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ĐỀ CƯƠNG MƠN TIẾNG ANH – HỌC KÌ I Lý thuyết ngữ pháp tiếng Anh Unit - lớp UNIT 1: MY NEW SCHOOL The present simple tense ( Thì đơn ) a Form * Tobe: is, am, are (+) S + is/ am/ are + O/ N (-) S + isn't/ am not/ aren't + O/ N (?) Is/ Are + S + O/ N ? Yes, S + is/ am/ are No, S + isn't/ aren't/ am not Ex She (be) is twelve years old Ex I (not be) am not in Dong Truc Ex Is she (be) twelve years old? Yes, she (be) is * Normal verb (động từ thường): (+) S + V(s, es) + O Ex.He ( live) lives in Can Kiem They (live) live in Can Kiem (-) S + don't/ doesn't + V + O Ex.He ( not live) doesn't live in Binh Phu They (not live) don't live in Can Kiem (?) Do/ Does + S + V + O? Yes, S + do/ does No, S + don't/ doesn't Ex Does He (live) live in Binh Phu? Do They (live) live in Can Kiem? Usage (cách dùng): Thì đơn dùng để diễn đạt hành động mang tính thường xun, thói quen hành động lặp lặp lại có tính quy luật b Dấu hiệu nhận biết đơn: - Trạng từ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never - Các trạng từ thời gian: every + time (every day), today, nowadays, Sundays Trạng từ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency) - Chúng ta sử dụng trạng từ tần suất thấy việc xảy thường xun - Chúng ta thường sử dụng trạng từ tần suất với đơn - Trong câu, trạng từ tần suất đứng trước động từ đứng sau động từ tobe Eg: + Tom usually takes the bus to school + They don't often go to the cinema + I am always happy - Các trạng từ tần suất thông dụng: + always: luôn + usually: thường xuyên + often: thông thường + sometimes: + rarely: + never: không UNIT 2: MY HOME There is / there are (có) a There is (+) There is + a/ an + n (danh từ số ít/ danh từ khơng đếm được) + (in/ on/ at + place) Ex There is a book on the table There is some milk in the bottle (-) There isn't + a/ an + n (danh từ số ít/danh từ khơng đếm được) + (in/ on/ at + place) Ex There isn't a knife on the table There isn't some coffee in the cup (?) Is + there + a/an + n (danh từ số ít/danh từ khơng đếm được) + (in/ on/ at + place)? danh từ không đếm Yes, there is/ No, there isn't Ex Is there a knife on the table? Yes, there is Is there some coffee in the cup? No, there isn't Prepositions of place (các giới từ nơi chốn) a In front of: phía trước Ex: I am standing in front of your apartment Please open the door b Behind: Đằng sau Ex: He told something bad about me behind my back c Between: Ex: my house is between his house and a long way d Across from/ opposite: Đối diện với… Ex: I live across from opposite a book store e Next to/ beside: kế bên Ex: The bookshop is next to my house f Near/ close to: Gần (nó có ý nghĩa giống với next to/ beside hai vật thể có khoảng cách định) Ex: The check-in desk is near the front door g On: Ở Ex: Your English book is on the table h In: Ở Ex: They have discussed in the meeting room for hours i At: Ở… - At dùng để địa điểm xác, cụ thể Ex: I am waiting a bus at the bus stop What’s up? l Above/ over: trên, cao Ex: Her apartment is above mine m Under/ below: Ở dưới, thấp Ex: Under my car is a little cat It’s so lovely n From: từ nơi Ex: Where you come from? Possessive case (Sở hữu cách) - Chúng ta sử dụng ‘s (sở hữu cách) sau tên riêng danh từ số để sở hữu Eg: This is Elena’s room Đây phòng Elena.) This is my mum’s book (Đây sách mẹ tôi.) UNIT 3: MY FRIENDS Describe appearance with "be" (miêu tả hình dáng với "be") Ex He is tall and handsome (+) I + am + adj You/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + are She/ He/ It/ Lan + is Ex They aren't fat (-) I + am not You/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + aren't + adj She/ He/ It/ Lan + isn't Ex Is she beautiful? (?) Am I + adj? - Yes, you are/ No, you aren't Are you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + adj - Yes, you/ we/ they are/ No, you/ we/ they aren't Is She/ He/ It/ Lan + adj - Yes, she/ he/ it is/ No, she/ he/ it isn't Describe appearance with "have"(miêu tả hình dáng với "have") Ex She has an oval face (+) I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + have (a/ an) + adj + noun He/ She/ It/ Lan + has (a/ an) + adj + noun Ex He doesn't have beard ( Ơng khơng có dâu quai nón) (-) I/ you/ we/ they/ Lan and Na + haven't (a/an) + adj + noun He/ She/ It/ Lan + hasn't (a/ an) + adj + noun Ex Does she have small nose? Do + I/ you/ we/ they + have (a/ an) + adj + noun? - Yes, I/ you/ we/ they - No, I/ you/ we/ they don't Does + she/ he/ it + have + (a /an) + adj + noun? - Yes, he/ she/ it does - No, he/ she/ it doesn't The present continuous tense (Thì tiếp diễn) a Form (+) S + tobe(am/ is/ are) + V-ing (- ) S + tobe + not (‘m not/ isn’t/ aren’t) + V-ing (?) Tobe + S + V-ing…? Yes, S + tobe(am/ is/ are) No, S + tobe + not (‘m not/ isn’t/ aren’t) b Usage (cách dùng): Thì tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy thời điểm nói c Dấu hiệu nhận biết tiếp diễn:  Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present, right now  Verbs: Look! Watch!/ Listen!/ Be (careful/ quiet)!  Answer questions with “Where” - Ngoài cách dùng HTTD cịn dùng để nói kế hoạch dự định tương lai Ex: Tomorrow evening, my best friend is having a party in her house They aren't coming here next weekend * Chú ý: Chúng ta dùng cấu trúc "be going to + V" (sẽ làm gì) để nói dự định tương lai gần Ex He is going to work in England next month I and my mother are going to Da Lat for vacation UNIT 4: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD I Comparative (So sánh hơn) short adj and long adjective: * Tính từ ngắn (short adjective): tính từ có âm tiết Ex good, small, hot, thin,… * Tính từ dài (long adjective): tính từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên Ex expensive, skillful, beautiful,… a Comparative with short adjective: S1 + be (is/ am/ are) + short adj-er + than + S2 Ex I'm taller than my brother b Comparative with long adjective: S1 + be (is/ am / are) + more + long adj + than + S2 Ex This dress is more expensive than my dress * Note: - Tính từ có hai âm tiết kết thúc "y" ta đổi "y" thành "i" thêm "er" Ex happy - happier easy - easier - Tính từ kết thúc "e" thêm "r" Ex large - larger - Nếu tính từ ngắn có nguyên âm đứng hai phụ âm gấp đơi phụ âm cuối thêm "er" Ex hot - hotter thin - thinner - Một vài trường hợp tính từ bất quy tắc: Adjective comparative meaning Good better tốt, hay, giỏi Bad worse xấu, tồi tệ Little less many/ much more nhiều Far father/ further xa II GIVING DIRECTIONS (Hỏi trả lời đường) Asking the way: Khi hỏi đường, dùng cấu trúc câu hỏi sau: - How I get to + ………………… ? - Can/ Could you tell/ show me the way to + ……………… ? - Do you know where the + ………………… + is? Giving the way ( đường): Khi đường dùng câu cụm từ sau: - turn left/ right: rẽ trái/ phải - go straight: thẳng - go south/ east/ north/ west: phía nam/ đơng/ bắc/ tây - go along: dọc theo - go one block: qua tòa nhà - go pass: qua - cross: băng qua - It's around…: Nó xung quanh… - Take the first/ second street on the left/ right: rẽ trái/ phải đường thứ nhất/ hai - It's next to….: Nó bên cạnh… - It's at the end of …… : Nó cuối… - It's opposite…… : Nó đối diện… - It's on your left/ right: Nó bên tay trái/ phải bạn - Turn right a t the crossroad: Rẽ phải ngã tư UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WOLRD Quy luật chung: - Danh từ xem Countable Nouns danh từ miêu tả vật, tượng mà muốn đếm số lượng chúng ta dùng vật để đo lường tồn số lượng chúng Ví dụ: Ngơi nhà (House), ta nói một, hai, ba, mười ngơi nhà Những danh từ gọi danh từ đếm đươc, hay gọi Countable Nouns - Ngược lại danh từ miêu tả vật mà thân chúng khơng tự nói lên số lượng mà phải thông qua từ loại khác để cân đo, đong đếm chúng gọi danh từ không đếm (Uncountable Noun) Ví dụ: ta khơng nói sữa (one milk), hai sữa (two milk) để đếm số lượng ta phải dùng từ định lượng khác (quantifier) để đếm a litre of milk, two litres of milks, two glasses of milk Cách sử dụng Countable Uncountable với từ loại khác Với tính từ: Tính từ với loại danh từ For example, Bạn nói: "The cat was gray" "The air was gray." Some/Any: Some any dùng với countable uncountable nouns (Some dùng câu khẳng định any dùng câu phủ định nghi vấn "There is some water on the floor." "There are some students here." "Do you have any food?" "Do you have any apples?" - Trong mẫu câu Would you like …? Do you want ? ta phải dùng some Eg: Would you like some juice? – Do you want some juice? Much/Many: Much dùng với uncountable nouns Many dùng với countable nouns không làm ngược lại "We don't have much time to get this done." (Bạn có nói hai thời gian, ba thời gian không?) "Many Americans travel to Europe." Little/Few: Little dùng với uncountable nouns "He had little food in the house." "The doctor had little time to think in the emergency room." Few dùng với countable nouns "There are few doctors in town." "Few students like exams." II Modal verb: must - Đồng từ khuyết thiếu must (phải) dùng để đưa mệnh lệnh, cấm đoán Ex You must finish your homework before going to bed He must arrive here on time - Khi phủ định, cần thêm " not" sau động từ "must" Có thể viết tắt mustn't Ex You mustn't play with fire He mustn't tobe late Chú ý: - Ngồi động từ must động từ khuyết thiếu thường gặp: can (có thể), should (nên), may - might (có lẽ), - Động từ khuyết thiếu không cần chia thứ ba số ít: I must; She must; He must; - Không có hình thức ngun thể hay q khứ phân từ giống động từ khác - Động từ đứng sau khơng chia, dạng ngun thể ( có khơng có "to") Ex They must follow the rules - Không cần trợ động từ câu hỏi, câu phủ định Vì thân từ " must" trợ động từ Ex What must I now? UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLIDAY Cách dùng “should/ shouldn’t” (nên/ không nên) a) Cách thành lập Câu khẳng định: Chủ ngữ (S) + should + động từ (v) Ex: You should see a doctor Bạn nên khám bác sĩ Câu phủ định: Chủ ngữ (S) + shouldn’t + động từ (v) Ex: You shouldn’t eat too many candies Bạn không nên ăn nhiều kẹo Câu nghi vấn: Should + chủ ngữ (S) + động từ (v) ? Ex: Should he go to the dentist? Cậu có nến khám nha sĩ không? b) Cách dùng - Should/ shouldn’t dùng để khuyên nên hay khơng nên làm - Dùng câu hỏi để diễn tả nghi ngờ, thiếu chắn - Dùng với đại từ nghi vấn what I where I who để diễn tả ngạc nhiên, thường dùng với “but” ENGLISH (GLOBAL SUCCESS) Đề số II Choose the correct answer Boys often play soccer after school, but girls ……………… A aren’t B aren’t playing C don’t D don’t play The bookstore is ……………… of the bakery A the left B next C near D in front Find one odd word A better B smaller C worker D hotter On the street, there ……………… a bookstore, a supermarket and a toystore A am B is C are D be I live in a ……………… neighborhood There are a lot of stores near my house A quite B quiet C calm D noisy Mai’s apartment is ……………… than Nam’s A modern B moderner C more modern D most modern Shh ! The baby ……………… A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping D slept It’s dinner time I‘d better ……………… A go B to go C going D am going We are talking to firefighters and checking ……………… different fire trucks A over B in C into D out 10 Which underlined part is pronounced differently ? A coffee B see C agree D free 11 It can be very dark inside a _ A coat B cave C beach D coast 12 It is extremely hot in a _ A bay B island C lake D desert 13 Co To is a(n) _ in Quang Ninh Province A forest B rainforest C island D freshwater lake 14 Fansipan is the highest _ in Vietnam A mountain range B natural wonder C mountain D nature 15 Can anyone swim across this _ within 30 minutes? A valley B river C waterfall D cuisine 16 Can you name some famous tourist _ in Vietnam? A attractions B nature C cuisine D travel items 17 We _ get up early to be at the campsite in time A can B must C can't D mustn't 18 You _ travel alone to the mountain Always go in a group A must B mustn't C D don't 19 You _ take a lot of warm clothes when you go to Sa Pa in winter A must B mustn't C can D can't 20 Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question A suburb B remote C station D temple IV Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False My grandma is my best friend She is 68 years old She lives with our family She was a maths teacher at a secondary school She likes getting up early and watering the flowers in our garden She usually helps me with my homework In the evening, she tells me interesting stories She also listens to me when I’m sad I love her a lot The author’s best friend isn’t young She helps the author the housework She teaches maths at a secondary school VI Do as directed Make the questions with the words underlined My parents are taking me to London this Saturday They often play soccer after school Write the sentences with the cues given Hue / be / busy / than / Da Nang  ……………………………………………………………… I / / gardening / now  ……………………………………………………………… How many / bench / there / in your classroom?  ……………………………………………………………… Supply the correct Tense or Form of the Verbs in parentheses She ……………… in the hospital (NOT WORK) They ……………… to a new apartment next month? (MOVE) The children are here They ……………… some models (MAKE) It’s time ……………… home (GO) _ Đề số II Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences “……………do you visit your hometown?” – “Once every two or three months” A How long B How far C How often D How much The new instructor at the gym is excellent He is very …………………with us A confident B patient C positive D careful My sister ……………speak languages fluently A can B should C must D would Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question A boots B scissors C caves D mountains ……………….the first turning on the left The bank is on your right A Give B Take C Have D Do My laptop is ………………………… than his A modern B morderner C more modern D most modern We often ……………………… the furniture before Tet A hang B watch C plant D clean You’ve got a toothache You shouldn’t ………………… A go out with friends B play cards all night C eat a lot of sweets D behave well My mother is …………………………………………than my father A shorter B shorter than C the shortest D the short 10 Before Tet, people often give ………………………to show their love and respect A fireworks B plants C food D presents 11 The Times Square Ball begins its fall _ millions of voices countdown the final seconds of the year A during B because C when D throughout 12 “ _ Vietnamese people prepare for Tet?” _ “They decorate their houses and cook special food.” A How B What C Where D How often 13 “In which country people throw water at one another?” “ _” A Scotland B Thailand C The USA D Denmark 14 I wish you had a _ life and _ health A long – best B big – good C long – good D happy – bad 15 I will _my lucky money in my piggy bank A keep B spend C borrow D give 16 Vietnamese people usually return to their families _ Tet A in B on C for D during 17 When the clock strikes midnight, colorful fireworks light _ the sky A in B up C on D over 18 You shouldn’t _ things on the first day of Tet A make B hang C break D cook 19 At Tet, many people present rice to wish _ enough food throughout the year A for B in C at D with 20 Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question A comfortable B employment C important D surprising III Read the following passage and answer the questions Hi I’m Mary I have lots of friends and we learn many subjects at school In the morning, I have lessons from seven thirty to eleven At break time, I often play badminton with my friends or chat In the afternoon, I often read books in the library After dinner, I watch TV and my homework I usually go to bed at 10 I always get up early in the morning so I never go to school late What time Mary’s lessons finish? ->………………………………………………………… What does she often in the afternoon? -> ……………………………………………………… Does she usually go to bed at 10.30? ->……………………………… ………………………… Why does she never go to school late? -> ………………………………………………………… What time Mary’s lessons start? ->……………………………………………………………… IV Read the passage below and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE? My name is Alice I’m going to visit the Great Wall of China this summer It is known across the world for its uniqueness, great length, and historical value It is also considered to be one of the seven wonders of the world The Great Wall of China consists of a series of walls built by Chinese in many years In 1987, UNESCO listed the site as a UNESCO World Heritage site Every year, a lot of tourists visit the Great Wall of China I can’t wait to see the wall I’ll take a lot of pictures and buy some souvenirs for my friends and relatives Alice is visiting the Great Wall of China next year _ The Great Wall of China is one of the Seven wonders of the world _ It’s UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 _ Every year, a few tourists visit the Great Wall of China _ Alice will buy some postcards for her friends _ V Do as directed Rewrite these sentences so that it has the same meaning as the root ones My mother is younger than my father -> My father … Your hair / long / my hair (Using comparative) ……………………………………………………………… Minh’s house is near the supermarket (Make question for the underlined part) ……………………………………………………………… He …………… (not, like) playing chess (Supply the correct form of verb) -> ……….……………………………… Lans pencils are expensive (Find and correct the mistake) -> ………………………………………………………… Đề số II Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) Don’t buy _ bread at the shop There’s a lot of in the kitchen A any B some C a D many He _ the cinema often A don’t goes B doesn’t goes C doesn’t go D don’t go Are there many tall trees in the park? “ _ ” A Yes, there is B Yes, there are C Yes, it is D Yes, they are How often you surf on the Internet? “ _” A Yes, a lot B Every day C Yes, I D In my free time How _ your father _to work? A – travel B is - travel C are – travel D does – travel We enjoy our summer camping _ foreign friends A with B of C in D at What _ Ba often on Sundays? He plays soccer A is B does C D would Minh often goes _ in the mountains on the weekend A walking B walks C walk D to walk My father is _ man A a old B an old C not young D not very young 10 The film is very _ and we can’t see all of it A wonderful B easy C exciting D boring 11 The summer camp is for students _ between 10 and 15 A age B aged C aging D ages 12 Mary has hair and big _eyes A blonde, small B a black, blue C blonde, blue D black, long 13 Next summer I am working as a _ teacher in a village near Hoa Binh city A volunteer B nice C good D favourite 14 She is always at school and helps other students with their homework A hard B hardly C hard-working D work hard 15 Our class is going to _ a pinic at the zoo on Saturday Would you like to come with us? A have B take C pass D go 16 It’s to go home It’s so late A now B sure C time D like 17 Nam _ football now He’s tired A doesn’t play B plays C is playing D isn’t playing 18 We are excited the first day of school A at B with C about D in 19 My parents often help me my homework A at B with C about D in 20 In the afternoon, students many interesting clubs A join B C play D read IV READING Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) I live in a wonderful neighbourhood It is quiet but very convenient There is a grocery store; I go there when I want to buy something quick to prepare Also, there are other shops such as a bakery, two restaurants, and a bookstore I am very satisfied of having a bookstore in my neighbourhood because I love reading books Near my house, there is a small park It’s a place where people meet and socialise My father and I go jogging around the park every morning My neighbourhood is great but there are no schools nearby The hospital is also far away, but in general it is a nice place to live The neighbourhood is very noisy _ There are no restaurants in the neighbourhood _ The school is far away from the neighbourhood _ The writer doesn’t want a bookstore in his neighbourhood _ You can buy food in the grocery store _ There is a large park in the neighbourhood _ Choose the correct word A, B, or C for each of the gaps to complete the following text My school is in Ha Noi City I don’t live far from the school, so I usually ride my (1) _ or sometimes (2) _ to school It is a big school with more than 2,000 students There is a (3) _ for all of students to enjoy outdoor activities My friends and I usually play soccer, basketball, or badminton (4) _ We like going to school and enjoy learning with our great (5) _ They really love us and (6) _ us good things every day I really love my school and teachers! A car B bike C bus D motorbike A go B come C get D walk A yard B garden C playground D library A there B here C over there D over here A headmaster B teachers C teacher D headmaster A give C get C show D teach V Do as directed you / Sunday / What time / usually / / on / get up /? ( Rearrange the sentences to make meaningful sentences)  ………………………………………………………………………… Peter (not/study) very hard He never gets high scores (Supply the correct form of verb) Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) a shower (Supply the correct form of verb) The dog is in front of the microwave (Rewrite sentence) → The microwave ………………………………………………… It’s good for you to take exercise every day (Using should to rewrite sentence) …………………………………………………………………………………… Học sinh luyện viết thực hành nói chủ đề sau (Practice writing and speaking with the following topics) 1.Writing a pagragraph about your school 2.Writing a paragraph to describe your house 3.Writing a paragraph about your best friend 4.Writing a pagragraph to describe your neighborhood 5.Writing a pagragraph about natural wonder 6.Writing an email about what people should/shouldn’t at Tet 10

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2023, 11:08

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