Teachers’semi-structured interview

Một phần của tài liệu A survey on teachers evaluation towards everybody up level 2s package on suitability in teaching speaking skills for young learners at english centers (Trang 70 - 73)

Six teachers participated in semi-structured interviews, which the researcher used to collect qualitative data (see Appendix F for more information). The researcher used teachers’ semi-structured interview to get data for research question 1 is to find out teachers’ perspectives on the coursebook’s evaluation in their course of teaching.

The aim of the interview was also to get data for research question 2, which was to opinions of teachers at private English centres on the suitability of the Everybody Up level 2’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills.

In order to get a good representation of the respondents' characteristics, the researcher purposefully selected the teacher participants based on their experiences with using the coursebook. For getting in-depth information and having an comfortable meetings, the interviews were conducted in Vietnamese which is the mother-tongue of the reasearcher and the teachers. The interviews were held via voice calling. The researcher conducted the interviews when the teachers had free time.

Each interview took approximately 20 minutes. The purpose of the semi-structured interview was to find some themes of the seeting of the study. By combining quantitative and qualitative data, this technique can enhance the conclusions.

According to Mackey and Gass (2005, p.173), a written list of questions as a guide,


including a freedom to survey, can be used to probe for more information in a semi- structured interview for the researcher.

There are two parts in the semi-structured interview. The first part was designed to collect teachers’ general information and teaching experience with the coursebook. The second part was designed with questions focusing on collecting data to clarify findings from research question 1 and answer research question 2. The semi- structured interview questions were presented in a table and were focused on the two research questions of the study. Research question 1 was expanded into 4 detailed questions relating to the findings of the questionnaires. Research question 2 was expanded into four detailed questions relating to the weaknesses explored in research question 1. The semi-structured interview questions and their aims are presented in the following table:

Table 3.4. Interview questions

Questions Aims

RQ 1: How have the teachers at private English centres perceived towards the in-used coursebook’s evaluation in their course of teaching?

-To explore teachers’ opinions on the in-used coursebook’s evaluation

1.1 How do you feel about English coursebook’s evaluation?

To provoke some initial perspectives on the coursebook’ evaluation

1.2 Have you ever conducted or joined in a coursebook’s evaluation?

If yes, could you describe in detail how you have been implementing?

To find out if the teacher has experience in evaluating.


1.3 Would you mind explain in detail how you decide that a coursebook is suit for you?

1.4 Could you specify what are your points that you say need to considerate, that is some kind of criteria, in terms of evaluate a coursebook? Would you mind suggest your criteria to evaluate the coursebook’s appropriateness?

To explore the teacher’ ways to evaluate a coursebook

To get into the teacher’s criteria to evaluate.

1.5 What is your point of view on the coursebook evaluation in terms of teaching speaking skills?

To study the teacher’ view on coursebook’ evaluation in terms of criteria suitability for teaching speaking skills

1.6 How do you perceive the coursebook’s evaluation as a user

To learn about teacher’ practice of using coursebook.

RQ2: What are the opinions of teachers at private English centres on the suitability of the Everybody Up Level 2’s package in terms of teaching speaking skills?

To explore teachers’ opinions on the package for teaching speaking skills for young learners

2.1 Would you mind describing the first impression for the coursebook?

Please give some details in the very first access to the package, the studentbook ?

To explore the first impression towards the coursebook?


2.2 How do you describe your evaluation for the books, in terms of teaching speaking?

Could you please explain why you think these features in the package suitable for your teaching?

To find the teacher’ evaluation in terms of the coursebook’ package suitability for teaching

2.3 Would you mind recommend some suggestion for the package?

(student book, workbook, etc.)

To find teacher’ suggestion for using the coursebook’s package

The researcher conducted explaining to each interviewee how the researcher had interpreted the findings and assuring them that any errors would be corrected and consulted with them for the final report. To ensure the data's validity, the researcher forwarded the data to the teacher participants who then verified the transcripts and the data's final report.

Một phần của tài liệu A survey on teachers evaluation towards everybody up level 2s package on suitability in teaching speaking skills for young learners at english centers (Trang 70 - 73)

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