PowerPoint Presentation TEXT HERE Môn học Văn hóa Mỹ Mã môn học SOC307 Phương thức liên lạc Contact ThS Vũ Thị Thu Trang Khoa Ngoại ngữ Trường Đại học Ngân hàng Tp HCM Email trangvtt@hub edu vn Course[.]
TEXT HERE Mơn học: Văn hóa Mỹ Mã mơn học: SOC307 Phương thức liên lạc-Contact -ThS Vũ Thị Thu Trang Khoa Ngoại ngữ - Trường Đại học Ngân hàng Tp.HCM -Email: trangvtt@hub.edu.vn Course Description Schedule Week Content (23/11) MODULE 1: AMERICAN VALUES AND BELIEFS (30/11) MODULE 2: HERITAGE (07/12) MODULE 3: AMERICAN BUSINESS (14/12) MODULE 4: GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS + MIDTERM (20%) (21/12) MODULE 5: ETHNIC AND RACIAL DIVERSITY + ASSIGNMENT (20%) (28/12) MODULE 6: EDUCATION, LEISURE TIME, THE AMERICAN FAMILY (online lesson) MODULE 1: AMERICAN VALUES AND BELIEFS Do you want to live in USA? And why?? Vocabular y preview PowerPlugs Templates for PowerPoint P review Melting pot (n) A place where the people and cultures of many different places mix together Ex: USA is a cultural melting pot profound (adj) Felt or experienced in an extreme way Ex: The speech had a profound influence on him individualism [uncountable] (n) The idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important quality of a society Ex: Many Americans believe strongly in individualism inalienable /ɪnˈeɪliənəbəl/ right A right that cannot be taken from you Ex: All men are created equal with certain inalienable rights plight (n) A bad or serious condition or situation of something Ex: The plight of the homeless Few of us can be unmoved by the plight of the refugees prestige/preˈstiːʒ/ (n) Admiration given to s.o/s.th for its high quality or social influence Ex: the company has acquired international prestige I The Context of Traditional American values: Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity Racial and ethnic diversity 21th century, The US has the greatest diversity of racial, ethnic, cultural and religious groups due to the large immigration 10