Acquiring a language goes beyond mastering grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary; effective communication requires understanding how to apply linguistic skills within larger contexts, known as discourse For language learners, it is essential to utilize their linguistic competence to express ideas clearly and engage with others meaningfully.
Linguists like Brown and Yule (1983), Halliday and Hasan (1976), Hatim and Mason (1990), Cook (1989), and Swales (1990) have explored the concepts of discourse and discourse analysis They argue that discourse manifests through various genres, characterized by specific features deemed suitable for particular social contexts.
(Hatim and Mason, 1990) Each genre of discourse possesses its own discourse features
A fable is a traditional short story featuring animals that conveys a moral lesson, as defined by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Despite their brevity and simplicity, fables possess unique characteristics that set them apart from other discourse forms, such as articles or speeches Unfortunately, English fables often receive insufficient attention, even though they hold significant potential for language teaching Consequently, the author has chosen "Analysis of Lexical Cohesive Devices in English and Vietnamese Fables" as the focus of this study, hoping that the findings will offer practical value.
Aims of the study
The main aims of the thesis are as follows:
To identify lexical cohesive devices used in English and Vietnamese Fables
This study conducts a comparative analysis of lexical cohesive devices in selected English and Vietnamese fables It aims to explore the similarities and differences in how these devices function within the narratives By examining various fables from both languages, the research highlights the role of lexical cohesion in enhancing narrative flow and coherence The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of linguistic features in fables, offering insights into cultural and linguistic nuances between English and Vietnamese storytelling traditions.
To compare lexical cohesive devices through some English and Vietnamese Fables
Scope of the study
This study explores the theoretical foundations of discourse, focusing on coherence, cohesion, and cohesive devices It specifically examines lexical cohesive devices by analyzing English fables and their Vietnamese counterparts Our objective is to gather data from both languages to compare the frequencies, differences, and similarities of various lexical cohesive devices within the discourse.
Methods of the study
To attain the aims of the study, the research will conduct the following activities:
The initial step involves gathering data that includes pertinent theories and fables for analysis Key theories will be sourced from a variety of linguistic texts authored by notable linguists, including Cook (1989), Hatim and Mason (1990), Swales (1990), Simpson (1997), and Toolan (1998) Additionally, English and Vietnamese fables, which are not available in printed form in Vietnam, will be collected from online resources.
Secondly, relevant theories will be presented on the ground of several linguists, viewpoints
This study will conduct a thorough analysis of 30 selected fables, comprising 15 English fables and 15 Vietnamese fables, to identify and compare the most common lexical cohesive devices utilized in both languages.
After all, based on the results of the analysis, some concluding remarks can be generalized and some implications for teaching and learning English fables can be proposed
Three successive methods chosen for the best results are descriptive, analytical and comparative
This study conducts a comparative analysis of lexical cohesive devices found in selected English and Vietnamese fables By examining the similarities and differences in these devices, the research aims to highlight how cohesion is achieved in both languages The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of linguistic structures and their role in storytelling across cultures This exploration of fables not only enhances our appreciation of narrative techniques but also offers insights into the cultural contexts that shape language use.
Design of the study
Within the scope mentioned above, the study consists of three main parts: introduction, development and conclusion
Part 2 of the study consists of three chapters The first chapter provides a Literature Review that explores the theoretical aspects of lexical cohesive devices and English fables The second chapter serves as the core of the research, examining lexical cohesive devices in selected English and Vietnamese fables Finally, the last chapter presents the findings and implications derived from the study.
This study conducts a comparative analysis of lexical cohesive devices in selected English and Vietnamese fables It explores how these devices contribute to the coherence and meaning of the narratives, highlighting similarities and differences in their usage across the two languages By examining various fables, the research aims to enhance understanding of linguistic cohesion and its role in storytelling within different cultural contexts The findings may offer insights into the effectiveness of lexical cohesion in conveying moral lessons and cultural values in both English and Vietnamese literature.
CONCLUSION 1 Recapitulation of major ideas
English fables are simple and engaging, particularly for children, as they feature animals exhibiting human-like behaviors This captivates young readers and enhances their involvement in the story's progression Introducing English fables to Vietnamese elementary learners can significantly improve their English language skills while also imparting valuable moral lessons and life experiences.
This comparative study analyzes lexical cohesive devices in selected English and Vietnamese fables The findings highlight the effectiveness of using fables in educational settings to foster an engaging classroom atmosphere, ultimately enhancing learner motivation Incorporating fables as a teaching tool proves beneficial for developing essential language skills, including reading comprehension, listening, and speaking.
Suggestions for further studies
This paper is attempted to bring out a detailed analysis of lexical cohesive devices in English fables Further studies conducted could focus on the followings:
Other discourse features of English Fables such as metaphor, grammatical cohesive devices, logical cohesive devices, ect will be carried out
Comparison between the narrator‘s discourse and characters, discourse in English Fables in terms of linguistic perspectives
Comparison between English and Vietnamese fables in terms of generic structure
Given the time constraints and the author's limited knowledge, errors are unavoidable in the framework of a minor M.A thesis Therefore, constructive feedback from relevant individuals would be greatly appreciated.
This article presents a comparative study of lexical cohesive devices found in selected English and Vietnamese fables It explores the similarities and differences in how these devices contribute to the coherence and meaning of the narratives By analyzing various fables, the study highlights the role of lexical cohesion in enhancing the storytelling techniques used in both languages The findings aim to deepen the understanding of linguistic features in fables and their cultural implications This research is significant for linguists and educators interested in cross-cultural language studies and the art of storytelling.
Brown, G & Yule, G (1983) Discourse analysis Cambridge: Cambridge
Cook, G (1989) Discourse Oxford: Oxford University Press
Cook, G (1994) Discourse and Literature Oxford: Oxford University Press Halliday, M.A.K (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar London:
Halliday,M.K & Hasan, R.(1976) Cohesion in English London: Longman Grop
Hatim, B & Mason, I (1990) Discourse and the Translator Longman Group
Hoa, Nguyen (2000a) An Introduction to Discourse Analysis Hanoi: VNU Publishing House
Hoa, Nguyen (2003) Understanding English Semantics Hanoi: VNU Publishing House http://www Fables.org.uk http://www.fables,co.uk//butterfly.concise
Lien, Tran Thi Ngoc (2003) A research into Genre Analysis at Linguistic Level: the Case of English Fairy tales and Application to Translation Unpublished M.A.Thesis Hanoi
Mc Cathy, M (1991) Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers CUP>
Munday, J.(2001) Introducing Translation Studies London and Newyork: Routledge
Nunan, D (1993) Introducing Discourse Analysis England: Penguin Group
(2000) Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary Oxford University Press
Raphael, S (1995) Text and Discourse Analysis Newyork: Routledge
Simpson, R (1997) Language through Literature London: Routledge
Swales, J.M.(1990) Genre Analysis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Toolan, M (1998) Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics M
This article presents a comparative study of lexical cohesive devices in selected English and Vietnamese fables By analyzing the use of cohesive devices, the research aims to highlight similarities and differences in how these two languages construct meaning through storytelling The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of linguistic cohesion in fables, showcasing the cultural nuances embedded within both English and Vietnamese narratives This study is essential for linguists and educators interested in cross-cultural communication and language learning.
Hòa, Nguyễn (2003) đã nghiên cứu về phân tích diễn ngôn, đề cập đến một số vấn đề lý luận và phương pháp Trong khi đó, Nguyên Triều (2004) cung cấp góc nhìn cấu trúc về truyện ngụ ngôn dân gian Việt Nam, được xuất bản bởi Nhà xuất bản Khoa học Xã hội.
Phát, Lê Tr-ờng (2000) đã trình bày những khía cạnh quan trọng của thi pháp văn học dân gian trong tác phẩm "Thi pháp Văn học Dân Gian", xuất bản bởi Nhà Xuất bản Giáo Dục Đồng thời, Trần Ngọc Thêm (2000) cũng đóng góp vào lĩnh vực này với cuốn sách "Hệ thống liên kết văn bản Tiếng Việt", cũng do Nhà Xuất bản Giáo Dục phát hành.
Vân, Hoàng Văn.(2000) Ngữ pháp kinh nghiệm của cú Tiếng Việt Nhà xuất bản Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội
This article presents a comparative study of lexical cohesive devices found in selected English and Vietnamese fables It explores the similarities and differences in how these devices are employed in both languages to enhance coherence and meaning By analyzing various fables, the study aims to highlight the linguistic features that contribute to effective storytelling across cultures The findings may provide insights into the role of lexical cohesion in narrative structures and its significance in language learning and translation.
1 The Ant and the Dove
3 The Eagle, the Cat & the Wild Snow
5 The Hare and the Tortoise
7 The Mouse and the Lion
10 The Wolf and the Lamb
15 The Hen & the Golden Egg
1 Cú, Quạ không biết phận
4 Ng-ời chủ xe với hai con ngựa
8 Thỏ và Dê kết bạn
9 ếch từ đáy giếng đi ra
10 Khỉ và Rùa đi hái quả
This study conducts a comparative analysis of lexical cohesive devices found in selected English and Vietnamese fables By examining the similarities and differences in these linguistic tools, the research highlights how cohesion is achieved in both languages The findings aim to enhance understanding of language structure and its role in storytelling across cultures, providing insights into the effective use of cohesive devices in narrative forms This exploration contributes to the broader field of comparative linguistics and cultural studies, emphasizing the importance of fables in language learning and literary appreciation.