Trang 1 Bài thực hành sô 6 GPO, Chính sách hệ thông, và cho một sô nhóm được áp dung " DU_ CNTT Properties General | Managed By | Obiect | Security | COM+ Group Policy | To improve Grou
Bài thực hành sơ (GPO, Chính sách hệ thơng, cho sơ nhóm áp dung) " ?| xÍÍ DU_ CNTT Properties =) GPO_Chinhsach Mat khau va Khoa | Policy General | Managed By | Obiect | Security | COM+ El- 8M Group Policy | (54 83] Enforce password history 10 passwords remembered tg] Maximum password age 30 days 49 i [83] Minium password age characters 83]Password must meet complexity requirements Enabled #8)5tore passwords using reversible encryption Not Defined Security Settings =] a Account Policies i GER Computer Configuration _] Software Settings 49) P0 Chinhsach Mat khau va Khoa chat Tai khoan Group Policy Objects higher in the list have the highest priority This list obtained from: yn | Policy Setting 15 minutes (83) Account lockout threshold invalid logon attempts if2]Reset account lockout counter after 15 minutes Account Policies a Password Policy a >| Security Settings E @ 4Í Policy 88] Account lockout duration iL] Windows Settings {= Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) | No Override days 8] Minimum password length =§ GPO_Chinhsach Mat khau va Khoa chat Tai kh: = Group Policy Object Links Computer Configuration Scripts (Startup/Shutde Current Group Policy Object Links for QU_CNTT Policy Setting _] Software Settings 1-3 Windows settings To improve Group Policy management, upgrade to the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) / Account Lockout Po licy Permissions | Auditing | Owner| Effective Permissions| To view more information about special permissions, select a permission entry, and then click Edit Permission entries: New Options | Add Edit Up Delete Properties Down | Block Policy inheritance Type Allow | Name G_HETHONGTH Allow pay fal Allow pay fale Al ow SYSTEM [KHOACNTTSHETHONGTH}) Cancel Apply | Inherited ^ | Special