Background to the study
In response to globalization and advancements in technology, English has become the primary foreign language in Vietnam's educational system The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has implemented several state documents to enhance English teaching and learning, notably the National Foreign Languages Project 2008-2020 (NFL2020) This initiative aims to provide Vietnamese students at all educational levels with the opportunity to learn foreign languages, targeting A1, A2, and B1 proficiency levels on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) across primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education The introduction of NFL2020 has significantly influenced the landscape of language teaching in Vietnam.
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is integral to the NFL2020 initiative, featuring six proficiency levels from A1 to C2 In Vietnam, it has been adopted as a standardized program for language proficiency assessment under Decision 1400/QĐ-TTG The project outlines specific target levels for learners at the elementary stage, corresponding to the A1 level of the CEFR Additionally, Decision 01/2014/TT-BGD-ĐT, issued by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in 2014, established five primary objectives for integrating the CEFR into English language education within the Vietnamese educational system.
1 The basis of capacity requirements for [English] should be standardized
2 The work of organizing program, choosing curriculum, coursebooks, teaching plan, other [English] teaching materials and establishing criteria of testing, examination, and evaluation of each level of education, level of training in order to fit the [English] teaching with educational levels and training level should be determined
3 For teachers or trainers, the matters of content, teaching methodology, examination and assessment should be defined; for learners, the requirements of the curriculum should be proposed
4 To let learners to know the content and requirements for each level of language skills and self-assessment of their proficiency
5 To get benefits of cooperation, educational exchanges, recognition of diplomas and certificates with countries adopting Common European Framework (CEFR) (MOET, 2014, Section IV)
Standardized coursebooks in TESOL programs, especially in private English centers, must align with the specific needs of students seeking to achieve high English proficiency However, the practical implementation of these coursebooks often encounters various challenges related to teaching and learning, as well as difficulties in meeting established educational standards.
English language courses for young learners, particularly those under ten years old, are prevalent in Ho Chi Minh City Research indicates that this age group exhibits distinct learning characteristics that influence teaching methods and materials Young learners are primarily kinaesthetic, experiential, and performative, which allows them to acquire language more effectively through interactive and engaging activities.
Research indicates that effective language learning for young learners is enhanced through physical activity, meaningful exposure, and active language use rather than static study (Harmer, 2007; Hummel, 2014; Read, 2015; Tomlinson & Masuhara, 2018) However, many coursebooks and lessons for young learners are often selected without proper evaluation against the National Framework for Languages (NFL) standards by teachers directly involved with these learners Therefore, evaluating coursebooks should align with the NFL and the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) as guiding documents Recent studies within the Vietnamese context highlight a significant "gap" in research related to coursebook evaluation and usage, which is crucial for enhancing English language teaching and learning at English centers.
Recent trends in socio-economic development highlight the growing importance of evaluating materials and selecting appropriate coursebooks for English teaching and learning The use of coursebooks has become a significant area of research, with various perspectives expressed in the literature (Tran, 2011; Le, 2012; Huynh, 2012; Phan, 2013; Lathif, 2015; Nguyen, 2020) In public schools, coursebooks are developed under strict guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), yet the selection process in English centers often lacks diversity Discussions with teachers and lecturers reveal concerns about finding suitable coursebooks that effectively meet the needs of both learners and educators Given these challenges, it is essential to conduct a study on teachers' evaluations of coursebooks, focusing on principles of effective language teaching and learning.
Statement of the problem
Coursebooks play a crucial role in the success of TEFL programs, serving as essential resources for both teachers and learners They provide a structured framework for achieving course objectives and act as references during lesson planning Additionally, coursebooks offer packaged materials that help teachers develop engaging teaching activities Understanding how to effectively utilize coursebooks is vital, as it directly influences course organization and learning outcomes, aligning with established guidelines English teachers, as primary users of these resources, should evaluate coursebooks to ensure they meet their teaching needs and create optimal learning environments Their perspectives on the effectiveness and relevance of coursebooks in relation to their specific teaching contexts are also important for enhancing educational practices.
The primary goal of English Language Teaching (ELT) is to enhance learners' communicative competence, with speaking being a vital component Effective communication hinges on the ability to speak, making it a fundamental aspect of English learning materials Speaking involves both language content knowledge and skills, and has garnered significant attention from researchers focused on the effective development of these skills Many coursebooks are designed to support students in improving their speaking abilities This is particularly important for Vietnamese students, who often prioritize receptive skills in exam preparation, leading to a lack of emphasis on speaking skills within English coursebooks.
In English language centers, young learners often struggle to develop speaking skills due to the ineffective content found in their coursebooks This challenge is compounded by a lack of research on how teachers adapt and utilize these materials Many educators tend to rely on the available content in their coursebooks, leading to a disconnect between the teaching practices and the curriculum This study aims to evaluate coursebooks by exploring teachers' perspectives on language instruction for young learners, specifically focusing on enhancing speaking skills.
Aims of the study
This research aims to evaluate teachers' perceptions of the Everybody Up Level 2 coursebook package, specifically regarding its effectiveness in teaching speaking skills at private English centers The study focuses on the coursebooks in the Everybody Up series, which serve as a primary resource for language teaching and learning.
The aims of the current research is
This study aims to identify the criteria used by teachers for evaluating educational materials in English centers across Ho Chi Minh City By surveying these educators, the research seeks to establish a solid foundation for assessing materials based on well-defined standards.
(2) to identify the suitability of the coursebook based on the criteria to evaluate to what extent the coursebook facilitates young learners in improving speaking skill
To achieve the aims mentioned above, the study attempts to answer two following research questions:
1 How have the teachers at private English centers conducted an in-used coursebook’s evaluation in their course of teaching?
2 What are the opinions of teachers at private English centers on the suitability of the Everybody Up level 2’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills for young learners?
Significance of the study
This study aims to explore teachers' perspectives on the evaluation of coursebooks and assess their suitability for teaching speaking skills Previous research has inadequately addressed the evaluation of coursebooks for young learners in English centers, particularly concerning the NFL2020 vision for foreign language learning by MOET Additionally, the research seeks to clarify how teachers evaluate teaching materials within their specific contexts Ultimately, this study intends to offer pedagogical implications for the development of language teaching materials.
Scope of the study
This study evaluates the perceptions of teachers regarding the Everybody Up Level 2 coursebook and its materials, specifically focusing on its effectiveness for teaching speaking skills in various English centers Given its concentration on a specific educational context and a targeted area of the coursebook, the findings may not represent the entire series or be applicable to different contexts or language areas The research is limited to a sample of Vietnamese teachers, and the characteristics of the research instrument may also influence the generalizability of the results.
Organization of thesis chapters
This thesis consists of five chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 provides the background to the study including theoretical issues and practical issues leading to the need to carry out this study, the aims and two research questions, the significance, and the scope of the study
Chapter 2 presents, analyzes, and synthesizes theoretical issues and related studies concerning principles of speaking skill’s teaching and learning, principles of the materials evaluation, implementation of making checklists with criteria for coursebooks’ evaluation, considerations related to foreign language’s national project and CEFR’s guidelines, and conceptual framework of the study
Chapter 3 outlines the research site, explain the sample and sampling procedures, give a detailed description of research design and research instruments This will be followed by a discussion of how data will be collected and analyzed
Chapter 4 presents and analyzes information collected from the survey on teachers’ perspectives and the coursebook’s evaluation of teachers as well as comparing the results obtained from teachers’ questionnaires and interviews This chapter will be concluded with a discussion of the research findings
Chapter 5 summarizes major findings, make suggestions on how to deal with information from coursebook’s evaluation in the context of study, reveal limitations of the study, and finally offer some recommendations for further research
The introductory chapter outlines the study's background, objectives, problem statement, significance, scope, and the structure of the thesis The following chapter will focus on a literature review pertinent to this research.
Teaching-learning English of young learners
2.1.1 Young learners and their learning characteristics
The term "young learners" (YLs) is often challenging to define clearly According to Nunan (2011), it encompasses a broad age range from three to fifteen years Young learners can be categorized into specific groups: very young learners aged 3 to 5 years, young learners aged 6 to 11 years, and late young learners aged 12 to 15 years.
On their learning characteristics, young learners possess unique characteristics and learning styles compared to other those of other learner groups In Cameron’s
Young learners are inherently energetic and tend to favor visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles However, they often lack awareness of the learning process, struggle with maintaining focus, and can quickly lose interest, making it common for them to abandon challenging tasks Engaging in physical activities significantly enhances language learning for young children, as it allows them to explore their environment and learn through sensory experiences.
Young learners are constantly engaged in the process of learning and memorization through their experiences However, their attention can easily shift away from activities that fail to captivate them, leading them to seek out more appealing alternatives Therefore, it is essential for educators to consider these traits when designing teaching strategies for young learners.
2.1.2 Principles of teaching-learning English for young learners
Research indicates that early English language study may be crucial for learners, particularly in light of the critical period hypothesis (Penfield & Roberts, 1959; Lenneberg, 1967; Birdsong, 1999; as cited in Hummel, 2014) A significant factor influencing teaching methods is the age of the learners In Vietnam, especially in major cities like Ho Chi Minh City, it is common to teach English to young learners, particularly those under ten years old, at private English centers This raises concerns about the appropriateness of such practices for the developmental characteristics of young learners.
Learners exhibit diverse characteristics such as age, needs, competencies, and cognitive skills, influencing their language acquisition methods For instance, young children can rapidly absorb foreign languages through play and games, as noted by Thornbury (2005) Additionally, during their early years, these children can perfectly imitate the pronunciation of their teachers Harmer (2007, p 82) highlights various ways in which young children’s language learning abilities differ from those of older learners.
• They often learn indirectly – that is they take information from everything around them rather only focusing on fixed topic
• They understand things from both explanations and audio-visual stimuli that they interact with
• They feel that abstracts or language concepts such as grammar rules are difficult
• They are interested to talk about themselves and joyful to learn to express their own lives in the classroom as main topics
• They have an unstable focusing span, only engaging in fun, playful activities; and they can lose interest after a period of time (nomally in 10 minutes)
Children have a natural curiosity and enjoy engaging in puzzle-like activities and creative tasks Therefore, it is essential for teachers of young learners to create a rich learning environment However, challenges arise regarding the resources available for teaching English as a foreign language to young learners, particularly concerning materials While there has been significant research on teaching English to young learners, much of it focuses on skill development and classroom management, often overlooking the use of teaching materials This highlights the necessity to investigate the current state of pedagogical practices in the context of Vietnam.
2.1.3 Teaching young learners to achieve language skills
Learners exhibit diverse characteristics, including their proficiency levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced), age groups (children, adolescents, adults), expectations, motivation, and the availability of communication opportunities outside the classroom, as well as class composition and size (Brown, 2000) For teaching young learners, educators must utilize appropriate resources, particularly materials that enhance language skills Oral skills, specifically speaking and listening, are crucial at this age, as children tend to imitate their teachers’ speech effectively (Harmer, 2007) Therefore, it is essential for teachers to focus on delivering effective speaking instruction in English.
Relatedly, lesson planning and the selection of materials and methods are also determined by age-related differences in learning styles In a sense, it is easier to
To effectively motivate children, it is essential to select engaging activities, as young students can quickly lose interest in repetitive tasks that seem purposeless (Ur, 1996) Their motivation is highly influenced by immediate factors, particularly the teacher, and tends to fluctuate Ur (1996) emphasizes that pictures, stories, and games are crucial for capturing children's interest in the classroom Pictures provide visual stimuli, stories offer information in both visual and auditory formats, and games combine visual and auditory signals with physical movement, thereby enhancing language production and engagement.
Visual materials, particularly colorful and professionally designed images, are crucial for children's learning, as they enhance visual engagement While stories provide a rich linguistic experience, combining pictures with storytelling proves to be the most effective teaching method Children learn best when actively engaged, and incorporating games into learning activities not only makes the process enjoyable but also significantly boosts language skills Thus, well-designed games are essential components of effective educational programs for young learners.
Incorporating game-based activities as a key element in children's language courses is essential Educational materials designed for young learners must reflect their unique characteristics to ensure effective teaching and engagement.
Teaching skills using materials
Coursebooks play a crucial role in teaching English by focusing on the four essential skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing These skills are fundamental to language learning, as they enable learners to process language and develop their linguistic knowledge It is important to assess whether coursebooks effectively address each skill and maintain a suitable balance among them, considering the learners' levels and objectives Not all teaching contexts provide a comprehensive treatment of all four skills; thus, coursebooks should integrate linguistic systems with these skills to enhance students' ability to use English in various contexts Ultimately, coursebooks should facilitate both the understanding of the English language and its practical application.
In the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), teachers often explore how students practice essential language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening These skills are categorized into two groups: receptive skills, which involve understanding language, and productive skills, which require students to actively produce language Speaking, as a key productive skill, should not be viewed in isolation but rather integrated with other language skills for effective teaching It is widely recognized that assessing productive skills, especially speaking, is crucial for understanding language learning progress According to Richards (2001), the ability to speak reflects students' language development, and Ur (1996) emphasizes that speaking is often the most important skill for foreign language learners.
This study aims to explore the practice of teaching speaking within the Vietnamese context, offering valuable insights The following section will focus on defining the concepts of speaking and the essential skills associated with it.
2.2.2 On speaking and EFL’s speaking skills
Speaking is an interactive process that involves the production, reception, processing, and utilization of verbal and nonverbal components, essential for constructing meaning (Burn & Joyce, 1997) It encompasses building and sharing meaning through various expressions across different contexts In the realm of TESOL, speaking is a fundamental aspect, as learning English is closely tied to the ability to communicate effectively in the language.
Speaking ability is a key indicator of language proficiency, and EFL learners should understand that effective speaking encompasses three essential areas: mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary), functions (transaction and interaction), and social and cultural norms (Brown & Jule, 1983) In a communicative language teaching model, educators facilitate authentic practice to equip students for real-life communication To become proficient in spoken English, learners must grasp the intricacies of speaking, including using appropriate vocabulary in the correct order with accurate pronunciation, as well as knowing when and how to communicate effectively to ensure clarity for listeners.
Speaking serves various purposes, each requiring distinct skills In conversations, learners may express opinions, persuade others, or clarify information Additionally, speaking can involve giving instructions, describing people or things, and addressing complaints about behavior Consequently, the ability to speak effectively is a complex task for EFL learners, who should be made aware of the diverse purposes of speaking in different contexts.
Teaching and practicing speaking skills in the classroom is essential, as understanding the purpose of learning English motivates students to communicate effectively This focus on speaking not only enhances their language proficiency but also contributes significantly to their overall success in learning English.
In the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), teaching speaking skills raises important questions about content and methodology To effectively support students in articulating authentic speech, it is crucial to leverage their existing knowledge, or schemata (McCarthy, 2000) This involves addressing their need for fluency in English, which encompasses proficiency in phonetics, phonology, discourse, and functional aspects of the language When exploring the teaching of speaking through coursebooks, it's essential to consider these aspects, as coursebooks not only deliver content but also provide standardized knowledge (Richard, 2005) While recent studies have focused on other skills, such as reading (Tran, 2011; Phan, 2013), there appears to be a notable gap in research addressing the teaching of speaking skills, particularly in relation to learners' needs for fluent English communication.
When developing coursebooks for teaching skills, it's crucial to consider whether the content consists of authentic or semi-authentic texts Some educators believe that authentic materials can be effectively used even at the beginner level if the accompanying questions and activities are appropriately tailored However, others argue that selecting suitable authentic materials for beginners can be complex, often leading to trivial topics like shopping lists or asking for directions Typically, content for elementary learners is specifically written for the coursebook, emphasizing the importance of carefully choosing authentic or semi-authentic materials to enhance the learning experience.
Incorporating real-life examples in language education enhances daily relevance and motivation for students Utilizing authentic or nearly authentic materials ensures that the language models presented are genuine Therefore, teaching methods should focus on providing language examples that are not only effective learning tools but also accurately reflect how language is used in everyday situations.
Speaking is often regarded as the most practical of the four language skills—listening, reading, speaking, and writing—because it encompasses elements from all other forms of knowledge Classroom activities that focus on speaking are essential for developing learners' communication skills, making them a vital part of language teaching However, students may feel demotivated during productive tasks if they lack the necessary vocabulary or grammar To enhance success in speaking activities, it's crucial to provide key language items that support learners in navigating real-life communicative situations Therefore, it is important to critically evaluate coursebooks for their effectiveness in supplying relevant language uses.
A prestigious approach to teaching and learning English should be grounded in pedagogical effectiveness, tailored to meet students' wants and needs This model relies on the language proficiency of teachers and the quality of learning materials utilized.
In the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Vietnam, it is essential for students to have clear standards to assess their performance in learning materials Typically, coursebooks are utilized to establish these standards; however, many English centers focus on teaching speaking skills primarily for past exams rather than adhering to these benchmarks Therefore, it is crucial to examine the role of materials in effectively providing these standards This research aims to analyze materials that enhance speaking skills, offering valuable insights into their practical application.
The coursebook in the current study refers to CLT’s approach, then to examine this approach as an instruments in teaching methodology is worthy It is informative
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is distinguished from other language teaching methods by its focus on communicative competence as the primary goal and its emphasis on the interdependence of language and communication (Richards & Rodgers, 2001) This approach systematically addresses both functional and structural aspects of language, highlighting its comprehensive nature (Littlewood, 1981) Howatt (1984) further supports this perspective, reinforcing the significance of CLT in the history of language teaching approaches.
In a comparative analysis of Communicative Language Teaching, the 'strong' version emphasizes language acquisition through communication, while the 'weak' version recognizes the significance of using language for communicative purposes within a broader language teaching framework The 'weak' perspective focuses on learning to use the language, whereas the 'strong' perspective advocates for using the language as a means to facilitate learning This approach suggests that engaging in activities centered around real communication enhances language learning, highlighting the need for activities designed to encourage learners to discover meaningful ways to use the language.
On coursebooks and coursebooks’ roles
2.3.1 Definitions and concepts on materials and coursebooks
Tomlinson (2011) defines materials as tools that aid language learners in their education, emphasizing their pedagogical purpose This definition allows for a distinction between resources and materials in the context of English teaching and learning While resources are diverse and abundant, materials are specifically crafted from these resources to fulfill educational objectives.
The debate over the effectiveness of using course materials in teaching continues, with Thornbury (2000) asserting that learners and teachers are the most vital classroom resources In contrast, Gill (2000, cited in Mishan & Timmis, 2015) highlights the importance of utilizing and evaluating resources, advocating for a principled approach to materials use However, Gill's commentary lacks a detailed exploration of the reasons behind the necessity of these materials.
18 we need materials For the question what we need materials for, Mishan & Timmis
According to (2015), materials serve five essential purposes: fulfilling psychological needs, providing exposure to language, acting as vehicles of information, stimulating additional activities, and guiding teacher education These diverse purposes highlight that the effectiveness of materials varies based on context, influenced by course goals, teacher experience, institutional requirements, and learner expectations This perspective underscores the importance of evaluating the suitability of specific materials, such as coursebooks, in relation to these critical factors.
In the teaching and learning process, coursebooks and instructional materials play a crucial role in facilitating language instruction, serving as the foundation for the language input and practice that learners receive in the classroom (Richard, 2001) These materials not only assist in lesson planning and activity design for aspiring teachers but also fulfill several key roles in language education According to Cunningsworth (1995), coursebooks act as reference sources for learners, provide inspiration for classroom activities, outline syllabi that align with learning objectives, and support less experienced teachers Thus, instructional materials are essential for promoting learner engagement and communicative interaction in language learning.
In 1998, it was highlighted that educational materials serve multiple essential functions, including acting as a language source, providing learning support, enhancing motivation, and serving as references These materials are not merely frameworks for teaching and learning; they also offer opportunities for creative interaction Given these significant roles, researchers in English teaching and learning must carefully consider the effective use of these materials.
Effective instructional materials are crucial in the teaching and learning process, as highlighted by Tomlinson (2003), who outlined key characteristics such as having a significant impact, ensuring comfort, and maintaining relevance and usefulness These materials should encourage self-study, expose learners to authentic language use, and promote engagement with linguistic features Additionally, they must cater to diverse learning styles, maximize cognitive and psychological learning, balance controlled and free activities, and provide feedback opportunities Similarly, Crawford, as noted in Richards & Renandya (2002), emphasized that effective language teaching materials should be functional and contextualized, engage learners in purposeful language use, incorporate authentic language and audiovisual components, foster learner autonomy, and remain flexible to accommodate individual and contextual differences while addressing both affective and cognitive learning aspects.
Effective instructional materials are essential in the teaching and learning process, benefiting both students and teachers For students, these materials should enhance language input and output while adhering to the principles of second language acquisition For teachers, materials serve as a means to achieve learning objectives and as a reference for planning classroom activities To be effective, learning materials must stimulate students, consider teachers' needs, and reflect real classroom situations These key aspects will be explored in greater detail and incorporated into research instruments.
For the purposes of learning, the process of teaching EFL’s speaking, as a complex work, necessarily should be broken down into parts One crucial part of these
Presenting and explaining materials in the classroom is essential for enhancing the learning process Teachers play a crucial role as mentors by making content comprehensible and accessible, which fosters intentional and conscious learning Through the use of specific resources, such as coursebooks, educators not only provide a structured framework for learning but also create opportunities for further language acquisition.
In this study, the focus is on text-based materials specifically designed for language learning and teaching, such as coursebooks and worksheets These resources are essential for effective language instruction, with coursebooks serving as the primary tool for educators While teachers may incorporate additional materials for convenience, the expectation is that teaching will predominantly rely on the coursebook.
This study aims to compare English as a Foreign Language (EFL) coursebooks with other types of course materials A coursebook serves as a structured instructional guide, commonly utilized in foreign language education EFL coursebooks can be categorized into monolingual, which are written solely in English, and bilingual, which feature two languages They can also be classified as global, designed for worldwide use, or local, tailored for specific regions For example, the coursebook "Everybody Up" includes various components such as a student’s book, a teacher’s book, and possibly an additional workbook, while other coursebooks may focus on specific educational goals, such as qualifications or different subjects Typically, EFL coursebooks comprise multiple units, each addressing a distinct theme.
In EFL contexts, coursebooks are often seen as the primary resource for teachers and students, providing essential knowledge and activities While their importance is clear, fully utilizing an ideal coursebook is challenging due to individual differences, varying needs, and cultural contexts Consequently, teachers must assess and adapt their coursebooks to identify strengths and weaknesses, creatively integrating authentic materials based on principles of second language acquisition and specific classroom environments.
Teachers are encouraged to make informed decisions regarding coursebook-based teaching, considering both the advantages and disadvantages It's important to recognize that beyond teachers and learners, other stakeholders, such as parents and private tutors, also have vested interests in the use of coursebooks Utilizing a set coursebook helps ensure standardization and continuity in education, making it easier for parents to understand their child's learning objectives and track progress.
2.3.3 Concerns on coursebooks and its using
The effectiveness and significance of coursebooks in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching have been widely debated, highlighting their usefulness, roles, and impact on teaching methodologies Researchers such as Allwright (1981), O’Neill (1982), and Hutchison and Torres (1994) have contributed to discussions about coursebooks' value and influence in educational settings Consequently, the study of coursebooks remains a topic of considerable interest in the field of EFL.
Harmer (2007) outlines the advantages and limitations of coursebooks in language education A quality coursebook should be well-structured, providing a coherent syllabus, effective language instruction, engaging texts, and opportunities for further exploration.
Effective coursebooks offer extensive resources, including detailed teacher guides that outline lesson procedures and provide alternative activities The adoption of a new coursebook can stimulate methodological development (Hutchison and Torres, 1994, as cited in Harmer, 2007) They serve as valuable tools for revision and actively engage students with relevant topics and values However, coursebooks may limit creativity in the classroom, as their structured format can lead to demotivation among both students and teachers Additionally, some coursebooks may contain culturally inappropriate or irrelevant content.
Teachers as users of materials
2.4.1 Teachers’ practices related to coursebooks
In their review, Tomlinson and Masuhara (2008, p 17) explored two questions with specific focus in terms of language courses that are: What kinds of materials are
In examining materials used for young learners (YLs) globally, it is evident that teachers often utilize coursebooks as resources rather than strict scripts This approach aligns with the criteria based on language learning theories outlined by Tomlinson (2003), suggesting that educators are critically reviewing their materials to enhance language acquisition.
In modern education, teachers have access to a vast array of materials, including textbooks, workbooks, videos, and digital resources, which can significantly alter classroom dynamics While this abundance can alleviate the need for teachers to create supplementary materials, it also necessitates a careful evaluation of the methodology and content of existing resources to ensure their suitability for specific teaching contexts To effectively analyze these materials, educators must distinguish between desirable assumptions and objective descriptions, requiring a structured approach to assess their effectiveness Littlejohn (1998) emphasizes the importance of addressing key questions regarding the aspects of materials to examine and the methods for conducting such evaluations.
Teachers should explore how research findings on coursebooks can be applied to their specific teaching contexts, emphasizing the dynamic interaction between educators and instructional materials Additionally, it is important to consider various factors that influence coursebook effectiveness beyond just the teacher's perspective.
Effective evaluation procedures are crucial in educational settings for both teachers and students However, many teachers do not participate in the pre-use evaluation of coursebooks, which can impact their ability to implement new materials effectively This lack of involvement may lead to challenges in adapting to new coursebook packages.
Teachers prioritize implementing and adapting course materials to create effective and engaging lessons, despite the importance of understanding evaluation The key question is how educators can effectively utilize a coursebook to meet the specific needs of their students in a particular class and course context.
In discussing coursebook evaluation during the implementation process, it is crucial for teachers to assess both the content within the book and the supplementary materials provided by the publisher To maximize the effectiveness of these resources, teachers must identify which features are truly beneficial This understanding can only be attained through a thorough evaluation that aligns the coursebook's resources with the course syllabus and specific lesson plans.
Teaching involves a cyclical process of presentation, practice, and assessment Presentation introduces new materials or revisits prior knowledge, serving as a starting point for students Practice encompasses various activities, from drills to discussions, aimed at helping students apply what they are learning Assessment gauges students' understanding of the material This cycle aids in planning coursebook usage, guiding the development of a syllabus for the academic term and shaping individual lesson organization Understanding this framework is essential for evaluating the coursebook's effectiveness and organization.
Before thoroughly assessing a coursebook, teachers should first gain a general understanding of its content Key considerations during this initial review include evaluating the book's structure, relevance to the curriculum, and alignment with learning objectives This overview helps educators identify strengths and weaknesses, ensuring a more effective and targeted evaluation process.
25 the following: format, content, ways of practice (i.e tasks and activities), types of assessment; resources These considerations may be taken into account in determining criteria of a coursebook evaluation.
When selecting a coursebook for a specific educational context, various stakeholders, including Ministry of Education committee members, school principals, and teachers, may be involved in the decision-making process It is crucial for teachers to adopt a critical perspective on the course content, even if they do not have direct control over the selection This involves understanding learner needs, recognizing contextual limitations, and being prepared to make informed decisions about how to adapt, supplement, and effectively utilize the chosen coursebook.
Coursebooks play a crucial role in shaping both teaching practices and student learning experiences, making them a significant investment for educators Teachers often hesitate to switch coursebooks after dedicating time to familiarize themselves with new materials, including teacher's guides and workbooks They typically believe that their experience with a coursebook equips them with valuable insights, yet they view post-use evaluations as labor-intensive and requiring specialized knowledge This mindset can hinder effective coursebook evaluation and improvement To enhance the evaluation process, it is beneficial to survey teachers who have utilized the materials and observe their teaching practices directly.
26 observed to get an adequate idea of whether or not the coursebooks are suitable in classrooms
The effectiveness of coursebook-based teaching largely depends on teachers' perceptions of the available materials According to McGrath (2002), teachers' attitudes towards coursebooks can be categorized into two opposing themes: control and choice, with a supportive stance often lying in between A teacher's perspective is influenced by their specific teaching context, and examining these viewpoints can provide valuable insights into coursebook utilization Therefore, conducting a survey to evaluate coursebooks based on teachers' opinions is beneficial for understanding their practical application in the classroom.
2.4.3 Teacher’ evaluation as a cyclical process
To determine the suitability of materials, it is essential to conduct two types of evaluations: in-use evaluation, which takes place during the materials' usage, and post-use evaluation, which occurs after a period of time has elapsed.
Recent literature on in-use and post-use evaluation reveals a lack of concrete suggestions for teaching methods, possibly due to the perceived importance of pre-use evaluation and the rarity of in-use assessments caused by time constraints Teachers may feel they have sufficient knowledge of a book after regular use, or they may be overwhelmed by the evaluation process According to McGrath (2002) and Tomlinson (2003), while teachers do evaluate materials during use, this process is often informal Additionally, post-use evaluations may occur in organized settings, but they typically rely on overall impressions rather than detailed checklists.
Besides, the materials’ evaluation process should not be an end, rather it should be seen as a cyclical process As Nunan (1991, p 211, cited in McGrath 2002) points
Evaluating the effectiveness of new linguistic items in teaching materials is essential, as their adequacy can only be determined through actual classroom use Lesson plans derived from coursebooks should include evaluations and feedback on their suitability after each session Teachers' individual experiences with these materials can provide valuable insights for assessing a coursebook's effectiveness and offer strategies for adapting and enhancing the content Additionally, understanding teachers' perspectives on the materials not only contributes to the study of educational resources but also informs directions for both materials development and professional growth initiatives.
Materials’ evaluation
Material evaluation encompasses various definitions, particularly in the context of textbooks According to Richards (2001), textbook evaluation is a systematic process that involves reviewing and assessing a textbook based on specific criteria To facilitate this process, numerous checklists have been created to guide the evaluation of educational materials effectively.
Textbook evaluation is a vital process in language teaching, as outlined by Dudley-Evans and St John (1998) It begins with identifying necessary data and culminates in implementing changes to enhance educational practices This evaluation assesses the potential value of textbooks, focusing on their impact on learners, teachers, and administrators (Tomlinson, 2011) Key factors such as credibility, validity, and adaptability are critical in measuring these effects, ensuring that textbooks effectively support language instruction.
This study defines coursebook evaluation as the process of collecting and analyzing data related to coursebook packages to determine their suitability It highlights that coursebooks are largely synonymous with textbooks, emphasizing the importance of assessing their content and effectiveness in educational settings.
28 users (benefits) and being regarded in terms of its suitability for teaching speaking skills
Byrd (2001, in Celce-Murcia, 2001) identified three essential components for effective materials evaluation: alignment between curriculum and content, compatibility between students and lessons, and the relationship between teachers and methods A high-quality coursebook must align with both broader and specific educational curricula Additionally, it should serve as an effective teaching tool by offering meaningful language delivery methods, practical examples, and a variety of tasks Lastly, the fit between students and lessons emphasizes the importance of engaging content, relevant examples, and diverse activities to enhance the learning experience.
Masuhara (1998, as cited in Tomlinson, 2011) aligns with Byrd's ideas by emphasizing the importance of addressing the needs of students, teachers, and administrators in educational contexts The needs of both teachers and students encompass personal and professional dimensions of English language teaching, while institutional needs reflect the relationship with educational organizations Ultimately, an effective coursebook must consider these diverse user needs alongside the curriculum to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
When implementing a coursebook in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms, it is essential to consider specific needs that should be addressed in the research This article will explore the significance of the coursebook's role in enhancing the learning experience within EFL environments.
Firstly, Ur (1991) presented a position that summarize the against points and supporting points for using coursebook:
Table 2.1 The viewpoint of using coursebook (Ur, 1996)
Provide framework May not satisfactorily supply for all learners’ needs Serves as syllabus May be irrelevant of not be interesting Provide ready-make texts and tasks Be confining
Provide economy alternative learning material
Do not usually cater for variety in most classes
Provide useful guidance Let teachers follow dependently
Facilitate some degree of autonomy
Ones may notice that the viewpoint outlines general characters of coursebook in terms of a resource This may be included in questionnaires’ items to survey the situation with the coursebook
Materials evaluation serves several important purposes in education Firstly, it helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of existing coursebooks, allowing for optimal use of effective elements while improving weaker aspects through adaptation or supplementary materials Additionally, analyzing and evaluating coursebooks provides teachers with valuable insights into the materials they use, contributing to their professional development This process is crucial in teacher education, as it equips future educators with the skills to assess coursebooks critically and exposes them to a range of published resources Ultimately, teachers' understanding of materials evaluation enhances their instructional practices The following section references various studies on materials evaluation to offer an overview of the field.
2.5.2 Previous research for materials evaluation
On materials evaluation, it is surprising that little research has been published
In assessing the suitability of materials, the same point could be made Looking at the main literature on materials in recent years, one may find scholarship and theory
While there is a significant focus on language acquisition and pedagogical implementations, empirical research in this area remains limited (Tomlinson, 2011) This lack of investigation may stem from the fact that studying the impact of materials on language acquisition necessitates extensive longitudinal research, which can be time-consuming and costly Nonetheless, exploring how published materials affect users—particularly in contexts where English teaching relies heavily on these resources—provides a compelling rationale for further study Additionally, numerous books on materials development do reference existing research, highlighting the importance of this field.
A study by 2008 contrasts the differences in instructional methods provided to individuals assisting speakers in real-life situations versus those found in coursebooks McGrath (2002) reviews existing literature on the effects of educational materials on users, including research that informs the writing and evaluation of these materials Tomlinson (2011) emphasizes the principles of effective materials development, while Tomlinson (2003) discusses beginner-level materials (Cook, 2003, cited in Tomlinson, 2003) and the execution of primary school coursebook tasks in classrooms (Ghosn, 2003, cited in Tomlinson, 2003) Additionally, Truong and Phan (2009) examine the concept of foreignness in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) global coursebooks.
In 2015, a study evaluated the 'English 6' coursebook used in public secondary schools in rural Vietnam, focusing on feedback from both teachers and students regarding its practical activities and tasks This coursebook is part of a series mandated for all students aged 12 to 16 in junior secondary schools since 2001 (Nguyen, 2005) The findings revealed a significant lack of diverse activities aimed at enhancing communicative competence, as the practices predominantly emphasized grammatical form rather than communicative purposes Consequently, this limitation hinders the development of learners' communicative skills.
Le (2012) discusses effective conversation teaching techniques for secondary school students in a highland province, while Hoang (2011) emphasizes the importance of materials used in the NFL2020 curriculum.
A comprehensive study by Dat (2008) evaluates English Language Teaching (ELT) coursebooks in Southeast Asia, focusing on nine titles from Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam The research involved teachers, policymakers, and administrators, highlighting their critical role in coursebook selection Dat categorized the materials into three types: 'imported coursebooks,' 'in-country coursebooks,' and 'regional coursebooks.' The findings reveal insights into teachers' and learners' perceptions, emphasizing positive attributes such as cultural and national identity, awareness of globalization, and the use of the mother tongue in education Notably, the coursebooks were found to connect with learners' knowledge and cultural backgrounds, reinforcing national identity through relevant content.
The coursebooks, such as New Concept English and Exploring Reading and Writing, emphasize daily values like obedience to senior family members and local celebrities They also focus on regional events and critical social issues, including discussions on poverty and the evolving roles of men and women, as highlighted in Concentrate of Critical Reading.
Interactive English); Western vs Asian educational values (Communicative and Interactive English), united and economic achievements (Improve Yourself, English
12); as well as the controversial relationship between race and mental capabilities
Globalization has significantly impacted various sectors, notably in health science and communication, driving social advancement The emergence of mega cities brings both opportunities and challenges, as explored in literature like "Improve Yourself."
In "Exploring Reading and Writing" (Dat, 2008), the coursebooks emphasize the role of the mother tongue as a valuable pedagogical tool in second language acquisition (SLA) They support teachers and learners by facilitating translation practice, providing grammar explanations, and offering clear pedagogical instructions.
Theoretical framework of coursebook evaluation
The suitability of a coursebook is determined by its alignment with students' language learning needs, teachers' instructional methods, and the existing curriculum According to Tomlinson (2003), effective instructional materials are grounded in a comprehensive understanding of various criteria, including learners' needs, language challenges, learning objectives, and individual learning styles In English centers, such as those examined in this study, educational administrators play a crucial role in selecting appropriate coursebooks.
The success of achieving learning objectives in the curriculum is influenced by various factors, prompting an evaluation of the coursebook's compatibility with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) guidelines This study prioritizes assessing the alignment of the coursebook with MOET's general curriculum to ensure effective implementation of learning objectives.
As a fact, any coursebook is based on three kinds of theory (Byrd & Schuemann, 2014; McDonough & Shaw, 2003; J C Richards, 2001; Tomlinson,
The concept of coursebooks is grounded in various theories that highlight their purposes and applications in language teaching and learning These materials are developed based on theories about the nature of language, as outlined by Richards and Rodgers (2001) Additionally, there exists a significant body of published theories that explore the relationship between coursebooks and the processes of language teaching and learning Understanding these theoretical foundations is crucial for effectively evaluating and utilizing published materials in coursebook format.
A coursebook serves as a foundational tool for teaching and learning, meticulously organized to ensure coherence throughout its lessons (Byrd & Schueman, 2014; Tomlinson, 2012) According to Ur (1996), the content within a coursebook acts as a syllabus for language courses, offering detailed explanations and supplementary exercises tailored for students at varying proficiency levels Understanding the role of coursebooks can guide us in assessing their suitability for use in educational settings.
A coursebook should encompass a complete syllabus and a variety of learning activities that facilitate effective lesson planning and classroom management Evaluators must assess whether the coursebook offers valuable content that aids teachers in meeting the objectives of both the course and the overall program Additionally, it is essential to consider the quality of explanations and tasks included in the material.
43 in the coursebook should be included in the evaluation of fit between a potential coursebook and the teachers-users
Byrd and Schuemann (2014) outline three essential considerations for evaluating and selecting coursebooks: alignment with the curriculum, alignment with learners' needs, and alignment with teachers' preferences Specifically, the fit between coursebooks and teachers is crucial, as it addresses whether educators can effectively utilize the material and if it meets their instructional needs Teachers typically seek specific elements in coursebooks, including teaching approaches, relevant examples, and engaging activities Therefore, the evaluation process must assess the coursebook's usability for teachers, guiding the initial review conducted by the researcher.
2.6.2 Principles to determine evaluative criteria
Evaluating coursebooks is essential for teachers and program developers, as it aids in selecting the most suitable materials According to Sheldon (1988), this evaluation process highlights the strengths and weaknesses of a coursebook, allowing educators to adapt their instruction effectively Cunningsworth further emphasizes the importance of this evaluation in enhancing teaching practices.
Textbook evaluation can be categorized into three types: pre-use, in-use, and post-use evaluations Pre-use evaluations assist teachers in selecting suitable coursebooks by predicting their potential effectiveness in the classroom In-use evaluations enable teachers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a textbook during its application Post-use evaluations, on the other hand, allow teachers to assess the quality of a textbook after it has been utilized in a specific learning context This study focuses on post-use evaluation due to the availability of two English center contexts and the expectations of effective teaching outcomes.
44 information for research questions (suitability for teaching young learners speaking skills) from teachers’ experiences
Checklists have long served as effective tools for evaluating language teaching materials, such as coursebooks, by providing a structured approach based on generalizable criteria These checklists can be categorized into quantitative and qualitative types Quantitative checklists utilize Likert-style rating scales for objective assessments, while qualitative checklists incorporate open-ended questions to gather subjective insights about the quality of coursebooks Although qualitative checklists offer in-depth evaluations, quantitative checklists are generally more reliable and convenient, particularly in team evaluation settings.
Evaluators in EFL contexts must consider various factors when assessing the suitability of instructional materials, including the roles of learners, teachers, and the syllabus (Richards & Rodgers, 2001) To effectively evaluate these roles, it is essential to understand the needs and interests of both learners and teachers Scholars like Byrd (2001) and Sheldon (1988) emphasize that evaluative criteria should align with the specific learning-teaching context Established checklists, such as those by Cunningsworth (1995) and McGrath (2002), often focus on dimensions like textbook aims, layout, methodology, and organization Additionally, criteria regarding the presentation of language skills, subskills, and functions in relation to the sociocultural context are common in most checklists (Cunningsworth, 1995; Ur, 1996).
In addition to the criteria mentioned above, a checklist must take into account the background of the target students who are going to use it The background can
The evaluation of coursebooks should consider various dimensions, such as students' age, needs, and interests (Byrd, 2001; McGrath, 2002) It is essential that the language in the textbooks reflects natural and authentic usage, as this enhances student motivation (Ur, 1991) This study utilizes the classification framework established by Mukundan et al for a comprehensive review of coursebook evaluation literature.
Figure 2.1 Classification of textbook evaluation criteria (adopted from Mukundan, 2011)
The criteria outlined in the article are categorized into two main groups: 'general attributes' and 'learning-teaching content.' The 'general attributes' category encompasses five sub-categories: 'relation to syllabus and curriculum,' 'methodology,' 'suitability to learners,' 'physical and utilitarian attributes,' and 'supplementary materials.' Conversely, the 'learning-teaching content' category focuses on essential aspects such as task quality and cultural sensitivity.
Relation to syllabus and curriculum
46 linguistic and situational realism), ‘listening’, ‘speaking’, ‘reading’, ‘writing’,
‘vocabulary’, ‘grammar’, ‘pronunciation’, and ‘exercises’
When evaluating coursebooks, several essential criteria should be considered, including the ability to meet learners' needs, reflect natural language use, support the learning process without enforcing a rigid methodology, and serve as effective learning aids (Cunningsworth, 1995) Additionally, Richard (2001) identifies key factors in coursebook evaluation, such as program alignment with the curriculum, teacher and learner characteristics, content organization, and the pedagogical principles underlying the materials and activities These guidelines will inform the research instruments used, particularly in the development of surveys and interviews.
The literature review chapter has just reviewed the literature relating to the study The following chapter will discuss the methodology used in the study
Research design
To effectively address the research questions, the researcher utilized a mixed-methods design, as defined by Creswell (2012), which involves the integration of both quantitative and qualitative methods within a single study This approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the coursebook by leveraging the strengths of both methodologies The study justifies the use of mixed methods to achieve a holistic understanding of the research phenomenon, aiming to combine the advantages of quantitative data with qualitative insights in a convergent design This dual approach facilitates a more nuanced analysis and interpretation of the data, enhancing the overall evaluation process.
48 opportunity to gather data from a large number of people and generalize results, whereas qualitative permits an in-depth exploration of a few individuals
This study focuses on surveying teachers' evaluations, utilizing a mixed-methods approach to enhance data collection By combining quantitative scores from a larger group, which offer broad insights, with qualitative observations from a smaller sample, the research addresses the limitations of each method The quantitative data provides a general overview, while qualitative insights deliver deeper contextual understanding, particularly regarding the specific settings of English centers involved in the study This comprehensive approach aims to yield a more nuanced understanding of teachers' evaluations.
The Everybody Up Level 2 package employed a mixed-methods study to offer a comprehensive perspective on the research problem In this context, relying solely on either qualitative or quantitative research is insufficient While quantitative methods, such as questionnaires, can provide valuable data, the study also seeks to explore teachers' attitudes towards evaluation in greater depth.
In mixed-methods research, quantitative data allows for broad generalizations from a larger sample, while qualitative data provides deeper insights from fewer individuals Key considerations in designing such studies include priority, implementation, and integration (Creswell, 2012) Priority refers to the predominant strategy emphasized in the study, implementation addresses the timing of data analysis—whether it occurs in parallel, sequentially, or concurrently—and integration identifies how and when the two data types are combined In this research's convergent mixed-methods design, both quantitative and qualitative data were given equal weight in priority, ensuring a balanced approach to analysis.
49 quantitative data analysis were parallel in gathering; and, both types of data were mixed in dicussions
The study employed a mixed-methods approach, beginning with a semi-structured interview in the qualitative phase to explore teachers' perspectives on the suitability of the coursebook for teaching speaking skills This was followed by a quantitative phase, utilizing a printed questionnaire to gather and analyze statistical data on teachers’ evaluations of the coursebook "Everybody Up." The aim was to assess the coursebook's effectiveness in supporting speaking skills and to link these findings to the qualitative insights By combining qualitative themes with quantitative data, the research provided a comprehensive understanding of the coursebook's suitability, with results from both phases discussed in detail.
This study utilized qualitative data to explore teachers' perspectives on the evaluation of the Everybody Up coursebook, specifically in relation to teaching speaking skills Data was gathered through teacher surveys and interviews, providing insights into their evaluations Additionally, the quantitative data aims to assess teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of the Everybody Up package in teaching speaking The findings from the interviews offer valuable themes that can inform the development of quantitative evaluation instruments.
Research setting
The study was conducted in three phases: preparation, mixed-methods implementation, and data analysis The initial phase spanned six months, focusing on assembling a panel of reviewers and evaluating the research instruments Details regarding the panel reviewers and their contributions will be provided later.
To prepare for the main study, it was essential to modify the official research instruments, which involved testing the practicality of the data collection procedures and evaluating the interview questions and questionnaires This process was crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of the subsequent phases of the research.
This study focused on teachers from two English centers in Go Vap District, HCMC, who have been teaching young learners aged 8 to 12 since 2017 The courses, including Super Kid’s (SKs’) and Young Talent’s (Ys’), comprised a total of 18 classes across two groups The centers have utilized the Everybody Up series for approximately three years, reaching level 4 of the coursebook series To ensure participant confidentiality, the research site was kept anonymous.
The research site was selected due to several advantageous factors, including easy access to English teachers and their long-term familiarity with the coursebook used at that level This familiarity makes it appropriate to conduct a mixed-methods study, offering a comprehensive understanding of the context.
Once the research site was selected, preparation for the data collection process and the necessary research instruments became essential The upcoming section will provide a detailed description of the coursebook package and clarify the content referenced in the instruments.
In order to illustrate the terms and criteria that should be used in the instruments like the questionnaires and the interviews, the current study examined the Everybody
Up’s coursebook using the guidelines practising in (Cunningsworth, 1995) For the purpose, the book should be described first
Everybody Up’s series displays many of the positive features as can be seen
The first guideline concerns aims and objectives The state aims of Everybody Up are
“to develop students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through activities that build students’ independence and confidence, leading them to really use English” (Jackson et al., 2017b, p 6)
The course outlined in "Everybody Up" prioritizes the development of four key language skills, with a strong focus on enhancing speaking fluency and accuracy through targeted grammar activities It addresses students' learning needs by incorporating personalized activities that encourage self-expression and discussions on relevant topics Additionally, the course emphasizes Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), utilizing a cross-curricular approach to connect English language learning with other subjects like math and science, fostering an environment conducive to individual study and promoting learner autonomy.
The course syllabus for teaching speaking skills
The teaching objectives outlined in the course materials and teacher’s book enable educators to develop a well-rounded course structure that is both comprehensive and effective Emphasizing not only linguistic elements but also essential communication skills, the curriculum incorporates a variety of engaging activities Notably, these include genuinely communicative exercises such as Picture Cards, and interactive tasks like "Listen, Point, and Say" and "Ask and Answer," fostering an interactive learning environment.
The 21st Century Skills program emphasizes collaborative activities and games that enhance communication skills, particularly through roleplay and pair work, which effectively develop speaking abilities Additionally, the curriculum incorporates reading and listening exercises, providing students with opportunities to express and defend their ideas and viewpoints.
E, p.31 in Student Book) and how spoken English practice is set through asking and answering The teacher’s book also gives guidances on setting up and running the pair- and groupwork activities and projects These package’s features help students practice the conversation, which develop their speaking naturally
The material is evaluated through the language learned in the workbook, with guidance provided in both the student’s book and workbook for individual homework or as supplementary classroom material The grading is structurally focused, primarily on grammar, following a logical sequence of language items This inductive learning approach offers numerous contextualized examples, allowing learners to hypothesize about underlying rules These pedagogical strategies equip teachers with effective methods to enhance, assess, and improve students' English speaking skills.
The teacher's book offers a variety of alternative activities and organizational ideas, enhancing the engaging nature of the topics covered These topics serve as a foundation for dynamic activities that boost student motivation Everybody Up provides substantial support while allowing students the freedom to utilize the material creatively Learning styles are approached flexibly, with a conventional structural syllabus and an emphasis on inductive learning, ultimately leading to improved English language acquisition experiences in English centers.
The teacher's book offers substantial support, complementing the student’s book with a well-structured design Each activity's goals are clearly outlined, accompanied by a step-by-step approach for effective classroom delivery Additionally, numerous suggestions for alternative and supplementary activities are provided, along with suggested answers for most exercises.
53 there is a tapescript of all the recorded material This may be a point illustraing the suitability to teaching speaking skills for young learners.
The participants of this study consisted of three groups: panelists or reviewers, teachers as questionnaires’ respondents and teachers as interviewees
Panel reviewers’ recruiting and reviewing
In preparation for refining the instruments used in a mixed-methods survey, a panel of three qualified reviewers was assembled These panelists were selected based on specific criteria: they had utilized the coursebook "Everybody Up Level 2" for at least two courses and were familiar with review checklists from their TESOL studies After confirming their eligibility, two teachers who had experience with the coursebook series were invited to collaborate in developing evaluation criteria and interview questions for the initial phase The researcher acted as the coordinator, synthesizing the contributions to finalize the research instruments.
Table 3.1 Reviewers of the instruments
Years of teaching with Everybody Up
Survey researchers often assemble a team of reviewers to test questionnaires, which helps identify potential measurement errors (Olson, 2010) These reviewers, experienced in questionnaire design, aim to uncover issues with the survey instrument and categorize items based on their likelihood of exhibiting measurement errors Typically, the review team consists of two to three members, who may identify various problems in the survey questions Standardizing the review process, similar to how interviewers are trained, can help mitigate discrepancies in findings Overall, recruiting a group of reviewers is a cost-effective and efficient approach for assessing questionnaires (Olson, 2010).
Three reviewers, including the author and two additional experts with similar training in survey methodologies, conducted the review phase All reviewers had completed graduate-level coursework in research methodology related to TESOL and possessed a minimum of two years of English teaching experience, ensuring consistency in their backgrounds To maintain the independence of the reviews, each reviewer assessed the materials individually without knowledge of the other reviewers' identities, except for the author They evaluated the likelihood of cognitive response process failures for each question and provided detailed comments on potential issues The reviewers utilized standardized forms developed by the author for their assessments.
Respondents (of interviews and questionnaires) selection
This study focused on teachers who have completed TESOL courses and possess knowledge of syllabus design and materials evaluation Conducted at two English centers in Ho Chi Minh City, the research utilized a purposive sampling approach, a key element of qualitative research that involves selecting participants who best fit the research objectives The respondents included six Vietnamese teachers from various classes who had experience teaching the Everybody Up Level 2 package, chosen for their relevant expertise and insights.
Before the study commenced, the researcher discovered that the two centers had utilized the Everybody Up series for two years, offering a variety of classes and programs for students Teachers at these centers were familiar with the coursebook and appreciated the opportunity to provide feedback on the materials A review of existing research revealed a scarcity of studies focused on teachers' evaluations of English coursebooks in private English centers, with most previous research conducted over five years ago Consequently, the coursebooks examined in those studies are now outdated, rendering their findings potentially irrelevant to current teaching and learning contexts The number of interviewees involved in the study is detailed in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 General information about the interviewees
Total: 6 4 woman teacher and 2 male teachers
A survey was conducted involving thirty-five English teachers from two centers, who were selected through convenient sampling These educators have taught various classes of the "Everybody Up" series for a minimum of two years The researcher obtained their consent to participate in the study, which aimed to evaluate their perspectives on the coursebook.
Research Instruments
The research instruments employed in this study included questionnaires for quantitative data, and semi-structured interviews for qualitative data
Cunningsworth (1995) identified several key factors for evaluating coursebooks, such as the expectations of learners and teachers, methodological preferences, perceived learner needs, syllabus requirements, and personal requirements Data on these factors is typically gathered through surveys, including questionnaires and interviews Questionnaires are a widely used tool among researchers for collecting data and understanding responses, attitudes, or beliefs.
57 used to “elicit information about a variety of different issues” (Richards, 2001) Therefore, the researcher decided to employ a questionnaire for collecting data on the perspectives of teachers
To construct the questionnaire, the researcher conducted the following steps:
1 reviewing of basic concepts, criteria, information on the teachers’ perspectives on coursebooks, and coursebook evaluation checklists adapting from previous studies in the field as were presented in the Literature Review;
2 drafting the questionnaire through adapting and developing criteria for coursebook evaluation from several authors and from Mukundan et al ’s questionnaire (2011) The questionnaire asked participants for their opinions demonstrating their perspectives toward the coursebook The questionnaire included two main parts: (a) Background Information and (b) Teachers’ opinions on the coursebook (see Appendix E)
This part contained items aims to get information on the backgrounds of teachers concerning factors such as gender, educational background and teaching experiences
Part B: Teachers’ opinions on the coursebook
The evaluation of the coursebook's suitability for teaching speaking to young learners was conducted using a 30-item questionnaire Participants rated their level of agreement with various statements on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, where 5 indicated strong agreement and 1 indicated strong disagreement The mean values were categorized as follows: 5 for strongly agree, 4 for agree, 3 for neutral, 2 for disagree, and 1 for strongly disagree.
3 The questionnaire was validated in consultation with three reviewers of the panel The three reviewers were asked to evaluate each item in the questionnaire with scores using the criteria of relevance and matching with evaluating objectives The scores were set as following:
4 The questionnaire was revised based on the criteria scores given by each reviewer Items earning scores between 0.51-1.00 were approved The remaining items having scores lower than 0.51 were deleted The questionnaire also was refined based on the remarks given by each reviewer
5 The questionnaire was trialed in order to ensure its practicality This was done with six English teachers who were excluded from being participants in the main parts of the study
The following table will give details of the distribution and reliability of the questionnaire items in the study
Table 3.3 Distribution and reliability of the questionnaire items
No Categories No of items
Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 20, with Cronbach’s Alpha employed to assess the reliability of the questionnaire The results indicated a high level of reliability, internal consistency, and homogeneity, as evidenced by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient values ranging from 0.706 to 0.901 for the questionnaire items.
Six teachers participated in semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative data for the research The primary focus was to explore teachers' perspectives on the evaluation of the coursebook used in their teaching Additionally, the interviews aimed to assess the opinions of teachers at private English centers regarding the suitability of the Everybody Up Level 2 package for enhancing speaking skills.
To accurately represent the characteristics of the respondents, the researcher purposefully selected teacher participants based on their experience with the coursebook To facilitate in-depth discussions, interviews were conducted in Vietnamese, the native language of both the researcher and the teachers, via voice calls during the teachers' free time Each interview lasted approximately 20 minutes and aimed to identify key themes related to the study's setting This semi-structured interview approach, which combines quantitative and qualitative data, enhances the overall conclusions drawn from the research, following the guidance of Mackey and Gass (2005, p.173) with a written list of questions.
60 including a freedom to survey, can be used to probe for more information in a semi- structured interview for the researcher
The semi-structured interview consisted of two main parts: the first aimed to gather general information about teachers' backgrounds and their experiences with the coursebook, while the second focused on addressing the findings related to the study's research questions Specifically, research question 1 was elaborated into four detailed inquiries that aligned with the questionnaire results, and research question 2 was similarly expanded into four questions that examined the weaknesses identified in the first question A table outlining the semi-structured interview questions and their objectives is provided for clarity.
RQ 1: How have the teachers at private English centres perceived towards the in-used coursebook’s evaluation in their course of teaching?
-To explore teachers’ opinions on the in-used coursebook’s evaluation
1.1 How do you feel about English coursebook’s evaluation?
To provoke some initial perspectives on the coursebook’ evaluation 1.2 Have you ever conducted or joined in a coursebook’s evaluation?
If yes, could you describe in detail how you have been implementing?
To find out if the teacher has experience in evaluating
1.3 Would you mind explain in detail how you decide that a coursebook is suit for you?
1.4 Could you specify what are your points that you say need to considerate, that is some kind of criteria, in terms of evaluate a coursebook? Would you mind suggest your criteria to evaluate the coursebook’s appropriateness?
To explore the teacher’ ways to evaluate a coursebook
To get into the teacher’s criteria to evaluate
1.5 What is your point of view on the coursebook evaluation in terms of teaching speaking skills?
To study the teacher’ view on coursebook’ evaluation in terms of criteria suitability for teaching speaking skills
1.6 How do you perceive the coursebook’s evaluation as a user
To learn about teacher’ practice of using coursebook
RQ2: What are the opinions of teachers at private English centres on the suitability of the Everybody Up
Level 2’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills?
To explore teachers’ opinions on the package for teaching speaking skills for young learners
2.1 Would you mind describing the first impression for the coursebook?
Please give some details in the very first access to the package, the studentbook ?
To explore the first impression towards the coursebook?
2.2 How do you describe your evaluation for the books, in terms of teaching speaking?
Could you please explain why you think these features in the package suitable for your teaching?
To find the teacher’ evaluation in terms of the coursebook’ package suitability for teaching
2.3 Would you mind recommend some suggestion for the package?
To find teacher’ suggestion for using the coursebook’s package
The researcher communicated the interpretation of findings to each interviewee, ensuring transparency and the correction of any errors prior to finalizing the report To validate the data, the researcher shared the transcripts and final report with the teacher participants for their verification.
Data collection procedure
The study was conducted in three phases: preparation, mixed-methods implementation, and data analysis The preparation phase lasted six months and involved assembling a panel of reviewers and conducting a trial for the research instruments The implementation phase spanned nine months, during which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected Initially, the researcher contacted participants and established criteria for the questionnaire and interview content In the qualitative segment, semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers, recorded, and noted to gather their insights For the quantitative aspect, questionnaires were distributed to thirty-five teacher respondents to collect relevant data.
Data analysis scheme
To systematically organise data from the interviews, a thematic analysis as a qualitative research method generally are used by many researchers Braun & Clarke
In their 2006 study, the authors emphasized that narratives within data sets can be uncovered through thematic analysis during interviews, enabling a detailed interpretation of stories and themes They highlighted the value of a mixed-methods approach, which enhances qualitative analysis by exploring the research context more thoroughly Thematic analysis, known for its openness and flexibility, contributes to the validity of qualitative research, making it a beneficial tool in this phase of study.
Thematic analysis can be conducted using two primary methods: the deductive (top-down) approach and the inductive (bottom-up) approach The deductive approach is researcher-driven, allowing for a focused examination of data in relation to specific theoretical interests in the subject matter being studied.
& Clarke, 2006) The analysis will begin with the themes that are figured out by the researcher through a literature review The phases in this analysis followed steps as in the table
Table 3.5 Steps of thematic analysis
1 To get to be familiar with the data
To read and re-read the transcribed data, jotting down very first ideas
2 Bring about initial codes To pick interesting ideas from the entire data in a systematic way, indicate data relevant to each code
3 Seeking for themes To allocate codes into potential themes, pick all data relevant to each potential theme
4 Reviewing themes To see if the themes fit to the coded extracts (Level
1) and the entire data set (Level 2), make “a thematic map” of the analysis
To refine each theme, and get the overall story, writing clear definitions and names for each theme
6 Producing the report To make analysis for the final map, to take compelling extract examples, relating back of the analysis to the research question and literature, reporting a scholarly writing
Phase One: Being familiar with the data
The first step in data analysis involves researchers thoroughly familiarizing themselves with the data, allowing them to recognize potential themes and their prevalence All interviews were transcribed to capture participants' responses accurately, and the researcher reviewed the recordings for detailed analysis Careful reading of the transcripts was conducted to mitigate the influence of the researcher's prior knowledge, with significant information highlighted and relevant areas cross-referenced with the research questions.
Table 3.6 Points of interest linked to Research questions
Research questions Codes Initial point of interest
1.1 How do you feel about
Phase Two: Bring about initial codes
The first step of the data analysis brings about the richness of the initial findings to emerge However, the importance is of rereading the notes before creating
65 codes Table below presents an illustration of how codes were assigned to short segments in the data set
Table 3.7 Data Extracts and Codes
Data extracts Codes for analysing
[ to have chances to discuss with the authors on course philosophy] (RQ1.1)
[I think it need to present some
Vietnamese values such as Tet’s holiday ] (R.Q1.4)
Phase Three: Seeking for themes
According to Braun and Clarke (2006), the process of compiling an extensive inventory of codes from the data set is crucial for identifying patterns and connections This step emphasizes the analysis of broader themes rather than individual codes, as themes encapsulate significant insights related to the research question and reflect patterned responses within the data It is essential to conceptualize codes as foundational elements, allowing for the combination of similar codes to generate potential themes that align with the research objectives.
The codes were organized on a separate sheet and categorized according to their thematic relationships After a thorough re-examination of the notes, various codes were merged to create potential themes, highlighting all relevant connections.
66 coded data extracts into the identified themes During theme development, the author incorporated the concepts and issues that he had identified in his literature review
This study identifies key themes present in the majority of data items, while also acknowledging relevant insights from less frequent sources To organize the various codes, a thematic map was developed, highlighting overarching themes such as the richness of content and the appeal of formal presentation.
In this stage, the goal was to systematically consolidate all themes, including master themes, main themes, and sub-themes, to enhance the clarity of the initially grouped concepts This process involved two key steps: first, all relevant coded extracts were gathered from manual scripts and organized in a Microsoft Excel document for effective cross-referencing with the themes This approach facilitated the retrieval, comparison, and meaningful organization of coded extracts and themes Second, a similar method was applied to the entire dataset, allowing for the assessment of the validity of individual themes in relation to the overall data.
Phase Five: Defining and Naming Themes
The process included a detailed refinement of the main themes, sub-themes, codes, and extracts, allowing for a deeper understanding of the data Each theme was ultimately given a final name and definition, effectively narrating the story behind the findings.
Phase Six: Producing the report
Step six represented the concluding phase of analysis, where researchers selected impactful extract examples and performed a comprehensive examination of these selections This analysis was then linked back to the research question and existing literature, culminating in the creation of a scholarly report that encapsulated the findings.
The results of the interviews were presented in themes The researcher adapted the structure of a thematic network from Attride-Stirling (2001) as in the figure below:
Figure 3.1 Teachers’ views on evaluation for teaching speaking skills (developed from Attride-Stirling, 2001)
According to Attride-Stirling (2001), thematic networks serve as web-like representations that effectively organize and present qualitative data Basic themes represent simple assumptions that, when viewed in isolation, provide limited insight into the overall text To fully understand a basic theme, it must be analyzed in conjunction with other basic themes Organizing themes merge key concepts from multiple basic themes, while a collection of organizing themes culminates in a global theme.
This chapter outlined the research design, setting, instruments, and data analysis framework used to address two key research questions The subsequent chapter will present and discuss the collected data.
Evaluation for teaching speaking skills regular implementin g supporting resources Standardized procedures
Findings from interviews
This study employed standardized open-ended interviews, utilizing a consistent set of questions to ensure uniformity (Patton, 2002) A total of nine questions guided the interviews, with six focused on research question 1 and the remaining addressing research question 2 The interview transcripts underwent meticulous line-by-line analysis, leading to the identification of categories and recurring themes through pattern coding (Patton, 2002) Key themes emerged regarding coursebook evaluation, where teachers highlighted the importance of the general curriculum and supporting resources The evaluation of coursebooks was based on their alignment with the general English curriculum, their consideration of learners' characteristics and interests, and their effectiveness in aiding teachers to develop speaking skills in young learners, reflecting teaching contexts and educators' expectations A table will be provided to illustrate the themes corresponding to the six interviews.
Table 4.1 Teachers’ evaluation on the Everybody Up’s package
Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Teacher 4 Teacher 5 Teacher 6 Views on the coursebook evaluation
Needs of supporting resources Standardized procedures
“ the English centres should hold review meetings, to support a package evaluation.” (T3)
“ coursebook’ package are from trust publisher and met with academic standards.” (T5)
Learning objective, goals Learners' needs and charateristics
“ suitable in terms of Vietnamese culture” (T1)
“ vocab and grammatical points are at moderate level” (T2)
“ include catchy songs, fun games ” (T6)
“ to assess the improvement of students based on Check Ups”
“ patterns of sentence are highlighted that help students to learn.” (T2)
“ give students confi- dence to practice.”
“ may need certain level of monitoring classrooms for practicing interaction effectively.”(T4)
“ practices are designed at easy level, activities is fun, can be practice at home with parents” (T6
The detail of findings and discussions on interviews will be mentioned in the next parts
4.1.1 On teachers’ perspectives on evaluating coursebooks
The initial interview question for research question 1, "How have teachers at private English centers evaluated the coursebook in their teaching?" aimed to gather teachers' insights on the evaluation of the coursebook in use The data collected from the teachers were analyzed to explore their perspectives on this research topic.
The initial perspectives on coursebook evaluation revealed a consensus among interviewees that this task is typically handled by a designated coursebook selection board, with teachers rarely involved One teacher noted that all coursebook packages come from reputable publishers and meet academic standards Another teacher expressed that evaluating coursebooks adds to their workload, given the numerous time-consuming responsibilities associated with classroom management and teaching, particularly in the context of a private English center.
Administrative tasks, including classroom management, grading, and test preparations, are often time-consuming for teachers, making it challenging to evaluate coursebooks, especially with fluctuating student numbers The study aimed to assess teachers' experiences in evaluating coursebooks, their methods of evaluation, and the criteria they use Results indicated that all teacher respondents engaged in some form of evaluation, typically through notes, reviews, or remarks, focusing on the overall content and presentation of the materials.
T3 shifted the focus from his views on coursebook evaluation to the broader English curriculum established by MOET He highlighted the essential requirements that coursebook packages used in private English centers must adhere to, specifically emphasizing the need to align with CEFR goals and standards.
The study aimed to explore teachers' perspectives on coursebook evaluation concerning criteria for teaching speaking skills Results indicated that teachers believe coursebooks should address learners' needs, support language acquisition, and align with the goals and objectives outlined in the general curriculum Additionally, one teacher emphasized the importance of aligning coursebooks with specific learning objectives.
Focusing on listening and speaking skills in communicative English is more beneficial than emphasizing complex grammar for young learners At this age, students are active and curious, and engaging activities can enhance their learning, understanding, and ability to express ideas confidently.
Teacher T2 emphasized the importance of coursebooks facilitating children's interaction with authentic English They highlighted that listening and speaking exercises should feature native speaker accents to ensure children are exposed to standard English pronunciation.
Most teachers agree that students require access to an authentic coursebook that adheres to standardized academic content An effective coursebook should be tailored to students' characteristics, including their age, interests, familiarity with topics, and learning styles Additionally, the presentation of the coursebook should be engaging, ensuring that students feel comfortable and motivated to learn.
In question 1.6, the focus is on understanding teachers' practices regarding coursebook usage All teachers concurred on the necessity of regularly reviewing coursebooks Notably, teacher T3 emphasized the importance of this evaluation process.
A well-designed feedback template or evaluation tool for coursebooks can significantly enhance teachers' effectiveness in utilizing the curriculum Additionally, research agencies that assess coursebooks in the market can provide valuable insights Furthermore, offering training courses for teachers can empower them to make better use of these resources, ultimately improving the teaching and learning experience.
4.1.2 On suitability for teaching speaking skills to young learners
The second research questions belong to the aspect of the suitability to teaching speaking skills for young learners of the coursebook’ package – Everybody Up Level
2 The first imrpession on this Everybody Up Level 2’s package was apparently positive from the interview in which the teachers state that they see the package is complete, adequately provide the source for teaching and learning process
Teachers trust the authors of the educational package, recognizing them as credible ELT specialists They believe the package serves as a valuable resource for both learners and parents, facilitating home education The student books are designed for classroom use with teacher guidance or for independent skill development Additionally, language assessment was highlighted in interviews, with teachers noting that the self-reflection opportunities in the Check Up sections motivate students to enhance their language skills.
The coursebook package effectively meets students' design and learning style needs while aligning with teachers' expectations for teaching tools and supplementary materials Teachers noted that this package enhances the learning environment by making education enjoyable and creative Furthermore, all teachers concurred that the coursebook package fulfills the objectives outlined in the general curriculum mandated by MOET.
Teachers affirm that coursebooks and materials effectively support preparations for Cambridge English Qualifications, such as YLE The coursebook's approach is believed to enhance student communication both psychologically and mentally Additionally, teachers noted that students' motivation stems from engaging and purposeful activities, aligning with the principle that motivation drives progressive learning This finding is consistent with the theories of Cunningworth (1995) and Tomlinson (2003) regarding learner psychology Overall, the teachers' consensus highlights the appropriateness and usefulness of the coursebooks in fostering student learning.
In this way, the use and evaluation of this coursebook package could be considered as suitable
Findings from questionnaire
To explain the findings of the questionnaires, the researcher referred to the following rates of Likert’s Scale:
The teachers’ opinions on the coursebook’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills for young learners can be viewed in the following table:
Table 4.3 Evaluations by groups of criteria in full
Groups of criteria Mean Standard deviation
A Reference to The General Curriculum and the syllabus in my centre
1 The characteristics met with requirements in the general curriculum
2 The characteristics met with specifications of the syllabus
1 Teaching methodology in the coursebook is in line with learning objectives and goals
2 The content and design of the coursebook serve the learning objective
1 The coursebook is suitable in terms of learners’ characteristics
2 The coursebook is suitable in terms of learners’ needs and interests
3 The coursebook considers principles on learners’ acquisition
1 The coursebook is designed to be suitable in terms of approaches, guidelines, and organization for teachers with variety of capabilities and experience
2 The coursebook composes of supplementary materials, tools, and additional resources that supports for teaching speaking skills
3 The coursebook is flexible, can be adapted by teachers
1 Topics is interesting, familiar, variety 3.80 0.677
2 Workload is compatible to students’ learning capabilities
3 Practice is allocated properly that met with leaning objectives in short and long-term
4 Instructions for activities are clear and easy to follow
5 Activities take into account the diversity in learning styles, and from easy to hard level
6 Goals of activities is achievable, in organized ways to practice, can be applied to daily life
7 Activities facilitate learning English in a natural way, and with orientation
1 Vocabulary load is compatible to students’ language acquisition, is reasonably allocated, and linked together
2 Themes is suitable in terms of socio-cultural aspects, having local and global representation
3 Vocabulary and grammar points are introduced with highlighted, simple forms, to elicit realization and present knowledge, values
4 Culture and authentic English are suitable with requirements of learning English
1 Skills are reasonably introduced through language content, and interlinked
2 The level of practicing skills are suitable with learners’ diversity
3 Practicing receptive skills is easy that let students learn independently
4 Practicing receptive skills is standardized, with relation to daily conversations
5 Practicing productive skills is standardized, with relation to daily conversations
6 Practicing skills is interesting, have a balancing distribution between pair- and group-work
1 Additional resources can be easily practice at home
2 Additional resources is rich, promote to continuity learning
3 Additional resources support to enhance and develop learning
4.2.1 The reference to The General Curriculum and the syllabus
As presented in the results of questionnaire in the above section, teachers showed their neutral perspectives of the reference to The General Curriculum and the
The questionnaire results indicated that teachers slightly agreed with the reference to The General Curriculum and the syllabus, with mean scores of 3.63 and 3.69, and standard deviations ranging from 0.770 to 0.832 Furthermore, they expressed unbiased views regarding the clarity of the reference to the general curriculum.
EU Level 2 effectively meets teachers' expectations by aligning with the general curriculum and addressing young learners' needs, in accordance with CEFR standards and the MOET curriculum The coursebook package includes practical and engaging topics that stimulate thought-provoking discussions, covering themes such as emotions, occupations, food, activities, home life, and daily routines This diversity in subject matter enriches the classroom experience and promotes active student participation However, teachers have noted a cultural bias in the materials, which primarily highlight Western cultures.
The teaching methodology evaluation included two key items that sought teachers' opinions on the coursebook's consistency and clarity in achieving learning objectives through its underlying philosophy and approaches The findings are summarized in the table below.
Table 4.4 Opinions on teaching methodology
1 Teaching methodology in the coursebook is in line with learning objectives and goals
2 The content and design of the coursebook serve the learning objective
The coursebook package offers a detailed overview of functions, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation across eight units, each comprising four lessons that conclude with a 'Check Up' section Organized around relatable topics such as feelings, jobs, and daily routines, it follows a consistent structure (present, practice, produce) that aligns with children's natural learning process Teachers commend the well-structured design, which facilitates receptive and productive language acquisition through listening, controlled practice, and active use of the language Personalization at the end of each unit enables students to connect new material to their own experiences, catering to learners who prefer a familiar, structured approach while addressing their needs and learning objectives.
4.2.3 On suitability to learners and to teachers
The questionnaire results revealed that teachers had a positive perception of the coursebook's suitability for both learners and teachers High satisfaction levels in items C2 and D2 indicated that the coursebook effectively supports teaching and learning by addressing learners' needs and interests, while also ensuring that the material is accurate and up-to-date.
Teachers expressed high satisfaction with the adaptability of the coursebook, particularly appreciating its flexibility in meeting diverse learner needs and characteristics This flexibility allows teachers to easily modify the coursebook's resources to better align with their specific teaching conditions and expectations.
By contrast, teachers partially agreed with teaching methodology’s category, having neutral opinions on this category The means and SDs are in table below:
Table 4.5 Opinions on suitability to learners, to teachers
1 The coursebook is suitable in terms of learners’ characteristics
2 The coursebook is suitable in terms of learners’ needs and interests
3 The coursebook considers principles on learners’ acquisition
1 The coursebook is designed to be suitable in terms of approaches, guidelines, and organization for teachers with variety of capabilities and experience
2 The coursebook composes of supplementary materials, tools, and additional resources that supports for teaching speaking skills
3 The coursebook is flexible, can be adapted by teachers
The questionnaire results were presented with the highest percentage scores according to the responses under the titles of topics and activities of the section
Learning- Teaching The MD’s (second column) and SD’s (third column) scores are in the following table
Table 4.6 Opinions on topics, activities
1 Topics is interesting, familiar, variety 3.80 0.677
2 Workload is compatible to students’ learning capabilities
3 Practice is allocated properly that met with leaning objectives in short and long-term
4 Instructions for activities are clear and easy to follow
5 Activities take into account the diversity in learning styles, and from easy to hard level
6 Goals of activities is achievable, in organized ways to practice, can be applied to daily life
7 Activities facilitate learning English in a natural way, and with orientation
Teachers indicated a positive outlook on the effectiveness of speaking skills instruction, with survey results reflecting a mean score between 3.5 and 4.0 However, they noted that certain activity goals appear to be partially inadequate for student needs One teacher highlighted the challenge of organizing specific activities within the classroom setting.
The coursebook is well-aligned with the students' syllabus, ensuring effective learning Teachers have noted that the vocabulary is both sufficient and easy to remember The Check Up section, which occurs every two units, helps reinforce the vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills acquired After completing the lesson activities, students are assessed on their understanding.
85 self-assessment section, rating how they evaluate what they’ve learned in the lessons and identifying areas for further practice
Teachers generally find the instructions effective for helping students engage in practice activities Many educators noted in interviews that the guidelines in the student book promote a comfortable learning environment and support the development of communicative language skills However, some teachers reported omitting certain activities due to time constraints, indicating that workload considerations are essential This aligns with the recommendations made by Byrd and Schuemann (2014) regarding the evaluation of activity suitability.
Teachers find the package beneficial for enhancing their teaching methods, as evidenced by insights gained from interviews The Teacher's Book offers valuable guidance through its Lesson Guide, which includes detailed descriptions and justifications for the recommended approaches Additionally, it features advisory materials such as lesson plans, teaching techniques, and engaging activities, all designed to facilitate effective learner engagement These perspectives align with the identified needs and characteristics of learners, as well as the principles of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories for assessment.
The MD’s and SD’s scores are in the following table
Table 4.7 Opinions on language content
1 Vocabulary load is compatible to students’ language acquisition, is reasonably allocated, and linked together
2 Themes is suitable in terms of socio-cultural aspects, having local and global representation
3 Vocabulary and grammar points are introduced with highlighted, simple forms, to elicit realization and present knowledge, values
4 Culture and authentic English are suitable with requirements of learning English
The mean score for the language content of the package ranges from 3.5 to 3.7, with a standard deviation between 0.725 and 0.818, indicating that most teachers are satisfied with the book's content This assessment encompasses four key areas: teachers' opinions on the overview of language content, the inclusion of vocabulary and grammar knowledge, the appropriateness of learning progression through socio-cultural, local, and global themes, as well as the presentation forms and the integration of culture and authentic English.
Most teachers reported positive feedback regarding the language used in the coursebook, highlighting its authentic representation of everyday English The findings suggest that the materials are grounded in real people and situations, featuring numerous authentic illustrations that enhance the learning experience.
The "Story" sections of the coursebook equip learners with essential skills for both personal and professional development Teachers found the language suitable for their students' current English proficiency levels and appreciated the coursebook's logical progression of grammar and vocabulary The materials increase in difficulty from simple to complex, with later units offering more advanced vocabulary and grammar Educators noted that the coursebook effectively highlights grammatical points with clear examples, while the included language functions reflect practical usage for English learners However, it primarily features British English without introducing diverse pronunciation variations.
Regarding the activities’ organization, the obtained mean score of activities is relatively high, that means teachers were agreed with the activities of this series This
The article discusses a section containing seven criteria for evaluating educational activities, focusing on aspects such as topic relevance, balance of long-term and short-term objectives, alignment with students' learning abilities, and the effectiveness of tasks in promoting language internalization It emphasizes the importance of clarity for self-study, the provision of meaningful communicative practice, the diversity and progression of activities, and the overall facilitation of natural learning Notably, teachers expressed high satisfaction with the item A7, which pertains to the effectiveness of facilitating a natural, oriented approach to learning English, achieving a mean score of 3.89 with a standard deviation of 0.832.
The coursebook presents a balanced approach to language learning, incorporating both free and controlled exercises, such as accuracy-based matching and engaging activities like interviews and information gap tasks Teachers have observed that these tasks promote meaningful communication and fluency among learners The diverse activities cater to individual, pair, or group work, embedding grammatical and vocabulary lessons within motivating, real-life contexts for effective learning Additionally, the student book encourages creative and independent responses, allowing for the internalization of new language concepts through various recursive activities Furthermore, the coursebook's adaptable nature ensures that its activities can be tailored to fit different learning environments.
The following table presents the MD’s and SD’s scores of teachers’ opinions on skills
1 Skills are reasonably introduced through language content, and interlinked
2 The level of practicing skills are suitable with learners’ diversity
3 Practicing receptive skills is easy that let students learn independently
4 Practicing receptive skills is standardized, with relation to daily conversations
5 Practicing productive skills is standardized, with relation to daily conversations
6 Practicing skills is interesting, have a balancing distribution between pair- and group- work
Major findings of the study
This study aimed at examining the perspectives of teachers towards coursebooks’ evaluation and to survey the suitability of the coursebook Everybody
Up Level 2’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills for young learners at private
Teachers in private English centers exhibit positive attitudes towards evaluating coursebooks, particularly in relation to the Everybody Up Level 2 package for enhancing speaking skills in young learners They propose various criteria for assessing the coursebook's suitability, aligning with the recommendations of experts in the field, such as Cunningworth (1995) and Tomlinson (2003).
In 2011, McGrath emphasized the importance of coursebook packages in enhancing speaking skills for young learners, with teachers expressing strong approval of their effectiveness Additionally, valuable feedback from educators highlighted the need for adaptations to the coursebook to improve its usability Overall, the coursebook was deemed suitable by teachers participating in the study, aligning well with the issues surveyed in this research.
The following are brief notes for two research questions of the study:
Research question 1: How have the teachers at private English centres perceived towards the in-used coursebook’s evaluation in their course of teaching?
Initial interviews revealed that teachers provided significant feedback on evaluating a coursebook, highlighting references to the MOET's general curriculum for English, CEFR standards, language acquisition theories, and criteria focused on learners' needs.
93 characteristics, teachers’ expectations, learning objectives and goals, teachers’ review from experience, teaching – learning contexts, are useful, grounded information for setting up questionnaires
Teachers at private English centers have varying opinions on the suitability of the Everybody Up Level 2 package for teaching speaking skills to young learners Many educators appreciate its engaging content and interactive approach, which they believe effectively fosters communication skills However, some teachers express concerns about the complexity of certain activities, suggesting that they may not align with the developmental levels of all young learners Overall, while the package is seen as a valuable resource, its effectiveness in enhancing speaking skills may depend on the specific needs and abilities of the students.
Interviews revealed that teachers strongly endorsed coursebook features such as design and organization, language content, activities and tasks, and supporting materials These elements are crucial for enhancing students' language acquisition and facilitating the practice of communicative English, ultimately enabling effective usage in daily life.
Teachers provided positive evaluations of the coursebook and its supplementary materials, highlighting their effectiveness in organizing practice activities through reasonable teaching approaches They noted that the coursebook significantly contributes to their professional development, particularly through insights gained from the Teachers Book Additionally, constructive feedback was offered to enhance the coursebook experience In conclusion, the EU Level 2 package is highly suitable for teaching speaking skills to young learners.
The main findings of the study can be best summarized in the following table:
Table 5.1 Major findings of the study
Teachers’ perspectives on coursebooks’ evaluation
Positive attitude Providing ground for setting questionnaires
Teachers’ evaluation on the coursebook in terms of suitability
Suitable for teaching speaking Well-designed activities Serve to develop teaching profession Teachers’ recommendations on using Everybody Up coursebook effectively
Additional resources Cultural aspect (with reference to the general curriculum)
Teachers sharing reviews in meetings
Implications of the study
This study offers valuable insights into a particular coursebook designed to enhance communicative skills among young learners at private English centers The findings highlight important implications for teachers, educational administrators, and future researchers.
The study introduces a comprehensive evaluation framework designed to assess the appropriateness of English coursebooks for young learners, facilitating effective syllabus planning and material selection In the classroom, it is essential not only to utilize coursebooks wisely but also to provide teachers with the necessary resources and environment to evaluate materials that align with learners' characteristics, cultural backgrounds, and personal interests Incorporating authentic materials is a valuable strategy, as they enable students to apply their English knowledge in real-world contexts Increased exposure to real English enhances learners' ability to produce language and achieve communicative goals independently.
Fluency in a language is enhanced through a combination of structured learning and exposure to authentic materials, which provide real-world content that complements students' academic studies (Hammer, 2007) Additionally, recognizing the diversity of learning and teaching styles is essential; therefore, a flexible coursebook grounded in sound teaching philosophy, methodology, and approaches is crucial for effective education.
Teachers should evaluate coursebooks based on criteria relevant to their specific contexts, while also considering students' needs to facilitate effective English learning They must actively participate in practices related to their teaching environment, including material selection, as they are both key deliverers and beneficiaries of the educational process To support teachers in meeting these responsibilities, educational administrators should provide necessary assistance Additionally, to boost learners' motivation and overall experience, private English centers' management should offer teachers opportunities to deepen their understanding of coursebook series by connecting them with authors and relevant documentation.
Coursebook authors and publishers should offer teachers clear, concise, and up-to-date techniques along with specific instructions that foster a playful and informative learning environment It is essential to include a variety of tasks and activities tailored to different English proficiency levels, enabling students to reinforce their language skills effectively Rather than focusing solely on vocabulary and grammar, incorporating engaging methods such as games and songs can create a fun and dynamic atmosphere, maximizing the potential of coursebook materials.
96 combination of playful, audio-visual components and language might function as a positive means and motivation to experience a foreign language (Hummel, 2014)
Coursebooks are crucial for effective English teaching and learning, making their evaluation essential for selecting the most appropriate materials for specific contexts Prior to choosing a coursebook for any program, a thorough evaluation is necessary to ensure suitability Additionally, regular evaluations should be conducted in a cyclical manner to benefit both teachers and enhance course development Educational administrators must prioritize the needs of learners and teachers by fostering open communication about their goals for the course.
Future researchers are encouraged to consider students' perceptions of coursebooks, especially in the context of self-study and lifelong learning Additionally, they should explore integrating various methodologies and research tools, such as coursebook evaluation checklists and comprehensive coursebook analyses.
In summary, the researcher addressed two key questions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the Everybody Up Level 2 coursebook, along with teachers' recommendations for its effective use Despite certain limitations, this study significantly enhances the existing literature on coursebook evaluation, particularly within the context of Vietnam.
Limitations of the study
The study's findings may be impacted by certain limitations, including the need for student participation to enhance the results' validity Additionally, involving both students and teachers in the preparation for observations could strengthen the credibility of the findings To increase the value of the research, the researcher should ideally observe multiple classes However, time constraints and the requirement for permission from teachers and educational administrators have hindered classroom observations.
To enhance the empirical results of this study, several key improvements are necessary Firstly, implementing a well-planned sampling strategy with a larger and more demographically diverse participant pool is essential for achieving conclusive findings The current use of a convenient sampling method raises concerns about potential sampling errors, as it may not accurately represent the broader population of teachers in English centers Additionally, while qualitative research often emphasizes the depth of data over participant quantity, the limited number of interviewees in this study restricts the richness of the findings Due to resource constraints, it is impractical to survey the entire population of teachers, which further complicates the research process.
Sample bias, also known as selection bias, poses a challenge in research To address this, the researcher employed a mixed-methods approach to achieve data triangulation, especially when further surveys are limited Another significant issue is the extensive number of checklists and criteria that require thorough review by an insightful panel during the trial stage This can be mitigated by selecting suitable panel candidates and adequately examining the teaching-learning context Additionally, the importance of validity and reliability in research cannot be overstated; a study lacks value if it is invalid (Cohen & Morrison, 2007) Thus, emphasizing validity is crucial in both qualitative and quantitative research.
Validity in qualitative research presents challenges, as some researchers hold differing views on its application Cohen & Morrison (2007) suggest that validity is determined by the honesty, depth, richness, and scope of data, which can be influenced by the research topic and existing literature When prior research is scarce or irrelevant, researchers may need to modify their survey methods to suit their specific contexts Identifying literature gaps and highlighting the necessity for further exploration in the field are essential for addressing these limitations These considerations will be discussed in the following section.
To ensure a thorough and objective analysis of English coursebooks, future research should involve a statistically significant sample size for more reliable evaluations Additionally, qualitative approaches should be utilized, taking into account all stakeholders and relevant subjects to gather comprehensive insights.
Future researchers are encouraged to focus on how students acquire knowledge, values, and skills from coursebooks They should consider integrating various methodologies and research tools, such as action research, evaluation checklists, and coursebook analysis, particularly in specific contexts like highland provinces.
In teaching, the instructor should primarily adopt a mentoring role to enhance learners' communicative skills beyond just relying on the coursebook Recognizing that students may encounter challenges with various activities, it is essential for teachers to provide clear and precise instructions while employing effective techniques to facilitate the learning process.
99 effectively The presentation with the coursebook also should be both a routine and a purposeful playing with language
To maximize the benefits of classroom facilities and technology, it is essential that every classroom is equipped with well-maintained computers, TV screens, projectors, boards, and markers Additionally, having these resources readily available enables teachers to be more proactive in addressing unexpected situations during lessons.
Comprehensive technological support enables teachers to assess the value of their students' learning experiences effectively Access to quality teaching materials empowers educators to excel in their roles, allowing them to perform their duties with confidence and competence Additionally, the flexibility and exchange of teaching experiences among educators provide valuable benefits that enhance their professional growth.
In conclusion, this research addressed two key questions regarding teachers' perspectives on coursebook evaluation and the suitability of the Everybody Up Level 2 package for teaching speaking skills to young learners in private English centers Despite certain limitations, the study enriches the literature on coursebook evaluation, particularly within the context of private institutions in Vietnam The findings are beneficial for educators utilizing the Everybody Up coursebook, highlighting that while no coursebook is perfect, it is essential to leverage its strengths and address its weaknesses.
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APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Everybody Up Level 2 Student Book’s Cover 1
APPENDIX B: Syllabus, Student Book’s Content, and Lesson Guides
Everybody Up Level 2 Student Book’s Content of Unit 1
Title: A survey on teachers’ evaluation towards ‘Everybody Up’ level 2’s package on suitability in teaching speaking skills for young learners at english centers
Name of researcher: Long, Tieu Tieu, MA student at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities
I am conducting a research study for my thesis to evaluate attitudes towards coursebook assessment and gather opinions on the suitability of the Everybody Up 2 coursebook for teaching speaking skills to young learners Your participation in this research is greatly appreciated The study involves completing a questionnaire about your evaluation of the Everybody Up 2 coursebook, which should take approximately thirty minutes Additionally, you will participate in a thirty-minute interview to discuss your insights on the coursebook Prior to these tasks, I will collect your personal information through a Background Information Sheet.