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(LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) Structural and functional features of Fronting in English versus Vietnamese equivalents M A Thesis Linguistics 60 22 02 01

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ ÁI ANH STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF FRONTING IN ENGLISH VERSUS VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS Đặc điểm cấu trúc chức khởi ngữ Tiếng Anh tương đương Tiếng Việt M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: HANOI, 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES  NGUYỄN THỊ ÁI ANH STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF FRONTING IN ENGLISH VERSUS VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS Đặc điểm cấu trúc chức khởi ngữ Tiếng Anh tương đương Tiếng Việt M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: Supervisor: Dr Huỳnh Anh Tuấn HANOI, 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com DECLARATION I certify that all the material in this minor thesis which is not my own work has been identified and acknowledged, and that no material is included for which a degree has already been conferred upon me i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I could not complete my thesis without the great help and useful advice from my teacher, my family as well as my friends Firstly, I would like to express my great thanks to my supervisor, Dr Huynh Anh Tuan for his useful lectures Without his informative lectures, advice and enthusiasm in teaching, I could not have completed my assignment Secondly, I would like to express my deep thanks to all the lecturers in the postgraduate faculty for giving me enthusiastic advice Finally, my thanks are also sent to my family and my colleagues and my friends for their encouragement and help during the course To everyone, thank you very much Hanoi, July 2014 Nguyen Thi Ai Anh ii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. ABSTRACT Fronting seems to be a new concept for English learners and teachers although it can be used unconsciously in daily life Research into fronting in English and “khởi ngữ” in Vietnamese are numerous; however, no research has been done into the similarities and differences in this linguistic phenomenon in the two languages This research is carried out to provide a more comprehensive understanding of “fronting” in English and “khởi ngữ” in Vietnamese The analytical data include 50 fronted sentences in English and 50 sentences with “khởi ngữ” in Vietnamese collected from books and newspapers since 1945 In the research, “fronting” in English is compared and contrasted with “khởi ngữ” in Vietnamese in terms of their structure and function The result of the research shows that there are similarities and differences in both structure and function of “fronting” and “khởi ngữ” iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………… v PART 1: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims and Objective of the study Research questions of the study……………………………….…………3 Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study PART 2: DEVELOPMENT Chapter 1: Literature Review I Review of previous studies II Theoretical background ………………………………………………….4 1.1 The concepts of canonical and non-canonical constructions…………………… 1.2 Fronting in English……………………………………….……………………… 1.2.1 Definition of Fronting …………… …….…………….……… 1.2.2 Realizations of Fronting…………… ….……………… …………………… 1.2.3.The differences between Fronting and the other non-canonical constructions ………………………………………………….….…………………………7 Fronting and Left-dislocation……… …… ……….…… Fronting and Argument reversal…… … …….……… Fronting and Cleft-sentence……………… … …………………….10 Fronting and Post-posing…….………… ………………………… 11 Fronting and Right-dislocation.………… ……… ….…………… 12 iv TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. Fronting and Conversing……………… ……………… 12 1.2.4 Fronting and presupposition in Topic-Comment Articulation (TCA)……………….12 1.2.5 Structural features of Fronting……….……………………….…………………… 13 1.2.6 Functional features of Fronting ……………………………….…………………….14 1.3 English vs Vietnamese sentence structures and sentence elements………………… 15 1.3.1 The notion of fronting in Vietnamese…………………………… ……………….19 1.3.2 Structural features of "Khởi ngữ" in Vietnamese………….……….……………….19 1.3.3 Functional features of "Khởi ngữ" in Vietnamese 20 1.3.4 Distinction between "khởi ngữ" and Adverbial in Vietnamese …… 21 Chapter 2: Methodology 22 2.1 Research questions 22 2.2 Research methods .22 2.3 Data collection 23 2.4 Data analysis .23 Chapter 3: Data analysis and Discussions 24 3.1 Data analysis .24 3.1.1 The structures of Fronting and “Khởi ngữ” .24 Fronted elements in English 24 Sentence elements as “Khởi ngữ” 26 Percentages of English fronted elements and Vietnamese “khởi ngữ” in contrast 27 3.1.2 Realizations of Fronting and “Khởi ngữ” 28 3.1.3 Functions of Fronting and “Khởi ngữ” 30 3.2 Discussions 33 3.2.1 Similarities 33 3.2.2 Differences 34 PART 3: CONCLUSION 37 v TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. Conclusions 37 Limitations of the study 38 Pedagogical implications… …………………………………………………………… 39 Suggestions for the research 39 REFERENCES 40 APPENDICIES……………………………………………………………………………….I vi TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A : Adverbial Adj : Adjective AdjP.: Adjective Phrase C : Complement Cs : Subject Complement Co : Object Complement Cprep : Preposition Complement Conj : Conjuction N : Noun O : Object Od: Direct Object Oi: Indirect Object Prep : Preposition Pron : Pronoun S : Subject V : Verb Vaux : Auxiliary Verb vii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. PART 1: INTRODUCTION Rationale At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure put forward a very influential view in linguistics He argued that a language is best viewed as a structured system, with each element in it defined chiefly by how it is related to other elements In this view, he might not have taken into consideration the fact that people are social entities; they live in a society with many social relations and language is one of the means they use for different purposes Of course, English and people using it are not exceptional For language use, word order is changed in many ways English at its simple description is a Subject Verb Object (SVO) language (Tomlin, 1986) However, it is not limited to SVO order Clefts, pseudo-clefts, inversion, left dislocation and various types of fronting are instances of deviation from SVO order The term „non-canonical constructions‟ is used to refer to such constructions which not begin with a grammatical subject (Ward and Birner, 2001) Those constructions are found not only in literary writing but also in colloquial speech (Quirk et al, 1985) An interesting question arising is what functions these structures perform Numerous studies in linguistic literature have attempted to provide answers to the question: to change the discourse focus; to help the speaker/writer to construct a discourse representation; to create coherent and cohesive representations of texts for better understanding of existing representations on part of the listener/reader (Sidner, 1978; 1983; Grosz, 1978; 1981) In an attempt to investigate one of those constructions to better understand it and to help Vietnamese learners of English use it more appropriately and efficiently in communication, I have decided to carry out my research into “Structural and functional features of fronting in English and khởi ngữ in Vietnamese” TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 17 Emonds, J.E (1976) A Transformational Approach to English Syntax Newmark: Academic Press 18 Erteschik-Shir, N (2007) Information Structure: The Syntax-Discourse Interface Oxford University Press 19 Grosz, B (1978) “Focusing in Dialog” In Tinlap-2: Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing New York: ACL 20 Grosz, B (1981) “Focusing and Description in Natural Languge Dialogues” In Joshi, A.B.; Webber, L.; and Sag, I.A (Eds.), Elements of Discourse Understanding Cambridge University Press 21 Gundel, J (1977) “Where clefts sentences come from?” Language No.53 22 Halliday, M.A.K (1970) Language Structure and Language Function In New Horizons in Linguistics, Edited by J Lyons Harmondsworth: Penguin books 23 Halliday, M.A.K (1976) “System and Function in Language” In Selected Papers Edited by G.R.Kress Oxford University Press 24 Halliday, M.A.K (1994) An Introduction to Functional Grammar Edward Arnold 25 Halliday, M.A.K.; and Mathiessen Ch M.I.M (2004) An Introduction to Functional Grammar (Third edition) Edward Arnold 26 Hannay, M (1991) “Pragmatic Function Assignment and Word Order Variation in a Functional Grammar of English” Journal of Pragmatics, No.16:131-155 27 Hao, Cao Xuan (2004) Basic Functional Grammar (Sơ thảo ngữ pháp chức năng) Hanoi Education Press 28 Hiep, Nguyen Van (2001) Vietnamese Syntax (Cú pháp Tiếng Việt) Education Publisher 29 Huddleston, R.; and G Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language CUP 30 James, C (1980) Contrastive Analysis London: Longman 41 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 31 Karris, Z (1982) A Grammar of English on Mathematical Principles John Wiley and Sons 32 Jackendoff, R (1972) Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar The MIT Press 33 Leech, G.; and Svartvik, J (1975) A Communicative Grammar of English Longman 34 Manh, Tran Huu (2008) A comparative analysis of English and Vietnamese sentence on the aspects of syntax, sementics and pragmatics Sciencetific Information Issue 6/2008 35 Parlmutter, D.; and Soames, S (1979) Syntactic Argumentation and the Structure of English University of California Press, USA 36 Phien, Hoang Trong (1980) Vietnamese Grammar (Ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt) University & Vocational School Press, Hà Nội 37 Postal, P (1974) On Raising The MIT Press 38 Prince, E (1997) “On the functions of left-dislocation in English discourse” Directions in functional linguistics, ed by A Kamio, John Benjamins 39 Quirk, R.; Greenbaum, S.; Leech, G.; and Svartvik, J (1985) A Grammar of Contemporary English Longman 40 Quynh, Nguyen Huu (2001) Vietnamese Grammar (Ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt) Encyclopedia Press 41 Ross, J R (1967) On the Cyclic Nature of English Pronominalization Mouton 42 Russell, T (1986) Basic Word Order: Functional Principles Croom Helm 43 Sidner, C (1978) “Levels of Complexity in Discourse for Anaphora Disambiguation and Speech Act Interpretation” In Proceeding of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCI 44 Sidner, C (1983) “Focusing and Discourse” Discourse Proccesses, No.6.107-130 45 Than, Nguyen Kim (1997) Research on Vietnamese Grammar (Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt) Hanoi Education Press 42 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 46 Thuyet, Nguyen Minh; and Hiep, Nguyen Van (1998) Vietnamese Sentence Components (Thành phần câu Tiếng Việt) Press of Vietnam National University, Hanoi 47 Trung, Nguyen Lan (2009) Thematic element in the Vietnamese sentence systematically considered (Thành phần khởi ngữ câu Tiếng Việt xét mặt hệ thống) Journal of Science by Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Foreign studies No 25, 199-208 48 Tuan, Huynh Anh (2013) Fundamental Sentential Level Issues of English Information Structure Journal of Foreign Studies-VNU Journal of Science, 29, 4, 4562 49 Ward, G and Birner, B (2001) Discourse and Information Structure In: Handbook of Discourse Analysis, ed by Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen, and Heidi Hamilton, 119-137 Oxford: Basil Blackwell 50 Winter, A (1982) “A Leading Site Theory of Movement Rules.” Linguistic Inquiry: Vol 13, No 1, 16-22 51 Zampolli, A (1977) Linguistic Structure Processing North-Holland Publishing Company Holland 43 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. APPENDICES Examples of sentences with fronted elements in English So what else are we going to today then Two things I want to just touch on fairly briefly because of the time factor but I want to touch on before you get into continuing with your development for your third presentation The questions of how to handle question and also the use of visual aids (BNC, JSA 1, unclassified Register) My heart-searchings must have no place here Before getting to the murder trial, I will note two incidents that occurred in Genenva Two things I wanted above all, and one of them was money, for I knew old systems of currency were in operation throughout the 19th century The second thing I found quickly by looking at a newspaper in a coffee shop: the day‟s date (BNC, HGS 2, Fiction Register) My heart-searchings must have no place here Before getting to the murder trial, I will note two incidents that occurred in Genenva Two things I wanted above all, and one of them was money, for I knew old systems of currency were in operation throughout the 19th century The second thing I found quickly by looking at a newspaper in a coffee shop: the day‟s date (BNC, HGS 2, Fiction Register) And they said, well I‟m sorry you know, er take the numbers of the cars, they want me to go round and take the numbers of the cars, phone them back and we will see if we‟ve got someone that we can send down there! Well that‟s not the sort of liaison Well, yeah That I want! Yeah That‟s very poor management I would say, I‟d be asking that bloke spoke to? (BNC, KNF 114, Unclassified Register) “I think maybe the reason he isn‟t speaking to me,” Ellie ventured, “is something you might have said to him.” “Me?” Madame protested the picture of innocence “When you called last Saturday.” “He nevaire told you that That I called.” “I saw I TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. you From the landing Why did you, Madame? And what did you say to him?” (BNC, EEW 130, Fiction Register) I want to tell you that personally All doors are open to you I know you have operate in secret, but we must keep it that way An office has been prepared for you in the Kremlin Is there anything you need?” “Not yet, Comrade President,” Myeloski replied “Apart from some luck But I will my best That I promise you (BNC, CML 129, Fiction Register) Don‟t you think he would like some?” “How I know” “There you are!” She smiled “You can‟t be certain It‟ll be done in a minute.” He won‟t want his kitchen mired up wid baking stuffs That I know.” “And who‟ll mire a kitchen up?” (BNC, EWF 134, Fiction Register) We padded through those quiet, leafy roads in utter silence There‟d been no shooting for a long while That I didn’t like A little further on the quiet was broken by the rumble of a truck (BNC, H9N 154, Fiction Register) Instinctual knowledge is leaking away under the impact of continual urbanization That I believe It is not in conflict with my all doctrines (BNC, HAO 155, Fiction Register) 10 “Yes It‟s not as though I can‟t afford to pay him market price and more And he needs the money That I know But it‟s pride It‟s always been Dersingham land since way back when (BNC, HA2 157, Fiction Register) 11 It helps to have a high IQ though I suspect a talent for mimicry is more useful; being able to adopt at will the tones and attitudes of the educated middle classes That I have Valerie sat on the sofa Eleanor sat in a chair (BNC, HGJ 158, Fiction Register) 12 “Figure who it is, created before the Flood, a mighty creature without flesh, without bone, without veins, without blood, without hands, and without feet … It will last no II TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. longer than you can bear That I promise you “No one who really knew him would ever let him down, she thought (BNC, HRC 164, Fiction Register) 13 Rich as you may be, you can‟t buy sincere friends ( Englishniche.com) 14 Discharged too early HAVING had the misfortune to break my ankle, I was discharged from hospital after a three-week stay I was told I should go to a convalescent home to complete my recovery This I did for five weeks returning to hospital to have my X-rays checked I had to pay over $1,000 to the Anne Charlton Lodge, Redcar, a home caring for Multiple Sclerosis sufferers, of which I am one (BNC, DK52 1, News Other Sports) 15 David‟s little song with its backward sentences and rum pum pum has now been recorded by more than 200 artists What an inspiration for music students this holiday season.! At home writing Christmas songs, they are (https://www.arnoldzwick.org/2009/12/27/ ) 16 In the garden a statue stands ( https://www.arnoldzwick.org/2009/12/27/) 17 Below the leaflets was a list This I have kept, with the letter, and I still have it (BNC, AR 2, Fiction Prose) 18 Now, one can distinguish two kinds of schematic knowledge On the one hand there is knowledge of conceptual content or topic area This I have referred to elsewhere as “ideational” (Widdowson 1983) (BNC, CBR 3, Social Science) 19 The other kind of schematic knowledge has to with mode of communication This I have referred to elsewhere as “interpersonal” (Widdowson 1983) (BNC, CBR 4, Social Science) 20 He was a quiet, caring and loving boy, his nature being the antithesis of mine And yet, when Calman would come on the scene Jerry would walk away This I had III TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. noticed, but had given little thought to For no reason I can think of, a mutual dislike had arisen (BNC, 1, Biography) 21 After all, the greatest disaster would be to delay the decision until we were too inert to anything about it This I had seen happens in the lives of others, resulting in the despairing situation of looking on hopelessly at all the work and tender loving care lavished on a place being relentlessly returned to rampaging nature, and unable to muster the physical strength and mental resolve to anything about it (BNC, CES 2, Biography) 22 A: “Have you thought of going to London? B: No, London I hadn‟t considered actually.” (BNC) 23 Another sweep along the side of a deep furrow produced a rusted iron belt-buckle of unusual design This I found impossible to date It was obviously old, but so corroded that it almost fell to pieces in my hand (BNC, G2Y 3, Pop Lore) 24 I also understand from meetings, I‟m meeting a group of social workers as I call them, that are dealing with the people with learning difficulties, erm, these are at present taking place in the Castle Hall This I know is not, is not at this place successful, not for people concerned with the, the facilities are not really adequate, and I understand that they also would be hoping to take advantage of this community centre (BNC, J3R 1, Meeting) 25 Carl had no time for these, or possibly our parents failed him by not encouraging him in that direction This I not know It can be said Carl had developed a parochial outlook by virtue of his own mastery over all his school studies, the violin, and his trade (BNC, BN3 3, Biography) 26 “A FEW hours ago I discharged my last duty as the heir to the throne and now that I will be succeeded by me son, Prince William, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him This I with all my heart “You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce Throne (BNC, CBC 2, News Other Social) IV TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 27 I‟ve clearly fell that you probably responded by saying that the old one which is led to under registration was perfectly adequate for you needs, which as I said says something about your view of electoral process This I think is actually more likely to get people to register to vote, I think regardless of any party affiliation you all have something to benefit from that and I suspect the was majority of members of the council will see that any well designed leaflet that gets people to put themselves on the register is to the benefit of democrarcy…(BNC, EVH 2, Biography) 28 Malcolm Coelho London The Editor writes: Well, that‟s a relief, Malcolm ; we would hate to have last you Seriously, though, it is important that the matter of advertising is raised every so often, for a number of reasons One is that Credit Management functions to some extent as a trade paper as well as in its primary role as an Institute Journal This I think is greatly to the credit of ICM, provided, as you say, that we can retain the appropriate balance (BNC G28 3, Commerce) 29 The Mystery of the Missing Maxwell Hat appears to have been solved This I can tell you is a great relief The mystery of the missing millions is as nothing in comparison (BNC CAT 1, Pop Lore) 30 But I don‟t really like Blake‟s work You mean his poems or his watercolours? No, not his poems his drawings and those things I actively dislike them I dislike them in the way that I dislike Pre-Raphaelite things This I can imagine (BNC EBU 2, Pop Lore) 31 Our pupils‟ mathematical attainment and experience must not be limited by out restricted expectations Hidden Messages There is an almost unchallenged assumption that mathematic education, for both teacher and taught, occurs in a political vacuum This I cannot accept: it seems impossible that such a central part, mathematics, of such a political institution, education, should really be politically neutral (BNC H88 3, Politic Law Edu) V TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 32 Initial advice on pollution regulations is, in fact, given free It is, however, a disturbing aspect of what are, after all, statutory regulations, that many farmers are reluctant to attempt in any way to address these problems This I believe stems largely from scaremongering and misleading information given to the industry from various sources This does not mean, however, that complacency is the answer What is required is to maintain a degree of perspective when approaching any problem areas, such as COSHH regulations or pollution control.(BNC ACR 1, Pop Lore) 33 This states that enterprise is progressive, resourceful, go-ahead, forward looking and reformist This I believe describes very well the approach by Elayne Burley and her team This also blends well with the ethos of Napier University and I believe that with continued effort Napier will gain the reputation for the evelopment of students who can demonstrate enterprising skills (BNC HX5, Institute Doc) 34 All the same, it makes an ideal Christmas present for your dad EXTREME 111 Sides To Every Story THEY‟RE FAMOUS They‟re sexually attractive They went to music school This much we know about Extreme Musically, however, they have always been something of a mystery, flitting from style to style like a sort of rubbish Paul McCartney, cruising round different aspects of pop and soiling them (BNC CK5 1, Pop Lore) 35 It may be that when the time comes our Party will be divided in regard to this matter But, gentlemen, of this I am certain, the Conservative Party has been a good thing for this country and it is our business today, and as long as we can, to keep that Party solid; and if splits must come, to delay them as long as we possibly can (Applause) (BNC, EW1 2, Academic Humanities) 36 And so, amongst his personal effects are a number of papers They may be those that I seek, they may be not They may, however, furnish some clues I have also a list of names People I should like traced Someone has the missing papers Of this I am certain.” Cornelius was currently working his way through the seedy section of the VI TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. daddy‟ library He was at present enjoying Bodies On The Backlot A Lazlo Woodbine thriller (BNC, HWN 1, Fiction Register) 37 There was argument as to whether Winchester was a member of Lautro To that argument I shall come A member is obliged to comply with the Rules and in particular he is obliged to comply with rule 2.12(1) (BNC, FD1 1, Political Law) 38 He didn‟t enjoy women the way he use to, but killing them was different That could still make him feel good A silly little bitch she has been, pleading with him to let her live, and promising that if he did she would say nothing and leave Vienna at once, never to return Twice he had let her come up for air, so that it would lake longer, bird the time he had help her under until she was finished (BNC, B20, Fiction Register) 39 One of these whipped back at him and as he caught at it a thorn drove into the fleshy pad of his finger That thorn had been there, festering, for months A dull cool summer it had been, as different as could be from the year before No golden light bathed the red brick of the house (BNC CDB 1, Fiction Register) 40 Just tied him up and put a gag in his mouth.” “But he was injured on the previous occasion?” “Had a bit of concussion,” Bardsley said “There wasn‟t any mark to show, bar a bit of a bruise.” “Ever heard of the name McCloy, Mr Bardsley?” “It doesn‟t ring a bell,” said Bardsley and Burden believed him “Mind you,” he added, “I‟ve seen my own stuff flogged off in the market here Known it was mine but couldn’t prove it You know what them stallholders are, up to all the tricks.” He scratched his head.”I was a bit too nosy what time and I haven‟t seen the stall here since.” “If you do, Mr Bardsley, come straight to us Don‟t argue about it, come straight to us.” “OK,” said Bardsley, but without hope Burden left him contemplating the printed ten cloth as if, were it possible to transmute (BNC, A73, Fiction Prose) 41 and he‟s still, he‟s going to that right up to Christmas? But he won‟t eat the meat with potatoes No The only time he has meat he has to have green salad or maybe a raw VII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. vegetable salad Yeah But I mean, yeah, yeah, calorie and then for another meal he‟ll have he‟ll have this other stuff with a Mm He can‟t No, no, doesn‟t it? Yeah, well John always swore by a diet whether he don‟t know That thing I got, you know the Raptou use to Oh yes, yes, help me with the vegetables, all the vegetables, I get so tired chopping yes I don‟t think it‟s gonna work, I Oh why‟s that Iris? It, it, looked alright, I, you know doing it on the telly, it did everything they said But didn‟t see it on the telly, only saw it on the Oh it was on quite a lot Sorry I (BNC, KC9, Conversation) 42 And then he said: “I realized one day, breaking rocks, that they could take everything away from me, everything but my mind and heart Now, Those things I would have to give away and I simply decided I would not give them away (Political speech, Australianpolitics.com, Clinton‟s Martin Luther King Speech “I have a dream”) 43 One other thing I probably should tell, because if I don‟t they‟ll probably be saying this about me, too (Political speech, American Rhetoric, Richard M Nixon 44 Of this I am quite sure, that if I open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future (Political speech, The History Place, Winton Churchill) 45 Now the trumpet summons us again-not as a call to bear arms, though arm we need, - not as a call to battle, though Embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself (Political Speech, American Rhetoric, John F Kennedy) 46 “Two words I can think of”, says Larry Bradley, a wiry Oklahoman pushing 61 and otherwise known as “Blue” because of his eyes “Faith and hope Faith that things can change and hope that it will” ( Newspapertext, Los Angeles Times, Dana Parsons) VIII TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 47 Coetzee‟s Disgrace is one of my favorite books, he could have won for just that Lessing I’ve heard of but never read; as well Pinter and Xianjiang Jelinek, I am a blank slate, embarrassingly (Conversational Reading, Google search) 48 I am not reciting these facts for the purpose of the recrimination That I judge to be utterly futile and even harmful We can not afford it I recite them in order to explain why it was we did not have, as we could have had, between twelve and fourteen Bristish divisions fighting in the line in this great battle instead of only three… (Political Speech, Winston Churchill) 49 There is no executive order; there is no law that can require the American people to form a national community This we must as individuals and if we it as individuals, there is no President of the United States who can veto that decision (Political Speech, Barbara Jordan) 50 It is obvious that the people not want to give You have to live with this There are times when you have to live with these unpleasant facts of life That I don’t understand Because you know, how much Well maybe nobody was listening (Broadcast Discussion) Examples with fronted elements in Vietnamese Nghe gọi, bé giật mình, trịn mắt nhìn Nó ngơ ngác, Cịn anh, anh khơng ghìm xúc động (Chiếc lược ngà – Nguyễn Quang Sáng) Giàu, giàu Sang, sang (Bước đường – Nguyễn Công Hoan) Về thể văn lĩnh vực văn nghệ, tin tiếng ta, khơng sợ thiếu giàu đẹp (Giữ gìn sáng Tiếng Việt – Phạm Văn Đồng) Còn chị, chị cơng tác à? (Nguyễn Đình Thi) IX TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. Cô Toản, gặp lần Yên Bái ( Nguyễn Đình Thi ) Năm năm, tơi đợi (Nguyễn Lân) Cái xin tùy hai ơng (Nam Cao) Nghị lại, người ta sợ uy đồng tiền (Nguyễn Công Hoan) Học, niên phải làm đầu tàu (Hồ Chí Minh) 10 Ông đứng vờ vờ xem tranh ảnh chờ người khác đọc nghe lỏm Điều ông khổ tâm (Làng – Kim Lân) 11 Nhìn cảnh người chảy nước mắt, cịn tơi, tơi cảm thấy có bóp nghẹt tim tơi ( Chiếc lược ngà – Nguyễn Quang Sáng) 12 Xây lăng ấy, làng phục dich, làng gánh gạch, đập đá, làm phu hồ cho ( Làng – Kim Lân) 13 Vâng! Ông giáo dạy phải! Đối với sung sướng ( Lão Hạc – Nam Cao) 14 Một anh bạn đỉnh Phan-xi-păng 3142 mét cháu (Lặng lẽ Sa Pa – Nguyễn Thành Long) 15 Làm khí tượng cao lí tưởng (Lặng lẽ Sa Pa – Nguyễn Thành Long) 16 Đối với cháu thật đột ngột (Lặng lẽ Sa Pa – Nguyễn Thành Long) 17 Ông giáo ấy, thuốc không hút, rượu không uống ( Lão Hạc – Nam Cao) 18 Làm cẩn thận ( Literature - Conversation) 19 Hiểu tơi hiểu rồi, giải tơi chưa giải (Văn học – Khởi ngữ) 20 Bảo vệ mơi trường, trách nhiệm người dân (Văn học – Khởi ngữ) 21 Hoàng Sa Trường Sa, hai quần đảo thuộc chủ quyền Việt Nam (Văn học – Khởi ngữ) X TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. 22 Khóc, khơng phải hèn yếu, khơng phải buồn bã, mà xúc động (Nguyễn Văn Thạc) 23 Nhà, bà có hàng dãy khắp phố (Nguyễn Cơng Hoan) 24 Cười hàm trắng lố khn mặt nhem nhuốc ( Những ngơi xa xơi – Minh Kh) 25 Trốn đêm hôm nhà cửa ( Làng – Kim Lân) 26 Cịn rủi ro, chuyện mà lường ( Nhật ký Đặng Thùy Trâm) 27 Những vấn đề ấy, ta nên xem xét sau (Journal of Science by Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Foreign studies 25) 28 Làm cách mạng này, đâu phải hai (Journal of Science by Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Foreign studies 25) 29 Cịn khách sơ sơ thuốc lá, bánh kẹo, cà phê (Người không quen nhà – Trần Đăng Khoa) 30 Đi, chả mấy, mà nhà thầy đem cho ( Từ ngày mẹ chết – Nam Cao) 31 Dân Bắc anh muốn chơi xe xịn (Journal of Science by Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Foreign studies 25) 32 Cái thứ dế cụ bạo nước ( Tơ Hồi ) 33 Kiếm đồng tiền thằng Tây khó (Direct Conversation) 34 Bố thằng Kiến đâm chết tơi! (Chí Phèo - Nam Cao) 35 Tiếng “vợ chồng” thấy ngường ngượng mà thinh thích (Chí Phèo – Nam Cao) 36 Đã đành quà cho nó, đồng chinh đủ ( Trẻ khơng ăn thịt chó – Nam Cao) XI TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics. (LUAN.VAN.THAC.SI).Structural.and.functional.features.of.Fronting.in.English.versus.Vietnamese.equivalents.M.A.Thesis.Linguistics.

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2023, 02:19