Tài liệu hướng dẫn sửa chữa xe Nissan x trail t31 esm tai lieu sua chua phan 4 . Cung cấp các thông tin cần thiết cho Kỹ thuật viên tiến hành chẩn đoán, sửa chữa nhanh chóng, chính xác, hiệu quả, hợp lý
TRANSMISSION & DRIVELINE SECTION TM TRANSAXLE & TRANSMISSION A B C TM E CONTENTS 6MT: RS6F94R GEAR OIL 16 Exploded View 16 Draining 16 Refilling 16 Inspection 16 FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS M/T SYSTEM System Diagram System Description ON-VEHICLE REPAIR 17 COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS SIDE OIL SEAL 17 POSITION SWITCH Exploded View 17 Removal and Installation 17 BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH : Component Parts Location BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH : Component Inspection PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH : Component Parts Location PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH : Component Inspection SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS 11 NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) TROUBLESHOOTING 11 AIR BREATHER HOSE 22 K Exploded View 22 Removal and Installation 22 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 23 L TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY 23 Exploded View 23 Removal and Installation 23 M DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY 25 N TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY 25 Exploded View 25 Disassembly 30 Assembly 36 O INPUT SHAFT AND GEAR 42 Exploded View 42 Disassembly 42 Assembly 43 Inspection 44 PREPARATION 13 MAINSHAFT AND GEAR 46 ON-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 16 Revision: 2007 October I J PREPARATION 13 Special Service Tools 13 Commercial Service Tools 14 H Exploded View 18 Removal and Installation 18 Inspection 21 PRECAUTIONS 12 Service Notice or Precautions for Manual Transaxle 12 G CONTROL LINKAGE 18 NVH Troubleshooting Chart 11 PRECAUTION 12 F TM-1 Exploded View 46 Disassembly 46 T31 P Assembly 47 Inspection 49 REVERSE IDLER SHAFT AND GEAR 51 Exploded View 51 Disassembly 51 Assembly 52 FINAL DRIVE 53 PREPARATION 66 Special Service Tools 66 Commercial Service Tools 69 ON-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 71 GEAR OIL 71 Exploded View 71 Draining 71 Refilling 71 Inspection 71 Exploded View 53 Disassembly 53 Assembly 53 Inspection 54 ON-VEHICLE REPAIR 73 SHIFT FORK AND FORK ROD 56 SIDE OIL SEAL 73 Exploded View 56 Disassembly 56 Assembly 56 Inspection 56 Exploded View 73 Removal and Installation 73 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 57 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 57 General Specification 57 CONTROL LINKAGE 74 Exploded View 74 Removal and Installation 74 Inspection 77 AIR BREATHER HOSE 78 Exploded View 78 Removal and Installation 78 6MT: RS6F52A REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 79 FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS 59 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY 79 M/T SYSTEM 59 Exploded View 79 Removal and Installation 79 System Diagram 59 System Description 60 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY 81 COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS 61 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY 81 BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH 61 Exploded View 81 Disassembly 85 Assembly 93 Adjustment 103 Component Parts Location 61 Component Inspection 61 PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH 62 Component Parts Location 62 Component Inspection 62 1ST GEAR POSITION SWITCH 63 Component Parts Location 63 Component Inspection 63 SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS 64 NOISE, VIBRATION AND HARSHNESS (NVH) TROUBLESHOOTING 64 NVH Troubleshooting Chart 64 PRECAUTION 65 PRECAUTIONS 65 Service Notice or Precautions for Manual Transaxle 65 PREPARATION 66 Revision: 2007 October INPUT SHAFT AND GEAR 111 Exploded View 111 Disassembly 111 Assembly 112 Inspection 116 MAINSHAFT AND GEAR 118 Exploded View 118 Disassembly 118 Assembly 119 Inspection 123 REVERSE IDLER SHAFT AND GEAR 127 Exploded View 127 Disassembly 127 Assembly 127 Inspection 127 FINAL DRIVE 129 Exploded View 129 Disassembly 129 TM-2 T31 Assembly 130 Inspection 133 LOCK-UP AND SELECT CONTROL SYSTEM 161 System Diagram 161 System Description 161 Component Parts Location 162 Component Description 162 SHIFT FORK AND FORK ROD 135 Exploded View 135 Disassembly 135 Assembly 135 Inspection 136 General Specifications 138 End Play 139 Baulk Ring Clearance 140 Dimension 140 Differential Side Bearing Preload 141 Differential Side Gear Clearance 141 CVT: RE0F10A B SHIFT CONTROL SYSTEM 164 System Diagram 164 System Description 164 Component Parts Location 165 Component Description 166 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 138 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 138 A C TM SHIFT LOCK SYSTEM 167 System Description 167 Component Parts Location 169 Component Description 169 E ON BOARD DIAGNOSTIC (OBD) SYSTEM 170 F Diagnosis Description 170 DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM (TCM) 172 CONSULT-III Function (TRANSMISSION) 172 Diagnostic Tool Function 176 G COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS 177 H BASIC INSPECTION 142 DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR WORK FLOW 142 Work Flow 142 Diagnostic Work Sheet 143 U1000 CAN COMM CIRCUIT 177 Description 177 DTC Logic 177 Diagnosis Procedure 177 I U1010 CONTROL UNIT (CAN) 178 J INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT 145 ADDITIONAL SERVICE WHEN REPLACING CONTROL UNIT 145 ADDITIONAL SERVICE WHEN REPLACING CONTROL UNIT : Service After Replacing TCM and Transaxle Assembly 145 FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS 147 Description 178 DTC Logic 178 Diagnosis Procedure 178 K P0703 STOP LAMP SWITCH 179 CVT SYSTEM 147 Description 179 DTC Logic 179 Diagnosis Procedure 179 Component Inspection (Stop Lamp Switch) 179 L Cross-Sectional View 149 System Diagram 150 System Description 150 Component Parts Location 151 Component Description 151 P0705 PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION SWITCH 181 M HYDRAULIC CONTROL SYSTEM 153 P0710 CVT FLUID TEMPERATURE SENSOR 184 O Description 184 DTC Logic 184 Diagnosis Procedure 184 Component Inspection 185 P System Diagram 147 Component Parts Location 148 MECHANICAL SYSTEM 149 System Diagram 153 System Description 153 Component Parts Location 155 Component Description 155 Description 181 DTC Logic 181 Diagnosis Procedure 181 Component Inspection 182 CONTROL SYSTEM 157 System Diagram 157 System Description 157 Component Parts Location 159 Component Description 159 Revision: 2007 October P0715 INPUT SPEED SENSOR (PRI SPEED SENSOR) 186 TM-3 Description 186 DTC Logic 186 Diagnosis Procedure 186 T31 N P0720 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR CVT (SECONDARY SPEED SENSOR) 189 Description .189 DTC Logic 189 Diagnosis Procedure .189 P0725 ENGINE SPEED SIGNAL 192 Description .192 DTC Logic 192 Diagnosis Procedure .192 Component Inspection 209 P0840 TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SENSOR A (SEC PRESSURE SENSOR) 210 Description 210 DTC Logic 210 Diagnosis Procedure 210 P0841 PRESSURE SENSOR FUNCTION 213 P0730 BELT DAMAGE 194 Description 213 DTC Logic 213 Diagnosis Procedure 213 Description .194 DTC Logic 194 Diagnosis Procedure .194 P0845 TRANSMISSION FLUID PRESSURE SENSOR B (PRI PRESSURE SENSOR) 215 P0740 TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH SOLENOID VALVE 195 Description .195 DTC Logic 195 Diagnosis Procedure .195 Component Inspection 196 P0744 A/T TCC S/V FUNCTION (LOCK -UP) 197 Description .197 DTC Logic 197 Diagnosis Procedure .197 P0745 LINE PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE 199 Description .199 DTC Logic 199 Diagnosis Procedure .199 Component Inspection 200 P0746 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID A PERFORMANCE (LINE PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE) 201 Description .201 DTC Logic 201 Diagnosis Procedure .201 Description 215 DTC Logic 215 Diagnosis Procedure 215 P0868 SECONDARY PRESSURE DOWN 218 Description 218 DTC Logic 218 Diagnosis Procedure 218 P1701 TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE (POWER SUPPLY) 220 Description 220 DTC Logic 220 Diagnosis Procedure 220 P1705 THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR 222 Description 222 DTC Logic 222 Diagnosis Procedure 222 P1722 ESTM VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL 223 Description 223 DTC Logic 223 Diagnosis Procedure 223 P1723 CVT SPEED SENSOR FUNCTION 225 P0776 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID B PERFORMANCE (SEC PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE) 203 Description 225 DTC Logic 225 Diagnosis Procedure 225 Description .203 DTC Logic 203 Diagnosis Procedure .203 P1726 ELECTRIC THROTTLE CONTROL SYSTEM 227 P0778 PRESSURE CONTROL SOLENOID B ELECTRICAL (SEC PRESSURE SOLENOID VALVE) 205 Description .205 DTC Logic 205 Diagnosis Procedure .205 Component Inspection 206 P0826 MANUAL MODE SWITCH 207 Description .207 DTC Logic 207 Diagnosis Procedure .207 Revision: 2007 October Description 227 DTC Logic 227 Diagnosis Procedure 227 P1740 LOCK-UP SELECT SOLENOID VALVE 228 Description 228 DTC Logic 228 Diagnosis Procedure 228 Component Inspection 229 P1745 LINE PRESSURE CONTROL 230 Description 230 DTC Logic TM-4 T31 Diagnosis Procedure 230 PREPARATION 271 P1777 STEP MOTOR 231 Special Service Tools 271 Commercial Service Tools 271 Description 231 DTC Logic 231 Diagnosis Procedure 231 Component Inspection 232 ON-VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 273 Inspection 273 Changing 274 Description 233 DTC Logic 233 Diagnosis Procedure 233 STALL TEST 275 SHIFT POSITION INDICATOR CIRCUIT 235 LINE PRESSURE TEST 277 Description 235 Component Function Check 235 Diagnosis Procedure 235 Inspection and Judgment 277 Inspection and Judgment 275 ROAD TEST 279 SYMPTOM DIAGNOSIS 255 G Inspection and Adjustment 283 ON-VEHICLE REPAIR 284 Exploded View 284 Removal and Installation 284 I CONTROL DEVICE 286 Exploded View 286 Removal and Installation 286 Inspection and Adjustment 287 CONTROL CABLE 288 Exploded View 288 Removal and Installation 288 Inspection and Adjustment 289 J K L KEY INTERLOCK CABLE 290 Exploded View 290 Removal and Installation 290 Inspection 291 PRECAUTIONS 266 M OIL PAN 292 Exploded View 292 Removal and Installation 292 Inspection 293 PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH 294 Exploded View 294 Removal and Installation 294 Inspection and Adjustment 295 PRIMARY SPEED SENSOR 296 Exploded View 296 Removal and Installation 296 Inspection 296 PREPARATION 271 SECONDARY SPEED SENSOR 297 Revision: 2007 October H TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE 284 Symptom Table 255 Precaution for Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) "AIR BAG" and "SEAT BELT PRE-TENSIONER" 266 Precaution Necessary for Steering Wheel Rotation After Battery Disconnect 266 Precaution for Procedure without Cowl Top Cover 267 Precaution for On Board Diagnosis (OBD) System of CVT and Engine 267 Precaution for TCM and CVT Assembly Replacement 267 Removal and Installation Procedure for CVT Unit Connector 267 Precaution 268 Service Notice or Precaution 269 ATFTEMP COUNT Conversion Table 270 E CVT POSITION 283 SYSTEM SYMPTOM 255 PRECAUTION 266 TM F TCM 241 Reference Value 241 Wiring Diagram - CVT CONTROL SYSTEM - 245 Fail-safe 252 DTC Inspection Priority Chart 253 DTC Index 254 C Description 279 Check before Engine Is Started 279 Check at Idle 280 Cruise Test 281 SHIFT LOCK SYSTEM 236 ECU DIAGNOSIS 241 B CVT FLUID 273 P1778 STEP MOTOR - FUNCTION 233 Description 236 Wiring Diagram - CVT SHIFT LOCK SYSTEM - 236 Component Function Check 238 Diagnosis Procedure 239 Component Inspection (Stop Lamp Switch) 240 Component Inspection (Shift Lock Solenoid) 240 A TM-5 T31 N O P Exploded View .297 Removal and Installation .297 Inspection 297 DIFFERENTIAL SIDE OIL SEAL 298 2WD 298 2WD : Exploded View 298 2WD : Removal and Installation 298 2WD : Inspection 299 4WD 299 4WD : Exploded View 299 4WD : Removal and Installation 299 4WD : Inspection 300 OIL PUMP FITTING BOLT 301 Description .301 Exploded View .301 Removal and Installation .301 Inspection 301 AIR BREATHER HOSE 302 Exploded View .302 Removal and Installation .302 FLUID COOLER SYSTEM 303 WATER HOSE (WITHOUT FLUID COOLER) 303 WATER HOSE (WITHOUT FLUID COOLER) : Exploded View .303 WATER HOSE (WITHOUT FLUID COOLER) : Removal and Installation .303 WATER HOSE (WITHOUT FLUID COOLER) : Inspection 305 WATER HOSE (WITH FLUID COOLER) 305 WATER HOSE (WITH FLUID COOLER) : Exploded View 306 WATER HOSE (WITH FLUID COOLER) : Removal and Installation 306 WATER HOSE (WITH FLUID COOLER) : Inspection 308 Revision: 2007 October FLUID COOLER 308 FLUID COOLER : Exploded view 309 FLUID COOLER : Removal and Installation 309 FLUID COOLER : Inspection 311 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 312 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY 312 2WD 312 2WD : Exploded View 312 2WD : Removal and Installation 312 2WD : Inspection 315 4WD 315 4WD : Exploded View 316 4WD : Removal and Installation 316 4WD : Inspection 319 DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY 320 TORQUE CONVERTER AND CONVERTER HOUSING OIL SEAL 320 Exploded View 320 Disassembly 320 Assembly 320 Inspection 321 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 322 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) 322 General Specification 322 Vehicle Speed When Shifting Gears 322 Stall Speed 322 Line Pressure 322 Solenoid Valves 323 CVT Fluid Temperature Sensor 323 Primary Speed Sensor 323 Secondary Speed Sensor 323 Torque Converter 323 TM-6 T31 M/T SYSTEM [6MT: RS6F94R] < FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS > FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS A M/T SYSTEM System Diagram INFOID:0000000003001797 B CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW C TM E F G H I J K L M N SCIA7618E O Clutch housing CSC (Concentric Slave Cylinder) Reverse idler shaft Reverse input gear Reverse output gear 2nd input gear 3rd input gear 3rd-4th synchronizer assembly 4th input gear 10 5th input gear 11 5th-6th synchronizer assembly 12 6th input gear 13 Transaxle case 14 6th main gear 15 5th main gear 16 4th main gear 17 3rd main gear 18 2nd main gear 19 1st-2nd synchronizer assembly 20 1st main gear 21 Differential assembly 22 Final gear 23 Mainshaft 24 Input shaft Revision: 2007 October TM-7 P T31 M/T SYSTEM [6MT: RS6F94R] < FUNCTION DIAGNOSIS > System Description INFOID:0000000003001798 TRIPLE-CONE SYNCHRONIZER Triple-cone synchronizer is used for the 1st and the 2nd gears to reduce operating force of the shifter lever : 1st main gear : 1st-2nd coupling sleeve : Insert key : Outer baulk ring : 2nd main gear : Synchronizer cone : Inner baulk ring : 1st-2nd synchronizer hub SCIA7636E REVERSE GEAR NOISE PREVENTION FUNCTION (SYNCHRONIZING METHOD) Reverse gear noise prevention makes smooth operation possible and restrains the gear's grating noise by stopping the rotation of each gear when gear is shifted to reverse position : Reverse fork rod : Reverse output gear : Return spring : Reverse baulk ring : Reverse input gear SCIA7621E Revision: 2007 October TM-8 T31 POSITION SWITCH [6MT: RS6F94R] < COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS > COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS A POSITION SWITCH BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH B BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH : Component Parts Location INFOID:0000000003001799 C : Position switch TM E JPDIC0070ZZ BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH : Component Inspection INFOID:0000000003001800 1.CHECK BACK-UP LAMP SWITCH G Check continuity between position switch terminals with shifter lever turned to 1st to 6th and reverse position Connector F46 Terminals Gear position Reverse Except reverse F H Continuity Existed I Not existed Is the inspection result normal? YES >> INSPECTION END NO >> Replace position switch Refer to TM-25, "Exploded View" J PCIB1781E PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH : Component Parts Location K INFOID:0000000003001801 L : Position switch M N O JPDIC0070ZZ PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH : Component Inspection INFOID:0000000003001802 P 1.CHECK PARK/NEUTRAL POSITION (PNP) SWITCH Revision: 2007 October TM-9 T31 POSITION SWITCH < COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS > Check continuity between position switch terminals with shifter lever turned to 1st to 6th and reverse position Connector F46 Terminals Gear position Neutral Except neutral Continuity Existed Not existed Is the inspection result normal? YES >> INSPECTION END NO >> Replace position switch Refer to TM-25, "Exploded View" Revision: 2007 October [6MT: RS6F94R] TM-10 JPDIC0091ZZ T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > MR20DE MODELS : Inspection INFOID:0000000003179195 A MAGNETIC SWITCH • Before starting to check, disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal • Disconnect “M” terminal of starter motor Continuity test (between “S” terminal and switch body) A : “S” terminal B : “B” terminal C : “M” terminal STR C D • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist E SKIB9002E F Continuity test (between “S” terminal and “M” terminal) A : “S” terminal B : “B” terminal C : “M” terminal G • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist H SKIB9003E I PINION PROTRUSION LENGTH • With pinion driven out by magnetic switch, push pinion back to remove slack and measure the clearance “L” between the front edge of the pinion and the pinion stopper Clearance “L” J K : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" L SKIB0229E • If the measurement value is not in the specified area, adjust with the adjusting plate M N O P PKID0786E PINION ASSEMBLY Revision: 2007 October STR-21 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Inspect pinion teeth • Replace pinion if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of ring gear teeth.) Inspect reduction gear teeth (If equipped) • Replace reduction gear if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of armature shaft gear teeth.) Check to see if pinion locks in one direction and rotates smoothly in the opposite direction • Replace pinion assembly if it is locked or rotated in both directions or unusual resistance is evident SEL630BA BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY Brush • Check wear of brush Minimum length of brush : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" • Replace brush if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL014Z Brush Spring • Check brush spring tension with brush spring detached from brush Spring tension (with new brush) : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" • Replace brush spring if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL015Z Brush Holder Perform insulation test between brush holder (positive side) and its base (negative side) Replace brush holder assembly if continuity does not exist Check brush to see if it moves smoothly If brush holder is bent, replace it; if sliding surface is dirty, clean SKIB0460E YOKE CHECK Revision: 2007 October STR-22 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Magnet is secured to yoke by bonding agent Check magnet to see that it is secured to yoke and for any cracks Replace malfunctioning parts as an assembly CAUTION: Never clamp yoke in a vise or strike it with a hammer A STR C SEL305H D ARMATURE CHECK - Continuity test (between two segments side by side) Replace if continuity does not exist Insulation test (between each commutator bar and shaft) Replace if continuity exists E F G SKIB0461E - H Check commutator surface Grind commutator with No 500 – 600 emery paper if the surface is rough I J K SEL020Z Commutator minimum diameter - L Check diameter of commutator : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" M Replace armature assembly if the measurement value is less than the specified value N O SEL021Z P Revision: 2007 October STR-23 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Check depth of insulating mold from commutator surface Undercut to 0.5 to 0.8 mm (0.020 to 0.031 in) if the depth is 0.2 mm (0.008 in) or less SEL022Z QR25DE (M/T) MODELS QR25DE (M/T) MODELS : Exploded View INFOID:0000000002922384 REMOVAL JPBIA0800GB Clutch housing Starter motor “B” terminal nut “S” terminal nut Starter motor mounting bolt : Vehicle front Refer to GI-4, "Components" for symbols in the figure DISASSEMBLY Revision: 2007 October STR-24 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Type: M000T22271 A STR C D E F G H JPBIA0557GB Magnetic switch assembly Adjusting plate Metal FR Gear case Yoke Armature Brush holder assembly Metal RR Rear cover 10 Through bolt 11 Planetary gear 12 Gear shaft 13 Packing 14 Plate 15 Shift lever 16 Packing 17 Internal gear 18 Pinion assembly 19 Stopper 20 Stopper ring I J K : High-temperature grease point Refer to GI-4, "Components" for symbols not described on the above NOTE: Apply high-temperature grease to lubricate the bearing, gears and frictional surface when assembling the starter L QR25DE (M/T) MODELS : Removal and Installation M INFOID:0000000002922385 REMOVAL N Disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal Remove air duct (inlet) Refer to EM-140, "Exploded View" Remove “B” terminal nut and “B” terminal harness Remove “S” terminal nut and “S” terminal harness Remove starter motor mounting bolts Remove starter motor upward from the vehicle O P INSTALLATION Install in the reverse order of removal CAUTION: Be sure to tighten “B” terminal nut carefully Revision: 2007 October STR-25 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > QR25DE (M/T) MODELS : Inspection INFOID:0000000003179386 MAGNETIC SWITCH • Before starting to check, disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal • Disconnect “M” terminal of starter motor Continuity test (between “S” terminal and switch body) A : “S” terminal B : “B” terminal C : “M” terminal • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist SKIB9002E Continuity test (between “S” terminal and “M” terminal) A : “S” terminal B : “B” terminal C : “M” terminal • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist SKIB9003E PINION PROTRUSION LENGTH • With pinion driven out by magnetic switch, push pinion back to remove slack and measure the clearance “L” between the front edge of the pinion and the pinion stopper Clearance “L” : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" SKIB0229E • If the measurement value is not in the specified area, adjust with the adjusting plate PKID0786E PINION ASSEMBLY Revision: 2007 October STR-26 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Inspect pinion teeth • Replace pinion if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of ring gear teeth.) Inspect reduction gear teeth (If equipped) • Replace reduction gear if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of armature shaft gear teeth.) Check to see if pinion locks in one direction and rotates smoothly in the opposite direction • Replace pinion assembly if it is locked or rotated in both directions or unusual resistance is evident A STR C SEL630BA D BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY Brush • Check wear of brush Minimum length of brush E : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" F • Replace brush if the measurement value is less than the specified value G SEL014Z Brush Spring • Check brush spring tension with brush spring detached from brush Spring tension (with new brush) H I : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" J • Replace brush spring if the measurement value is less than the specified value K SEL015Z L Brush Holder Perform insulation test between brush holder (positive side) and its base (negative side) Replace brush holder assembly if continuity does not exist Check brush to see if it moves smoothly If brush holder is bent, replace it; if sliding surface is dirty, clean M N O SKIB0460E YOKE CHECK Revision: 2007 October P STR-27 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Magnet is secured to yoke by bonding agent Check magnet to see that it is secured to yoke and for any cracks Replace malfunctioning parts as an assembly CAUTION: Never clamp yoke in a vise or strike it with a hammer SEL305H ARMATURE CHECK - Continuity test (between two segments side by side) Replace if continuity does not exist Insulation test (between each commutator bar and shaft) Replace if continuity exists SKIB0461E - Check commutator surface Grind commutator with No 500 – 600 emery paper if the surface is rough SEL020Z Check diameter of commutator Commutator minimum diameter - : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" Replace armature assembly if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL021Z Revision: 2007 October STR-28 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Check depth of insulating mold from commutator surface Undercut to 0.5 to 0.8 mm (0.020 to 0.031 in) if the depth is 0.2 mm (0.008 in) or less A STR C D E F G SEL022Z QR25DE (CVT) MODELS QR25DE (CVT) MODELS : Exploded View INFOID:0000000002922388 REMOVAL H I J K L M N JPBIA0801GB Cylinder block “S” connector Starter motor mounting bolt Starter motor “B” terminal nut O : Vehicle front P Refer to GI-4, "Components" for symbols in the figure DISASSEMBLY Revision: 2007 October STR-29 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Type: M000TA0271 JPBIA0558GB Magnetic switch assembly Adjusting plate Gear case Spring Pinion Pinion stopper Stopper clip Yoke Armature 10 Brush holder assembly 11 Metal RR 12 Rear cover 13 Through bolt 14 Planetary gear 15 Gear shaft 16 Packing 17 Plate 18 Shift lever 19 Packing 20 Internal gear 21 Over running clutch 22 Retainer ring 23 Snap ring : High-temperature grease point Refer to GI-4, "Components" for symbols not described on the above NOTE: Apply high-temperature grease to lubricate the bearing, gears and frictional surface when assembling the starter QR25DE (CVT) MODELS : Removal and Installation INFOID:0000000002922389 REMOVAL Disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal Remove exhaust front tube Refer to EX-10, "Exploded View" Remove “B” terminal nut (A) and “B” terminal harness : Vehicle front Disconnect “S” connector (B) Remove starter motor mounting bolts (C) JPBIA0859ZZ Revision: 2007 October STR-30 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Remove starter motor downward from the vehicle A INSTALLATION Install in the reverse order of removal CAUTION: Be sure to tighten “B” terminal nut carefully STR QR25DE (CVT) MODELS : Inspection INFOID:0000000003179381 C MAGNETIC SWITCH • Before starting to check, disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal • Disconnect “M” terminal of starter motor Continuity test (between “S” terminal and switch body) • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist D E F G SKIB0458E H Continuity test (between “S” terminal and “M” terminal) • Replace magnetic switch if continuity does not exist I J SKIB0459E K PINION PROTRUSION LENGTH • Compare movement “L” in height of pinion when it is pushed out with magnetic switch energized and when it is pulled out by hand until it touches stopper Movement “L” L M : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" N SKIB0230E O P Revision: 2007 October STR-31 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > • If the measurement value is not in the specified area, adjust with the adjusting plate PKID0786E PINION ASSEMBLY Inspect pinion teeth • Replace pinion if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of ring gear teeth.) Inspect reduction gear teeth (If equipped) • Replace reduction gear if teeth are worn or damaged (Also check condition of armature shaft gear teeth.) Check to see if pinion locks in one direction and rotates smoothly in the opposite direction • Replace pinion assembly if it is locked or rotated in both directions or unusual resistance is evident MEL139L BRUSH HOLDER ASSEMBLY Brush • Check wear of brush Minimum length of brush : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" • Replace brush if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL014Z Brush Spring • Check brush spring tension with brush spring detached from brush Spring tension (with new brush) : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" • Replace brush spring if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL015Z Brush Holder Revision: 2007 October STR-32 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Perform insulation test between brush holder (positive side) and its base (negative side) Replace brush holder assembly if continuity does not exist Check brush to see if it moves smoothly If brush holder is bent, replace it; if sliding surface is dirty, clean A STR C SKIB0460E D YOKE CHECK Magnet is secured to yoke by bonding agent Check magnet to see that it is secured to yoke and for any cracks Replace malfunctioning parts as an assembly CAUTION: Never clamp yoke in a vise or strike it with a hammer E F G SEL305H ARMATURE CHECK - H Continuity test (between two segments side by side) Replace if continuity does not exist Insulation test (between each commutator bar and shaft) Replace if continuity exists I J K SKIB0461E - L Check commutator surface Grind commutator with No 500 – 600 emery paper if the surface is rough M N O SEL020Z P Revision: 2007 October STR-33 T31 STARTER MOTOR < ON-VEHICLE REPAIR > Check diameter of commutator Commutator minimum diameter - : Refer to SDS STR-35, "Starter Motor" Replace armature assembly if the measurement value is less than the specified value SEL021Z - Check depth of insulating mold from commutator surface Undercut to 0.5 to 0.8 mm (0.020 to 0.031 in) if the depth is 0.2 mm (0.008 in) or less SEL022Z Revision: 2007 October STR-34 T31 SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) < SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) A SERVICE DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS (SDS) Starter Motor INFOID:0000000002922392 Applied model Type MR20DE QR25DE (M/T) QR25DE (CVT) S114-902A M000T22271 M000TA0271 HITACHI make C MITSUBISHI make Reduction gear type System voltage No-load [V] 12 Terminal voltage [V] 11 Current [A] Revolution [rpm] Less than 110 More than 3,000 D E Less than 90 More than 2,000 More than 2,400 Minimum diameter of commutator [mm (in)] 28.0 (1.102) 28.8 (1.134) Minimum length of brush [mm (in)] 10.5 (0.413) 5.5 (0.217) 16.2 (1.65, 3.64) 15.0 - 20.4 (1.53 - 2.08, 3.4 - 4.6) Less than 0.2 (0.008) Brush spring tension [N (kg, lb)] STR F G Clearance between bearing metal and armature shaft [mm (in)] Less than 0.2 (0.008) Clearance “L” between pinion front edge and pinion stopper [mm (in)] 0.3 - 2.5 (0.012 0.098) — 0.5 - 2.0 (0.020 0.079) Movement “L” in height of pinion assembly [mm (in)] — 0.5 - 2.0 (0.020 0.079) — H I J K L M N O P Revision: 2007 October STR-35 T31