eliminating the differences between urban and rural areas, between intellectual and manual labor - Social welfare policy for the elderly is a part of the State's social welfare policy to form the social security system of any country with the beneficiaries of the policy being the elderly Social welfare needs to focus on the most basic and essential issues in the life of the working people, in which an important part is the life of the elderly, ensuring fairness and rationality between people economic sectors, encouraging and motivating the entire people to actively participate in the construction of a new society The constant improvement of social welfare is a realistic and vivid expression of the superior nature of the new social system POLICY OF SOCIAL WELFARE FOR THE ELDERLY 2.1 Rationale 2.1.1 Current situation of the elderly in Vietnam According to the report of the General Statistics Office, the whole country has 11.5 million elderly people, accounting for about 12% of the population; including 1,918,987 people aged 80 years or older (accounting for 17% of the total number of elderly people); there are 7,294,100 elderly people living in rural areas (accounting for Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group 41.9%); the rate of elderly people in poor households is higher than the national average; The elderly are ethnic minorities accounting for nearly 10% About 3.1 million elderly people receive monthly pensions and social insurance benefits, accounting for 27.1% of the total number of elderly people (of which 1.8 million elderly people receive pensions, accounting for 15.8% of the total number of elderly people receiving pensions, accounting for 15.8% of the total number of elderly people number of elderly) Nearly 1.7 million elderly people receive monthly social allowances (accounting for 14.8% of the total number of elderly people), 1.4 million elderly people enjoy meritorious services (accounting for 12.3%) According to the General Statistics Office's forecast, by 2036 the population aged 65 and over will account for about 14.17% of the total population At that time, Vietnam will enter an aging population The proportion and number of elderly people in Vietnam will increase rapidly in the coming years If countries in the world have to go through decades, even centuries, to transition from population aging to aging population (such as France: 115 years, Sweden: 85 years, the United States: 70 years) .) then Vietnam is forecasted that the aging population will come within the next 16-18 years Thus, Vietnam is one of the countries with the fastest population aging in the world (June 3, 2022) Although the average life expectancy of Vietnam is 73 years old, about 95% of the elderly have diseases 2.1.2 Policy situation of welfare policy for ederly in Vietnam - The 2013 Constitution, Clause 3, Article 37 stipulates: “The elderly are respected, cared for and promoted by the state, family and society in the cause of national construction and defense.” Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group The 2013 Constitution, in Clause 2, Article 59, states: "The State creates equal opportunities for citizens to enjoy social welfare, promote the social security system, and adopt policies to assist the elderly, people with disabilities, the poor and people with other difficult circumstances” - The 2009 Law on the Elderly has won the entire Chapter II regulations on care and care for the elderly - The Labor Code has a separate section on labor The elderly show incentives and health care - Article 41 of the Law on protection and care of people's health: "The elderly are given priority in medical examination and treatment, and are given favorable conditions to contribute to society in accordance with their health." 2.1.3 Social welfare policies for the elderly in other countries - Many years ago, the Japanese government issued many policies that showed concern for the health of the elderly In 1963, the Social Welfare Act for the Elderly was introduced to build intensive care centers and provide regulations for home nursing staff for the elderly From 1970 to 1990, the health care system for the elderly continued to undergo three rounds of reforms with the goal of providing greater incentives In 2000, the long-term care insurance system for the elderly came into effect The Japanese government always aims to realize a society that both ensures respect for the elderly and helps the elderly live happily and healthily In medical care, the elderly only have to pay 10% of the cost of care and treatment, the remaining 90% will be paid from social insurance money - Nordic countries, especially Denmark, have long been known for their very good health care policies for the elderly It is no coincidence that the elderly here are likened to kings The organization of healthcare for the elderly in Denmark has been simplified in order to avoid the formation of many organizations operating in the same field and to allow the activities of related agencies to be linked As early as 1992, cities were assigned by the government to take over the whole organization of health care for the elderly Currently, the government is also considering the possibility of giving cities full financial resources and management rights to the health care system, similar to the model that is being effectively implemented in Finland 2.2 Policy objectives 2.2.1 Overall objectives - Completing the social welfare policy system for the elderly to ensure the right to enjoy social welfare of all elderly people; creating opportunities for all elderly people to have access to social benefits in all fields, focusing on improving the quality of social welfare for the elderly in health insurance and health insurance services health care, preferential allowances for people with meritorious services and other services in the direction of getting better and better - Creating a strong change in awareness and activities in the whole society towards the implementation of social welfare policies for the elderly, taking care of the elderly in disadvantaged areas, and disadvantaged people in all areas areas: Medical care, rehabilitation, vocational training, employment, - Document continues below Discover more from: lý học Quản QLKT1101(121) Đại học Kinh tế… 999+ documents Go to course Tóm tắt kiến thức 18 chương mơn… Quản lý học 100% (21) QUẢN LÍ HỌC NHÓM 50 142 - Tổ chức vinfast… Quản lý học 100% (10) 123doc - 640 câu trắc nghiệm quản tr… Quản lý học 100% (10) Sơ đồ cấu tổ chức Biti's Quản lý học 100% (8) Viettien - tập 23 thảo luận nhóm mơ… Policy of social welfare for the elderly Quản lý học 100% (7) Group đề cương quản lý access to cultural, sports and other services Towards all elderly people to enjoy học - Đề cương mô… basic services on social law with high service quality suitable to socio21 economic conditions Quản lý 100% (8) 2.2.2 Detail objectives học  About Social Insurance and Health Insurance - Social Insurance (1) In the period from 2022 to 2027, expand coverage and expand the subjects participating in Social Insurance; to study and build a supplementary retirement regime and diversify the types of participation in Social Insurance Adjust pensions and social insurance allowances according to the mechanism of source generation and relative independence from salary policy, in the direction of using resources from conservation and growth of the Social Insurance fund, gradually reducing the support aid from the State budget The pension is calculated on the principle of the benefit level on the basis of the premium rate and period of payment of Social Insurance and is shared among the participants of Social Insurance, ensuring safety and development of the Social Insurance fund; adjust pensions on the basis of cost-of-living index and economic growth, gradually improving the lives of retirees with better benefits (2) In the period from 2027 onwards, gradually deploying the supplementary retirement regime for the elderly Simultaneously, synchronously implement a system of solutions to ensure the social insurance fund is preserved, grow sustainably, be proactive in the implementation of social insurance regimes Increase the profitability from the Social Insurance fund on the basis that the fund is invested in safe and highly profitable fields; gradually reduce the management cost of social insurance in a reasonable direction with the lowest cost - Health Insurance (1) To meet the target by 2020, 100% of elderly people who are sick will receive medical examination and treatment and receive care from their family, if the elderly are poor, they will receive free medical examination and treatment; 100% Lonely elderly people with no source of income are entitled to a monthly social allowance and free medical examination and treatment; 100% of Elderly people aged 85 and over, (in the long run, this age should be reduced to 75 and universally 65 years old) who not have pensions and other social benefits are entitled to monthly social allowances and get free health insurance card (2) To achieve this goal, in the coming time, it is necessary to build and perfect a system of legal documents on the elderly, including the Law on the Elderly and its guiding documents, in order to create a legal basis in the implementation of policies for the elderly While there is no document guiding the Law on the Elderly, it is necessary to study forms and measures to expand the subjects participating in Health Insurance as the Elderly to those who follow as relatives (father and mother) of salaried employees subject to compulsory health insurance In the immediate future, we will adjust a number of current policies to expand benefits for the elderly in health care and consider additional financial sources to purchase health insurance cards for the elderly aged 70 years and older this is a very effective solution and is a basic solution, giving Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group priority in expanding the subjects participating in health insurance, increasing the collection of health insurance funds; clearly define the roles, functions and tasks of the Vietnam National Committee on the Elderly in the work of coordination, management, inspection and supervision of health care activities for the elderly - Regarding voluntary social insurance for the elderly: In the period from 2022 to 2027, accelerate the implementation of voluntary social insurance; summarize, evaluate, learn from experience, step by step perfect the policy, more suitable for the participants, convenient in management and effective in the implementation organization In the period from 2015 onwards, research, develop and gradually expand types of voluntary insurance and organize implementation to ensure that all older people are entitled to social insurance benefits  About social assistance - Striving to 2027: 100% of lonely and helpless elderly people (with difficult circumstances or low income) will be entitled to a social allowance or raised in social insurance establishments issue free health insurance cards and no longer have the elderly to live in temporary houses - Ensure that all disabled elderly people have a stable and safe life through the state's subsidy and support policy at the same time, creating favorable opportunities for the elderly with disabilities who are still healthy to participate in community activities, contributing to the overall development of the country - In the immediate future, ensuring that all elderly people aged 85 and over who not have pensions or social insurance benefits are fully entitled to the existing social assistance and support policies, and at the same time need to adjust the level of social insurance benefits social level to ensure that they have a basic, minimum standard of living without being dependent on their descendants - In the long run, it is necessary to ensure that all elderly people who are not only 85 and older but 65 years of age or older in low-income families have a standard of living equal to that of the community's average where the subject lives  About the development of care services for the elderly - The system of social services in general and the system of social services for the elderly in particular is one of the foundations to ensure the sustainable development of society, affirming human values, defining towards a good social development of a society "rich people, strong country; fair, democratic and civilized society" - The system of social services to take care of the elderly must be suitable to the conditions of socio-economic development in each period, and must also be suitable to the process of economic growth, the level of income fluctuations, the level of the improvement of living conditions and quality of life of the population classes whose ground is the average income and standard of living of households Policy of social welfare for the elderly 2.3 Group Policy actors Central level Agencies Government National Assembly Ministry of Health Functions Policy release - - To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance and relevant ministries and branches in, formulating plans, allocating human resources and means to organize the implementation of policies nationwide ; Organize inspection and supervision; preliminarily, summarizing the implementation of the policy; periodically report as prescribed; Researching, building and operating a day care center for the elderly Organize an integrated communication campaign to provide periodic health check-ups and screening for some common diseases in the elderly Arrange projects on health care for the elderly into annual and medium-term public investment programs and projects of the Ministry of Health and send them to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance for summarization and submission to the Government according to the law; - Guide the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to organize the implementation of the Program Ministry of Finance - To be responsible for allocating funds to implement policies of ministries and central agencies in annual budget estimates in accordance with the Law on State Budget Ministry of Planning and Investment - To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in, summarizing and allocating funding sources for policy implementation; public investment projects in healthcare for the elderly by the Ministry of Health and localities submitted to the Government and the Prime Minister in the medium-term and annual public investment plans Ministry of Labor, War - To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Health in, organizing the Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group 4.1 Prolem 4.1.1 Current situation of social insurance In our country, right from the 1960s, when the social insurance system was born, the Government paid attention to building and implementing the retirement regime for workers when they were old and weak, at the end of working age Through many stages of the country's development, the retirement system has become one of the pillars and goals of employees when participating in social insurance Up to now, millions of people have been receiving monthly pensions Over the past 40 years, the retirement system has undergone many changes to improve and match the requirements of society In previous years, the pension system was fully subsidized by the State This has placed a great burden on the state budget Since our country implemented the renovation of socio-economic policies to a socialist-oriented market economy, social insurance policies in general and the pension system in particular, have undergone fundamental changes From the subsidy mechanism to the payment mechanism of employees, employers and the support of the State, the subjects participating in and enjoying the retirement regime are extended to employees of all members economic part However, our country's retirement social insurance policy still has many shortcomings such as: limited participants and beneficiaries, long-term financial mechanism will be unbalanced, and limited types 4.1.2 Current situation of Developing health insurance for the elderly is a major policy of Vietnam In recent years, our Party and State have focused on expanding health insurance coverage for the elderly In Clause 2, Article 17 and Clause 1, Article 18 of the Law on Elderly, people aged 80 years or older who not have a pension, social insurance allowance or monthly social allowance may purchase an insurance card health care from the state budget With this law, together with the efforts of all levels of Party committees and local authorities, so far, the proportion of elderly people participating in health insurance has been increasing: “In 2019-2020 alone, the whole country has an additional approximately approx 1.1 million people participate in social insurance, of which the majority are elderly, especially those aged 50 and over The number of elderly people who are granted health insurance cards by the Vietnam Social Insurance has increased from 8.8 million in 2019 to 12.1 million in 2022 According to data from the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs By 2022, out of nearly 13 million elderly people, 12.1 million people have been granted health insurance cards Thus, the rate of health insurance coverage for the elderly in our country is quite large, the number of elderly people who not have health insurance cards accounts for a relatively small proportion of over 5% of the total number of elderly people Along with the wide coverage, the level of use of health insurance in medical examination and treatment by the elderly has continuously increased According to the Vietnam Social Insurance, “in 2019, there were 52.8 million medical examination and treatment visits for the elderly (accounting for 31.4% of the total number of medical examination and treatment visits nationwide), costing 35,500 billion VND (accounting for 40.2% of total national expenditure) In 2020, it is estimated that there will be Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group about 57 million medical examination and treatment visits for the elderly (accounting for about 34% of the number of medical examination and treatment visits nationwide) 4.1.3 Status of voluntary social insurance policies for the elderly The report of Vietnam Social Insurance shows that in 2022, the whole country will have nearly 1.1 million more people participate in voluntary social insurance, in which, a large proportion of the elderly participate, especially the elderly are people 50 years of age or older However, to ensure a safety net for the elderly, this rate is still not high One of the reasons is said to be that the level of support for participants is not attractive to the people According to Vietnam Social Insurance, from January 1, 2020, the state budget (state budget) will support the premium rates for participants of voluntary social insurance All subjects participating in this voluntary social insurance are supported by the state budget with the support rate as a percentage of the monthly social insurance payment according to the poverty line of rural areas Specifically, the support level is 30% for people from poor households; 25% for participants from near-poor households; 10% for other subjects In addition to the general support level of the central budget, many provinces have issued resolutions providing additional support policies for employees participating in voluntary social insurance in their localities These provinces have advised to support about 10-20% of the standard of rural poor households 4.1.4 Status situation of health care services; medical examination and treatment for the elderly Current medical facilities specializing in health care for the elderly include: Central level: Institute of Gerontology and hospitals: Huu Nghi Hospital (Hanoi), Hospital C (Da Nang), Thong Nhat Hospital and Nguyen Trai Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City) Provincial level: Geriatric or internal medicine departments at provincial and city general hospitals, nursing-rehabilitation hospitals and 41 traditional medicine hospitals Primary care line: facilities such as district hospitals, regional general clinics and commune and ward health stations, health protection boards of provinces and cities with clinics for health care health for the target group of officials in the province Currently, there are 22 central and provincial hospitals in the country that have established geriatric departments with 1,049 staff, doctors and 2,728 treatment beds However, the network of specialized health care in rural, mountainous, remote and isolated areas is still lacking and weak Limitations on facilities and staff, limitations on the ability of the elderly to pay for medical examination and treatment, travel expenses, meals, accommodation, and rehabilitation after treatment are factors hinder access to health services of the elderly, especially those who are poor, lonely, and have no source of income In general, the current health care facilities for the elderly are also in the general condition of the nationwide hospital system Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Overcrowding at the central level is 130%; Provincial line is 110% The main reason is due to the low rate of hospital beds per ten thousand people District health care is weak in terms of both human resources and infrastructure, so it has not met the requirements While the economic life develops, the population in general and the elderly in particular have conditions to pay attention to health, strengthen medical examination and treatment, and the demand for medical examination and treatment services is increasing State investment in material and technical facilities for the hospital system is still low, according to statistics, the total investment in health is only nearly 6% (while this demand accounts for about 30%) Moreover, the level of investment in health in general in Vietnam is only $6/person/year a few hundred US dollars is too low compared to ASEAN countries Therefore, the quality of the downline is lower than that of the upline Patients in general and the elderly in particular have an increasing need for medical examination and treatment That is one of the reasons why higherlevel hospitals are increasingly overloaded In particular, the cardiovascular hospital system has a high demand for the elderly But at present, there are only to specialized hospitals in the whole country Elderly care services in Social Protection facilities and private nursing homes Currently, the care of the elderly in state social protection facilities is still mainly taking care of the elderly who are subject to social policies The number of Elderly people who are cared for by voluntary contributions is not significant The on-demand care of the elderly was initially formed, but there are still many limitations Faced with the actual needs, a number of private nursing homes for those who can afford the service have been established with good results For example, Tu Liem Center for the Elderly in Hanoi was established for more than years with more than 500 visits for elderly people to treat the elderly Currently, there are 150 instruments being cared for by the center in terms of both health and spirit, such as nursing, music, movie screening, and participation in folk games The tools volunteered to exercise and play chess in the morning Every day, the nursing staff guides the elderly in group activities, entertainment, and making friends However, the nurses face many difficulties in their work, because the elderly are weak and weak, many are confused, and many require high staff 4.1.5 Current situation of social incentives and social assistance policies for the elderly - - Lonely elderly people with no support and no source of income are entitled to monthly social allowances in the community or raised at social protection establishments under the management of the State; Persons who are raised at social protection establishments are also entitled to allowances for personal belongings, items for daily living, common medicines and funeral expenses upon death Elderly people aged 90 and over who not have a pension or social allowance are entitled to a monthly social allowance in the community from the local budget Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Disabled elderly people and poor families are considered for monthly social allowances in the community from the local budget - Elderly people who still have a spouse but are old and weak, no longer have a caregiver or have a caregiver but cannot afford to take care of them; If there is no source of income, they will be considered for monthly social allowance in the community from the local budget The level of allowance that the elderly are entitled to by social objects is 65,000 VND/person/month 4.2 Current Situation for Policy of social welfare for the elderly -  Implementing the Law on Social Insurance, a system of legal documents on social insurance has been promulgated which is: - Decree No 152/2006/ND-CP dated December 22, 2006 of the Government guiding a number of articles of the Law on Social Insurance on compulsory social insurance - Decree No 68/2007/ND-CP dated April 19, 2007 of the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Social Insurance on compulsory social insurance for military personnel, People's police and cipher workers receive salaries like soldiers and people's police - Decree No 135/2007/ND-CP dated August 16, 2007 of the Government on sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of social insurance; Decree No 184/2007/ND-CP dated December 17, 2007 of the Government on the adjustment of pensions, social insurance allowances and monthly allowances for commune officials who have retired - Decree No 143/2007/ND-CP dated September 10, 2007 of the Government providing for procedures for implementation of retirement for cadres and civil servants who are eligible for retirement - Decree No 83/2008/ND-CP dated 31/07/2008 of the Government on adjustment of salary and wages paid for social insurance for employees who follow the salary regime set by the employer decisive action - Decree No 101/2008/ND-CP dated September 12, 2008 of the Government regulating pensions, social insurance allowances and monthly allowances for commune officials who have retired and guiding circulars The above document system has come to life and well ensures the benefits of elderly retirees  According to the provisions of Decree No 120/2003/ND-CP dated October 20, 2003 of the Government amending Article of Decree No 30/2002/ND-CP of March 26, 2002 of the Government , guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Ordinance on the Elderly: - The elderly are provided with health care according to the provisions of the Law on People's Health Protection dated July 11, 1989 - Elderly people are entitled to priority services when providing medical examination and treatment at health facilities according to Decree No 23/HDBT of the Council of Ministers (now the Government) dated January 24, 1991 on the Regulation on medical examination and treatment disease and rehabilitation Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group  According to the above Regulations, the elderly from 85 years old and above are granted free health insurance cards with a face value equal to the level of the poor or free medical examination and treatment according to the actual payment mechanism at prescribed medical facilities defined in Article of the Prime Minister's Decision No 139/2002/QD-TTg dated October 15, 2002 on medical examination and treatment for the poor Elderly people who are brought up in social protection establishments are provided with common medical drugs  The elderly will receive monthly support from the state, but not everyone will receive the subsidy The monthly social allowance for the elderly is specified in Clause 1, Article of Decree No 20/2021/ND-CP, specifically as follows: - Persons who are full 60-80 years old, belong to poor households, have no relatives or children to take care of, or have relatives or senior citizens who are receiving monthly social allowance: Allowance of 540,000 VND/month - Persons who are full 80 years old or older, are poor households, have no relatives or children to take care of, or have relatives and children receiving monthly social allowance: Allowance of 720,000 VND/month - People aged full 75 - 80 years old, from poor households, near-poor, living in communes of ethnic minorities, mountainous areas with special difficulties: 360,000 VND/month allowance - Persons aged full 80 years or older, who not receive pensions, monthly social insurance benefits, monthly social allowances: Allowance of 360,000 VND/month - Elderly people who are poor households, are not eligible to live in the community, have no caregiver, are eligible to receive social assistance but have someone to adopt and care for them in the community: Allowance 1,080 000 VND/month  Elderly people are provided with free health insurance: Pursuant to Clause 8, Article of Decree 146/2018/ND-CP, elderly people who are entitled to monthly social protection allowances will receive state budget Free health insurance (health insurance) If the elderly are eligible for multiple types of health insurance cards, only one health insurance card with the highest benefits will be issued Elderly people are provided with free health insurance as specified in Clause 1, Article of Decree No 20/2021/ND-CP The elderly people who meet the conditions mentioned above (subject to social protection) will be granted free health insurance cards People aged 80 and over are given priority in medical examination and treatment In Clause 1, Article 12 of the Law on the Elderly, it is specifically stated that: Elderly people who are full 80 years old will have priority in medical examination and treatment before other patients, except emergency patients Fully equipped treatment facilities, beds while being treated at the hospital In addition, the State also encourages organizations and individuals to provide free medical examination and treatment for the elderly Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group  The elderly are among the beneficiaries of preferential service fares Pursuant to Article of Decree 06/2011/ND-CP, the elderly will receive preferential service fares according to different types of services: - Discount at least 15%: When traveling by ship, train, plane - Discount at least 20%: When visiting cultural, historical relics, museums, scenic spots; exercise and sports at ticketed physical training and sports establishments  Long life wishes and gifts: According to the provisions of Article 21 of the Law on the Elderly, the elderly not only receive the above preferential policies from the state and community, but also receive long life wishes and gifts on special occasions separate: - Longevity 100 years old: Received a long life greeting from the President and given a gift of meters of silk fabric and 700,000 VND in cash - Life 90 years old: Long life wishes and gifts from the President of the province including 150,000 VND in kind and 500,000 VND in cash (This level of gift is specified at Point a, Clause 2, Article of Circular No 96/2018/TT-BTC For those aged 70, 75, 80, 85, 95 years old and over 100 years old, the owner is also entitled to receive this gift The state gives gifts and wishes for a long life based on the specific conditions of each locality.)  When losing funeral expenses: The State not only supports and subsidizes the elderly while they are still alive, but when they die, the elderly are also supported with funeral expenses For people aged 80 years or older who are receiving social insurance or other monthly benefits, they will receive funeral expenses at least 20 times the standard rate Burial expenses for the elderly from July 1, 2021, based on Clause 2, Article of Decree No 20/2021/ND-CP is 360,000 VND/month Funeral expenses are supported at least VND 7.2 million Evaluattion and Recommendation 5.1 Evaluation Firstly, the policy system of Social Welfare in general and Social Welfare for the Elderly in particular has been promulgated relatively fully for each component and has been gradually supplemented and perfected in accordance with the needs of the society development of the economy Link social welfare policy with economic development policy in order to harmoniously combine economic growth with social progress and justice; institutionalize the Party's guidelines and views on social welfare into mechanisms, policies and laws, creating a legal corridor for the effective operation and operation of the social welfare system (Labour Code, Law on Social Insurance, Law on Health, Ordinance on incentives for people with meritorious services, Ordinance on the Elderly, on the Disabled ); to form national target programs and funds for social security and social welfare, these programs and funds are coming to life, and are agreed and supported by the people Second, over the years, Vietnam has achieved great socio-economic achievements, with high and relatively stable growth rates Economic growth has created favorable conditions for Vietnam to better implement social welfare policies in general and social welfare for the elderly in particular Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Thirdly, along with increasing State investment in social welfare policy, all resources, especially those in the people and in the locality, have been mobilized in the spirit of socialization; at the same time, integrate other target programs in order to effectively use resources Resources mobilized from the community, economic organizations, social organizations and international cooperation account for a high proportion of total spending on social security and social welfare Fourth, the subjects who can access the social welfare system and benefit from the social welfare policy are increasingly expanded; The quality of social welfare services for the elderly has been gradually improved Besides the achieved results, there are still many shortcomings and challenges being posed: Firstly, the policy of Social Welfare in general and Social Welfare for the Elderly in particular still has some shortcomings The coverage of the social welfare policy is still low compared to the demand and the quality of service provision has improved but has not yet met the needs of the beneficiaries Second, retirees have low pension levels; the basic allowance for people with meritorious services, and the State's social allowance for social welfare beneficiaries is still low The material and spiritual life of the elderly is still low compared to the special life needs of the elderly in remote and ethnic areas Third, the coordination between levels, sectors, localities and mass organizations is still not close Therefore, it partly affects the expansion of beneficiaries of Social Welfare, especially the disadvantaged groups, namely the Elderly Fourth, resources for the implementation of social welfare policies are limited The long-term Social Insurance Fund and the Health Insurance Fund have potential imbalance risks and the State still has to provide large support to the Social Insurance funds Investment in hunger eradication and poverty reduction has not yet met actual requirements Fifth, the staff working on social welfare is lacking and the professionalism is not high In general, the capacity to manage and organize policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation of staff working in social welfare is still a gap compared to the development needs of the social welfare policy system for the elderly according to modern trends 5.2 Recommendation 5.2.1 Recommendations of social insurance and health insurance policies for the elderly  Social insurance policy: Raise social awareness, promote the propagation and education of the law in the implementation of retirement social insurance for the elderly - Strengthening inter-sectoral coordination, mobilizing the participation of mass organizations and non-governmental organizations in propagandizing and raising awareness in implementing social insurance of the elderly - Set up multi-dimensional information channels to receive and respond to the elderly's opinions in the implementation of social insurance policies, ensuring benefits on the retirement regime Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Continue to review, adjust, supplement and perfect the retirement social insurance policy for the elderly in the context of international economic integration - Research, evaluate and warn about the impact of international economic integration on Social Security to have appropriate policies to minimize negative impacts In the short term, to stabilize the life of retirees and low-income people in the current high inflation situation - Research and develop supplementary retirement regimes, diversify types of insurance applied to employees To step by step organize and implement in all types of conditional enterprises and expand from 2015 onwards - The Government shall focus on directing the organization to fully, properly, promptly and effectively implement the retirement social insurance policies for the elderly; at the same time, provinces and cities with budget conditions will soon consider and decide on a higher level of social allowance than prescribed for the elderly Ensuring resources to effectively implement retirement social insurance policies for the elderly - Increase investment and budget for effective implementation of policies and targeted programs on Social Security To ensure the implementation of social insurance policies for retirement and social security programs issued, the Government prioritizes allocating sufficient capital sources and increasing reserves and reserves - Fundamentally renovating profitable investment activities from the social insurance fund, from the form of organization, the type of investment and the implementation apparatus - Develop an enforcement mechanism and direct the close inspection of the implementation, ensuring that the State's support is timely, right, and effective, without loss or waste Completing and renovating the management method and operation of the nonbusiness system of providing social insurance services in the direction of improving service quality and ensuring the sustainable development of insurance service provision activities retirement society for the elderly Renovate the direction and administration, accelerate administrative reform, strengthen decentralization, and raise the responsibility of the social insurance system in the implementation of retirement social insurance policies and regimes - Building a contingent of cadres and civil servants in the social insurance industry in a professional and modern direction, forming a contingent of professional social workers - Improve staff capacity in the direction of specialization to advise, support and care for beneficiaries in the service of pension payment and health insurance - Putting information technology into operation to operate the social insurance system, first of all, to manage beneficiaries and pay benefits  Health insurance policy: Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Develop and complete a system of legal documents on the elderly, including guiding documents on the Law on Elderly in order to create a legal basis in organizing the implementation of policies on the elderly, in which: have a health insurance policy for the Elderly  Research on forms and measures to expand health insurance coverage is the Elderly for the dependents who are relatives (father and mother) of salaried employees subject to health insurance Obligatory; In the immediate future, some current policies need to be adjusted to expand benefits for the elderly in health care and consider additional financial sources to buy health insurance cards For the elderly from 70 years old and above, this is a very effective solution and a solution to create a breakthrough in expanding the audience of health insurance , implementing the law of the majority, increasing the collection of health insurance funds  Clearly define the roles, functions and tasks of the National Committee on the Elderly of Vietnam in the work of coordination, management, inspection and supervision of health care activities for the elderly Raise awareness in society  Promote information and communication on policies and health care for the elderly to all target groups, including authorities at all levels, mass organizations with many contents content, different forms  Integrating the issue of the elderly into regular propaganda plans in the activities of mass media agencies to form categories and topics with information about activities of the elderly; on scientific knowledge in order to limit the risk of disease in the elderly, enhance safety in drug use, and combat drug abuse in the elderly Ensuring resources in policy implementation  To ensure financial resources for people's health care, showing the superiority of health insurance policies, especially for the Elderly In the condition that the state budget cannot fully subsidize medical examination and treatment, medical examination and treatment shall be carried out under the health insurance mechanism.For the Elderly is the most suitable Currently, many countries have implemented this mechanism and have a separate fund for the elderly  While the purchase of health insurance cards has not been made yetFor all Elderly people, health insurance can be implemented immediately for elderly relatives of subjects who are implementing compulsory health insurance The premium may only increase very little compared to the health insurance premium Current (health insurance premium) The current mandatory is 3% of salary and wages, of which the employer pays 2% and the employee pays 1% If additional subjects are the elderly, the increase may be only 1% due to the additional contribution of employees) If this measure is taken, the proportion of elderly people participating in health insurance will increase, employees are also more likely to accept to pay additional fees for the elderly to enjoy medical care benefits Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group  Continue to implement the exemption and reduction of hospital fees at medical facilities depending on the conditions of the elderly Hospitals will continue to consider the reduction of hospital fees for those who not have health insurance, people with diseases that have too great a cost, their families can no longer afford the hospital fees Funds to compensate for this exemption come from the regular budgets of hospitals  Research and implement the transformation of the state budget allocation mechanism from the form of state budget allocation to service providers to direct provision to beneficiaries of health services provided by the state through form of health insurance With this mechanism, the state budget is used to support the poor, near-poor, elderly and other groups to expand health insurance coverage  Voluntary social insurance policy Research on amending, supplementing and perfecting the voluntary social insurance policy, ensuring better benefits for elderly retirees, specifically: - Expanding the method of voluntary social insurance payment, the study stipulates that it can be a one-time payment method for a year to years - Encourage the payment of voluntary social insurance at a high rate, without limiting the ceiling for payment of voluntary social insurance - Clarifying the regulation of open age at retirement in order to create favorable conditions for employees of all ages to participate in voluntary social insurance Renovate financial policies and mechanisms in order to use financial resources effectively and create conditions for the good implementation of beneficiary regimes for the elderly, specifically: - Expand the participants with flexible payment methods, encourage voluntary social insurance participants with increasing premiums - Diversify investment forms and the State prioritizes investment fields with high profitability for idle capital of the Voluntary Social Insurance Fund Research and develop other forms of voluntary insurance in order to further expand the subjects participating in voluntary insurance, so that all elderly people can benefit from insurance - Encourage the expansion of life insurance with policies suitable to Vietnam's economic conditions - To study, develop and implement the community pension insurance type, first of all, applying to agricultural and rural areas Raising awareness of the whole society about the meaning and objectives of the voluntary social insurance policy for the elderly - Strengthen information and communication on voluntary social insurance policies so that all people know and understand the rights, objectives and benefits of voluntary social insurance, thereby voluntarily participating and implementing them improve the social insurance policies and regimes on the Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group basis of reforming forms of propaganda and diversifying propaganda contents for participants and beneficiaries 5.2.2 Recommendation of social incentives and social assistance policies for the elderly  Policy on lonely elderly people without support - Completing social welfare policy n the long run, the subsidy policy is not only corrected in the direction of expanding coverage, improve the quality of life of the beneficiaries of Social Protection, but also adjust the subsidy regime in the direction that the social allowance level in the community must be equal to or higher than the social allowance at the Social Protection establishments to encourage social protection promote foster care in the community In fact, the form of foster care in the community is still more effective in both economic and social terms because it is not the cost of managing the apparatus and investing in building a social protection facility, and the relationship The relationship between the elderly and the community is still maintained, making the elderly more comfortable in thought and spirit - Completing the health insurance policy Regarding health insurance policy: (a) Raising the ceiling of medical examination and treatment costs for the lonely elderly without support to be granted free health insurance cards, (b) localities need to strictly and fully comply with regulations on purchase face value health insurance cards for lonely elderly people without support (3% of the minimum wage), (c) Strengthening the provision of free home health care services for lonely and helpless elderly people - Implement housing assistance policy The State should research and develop policies to encourage investment in social welfare for the elderly in general, including the lonely and helpless elderly Exemption and reduction of fees for lonely elderly people who are helpless when participating in public transport, when going to the movies, plays, dances, music, visiting museums, public entertainment areas  Policy for the elderly with disabilities - Expand the beneficiaries of elderly people with disabilities who are entitled to benefits in the direction of modifying the conditions of poor households to those of households with difficult circumstances or with low incomes (below the spending level) average household expenditure in the country, because at least once every two years, the General Statistics Office publishes the average expenditure of households in the country) There should be specific regulations on classification of disability according to different levels (less than 21% of class 1, from 21-40% of class 2, from 41-60% of class 3, from 61-80 of class and from 81% or more) to rank 5) Elderly people with disabilities from 3rd to 5th class all need social assistance with the condition that they belong to families with economic difficulties or belong to low-income families - Raise the lowest level of social allowance to be equal to the minimum standard of living for disabled elderly people who are no longer able to work under difficult circumstances.There are different levels of benefits depending on the degree of disability, the more severe the disability, the higher the benefit Supplement the allowance regime for carers of people with severe disabilities; Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group Depending on the degree of disability, the provisions for enjoying the hourly support regime vary - Elderly people with disabilities from low-income households are all provided with free health insurance cards - Develop home health care services for the elderly with disabilities and prescribe a regime of periodic health check-ups at least once a year and medical insurance to pay for this type of service - Exemption and reduction of traffic fees for the elderly with disabilities and service fees related to popular cultural activities (free admission to museums, art exhibitions, watching football, screenings, etc.) film ) Remove barriers (unobstructed roads) so that elderly people with disabilities can easily access public facilities such as railway stations, harbors, cultural works, offices  Policy for the elderly poor - Researching and reviewing social welfare policies, adding subjects as the elderly to monthly social allowance policies such as lonely and helpless elderly people This policy is enforceable as soon as 2022 - Renovating procedures for the elderly eligible for social allowance to enjoy benefits in the place of residence regardless of the place of household registration (for example, confirming having a permanent residence but not yet enjoying the social allowance regime, to avoid duplication and combine management with unified software on a national scale, the duplication of subjects will be eliminated 5.2.3 Recommendations for the development of elderly care services  Communicating and raising awareness of the whole society about the care and support of the elderly disadvantaged This solution must be carried out regularly, continuously and constantly improving the quality will play a decisive role in the implementation of the social protection strategy for the disadvantaged Promote communication on: social-ethical standards, roles and responsibilities of authorities at all levels, mass organizations and all families; knowledge about caring for and assisting the elderly disadvantaged; experience and typical care models  Socio-economic development solutions for communities and families, linking the goal of helping disadvantaged elderly people with the implementation of national target programs, socio-economic development programs ( poverty alleviation, employment, vocational training, population, family planning, health care, afforestation, offshore fishing ) At all levels of Central, Province, District and Commune This is a strategic computer solution that effectively overcomes the risk of falling into a disadvantaged position and helps social groups such as lonely elderly people who have no support and no source of income  Create a legal mechanism to mobilize resources to help disadvantaged elderly people; In addition to the resources of the State, it is necessary to encourage the establishment of an elderly care fund and a fund to assist the elderly with disabilities to assist those who are too difficult when necessary Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group  Consolidate the contingent of social workers from central to grassroots levels and strengthen the training of social workers and cadres, through formal and informal training in the areas of social assistance , especially social workers in the community in terms of skills, technical expertise, encouraging provincial social workers  Strengthen activities to supervise and inspect the implementation of legal policies on care and support for disadvantaged elderly people Strictly and promptly handle individuals and localities who violate these policies and laws Praise and reward in a timely manner benefactors, sponsoring organizations, and localities that well in caring for and assisting the disadvantaged Policy of social welfare for the elderly Group REFERENCES Mai NgJc Anh ASXH đ*i v+i n,ng d-n đi.u ki/n kinht0 th1 tr23ng Vi/t Nam NguyKn Huy Ban ChiLn lMNc phOt triPn BHXH phRc vR mRc tiSu phOt triPn kinh tL xT hUi đLn nWm 2020 ĐY tZi khoa hJc BHXH Vi[t Nam BOo cOo Qu\c gia c]a Ch^nh Ph] CUng hoZ XHCN Vi[t Nam vY ph7t tri8n x9 h:i t;i h:i ngh1 th2

Ngày đăng: 12/12/2023, 15:03


