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PART II KINDS OF SPORTS WITH A BALL PHẦN CÁC MƠN THỂ THAO DÙNG BĨNG Unit TENNIS I PRE - READING TASK Discuss the following questions in groups: Do you think tennis is suitable for all ages? Why? Why not? Is tennis an indoor or an outdoor sport? Can you name some famous tennis players in the world you know? II RF.ADI.NG TEXT Tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or betvveen two teams of two players (doubles) Each player uses a racket that is strung to strike a hollovv rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent's court Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels o f society at all ages Tennis is enjoyed by millions o f recreational players and is also a hugely popular worldwide spectator sport, especially the íịurGrand Slam toumaments (Also referred to as the "Majors"): The Ausữalian Open played on hard courts, the French Open played on red clay courts, Wimbledon played on grass courts, and the us Open played also on hard courts The game isplayedwith a racquet, including a handle, known as the grip, connects to a neck which joins a roughly elliptical frame that holds a matrix of tightly pulled synthetic strings Racquets vary from size and shape, depending on the net There are three sizes in common: Standard, medium-sized and big For the first 100 years of the modem game, racquets were o f wood and o f Standard size, and strings were o f animal gut Then composites of carbon graphite, ceramics, and lighter metals such as titanium were introduced These stronger materials enable the production of oversized rackets to resist more power Part II: Kinds o f Sporís With A Ball 131 Tennis balls are of hollovv rubber covered with felt coating They also have numbers in order to be recognized easily Traditionally white, the predominant color was gradually changed to yellow green in the later part o f the 20'h century to allow visibility Tennis balls are from 6.35 cm to 6.6 cm in diameter and from 56 to 59.4 grams in vveight Tennis is played on a rectangular and flat surface, usually grass, clay, or hard court and occasionally carpet (indoor) The court is 78ft (23.77m) long, and 27ft (8.23m) wide for singles matches and 36ft (10.97m) for doubles matches Additional clear space around the court is required in order for players to reach overrun balls A net is stretched across the full width o f the court, parallels with the baselines, divides it into two equal ends The net is ft 6in (1.07m) high at the post and 3ft (91.4cm) high in the center Play of a single point The players (or teams) start on opposite sides of tìie net One player is designated the server, and the opposing player is the receiver The choice to be server or receiver in the first game and the choice o f ends is decided by a toss before the warm-up starts Service altemates game by game between the two players (or teams) For each point, the server starts behind the baseline, between the center mark and the sideline The receiver may start anyvvhere on their side o f the net When the receiver is ready, the server will serve, although the receiver must play to the pace o f the server In a legal Service, the ball travels over the net (Without touching it) and into the diagonally opposite Service box If the ball hits the net but lands in the Service box, this is a let or net Service, which is void, and the server retakes that serve The player can serve any number o f let services in a point and they are always treated as voids and not as faults A fault is a serve that falls long or wide of the Service box, or does not clear the net There is also a "foot fault", which occurs when a player's foot touches the baseline or an extension o f the center mark before the ball is hit If the second Service is also a fault, the server double faults, and the receiver w ins the point However, if the serve is in, it is considered a legal Service 132 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Thể thao A legal Service starts a rally, in which the players altemate hitting the ball across the net A legal retum consists of the player or team hitting the ball beíore it has bounced twice or hit any fixtures except the net, provided that it still falls in the server's court A player or team cannot hit the ball twice in a row The ball must travel past the net into the other players’ court A ball that hits the net during a rally is still considered a legal retum The fưst player or team to fail to make a legal retum loses the point The server then moves to the other side o f the Service line at the start o f a new point A tennis match is determined through the best o f three or five sets For men, the first player who wins three sets wins the match, and for women, the first player who wins two sets wins the match A set consists o f games, and games, in tum, consist ofpoints A game is won by the first player who outscores at least four points in total and at least two points more than the opponent’s The modem game of tennis originated in late 19th century in England, most historians believe that the games ancient origin is from 12th century France, but the ball was then struck with the palm o f the hand It was not until the 16th century that rackets came into use, and the game began to be called "tennis" The International Tennis Federation (ITF) is the goveming body of world tennis, made up of 205 national tennis associations, found on 1” March 1913 ffl NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS - racquet ['raekit] (n): vợt - court [ko:t] (n): sân bóng - strike [straik] (v): đánh - rubber ['rAbs] (n): cao su - cover ['kAV3] (v): bao phủ, bao bọc - recreational ['rekri'eiín] (adj): giải trí, tiêu khiển - hugely ['hju:d3li] (adv): hết sức, đỗi - toumament ['toinamant] (n): vòng thi đấu - grip [grip] (n): tay nẳm, tay cầm - roughly ['rAÍli] (adv): gồ ghề - elliptical [i'liptik3l] (adj): hình elip - synthetic [sin'0etik] (adj): tồng hợp, nhân tạo - sừing [striĩ|] (n): dây bện - gut [gAt] (n): ruột, ruột lòng (thực vật) Part II: Kinds o f Sports With A Ball 133 - composite ['kompazit] (n): hỗn hợp - graphite ['graefait] (n): than chì - ceramics [si'raemiks] (n): gốm - metal ['metl] (n): kim loại - titanium [tai'teinÍ3m] (n): titan - coating ['koutir)] (n): lớp phù ngồi - predominant [pri'domin 3nt] (adj): chiếm ưu thế, ứội - diameter [dai'2emit3 ] (n): đưòmg kinh - surface [’s3 :fis] (n): bề mặt - matrix ['meitriks] (n): khung vợt - hollow ['holou] (adj): rỗng - baseline ['beislain] (n): đuòmg biên - spectator [spek'teito] (n): khán giả - visibility [viz 3lbil 3ti] (n): nhìn thấy được, rõ ràng - opponent [3'pounant] (n): đối thủ - palm [pa:m] (n): lòng bàn tay - stretch [stretl] (v): kéo căng - diagonally [daĩaeganally] (adv): theo đường chéo - legal [’li:g3l] (adj): hợp lệ, luật - altemate ['o:lta:nat] (v): thay phiên, - bounce ['bauns] (v): nảy lên - íixture [Tikstís] (n): vật cố định - rally ['raeli] (n): loạt đánh ứả qua lại - historian [his'to:rÍ 3n] (n): nhà sừ học IV READING COMPREHENSIONS Ansvver the following qucstions a Is tennis an individual sport or a team sport? b What are four Majors toumaments? And what are the differences among them? c What is a tennis ball made of? And why is it changed into optic yellovv? 134 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Thê thao d Were racquets used to play tennis in the 12lh century? e Can you describe the dimension o f a tennis court? f How many sets are there in a tennis match? g Who determines ửie server and the receiver in a tennis match? h What is a legal Service? i What happens if the ball hits the net during the rally? j When was the International Tennis Federation (ITF) íounded? Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) a Tennis is an Olympic sport and is played at all levels o f society at teenagers b People use their palm to throw the ball over the net c There are three sizes in common: Standard, small-sized and big d Tennis balls are of hollow rubber covered with felt coating e Tennis courts have the same size for both single matches and double matches f A net is stretched along the full vvidth of the court, parallels with the baselines, divides it into two equal ends g Service altemates game by game between the two teams h The player can’t hit any number of let services in a point i A player or team can hit the ball twice in a row j The ball must go past the net into the other players’ court V VOCABULARY Fill ỉn each blank with a w ord/phrase provided in the box treated points millions vary clear parallels determined legal rally rubber Tennis is enjoyed by of recreational players Racquets from size and shape, depending on the net covered vvith felt coating Tennis balls are o f hollow A net is stretched across the full vvidth o f the court, baselines, divides it into two equal ends with the Part II: Kinds ofSports With A Bcill 135 The player can serve any number of let services in a point and they are always as voids and not as íaults A fault is a serve that falls long or wide of the Service box, or does not the net A legal Service starts a , in vvhich the players altemate hitting the ball across the net A ball that hits the net during a rally is still considered a retum A tennis match i s through the best of three or five sets 10 A game is won by the fírst player vvho wins at least f o u r in total and at least two points more than the opponent’s Match a word/phrase in A to a phrase in B to make a mcaningíul sentence A Tennis balls a is a sport played between two players or two teams The players b is played with a racquet The u s Open c played on hard courts The French open d played on red clay courts A tennis match e played on grass courts The Australian Open f played also on hard courts Tennis g are of hollow rubber covered with felt coating W imbkdon h is stretched across the fuH width o f the court The game 10 A net VI B i start on opposite sides o f the net j is determined through the best o f three or five sets WORD STUDY: PREFIXES (OUT- /UNDER- / OVER- / DIS- / MIS- /RE/E N - /+ V — V) To form verbs, preíixes like out- /super- /under- / over- / can be added bịre the verbs Exampìe: A game is won by the first player who outscores at least four points in total and at least two points more than the opponent’s 136 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Thế thao O u t- (hơn) number —►outnumber (nhiều hơn, đông hon) live —* run —► grow —> weigh —*■ Over- (quá) Act —* overact (cường điệu, stay —* làm quá) take —* cook —* work —* U nder- (thấp, dưới, không đủ) sell cook —» undersell (bán rẻ hơn) —* estimate —► charge —> DỈS- (không) agree —* disagree (không đồng ý) like —► appear —» b eliev e —* allow —> Mis- (nhầm lẫn, lầm) understand —>misunderstand (hiểu lầm) behave —* Part II: Kinds o f Sports With A Ball 137 Re- (lại) marry —>remarry (tái hôn) write —» arrange —» —» take —* En- (làm cho ) íbrce —» enforce (bắt tuân theo) act —> close —> No te: “en-” can be added aíter some adjectives and nouns to form verbs Example: enrich, enlarge, endanger, encase, ensure, EXERCISE: CHOOSE THE BEST VERB TO COMPLETE EACH SENTENCE Example: It has been years since they remarried Marry and her younger broửier a r e the dining room to make space for her birthday party People o fte n Linda for her tvvin sister Don’t anyone when you can’t know exactly their ability Polices become impotent when dem onsừators them Farmers can h e lp the soil by adding fertilizers Mrs Danny’s jew elry last night and no one knows who stole it To avoid having a stomachache, you shouldn’t eat food w h ic h Tom wants to buy a nevv mobile on his birthday Uníortunately, his parents w ith h im Roger is punished because he with the reíeree in the last tennis match 10 Smoking i s in the oíĩice Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Thế thao 138 VII GRAMMAR FOCUS: PASSIVE VOICE (THE PRESENT SIMPLE AND THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS) The Present Simple Examples: Tennis is eiýoyed by millions o f recreational players A tennis match is determined through the best of three or five sets Tennis balls are o f hollow rubber and are covered with felt coating • Positive: Form:Active voice —> Passive voice Active Passive Subject Verb (-s/es) Object Subject am/is/are + V by + Object (object of A) (-ed/v3) (subject o f A) Example: Acti ve: He opens the window s V Obj Passive: The window Ịs opened by him s be V-ed Obj (agent) Usage: Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action It is not important or not known; however, who or what períorms the action Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice Example: Some mistakes are made In this case, the focus is on the fact that some mistakes are made, but we not blame anyone Exercỉse: Complete these rules to form the passive voice The object o f the active sentence becomes the of the passive sentence The verb in the simple present is changed into + V past participle (Vpp) Glosaaries in Textbook 287 next play at his own 20-yard line; also awarded if his opponent kicks the ball across the end line Touchdovvn (TD) When a team crosses the opponent’s goal line with the ball, catches a pass in the opponent’s end zone, or recovers a loose ball in the opponent’s end zone; eams a team points Turnover The involuntary loss o f possession o f the ball during a play, either by a íìimble or by throwing an interception VVild Card A team that makes ửie NFL playoữs by having one o f the best records among non-division vvinners in its conference VVinning percentage The percentage o f its games a team has won during a period o f time, given by the following formula BASKETBALL GLOSSARY TERMS DEFINITION Alive A ball is alive when it is released by a shooter or thrower, or legally tapped by a jumper during a jum p baU; the game clock starts only when the ball becomes alive; compare wiửi live Backboard The rectangular structure, 6' X 1/2', to which the basket is attached Backcourt The area from the midcourt line to the end line íurthest from the offense's basket Ball handler The player wiứi the ball; usually the poúit guard at the start of a play Bank shot A shot where the ball is íirst bounced (or banked) OÍT the backboard at such an angle ứiat it then drops into the basket Basket Attached to ửie backboard, it consists o f a metal rữn 18" in diameter suspended 10' from the íloor, from which a 15-18" corded net hangs, and through which points are scored; also used to refer to a successful field goal 288 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Trong Thể thao Beat the defender When an offensive player, with or vvithout the ball, is able to get past an opponent who is guarding him Blind pass A pass from a ball handler who does not see his receiver, but is estimating where he should be Blocked shot The successíìil dlection of a shot by touching part )f the ball on its way to the basket, thereby preventing a field goal Blocking The use o f a defender's body position to illegally prevent an opponent's advance; the opposite of charging Boosters Alumni supporters o f college teams Center circle The circular area at midcourt from vvhich jump bails are taken Charging An offensive foul which occurs when an oíĩensive playir runs into a defender who has established position Commissioner The president of the NBA Court The 94' X 50' area bounded by sidelines and end linís containing a basket at each end, on which a basketball gane is played C ourt V ision A player's ability to see everything on the court during play such as where his teammates and deíenders are set up - which enables him to make better choices in passứig; the best point guards possess this Crossover dribble When a ball handler dribbles the ball across his body íirom one hand to the other Cylinder The imaginary area dừectly above the basket vvhere goaltending or basket interíerence can occur Dead ball Any ball that is not live; Occurs after each successful field goal or free-throw attempt, after any official's whistle or if the ball leaves the court; it stops play which is then resumỉd by a jump ball, lhrow-in or free-throw Deĩense The act o f preventing tìie offense from scoring; The team vvithout ửie ball Glosaaries in Textbook Deíepsive rebound Double team Dow ncourt o r Down the court Draft 289 A rebound o f an opponent's missed shot When two teammates single opponent join efforts in guarding a The direction a team on offense moves, from its backcourt into its írontcourt and towards its own basket The meứiod by which NBA teams annually select college or foreign players to their teams, designed to promote balanced competition in the NBA When a player repeatedly pushes, pats, taps or bats the ball Dribble or Dribbling tovvard the floor with one hand to cause the ball to bounce back up to either of his hands; used to advance the ball or keep control o f it Dríbble series A number o f consecutive dribbles which end when a player allows the ball to rest in One or both hands; a player is only permitted one dribble series before he must pass or shoot Drive to the basket To move rapidly tovvard the basket with the ball Dunk the ball down into it; an athletic, Creative shot used to When a player close to the basket jumps and strongly throws intimidate opponents Elbowing It is a violation if a player vigorously or excessively swings his elbows, even if there is no contact; it is a foul if contact is made, and an automatic ẹjection if that contact is above shoulder level E nd line The boundary line behind each basket; also called the baseline Established position íloor before an offensive player's head and shoulder get past him; the offensive player who runs into such a defender is When a defensive player has both feet firmly planted on the charging Fake o r feint A deceptive move to throvv a deíender off balance and allovv an offensive player to shoot or receive a pass; players use Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Trong Thể thao 290 their eyes, head or any other part o f the body to trick an opponent Field goal When the ball enters the basket from above during play; worth points, or points if the shooter was standing behind the 3-point line Flagrant foul Unnecessary or excessive contact against an opponent Floor The area of the court within the end lines and sidelines A player's action that violates the rules but does not prevent Floor violation r iịtr ■ Forwards an opponent's movement or cause him harm; penalized by a change in possession The players on the court for a team who are usually smaller than the center and bigger than the guards; often a team's highest scorers Actions by players which break the rules but are not floor Foul Foul lane Foul lỉne violations; penalized by a change in possession or free-throw opportunities; see personal foul or technical foul The painted area 19' X 16' (12' in college) bordered by the end line and the foul line, outside which players must stand during a free-throw; also the area an offensive player cannot spend more than 3-seconds at a time in The line 15' irom the backboard and parallel to the end line from which players shoot free-throws 4-point play A 3-point shot followed by a successíul free - throvv Franchise A professional team Franchise player A star player around which a íranchise is built Free-throw An unguarded shot taken from the foul line by a player vvhose opponent committed a personal or technical foul; it is worth point Free-throw line extended An imaginary line drawn from the free-throw line to the sideline to determine tìie location for certain throw-ins Glosaaries in Textbook Frontcourt 291 The area between the midcourt line and the end line closest to the offense's basket Full-court prcss When defenders start guarding the offense in the backcourt Guards tíiey usually handle setting up plays and The players on each team who are the smallest on the court; passing to teammates closer to the basket The act o f following an opponent around the court to prevent Guarding HaIf-court or set offense him from getting close to the basket, taking an open shot or making easy an pass, vvhile avoiding illegal contact When a team takes the time to develop a play in its frontcourt, such as the give-and-go or a screening play; opposite o f fast break High percentage shot A shot that is likely to go in the basket, such as a layup High post An imaginary area outside either side o f the foul lane at the free-throw line extended In the paint Inbounds Being in the foul lane area which is painted a different color The area vvithin the end lines and sidelines o f the court; also the act o f bringing the ball into this area by means o f a throvvin Incidental contact Minor contact usually overlooked by officials Inside shooting Shots taken by a player near or under tìie basket Jump ball opposing players jum p for a ball an official tosses above and between them, to tap it to their teammates and gain possession; used to start the game (tip-off) and all overtime periods, and sometimes to restart play Kecpaway game A tactic used by ứie team that is leading near the end o f thc game to keep the ball from its opponents to prevent them from scoring while using up time off the game clock; also called freezing 292 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Trong Thể thao Key or keyhole The area at each end of the court consistúig of the foul circle, foul lane and fìee-throw line; named for the shape it had years ago Layup or layin A shot taken after driving to the basket by leaping up under the basket and using one hand to drop the ball directly into the basket (layin) or to bank the ball off the backboard into it (layup) Leading the receiver When a passer throvvs the ball where he thinks a receiver is headed Live ba 11 As soon as a ball is given to a free-throw shooter or a throvver on a tìirow-in, it is live, but the game clock does not restart until the ball is alive Loose ball A ball that is alive but not ÚI the possession of either team Low post An imaginary area outside either side o f the foul lane close to the basket Lovver percentage shot A shot that is less likely to go in the basket, such as one thrown by a player who is off balance or outside his shooting range Man-to-man dcícnse The defensive style where each defensive responsible for guarding one opponent Match-ups Any pairing of players on opposing teams who guard each other MVP (Most Valuable Player) An award recognizing the NBA player who contributed most to the regular season or to the Finals NBA National Basketball Association NCAA National Collegiate Athletic Association NIT National Invitational Toumament Off the dribble A shot taken while driving to the basket Offense The team vvith possession o f the ball Offensive rebound A rebound o f a team's own missed shot player is Glosaaries in Texlbook 293 The crew chief, reíeree and umpire who control the game, Officials stop and start play, and impose penalties for violations and fouls 1-and-l o r plus-1 Open O ut of bounds In college, a free-throw attempt awarded for certain violations that eam s ứie shooter a 2nd attempt only if the first is successful When a player is unguarded by a defender The area outside of and including the end lines and sidelines O utside shooting Shots taken from the perimeter O vertim e o r OT The extra period(s) played after a regulation game ends tied Pass plays, move the ball dovvncourt, keep it away from When a passer throvvs the ball to a teammate; used to start defenders and get it to a shooter Passer The player who passes the ball to a teammate Period Any quarter, half or overtime segment The P erim cter area beyond the foul cứcle away from the basket, including 3-point line, from which players take long-range shots Contact betvveen players that may result in injury or provide Personal foul one team with an unfaừ advantage; players may not push, hold, trip, hack, elbow, restrain or charge into an opponent; these are also counted as team fouls Pickcd off Pick-up games Refers to a defender who has been successíully prevented from reaching the ball handler by an offensive screen Impromptu games played among players who ju st met A center; also the foot that must remain touching the íloor Pivot until a ball handler who has stopped dribbling is ready to pass or shoot P laym aker The point guard who generally sets up plays for his teammates 294 Point-shaving Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Trong Thể thao An illegal practice where players intentionally win a game, but by fewer points than the point spread Possession To be holding or in control o f the ball Possession arrovv Used to determine which team's turn it is to inbounds the ball to begin a period or in a jump ball situation Post position The position o f a player standing in the low post or high post Quadruple double A triple double with double-digits scored in categories Rebound When a player grabs a ball that is Corning off the rim or backboard after a shot attempt; see offensive rebound and defensive rebound Receiver The player who receives a pass ữom the ball handler Release The moment that the ball leaves a shooter's hands Roster The list of players on a team Run Occurs when one team scores several íield goals in quick succession vvhile its opponents score few or none Salary cap An annual dollar limit that a single team may pay all its players Scoring opportunỉty When a player gets open for a shot that is likely to score Screen or screener The offensive player who stands between a teammate and a deíender to gives his teammate the chance to take an open shot Shooter A player who takes a shot at the basket Shooter's roll The ability to get even an inaccurate shot to bounce lightly off the rim and into the basket Shooting range The distance from which a player is likely to make his shots Sidelines boundary lines ữiat run tíie length o f ứie court Sixth man The best substitute on a team; usually the first player to come off the bench to replace a starter Glosauries in Textbook 295 Squaring up When a player's shoulders are facing the basket as he releases the ball for a shot; considered good shooting position Starting lincup The starters who begin a game; usually a team's best players Substitute A player vvho comes into the game to replace a player on the court Swing man A player who forward positions Team fouls Each personal foul committed by a player is also counted against his team; vvhen a team goes over the limit, its opponent is awarded free-throw opportunities Technical fouls or Ts Procedural violations and misconduct that officials believe are detrimental to the game; penalized by a single free-throw opportunity to the non-offending team 3-on-3 A game played vvith only players on the court for each team 3-point play A 2-point field goal followed by a successíul free-throw 3-point shot A íield goal worth points because the shooter had both feet on the floor behind đie 3-polnt line when he released the ball; also counts if one foot is behind the line while the other is in the air Throw-in The method by vvhich a team with possession inbounds the ball Timeout When play is temporarily suspended by an official or at the request o f a team to respond to an injured player or discuss strategy; there are full timeouts T ip-off The initial jump ball that starts the game Transition The shift from offense to defense Triple double When a player scores double-digits in categories during one game (points, assists and rebounds are most common, but it can also be blocks or steals); a sign o f great versatility can play both the guard and 296 Giáo trình Tiếng Anh Trong Thế thao Turnover When the offense loses possession through its own fault by passing the ball out o f bounds or committing a floor violation Upset When a higher-seeded (better) team loses to a lovver-seeded (inferior) one Weakside The side o f the court away from the ball Zone deĩense A defense where each defender is responsible for an area of the court and must guard any player who enters that area; compare wiứi man-to-man defense TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 1] Đinh Văn Đức, Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt: Từ loại, Nhà xuất Hà Nội, 1986 2] Nguyễn Văn Hiệp Cơ sớ ngữ nghĩa - Phân tích cú pháp, Nhà xuất Giáo dục, 2008 3] Nguyễn Sĩ Hà, Thuật ngữ - Hộ thoại thao Anh - Việt, Nhà xuất bàn Thể dục Thể thao, 1999 4] Nguyễn Lân, Từ điển - Từ ngữ Việt Nam, Nhà xuất Tống hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2000 5] Lê Văn Sự, cấm nang Ngữ âm - Từ vựng - Cú pháp tiếng A nh, N hà xuất Văn hóa Thơng tin, 2006 6] Nguyễn Kim T hản, Cơ sớ ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt, Nhà xuất Khoa học - Xã hội, 2008 7] Viện ngôn ngữ học, Từ điển tiếng Việt, Nhà xuất Đà Năng, 2006 8] Asher, R E., (Ed In Ch.), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol 10, Pergamon Press, 1994 9] Bain, A., A First English Grammar, Biblio Bazar LLC, 2008 10] Baker, C.L., English Syntax, Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1995 11] Biber, D., Longman Grammar o f Spoken and Written English, London: Longman, 1999 12] Brinton, L J., The Structure o f Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction, Illustrated edition, John Berýamins Publishing Company, 2000 13] Burnard p., Counselling Skills for Health Professionals, Ashíord Colour Press, 2005 14] Bybee, J., Perkins, R., Pagliuca, w , The Evolution o f Grammar: Tense, Aspect, and Modality in the Languages o f the World, Chicago: University o f Chicago Press, 1994 15] Chalker, s., Current English Grammar, Macmillan Education London, England, 1992 16] Cobuild, c , English Grammar, Nhà xuất Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2001 [17] Crow ther, J., Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary o f Current English, Oxíord University Press, 1995 [18] Downing, A., Locke, p., A University Course in English Grammar, Phoenix ELT, 1995 [19] Frawley, w , Linguistic Semantics, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publisher, 1992 [20] Halliday, M.A.K., An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Second edition London: Edvvard Amold, 1994 [21] Hallỉday, M.A.K., An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Third edition, Oxford University Press Inc 2004 [22] Hoa, Nguyen, An Introduction to Semantics, Nhà xuất Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2001 [23] Lock, G., Functional English Grammar: An Introduction Second Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press, 1999 [24] Lyons, J., Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 2002 [25] Palmer, F.R., Mood and Modality, Cambridge University Press, 1986 [26] Perkins, M R., Modal Expressions in English, Longman Press, 1983 [21] Q uirk, R., A University Grammar o f English, Nhà xuất Giao thông Vận tai, 2002 [28] Yule, G., Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced With Answers, Oxíord: Oxíord University Press, 2006 (29] Một sé tài liệu Internet TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH THE THAO Tập ^ n ỹ/íđ /l fơk

Ngày đăng: 18/11/2023, 15:52
