2002 Financial derivatives and partial differential equations.. Boyle, Phelim, Mark Broadie and Paul Glasserman 1997 Monte Carlo methods for security pricing.. Kloeden 2002 MAPLE for jum
Trang 124.5 Notes and references 263
Fig 24.1 An example of a finite difference grid{ jh, ik} Nx , Nt
j =0,i=0 Crosses mark
points used by the binomial method (24.13) to obtain a single time-zero option value
finite difference schemes for such problems; see (Wilmott et al., 1995), for
exam-ple A promising, but often overlooked, alternative is to use a penalty method In-deed, the basic binomial method of Chapter 18 is an example of a simple, explicit penalty method More accurate versions are developed and analysed in (Forsyth and Vetzal, 2002) Our illustration in Section 24.4 of the connection between bi-nomial and finite difference methods was based on Appendix C of (Forsyth and Vetzal, 2002) A fuller treatment of this topic can be found in (Kwok, 1998).
It is worth making the point that the development and implementation of nu-merical methods for PDEs is an area where a beginner is generally best advised to make use of existing technology: ‘off the shelf’ is preferable to ‘roll your own’ However, a basic understanding of the nature of simple numerical methods, at the level of these last two chapters, gives a good feel for what to expect from PDE solvers.
MATLAB comes with a fairly simple built-in PDE solver, pdepe, and may
be augmented with a PDE toolbox Generally, there is an abundance of nu-merical PDE software available, both commercially and in the public domain Good places to start are the Netlib Repository www.netlib.org/liblist.html and the Differential Equations and Related Topics page http://www.maths.dundee ac.uk/software/index.html#DEs maintained by David Griffiths at the University
of Dundee.
Trang 2264 Finite difference methods for the Black–Scholes PDE
%CH24 Program for Chapter 24
% Crank-Nicolson for a European put
%%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%
E = 4; sigma = 0.3; r = 0.03; T = 1;
L = 10; Nx = 50; Nt = 50; k = T/Nt; h = L/Nx;
T1 = diag(ones(Nx-2,1),1) - diag(ones(Nx-2,1),-1);
T2 = -2*eye(Nx-1,Nx-1) + diag(ones(Nx-2,1),1) + diag(ones(Nx-2,1),-1); mvec = [1:Nx-1];
D1 = diag(mvec);
D2 = diag(mvec.ˆ2);
F = (1-r*k)*eye(Nx-1,Nx-1) + 0.5*k*sigmaˆ2*D2*T2 + 0.5*k*r*D1*T1;
B = (1+r*k)*eye(Nx-1,Nx-1) - 0.5*k*sigmaˆ2*D2*T2 - 0.5*k*r*D1*T1; A1 = 0.5*(eye(Nx-1,Nx-1) + F);
A2 = 0.5*(eye(Nx-1,Nx-1) + B);
U = zeros(Nx-1,Nt+1);
U(:,1) = max(E-[h:h:L-h]’,0);
for i = 1:Nt
tau = (i-1)*k;
p1 = k*(0.5*sigmaˆ2 - 0.5*r)*E*exp(-r*(tau));
q1 = k*(0.5*sigmaˆ2 - 0.5*r)*E*exp(-r*(tau+k));
rhs = A1*U(:,i) + [0.5*(p1+q1); zeros(Nx-2,1)];
X = A2\rhs;
U(:,i+1) = X;
bca = E*exp(-r*[0:k:T]);
bcb = zeros(1,Nt+1);
U = [bca;U;bcb];
xlabel(’T-t’), ylabel(’S’), zlabel(’Put Value’)
Fig 24.2 Program of Chapter 24:ch24.m
Trang 324.6 Program of Chapter 24 and walkthrough 265
24.1. Confirm that FTCS in (24.6) and BTCS in (24.7) have matrix–vector
forms (23.9) and (23.11), respectively, as indicated in Section 24.2.
24.2. In the case of a European call option, point out a contradiction in the
initial and boundary conditions (24.2) and (24.4) How could this be over-come?
24.3. Write the FTCS, BTCS and Crank–Nicolson methods for a
down-and-out call option in matrix–vector form.
24.4. Confirm that the transformations given in Section 24.4 convert (8.15)
to (24.10).
24.5. Suppose that a constant diffusion coefficient, 1
2σ2, is introduced into the heat equation (23.2) to give
∂t = 12σ2∂2u
The FTCS method would then use
k−1t Ui j −1
xUi j = 0.
Show that the von Neumann stability condition takes the form σ2k ≤ h2.
24.6 Program of Chapter 24 and walkthrough
Our program ch24 implements Crank–Nicolson, (24.8), for a European put, producing a picture like that in Figure 11.4 It is listed in Figure 24.2 The structure of the code is similar to ch23, and the commands used have been explained in previous chapters
P24.1 Alter ch24 so that it values a down-and-out call option.
P24.2 Investigate the use of MATLAB’s built-in PDE solver pdepe for option valuation Type help pdepe or consult (Higham and Higham, 2000, Section 12.4) for details of how to use pdepe.
one reason I’ve found financial engineering so exciting
is that banks pay attention to a lot of academic work
In that sense, it’s a very aggressive area,
because if you have a new method for solving a problem of interest,
there will be listeners
And they’ll come back, ask questions, be on the phone,
and fill the seminar room
T O M C O L E M A N, Financial Engineering News, September/October 2002
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Trang 9American option, 6, 7, 151, 173–182, 196
optimal exercise boundary, 177–179
American Stock Exchange, 50
antithetic variates, see variance reduction
arbitrage, 13, 17–19, 106, 116, 120, 132, 174, 175
ARCH, see autoregressive conditional
Asian option, 192–194, 196
ask price, 4
asset model
continuous, 56, 59, 60
discrete, 54, 55, 60, 151
incremental, 56
mean, 56, 60, 64
second moment, 56, 60
timescale invariance, 66–69
variance, 56, 60
asset-or-nothing option, 169
at-the-money, 88, 89, 108, 110, 164, 166, 167
autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, 209
average price Asian call, 192, 231–232
average price Asian put, 192, 194
average strike Asian call, 192
average strike Asian put, 193
backward difference, 243, 262
barrier option, 187–191, 196, 197
Bermudan option, 193–194, 196
Bernoulli random variable, 22, 24, 153
bid price, 4
bid–ask spread, 5, 6, 10, 49, 205
binary option, see also cash-or-nothing option 164
binomial method, 118, 151–156
as a finite difference method, 157, 261–263
convergence, 156
for American put, 176–177
for exotics, 194–196
for Greeks, 157, 159
oscillation, 156, 157, 262
bisection method, 123–125, 127, 131, 132
for implied volatility, 133
Black–Scholes formula, 80–82, 105,
cash-or-nothing, 164–166
down-and-out call, 189
European call, 81, 83, 89
European put, 81, 83, 92
geometric average price Asian call, 198 up-and-out call, 190
Black–Scholes formulas, 82, 83 Black–Scholes PDE, 73, 78, 80, 81, 83, 99, 101–103,
165, 166, 239, 251, 257–262 American put, 174–176 barrier option, 190 down-and-out call, 188, 189 exotic option, 196 bottom straddle, 4, 8 Brownian motion, 61, 70 geometric, 57, 61 bull spread, 4, 8 butterfly spread, 8, 17, 83 cash-or-nothing call option, 163–168
CBOE, see Chicago Board Options Exchange
central difference, 262 Central Limit Theorem, 27–28, 38, 54, 55, 68, 74, 75,
142, 144, 154 Chicago Board Options Exchange, 4, 50 confidence interval, 57, 58, 60 historical volatility, 204, 205, 210 Monte Carlo method, 142–143, 145, 146, 181, 194,
195, 215, 218, 219, 221, 224, 225, 230, 231, 233 continuous random variable, 22
continuous time asset model, 56, 59, 60, 154 continuously compounded rate of return, 70
control variates, 229 see also variance reduction
convergence in distribution, 27 correlated random variables, 146 covariance, 217, 225, 230 daily returns, 46 delta, 99–102, 108
of a European call, 87
of a European put, 87 delta hedging, 87, 99, 106, 167 derivatives, financial, 7
digital option, 164 see also cash-or-nothing option
discounting for interest, 12, 153 discrete asset path, 63, 64 discrete hedging, 88 discrete random variable, 21 discrete time asset model, 54, 55, 60, 158 discrete time asset path, 63–66
distribution function, 26
Trang 10272 Index
dividends, 49, 182
double barrier option, 191
down-and-in call, 188, 189
down-and-in put, 190
down-and-out call, 187–189, 260–261, 265
down-and-out put, 190
drift, 54, 105, 198
efficient market hypothesis, 45–46, 49, 51, 52, 54, 61,
70, 72
error bar, 143
error function, 41
inverse, 41
European call option, 163
definition, 1
delta, 87
European put option
definition, 2
delta, 87
European-style option, 115, 144, 146, 152
EWMA, see exponentially weighted moving
exercise price, 1
exercise strategy, 180, 181, 183
exotic option, 7, 187–196, 222
expected payoff, 115–116, 118–120
expected value, 21, 22
expiry date, 1
exponential distribution, 29, 41
exponentially weighted moving average, 208
fat tails, 70
financial derivatives, 7
Financial Times, 5, 135
finite difference approximation, 146
finite difference method, 237–251
available software, 263
BTCS, 240–247, 249, 252, 257–261, 265
convergence, 247–249, 260
Crank–Nicolson, 249–252, 257–261, 265
for American option, 263
for Black–Scholes PDE, 257–260
FTCS, 240–249, 252, 257–260, 265
instability, 243
local accuracy, 246–247, 249, 251, 252
penalty method, 263
stencil, 242, 244, 249
upwind, 262
von Neumann stability, 247–249, 251, 252, 260,
finite difference operator, 237–238, 240, 251
finite element method, 251
fixed strike lookback call, 192
fixed strike lookback put, 192
floating strike lookback call, 192
floating strike lookback put, 192, 199
forward contract, 17, 83
forward difference, 238, 241, 243
free boundary problem, 182
FTSE 100 index, 135
futures contract, 17
gamma, 99, 100 GARCH, generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity, 209
geometric average price Asian call, 197, 198 geometric Brownian motion, 57, 61 geometrically declining weights, 208, 210 Greeks, 99–102
grid, 239 heat equation, 238–239, 262, 265 hedging, 74, 76–78, 82, 87–93, 106, 116, 145, 164, 188
historical volatility, 203–209 IBM daily data, 208 IBM weekly data, 208 maximum likelihood, 206–207, 210 Monte Carlo, 203–206
hockey stick, 3, 106, 111, 177, 179 i.i.d., 23, 28, 48, 54, 58, 59, 215, 220 illiquidity, 94
implied volatility, 99, 123, 131–137, 203 in-the-money, 88–91, 108, 110, 163, 164, 167, 174
independence, 23–24, 216
independent and identically distributed, see i.i.d.
interest rate, 11–12, 16, 53 kernel density estimation, 36, 38, 40, 48, 66 Law of the Iterated Logarithm, 59 Lax Equivalence Theorem, 248, 251
LIFFE, see London International Financial Futures &
Options Exchange linear complementarity problem, 175, 182 liquidity, 94
log ratio, 48, 203, 210 lognormal distribution, 56, 57, 59, 60, 66, 70, 118 London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, 5, 135
London Stock Exchange, 50 Long-Term Capital Management, 93–94 lookback option, 191–192, 196 low discrepancy sequences, 233 market makers, 4
martingale, 118 MATLAB toolboxes, xiv maximum likelihood principle, 206–207 mean, 21, 22
mesh, 239 mesh ratio, 241, 249 missing data, 49 moneyness ratio, 110 monotonic decreasing function, 220 monotonic increasing function, 220, 225 Monte Carlo method, 141–148, 215–224, 229–232
for American put, 180–182 for exotics, 194–196 for Greeks, 145–148