PART III: CONCLUSION 1. Recapitulation of major ideas
3. Suggestions for further studies
This paper is attempted to bring out a detailed analysis of lexical cohesive devices in English fables. Further studies conducted could focus on the followings:
Other discourse features of English Fables such as metaphor, grammatical cohesive devices, logical cohesive devices, ect will be carried out.
Comparison between the narrator‘s discourse and characters, discourse in English Fables in terms of linguistic perspectives
Comparison between English and Vietnamese fables in terms of generic structure.
Due to the constraint in time, the framework of a minor M.A thesis as well as the limited knowledge of the author, mistakes are inevitable. Constructive comments from those who are concerned, therefore, would be highly appreciated.
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In Vietnamese:
Hòa, Nguyễn.(2003). Phân tích diễn ngôn- Một số vấn đề lí luận và ph-ơng pháp.
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Đại học Quốc Gia Hà Nội.
1. The Ant and the Dove 2. The two Goats
3. The Eagle, the Cat & the Wild Snow 4. The Vain Crow
5. The Hare and the Tortoise 6. The Happy Family 7. The Mouse and the Lion 8. The Fox & the Crow 9. The Mouse & the Frog 10. The Wolf and the Lamb 11. The Dog & the Wolf 12. The Dog & the Shadow 13. The Bull & the Goat 14. The Crow & the Raven 15. The Hen & the Golden Egg.
Vietnamese Fables:
1. Cú, Quạ không biết phận 2. Con Cò…………..
3. Thỏ lừa Lợn Rừng
4. Ng-ời chủ xe với hai con ngựa 5. Thỏ lừa Cá Sấu
6. Khỉ đi hái quả
7. Bà thức nh- chong 8. Thỏ và Dê kết bạn 9. ếch từ đáy giếng đi ra 10. Khỉ và Rùa đi hái quả