Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English,
Trang 2LEVEL 3: Scope and Sequence
(Ổ) BigQuesiem vhotnoer your community spect?
inayat cme me Sy
Big Question: wht food fort
tg aston vay do we nado tok creo ore?
cm ee en
@ tig aueton vrs er?
RE es mrrerieaaseea
© tig averton vn owe ven
socio an
Trang 3LEVEL 3: Scope and Sequence Ư Bgtueslem Vy se lo sports | f
NET EPEHE=— Em len Re lEee= len le
TƯ [Em lỨErereee == = Son
Tin [Hư Green ng 2 Seo H5 er recs:
@ tg esto: vow on we explore the post
= serena Pec vetoes oe KH 1xx
— Tre th” =
Spey nye ae
© fig Question: ow mportontis eeiiy?
Feet nr
Sethe ry oda ey Yong
tig avestion vy do we hove maser
ete at Ach
Trang 4
ae |
What makes your
community special?
‘bout different types of communities
GREER the orocy ground rues
ư ‘letter to nominate o clossmote foro prize « presentation on moking your school beter for directions in o town
D) (Bw Woteh the video Mark Vthe communities mentioned school () town C) music group C) fomiy 0)
Trang 5
Before you read o text, it's useful to think about what you already
know about the topic You con build on this with new information,
® what do you know about the U.S.A.? Moke alistin pairs Use the ideas below
2) Reod and undertine anything from your list
The U.S.A
)(3) what do you know about Spain? Complete the graphic organizer
What I Know ‘What I Want to Know Places, People Food What ? Where 2 Which 2
WD acrois 10 yeas ot she wrtes bog about her “Two young bloggers from different ‘countries tell us what they love about their cities,
ein istonbsl Atroves ite bout history onder to yoy and abn Ry utthas aot of BRR ne ghborhods, too sn BBG pace There water ‘coeur BSR lao of water ides thec Mat chansal seed the osphors The Bosphorus ao divides two ‘oninents—Erope and Aa Bots can ‘eo rom anal ary diferent istanbul isan portant por UBS aes ‘rom ll ove the werd come hee They bring my hgh ch as food cething,
— ‘ery dy people in ianbul cos the vate My dad aes th fry to work vey Inesring love traveling yds, othe Fry wah The Grand Bazaars they Youcanbuy everyting thee, my favor pace in
ers, BBR racks, and even ser and gd ao lve the cable You ‘dep the mountain in asm bin on ‘ables From he able ar youcansee Tenbslectyandthewater be bọ: lR
Trang 6
What Do You › eo
About Your City?
« ~ 10 years old He loves watching sports, playing sports, Paco writes © blog about sports in Madrid He is ‘ond reading about sports!
sity of Spain 1 the RR pace to ve you lowe sport
In Madr: Real Made, Atco de Medi and Rayo Vallcano My team is Real Madd W's one of the best toms inthe word, People ‘ome from all ver he wold to seth my team ploy Te coms huge at every game!
Moda is emazing wo se lt of other spor, too, There are mote than 12 profesional sports stadiums
Retiro Pat cam ide my bike, or can row ‘ boat onthe big lak Some people oleae In the pak Ym no very good a rllebloding, ‘When was younger, red to eam, But cult tT prefer to ide bikes with my frends Tram proud of my cy and its many sports ‘Come vist Model
How oe these ples diferent from yourhometonn?
(2) Read and write F (fact) or 0 (opinion)
{3) Look ot the graphic organizer in ‘Activity 3 0n page 8, and do the tasks the text The bloggers were osked, Whot 2 ‘Azra blogs about
Her favorite school subject is
Her favorite things about istanbul are Poco blogs about
The outdoor octivities he kes ore
He's proud of
‘There's woter everywhere in Madd is the perfect place to ive Istonbul if you love sports
The Bosphorus divides the ‘There are more than I2 stadiums continents of Europe and Asi, in Modrid
Madrid is great for outdoor Ships from all over the world come cctivities
to Istanbul
‘Which questions con you answer now? Tell your partner Which mous rope one om Sp? Which questions do you still need information for? Say how you can A cor find the information
Find ond circle the words in the text Then, read and match port ‘big group of people
Trang 7©
(90) teas ne sentences ond do te ts Go« Die isten ond repeat
‘When Iwas younger, coulda rollerblod ‘When Lwassix I could ride a bike 1 Undertine whem inthe sentences Find ond circle forms ofthe verb can 'b Do these sentences refer to the past, present, or future?
‘Grammar: could/couldn’t for Ability with when
sleep swim ski / sport stort
We use could and could’t to talk about obiltes in the post
\When Iwas younger I couldn’ rollerblade!
When Iwas six, I could ride a bike © @ moter the pictures with the sounds
XD reed cre treo’ — a —
h the boll X
> Wihen she tried bosketball she could ran fost / couldn't e ri € When she tried soccer, she could Kick the ball / couldn't ,
6 But, when she tried swimming she could swim fost / couldnft
oe errr
sleep small spoon skote swim stand swon sports skirt stor slow smell
rayon _== kote nen wos yours
Neotdot eae
GO De Bán he tongue twister ‘Then, sy tas quickly ot you can, nen wos yours
Veotunt ead on
Teun ave oar smiles, swims, skates, Stacey the spider
‘skis, and skips
Trang 8
eas Ground Rules
eas 1 presentations more effective
â workin molt group ôYour teacher wil osgn your group one ofthe tole below todo the toss © Brinstor five orcy ground rules or your table and complet it
‘Shore your ideos with the clos Discuss which rules are the some ‘ond which rules ore different
“able I: Oracy Ground Rules for] | Table 2: Oracy Ground Rules 2 Discussion and Collaboration || for Giving Presentations
1 1 Tm Kote! |? 7 ? 7 + 5 5 Tea Tem @ ovecy Tim
Wino or four important People in your school temmuiy? Wy e the Importent?
Let's Practice Oraeyi(1.2.3 i
8 Form groups Discuss the Oracy Time! questions
Remember to follow the ground rules
‘All the time /| 1 My group followed the ground rules for discussion | Sometimes / Never 2 Were there any ground rules you didn't follow? Yes/No
5 If there were any ground rules you didn't follow which ones were they?
Write a Letter Suy
QD tec te eterond ‘answer the questions Pebblepatn Elementary Schwol »
‘@ Whois Ano writing bout? 1S Front Street, Greenwood
pols aver ‘Dear Me, Themes
Carla should win the
Best Buddy Award? T want to neminate Carla for the Best Buddy Award She’ in my class, and T always sit next te hec,
She talks to everyone and she's always Smiling Sometimes, she invites the Whole class to her house She has a
big bockyord , 0 we can play soccer for houre She? really good at sports She alusays brings 0 seccer ball so we can play at recess,
OO vor eros ofthe letter
« thesender’s address) Best wsishes,
ằ thedate O
ôâ emoticons O) Ana
4 anending [}
Improve Your Wing Titesn Names a yO
‘on example ofa title inthe letter
We use these when we talk to aduts Miss, Mis., Ms, and MF are titles in names
fe Mr Miss
| ‡#
Tier netic
® prepare {onominetegcosmete for to wit otter the best uy Averd Rwy Book nthe
Trang 9
‘enormous hide
excited tough explore afraid
©} compete the sentences with a word from Activity |
«Toys when I wotch sad movies b Areyou of spiders?
€ ts your bithdoy party tomorrow! Are you 2
6 What's the mater Your fces right red! You lok lets in the forest There oe lt of intersting things to see! £ Rex! 1s time for your walk Dont under the bed!
4 Te tree in your bodied i 1 We could build ree house int 1 Youtook very when you rea book
Liêm {Do you hove anything to eat? J Lolweys at Som'sokes, He's so funny!
tay a miming game with the key words from Activity I
Reading Strategy; Using Background Knowledge
‘Before you read o text think obout what you olready know about the topic
(eS nest eee ene
————————‹x- —
Yes] No | Dow’ Know © land isin Ewrope,
'b People of may diferent natonaliis Ive in New York Inthe pas ook along me lo toelFom relondio Now Yor by boat
New Yorks @ small iow, Baseballs on ish spor
Inthe pas children ployed inte see alot more {People in New York ren fondly
BO tet sen nt gist ant perineal m «Whe inverted boseball? Where wos fest played? E weve peop tatpiniaks’ bo sass soy saa
‘aseball san American sport Ít very ol People started playing i over 150 years ago! We think that Abner Doutleday tented basal He was fom [New York Alice he invented dhe game, became very popular Profesional roms tarted to play bascall
‘ames, Some ofthe players became national heroes “The spor is sil popular todog
Trang 10
© Old Friends, New Friends
By Joep van der Werff
In 1847.1 was ten years ok My best friends were Colin nn Finan, Our favorite game wos hide-and-cck All he kid in ovr sown ploel hic-and+eck bt we were the champions
In one game, found a hiding place behind a car fill of potatoes was a good place to hie, But the smell of roting potatoes wos digting
There were wten potatoes verge in Iand tha year Noone knew why All {he potatoes tured lack We could ea then, so ve ere RA al eh i
ray poungér sister is foce
‘One evening, my father talked to me and Ne looked very BH, What wes Dod going sa
“1 have some important news.The potatoes are rotting and we hungry, ete leaving Ireland and going to Ameria,"said Dad
“What about Colin and Finnion?"Iosked.“Are they Ieving, 002” “1 don't know, Brian Maybe
need to ay goodie 0 Your il go to America someday, But now you
1 aw Colin nd Finnian dhe nest day tld them that my family was going to ‘America They were very quit think they fl sod, ike me We played hide
‘and-seck, bu twos the same f
(Om July 3, 1847, we le reland, My mother started wo i when we got on the hụ far didnt so anthing,bụ I knew he was upset, 00: The ship +s GHG rch food, Bat New and I started playin on fl of people Th
hide-and-seek There were so mang places o BE ‘onthe ship!
Trang 11
O Old Friends,
New Friends (One day in August, New and I were walking by 0 baseball game ball few toward New Nes caught it! One ofthe boys walked up ‘We arrived inthe city of New York There were so mony people! 1s ERE ‘when I saw our big, new house But then we discovered that we only had one to 46 Ati, he looked Rn | wos BB Bur suey he sed
‘wae al buildings and
1 catch! Do you want 0 play?" he asked
So Nesa and I joined the game!
The boy name was Jin, He was fom China, Nesa and I started exploring the neighborhood with Jn One day, in took ois home His mother served us Dow of Chinewe rice fe was delicous!
We ako made fren with a new boy, Cal He wes fom Sweden,
{told fin and Cor tories about Ireland taught them hose
bn to ply hide-ond-seek We ako played bascbll every day We had fun together that samme wos ike Irland, Ieithord to move but America seared to fee like my hon toe diferent county?
Tsthefomiys ite beter New Yor? Why? or worsen Soon my father started working ata carpenters shop My mother
stated washing clothes for money My mother was aways singing My fther| told jokes fod on our tbl ond made ws GH We were no Tonger hungry There xi oluoyc
[Ness and played in he strects, Sometimes we played hide-and-seek sane without Calin and Finnion We ike to A ou: neighborhood In New York, there were peopl fom all ver dhe world liked watching the people and hsteing t them speak eiferent languages We often shiping a game with a ba and ball Inthe aret.They called it baseball
Trang 12
(90) compete te soph orgorzer wth the words oe poses
town hungry hot ploy games ‘fiends rotting potatoes boseball city
Home in Ireland
@ Look What new information did you learn? ot te sotemantsin Activity 1on poye 7 "say Sega Teena)
â with ôpartner, tell the story
Ciao -
What you forte thing odo with your tend
© Gi ices nit, have some important news ‘We arrived inthe
city of New York — The potatos
12 Undetine in blue one present progressive form of o verb, Undertne in green one present simple frm of a verb Underline in red one post simple form of a verb 'b Which sentence describes something happening at the moment?
‘© Which sentence describes something that happened in the post? 1d Which sentence describes o fact?
‘Grammar: Tense Review We use use present simple to talk about
‘events thot happen We use present ‘obout events progressive to tlk hhoppening ot the moment
‘The potatoes ore rotting
We use post simple to tolk about events that happened yesterday lost week, lost year oF {long time ago We arrived in the city of New York
‘every day things in ‘general or acts, Thave some important news
@ Ae ister tne song an complete Two Flees the At Liven he Pos
Two Foods It Ate Two Things It Sow ‘Where Its Living Now
QO wits porter te te statoments © opleceyou wentlostweek a something you ote yesterday © something youare doing now © someting you do every day
€ oat about yout {hot someonein yourfomiyis doing nw
{went to my grondme’s howe ost wack
Trang 13
Listen to the beginning of a report Mork V the questions ‘Why ore these communities special?
Whi are these houses special?
Why do people visit these communities?
Look ond read
What answers can you guess? Then, listen and complete,
Listen ond complete
‘Work in groups Think about what improvements you can make to your school
outdoor space buildings food sports ond music foclities classrooms
© poster to display on the wall You can include pictures or photos
your presentation
: Country: Norway
Country *thasem Your ideos tothe rest of the clos
LUsten to the other presentations
+ Number of iahabitants: hd unive we pont ‘Ask questions ot the end Which ideas
ue fore the best?
1+ The caves include Dest olden houses because there's no cad * You cant have a ° there
because they're not allowed,
Form groups seus the Oracy Time!
‘weston | &
Trang 14
= Listen and number the directions
=a oa ee
Look, listen and follow Say where you are
eh eS ngs: wee Go Turn Turn
Wes the ret rom the hospital e ` (© CC co 166200 0prne tiecreclrair te ving dettons to there place,
the pet store the bookstore the swimming poot the bonk the hospitol the supermarket
Excuse me, we ot! Do you know where the (Gupermarket) is?
(Of course, Tu eftight on Go straight
Ws between the and the Ws onthe comer
1s ocrore the street rom the Ws nest tothe
Som dont kaw Thonkyeu
Listen to Anite asking for directions Drow the route she should toke, Listen ogoin ond complete the sentences
Trang 15What is food for?
‘bout the reasons we eat food ư how to give postive feedback OGRE o pory invitation
‘heoithy menu,
‘a role play obout ordering street food
What OTT KH What eee FT co
Khĩ C102 (2 Wotch the vdeo Mark V the best tte sisisiiReters ND) b BneretMyHoue =
Trang 16
® ng eae)
Reading Strategy: Monitoring Comprehension
‘To understond o text bette ask yourself these questions while reading: DoT understand the words? Which words do I not understand?
Look ot the flow chart and enswer the questions 12 How many steps ore there?
'b What can you do when you see words you don’t understand?
== tuc
| step 2: Reod the Undertine ‘words you sentence ogoin fond read the
don'tknow | | next sentence
Step 3: Look or duesin he pictures ond the headings Step 4: Ask your teacher fr your partner, or look ltup
QƠ toad te test and sete flow chart to guess the meonng of the worn blue
Garlic—The SUPER Food! Sen sin he same fomly a onion I has a tong smell and ice m
inthe post wos very important, People used flay crrrcy,ieead
` "5 (7 Yeti tke pope rm gle sis ai ắc Jos of white and purple gare skins with water ‘ ‘hen, re the pop dit Sy ‘Some people say gatic is good for your health
Since ithas asttong fave, isan sorative to ‘salt Some people also think garlic can help ‘prevent lines
COLE Estas
@ You're going to rea a text about breakfast around the word Ih Your opinion, whets the Nealhiest thing to eat for breckfest
ont forget the ground rules for discussion!
BREA An HƠNG the World
22 Everybody knows that breakfasts the most important ‘meal ofthe day But what is breakfast? What foods do you think ‘of? Does breakfast mean diferent things in different places? Let's investigate breokfosts around the world,
TheUSA pcre ng ch, SE SG te ey rên
'Hd Tomo Injapan, we haves of dierent tings for breakast— ied fn,
re bears Our breakfasts re delious hopstcs, Mexico my famiy ows to at clues or breatat on weeends
‘ron speci ccson Thee made From com chips, tomato sauce an tet, and bears Yum tm having hoqaisfor
breakfast nis JRW'
Hay hoạt
Pokiston sy name Pakistan, we ext tu In
delcos breakfst
‘alld alo paratha tsa spec Knd of flatbread filed ‘wth potatoes at ith RE ‘or your Breakfast my vote mọi ina’
Trang 17©
QO tenth ice rm Doctor Dor Then ook endo
| “Tats ond sugars protein carbohydrates fiber vitomins ond minerals |
ANSWER: A balance of foods is, important Your body needs -
{© Protein from mest fish, eggs nus beans mit, fend cheese, Children need lots of protein ôâ Fat from meat ol, and foods made with rik Eating some fis important, bu t00
‘uch i bod for you!
{© Carbohydrates from cereal, potatoes, pesto, and rice They give you energy! {© Vicmins and minerals from fru and
‘vegetables You need lots ofthese! % Bber rom beans fruit vegetables, ‘whele-grin bread, whole-grain paste.and nuts,
brown ree Fiber helps your body digest food Most children need more fer!
What about sugar?
Mộ, ANSWER: Sugar is ôâ carbohydrate and gives us energy, but
the energy doesn’ last very long A lil bit of
sugar is OK, but most +
nh Hhnn LÍ L2) Whetfeods doyou needo at of? What foods do you need a itl of? Discuss find sugar in cake, cookies,
‘nd drinks ke soda or
‘ond mark the strategies you used
‘guessing picture clues (C)._—_ asking a partner or the teacher [} reading the sentence ogein CE) using @ dictionory la) reoding the next sentence C) using bockground knowledge [}
‘You also need to eat three meals every day: breakfast, tunch, and đi!
Ax» Find the words in the article and circle them Then, read and ‘write the words,
corbohydrates grilled chopsticks digest |
Poratoes can grow in space
`% B8BSBEN ho cxite for about 6.000 years
2% H8N8 conoin nore soọor thon 808888008, 1 eee dee pre po ôâ Your body tokes hours Sosantad ` food ond get the nutitionfomit Pe Se ier eae steele € Insame Ason counties, people wse insteod of knives
1 gas ito the air Ths gas mokes {your eyes water
> Tomatoes and BUMBRIRE are fruits, ~ not vegetables! Its healthier to eat meat than to cookit in oil or fot
‘among the five food groups? Why TT or why not?
Trang 18
(9G reed ne serene cn do te tet
1m having chilaguies for brokfist this weekend
â Undertine ô form ofthe verb tobe Circle o verb ending in ing
Find the sentence inthe article Does it refer to the post present or future?
{\ Grammar: Present Progressive with Future Meaning
‘Sometimes we use the present progressive to talk obout our plans forthe future Tm having chilaquiles for breakfost this weekend,
@ with o portner, totk about your plans Can you find a time when you are both free?
Water ou dong on Wnsoyt_ | [cart on ting my custo Doyeieeatecntetombotar | | dr whotabon taney?
Student A Cam
- Wet you mat mod? Vet ao ou 1212500 ¬
à =
Cem tsi
ELEM Are serra party
_m swede aud san gueBaddeo EI ST] sammesinm.suap (MM oem Buna 9iM2piS ©
0 Ae tion ond ie the pcr tat str with erent sound
Trang 19
(= Ase Reod ond guess which responses match the statements
Ten, watch ond match
1 thoveonideo—tets eS have «9 Good point! (ceed pate
1st we cont hove the party on i 2 | Thun becouse te soceerproctice afterschool ots of Ks go Great idea! 3 < rbetneon © Thot’s ewesome!
OD we soy toposes a cae ce ae toes 2 cause they rok e prker odk more questions
Ð Becouse they give the speaker confidence, Because they make the speaker feel thot others are listening
$5 Our Class Party
Day, Date, and Time:
Food an
Let's Practice Oracy!(ID4 5.6 ee
Form groups Plana coss party Games, Music, and Activities:
Complete the party planner Remember to give positive feedback
1 Igave positive feedback Yes/No
2 used the phrases on the cue cords
OO trod te invtaton Ten merits fects
OG asaivdisnss Write an Invitation
Te: Jamie, From: Amelia and Jake
Please come to our brthay pric in the park! Ws on Saturday, dune 22, from Ta 9 2p,
Ur tod rt Before Mm, we il sb up the nie fon ave early you cn He!
rap frie, weve all ig smingt nme Ae eA SNP
@ information about the piece () _—e information about the doy ()
» information about what toweor C) _f informotion about the time [}
¢ information about what to bring () g ToondFrom Oo
4 information about other
people who are going ư
Trmprove Your Wriling: before ond øfer + Noun
`We use before ond ofter to explain the order ‘of events We can use before and after with
Before dinner, we wash our honds ater Lunch, wel play games
SS ‘example of before and
‘fter » noun in the invitation
@ Prepare to make a party invitation a
fre dct Book
Trang 20Ơ recs ne nonsense rep nl onset queson
Dig up three small poses You cave fin then it forests, under leaves on the grown Wash them ‘and put them in a pot with sugar and chocolate ack them slowly for five hours Stir afte Ade
sausage potato ingredients fork
En! | ‘2 What do you think the blue words mean?
roast honey cupboard frosting pot ‘© What do you know about them from the rest ofthe text? ae ti:
(9D wie cig tay words under theconet heading {6 Con you understand most of the text without knowing al the words
[[ Sweet Food | SaltyFood | Cooking Equipment] A Wayto Cook | |_Seset Food | Selty Food Seoking Cavipment_A Wey to Cock @o© {ook ot the party invitation missing words
‘0 partner, read it aloud ond guess |
Inpoirs, discuss how you y
® ‘guessed the missing words ˆ 2 & #2
© Hove « class competition! In teams, list as many sally ond sweet foods ts you conn tive minutes ® Think about the ast porty youwart to, ond discus the ‘estons witha partner my birthday oe aes
a Where wos the porty? Tes on Friday, F dae 2:
b Whoweretheguets? VÌ Thụ 2h
1 z ° ‘© What wos the best thing Sout the port? ® Novng tig call r a ca
ề Ề AS
Do you tke cooking or preporng fod? Do you help your fomiy member ook? Whet food con you moke? CN From:Naomi hạ
Trang 21
iC ”=Jan”s Birthday P8 E ia ee family in the park Now he realized they hod to stayin the howe!
of Dye ˆ because she cant goto the store to buy the GES We cau "We cant got the park today At Ada can’ bake cake
celebroe with ony of my birthday traditions!” sai Jn say This the worst birthday eve! 1 know!” sid Dad “Bu you should be sad, Lets make some new tradition! You should wait here in your bedroom Jon You Jan waited inhi room for @ very long time He could hear things happening in the re ofthe howe He heard doors opening and
closing He heard people walking around, At one pont, he could ‘even smell smoke! After a while fan got bored He took
‘ou his tablet and stared playing a video game Jon woke up excitd.“I my birthday m ten today!" | Think of how you elebrote Bot then, he remembered the news fom lat night your bithdoy How ore fo's
do tastions the some He sopped smiling see wears te Jan ved in the city of Hollen Germany, He lived with his mother, father, and his ig ster, Anna Jan loved to ceebnat his birthday in
the same way every year His family had a picnic by the river in Peis Prk Mom would okays SERB ond nok BBBE «o4, Everyone rode thie bikes tothe pork Jans aunts, uncles, end cousins come, toa Aunt Ada always
brought her famous chocolate cake After dhe picnic, Jan and his cousins went Bat, right now, Jan wasn't hoppy, He wos worried, Ke rained a lot lastnight and ie wos sil ining now: There wos no electricity, On the radio police officer
said that people mustn't go nea the rive The water level wos too high He said People mst say indoors So forget about a pinic next to de iver! What do you tink ans dod is going
Trang 22=
O» Jan's Birthday ‘Surprise 2)
celle Desf etled on en case ayraesaien eat athe ever ioe
shouted when he appeared, Jan saw his family, the big sign, the birthday In the meantime, Dad went him Thy were in therefor along time At Tos, Dad and Anna came out with int the kitchen He called Anna to come and help SE hon tan r8 tt nể kuizHferier
‘box They placed it onthe table in the ving room, ‘Anna pointed tothe box on the table"Open i, Jan!” she said Inside it Jan found lot of dlicious pieces of chocolate ‘Mom was worried “What can we have for hnch?
How do you think Jon's “This year we're going to play Hit the Pot” said Anna “For this game, ou Fegan tea He ond Mon bit ofc in the fireplace | fami eras fea put on the blindfold and crass around the room You bang @ stick until you ‘Mom opened a package of sausages She placed them on | wile theyre ongoing Find the ll tn che pot, there are pieces of chocolate!”
«long metal BE and sorte o BBE ther over he Fe hi bethdoy party?
“Yay!” shouted the cousins excitedly They played again, uni there wos no more chocelete.TI
the sausages and the birthday cookies everyone sot down £0 eat game again and
{e-wos Jan’ bes birthday ever“There’ always room for surprises and traditions!” said Dad, Jon realized he was right Next
ear, he was going to have o lor of birthday traditions
to choose from! Why do you thinkit wor
At Tot, Jan’ cousins and aun and uncles, who lived in dhe house next door, arrived Aunt Ada didn bring the usual chocolate cake She brought some big HEH cookies insted!
‘Aunt Ado asked Anna to help her They found some powdered sugar in the BBL Anno added msl o the powdered sugar to make HEHE Then, ‘wrote “Happy on one cookis, “Birthday” on another cookie, and "Jan" on another Tey pu the three big cookies together ona pate Instead ofa cake,Jon hha birthday cookies!
Trang 23
Esplore the Test ee © Read and mark V the questions thet the story answers Discuss the answers ( teas the sentences and do the toss
CS _Ầ - - with @ partner ° You should wait herein yourroom People must go near the rive » Wihot does Jan do every yeor forhis birthday? dMosmadeeet breoktost? Of People mus say indoor King You shoulda be sad =
€ Wihy cont birthday traditions? they do Jon's norma OD * ebirthdoy cake? hh What do they have instead of la) @ Undertne TP ÏỚ= the phrases that give advice How mony fiends does Jonhove? (] | What gome do they play atthe
{© What does Jan do for his next bìnhdoy? birthday porty? ° $C:
® Tell your partner three new words you guessed from the story Which strategies We se shouldto give edvice ond Mosti:srongerthon should, We use must to give from the low chert on poge 30 did you use to understand them? moke recommendations orders and tlk about rues
You shouldn't besad People must stay indoors
Ova porner tel he story
@® Oise: tisten tothe song Say three things should do ond tree things he must do the baby
O Ar tsten agoin and sing along
@ Play a guessing game Whats the problem?
C ry 1s food important to the characters You should
Trang 24
The Big Chollenge
Your challenge is to create
‘good choices ‘obout foos?
Brainstorm Imagine you have a restourant Moke o lst of your favorite foods for the restourant menu Remember to give ‘Analyze Shore your ideas in groups Which | Postve feedback on 7 Con you make Sour classmates ideas! ‘options ore unheothy? Con you moke any | Your
‘changes to make your menu healthier? ‘rey! in the etvity
Create Make the menu, Fold two pieces ‘of poper in half to make a book Write and illustrate the foods on the menu poge
Decorate the cover with the nome of your restaurant
Pizsolidous Sharky Surprise fond mark Vor X
pm tater = Ođ Ae tisten ag
â You moke your own meal
feedback on their menus, ‘Whose isthe heatthiest? Reflect Give your classmates
Pizzalicious | Sharky Surprise You don't feel ike you're in orestourent
{© There are lots of toppings to choose from ts @ unique experience,
You hove to be brove
n 'Whot is food for?
Cee Shore your ideo
Trang 25You ero going to order some food from «ood stand in an English-speaking
country Prepare what to say Before Your Mission
D 2 CARED sten ond point ‘Then, say which of these you con buy ata food stond in your country
During Your Mission
(CQO Ax sten again what are the missing words?
Con SN osc lacie?) < Fa GENRE o bot of wote oo
® Prete wying set food
Student A Student 8 you are the street vendor MM You are the customer, + Decide what food you PAL Write down amenu | money you hove, * Decide how much
fon a piece of paper * Look at the menu + Decide how much it (Costs Write down the Decide what you wont toeat,
prices * Ak forthe food you cnn is
Conthove (2b09 of How mochisit? tind pleat? That willbe (en) Teatte(sondwiet), dais pecs toe Here you 99 Conyou epet thot? “Thonkyed
‘Anwting ee? Thott thon He's your change
Trang 26Why do we need to
3 take care of nature?
jobout onimals and their hobitas
OD BBB how to be an active tistener,
CO GE o brochure about on insect
CxS presentation on protecting on animal for an Arctic odventure
£9 © ©» Woteh the video and number in order
any of these honeybee () seaturtle orangutan
onimels in danger of Tho T1 (G5: woenooon conoleeeneoropnc
Trang 27Nonfiction WEXTREME HABITATS
9.9» some onimas tive in places where itis dificult to 5080 AY Tet oka thre extreme hobs ond meet the omozing
‘The moin ideo is whot the text is about You con often find itn the frst and lost sentences,
1e the main idea in blue
— ==.=
Sea tures ae endangered becouse of hun Pollution in the ocean i «big problem
for sea turtles One of tei favorite foods is Jellyfish, People dump plastic bogs inthe ocean ion beg: look tke eli Sea turtles ea the
plastic bags by mistake, Sometimes turtles ge stuck in pieces of plastic trash Fishing can be bad for sea tures, too Fishing nets catch Fish but they ao ‘catch turtles We need to work together to protect turds The turles cant escape, and they
Ho tt nthe Sahara Desert emperors
en ap asd apes cons Nga Ho ey cl Adhere ronaler —
mì nhendomsm a
Camels are perfect forthe BHR They keep fat in thelr hump to use for fod They can also cose thee noses to keep
sand out in the day and warm at night Pus, they of them, Thee short Ii co have big feet for walking on the sand,
(Etec tne et gin Underneath mnie TK
@© Which summary best describes the main ideo of the text? Circe, ‘Some animals live at 4,000 m underwater, where there is no sunlight! tis hard for animals to see the food they need to catch [And they can't se other animals that want to eat them! Its extremely cold There i ls alot of pressure fom the water above © Oceans and rainforests are being damaged by humans,
People’s ctions are endangering seo turtles
isting i bos fr tril Anglertish have BRB t the pressure They have spaces In tele body filled with gas This helps them survive Female ‘anglrfish havea special light on thelr head, It helps them see in the dark Male anglerish have a very good sense of smell This Ihelps them to find food
BO took ot pages s3-54 Answer the
© What animals con you see?
'b Where do you think they ive? Anglerfsh have a huge mouth—good for {© Whot do you think this texts about? Ba catening ig fisn!
© Read the ttle What do you think extreme habitats are? reer rs fencer’ _
Trang 28
BEST inch tment snares he rn eno rie?
| ‘© Plankton are in danger
(2 Mrsvovps compet the srphicorgonizer wth the main dos
‘Bre Temperatures inthe Artic regions go down to 50 degrees Clsus! Its very, very cold and windy Animals here eat meat because there are no plants to et In winter, tis dark al dy
Polar bears have huge fet for walking on snow Thlr fur is very thick—perfect for keeping warm They even have fur onthe bottom oftheir feet! White fur | “epsthem t hide in the snow This s useful when they need to catch BRBR Polar bears have oll in thei fr, so, when they get wet, they don't need a towel
‘They just shake off the water, and they're ready!
¬ - a
‘Adapting As
The Desert Hobitot A
Hobitet 8
The Deep Ocean ‘The Polar Regions Hobitat ¢
als “The oceans ofthe GB are changing, ‘These amazing animals live ina delicate
‘balance with nature, Over thousands fof years, they have adapted o their habitats Camels are happy n the hot
desert Anglerfish don't need light to find food, Polar bears can survive on the I nthe Aectie But what happens their
hotter, 30 the ces melting Ices the polar bears’ home Without ie, the bears Can't get close to seals thei food Hungry polar bears now travel along
‘way fr food Without food, they cannot survive
too The temperature of the waters slowly rising Many ocean creatures eat plankton, tiny animals that are sensitive to the temperature What happens if the ‘ater sto warm and al of the plankton ie? Bren inthe driest dese there gy Isa rainy season Now with climate Penny — Pear eet acHons will
habitats star to change quickly? What change, in some deserts, t does 1 meting «the general weather conditions happens othe animals tan ta How can ats ins Euaccc?ervrceiiosierd
imate Change: Habieas in Donger j cĩ rtmel re iee đV aman activ s quickly changing the Y9 3 temperature ‘= € the meosure of hw hot or cold something is ° worl climate The Arctic is getting 4 dimete 4 gọng up
Trang 299D Food the sentences ond do the tsk | read the words What sound do they have in common?
“The english was vming inthe dark, The comels were waking slow
: ©
@ Gein blue was and were, Cle in 2/cc: the vetbs tht end ining Do these sentences referto the present, post, or future? le
cit toy coin
@® As» visten ond repeat the words above
(© ® Ae tisten and repeat complete the chart
° Veit" pte” bal join ly soi say "tol devoy
Spelling Rule
There are wo ways to spall tie sound
® te price, tka turns saying the words and speling
them cloud,
@ tettyour partner what each animal in the rap was doing © As isten ard say the tongue twister The oranguton wes singing The ponda was Troy the tiger destroyed the toy ® Impoirs, eskeand answer questions about what you were doing lst Saturday, Competition!
Who can say it the most tines
Trang 30
(2s Woteh the video and do the tasks (2 Whois listening actively to Kote? Liam Emma 'b How do you know if someone is listening octively?
{© Watch agein ond circle the phrases you heor
Greot idea! Really? “Tsee, Great job! Thats interesting
Let's Practice Oracy!(I7.8.9
8 Form pais choose on Oracy Time! topic and discuss
Remember to listen actively Ask your partner two questions ene
Let me tllyou about my pet my fort animal All the time / Sometimes /Never
1 My partner was looking ot me,
2 My partner asked me questions Yes/No
‘5 My partner used the phrases on the cue cords AlL/ Some / None
Make a Brochure
@ eos the brochure Con you thnk of more eos? FACTS Bees ore important Re fe Tey ry Avec teeobee
pete fbn flower ts fone Fas hep ers rate more flown, Do
Bees are important fe for humans They make delicious honey! os
Bees Live in hives Je Every hive has one gueen She is the biggest bee “The queen's job is important She js mother to all ® ‘the bees,
Grow flowers in your garden, in a box outside your window, or at your School Fruit plants and Sunflowers are bees”
® Don't use chemicals in vn
Don*t touch bees (or their hives
® How does the writer make her ideas clear? Look ond mark
‘The brochure uses illustrations [
‘The brochure uses lists a ‘The brochure uses long sentences ‘The brochure uses imperatives
See Possessive nouns show that one thing belongs to
‘onother We add an apostrophe + sto the noun Ifthe plural noun already ends ins we ust add ‘on apostrophe after the s
theladybug's spots the ladybugs’ spots
OS reer aaron wo roto
® prepare to moke your own brochure inthe Activity Book,
Trang 31
Reading Strategy: Using Background Knowledge
Before you read 0 text think about wht you already know about the topic
Q what do you know about butterflies? Complete the fist two boxes
‘What ‘What WANT to Know TLEARNED
flood yell shine
a âđ Aeằ read and circ ¥ (rue or F fle) Then, Usen and check your answers 4 Cotepilorschongeintobuterfies, TF ma ee © Bustrfies cn ve inverycld habits T € butters et other insets 1
a 4 Butterflies have mouths, 1 7
1 to tell someone about possible danger s 2 unhappy because you are thinking about problems > 5 very bad weather with rin, wind, or snow ° 4 to glow with ight 4
5 to speckin aloud voice worried © Butterflies help plants reproduce t
° " ' 1
6 sims 7 to move gir wth water sexy An © © 100K ot pages 62-65 ond do the ots { Look ot the pictures of the gil How is she feeling in each picture?
8 to cover with woter bie b Reod the ttle What do you think the story is bout? 9 port ofa tree
10 to breok something into pieces
9 cice the words thotorerelted to extreme weather,
yoo &
Trang 32
from the UK She hot Tor cldren: Ken on English teacher ond she oe loves to pont ‘She os tvedn Meso for 30 eos
52 Luka suddenly realized what day it wos She jumped out of bed ond ran out of the hous Soon, she was in the forest, She looked up o he IR ‘ofthe fir ees She soo sill and litenedcareflly Bu she coulda see or heat canpthing
NGWBRI ron back home
‘Mom,” she cried, “is alrcody November, an theyre sill not here!” “Are you se?” her mom asked “Were you looking in the right place?” "Yes yes was | don't understand
the buterfie rent coming? [A quice voice came from the rocking di in the corner of the room,
cat-grnnmother, “e's hop
“What do you mean?” asked Li
“Wel, when I was child, @ The butters are HA ws bow someing! ing happened” she explained Lao didnt share her great-grandmthe’ ideas that th butterflies were ‘ancestors returning to Earth to protect them But she knew something was
Luisa loved the orival ofthe ting Mexican village ddI the frets all winter a
onarch butters every fll Everyone in her ‘aspectaculr aight Th
Trang 33
Oss TeDay They
Didn't Come! wy
Pees ếch ca eh pe shi ooh asa 6o Ẵ
Lisa explained the problem to him,
There are fewer buterfics evry year,” Uncle Pablo explained, “Buterfly larvae feed on milkweed plans Farmers are destroying milkweed” He paused an then adds, “You knows theyre very semtive to envionmentl changes Maybe some
bd weather is on is way!
Te wasnt the ime of yoo or «EG, ba Luisa decided vo warn the villagers She tod dem tht bd weather wos coming
“Are you joking? Stop everthing?” one of the villages shouted, “Burterties predicting the woathe!” another laughed,
oi wos very upset “Why dont people litem to nature” she asked hers Thot night, big sorm came, It wos raining and the wind was I very hha, While Luisa ws brushing her teth, she heard loud eros She ran to ing on the ground She Flt aad,
HG che disse her bedroom window and saw a big tree The river wos HIG She heard peop
@ &
‘Over here! We necd more sandbags 4 [At tht moment, her great-grandmother came imo the room and ston herbed “Donit worry, dear Everyching’s going tobe OK." she said and gave here hug Lisa covered her head with a blanket and cure up nest to her great-gandmother The storm lasted al nigh
The nest morning, the sun 0s RB Lisa opened her window en looked outside [ME ana boken branches were everywhere Fallen trees were lying ơn the road, Some homes were Hooded, and others vere
"Why did they liten tome she asked herself At thot moment, an orange, back, and white butcrfiy ew throagh the window and landed soy om her shoulder
“Mom” she gelled “There her!”
Lessa now knew thot what her great grandmother believed bout the uteries wou so crazy afc ll The buttceis were warning them,
© Think
Trang 34Explore the Text
D complet the third boxin Activity on pose
92 member tn sertecsin ore
C9] treat the sentence and do the toss *, K yk Ke
While Lita wos brushing her teth, she heard loud crash
‘were warning the villoge b Underline the verb in past progressive
butterflies They weren't there
CO Wiso told the vitogers about bad weather
coming, They dda’ listen
A butterfly landed on Luiso’s shoulder
‘That night the storm came ‘We use the past progressive and the simple post to indicate that a longer action in the post wos interrupted, While Luisa wos brushing her teeth, she heard @ loud crash
Inthe morning, Luise sw that her viloge wos destroyed
Reod and wit (fac) 00 (opinion QO ree ond cree te coect form ofthe vers
© Butterfly lorvae eot the milkweed plont bb There ore fewer butterflies every year
The villagers should listen to nature
FT pots: retell the sty th the deer on away, Thon, while we were walking / walked though the fons, _ «buttery was landing / landed on my nose My mother was taking / took
4 photo of me when she was dropping / dropped her el phone! The bref flew awop.s0 we did get our photo,
ss homework yesterdy Wit Twas dong my
we were driving / drove tthe reserve, 0 decr was ing / jumped in fon ofthe cor Lucky my father stopped in tne ond
© Mote tre sity excuses with phrases from the box
Trang 35
LUsten ond crele the main ideo,
we protect Roinforest Reggie wos answering questions the onimots ‘about exotic animals in the rainforest ‘round us?
Roinforest Reggie wos giving on interview about the rainforest ond the animals and plants thot lve there
Read ond complete the fect files Listen and check
Moke ø Ust of animals thot live in worm smaller global warming
your country Choose one,
‘medicine animals most 8E
⁄ What does it eat? Whot ison interesting fact | They ive inthe jungle What i your animal's habitat? Toguors eat ows 50 inmy country ‘mony frmers hunt the animal? them We should
moke o reserve for thejoguors ‘about the animal? Are there any threats to
How con you protect or help the animal?
FRCT FILE: Roinforosts classmates, What con you change the Listen to feedback from your next time you give a presentation? ey ees
+ Rainforests have the ‘animals of any [aaa
+ Plants fom the rainforest are + Coral isa colony of
vsedin + The biggest problem forcorl
+ The rainforest is geting roots ie
Form groups Discus the OraeyTime!_| We cont do onthing to topic Remember to sten active ov the enim Complete Check Your Oroc! on
Trang 361 Orecy Performanee Toskt: Colloborotion
Pliner ere SH do you remember? Reod ond match, w
(002% listening © 2 Ground les 1 elp us remember how behave no dscusion, encourages others to tok Singnet—_et the task + We isten to ech othersdeas
3 Positive feedback ‘¢ is about listening and responding to others ‘+ We stond up when we speak + We ask each other “What do you think?” and
® tno, compte te tobe + We ty to ogre inthe end iy do you tink tat 4
ood point! Thetsowesome! Realy? How obout.? Tose rin ect idet Tht sinteresing Tine wale ease eS Discuss and report your group's resus tothe dss ˆ < x Talk about your ak
hing Aake ing an + Whot postive feedback id you hear?
Positive ecdback Listening Opinion i } + Whotoclueteing địdyo observe?
+ Did your group follow the ground rules? ‘Complete Check Your Oracy!
Cmcoeen 1 Tistened actively
2 Lollowed the ground rules You have to walk for tro days to the 53 Tgove positive feedback nearest shelter
You axe wearing warm clothes Look ot the pictures on page 7
You can choose five items fo take with you
4 Tgove an opinion,
Whot I can do better next time: Which ive items will you take?
Trang 37
What is art?
bout iferent kinds of ort © EERIE how to express your point of view ư © presentation about art ond ort dior entry
‘ond plon what you need for on ort projec
(GO O& Woten the video whats it about? Discuss
By) @ citferent types of art » ort from one time in history
© pointing
Trang 38
‘it Ser te 002101
‘Many texts tolk about differences between people or things By finding similrities and differences, you can compore texts better
(90) feos ne txt ondaesons Complete te grophic orgerizer
Isitlight or heavy? What's it mode of Is itbig or small? Isit delicate or strong? Ist indoors or outdoors? @) with a portner discuss the similarities and differences
(Object Ais mode of metal but Object Bis ‘Objects A ond 8 ore both @) Look at the ort on pages 75 and 76 Read the questions in Activity | ond answer them for each object
it tight orheovy? | [ rthinkits heovy
OE eee
Aw Art or Not?
When is something ort? Who decides what artis? What do you think? To help us with these questions let's look at some examples
Trisscupive, presenting a cha nĩ 4 1b prob tor soo ts mado he Bagos you vi of wo ond ek
Ghd called he itr ol non house no main li ro SN KỆ” Sercoro tin t's tom oy Somatmes poopie have
pienc under tcuptue fo the abo legso
fay soccer Wty do you nis capt cated ho fl Wor ho rs soy pope love ote Wot do you tick? You decide! this oi? Ye nợ Ho it trent fom {hors ond lobes your nose? av the to?
‘Some people make ort rom sca locketihe pou Vơel A
Thiscolrt TA Họ hon an Spovsoiro BENI:o il poco fat comes fal
ae Tư an GÌ) Tisai The ri
= or
Ea Cam: tor cron tro Fo coool) fase check vê
: DA
GONE EP niên
Trang 39‘Con you se the cily sculpture? Allo he bulksngs ‘are mode Unie Aza Emotes 5 ve doloied_ of sonal Tis is 0 rede oF Dubai inthe The ortst
is Jenny Rossen Her jb it
‘on the beach every dav! Jenry storied bulding sondcodlos whon she vos vay young se ‘gw up in Ausao, which has some ofthe best Beaches in tho wor Hor sculptures have @ much shod ie than ‘cxcinary eUphos The seo olws comes n ong
'woshos hom owgy Ba! doos† mofler lo nh, Ste |The record Ting hormone ore morsmporon monkecangn, | Sondecseis 12 meters tlt for the falest ND HT Tho ts sandeastos wore
Do yaubuils sondcostes athe beach? Are they art toon | Pullin Ancor Eye The To os tho plans
forte pyramids Botox Moy Photography stored buling
'Whot con you seein this picture? The ats, Pablo Pesto, made it wth 0 7 — ‘camera ondo feshiigh Wie taking [holos ato very show speed he crew ics in tho or wih © foshlghl In
ths picture Picasso crew only one ine, wnout stopping Pdlo Picasso was bon in Mologa Spain,
In 181, Passo made thousands of paintings but his favorito subjects wore people, howses Bulb, nd gulls Ho ‘one of he mos! fomous ors of ho 201% ‘contury Aste, he mode thousonds of inching paintings seule end| In Spon, thore oe now two Peasso museums
condion: ‘You decide! I this or? Yos ot no? Hows it ifeent rom the [ound the word have Picasso Picts, 100 phologrophs you toto?
‘Wich of he works inthe orice could be ino museum? Explain your reasons
0 complete hart compar the artworks
: permanent outdoors sond big sculpture wood ond metat temporary small one color
© 1m groups onswer the questions for one work of ot rom the text Then Jono new group and compare,
im foo CED Bee vỎ
Cia W3 {Sent pcre Posto photographs are bck end whit, rom aoe art ut
(Oe AMAA nine wore ond proses ‘Then, match them with their opposites nthe tent ond crcl them,
1 temporery © unknown
2 ordinary 'b keep or hold something 3 release © permanent
4 famous © special
Trang 40(9D reo the sentences ond the os
‘Thissculpure isthe bigges._Ieallr than house! ‘Making aris more important than keeping it
He isthe most Famous att, Australia has the best beaches © Girde mere ond an adjective ending in -er
'b Underline most, best and an adjective ending in -est © Which ore comporatives? Which ore superiatives?
\We use comparative and superlative adjectives things
There are irregulor adjectives os welt: better and best, worse and worst
short shorter shortest Read and say true or false Correct
the false statements,
{Sand sculptures have o longer ite than metal sculptures Jenny Rossen thinks thet making ort is more important thon keeping i ‘© The record forthe tallest sandcastle {is 5 meters tall {6 Some of the worle's ugliest beaches ‘ore in Australi,
@ Ace tsten, with ‘comporatives and superlatives to a portner use describe the big coe
® Ae stem again and chont
oe @
0 Ae tite whet sound do these xen hein common?
(CQ® Aw: tisten whet sound do these words have in common?
toe bow window
© © mete ine ying wore then deine wards tht hme wit Sn teaae sda
hound house brown throw town snow mouse ground
Õ 0Q ister fond cele the words thời sound ke snow: to the tongue twisters Underline the words that sound ke cow,
Spelling Tip Be corfu Words Sele the sme
ont always sound ‘he some, Think
‘on: forexomple